From Caelwiki


>Ambiance<: A troll has run off with the Prophet to Mars. Joshua promises to get her safely but seems to be sitting on his hands.
[18:01] Falerin: Resume Epic
[18:02] * Rif at the floor, "I wonder how Lkeas is doing..."
[18:02] >Ambiance<: You feel a familiar slight tug at your abdomen a sort of dizzying flip
[18:02] *** Ness has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[18:02] Damsel: "Oh no..."
[18:02] Deathbringer: Great...
[18:02] Dale: Oh lord...
[18:02] Nick: "Hate this feeling"
[18:02] bule: WHats this...
[18:03] * Damsel graps at her stomach reflexively. "Delphi..."
[18:03] Legault: ... Not... Again.
[18:03] * Joshua looks
[18:03] Falerin: Delphi?
[18:03] * Deathbringer closes his eyes, praying for the best.
[18:03] Rif: Hm, got to love this.
[18:03] Joshua: That is impossible. No transit window is scheduled for another week
[18:04] * Falerin cleans his nails
[18:04] Falerin: What is Delphi boss?
[18:04] Joshua: The project.
[18:04] *** Xforce is now known as Kuth.
[18:04] * Damsel shakes her head slightly, trying to throw off the feeling. "It feels the same..."
[18:04] Joshua: Just go back to computing and check for any apetures. Do it now.
[18:05] Rif: Think someone is trying to force one?
[18:05] * Alastor yawns
[18:05] Joshua: Impossible.
[18:05] Joshua: We do not yet have the technology to open such a windo
[18:05] *** Dale is now known as Dale|Sleep.
[18:05] >Ambiance<: The feeling amplifies considerably
[18:05] * Damsel drops to one knee with a soft groan.
[18:06] * bule falls to the floor.
[18:06] >Ambiance<: The edges of the room take on a slight transparency.
[18:06] * Deathbringer fall to the ground.
[18:06] * Elaith remains silent and simply waits for it to be over.
[18:06] * Rif puts his hands at his waist, closing his eyes, and bends slightly, "It seems somethings about to happen."
[18:06] * Alastor looks around, and decides it best to fall to one knee.
[18:06] Nick: Really not liking this feeling...
[18:06] * Deathbringer 's eyes flare up.
[18:07] >Ambiance<: The flip finishes and you find yourself standing in a prison cell
[18:07] * Lkeas appears falling to the ground
[18:07] * Alastor looks around, "Are we in.. prison?"
[18:07] bule: WHere are we?
[18:07] Rif: Hm, not the best transport...Lkeas?
[18:07] *** Lego3400 is now known as Eitak_Razal.
[18:07] * Damsel sways back slightly as the transit completes. "Ugh... I'm never going to become used to that..."
[18:07] >Ambiance<: The bars of your cell are of wrought iron not steel and are fully 5 inches thick
[18:07] Eitak_Razal: Where am I
[18:07] Lkeas: Geez... why can't we ever transport to a land of pillows and marshmallows?
[18:08] * Damsel steals herself slightly before rising to her feet.
[18:08] * Lkeas unsteadily pushes herself up.
[18:08] * Eitak_Razal is lost, confused, and angery. A bad combo
[18:08] * Deathbringer 's eyes calm down, "Out of the frying pan and into the fire..."
[18:08] * Alastor walks over to the bars, and taps them with his knuckles, "I'd say this are iron, and about 5 inches thick."
[18:08] * bule slowly stands.
[18:08] Elaith: It could be worse. Chances are we are in rival territory of Joshua.
[18:08] * Eitak_Razal kicks the bars and hurts her foot
[18:08] * Nick sighs "Home sweet home, eh?"
[18:08] * Rif walks over, giving Lkeas a hand, "Enjoy Mars?"
[18:08] bule: Not liking this.
[18:08] Eitak_Razal: OWW
[18:08] * Alastor glances at Eitak, "Smooth."
[18:08] Ryuusei: Allow me to welcome you to my domicile
[18:08] * Damsel glances at Elaith with a frown. "I recommend never using that particular set of words again."
[18:08] * Lkeas nods thanks to Rif. "Err... this isn't Mars anymore?"
[18:09] * Lkeas whirls around in a panic. "Not you!"
[18:09] * Damsel takes an involuntary step backwards. "No."
[18:09] * bule jumps back.
[18:09] Dale|Sleep: Erm... Damn..
[18:09] *** Dale|Sleep is now known as Dale.
[18:09] Ryuusei: Your arrival was anticipated with great relish
[18:09] * Alastor 's eyes widen as he hears Cartwright's voice, "Hello... Ryuusei..."
[18:09] * Eitak_Razal spins around
[18:09] Elaith: See? Worse. *frowns*
[18:09] Rif: I have no idea where this is. Please don't tell me...
[18:09] Deathbringer: Graz'zt be damned.
[18:09] Eitak_Razal: Whop are you... Where am I?
[18:25] Ryuusei: I am very glad to see you all
[18:25] Ryuusei: So very very glad
[18:25] Ryuusei: your arrival here took considerable doing I might add
[18:25] Ryuusei: You were difficult to locate.
[18:25] Ryuusei: Very very difficult
[18:26] * Damsel catches herself in backing away and steels herself slightly. "What is it you wish with us?"
[18:26] Ryuusei: But I figured out the box of the Cor-Dem eventually anyway
[18:26] Alastor: So why do you want us, Cartwright?
[18:26] * Lkeas frowns even as she shivers. "That Cor Dem technology..."
[18:26] bule: No..
[18:26] Eitak_Razal: Cor-Dem
[18:26] * Eitak_Razal stares at Ryuusei with a confused look on her face
[18:27] >Ambiance<: A buzz is heard behind Ryuusei
[18:27] Legault: My, this doesn't look good.
[18:27] Ryuusei: Very well then
[18:27] Ryuusei: Send the Brilhado in
[18:27] bule: What!
[18:27] Alastor: Brilhado?
[18:27] Rif: What the...

