CB Colosseum

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Revision as of 00:31, 24 September 2007 by Boxchan (Talk | contribs)

"CB Colosseum" (http://z6.invisionfree.com/CB_Colosseum/index.php), often abbrieviated to CBC, is a competitive Pokemon forum. It is administrated by Spire,and is populated by Smogon and SPPf members, with some other people as well. Spire has made various sites for the forum, most of them dead. The forum's current site is http://cbc.orgfree.com/index.html.

The forum is predominantly 4th-generation based, with most of the main battlers playing D/P OU often. It also happens to be one of the few places with a tier list for D/P (and one that doesn't fail moreso).


Spire is the main Admin and creator of CBC. Miz and Tochukaso are also admins now.

4J, Extra, Ludicolo, Reiki and Somebody are the forum's Super Mods.

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