Bobby Drake/Iceman

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Revision as of 07:23, 21 July 2006 by Alison (Talk | contribs)
Bobby Drake; played by Mark Famiglietti

Bobby Drake is a character from the X-Men comics. He appeared in the very first book for the X-Men and has been an on-again and off-again presence on the team for a long time. He is best known for his abilities as the Iceman. With these abilities, he can turn the entirety of his body into ice, and most recently, he has found himself becoming ice itself against his own will.

Like it or not, Bobby is the classic underachiever. He’s a bit of a cynic who tends to try to let things roll off his back. He has a terrible touch with romance and he’s a bit of a dick at times, but it’s who he is. He needs someone to push him, and thankfully, some people get the hint that the push needs to be extra hard.




Bobby Drake was born in the state of New York to Madeline Beatrice Bass and William Robert Drake. When he was a teenager, his abilities started to come to him, and it was when he was on a date with a girl that he ended up showing his powers to other people (which he had, up to this point in time, hidden from the vast majority). Though he was the youngest member of the team, he was very much in with the others. One of his closest earlier friends on the team was Hank McCoy/Beast, who he later went on to join in a couple of other teams.

As a member of the X-Men, Bobby has always been one of the most loyal. Though he left to go off to become a certified accountant and to make a life for himself, he always ended up coming back to the X-Men. It was something that he had to do. However, he’s also known as one of the individuals who does not push himself—nor does he have any desire to do so. A bit of a laid back, normal jokester, he prefers to keep his perspective on life. Perhaps he’s afraid to push himself; perhaps he knows what will happen if he will push himself.

But the entirety of his life has been pushing himself.

This underachieving hit a new low when he went to check on Emma Frost and this incident led her to possessing his body (and him being pushed into her). The incident allowed her to know the extent of his powers—and for him, the fact that he was not pushing himself. He ended up dropping into a state of depression because of this instance. This incident led him to leaving the X-Men once more. Emma was called upon to push him later when he lost a piece of his chest. She pushed him until he regenerated a part of himself. It was a very taxing situation. The relationship between Bobby, from Bobby’s side, is begrudging. He knows she can push him, that she can bring him to limits—but he’s not certain if he wants to be brought to these limits, and thus, avoids it to the best of his ability.

He is currently experiencing a secondary mutation. He fears that one day, he will be entirely made of ice. Because of his follies in romance, it seems he may not be able to experience the warmth of other human beings very long, either.

In Purgatory

Arriving in Purgatory has allowed Bobby several things: he’s allowed to drop his bitterness, even if it’s sitting beneath the surface, waiting to come forth. He’s begun to have fun once more, and he’s still the same underachiever he’s always been. Though he had little interaction with her prior to coming to Purgatory, he’s struck up a friendship with Scott and Jean’s daughter, Rachel Grey. The two have performed a large number of antics with one another and will likely continue to do so.

Bobby’s also proven that he cannot draw. Period.

He’s also gotten into a bit of a tiff with Emma Frost, because even though he respects her, he knows she will push him. And he wishes to continue enjoying himself. There are things that could be on the island of Purgatory that aren’t. However, he knows he won’t be able to ignore things for long.

Player Information

Bobby is played by Alison at iciest.

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