  • Alastor holds out his hand, trying with all his force to summon the

Dawnblade, doing anything he can, to maybe use it to escape
[18:27] Nick: Did he say...
[18:28] * bule nods. "He did."
[18:28] * Deathbringer stands, eyes blazing like crazy, he pulls his hood up to cover his eyes, to no avail.
[18:28] * Damsel appears highly worried at Ryuusei's command. "Oh no..."
[18:28] * Elaith remains seated and just keeps listening, figuring we could be here a while.
[18:28] Eitak_Razal: Huh
[18:28] * Diviara enters
[18:28] Diviara: "What game have you for me now Ryuusei"
[18:29] Alastor: Come on...
[18:29] Lkeas: Game?
[18:29] * Eitak_Razal turns to Ryuusei, her voiced laced with a truth spell, Tell me what is going on.
[18:29] Ryuusei: "Master Diviara I am enscorcelled so clearly I must tell."
[18:30] Ryuusei: "I have trapped some of the masters greatest advesaries"
[18:30] * Alastor lowers his hand, clearly unhappy that his summon attempt failed
[18:30] Ryuusei: "I have called you here to test your loyalty"
[18:30] * Damsel watches Ryuusei carefully.
[18:30] * Alastor grabs the bars with his hands, watching intently
[18:30] * Ryuusei smirks at Eitak
[18:30] * Rif looks at Alastor, "I don't think there will be much advantage here. Just to wait and prepare for what may happen."
[18:30] * Eitak_Razal listens, unsure if her spell worked
[18:30] Ryuusei: "I plan to demand the Brilhado kill hyou"
[18:31] Eitak_Razal: What???
[18:31] Elaith: Before or after breakfast?
[18:31] * Lkeas looks at Eitak with a sidelong glance. "He's not lying, either..."
[18:31] * Damsel continues to look at Ryuusei, her expression grim.
[18:31] Nick: Wonderful...
[18:32] * bule takes a glance at Ryuusei then at the others.
[18:32] Legault: That... Sounds bad.
[18:32] Eitak_Razal: Somtimes... Its proably better NOT to know the truth...
[18:32] * Deathbringer speaks a few words in Abyssal, attempting to dispell the illusion on his cloak.
[18:33] Legault: The truth hurts.
[18:33] * Rif smiles at Legault, "Definitely isn't good. Prepare for anything everyone."
[18:33] * Lkeas looks at Diviara. "I'm sorry..."

