Outbreak RP

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Revision as of 16:44, 27 April 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)



1997- The biotech and pharmaceuticals division of the Sun Corporation, an Asian business conglomerate, starts research on methods to halt- or perhaps even reverse- the aging process. The aim of this is to give the user eternal life, barring any accidents they might have. This would make the corporation massively rich.

2001- The research is scrapped- after four years and several billion dollars, the methods researched proved ineffectual. However, one method, a genetically modified virus, has some unexpected side effects- it kills the test subject then brings them back to life for a period of a few hours. The subject is in a vegetative state during this period.

2009- In need of cash, the Sun Corporation sells the research to the US military. A secret project aiming to weaponise the virus is begun, codenamed Project Narwhal.

2015- Project Narwhal is completed. It is considered a success. The virus, codenamed Agent N, is deployed via an airborne strike. Within half an hour, any corpses in the area, provided they have an undamaged brain, are reanimated. Living victims take up to 15 hours to 'turn'. They attack any living beings, driven by feeding instincts. The virus can reanimate the corpses for a period of 24 hours. After this time period has elapsed, specialised military units move into the area and mop up any survivors.

2016- Agent N is used effectively in combat in Libya, the most recent country to be attacked in America's War On Terror. It proves devastatingly effective against military installations.

2017- Agent N is used in the Al Jufrah municipality. The virus mutates, becoming a new strain- AN2. This is much more dangerous than AN1- victims can be reanimated indefinitely and it is far more contagious. Also, some victims seem to be more physically and mentally able than their AN1 counterparts. The virus rapidly spreads throughout the country. It eventually spreads past Libya's borders, to other Middle Eastern countries. An aeroplane carrying US troops home brings the virus, via a carrier, to America. It rapidly spreads throughout the rest of the world, spread by infected people leaving the country on aeroplanes before the outbreak was recognised.

April 20, 2017- Infection in many countries including Britain. At first it was thought to be rioting. Eventually the truth was discovered. Very few people actually told anything other than the most basic of details.

April 27, 2017- The infection has spread to London. Citizens urged to remain calm and either stay inside their homes or go to the nearest emergency centre. Police and the army will pick up civilians and escort them to safe zones. You are picked up by helicopter. As well as the pilot, there are two soldiers and a few civilians inside. The helicopter flys to a military barracks being used as a safe zone. It has been compromised and is full of zombies. One soldier and a couple of civilians are killed before the survivors can make it back to the helicopter. It takes off. There is another 'safe zone' on the other side of the town, but the helicopter is forced to land before it can get there- it was running low on fuel already and has run out. This is where the RP will start from.


No doubt, you will be wondering what kind of zombie I shall be using- slow, 'classic' ones or faster Dawn of the Dead or 28 days type ones. The answer is both. I read The Zombie Hunters and will be basing mine off their zombie system.



The least dangerous type of undead when alone, crawlers are also known as the slowest (and dumbest) zombie class. However, they tend to group together, where their sheer numbers can be just as overwhelming as speed and adaptability. Crawlers are the most commonly found zombie in the world, outnumbering any other class by at least twenty to one. Incredibly slow, they tend to wander around aimlessly, waiting for victims to fall into their clutches. If, by some poor chance, an individual happens to catch the attention of an entire group of crawlers, the shambling undead will pursue them. Fortunately, crawlers move at a moderate walking speed (depending on their injuries) that would probably be easy to outrun. Still, getting close to a crawler is very, very dangerous. Though many people view the crawler to be harmless, if it can approach within arm's reach, it will lash out and quickly shred its victims. Spitters have been known to travel with groups of crawlers, using the horde's superior numbers as a way to conceal their own classes.


The berserker is possibly the most dangerous and rare of the seven known zombie classes. Sadistic in nature, they take malicious pleasure in causing pain. These undead do not bite their victims immediately. Instead, the berserker will brutally beat their wounded foes. This practice can last for quite some time, depending on how resilient the target is. Some speculate that berserkers might simply be playing with their food, like cats often do. Only when the victim has become completely unable to respond, even unconsciously, will the berserker begin to feed. If the victims are rescued before they are bitten, they may survive, though their chance of being rescued before the damage is too great is very low. The torture can be so crippling and extreme that it may be kinder to euthanize the victim. Berserkers have been known to reach a top running speed of 30mph, which is 3 miles per hour above the world record for human sprinters. When berserkers find a potential victim, they will immediately break into a run and try to tackle their target. Because of their rarity, berserkers are usually solitary, but they have been observed traveling in ‘riot groups’ ranging in number between ten and twenty individuals. These zombies usually hold a frightening and agressive appearance, and unlike the other classes these zombies are known to have facial expressions of that of a twisted grin, accompanied by a sick laugh like a death rattle. Berserkers are one of the more intelligent zombie classes, being able to learn from example. Some recorded cases describe a berserker opening doors and using objects as bludgeoning tools. Fortunately, this mimicry seems to be the extent of their learning capacity.


