My site

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Revision as of 22:41, 28 October 2007

[my site] is the thread created by rusty to try and advertise his crap forum, Nightmare Coders. Surprisingly, it was not moved to SPAM! by a mod, but was in fact posted there from the beginning.

My site currently holds the record for fastest growing SPAM! thread. As of October 28th, it has just over 1200 views in eight days, averagin 150 views per day. This made it the eighth most viewed SPAM! thread despite being only a week old.



Nightmare Coders

My site originally was rusty's poor attempt at advertising his forum in his SPAM!. rusty was then trolled by -4J- on both SPAM! and through PMs, while other members began to join in, laughing at rusty's inability to type and spell. rusty continually kept talking about random things, such as his school and irl friends, should he own any at this time.

rusty became FURIOUS at CBC for how they had portrayed him, and threatened the forum with a hack from the people on his forums. SPAM!, CBC's unforgiving guardian angel and First Maiden in Command, sent troops out in the form of Miz, 4J, Extra and Spire to begin spamming Nightmare Coders. Soon, proxies were being linked here there and everywhere as Nightmare Coders became a[n even bigger] shithole than it was. rusty was also none too pleased about the fact he had to delete Goatse and Lemonparty from pretty much every sub-forum on NC.

rusty came back to SPAM!, telling us if we didn't stop, we would be hacked by the people on his forums. However, the flaw in this concept was pointed out, as the members made it clear to rusty that if CBC were hacked, the members would simply hack Nightmare Coders back. rusty then began to tell us that he only knew the people who wanted to hack CBC, and that they weren't on his forum, so we should stop spamming. rusty was soon b& and given a name change to the appropriate "fucking cocksucker", though his legend lives on today.

Present Day

Coincidentally, a day after my site was posted, Nightmare Coders were hacked by a random third party who started deleting accounts and threads. SPAM! is currently searching for said people so they can team up and destroy the internet.

NC is the target of random spam attacks by 4J, as there are several times during the day when no auths are on NC, and the forum becomes a sitting duck. The fucktarded auths also try to delete threads before banning someone, buying people who spam more time and more lulz.

As for the threats on CBC, rusty e-mailed 4J asking him if he knew who hacked him, whilst he e-mailed Extra telling him that NC had hacked Pokeportal. Etra however checked and Pokeportal was fine, while one of the NC members appeared on the member's list as banned.

NC have not hacked CBC and probably never will, either due to our response to their bluffs, or them thinking it was CBC who hacked them. They were planning to hack CBC on October 25th, but never got round to it.


Main Article: PVF

But SPAM! wasn't done yet! As discussion of spamming Nightmare Coders grew, so did the discussion of spamming elsewhere. 4J posted a link to PVF, a site he used to troll after they e-mailed him telling them about the revamped site.

My site became the hub for the following attacks by Miz, Extra and 4J until the attacks were over, however after the attacks some regulars were still using the thread to keep people informed of new accounts they were making to bypass the Admin-activation of accounts.

During the attacks the thread was moved to the Auth Forum for postwhoring, but was moved back by the mighty and benevolent 4J who took pity on the regs.

Present Day

My site currently has no definitive topic, and so has become just like every other SPAM! thread has been at one point. Spire disproves of raiding other forums for the lulz, so it looks like no more will be discussed directly on CBC.

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