  • Eitak_Razal glances around, she notices her dagger is laying on the

ground by where she was first standing, she grabs it quickly.
[18:34] *** bluemanrocks has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[18:35] * Nick sighs again "Times like these I'm glad I don't need weapons"
[18:35] * Eitak_Razal then watchs it vanish in her hands
[18:35] * Rif looks over, "Drop that. I don't know what it is, but if you find it on the floor here, it probably isn't yours."
[18:35] Eitak_Razal: Was an illusion...
[18:37] * Damsel turns her gaze upon Diviara, searching the Brilhado's face for sign of intent.
[18:38] * Eitak_Razal scans the room, looking for signs of anything out of place.
[18:39] Rif: Those bars look really sturdy...
[18:39] * Elaith mentally makes a note and hopes the Prophet goes last if anything due to her importance *
[18:40] * Eitak_Razal can
[18:40] * Eitak_Razal can't tell if the bars are ment to keep them in, or something else out
[18:43] Diviara: Do what you will
[18:44] Diviara: But I am not your servant to be tested.
[18:44] * Alastor grins slightly
[18:44] Diviara: Your intentions are as corrupt as your soul Twain
[18:44] * Ryuusei turns red in the face
[18:45] * Alastor grins wider
[18:45] Nick: Looks like someone hit a nerve...
[18:45] Ryuusei: My name is Cartwright!
[18:45] * Damsel watches the exchange, worry plain on her face.
[18:45] * bule grins covering it up with his sleeve.
[18:45] Diviara: Whatever you say Robert
[18:45] Alastor: Robert Twain...
[18:45] * Legault restrains a smile. "... H..."
[18:45] * Damsel gasps slightly.
[18:45] * Deathbringer watches silently.
[18:46] * Nick chuckles quietly

  • Elaith is emitting a slight smile which he covers by keeping his head

supported by his hands. However, his cheeks are slightly flushed with pleasure at this development.
[18:46] * Ryuusei scowls
[18:46] * Eitak_Razal stares both amused and confused. There is slight grin on her face.
[18:46] * Alastor giggles
[18:46] * Diviara looks at Alastor
<a href="">[18:46] * Alastor stops suddenly</a>
[18:46] * Damsel appears to have none of the amusement of her fellows, her worry growing.
[18:46] * Rif remains still, his facial expression calm. "Watch your actions everyone."
[18:47] * Alastor looks at Diviara, his eyes full of pure fear
[18:47] * bule removes his sleeve from his face to show no emotion.
[18:47] * Alastor slowly walks into the corner and crouches down, silently the entire time.
[18:48] * Diviara frowns
[18:48] Diviara: What are you doing Twain
[18:48] Rif: hm? What's wrong with you, Alastor?
[18:48] * Ryuusei smiles thinly
[18:48] *** Mode change "+vvv Beo Na-Chan Unknown" for channel #epic by Falerin.
[18:49] Legault: Alastor, quit embrassesing yourself and get over here...
[18:49] Alastor: T-that's not true... you're lies won't work...
[18:50] * Damsel glances at Alastor and then returns to watching Ryuusei and Diviara.
[18:50] Rif: Hm? Who are you talking to?
[18:50] Elaith: Ryuusei is in Alastor's head I would venture.
[18:50] * Damsel speaks quietly. "I would suggest not touching Alastor. Just in case."
[18:50] * Nick ignores Alastor's actions, still focusing on Ryuusei and Diviara.