A class that would have anyone constantly looking over their shoulder, hunters are a very elusive type of zombie. Hunters can stalk their prey so secretively that the victim won’t even know they’ve been followed until the hunter's teeth are buried in their neck. Hunters are extremely hard to identify, as they display almost no visible difference from any other type of zombie. Only the hunter's behavior sets them apart from a regular crawler. Unlike the crawler, the hunter is very fast, flexible, acrobatic, and stealthy. They have been known to stalk a person for days, weeks, or even months when given the opportunity. Hunters are generally found in areas that provide concealment, such as trees, old buildings, or even tall grass at the edge of the woods. They tend to avoid open areas or large groups of other undead, preferring stealth and cunning to mob tactics or overt aggression.


Perhaps the most lethal zombie class, the spitter is able to harm, kill, or turn a human without even touching them. Unlike any of the other zombie classes, which have to grapple with their victims, the spitter does the most damage from a distance. As its name implies, the spitter can spit virus-contagious, acidic saliva half the length of a football field. This acid is a fast acting digestive that makes it easier for this class to devour its prey. Moreover, if some unwary individual is unfortunate enough to get too close to this undead, it will vomit the acidic substance all over the victim's body. The acid is very corrosive, and as soon as it hits skin, the victim is considered to have been turned. Spitters are known to travel with crawlers, but can be distinguished from the crowd by their distinctive gagging sounds. Visually, spitters are known for their missing or acid-burned clothing and hair; damage that is generally thought to be caused by poor aim or control on the part of the zombie.


Mercy zombies are one of the most peculiar in function of all the zombie classes. They are also likely to be the most humane, thus earning their name. The movement of a mercy has been described as elegant, fluid, graceful movements, unlike their shambling cousins. Mercies seem to travel long distances to seek out the sick, weak, and injured. Unlike any other zombie, they will simply follow their victims, not pursue them. Moving at a steady walking pace, mercies will patiently track their target until that individual has finally collapsed. Only when their victim is unable to carry on, will the mercy make its approach. A mercy zombie will embrace its intended victim, and take a single bite from the target's throat or from another vital artery. The mercy will then gently hold its dying prey keeping them still and prevent them from running away. This undead will emit a soft cooing noise, sometimes even comfortingly run its hand over the distressed victims hair or face until they die. Once the mercy's meal has turned, the mercy will release them. The mercy may linger with the new undead for several hours, depending on the undead type that the victim has become. Amazingly, mercies will fend off other zombies, protecting their unturned victims from being mutilated and eaten by another, not so merciful, zombie class.


Although these don't technically count as zombies, they deserve a mention here. Carriers are people who, despite being infected, show no signs of zombism. They will not turn if bitten. Physical contact with them should be done with caution though- any transfer of bodily fluids will also transfer the virus. This has caused outbreaks in several places, where a carrier has kissed someone, passing on the disease.


I ask that you try to make your character beleivable- no kids that just happen to be expert snipers or something, please. Anyway, bio format:




Appearance: (Physical and clothes)


History: (Include what they did before the outbreak)

Any skills:

Equipment: (Note- NO GUNS. Also, anything massively huge is a no-no. Whatever they have'll have to be small enough to fit in a crowded chopper. Stuff like shovels, axes, sledgehammers ETC is an acceptable size.)


  • Name: Private Jack Brewer

Gender: M

Age: 18

Appearance: 6' tall, athletic build. Brown hair in a buzz cut. Green eyes. Wears military uniform complete with gasmask.

Personality: Usually cheerful, quite a joker. Since the outbreak, he's been prone to stress, nerves, anxiety, ETC. He's trying to remain calm and collected to reasure the civilians, but it's doubtful this will last for long.

History: Got Us in pretty much all of his GCSEs and joined the army at 16 in 2015. A below average shot, he survived the outbreak while his squadmates didn't through pure luck. He was sent out on a helicopter to pick up stranded civilians.

Any skills: Basic military training

Equipment: -SA-80 assault rifle, 11 rounds remaining -Browning L9A1 pistol, 13 rounds remaining, 2 spare clips -A combat knife

Updates: Infected, dead.

