From Caelwiki

<Gilphon> no...
* LordBarrius cries out. "Lkeas!"
* Genoclysm goes

<Jeice> No!
* Harlequin rushes to lkeas' side
* Dale rushes over to Lkeas.
* Falerin gestures and a white light suffuses Lkeas
* RoninOfDreams moves swiftly to Lkeas' side, but halts as the white light surrounds her with a sigh of some relief.
* Jeice sighs, thinking she should be fine with Falerin there.
* Falerin scowls
* Gilphon looks over at Falerin
* Necro watches, seeing the light around Lkeas
<Falerin> I cannot chase him now
<Daniel> Would it be possible to wish his reimprisonment?
<Falerin> No
* Nicholas still refrains from action, knowing he can't do anything.
<Falerin> He is a god countering a God
<Falerin> and he will have gone into hiding

* Daniel growls

  • <RoninOfDreams> "Cannot or will not, because of the slight you

percieve from the Paladin's hands?"
* Lkeas coughs suddenly, her breath coming in in short ragged wheezes
<Falerin> Untill he believes he has gathered an actual ammount of power sufficient to seriously try to take my portfolio
<Falerin> And he will Gather power

<Genoclysm> Does he get power from all of them, or are there some pure evil people out there?
<Falerin> Especially with the effects of The'Galin in play
* Useless attends to Lkeas, helping her to sit up slowly and generally being supportive for her.
<Falerin> indeed given his nature
<Necro> So we what can we do then?
<Falerin> You thought my dark half was evil and nasty
* Lkeas puts her hand to her throat, her shoulders shaking visibly as she tries to breathe normally.
<Falerin> My dark half was contemptuous and Dark
<Falerin> but he was still at core ME
<Falerin> The man in black was CREATED to be evil
<Falerin> His absolute essence is evil

<RoninOfDreams> "And therefore was nothing in comparison to that man."
* Dale stands behind Useless, wishing he were in his place. "Is she okay, Useless?"
<Falerin> "She will be fine the light will heal her"
<Falerin> "It will just take her moments to heal and adjust"

* Lkeas nods slowly to Useless in thanks.
<Falerin> "Now we have little time to play games"
<Daniel> And then the red and white were there also to instate a balance there?
* Useless glances up at Dale with a wan smile. "She could still use her friend's care, would you rather take my place at her side?"
<Falerin> "It is time to open the God damn door. The man in black will be my problem and my thorn eventually."
<Daniel> Ok.
<Falerin> "Worse as my interests freed him... the Farpoint may actually decide to NOT hinder him in his efforts"
<Falerin> "Make me or he rise or fall on our own merits"
<Falerin> "I suspect a prolonged battle"

* Dale smiles, and says to himself. "It's as if he read my mind." before saying out loud. "I.. I would."
<Falerin> "And it won't even start untill he has gathered himself"
<LordBarrius> Damn. Is there any way we can slow his efforts then?
* Lkeas reaches out to take Dale's hand, and tries to pull herself up.
<Daniel> Let's open the door then.
* Useless moves aside slowly, not relinquishing support for Lkeas until Dale provides it.
<Falerin> "Only if we sacrafice our attention from our more immediate concerns Barrius"
<Falerin> "And since they are if anything MORE threatening then he is"
<Falerin> "No... we cannot afford it"

* LordBarrius sighs. "I was afraid of that."
* Dale takes Lkeas' hand, and helps her up, being careful to support her.
<Gilphon> I suggest when do what we came here to do
<Falerin> "Though even if and once The'Galin is defeated Caelestia's troubles or at least mine will have only begun"
<Gilphon> *I suggest we do what we came here to do
<Falerin> "This is the price I will pay for my rage.. and ultimately for my moral compass"
<Falerin> "
<Falerin> "Oh well"
<Falerin> "Now then where were we"
* Falerin gestures and a grey door appears

