Revolution RP

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'''Additional notes:''' Has a unique accent that most women find beautiful. Most men find it cool sounding.
'''Additional notes:''' Has a unique accent that most women find beautiful. Most men find it cool sounding.
'''Name:''' The Wolf (Otherwise known as Johnny Dareholl)
'''Gender:''' Male
'''Age:''' N/A (In his mid-to-late-twenties)
'''Appearance:''' (I'll put up a picture later, maybe) Subject is 6' 4", with a lean, athletic build. When in the streets, he is usually disguised as a normal civilian, or in a long black jacket with a hood up, covering his features. His normal garb usually consists of a white dress shirt, black pin-stripe pants, and a black business trench coat. He is pale with bright hazel eyes (almost gold). His hair is black and slicked back, and he has side-burns and stubble on his chin. His posture is very laid-back, his eyes usually partly closed.
'''Personality:''' Quiet and introverted, however kind when you break past his heavy barriers. He has extremely strong beliefs, morals, and values. He chooses, however, to do things from the shadows instead of going straight into a situation. He has a well-educated demeanor.
'''Profession:''' Ex-police officer. Currently Freedom Fighter
Johnny Dareholl was born completely clueless of the world around. He and his family were very wealthy. Because his parents were fearful of him being attacked or mugged on the street, he was taught martial arts when he was young (he has sense used that knowledge to transform his style into a dexterity-based street-fighting). He joined the police force when he was 20. He was forced to imprison and kill innocents mercilessly, which made him realize how evil the Party truly was. One day he was forced to kill his family. He refused and one of the secret police blew his temper, shooting Johnny in the chest. After killing his family as well, they left Johnny for dead. They covered the situation up, saying that Johnny was killed by an angry anti-Party group. The police that shot him was merely docked in pay and given a brief lecture on proper conduct. When Johnny Dareholl died, he was 23.
Johnny woke up in a dark location. There stood a man in rags. The man was "dead", meaning he had faked his death so that Party didn't know he existed. This man, The Wolf, was an artist, musician, and author. He was well-known in the underground world. The Wolf taught him many things, including his professions. He took him under his wing. When Johnny was 25, The Wolf died of old age. Johnny decided to take up the man's title, continuing his work as an artist, musician, and author of the resistance. He now writes books against the Party and leaves them around the streets for citizens to come and read. He also spraypaints resistance art here and there, usually with the word "Freedom", and always with "~Sincerely, The Wolf" as a signature. He lives under the city, changing locations now and then to keep police off his tail. All of his things are kept in a large crate that he wheels around underground. Like the former Wolf, "Johnny Dareholl" is considered dead to the Party, though they know bits and pieces about this "Wolf" fellow, who seems to have been around for many, many years.
Any skills: Street fighting, art, music (violin, piano, clarinet, flute, ocarina, harpsichord, cello, guitar, harmonica), literature.
R1 Riot Control Baton, S3 Pistol, Studded gloves (for street-fighting), Bag of spray paint, Numerous books and writing utensils, Art supplies, Instruments (including small versions of a piano and harpsichord)
'''Any notes which don't fall into the above categories:''' None

Revision as of 16:07, 27 April 2008

City B One-Fourteen is controlled by the Party, as are all its citizens, all the surrounding land and all the other cities. The Party controls your life. It employs you, feeds you and provides for you. The party is your family and your friend. At least, that's what the propaganda says. Yes, the Party provides for you. But it also controls your entire life. ordinary people have no vote, no rights and no voice. Law is enforced ruthlessly, with squads of armed police responding to informan's reports. They say it's for your protection. But it's not. It's for theirs. People regularly go missing. Anyone who is a potential opponent of Party rule, anyone who could be considered a drain of resources, is removed in the dead of night. People who criticise the rationing. People who ask too many questions. The disabled and mentally ill. They all disappear, as if they never existed. For all official purposes, they never did. There are never any witnesses, the curfew ensures that. But you know who's behind it. The very Party who is supposed to be the friend of the people. There are rumours of Projects and Experiments. Sick things happening behind closed doors. A few months ago, there was talk of a peaceful protest about the increased curfew, decreased rations and poor working conditions. It never took place. The ringleaders were arrested shortly before the manifestation. To you, and others, it is obvious that the Party only cares for the Party, not the people. That it is evil. That it has to be removed. But the majority of the population will do nothing, because of fear and beleif in the Party's propaganda. Maybe, shown an example, they too will rise and take arms against these opressive rulers. Rise like you.

