Galactic Union RP- Chaka

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Name: Chaka

Age: 56

Race: Reptoid

Affiliation: Pirate

Rank: An officer of some kind. Mainly because when he tells people what to do, they do it or he hits them.

Homeworld: N/A

Abilities: Is really freakin' strong, and often goes berzerk during combat.


Chaka was born on board a freighter, and didn't even set foot on a planet until he was 15. Since childhood, Chaka has been violent and foul-tempered, and he often got into fights. Fighting a lot, could be considered normal for a growing lad, but fighting to kill every time certainly wasn't. He had very few friends aboard the ship. This proved fortunate for him as, at the age of 23, the rest of the crew decided they'd had enough of that nutter and persuaded the captain to fire him. Why was this fortunate, you may ask? Simple. While adrift in the world he'd been ditched on, he began to frequent a certain bar. Although he didn't know it, it was also a regular haunt of the crew of the Tarakiwa, a pirate ship. After he killed several people in a bar fight, they approached him and offered to buy him a drink. His talents would be appreciated in their line of work, they explained, and he could expect to be very successful. Over the years, their predictions proved accurate, and Chaka soon gained a reputation as a bloodthirsty psychopath. He's not really in it for the loot, he just likes killing. As such, he's usually in charge of a boarding party.

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