* Useless looks at Falerin. "I pity those others who might yet bear that cost..."
* LordBarrius nods at Gilphon's comment. "The trap."
* Falerin turns the door knob'
<Daniel> You were also explaining Elaith's situation as well as opening the door.
* Paladin_Of_Souls has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +ao Paladin_Of_Souls Paladin_Of_Souls
<RoninOfDreams> "So do I, Talo-Toecan...'
<Necro> Indeed
<Falerin> "Come out of there offworlder"
* Lkeas places her arm around Dale's shoulder for support, and turns to Falerin, watching as he opens the door.
* Paladin_Of_Souls blinks and looks about, an odd grin on his face as he regards the place through the door, before walking out and into the room placidly. "I will come as you request, since I have no quarrel with you."
* Dale places his arm around Lkeas as well. "Glad to see you're okay."
* RoninOfDreams glances between the Paladin_Of_Souls and Falerin, moving away to lean against the wall and observe.
* LordBarrius growls low in his throat at the sight of the Paladin, but keeps himself restrained to that alone, not making a move towards him.
* Harlequin turns his attention from Lkeas to the Paladin
* Falerin gestures and the voice of Paladin of Souls echos
<Falerin> Paladin_Of_Souls stands and smiles, addressing for a moment no one quite present. "Deities of Farpoint, forgive me for my transgression into your realm, but we have business here with one of your current inhabitants. We shall leave and not return unless invited, after such is concluded."

* Lkeas smiles wanly at Dale and tries to speak. "I... shot my mouth off.."
* Lkeas trails off as she hears the familiar words of the Paladin.
<Falerin> I have a few questions for you self proclaimed Paladin of the Souls
* Ness has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +ao Ness Ness
<Ness> ((wow))
<Ness> ((lotta ops))
* Paladin_Of_Souls grins yet further and nods politely. "Then all you have to do is but as it of Us, of course. We assume you have an objection then?"
<Ness> Hello
<Jeice> Greetings Ness.
* Reality sets mode: -a Paladin_Of_Souls
<Genoclysm> Hey Ness.
* Reality sets mode: -o Paladin_Of_Souls
<Necro> Hey
* Gilphon waves to ness
<Falerin> 1) What would you do if I refused to "Forgive you for your intrusion"
<Falerin> 2) What makes you believe that "Having buisness with someone" gives you any rights

* Ness bows "Greetings, Loremaster"
<Falerin> Indeed we have many offworlders who come to our world... become trapped there away from their gods
* Genoclysm elbos Ness. "Not now."
<Falerin> And when they die end up in OUR afterworld
<Falerin> We do not return them
<Falerin> We do not recognize ANY home claims on them
<Falerin> We do not accept the interference of their previous GOD in our realm

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "With regards to the former, We would do nothing save weather the storms of whatever punishment you seem to think is fit. As for the latter, We daresay We have a vested interest in what becomes of thoe parts of Our very Soul."
<Falerin> Ah see and that leads to the ultimate question
<Falerin> There is a fascinating peice of fiction
<Falerin> A delightful terran film
<Falerin> In said film a being travels between worlds "Collecting" those who are "part of his soul"
<Falerin> Recohering with his analog in a number of ways
<Falerin> some involving violent death
<Falerin> others not so much
<Falerin> He gains power in this way

<Ness> Falerin, might I be so bold as to interrupt you for a moment? A question has been burning in my mind...
<Falerin> he is the Antagonist of the FILM
* Lkeas hisses to Ness as she leans on Dale. "Not now..."
* Ness nods
<Falerin> the protagonist of the film is an Analog who is not buying any of it
<Jeice> Ness, he is rather busy and stressed right now.
<Falerin> And refuses
<Falerin> Its a fascinating film...

* Ness nods
<Falerin> And an apt one
<Falerin> as you sir have cast yourself in the equivalent role
<Falerin> You have become that films antagonist
<Falerin> And while you may be parts of one
<Falerin> do you force YOUR will
<Falerin> on how that ONE develops
<Falerin> By what AUTHORITY

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "We merely offer those of Our Soul a choice when their time on the Mortal Coils is drawing quite near to a close. That choice is thier own, and none other, but We have a practice of leaving that Portion with the ability to be restored until they would no longer have time."
<Falerin> do you force YOUR will on the timing of events
<Falerin> You do not offer them a choice.....
<Falerin> Oh it appears to be one to be sure
<Falerin> but is is a false choice

