
From Canonwars

Revision as of 00:27, 26 December 2006 by Varis (Talk | contribs)
Varis clearly has too much time on her hand, what with posing in her RPD gear, and all.

This is the page of Varis (offensive on LJ).
She is 1/2 of the Dynamically Evil Duo heading up Canonwars, the Resident Evil instigator, and character whore.

She is 20 years old, a cashier at Target with delusions of grandeur and slightly OCD. She loves reading comics (Usually X-Men and Runaways, although she has since expanded to Young Avengers, and gone back to her roots of Spider-Man and Supergirl), playing video games, and long walks on moonlit beaches. If she doesn't remember your name for a while, don't worry, she'll figure it out eventually. Maybe. Goddamn people, why can't you just wear nametags?

She's been in the game since it's creation, and while she hasn't been a mod the whole time, she's always been very invested in helping with organization when and where it was needed, if the mods needed additional help. She is strongly of the belief that players should haul their weight too.

To contact her:
Aim: harder to kill
email: claire[at]



Video Games






  • Raven from Teen Titans the Animates Series


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