From Caelwiki
- <lightbringerlord> How's the work going?
- <Maxwell> so..
- <Maxwell> its going well
- <lightbringerlord> any new ideas?
- Gamer is now known as Gamer|Studying
- <Gamer|Studying> You feeling okay Maxwell?
- <Maxwell> I am feeling fine why?
- <Gamer|Studying> You seem really quiet.
- <Maxwell> well I am working on AQ while I talk
- <Gamer|Studying> Ahh, okay.
- <Maxwell> not working on that new map and stuff really keeps me busy
- <Gamer|Studying> The last times someone has been quiet in here, they have to one extent or another, not been themselves.
- <Zeltan> So...about Frostvale cutscene, any clues to the identity of the shadow-guy?
- <Gamer|Studying> I saw him, couldn't place the figure anywhere.
- <Maxwell> I cant tell you that
- <Maxwell> you will have to wait and see
- <Gamer|Studying> We'll find out in due tiem I suppose.
- <Zeltan> Awww
- <Gamer|Studying> Zeltan, think of it as a surpirse.
- <Zeltan> I like being surprised
- <Gamer|Studying> That way, it'll actually be exciting when we find out, or we may be fighting for our lives.
- <Maxwell> when are you not fighting for your life?
- <Gamer|Studying> Hmm...Good point.
- Useless stirs lightly. "Apparently some of us would make good 'seeds'..."
- <Zeltan> Of destruction?
- Gamer|Studying is now known as Gamer
- <Useless> No, I do not think that that was what Ojodeldevorador meant.
- <Zeltan> Hmm..I'm still puzzled as to why he helped Barrius.
- <Useless> Which, perhaps, is more unsettling to think of...
- <Zeltan> Could Barrius be one of the 'seed' he spoke of?
- <Useless> Several of our number probably are...and I do not mean any analogs of us, but the "primes" as it were.
- <Useless> Or, at least, might be seen as such.
- <Useless> What do you think, eh Maxwell?
- <Maxwell> I think I dont know what you are talking about
- Useless twitches his whiskers. "Fair enough."
- <lightbringerlord> (tooooo siiileentt..))
- <Zeltan> ((nothing much to talk about))
- <lightbringerlord> ((yeah we are out of topics))
- <lightbringerlord> Maxwell, what are you going to do after the saga? (What are we going to do?)
- Useless blinks, conjuring a very minute flame into existance in front of his couch, and tries to get it to match the movements of his swishing tail.
- Gamer watches the spectule and laughs lightly.
- <Maxwell> well
- <Maxwell> the saga will open many new door ways
- <Maxwell> many new characters
- <Maxwell> and many new, things to just mess around with
- <Maxwell> I mean.. after the saga is finished
- <Maxwell> AQ wont be the same
- <Maxwell> there will be a lot of things to "do" when its over
- <lightbringerlord> ((YAY! SEEKERS 4 EVER!))
- <lightbringerlord> reebuild Lore perhaps?
- <lightbringerlord> *rebuild
- <lightbringerlord> or find a new planet
- <Damsel> ]
- <Zeltan> long since Battleon was rebuilt?
- <lightbringerlord> 2 years
- <Maxwell> well
- <Maxwell> I cant say we wont be leaving this planet, but I can say we wont make a new home on one
- <Damsel> ((eek. Sorry. animal upon the keyboard.))
- <Gamer> ((ROFL))
- <Zeltan> Too much of "Battleon is destroyed, Let's rebuild it!!" makes lousy story =p
- <Gamer> We might leave lore?
- <Gamer> Temporally.
- lightbringerlord hands the black diamond to Damsel (if you are here)
- Damsel glances at lightbringerlord before studying the gem in her hands. "What is this?"
- <lightbringerlord> It is a rare diamond
- <lightbringerlord> Fulcan wanted to give it to you
- <Gamer> As far as we can tell there is nothign abnormal about it.
- <Gamer> He said it was an apology, and hopes you will accept it.
- Useless chirps lightly at Damsel, extinguishing the flame with a broad sweep of his tail.
- Damsel 's eyes narrow and she quickly puts the diamond down upon the couch where she's not touching it, studying
- <Damsel> ((it all the more intently.))
- <Damsel> ((grrr. silly girl))
- <lightbringerlord> ((kitty?))
- <Useless> ((XD *patpats*))
- <Damsel> ((ferret. :P))
- <Gamer> Erm...AQ will change darmatically.