  • Eitak_Razal backs away from Alastor. Her brothers warning from the

previous night clear in her mind "Don't try your magic in weird places... Might have equally weird effects"
[18:51] Alastor: The cold IS lies...
[18:51] Legault: ... He got the Cold?
[18:52] * Damsel looks back at Alastor. "Damn... be certain not to touch him. It will only spread."
[18:52] Deathbringer: Graz'zt be damned.
[18:52] Alastor: But he never existed! You can't be speaking the truth!
[18:52] * Rif walks to Damsel's back, "You keep your attention on those two, I'll watch Alastor."
[18:52] * Damsel glances alarmed at Ryuusei. "What are you doing to him?"
[18:53] Damsel: "He shouldn't be remembering..."
[18:53] Alastor: Get out of my head!
[18:53] Alastor: We're not the same person! I don't even know who he is! I've only read about him!
[18:53] Legault: Who in the world is he talking about?
[18:54] * Damsel states the name grimly. "Fulcan."
[18:54] Deathbringer: Who?
[18:54] Rif: Who is he possibly talking about? A story...or...Damsel, was there a name in the archive that no one is familiar with?
[18:54] Damsel: "It's... complicated."
[18:54] Alastor: You monster... is it even possible?
[18:54] Eitak_Razal: Thats falling on dead ears hear sister.
[18:54] * bule looks down speaking to himself. "Why..."
[18:55] Eitak_Razal: have to act.
[18:55] Eitak_Razal: gAH
[18:55] Legault: ... Bah, that name is in the archives...
[18:55] Damsel: "Fulcan was uncreated. Forgotten by all but a few and a number of written accounts..."
[18:55] * Eitak_Razal does a Quick check of her person, looking for something "SAFE" to use in case she should have to act
[18:55] * Deathbringer mumbles to himself, "Graz'zt, I may soon be yours."
[18:55] Damsel: "But his relationship with Alastor was... is..."
[18:55] Rif: Fulcan? I've read about him since my arrival, but anytime I ever asked about him, no one has known has really known anything about it.
[18:55] Alastor: No... please... don't...
[18:55] Rif: Unity?
[18:55] * Damsel licks her now dry lips worridly. "This may be very bad indeed."
[18:55] Legault: The name sounds familiar...
[18:56] Alastor: T-the... what?
[18:56] Nick: We still shouldn't touch him right...
[18:57] Deathbringer: Untoros called Alastor Fulcan when Alastor took us to the Void. Alastor flipped out and said Fulcan was a killer...
[18:57] Ryuusei: Time
[18:57] Eitak_Razal: Strange... I've never met you people before but the more I

