From Canonwars
Welcome to the page of Illmantrim (illmantrim on LJ).
He is 33 years old, and currently returning to college for the first time in years, pursuing his dream of learning in practical the knowledge he has in theory, about computer programming and engineering.
He tried this game thing before, but kind of lost it and decided to retreat strategically. This, however, was doomed to failure when tempted by Varis's many descriptions of the fun of Canon Wars. He is back, with one character, and trying to resist the call of others.
He has a tendency to completely and utterly miss signals and messages people send subtly, leading to his friends walking up to him and poking him when he had missed something. Multiple bruisings later, he is slowly learning to read signals out of sheer survival desire.
To contact him:
Aim: illmantrim sacto
email: illmantrim[at]
- Bruce Banner from Marvel Comics