- <Gamer> I'm hoping to see the affects of the Truth Saga and how we affect it.
- <Gamer> If at all...
- <Maxwell> oh, you will
- <lightbringerlord> and DF?
- <lightbringerlord> What will happen there?
- <Maxwell> that is out of my grasp :P
- <Maxwell> I only have the rundown on the info
- <Maxwell> and theres no way I can tell you
- <Maxwell> so, dont ask
- <lightbringerlord> Does Artix know all of the story?
- <Maxwell> yes..
- <Maxwell> as do I and many others
- <lightbringerlord> You know all of the story??
- <lightbringerlord> 0_O
- <Zeltan> He creates the Saga isn't it so?
- <Gamer> if the clans had their way...the world would be torn apart.
- Useless hops over to Damsel, resting lightly against her on the opposite side of the gem.
- <Zeltan> Paxia is an irony
- Damsel smiles at Useless gently before gesturing to the diamond. "What do you make of it?"
- <Maxwell> Paxia has its own timeline
- <Maxwell> as does Tasha's world
- <Gamer> The paxian clans, with a few exceptions, opposes whatwe do here.
- <Maxwell> but Paxia does have impacts on Lore
- <Maxwell> and Lore does have impatcs on Paxia too
- <Maxwell> if the AQ map was to grow
- <Maxwell> how big do you think it would be?
- <Rimblade> About four or five times it's current size?
- <Maxwell> k
- Rimblade snirks.
- <Maxwell> just wondering
- <Useless> ((I'd speculate Double to Triple, myself.))
- <Damsel> I would say that it would be dependent upon what all is being encompassed.
- <Maxwell> well if there is a new map
- <Maxwell> it will zoom in and out on areas
- <Rimblade> Yeah. That depends on wether you're just taking a segment of the current 'Map', which was shown, or creating a whole new one instead.
- <Gamer> ((3x would probally be good...))
- Rimblade is now known as Rimblad
- Rimblad is now known as Rmblad
- <Gamer> What are you doing?
- <Rmblad> Inconsiderate people in other channels are eating my name >:(
- Rmblad is now known as Rlad
- Raku has joined #755
- Acid_Man thinks 16x the size *
- Rlad knows that it should be about 200x the size... but there could be problems with that.
- <Maxwell> well if the map was to be 200x the size
- <Maxwell> that would be one huge world
- <Rlad> Yeah. I can see how there would be problems with that >.> And... er... with the gravity flattining us all...
- <Maxwell> to be honest it is about 3x larger or 4x larger
- <Maxwell> hard to really say
- <Maxwell> it has a lot more stuff though.. just not massive in size..
- Lex is now known as Lex|Away
- <Rlad> So, is it actually a new map you're drawing, or is it based upon the concept maps?
- <Maxwell> well
- <Maxwell> we are sort of
- <Maxwell> zooming out
- <Maxwell> and connecting the dots
- <Rlad> .....
- <Gamer> Okay, I gotta disconnect, i'm operatin gon abttery power.
- <Maxwell> of course you can zoom in on each region
- Gamer has quit IRC (Vaporized: Web IRC Disconnected )
- <Maxwell> and on each region's many zones
- <Rlad> Well, a zoom function WOULD surely be cool. Expansion to the east or west?
- <Maxwell> well the east is the same region as the west
- <Maxwell> the map has about 8 regions
- <Maxwell> 7 of them are new
- <Maxwell> so how big is that?
- <Rlad> That depends on the region size >.>
- <Maxwell> well, the mainland is the big region
- <Maxwell> the others are around half the size or smaller
- <Rlad> So.... about four times larger, then?
- <Maxwell> well if you look at this way
- <Maxwell> the original map is around 800x600 large
- <Maxwell> so is the east and south
- <Rlad> Yes.
- <Maxwell> so thats 3 800x600 screens
- LB|AFK is now known as LordBarrius
- Gilphon has joined #755
- <Maxwell> all together the new map is around 25 800x600 screens
- <Maxwell> counting ocean of course
- <Rlad> ....
- <Useless> ((Holy shat :o))
- <Rlad> Geez. That's.... That's big....
- <Gilphon> what's this?
- <Maxwell> I just made a grid of 800x600 squares and laid it down on the map
- <Maxwell> its around 25 squares
- <Maxwell> using the same size as the original map of course
- GT has joined #755
- <Maxwell> which the new map will not
- <Gilphon> erm... which map?