This will be an RP set in an alternate present. It will be a mixture of combat, paranoia and conspiracy. Players will be citizens of City B One-Fourteen who, having seen what their rulers are like, have vowed to throw off their domination. It will be up to you how you go about this. Fighting in the streets? Well placed bombs? Subversive literature? Your choice. You will get to choose whether you form one large, unified group or several smaller ones, maybe divided by a difference of opinions, or maybe they simply don't know about each other. You can take any position you want, be it leader of the entire resistance movement or just a lowly footsoldier. Of course, you'll just start out as a citizen with revolutionary feelings. It's up to you to work out your own position by interacting with other players. I will provide some NPCs to begin with, to start you off. Other than that, I'm going to be keeping revolutionary NPCs to a minimum. Obviously, I'll be controlling the Party and the passive civilians. Passive civilian NPCs can be autoed to a small extent, but Party officials are mine.

I'm deliberately not providing much backstory for this RP- the civilian population know very little about their location or history, other than that there was a great war, and the Party 'saved them from certain destruction'. Information is available and the Party know much, but you'll have to liberate it before I tell you.

One or two disillusioned Party members will be allowed, but the majority of players will be ordinary citizens. You can have any occupation, within reason (EG no farmers. This is a city.) and as long as it's not too high ranking- highly skilled or responsible workers would be Party members. The age limit of players is 15+. Equipment should be limited to what they would be able to get their hands on. For example, a construction worker could use a hammer as a weapon, but not a firearm, unless he was given one or took it off of a soldier or policeman.

Access into and out of the city is strictly controlled and requires a special pass. Most civilians will go their entire life without leaving the city.






Appearance: (Physical and clothes. An image would be best, but is totally optional. Written description will do.)



History: (Include what they did before revolting and what caused them to revolt.)

Any skills:


Any notes which don't fall into the above categories: (Optional, but useful if needed.)

Weapons, vehicles and equipment

This will be added to throughout the RP if and when I see fit to introduce new equipment. Currently, I am only listing weapons that are designed for use as weapons. Tools, ETC that are not listed will probably be acceptable for your character as long as they have a reason for owning them. No firearms are legally available for non-Party members.

K1 combat knife- A standard issue fighting knife supplied to military personnel as well as some secret police and security agents (Bodyguards)

R1 riot control baton- A standard issue weapon used by all police and security personnel.

R2 riot control baton- A non-standard issue telescopic baton used mainly by Secret Police and other specialised forces.

R3 Stun Gun- A weapon used for non lethal takedowns. Used almost exclusively by Secret Police.

R4 Taser- A weapon used for non lethal takedowns. Mainly used by Police and Riot Police.

WC14 mounted water cannon- Almost exclusively mounted on Riot Police vehicles.

S3 Pistol- The standard sidearm of all military and police personnell. Weapon details for pistol linked to are consistent with the S3.

ISW3 submachine gun- A submachine gun used by Riot Police, Secret Police and some Police on special details. (Calibre 9x19mm, UMP-45= image reference.)

ISW7 assault rifle- Standard issue military assault rifle. (Linked Mk.16 specs are consistent with ISW7)

S5 sniper rifle- Standard issue military sniper rifle, also used by some Police on special details. (Linked specs are consistent with S5)

GL2 grenade launcher Military grenade launcher. Also used by Riot Police and Secret Police. Fires HE, HE-FRAG, incendiary and CS gas rounds. (Linked specs are consistent with GL2)

MG21 Squad Support Weapon Military issue machine gun. Used only by the military, for squad support. (Linked Standard Model specs are consistent with MG21)

MG19 mounted machine gun- Military issue mounted machine gun, either mounted on tripod or on vehicles. (M2HB image reference, linked specs are consistent with MG19.)

Home made firearm- A home made weapon, constructed by a revolutionary. Gunpowder used is either made from component chemicals or taken from other explosives EG demolitions blasting caps, artillery shells, fireworks ETC. Design varies greatly.