think about that name... The more of a feeling of Deja Vu I get
[18:57] Damsel: "No. Don't touch him and don't get too close. If what I think is happening..."
[18:57] Ryuusei: Tiiiiime is on my side
[18:57] Ryuusei: Yes he is....
[18:57] Ryuusei: Tiiiiime is on my side
[18:57] Ryuusei: Yes he is....
[18:57] * Alastor stands slowly, looking around...
[18:57] Eitak_Razal: If you knew anything about Time you would not say that
[18:57] * Chronos appears
[18:58] * Alastor looks at Chronos, "You... you're Chronos..."
[18:58] * Chronos is visible only to Alastor and the Seekers who originally met him
[18:58] Rif: Everyone, get away from him! I don't think he's in his normal mind.
[18:58] >Ambiance<: Everyone other then those few see nothing
[18:58] * Damsel begins to take a step back from Alastor before haulting at the appearance of Chronos.
[18:58] Eitak_Razal: Chronos! Why are you here!
[18:58] * Deathbringer backs up from Alastor.
[18:58] * Nick wonders why Ryuusei disappeared.
[18:59] Ryuusei: Tiiiiime is on my side
[18:59] * Chronos laughs
[18:59] * Elaith 's eyes dart to Chronos, but he does nothing.
[18:59] * bule backs up from Alastor.
[18:59] Ryuusei: Yes he is....
[18:59] Ryuusei: Tiiiiime is on my side
[18:59] Alastor: No...
[18:59] Chronos: Yes he is....
[18:59] Alastor: You can't...
[18:59] * Damsel shakes her head. "No... no, no, no. This isn't right..."
[19:00] Rif: Damsel, what isn't right?
[19:00] Alastor: You CAN'T!
[19:00] Alastor: He was uncreated!
[19:00] Alastor: He was a murderous son of a bitch!
[19:00] Deathbringer: What? What isn't right?
[19:00] Alastor: Why...
[19:00] Alastor: Why can I remember...?
[19:00] Eitak_Razal: Wait...
[19:00] Ryuusei: Tiiiiime is on my side
[19:00] * Alastor falls to the ground, and passes out
[19:01] Chronos: Yes he is....
[19:01] Rif: People, don't go near him.
[19:01] * Lkeas seems to come out of her fear-induced stupor, her eyes finally focusing on Chronos. "What is he doing here...?"
[19:01] * Eitak_Razal rubs her eyes.. She could have sworn she saw something
[19:01] * Damsel glances between Chronos and Ryuusei. "How is this possible?"
[19:01] Deathbringer: What is who doing here, Lkeas?
[19:02] Nick: I'm guessing the God of Time...purely listen...
[19:02] Rif: Are they going to...bring Fulcan back?
[19:02] Eitak_Razal: If its a time god he should be in veiw to me
[19:02] Eitak_Razal: Yet i only got a Glimpse of him..
[19:03] * Rif looks at Eitak, "This place is different. Normal functions aren't necessarily...normal."
[19:03] Deathbringer: So I learned. I cannot dispel my illusion, allowing you to see my actual form.
[19:04] Eitak_Razal: And what little power my bloodline gave me don't work
[19:04] Legault: ... Hmph... Why does that name sound so familiar...?
[19:04] Deathbringer: My bloodline is usless too.
[19:04] * Alastor mumbles, "You're right..."
[19:04] Rif: It was a name in the archives Legault.
[19:04] * Lkeas looks down at the ground, seeing Alastor unconscious. "No..."
[19:04] Eitak_Razal: I bet even my brother, or that Moron Kevin would be powerless...
[19:04] * bule sighs.
[19:05] Rif: Lkeas, keep your distance.
[19:05] Alastor: Remove me for him.....
[19:05] bule: We have to help, but yet we are powerless to...
[19:05] Ryuusei: Remove who?
[19:05] Ryuusei: For whom?
[19:05] Alastor: Remove me... for Fulcan...
[19:05] Ryuusei: You wish to be uncreated so that Fulcan may override your place
[19:05] * Damsel moves to be close to Lkeas, placing herself between Lkeas and Alastor.
[19:05] Rif: Alastor! What are you thinking?!
[19:05] Ryuusei: You wish to swap places with him
[19:05] * Lkeas complies with Rif's suggestion but remains concerned. "What sort of gamble is he proposing now..."
[19:05] Ryuusei: Give him your spot in reality?
[19:05] Alastor: I... I do...
[19:06] Damsel: "Alastor, no!
[19:06] Ryuusei: Very well then
[19:06] Lkeas: Alastor, you know it's never worth it... he always gets the better of the bargain..
[19:06] Rif: There was talk of the Cold.
[19:06] Rif: Remember Alastor, what you said. A killer.
[19:07] * Chronos waves his hand and an hourglass appears.
[19:07] * Damsel shakes her head dispairingly. "What have you done?"
[19:07] * Alastor cries, "What have I indeed..."
[19:07] * Alastor morphs into Fulcan. All memory of Fulcan immediately is restored
[19:07] Nick: Wow, a new low, I see...
[19:08] * Damsel gasps and clutches at her head. "Ah. Oh gods no..."
[19:08] *** Alastor has signed off IRC (Interred: Gotta go).
[19:08] Legault: ... Fulcan...? Now I remember him...
[19:08] * Rif walks up to Lkeas and Damsel, "He's made a choice. Careful though."
[19:08] >Ambiance<: Memory of Alastor remains but you can slowly feel it begin to fade
[19:08] Ryuusei: No
[19:08] * Nick puts slaps his hand on his forehead getting a killer migraine
[19:08] Ryuusei: Uncreate Alastor's body... but preserve his memory
[19:08] Ryuusei: USe a less powerful overlay
[19:09] Ryuusei: Allow them to remember his treachery and his failure
[19:09] Rif: This is bad. A swap of uncreation.
[19:09] Ryuusei: and his total predicatbility
[19:09] * Lkeas moves to Damsel's side. "Damsel... it's alright.. you're still alive thanks to Zephyr..."
[19:09] * Damsel turns her gaze to Chronos, her expression pleading. "Why are you doing this?"
[19:09] Chronos: I restore what was removed
[19:10] Chronos: I heal the pain of reality the wounds caused
[19:10] Chronos: to time
[19:10] * Chronos vanishes
[19:10] * Eitak_Razal can see him now
[19:10] * Ryuusei gestures at Alastor's body
[19:10] Eitak_Razal: Chronos wait!
[19:10] Eitak_Razal: Blast..
[19:10] * Ryuusei vanishes
[19:10] * Alastor vanishes

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