- <GT> did i miss anything?
- <Rlad> Right, Right...
- <Maxwell> you missed
- <Maxwell> EVERYTHING
- <Maxwell> and I did say counting ocean
- <GT> what?
- <Maxwell> atleast 6 of those tiles are empty blue ocean :P
- <Rlad> That's okay. Any expansion (or even change) is probably a good thing :o
- <Gilphon> does he mean he map of lore?
- Myriex has joined #755
- <GT> say maxwell, correct me if i'm wrong, but do the elemental lords desire peace?
- <Maxwell> I cant tell you that :P
- <GT> man, can't ever give an answer can you?
- <Rlad> Peace is a stupid word.
- <Gilphon> I'm fairly certain they do
- <Rlad> They might desire it, but it's in the nature of things never to fully acheive it.
- <Rlad> So it's an ideal, not a state of being.
- <GT> as long as the'glain is here, the creatures will war (according to fal)
- <Gilphon> that's probably true
- Rlad is now known as Rimblade
- <Gilphon> but I'm don't think war needs The'Galin
- <GT> well, fal said that fighting was a flaw introduced by the'glain
- <Gilphon> he just helps
- <Gilphon> introduced, yes
- <Rimblade> Psh. Hey Maxwell, since AQ has no 'Stacking' or 'Merging' code to use to make the fragments into an Ice Orb, does that mean that there's really no point in me holding all four of the buggers?
- <Useless> As I recall, the admission from Falerin himself was that the Elemental Lords exist in pure harmony, and have been for quite some time. Much longer than the lifespan of several generations of man or beast, IIRC. If they are in harmony...well...I suppose it depends on what 'peace' you refer to.
- <Maxwell> well Rimblade
- <Maxwell> the shards WILL do something
- <Maxwell> so I would hold on to them
- <Rimblade> .....
- <Maxwell> and if you didnt get all four, sucks for you
- <Rimblade> Is it going to be fun, with neat graphics!?
- <Myriex> ...crap
- <Myriex> i skipped the 2nd shard
- <Myriex> >_: <
- <GT> i knew i should've gotten that 2nd shard
- Gilphon kisses all four shards
- <Maxwell> well, you can get something if you have just one shard too
- <LordBarrius> Good thing I got all four on my secondary. >..
- <Maxwell> but having all four helps
- <LordBarrius> *>.>
- <Rimblade> Oh. Then I'm glad I sold that Light orby :D
- <GT> oh, thanks for the info max
- <Myriex> yesh.
- <Myriex> xD
- Mobuis has joined #755
- <Maxwell> what you get might make you wonder if it was worth it though
- <GT> i see
- <Maxwell> just know, in the end it will be worth it
- <LordBarrius> So this, erm, whatever the shards it shiny?
- <Rimblade> Okay.
- <Maxwell> it is full of peace
- <Maxwell> all I can say
- [16:18] <Maxwell> I feel like I am talking with my six year old cousin right now...
- [16:18] <Gilphon> You in the mood for answering questions today, Max?
- [16:19] <Maxwell> yes please
- [16:19] <Maxwell> anything is better than hearing Mobuis talk, period
- [16:19] <Mobuis> Tisk tisk...
- [16:19] <Mobuis> That was rude.
- [16:19] <Myriex> hypocritcal i can see...
- [16:19] <Mobuis> Oh noes! Some one found out!
- [16:19] <Gilphon> What can you tell you telll us about the huntress?
- [16:20] <Maxwell> I can tell you her travels are soon to end
- [16:20] <Maxwell> when the clock hits 0
- [16:20] <LordBarrius> Hm.
- [16:21] <Daniel> Is there anything you can tell us about Transient?
- [16:25] * Fulcan has joined #755
- [16:25] * Fulcan appears
- [16:25] * LordBarrius waves briefly. "Greetings friend."
- [16:26] <Gilphon> I think Max may be trying to doge that question
- [16:26] * Fulcan bows to Barrius, "Greetings, how are you today?"
- [16:26] * Damsel 's eyes narrow, though she remains quiet.
- [16:26] <LordBarrius> Not bad.
- [16:26] * Fulcan shivers
- [16:26] <Fulcan> D... Damsel...
- [16:26] <Maxwell> The waves of time will carry much upon their transient tide, those who sail this ocean carry the same title.
- [16:26] <Fulcan> Did... Lightbringerlord... give you...?
