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Revision as of 00:12, 27 October 2007 by (Talk)

[Pokemon Valley Forums] are some shitty forums that focus on no thing about Pokemon in particular (hence the shittiness). -4J- trolled them approximately 10 times before (using accounts Carbrini, CarbrinII, CarbrinIII all the way thorugh to Cabrini_X, god rest their souls), but when PVF sent him an e-mail (as he was on the member's list) telling him of a revamp of the forums and to come back, they made an offer 4J couldn't refuse.

And so, on the night of October 26th, SPAM! became /i/ for the night as PVF was hit with a flurry of SPAM attacks.


The Spamming of PVF

The Thread

[This thread] made by rusty, the fgt admin from Nightmare Coders became the center of the spam attacks on PVF, as Miz, 4J and Brayels plotted it. Brayels never actually became involved, due to timing of the attacks.

In the Beginning

There was Goatse. Lots and lots of Goatse. 4J Registered under the account "lemonbox", which got mild post rates, and "lemonbox_the_2nd", which was banned on site. Miz registered as "kicklee" and never had any of his posts deleted, due to the fact they were mostly about gay rights and feeling FABULOUS!


As it became apparent IP Bans didn't exist on PV (lol), 4J realised he wouldn't need laggy proxys to help him, and registered as "megamiz" (Miz' SPPf username). Soon, he had over 9000 threads on PVF, and had at least one in any forum he could post in. General Discussion was nearly destroyed, with threads of Goatse, Tubgirl, and WHEN I WAS by the plenty. Miz posted in these threads.

Other subforums became the new target. A thread was posted informing them of their invasion by SPAM!, but was deleted, as it left a direct trial to CBC.

Even more Goatse was posted and sooner rather than later Lemonparty was added into the mix, as well as fat dyke porn, 4J also posted threads reading CARBRINI_XI in a sequence of letters, but none of the fucktards commented.

Soon Reno joined to view the mayhem unfold as Admins were nowhere to be seen (the only people who can ban on PVF). Well, one was at one point, but signed off right before banning "megamiz". LOL. Extra joined, filling the forums with even more Goatse copypasta. However, all of 4J's threads had now been deleted, lowering his postwhorecount from eye on 70 (~60 threads) to 3 (none).

BUT, this was not the end of the fun. The grand scheme of things was still to come! A thread was posted informing people not to view threads created by "megamiz" or "kicklee" or anyone like that. It was made in announcements, so 4J posted. Some were curious how 4J could post in an auth forum. Others wanted to see what he had said for himself.

The truth provided the most epic lulz and reactions: they found themselves staring at the Pain Series. Several members had previously commented on feeling like "vommiting", but now they were watching goatse, tubgirl, lemonparty, STDs, brutal injuries and foetal defects. Yum.

Soon, after arguing with all the members and making them stfu, the thread was deleted and replaced with a locked one. This was of course a win for SPAM!.

The End. Or Just The Beginning?

For the most part, tonight (as I write this, October 27th at 1:07AM!) the spam raids are mostly over.

However, future ones look evident, as it obvious PVF has next to no stable-authorisation levels, next to nobody on it can ban, and as a whole, they cannot IP ban. Enjoy ur lack of AIDs from proxy pop ups.

Keep checking back at SPAM!, also known as /i/, for any updates!

And if you are like "L", and wonder why it happened: we did it for the lulz.

The Lockdown Of Lulz

After PVF were thrown into MASS PANIC, some stupid Admin decided the forum needs to go into lockdown, and closed all the threads, because they're fucking losers with enough power to fool around with threads and not be able to do anything marginally useful ban wise. In short, another triumph for SPAM!

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