From Canonwars
K' (pronounced Kay-Dash) is from video game series King of Fighters. Born as a normal child, K' doesn't remember anything of his former life, save for a small girl crying for her "brother." Memories of his life prior to the cloning incident are almost nonexistant. He doesn't remember his former name, his birthdate, or any hobbies he might have had. He became the prime canidate to become the "ultimate" Kyo Kusanagi by NESTS. He was infused by Kyo's DNA, and given a special glove to wield the flame. Unfortunately his body was too weak to handle the power pumped into him, he lost one of his arms, though it was replaced by a cybernetic one. He was constantly hunted down by NESTS, as well as marked by many assassins. He deals with things as they come, takes the offensive as he sees necessary, and is never put out by using violence.K' is not a happy person. In fact, he's quite the prick. He doesn't trust anyone save a few (which include Maxima, Whip and Kula Diamond), and gets aggarvated with people easily. If he can, he keeps away from those he doesn't know, unless he feels particularly strong about something. He has his moments, and whether or not it's Kyo's DNA or his own personal feelings when he feels the need to protect someone is anyone's guess. He lives life as his own, despite being constantly reminded how similiar he is to Kyo. He'd rather chew off his own arm then talk about it. He feels strongly about his freedom, being hounded and caged his entire life, and as apathetic toward people's problems as he seems, he will occasionally go out of his way to protect someone.
K' likes beef jerky and things that aren't sweet. He gets bored quickly. He is played by Roni at beastof_prey.
Image Songs
- KMFDM - Beast
- Manic Street Preachers - Spectators Of Suicide (Heavenly)