- [16:27] * Mobuis plops down and pulls out a flute. He begins to play a mellow tune.
- [16:27] <Gilphon> so all we get is peotry?
- [16:27] * Damsel looks at the gem sitting untouched upon the couch. "He did."
- [16:27] <Daniel> Actually, that was very informative poetry.
- [16:27] * Fulcan sighs, "I... I take it... you don't want it..."
- [16:28] * Valedia has joined #755
- [16:28] * Tralin sets mode: +v Valedia
- [16:28] * Damsel raises an eyebrow. "Why would I want such a ting? You thought you could buy forgiveness?"
- [16:28] <Fulcan> ((a thing?*))
- [16:28] * Fulcan looks at the floor, "Well... um..." Then vanishes
- [16:29] * LordBarrius waves to Valedia. "Hello, how are you today?"
- [16:29] <Gilphon> I think that's a yes
- [16:29] * Damsel snorts with distain, returning her attention to petting Useless lightly.
- [16:29] * Valedia looks over to Barrius and wanders up to him, rubbing up against his leg lightly, "I'm doing well, just a blah day. You?
- [16:29] <Daniel> Thank you Maxwell. Might you be able to give us any poetry on the other Faceless from the shortlist preventing the destruction of Truth and Lies?
- [16:29] <Maxwell> no
- [16:30] * LordBarrius shrugs. "Better than last night, I suppose."
- [16:30] * Fulcan appears again, standing behind Barrius, him in between he and Damsel
- [16:30] <Daniel> Ok. Thank you.
- [16:30] * Damsel stiffens in her seat, her eyes narrowing distrustfully.
- [16:30] * Mobuis starts playing a faster tone on his flute
- [16:31] * Valedia eyes Fulcan keenly while staying by Barrius side, "That is good. Any trouble here lately?"
- [16:31] <Gilphon> for a less vague question, who is Ares' host?
- [16:31] * Damsel growls softly. "You mean other when Fulcan ran LordBarrius through last night?"
- [16:31] * LordBarrius rolls his eyes. "Thank you for worrying her, sis."
- [16:31] <Maxwell> your information is running low with your rude attitudes and lack of faith.
- [16:32] * Fulcan 's eyes turn pale blue, rather than icy, yet stays silent, ashamed, and walks away from Barrius
- [16:32] * Damsel glances at LordBarrius. "You are unconcerned with his repeated betrayals. If you do not wish to look after yourself, then others may have to do so for you."
- [16:32] <Daniel> My apologies. I didn't mean to be rude.
- [16:32] * Gilphon blinks "that was encourging
- [16:33] <Gilphon> "
- [16:33] * Valedia starts to growl softly, "What's going on?"
- [16:33] * Mobuis stops playing his flute
- [16:33] * Fulcan looks up, wondering why the music stopped and tension grew in the room
- [16:34] * Gilphon wonders the same thing
- [16:34] * Mobuis sighs, and begins to play a rythmic dancing song
- [16:34] <LordBarrius> Bah, we can explain this later. Right now, I'd prefer to discuss things with Maxwell if you please.
- [16:34] <Gilphon> ((must go now, darn))
- [16:34] * Myriex has quit IRC (Supressed: )
- [16:34] * Gilphon is now known as gilwork
- [16:35] <Fulcan> I... Sounds good...
- [16:35] * Damsel looks at LordBarrius, interested in his evasion of the topic.
- [16:35] * Unampho glances at fulcan, finally, "I must go all, later"
- [16:35] <LordBarrius> You say that the Huntress will soon be ceasing her travels when the clock hits 0, yes?
- [16:35] * Unampho walks out through the front door.
- [16:35] * Unampho is now known as Unampho|away
- [16:35] <LordBarrius> Will she stop her travels in Lore, then?
- [16:35] * Valedia glances at Barrius disappointedly, "Fine." Then walks away from him completely and takes a seat in the furthest corner.
- [16:36] * Mobuis begins to play a softer toned song
- [16:36] * Damsel glances, applogetic, to Valedia.
- [16:37] * Fulcan 's eyes return to their normal icy blue, as he scans the room, eyeing Barrius and Damsel occasionally
- [16:37] * Valedia settles down and watches everyone with an expressionless face.
- [16:38] <LordBarrius> Maxwell?
- [16:38] * Mobuis continues to play the smooth tune song, but at a slower pace
- [16:39] * Myriex has joined #755
- [16:39] <Daniel> I must depart to finish studying for finals. Farewell everyone.