  • Hostile NPCs:

Made an image of some of the enemy NPCs:




2.5b5*m1*Character Name*Hair:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,22,Eyebrows:Expansion1,thinmean,5A3410,FFFFFF,10

















(Needed editing)


2.5b5*m1*Character Name*Hair:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,22,Eyebrows:Expansion1,thinmean,5A3410,FFFFFF,10


















2.5b5*m1*Character Name*Hair:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,22,Eyebrows:Expansion1,thinmean,5A3410,FFFFFF,10

















(Needed editing)


2.5b5*m1*Character Name*Hair:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,23,Eyebrows:Expansion1,thinmean,5A3410,FFFFFF,10

















  • Friendly NPCs

39230367.png Name: George MacCraig

Gender: M

Age: 42

Personality: Well-mannered, quiet. The 'perfect gentleman'. Has a strong sense of decency. When given a problem, will keep at it until solved- unfinished work greatly annoys him.

Profession: Office worker

History: George got better than average grades at school and, once he had graduated at 18, got a job in administration for a Party owned business producing medical equipment. He has kept this job since. One day, he noticed that large shipments were being sent outside the city. This was highly unusual. He checked and found that they were being sent to MRFAC#01344. Doing some research- which included a couple of actions of dubious legality- he discoverd that it was a medical research facility testing on human subjects. He quickly covered his tracks as best he could and continued working, pretending he'd never even noticed the odd deliveries.

Any skills: Good with computers- mainly working with them legally, but knows how to get around simple passwords and firewalls.

Equipment: Paper, 4x pens (2 black ink, 1 blue, 1 red), encrypted USB datastick containing certain sensitive information, R4 Taser

Any notes which don't fall into the above categories: Runs a Revolutionary safe house with Lisa Roberts. Has occasional contact with The Wolf and is a member of the group Matthew Korbraek contacted.

HEROMACHINES SAVE: 2.5b5*m1*Character Name*Hair:Standard,part,724D21,724D21,100,100,23,Eyebrows:Expansion1,thinmean,724D21,724D21,100,10
















Name: Lisa Roberts

Gender: F

Age: 19

Personality: Bubbly and friendly, Lisa seems to always be smiling. Has occasional bouts of depression, but these are infrequent, and increasingly so.

Profession: Waitress

History: Lisa got a job as a waitress two years ago at a diner popular with manual workers, due to its good food, cheap prices, attractive staff, relaxed atmosphere and central location. She enjoyed the job and learned useful skills such as cooking and first aid. On her way home from work approximately two months ago, she was stopped by a policeman as she was taking a shortcut through an alleyway. He threatened her and backed her up against the wall and started groping her. She begged him to stop, but this only aroused him more. He would have raped her if it weren't for an office worker who heard her cries. One moment the man was grabbing her breasts and pushing a hand up her skirt, the next he was jerking on the floor. George MacCraig had saved her by tazering the cop who had assaulted her. He took her home and told her how her experience was not unique and how the Party truly behaved.

Any skills: *Can cook several kinds of food and makes a mean mug of coffee.

  • Basic first aid training

Equipment: 3" paring knife, small first aid kit, black pen, has access to various cleaning chemicals.

Any notes which don't fall into the above categories: Runs a Revolutionary safe house with George MacCraig. Has occasional contact with The Wolf and is a member of the group Matthew Korbraek contacted. Afraid of going through dark places alone.

HEROMACHINES SAVE: 2.5b5*f1*Character Name*Hair:Standard,ponytail,FFFF00,FFF700,100,100,24,Eyebrows:Expansion1,hulk,FFF700,00FF00,100,10
















Player characters

  • Black Mage 2.0

Name: William Soren

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: WilliamSoren.jpg

Personality: Subject as shown anti party behaviour. Several areas in his house appear to be sealed off, and cannot be penetrated by X-Ray photography. The mandatory psychological evaluation showed subject to be realistic, but not to the point where he is believing the propoganda

Profession: Repairman (Freelance)

History: Subject's sister, Elizabeth Soren, was taken for breaking curfew repeatedly. Subject's propoganda viewing decreased to 20% below average since then. We have circumstantial evidence placing the subject at several anti-party ralleys, however no hard evidence.