* Paladin_Of_Souls continues to smile as he seems to stare Falerin quite directly in the eye. "We come and offer both knowledge and a choice, but if you would wish Hadin himself to speak on this matter, We are willing to restore him."
<Falerin> an illusory dichotomy
<Falerin> You already know what I would say to that
<Falerin> So play not ignorant with me PALADIN OF SOULS

* Lkeas frowns. "Hadin restored.."
<Falerin> Your METHOD corrupts the choice
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "No, as We do not assume to be omniscent, save for what We know of the capabilities that may yet arise in others of Our own."
<Falerin> Your KNOWLEDGE enforces your will
* Ness walks over to Lkeas abd whispers
<Falerin> and by its NATURE.....
<Falerin> eliminates free will
<Falerin> Shall we REPLAY the scene for you

<Lkeas> He... he would not be able to be restored had he died.. would he, Paladin..
* Paladin_Of_Souls loses the pleasantness of his grin. "Would you rather We come at the moment of death as the Nordic Valkyrie, when We have not the capability for such?"
<Falerin> Shall we replay YOUR OWN bloody words
<Paladin_Of_Souls> Most of his direct analogs, similar in form and differing only in choice, took the same path. A few died on the spot with refusal, a few took their own lives rather than serve under a percieved servant of Ryussei...and a few yet live for hours longer
<Falerin> And what of complete alternates
<Falerin> Rather then direct analogs
<Falerin> What pray were the percentages for THEM

* Gilphon has quit IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected�)
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Complete alternates have not yet reached their time, and We have yet to approach them."
<Falerin> "A time predefined is fate"
<Falerin> "Fate denies free will"
<Falerin> "Last I looked... the world from whence Hadin came"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "You might find, if you choose to forcibly read Our mind, that very few make the choice to join Us."
<Falerin> "Did not employ such a mechanism"
<Falerin> "Indeed last I looked his pantheon had no Valkyrie"
<Falerin> "It had no Eiherjar either"
<Falerin> "And they were not preparing for the battle of Ragnarök
<Falerin> "
<Falerin> Though to be fair... one might draw comparision to the battle we are facing now
<Falerin> Only you have TAKEN Hadin from us at the cusp of that battle

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "And yet any Healer could tell you that his time was drawing nigh, for old age had already weakened him greatly. We do not attempt to see what catastrophes might fall, nor do We act earlier than We percieve is appropriate. We admit fallibility, as We are not perfect. Not even insomuch as yourself as a dietie."
<Paladin_Of_Souls> ((*deity))
<Falerin> You present them with a choice that is no choice
<Falerin> it is Lesser of two evils situation

<Daniel> Ogre's choice...
<Falerin> You influence that choice by nature HOPING they select you
<Falerin> Few may as you say
<Falerin> but that is fine
<Falerin> as you do not require many
<Falerin> one here and there is enough

* Mobuis has joined

  1. darkabode
    * Reality sets mode: +v Mobuis
    <Paladin_Of_Souls> "You

see it as such, We do not, as We know the nature of our Portions quite well. Including how defiant the vast number of them are."
* Vulcan|AFK is now known as Vulcan
<Falerin> There are no NORNS here
<Falerin> the future is NOT fixed
<Falerin> Lore is a world of Freewill

<Falerin> so indeed he may have been ill
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "The Healer and the Zealot both, Paladins just as myself save for thier chosen role, have chosen different paths true. We merely act as We were called to in Time itself."
<Falerin> he may have been ailing
<Falerin> but even LORITHIA could not have told you the time of his taking

* Paladin_Of_Souls glances over his shoulder at the doorway. "Then tell Us, oh Wise One, have you looked further into that door yet?"
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Of course, We doubt you have to, as you designed it, did you not?"
* LordBarrius raises an eyebrow. "Why? What more is in there....?"
<Falerin> You are no Valkyrie
<Falerin> you are a Jotun

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "You view me as you do, and nothing We might say means will sway that. Or at least that is what We believe to be the case."
<Falerin> If that is the way you wish to play it
<Falerin> Then perhaps the way I should play it is to be your Víðarr
<Falerin> how would that suit