- [16:39] <Myriex> G'bye.
- [16:39] <Fulcan> Fa... Farewell...
- [16:39] * Daniel is now known as Daniel|Studies
- [16:40] <Maxwell> I told you your questions will get no answer, I feel your faith has been lost in the cause. And for that I will silence your only doorway into the knowledge that will save your pitiful existence.
- [16:40] <Myriex> ...are you from Mars? xD
- [16:41] <Myriex> okay.
- [16:41] <Myriex> that was just irrelavent
- [16:41] * LordBarrius sighs. "Bah."
- [16:41] * Valedia has quit IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [16:41] <Maxwell> Your only Hope is Hope itself, and I doubt you can put your faith into something so pathetic.
- [16:41] * Fulcan rests his gaze on Maxwell, intruiged
- [16:41] * Mobuis has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
- [16:42] <Myriex> and hope is capitalized for what reason...
- [16:42] * Mobuis has joined #755
- [16:42] <Maxwell> Your mindless questioning will get you nowhere.
- [16:42] * Mobuis pulls flute back out, "Heh, opps" and begins playing
- [16:43] <Maxwell> You must beg for knowledge, you much leech off of others. How pathetic…
- [16:43] <Fulcan> ((Any Ideas for DF Farming?))
- [16:43] * Mobuis plays a faster and more high pitched tune
- [16:44] <Maxwell> This cause is lost, your lack of knowledge is disturbing to say the least, I do no see what my host sees in you.
- [16:45] <Fulcan> You do no? See no evil?
- [16:45] <Maxwell> I will be sure he can help you longer, your use of his help is left forgotten and ignored.
- [16:45] <Fulcan> No see no? Eenie meenie miney no?
- [16:45] * Damsel turns to Maxwell with interest. "We are not speaking with Maxwell currently, are we? You are Truth?"
- [16:46] * Mobuis looks at Maxwell, but continues to play his flute
- [16:47] <Maxwell> And you are a foolish Turkash, growing more annoying with your mindless questions.
- [16:47] <Myriex> Is the picture of Mary sent by Truth in the Clues thread a distraction, or is it somehow refering to how Trinity is somehow involved with the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit?
- [16:47] <Maxwell> If I had the means to escape this body I would kill you all for your on stupidity.
- [16:47] <Fulcan> You wouldn't kill me now, you can't.
- [16:48] <Maxwell> No more answers until I see a change in your faith you fools.
- [16:48] * Maxwell has quit IRC (Vanished: )
- [16:48] * LordBarrius frowns.
- [16:48] <Myriex> guys...
- [16:48] <Myriex> ack.
- [16:48] <Myriex> it was my fault too. sorry.
- [16:48] <Fulcan> Immortality... is amazing.
- [16:48] * Damsel sighs slightly and nods ackowledgement. "I can not say that I am surprised."
- [16:48] * Mobuis plays a song titled, "A Foolish Bluff"
- [16:49] * LordBarrius stands and begins walking towards his favorite corner, visibly frustrated.
- [16:49] * Fulcan reaches in his tuxedo pocket and pulls out a penny, "Penny for your thoughts, Barrius?"
- [16:50] <Myriex> Is this an RP?! Come on! We're supposed to actually find out something...
- [16:50] <Fulcan> ((Myriex, do calm yourself, we are working on it.))
- [16:51] * Maxwell has joined #755
- [16:51] * Tralin sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
- [16:51] <Myriex> You're even using brackets for a flippin' OOC.
- [16:51] <Myriex> that's still RPing.
- [16:51] <Fulcan> And he's back, ladies and gentlement.
- [16:51] * Maxwell sets mode: +m
- [16:51] * Maxwell sets mode: -v BusyBeo
- [16:51] * Maxwell sets mode: -v Daniel|Studies
- [16:51] * Maxwell sets mode: -v KingAway
- [16:51] * Maxwell sets mode: -v Lex
- [16:51] * Maxwell sets mode: -v LordBarrius
- [16:52] * Maxwell sets mode: -v Nicholas: [AFK]
- [16:52] * Unampho|away is now known as Unampho
- [16:52] * Lex has quit IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client )
- [16:52] * Maxwell sets mode: +l 1
- [16:52] * Tralin sets mode: -l
- [16:52] * Maxwell sets mode: +i
- [16:53] * ZLOK was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] * Unampho was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] * Nicholas: [AFK] was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] * Myriex was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] * Mobuis was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] * LordBarrius was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] * Daniel|Studies has quit IRC (Distracted: Beats kicks. )
- [16:53] * KingAway was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] * Fulcan has left #755
- [16:53] * gilwork was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] * BusyBeo was kicked by Maxwell (Maxwell )
- [16:53] <Maxwell> feel free to stay, but know I will find your faith in the wrong place
- [16:54] * Maxwell changes topic to 'Hope will fall. '
- [16:54] * Maxwell has quit IRC (Vanished: )
- [16:59] * Damsel sets mode: -i
- [16:59] * Retrieving #755 modes...