  • Name: Alan Langer

Gender: M

Age: 48

Appearance: 5'6, slightly flabby. Has medium length black hair and a stubbly beard. Wears old trainers, jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket

Personality: Complains almost constantly. In his opinion, if he wasn't forced to help a bunch of w*****s he'd never met before, he could have flown his chopper to somewhere safe instead of legging it through a city full of bloody zombies, and he's not afraid to let others know this.

History: He's the pilot of a Channel 5 news helicopter. The journalists had been using his bird to get some great aerial shots of the zombies when the military called in any available helicopters to help pick up survivors. Leaving the journalist and his cameraman at the barracks, he took on board a couple of troops and went, grumbling all the way, to help his fellow people.

Any skills: Helicopter pilot

Equipment: -A helicopter helmet -A packet of cigarettes and a lighter

Updates: Bitten on wrist. Infected.

Equipment: wooden chair leg from back of chair

Player characters

  • Blinkdog

Name: Maxwell Underwood

Age: 26

Appearance: 5'6" with short, dirty blond hair and brown eyes, Maxwell looks unwell. He's got a scrawny build, with wiry muscles and not much in the way of bodyfat. He wears multiple layers of clothing, including two full-length coats, a scarf and a pair of goggles. He also wears two pairs of gloves and a very heavy looking pair of boots.

Personality: Maxwell is a little cracked. He's paranoid, schizophrenic, and possesses multiple personalities. He's normally quiet, but under stress he can become irritable, violent and expressive. After an adrenaline rush he degrades into a sort of giggle fit, and then drops down into his normal subdued state. Sometimes he looks around like a spooked animal, stares at people, and will almost always overreact to surprises. Occasionally he will have a hard time telling the difference between zombies and people, or simply stare at something that isn't there. He has a habit of writing on the walls, sometimes with nonsensical messages, but sometimes leaves actually useful directions (Like "The Dead Ones Live Here" on a place where zombies are concentrated, or "Beyond The Reach Of Evil" with an arrow pointing at a good path for escape. Some of these messages were written before the outbreaks were public knowledge.)

History: Maxwell has always been a bit off, and has a history of mental illness stretching back as far as five years old. He was abandoned to the state when he was sixteen, and he signed himself out of the mental ward when he was eighteen. For the last eight years he's lived on his own, living on the street mostly, occasionally holding a job and living 'normal', but spending most of his time in a state of break-down. A common belief he has held is that the world is full of walking corpses that just haven't realized that they're dead yet. Ever since the first outbreak, Maxwell has been strangely lucid. Now everyone else could see the dead people too.

Any skills: Maxwell is surprisingly well educated. He has read an entire libraries worth of books and taken university level courses by mail. He is also a bit of a jack of all trades, having worked dozens of jobs that wouldn't mind hiring a mental patient. He knows the ins and outs of the London underground, back alleys, and infrastructure. He is also highly agile and has a huge amount of stamina, stemming from his physical fitness and his single-minded determination. Self-taught melee and free-running techniques.

Equipment: 7 1/2" combat knife, Flashlight, 42" [www.edarley.com/finditem/11107 Hooligan entry tool], Journal, multiple permanent markers in various colors, brightly colored spray paints, lighter, flares.

  • Piane

Name: William Ebonlocke

Age: 23

Appearance: 6'2, black hair (hence his name) with goatee, brown eyes. He wears a green hunter jacket, green cargo pants, heavy black boots.

Personality: The patient hunter type. Since the outbreak, he is always looking over his shoulder, expecting to die at any moment, so he is always nervous.

History: Will was a sport hunter, and used a crossbow for that perpose, making him infomous for his skill this one. He owned a hunting equipment shop before the outbreak, giving him access to his gear, but he used most of it defending himself from zombies. (Including various traps he made with spare parts.)

Skills: Hunting with crossbows, trapping.

Equipment: A modern recurve crossbow, 3 crossbow bolts, and a 12" hunting knife.

  • Drayco (1)

Name: Drake Kurinkton

Age: 25

Appearance: 6'2", lean and very athletic, lightly tan skin, blonde hair kept back by a red headband, and blue eyes. He wears a lightweight red jacket over a white undershirt, and grayish military-style pants that tuck into his hiking boots. He has a black duffel bag across his back that he keeps his stuff in.

Personality: Upbeat, unflappable, daring, and with an apparent lack of regard for his own safety. He really isn't suicidal, but he often takes overly risky chances in combat when he needs to, though he never puts himself in real danger... much. Outside of combat though, he's a generally nice guy, and manages to keep a good heart and a sense of humor despite the horrors around him. Drake does have one incredible OCD note, he can't stand his cooking utensils staying dirty for very long, despite how he's often using them for emergency weaponry. This is why he prefers the crowbar as a weapon.