Any skills: 1. Good in a fight with his trusty sledge

2. Can fabricate weapons for the resistance, such as pipe bombs and rocket launchers (albeit very inaccurate RLs)

Equipment: Sledgehammer, plasma cutter, chem kit (copper, iron, handheld oxygen tank, jellied gasoline, flint, and magnesium.

  • Zebia-

Name: Xavier Peralta

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Appearance: Give me a day to do it

Personality: A nice person to all except for people he knows are either in the Party or supports the Party. He can charm pretty much anyone into doing a lot of the things he wants them to do.

Profession: Construction worker/Repairman

History: Xavier was a great construction worker, revered by the rest of his crew. Sadly though, they were the only people who really appreciated what he did, them and his family, of course. His grandparents left a diary of the time in which the Party, who were known as the Democratic Socialist Party, took over. Inside told him, unspecifically, about the take over, and that the Party shouldn't be trusted. Ever since his family has been wary of the Party. Xavier himself was unsure about this so he decided to investigate. One night Xavier snuck out of his home after curfew and saw someone being taken away against their will. Xavier quickly went back to his home, and joined his family and others in thinking of ways to overthrow the Party.

Any skills: 1. Knows much of the city and where buildings' weakest areas are. 2. Very very persuasive with his words. 3. Overall, pretty physically fit

Equipment (and how he got them): Sledgehammer which he uses regularly on the job sites, mathematical compass, pocket knife

Additional notes: Has a unique accent that most women find beautiful. Most men find it cool sounding.

  • Sammich!

Name: The Wolf (Otherwise known as Johnny Dareholl)

Gender: Male

Age: N/A (In his mid-to-late-twenties)

Appearance: (I'll put up a picture later, maybe) Subject is 6' 4", with a lean, athletic build. When in the streets, he is usually disguised as a normal civilian, or in a long black jacket with a hood up, covering his features. His normal garb usually consists of a white dress shirt, black pin-stripe pants, and a black business trench coat. He is pale with bright hazel eyes (almost gold). His hair is black and slicked back, and he has side-burns and stubble on his chin. His posture is very laid-back, his eyes usually partly closed.

Personality: Quiet and introverted, however kind when you break past his heavy barriers. He has extremely strong beliefs, morals, and values. He chooses, however, to do things from the shadows instead of going straight into a situation. He has a well-educated demeanor.

Profession: Ex-police officer. Currently Freedom Fighter

History: Johnny Dareholl was born completely clueless of the world around. He and his family were very wealthy. Because his parents were fearful of him being attacked or mugged on the street, he was taught martial arts when he was young (he has sense used that knowledge to transform his style into a dexterity-based street-fighting). He joined the police force when he was 20. He was forced to imprison and kill innocents mercilessly, which made him realize how evil the Party truly was. One day he was forced to kill his family. He refused and one of the secret police blew his temper, shooting Johnny in the chest. After killing his family as well, they left Johnny for dead. They covered the situation up, saying that Johnny was killed by an angry anti-Party group. The police that shot him was merely docked in pay and given a brief lecture on proper conduct. When Johnny Dareholl died, he was 23.

Johnny woke up in a dark location. There stood a man in rags. The man was "dead", meaning he had faked his death so that Party didn't know he existed. This man, The Wolf, was an artist, musician, and author. He was well-known in the underground world. The Wolf taught him many things, including his professions. He took him under his wing. When Johnny was 25, The Wolf died of old age. Johnny decided to take up the man's title, continuing his work as an artist, musician, and author of the resistance. He now writes books against the Party and leaves them around the streets for citizens to come and read. He also spraypaints resistance art here and there, usually with the word "Freedom", and always with "~Sincerely, The Wolf" as a signature. He lives under the city, changing locations now and then to keep police off his tail. All of his things are kept in a large crate that he wheels around underground. Like the former Wolf, "Johnny Dareholl" is considered dead to the Party, though they know bits and pieces about this "Wolf" fellow, who seems to have been around for many, many years.

Any skills: Street fighting, art, music (violin, piano, clarinet, flute, ocarina, harpsichord, cello, guitar, harmonica), literature.

Equipment: R1 Riot Control Baton, S3 Pistol, Studded gloves (for street-fighting), Bag of spray paint, Numerous books and writing utensils, Art supplies, Instruments (including small versions of a piano and harpsichord)

Any notes which don't fall into the above categories: None

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