Maes Hughes
From Canonwars
Maes Hughes is currently enlisted in the army as a Lieutenant Colonel. He is a very happy-go-lucky sorta guy, and takes things with what seems to be a grain of salt. He very rarely gets upset and acts serioiusly ( but when he does, watch out! ). He is the best friend of Roy Mustang, and holds by his promise to help him climb the military ladder to the top. But unlike Roy's determined ambition, Maes is contented with being a family man who squeals at every opportunity to show off his beautiful daughter. Though while Maes is just a desk worker in the military he is a forced to be recokened with, and as Lust comments rather apt at using knives for a desk guy.
Note: Hughes is currently unaware of the future of his series, and is happy not to know what's going on. He's not aware that he was murdered -- at least not yet. ^^;