- [17:00] * Damsel changes topic to 'Hope will fall. We have lost Maxwell's faith '
- [17:00] * Fulcan has joined #755
- [17:00] * Unampho has joined #755
- [17:00] * Unampho has quit IRC (Vanished: Unampho )
- [17:00] * LordBarrius has joined #755
- [17:00] * Tralin sets mode: +v LordBarrius
- [17:00] * Mobuis has joined #755
- [17:01] * Fulcan is now known as AlastorFulcanRyst
- [17:01] * AlastorFulcanRyst is now known as Fulcan
- [17:01] * LordBarrius is now known as LB|Dinner
- [17:01] * Daniel has joined #755
- [17:01] * Tralin sets mode: +v Daniel
- [17:01] * ZLOK has joined #755
- [17:01] * Daniel is now known as Daniel|Studies
- [17:02] * maieo has joined #755
- [17:02] * Tralin sets mode: +v maieo
- [17:02] * Maxwell has joined #755
- [17:02] * Maxwell has left #755
- [17:03] * Maxwell has joined #755
- [17:03] * Tralin sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
- [17:04] <Damsel> Forgive me Maxwell. I am afraid I can not lose faith as you can. I fear what would happen should such happen. As it is, I still have hope.
- [17:04] <Maxwell> He can no longer hear you, and I do not care.
- [17:05] <Damsel> I would still beg your forgiveness. Or at least your indulgence for the rest of us.
- [17:05] * Maxwell changes topic to '01001000 01001111 01010000 01000101 00100000 01001100 01001111 01010011 01010100 '
- [17:06] * Maxwell sets mode: -v Daniel|Studies
- [17:06] * Maxwell sets mode: -v LB|Dinner
- [17:06] * Maxwell sets mode: -v maieo
- [17:07] <Maxwell> I am here to end your games you have created with my host.
- [17:08] <Maxwell> He will no longer help you
- [17:08] * Damsel gazes at Maxwell sadly. "I know that we have failed to fulfill your hopes for us. We have been obsessing over our own troubles and relationships instead of looking to the whole. It is a failing I will readily admit, but if you would allow us, I desire to rectify it.
- [17:08] <Maxwell> And this channel will become empty, as will your truthseeking
- [17:08] * Maxwell sets mode: +n
- [17:08] * Tralin sets mode: -n
- [17:08] <Maxwell> if you wish to seek look no further
- [17:09] <Maxwell> i am sure this put a large dent in your games
- [17:09] * Damsel smiles though her gaze is full of sadness. "We shall not give it, even though you should say so. Should this place be destroyed, there will be those of us who go on, searching for Hope, though you say it is lost.
- [17:09] * Unampho has joined #755
- [17:10] <Maxwell> be sure if you repair this pathetic attempt at knowing my plans
- [17:10] <Maxwell> I will have N.O.V.A take care of the mess
- [17:10] * Maxwell has quit IRC (Vanished: )
- [17:10] * LB|Dinner has left #755
- [17:10] * LB|Dinner has joined #755
- [17:10] * Tralin sets mode: +v LB|Dinner
- [17:10] * Daniel|Studies is now known as Daniel
- [17:10] <LB|Dinner> >.>
- [17:10] * Daniel is now known as Sonic12040
- [17:11] * Tralin sets mode: +v Sonic12040
- [17:11] * Damsel bows her head. "Then I suppose I must defy you, though I do wish it could be some other way. Perhaps in time, we can regain your faith."
- [17:11] * Damsel sets mode: -m
- [17:11] * Fulcan exhales
- [17:11] <Fulcan> Thank you, Lady Damsel
- [17:11] * Damsel glances at Fulcan, her face expressionless. "I did not do such for you."