History: Lived a normal life in the US for most of his childhood, specifically Manhattan Chinatown, Drake came to London after college on a deal to work as a TV chef. Despite initially being little more than a side cook, his personality and habit to randomly juggle knives soon caught people's attention, and by 26 he's got his own daytime cooking show - "Drake's Kung-fu Kitchen".

The studio at which he worked and more or less lived was a bit out of the way of the "riots", and thus was still occupied when a first run-in with the zombies happened, though it was after hours, on April 26th. Somehow a lone berserker had gotten to the studio from who knows where, and while Drake was packing up for the night, it was busy having it's way maiming the janitor and the rest of the staff still there that late. Drake heard a scream from down the hall of the lounge, and carefully went to investigate. Upon getting there, he was there long enough to watch the berserker slowly and repeatedly stabbing a . He stared in horror for a full moment, then headed for the kitchen. The berserker soon caught his scent, but as it sprinted to tackle its new prey, Drake simply smashed it in the face with a pan, then put a butcher knife in its skull. Surprisingly that didn't kill it, but he disarmed it of the crowbar when it swung at him, and a quick jab through the head later, no more zombie.

After packing up his things and puzzling over what could only be some kind of psychopathic zombie, Drake decided to head into town to investigate, though he decided to bring the crowbar (which he cleaned of prior blood while he could) incase anything else wanted to take a bite of him. Somehow he ended up tangled up with the other survivors (PC's), and the rest is Plot.

Any skills: A very competent martial artist since his youth, specifically a style resembling hybrid animal Kung Fu, and from this he's expectably athletic and agile. Besides that, a skilled chef with a specialty in Chinese and Italian, including various dietary and nutritional knowledge as well. Also and an equally skilled showman with a penchant for the more daring stunts. On a less obvious note, he grew up on the very mean streets of a less desirable part of Manhattan, and learned among other unsavory skills, how to hotwire a car or pick most locks using little more that some strong wire, and how to make some fun things out of the various chemicals you find under the average kitchen sink.

Equipment: Besides the aforementioned crowbar, he has several cutlery knives, mainly the larger ones and a butcher knife or two, all on the side of his duffel bag for easy access. He keeps his favorite butcher knife at his belt in the case just incase he needs to get at it quickly. He also has a pair of cast-iron frying pans and one larger kevlar one in the duffel bag as well. Lastly, a bottle of kitchen-grade sanitizing solution. Besides that, just usual clothes, his wallet and such, a Leatherman multitool in one pocket, and a keychain with about 6 keys, the keyfob to his car (sitting in a parking lot back where they were airlifted), a keychain flashlight, a laser pointer, a small mirror and magnifying glass, and a glow-in-the-dark thing with his name on it.

Update: equipment: Browning L9A1 pistol, 8 rounds remaining, 2 spare clips.

  • Drayco (2)

Name: Marlee Naitsuki

Age: 24

Appearance: 5'8", thin, athletic build, green eyes, surprisingly fair skin, and nearly white blonde hair kept in a slight braid down to her mid back, tied with blue ribbons at the top and bottom of the braid. She's currently wearing a sleeveless black workout top with a blue windbreaker over it, lightweight blue windbreaker pants over her leotard, and simple white workout shoes. She keeps her small workout backpack with her, though she generally carries her new weapon of choice in hand - a sledgehammer.

Personality: Kindhearted to an extent, but sarcastic, snarky, and known for the occasional low blow comment if needed. Besides that, she's enjoying the adrenaline rush of killing the undead.

History: Born in London to parents of mixed Japanese and American descent, Marlee grew up simply wanting to be an actress. Of course, she was out of the reach of Hollywood (not that she really wanted to act in movies anyway), so she ended up preferring to act in musicals, and soon enough she was out of college. But of course, not much of a full-time job available, so she also wrote critic columns for the local arts newspapers.

