Versus RP- Patrick (Pat) Flannigan

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Current revision as of 22:32, 22 March 2009

Name: Patrick (Pat) Flannigan

Age: 32

Physical Appearance:


Allegience: House B

Basic Background:

Pat Flannigan used to live in Ireland. His family were tenant farmers, working land owned by House B. It was a tough life, and not one he enjoyed. He fought often with others, and got a reputation for being a violent, brutal lout. When he was 21, he was involved in a pub brawl which was broken up by the police. He was arrested. While in jail, he was approached by a representative of his landlord. People like him were needed. His landlord's representative would pay for his release, if he agreed to work for him in a different way. He'd be much better off than he was as a potato farmer, and his family'd never have to worry about being evicted. He jumped at the chance. The next day, his cell was unlocked, and he was officially employed by House B. For years, he was given the job of collectinmg rent, evicting tenants who couldn't pay, etc. Eventually, he was promoted to head of a collection group. He was hated by the community he'd once been part of, and his family were shunned, but he didn't care. Recently, he was told his services in Ireland were no longer needed, but there was work for him in England. So he moved, and is now in England, fighting House A's men.


2.5b5*m1*Character Name*Hair:Standard,understubble,72 4D21,FFFFFF,1 00,100,23,Eyebrows:Standard,eyebrows4,724D21,724D 21,100,100 ,21,Eyes:Expansion1,plain1,5A3410,FFFFFF,100,100 ,20,Nose:Stand ard,thinslant,F79E72,F79E72,100,100,27,Mouth:Sta ndard,line,FFFF FF,FFFFFF,100,100,18,Beard:Standard,shadow,8D65 31,FFFFFF,100,10 0,26,Ears:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,10 0,19,Skin:Standa rd,hairy,F8B684,F79E72,100,100,6,Mask:Standard, fraBlank,FFFFFF,F FFFFF,100,100,22,Headgear:Standard,fraBlank,FFF FFF,FFFFFF,100,100 ,29,Undershirt:Shoulders,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF ,100,100,7,Overshi rt:Expansion1,long,E7E7E7,FFFFFF,100,100,8,Coa t:ModernCasual,open ,5A3410,724D21,100,100,25,RightGlove:Expansion 1,plain,636363,5A5A 5A,100,100,17,LeftGlove:Standard,fraBlank,FFFF FF,FFFFFF,100,100,1 6,Insignia:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF ,100,100,9,Neckwear:Sta ndard,cross,9C9C9C,5A3410,100,100,24,Belt:Sta ndard,wrap,5A3410,36 da00,100,100,15,Leggings:Expansion1,twotone,0 34829,9C4108,100,100 ,10,Overleggings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFF FFF,100,100,11,Pants


RightFoot:Standard,lo wboot,5A3410,5A3410,100,100,13,LeftFoot:Stand ard,lowboot,5A3410,5 A3410,100,100,12,Back:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FF FFFF,100,100,3,W ings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100 ,4,Tail:Standard,fraBl ank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura:Standard,fraBl ank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF, 100,100,2,Companion:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFF F,FFFFFF,100,100,31,B ackground:Standard,fullscreen,FFFFFF,FFFFF F,100,100,1,RightHand: Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,30,Lef tHand:Standard,fra Blank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,28,#

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