- [17:11] * Sonic12040 is now known as Daniel
- [17:12] <Fulcan> But you did it anyways.
- [17:12] <Damsel> However, I ment what I said. Our troubles should be secondary. There is far more that we need to be worried about.
- [17:13] * Mobuis is frustrated, but pulls out his flute and plays a slow tone song.
- [17:13] <Daniel> Earth - Truth
- [17:13] <Daniel> Wind - Lies
- [17:13] <Daniel> Fire - War
- [17:13] <Daniel> Water - Transient - Aquella
- [17:13] <Daniel> Ice - Peace
- [17:13] <Daniel> Light - Life
- [17:13] <Daniel> Darkness - Death
- [17:13] <Daniel> Energy - Eternal
- [17:14] <Daniel> My updated Association theory.
- [17:14] <Fulcan> Darkness - Death - Edward
- [17:14] <Fulcan> Energy - Eternal - The Eternal
- [17:14] <Daniel> Kaliope
- [17:14] <Daniel> Nifaria
- [17:14] <Daniel> The Huntress
- [17:14] <Daniel> Anna
- [17:14] <Daniel> INHUMAN ONE
- [17:14] <Daniel> Those are still unassociated then.
- [17:15] <Fulcan> Fire - War - Nifiara
- [17:15] <Fulcan> Earth - Truth - Maxwell?
- [17:15] <Damsel> I believe Anna to be host to Lies.
- [17:15] <Fulcan> Wind - Lies - Anna?
- [17:15] <Damsel> Truth is Maxwell... and Maxwell's daughters.
- [17:15] <Fulcan> Water - Transient - Aquella
- [17:15] <Fulcan> Ice - Peace - ?
- [17:15] <Daniel> So Kaliope is Truth?
- [17:15] <Fulcan> Light - Life -?
- [17:16] <Damsel> Yes. Though Kaliope is herself a trinity
- [17:16] <Daniel> This is the list from so long ago that prevented Truth's termination.
- [17:16] <Fulcan> Darkness - Death - Edward
- [17:16] <Fulcan> Energy - Eternal - The Eternal
- [17:16] * zero has joined #755
- [17:17] <Daniel> We are then left with The Huntress, Anna, and INHUMAN ONE for Lies, Peace, and Life
- [17:17] <Damsel> I am almost certain Anna is Lies.
- [17:17] <Fulcan> How so?
- [17:18] <Damsel> There have been many clues. One I am currently looking upon from the future saga: Lies Anna Cor Dem Xan Rack Makkisar Truth
- [17:18] <Damsel> Associate in pairs.
- [17:18] <Fulcan> Hmmm...
- [17:18] <Daniel> That makes sense.
- [17:18] <Fulcan> I don't suppose you'll voice me...?
- [17:19] <Daniel> I also think that The Huntress is Peace and that the INHUMAN ONE is Life, though that is less of a substantiated fact than a feeling in the pit of my stomach.
- [17:19] <Damsel> You shall not find me the one to provide you with power, Fulcan. Despite what others may think and forgive, I will not forget your two mortal blows.
- [17:20] <Fulcan> What a drag...
- [17:20] <Daniel> Especially with the Ice Orb reforming.
- [17:20] * Lex has joined #755
- [17:21] * Tralin sets mode: +v Lex
- [17:21] * maieo has left #755
- [17:21] * maieo has joined #755
- [17:21] * Tralin sets mode: +v maieo
- [17:21] <Daniel> But Maxwell's poetry set off this updated version of things.
- [17:22] <Damsel> I think we need to be wary though of concluding what exactly Anna is. She may be Lies, but I also suspect she might be much, much more.
- [17:22] <zero> Your lack of faith set off your current situation.
- [17:22] * Myriex has joined #755
- [17:23] <zero> Don’t ever forget you put this upon yourself.
- [17:23] <Daniel> The current situation can be remedied.
- [17:23] <Myriex> Hope is lost.
- [17:23] <zero> If Truth trusts you, which he does not.
- [17:23] <Myriex> Truth is dead.
- [17:23] <Myriex> or was he not a being.
- [17:23] <zero> Neither do we.
- [17:23] <Daniel> Hope is not lost, Truth is not dead, and we can still survive.
- [17:24] <zero> Hope is lost in our eye.
- [17:25] <Daniel> Not as long as we keep trying.
- [17:25] <Daniel> Everyone here who tries can succeed.