She was at a local auditorium on April 26th, and stepped outside to find a mob of Crawlers between her and her car. She paused for several moments before seeing the grievous wounds on most of them, and promptly freaked out and headed inside, locking the doors and fleeing into a supply room. There, she grabbed the best weapon she could find, a sledgehammer, and hoped they wouldn't come in. Luckily, they didn't for a long while, and eventually she got calm. Then she heard a noise in the air vent, and soon enough she was in a dark room with a Hunter. Luckily, it couldn't find her well enough, so she managed to sneak around and into the bathroom adjacent to the supply room. She hid in a stall, and when the howler eventually made its way there and opened the stall... splunch. A solid sledgehammer to the head re-killing it in an instant. She blinked at what she had done, then quickly made her way out... and in doing so forgot about the Crawlers. Luckily, only a couple saw her as she went out to the parking lot, and quickly got in her car. Getting out of the parking lot was another matter... but then she had a large mass of metal between her and the undead, and on her way back to more civilization, she ran a number of them down. She eventually got to where the rest of the survivors were, picking up one of them after saving them from zombies along the way, and the rest is Plot.

Any skills: A talented dancer, and fairly skilled martial artist, though her greatest skill is simple flexibility and agility and a quick wit. She's never far from that sledgehammer though. She can also wiggle her ears.

Equipment: Strong, solid, duct-tape reinforced sledgehammer. Besides that, an iPod and headphones, the wall-charger and cord for it, a keychain with her house and car keys and a couple other things. Also a change of clothes, specifically a longsleeve shirt and jeans, and a few extra hairbands and ribbons.

  • Lohti

Name: Pax Ettingus

Age: 19

Appearance: His eyes are blue, staring out past the curtain of auburn hair that hangs down without style or grace. He is of an athletic build, standing at 5'8", and covering this body is the normal attire of a citizen, a bit of western biker attitude is also thrown in through the effects of a leather jacket, boots, and a pair of shades.

Personality: He is distant from everyone, preferring not to be around other people. He has his own reasons for this.

History: Pax was a kickboxing instructor, barely making a wage before the outbreak. His skills have not only helped him survive on what hinges of humanity there are remaining, they have helped save others.

Any skills: Kickboxing, physical fitness.

Equipment: Baseball bat with some barbed wire and nails wrapped around the thick end (he only uses it when he doesn't want to get close to his target.)

  • Loztein

Name: Travis 'pal' Grayweather

Age: 27

Appearance: Self: Rather tall at 6'8, he's a little on the slim side, though that's not really noticeable when wearing a big coat. He has soft green eyes, and ruffled red hair. Clothes: Classic Minister's attire with a silver cross necklace, along with a dusty Trenchcoat, matching gloves, steel-toed boots, and a hat.

Personality: MISSING

History: Travis, grew up in a large family with lots of pets, due to which he'd see a few things die naturally of Aging, particularly fish, and learned of it quite early on, he'd been taught the teachings of the Bible from when he was but a mere boy, though had his own unique interpretations of the Words of God. He was usually just called 'pal,' for he has behaved in a most unique manner throughout the last half of his past.

Travis had originally (schoolastically) been studying to become a Doctor, though had gotten fed up with it midway and gave it up to become a Minister, especially after his Mother died. Whenever there was a funeral he'd volunteer to see the deceased off to the heavens, for he felt he had more of a connection with those who'd lost loved ones then those who had not themselves. This along with the fact he used to work (as part of his career as a Minister, before he'd actually settled down with his current church) as a Grave Digger and Care taker for the local Graveyard for a few years, even though he'd taken this job due to his own Mother's death, are what earned him the title of 'pal' among the locals. (Pal, the veil that goes over a dead person's face)

He'd thought he'd finally gotten past his dealings with the dead a year and a half before they began to walk, when he settled with his current Church. Though still he'd volunteer for every funeral, he was not too often the one who'd actually have to attend them. Due to this he was given the task at the podium, preaching, every now and again on the less crowded days, that along with his other priestly duties kept him in what he thought was a rather comfortable place. He had finally gotten over his Mother's death, and was doing well in taking care of his well-aged father. That is until the AN2 Virus had spread to the local populace, in which case he was among the first and the last of those his Church, St. Oswald's, seen off to gather people to its Holy Grounds, and one of the last to even consider leaving on the Helicopter, though he did get his Father out as soon as he could.

Any skills: Priestly ones mainly, he can say a prayer, bandage someone up, handle death and loss farely well now, and kill the walking dead to let their souls find rest. As for the more useful ones, he has taken lessons in the Bo, (NOT BOW) along with other such weaponry, (blunt) though mostly for fun back when he was younger, he still remembers what he learned well enough.

Equipment: Along with his regular apparel and steel-toed boots, (which he favors over the usual priestly shoes, and has had a little cross stitched into the front of each) he carries a canteen-like Holder which has a Water-Bottle inside, some Bandages, along with a box of both medical Facemasks and unused rubber gloves, and an old heavy steel Candelabra.

  • ButcherShopVegan

Bio lost in forum change.

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