Warren Mears

From Canonwars


Brief Statistics

Name: Warren Mears.
Age: 22.
Physical Appearance: 6' with a tendency to hunch slightly. Short, spiky brown hair. Brown eyes with thick eyelashes. A nose that could nicely be referred to as "saturnine" but is more likely called "large". Five o'clock shadow and a hint of double-chin. Usually fairly casual clothing; t-shirts with slogans, sweatshirts, jeans, but does possess the ability to get suited up all formal-like. Slightly overweight and a hint of mechanical grease under the fingernails.
Religion: Atheist.
Education: Completed high school, three years of college.
Occupation: Supervillain.
Relationship Status: Single.
Personality in seven words or less: Megalomaniacal, insecure, misogynistic geek.

Twenty Questions

What turns them on: Intelligence, electronics, chainmail bikinis, porn.
What turns them off: High maintenance demands, ass-kicking Slayer skills, talking back, being insulted, predictability, general idiocy.
Would they see a shrink: Why would I need a shrink?
Worst Childhood experience: Which one? Probably having my underdaks run up the Sunnydale High flagpole. While I was still in them.
Favorite film: American Psycho, man. Though the original Star Wars trilogy's a close second.
Favorite Song: Anything by Modest Mouse.
Favorite Word: Domination. As in, World.
Least Favorite Word: Can't.
Favorite Curse Word: Bitch.
Best gift ever received: Short Stuff bringing those orbs of power outta the demon lair was pretty sweet.
Sound or Noise they hate: The whining tones of Superbitch in full righteous rant mode.
Sound or Noise they love: The soft hum of computers in the background.
Do they know the answer to 64 million dollar question: Forty two.
All the world's a stage... and I want to be a producer!
Did Yoko Ono really break up the Fab Four: Probably. You can't trust women.
Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee:' Both, with one hand tied behind my back.
Half full or half empty: Who cares, as long as it's drinkable?
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi. Coke tastes like dirt.
If they were a Jellybean flavor, which one: Lime.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Okay, you were right. Attack of the Clones? Biggest mistake ever."


Conceived on a long summers day… okay, going back a touch early, there. Warren grew up in Sunnydale , California with his parents. From an early age he showed an aptitude for mechanics, and this blossomed into a love of technology as he grew older. While his father was a bit of a macho man and his mother a Stepford wife, Warren interested himself in British comedy and science fiction novels, earning himself the abuse of high school jocks. He graduated a year early due to his genius-level intellect, and went off to Technical College , away from Sunnydale. He built robot women – at first for his own amusement, but then because he realised he could make some money out of it. When he finally got a real, live girlfriend – Katrina - it was ruined by the persistence of April, the robot he had programmed to love him. She followed him back to Sunnydale and caught the Slayer's attention.

Katrina ditched him. Warren nursed his dislike of the Slayer, and while playing Dungeons and Dragons with Andrew Wells and Jonathan Levinson he convinced them to team up with him and take over Sunnydale. Fuelled by comic books and science fiction, the self-styled "supervillains" the Troika became Buffy's arch-nemeses, using various demonic and technological resources to thwart her every move. Eventually they ended up moving in to the basement of Warren's parents' house – this became their lair, and this small advantage saw him take leadership of the group.

He designed a Freeze Ray and Invisibility Ray, but it was he and his friends' mind-controlling device that caused trouble. Warren searched out Katrina, used the device on her, and dressed her up as a maid, twistedly believing he could have her back. However she shook off the effects and, certain he had tried to rape her, attempted to escape and go to the police. Warren brained her – later he would say deserved it.

It was the beginning of a decline. To his friends dismay, Warren seemed less and less sane in his plan for vengeance against those who had wronged him when younger, and total world domination. When Buffy thwarted his final and best plan by crushing the Orbs of Nezzlekhaan that made him super-powerful, his impotent rage caused him to go and buy a gun. He shot Buffy, killed Tara, and inflamed the wrath of the powerful Wicca, Willow.

When Willow, dark-eyed and evil, finally located Warren, skinned him alive and burned his screaming body, before going after his friends. Later he was imitated by The First, and Willow also started turning into Warren due to a spell that came into effect when she finally let go of Tara's memory.


Warren has a very skewed view of the world. Sheer brilliance, poor social skills, schoolyard bullying and a lifetime of watching his mother obey his father's every command has given him a lot of set ideas about life, his place in it, and women.

Insecure but aware of his genius, Warren tends to hold everyone else in low regard, especially those he considers less intelligent than himself. When he has power over someone he will abuse it mercilessly, seeming completely in control and occasionally taking dangerous risks. He can seem sleazy, creepy and arrogant.

When people who have power over him confront him, he will shy away from conflict and gain a slightly submissive streak not usually seen in him. He becomes nervous, but tries to affect an air of cool. He'll never be anyone's crawling minion, but he has a large yellow streak and will affect compliance to guarantee his security, much like a weaker animal baring its throat to something stronger.

When he considers someone his equal, however, he's fairly ordinary – a bit bossy, maybe, but generally a relaxed and intelligent guy who likes to geek out over DS9 and pizza.

To get to that point is difficult – Warren has terrible social graces and a tendency towards sarcasm. He is a perfectionist and has mercurial mood swings. He will often take out his frustrations with a current robot design on somebody else – and he s brilliant at holding grudges. Not one to have his self-control cracked easily, Warren will plot the downfall of those who slighted him for ages. However, when it does crack Warren becomes a psychopath, making rash, angry decisions that can lead to someone getting hurt.

Existance on Purgatory

There is nothing here yet. New character, man! ;D

Contact Information

Warren is played by Greenie.
His journal is [1]warrenmears.
His PB is Adam Busch.

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