- [17:25] <Mobuis> Bah, hope or not. I'm still going to fight agaisnt this impeading doom.
- [17:26] <zero> Not unless we act to prevent any further situations from happening. Epsilon will begin in due time, only then can N.O.V.A restore Hope.
- [17:27] <zero> Only then can we carry out the fight to save us all.
- [17:27] <Daniel> What do you suggest we do to prevent the arisal of further situations?
- [17:28] <zero> I woulg suggest to not do any more damage and keep your nose out of our actions from now on.
- [17:28] <zero> would
- [17:29] <zero> if you could be so kind that is
- [17:29] <Daniel> I will do my best on that.
- [17:29] * Myriex has quit IRC (Supressed: )
- [17:29] <zero> Maxwell will be with us from now on, Truth will control the impulse to guide you.
- [17:30] <zero> You are on your own, and it should stay that way.
- [17:30] <Daniel> Then I will stop asking questions and begin trying to figure out everything with what we have already been given.
- [17:30] <Fulcan> Who is zero?
- [17:30] <zero> All you have done is damage our cause and strengthen them.
- [17:30] * Azerkail has joined #755
- [17:30] <Fulcan> Some kind of NOVA roadie?
- [17:31] <zero> ...
- [17:31] * Damsel sighs sadly. "Can there be no redemption for us?"
- [17:31] * Tralin sets mode: +v Azerkail
- [17:31] * Myriex has joined #755
- [17:31] <Daniel> I do not know, but I gave my word not to ask.
- [17:32] * Azerkail strides to his usual armchair and sits, propping his head on a convienently placed pillow.
- [17:32] <Fulcan> There is ALWAYS a chance for redemption
- [17:32] <zero> I am afraid Truth does not give second chances.
- [17:32] <zero> You failed him, and he gave us the power to fix your mistakes.
- [17:32] <zero> It is that simple.
- [17:33] <Fulcan> Who is 'us'
- [17:33] <Azerkail> Those who remained on course and did not stray, Fulcan.
- [17:33] <Fulcan> Ahh...
- [17:33] <zero> Those who act for the great hand of creation.
- [17:33] <Daniel> N.O.V.A. I would assume.
- [17:34] <zero> We are N.O.V.A, the one true way.
- [17:34] <Fulcan> You are idiots
- [17:34] <zero> The last stand, and the fight for Hope.
- [17:34] <Fulcan> Return to Ryuusei
- [17:34] <Azerkail> Is that NOVA's real intent?
- [17:34] <zero> I find your comments to be just as rude as your last with Truth.
- [17:35] <Fulcan> And guess what, I DON'T CARE, in the words of Truth himself.
- [17:35] * Damsel bows her head to zero. "Not all of us would act such or wish such."
- [17:35] <zero> Truth feels hatred toward you truthseekers, as does much of N.O.V.A.
- [17:36] <zero> It is clear why, you are ants working away to demolish all we have built.
- [17:36] <zero> Fate has made a large mistake.
- [17:36] <Azerkail> "Fate, it seems, has a sense of irony."
- [17:36] * Damsel holds her hands in a placating gesture. "Would you carry my sincere applogies? It might not change anything, but I would wish for him to know."
- [17:37] <zero> If this is the cost we all must pay, to see our last hope given to a pack of savage primitives.
- [17:37] <Fulcan> Zero, who do you serve?
- [17:37] <zero> I would rather take my own life than die at the hands of the Omega.
- [17:38] <zero> You will fail us, and N.O.V.A can only do so much to stop our end.
- [17:38] <Daniel> I do not think we will die at the hands of Omega, and I do not think we shall fail.
- [17:38] <Azerkail> All this conjecture, all these deaths, all this work, for naught?
- [17:38] <Azerkail> When one hits rock bottom, the only way out is up.
- [17:39] <zero> If was one to loose faith in life its self, I would be one such being.
- [17:39] * Damsel looks at zero pleadingly. "Then what can we do to be sure that we do not fail you? Or at least, help our chances of success?"
- [17:39] <Fulcan> Don't beg, Damsel.
- [17:39] <zero> This is my cost of living, my cost for fighting, my cost for placing my faith in you all.
- [17:40] * Damsel looks at Fulcan. "And taunting should be our way? I will not alienate our allies further, as we have seemed to have done in our ignorance."
- [17:40] <zero> Truth's words will carry on as your world ends, Hope is lost.
- [17:40] * zero has quit IRC (Vanished: )