Creation RP 3.0- Rhiannon Bowen

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Electric blue: Surprise, shock
Electric blue: Surprise, shock
Sky blue: Happiness
Pastel green: Depression
Pastel green: Depression
Orange: Hunger
==More images==
==More images==

Revision as of 11:42, 23 April 2009



Name: Rhiannon Bowen

Age: 17

Personality: Rhiannon is generally happy, cheerful and bubbly. Although normally optimistic, she is prone to giving up when faced with big problems, although will usually continue if pushed or cajoled into doing so. She is a little bit of a scatterbrain, quite easily distracted. Rhiannon is a little naive, and a bit gullible.


  • Father: Dylan Bowen, age 48
  • Mother: Myfanwy Bowen, age 46
  • Elder brother: Dylan Bowen Jr, age 20 (Currently back in Wales, studying engineering at the University of Swansea)
  • Younger brother: Dafydd Bowen, age 14


Rhiannon lived for most of her life in Cardiff, Wales. She enjoyed the city's proximity to the sea and loved the people and atmosphere. She was greatly disappointed when, at age 15, her father's job required him to move, taking the family with him. Still, there wasn't much she could do about it, so she decided to just go along with it. At least with the extra money Dad's new job brought in would mean more shinies for her. After the Bowens arrived in Halisville, she quickly made friends with a large number of people. Two years later, she's still happy, and doing OK in school.


  • Rhiannon is often shortened by friends and family to Rhi
  • Rhiannon rather likes shiny things. She has a collection of old and foreign coins, as well as one comprised of various items she thought were cool.
  • She's not too great at maths. Basic stuff, she can do, but anything complex and she just gets a blank.
  • As well as collecting things, Rhiannon has a hobby- art. She's pretty good at drawing things from her imagination or surroundings, and is a fairly decent painter.
  • Rhiannon's vision is rather blurred when not wearing her glasses.

Pre accident

Gender: F

Height: 5'7

Build: Slim

Hair: Brown, mid-back length

Eyes: Brown, usually behind a pair of glasses

Skin-tone: Average white

Race: Welsh



Post accident

Gender: Presumably female

Height: Variable. When maintaining her 'normal' form, around 5'.

Build: Squishy.

Hair: Technically none, but 'normal' form has dredlock-like tentacles where her hair would be. These are the same length as her hair was before the "accident" and form into a similar 'hairstyle'.

Eyes: Same as the rest of her

Skin-tone: Variable, but defaults to translucent colourless

Race: Hard to describe, but like a cross between a land based jellyfish, a human and putty.


Rhiannon's 'normal' form is similar in appearance to her old form- build, facial structure, etc. The only four differences are: 1. What she's actually made of- instead of skin, bone, muscle and organs, she is now made of a translucent putty like substance. No identifiable organs are visible, but there are dark shapes within her that indicate their presence. When food is eaten, it is visible through her. Evidently she posesses no stomach, as it just breaks down inside her. 2. She has no legs, instead having a column of flesh where they would have been. The flesh used to make this means that she is a bit shorter. 3. Her hair's different, as mentioned previously. 4. Instead of having actual breasts, her chest looks like it would have done on her old body while wearing a Tshirt.

When sleeping or very relaxed, this form is lost, and she melts.


  • Able to change colour and create patterns of colour, similar to a cuttlefish. Although she can control it, it's instinctual. See below for colours and their meanings.
  • Shape-changing ability
  • Can squeeze through very small gaps with ease


Dark red: Fear, alarm

Blood red: Anger, annoyance

Black: Fear, alarm

Dark purple: Uncertainty, confusion, sadness.

Electric blue: Surprise, shock

Sky blue: Happiness

Pastel green: Depression

Orange: Hunger

More images

A couple of drawings done by Dude Of Cool. Cheers mate.



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