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MistyLover is a [suprisingly] male (?) user on SerebiiForums.com who has been the source of many jokes and good times to CBC and other Pokemoners for several months. He is either a poor soul who should be drowned in a well, or a clever troll. lol.


The Big Misty Bang Theory

Finding the exact moment that Mistylover's idiocy became apparent to the good Pokemoners of SPPf is sort of like the creation of the Universe: the closer you get to Time Zero, the less sense your logic makes and the more tired you feel of looking.

One thing is for certain, though. At the time he was almost certainly thinking of banging Misty from the Anime. And so we have the Big Misty Bang theory. Big refers to the sheer events that followed, and is in fact contrary to the size of MistyLover's penis, should he own one currently.

The Life and Times of

Known Fetishes

One of the things ML is famous for is his undying bias arguements that are always 100% wrong.

The most famous is Gardevoir being a better sweeper than Alakazam, a belief he holds true to this day. Harry Potter is another known love of his. He posted about Madeline McCann once on SPPf. People jumped to the conclusion this was his new love, however he merely bitched about how tragic her disappearence was because JK Rowling gave a grand or two (her equivalent to the moths that fly out your purse) to help her parents buy new shit for themselves and mabye to try and help find her too.

Surpisingly, MistyLover has never spoke about loving Misty unless to defend his case for his name, saying he merely admires her character. He has been seen in "Misty v May v Dawn" threads, gaying them up however.

Other lesser known fetishes include Umbreon and Milotic, which may be his only correct arguements to this date. And Emma Wattson. His MSN SN is often "I <3 EMMA WATTSON" with her as his display picture.

He also writes a shipping fic, if you haven't found a reason to hate him yet.

Knowledge of Pokemon

Has grown, but is still shit.

Note(lulz)worthy Event

During one of 4J's old RMT threads in D/P CRMT, he flamed MistyLover in what is the most remembered early existence of ML. 4J was banned soon afterwards (not only due to this thread). MistyLover, of course, rejoiced his "arch enemy" was banned. 4J was back two weeks later, after many people thought he had left (bans are only a week long, but 4J was on holiday the following week).

4J has since been warned for flaming MistyLover but never banned and not in spectacular amounts.

MistyLover himself was soon banned from SPPf for a week, for unknown reasons, and again a week later.

He has been banned a couple more times for making shit topics in Misc Discussion and for getting the crap trolled out of him by facetious, Josh and to a lesser extent Brayels.

He is currently awaiting the lift of a 3 month ban, so he can "return to his ship as he doesnt like pokemon as much anymore". Thank god for crmt, anyway.


Extra registered an account RegiROX on CBC pretending to be MistyLover so he could get another vote on a poll. It was banned. Some funny appeared. Not enough.

Later in the week, coincidentally, ML ACTUALLY joined. He was banned by Extra, but 4J lifted the ban for the lulz. He has not made any posts. At all. Even in Welcome Wagon.

4J once posted ML's friend code and tricked some people into adding it by telling them it was his. Not as many lulz were produced as he had hoped.


"mistylover lol" is the first posted full-out troll / flame of ML on MSN and is SPAM!'s 8th most viewed thread EVAR, losing out to a magichands thread and 2 former stickies. It occured shortly after 4J's return from Germany, however, two other, better [suposedly] trolls took place IN Germany beforehand, but are stuck over there forever.

"lol mistylover v.2" is a disappointingly uneventful sequel that can never live up to the original. A third installmen shows ML calling 4J gay, apparently coming onto him.

More are expected to come while 4J and friends remain unblocked on ML's contact list.

4J is however blocked more often than not, making a middleman neccesary. Mag tried to add him in the first thread but ML denied, recognizing the e-mail address and making a smart decision for once.

Gender Confusion and Troll Posibilities

Most people assume ML is female upon first glance, and we cannot deny this posibility. Or, he could simply be a trap.

Experts can't dismiss the fact that MistyLover may just be a good troll, annoying all of us for the lulz. It is unlikely however as everyone wants to fucking stab him to death.

The 4J = Mistylover Theory

Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): 4J = MistyLover

A possibility that baffles everyone. 4J could infact be MistyLover and it was a small joke in SPAM! for a while.

It would of course lead to this situation

Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): 4J = Mistylover

Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): MistyLover = fake

Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): 4J = MistyLover = Troll

Scary shit, isn't it?

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