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Penquin is an extremely retarded member of SPPf known mainly for his retarded threat lists which often give whoever looks at it cancer, and repeatedly bumping his old RMTs with new versions of his team and threat list that might contain one different move on one different pokemon


On Sppf

Penquin first appeared on the sacred grounds of SPPf around February 07 (i think, sppf is down atm so i cant check) and became famous at around August 07 (again, not sure) when he posted his first RMT. Like a lot of the newbies around CRMT, his was pretty terrible, but the threat list was completely unbearable.

Blissey Countering Tauros

Indeed, his threat list contained Blissey countering Tauros, as well as many other "counters" in the same vein as the above, such as (add things here when sppf is up)

On Smogon

A while after Penquin posted his "Final RMT!" thread, he got fed up with everyone on CRMT, even the idiots who know nothing about battling at all, flaming the fuck out of him. He then proceeded to move to Smogon, under the alias Silver_Wind, a blatant attempt to stop the majority of SPPf Trolls following him, yet this failed as a random look through the RMT section of Smogon soon found the exact same team posted in another thread. Soon Penquin found out that the mods/admins of Smogon were less tolerant of bullshit, and this thread is an amusing thread where Penquin gets pwned by Surgo.

Penquin soon after posted his team from SPPf, complaining that he was getting "bad advice" where EVERYONE ON SMOGON WAS GIVING HIM THE EXACT SAME ADVICE. This led to Extra posting about it on his SPPf thread that he was still intent on bumping and everybody pointed and laughed at him fpr a while.

The mods/admins eventually got fed up with Penquin reverting back to his old SPPf self and bumping the shit out of his older RMT threads.

Memorable Quotes

"It was tyrant admin named Surgo." (add more here soon)

This article has a lack of quotes. You can help by going to SPPf or Smogon and finding his threads, here is a good place to start.

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