Shirou Kamui

From Canonwars

Revision as of 20:04, 2 August 2006 by Shiro (Talk | contribs)
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Kamui in X/1999
Kamui in Canonwars
Kamui (ultimateangst @ LJ) is the poster boy of angst who (literally) has the fate of the world on his shoulders. He is portrayed by Tachibana Keita and his life sucks. A lot. He also apparently has far more blood in his body than everybody else. Well, it's probably more accurate to say outside his body, what with the thing about bleeding everywhere, and getting pinned to walls with bits of glass and swords and getting the crap beaten out of him because he's usually too nice to fight back. Because he really really doesn't want to have to kill his best friend Fuuma, even if Fuuma doesn't seem to mind nearly killing him on multiple occasions.

But thankfully, since arriving in Purgatory, Kamui figured out his True Wish (with some subtle hints from Fuuma), and now that whole Final Battle To Determine The End Of The World thing is kinda moot. But at least he got a shiny new kekkai and his best friend back to normal out of it.

Kamui now spends his time angsting with his friends, angsting at school, and trying to get Fuuma and Subaru to go back to being friendlier, dammit! >:( He also lives in an apartment with his old friend (and childhood sweetheart), Kotori. Who happens to also be Fuuma's sister. ...Have I mentioned yet how much his life sucks?

He is played by Shiro.

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