* Lkeas smirks. "And the Man in Black said you were not Evil enough.."
* Paladin_Of_Souls turns to face the doorway, a smile playing back upon his lips. "You would seek the path of vengeance...and slay Us? We would be distraught over such, though We heed a scripting that has set us upon a Path as you so terribly hate."
* Silence|Gone is now known as Keeper_Of_The_Hall_of_Souls
<Falerin> "What I WANT"
<Falerin> "I cannot have"
<Falerin> "What I WANT"

* Keeper_Of_The_Hall_of_Souls is now known as KeeperOfTheHallOfSouls
<Falerin> "Is to know what would have been had you not intervened at all and had I had the opportunity to protect my charges myself"
<Falerin> "He was under my guard. I had promised his son my direct protection"
<Falerin> "So I happen to KNOW your clock was wrong"
<Falerin> "Had he never come under my guard.. yes perhaps it would have been then"
<Falerin> "Had he died in lore who is to say"
<Falerin> "But HADIN chose the path he did and came to the place he did.... His son chose the path he did and came to the place his SON did"
<Falerin> "All of that was Free.... none of it involved your dichotomy"
<Falerin> "Yes there were hard choices"

* Paladin_Of_Souls turns back around and bows to Falerin. "Would you like such an opportunity restored to you, without resorting to further Chronomancy?"
<Falerin> "And I have no doubt that Hadin felt put aside. That he felt purposeless"
<Falerin> "Used"
<Falerin> "But he was important..."
<Falerin> "To many"
<Falerin> "Not the least of which to me"
<Falerin> "I TOOK him under my care"
<Falerin> "And that is not something I do lightly"
<Falerin> "And you violated that care. You made me a liar"
<Falerin> "You violated not only the freedom of Hadins will but from that perspective you violated also my sancturary. My home... and ME"

* Lkeas sighs sadly. "He sat in the room after he switched places with Talo-Toecan.. smoking his pipe and whiling away time.. I fear he thought himself and his purpose quite used up and had consented to spend the rest of his days in that corner.."
<Falerin> "You TOOK MY free will with that actuon"
<Falerin> "No matter. I set in place the appropriate action to bring us to where we are now... I KEPT my word"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "We are sorry that you percieve such deep slights from our actions, though no apology We utter will ever placate that anger."
<Falerin> "And I will pay for it"
<Falerin> "I may pay for it with my station, my portfolio and ultimately my life"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Yet the Valkyrie's role is already quite over, though not in the regard that some might percieve those words as being said."
<Ness> Falerin, have we caused you grief? I'm afraid I haven't been here the whole time, but if that is your meaning...
* Falerin looks at Ness
<Falerin> every moment of every day knowing you causes me agony

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "For you know, and We know, precisely what happened when We, the Valkyrie of the Paladins, tried to act upon Our edict."
* Ness frowns
<Falerin> With very little exception every single one of you will wither and die in what for me is a blink
<Ness> Then we all certainly apologize
<Falerin> Deities seldom deign to "befriend" mortals
<Falerin> for damned good reason

* Falerin turns back to Paladin of Souls
* Lkeas bites her lip and struggles to hold her composure.
<Falerin> You know the problem with that don't you
<Falerin> Ends never justify means
<Falerin> And means are typified by intention
<Falerin> not actual effect

* Dale whispers to Lkeas.
<Falerin> So yes I am quite aware what occured
* Necro has quit IRC (Vanished: �)
* Ness whispers to LB
<Falerin> Since I in fact made sure it did
* Jeice frowns at Falerin's words about mortality.
<Falerin> I am little concerned with what actually came of your actions
<Falerin> I am far more concerned by what was implied in your action to begin with
<Falerin> and you are hardly unique
<Falerin> You are one of many beings of your nature
<Falerin> who does this sort of thing
<Falerin> I have encounted the meme before

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Then this elaborate speech? These forceful tones? We would hate to steal from you even your vengeance, but unlike Hadin's home world, that from which We originated is not so blurred and forgiving with Time."
* Daniel mutters to Lkeas

  • <Paladin_Of_Souls> "It is a shame when a god, even such lesser ones

as We ourselves might count, are doomed to die."
* Genoclysm looks about, wondering about all the whispering.
* Ness086 has joined #darkabode
* Lkeas has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
* Ness has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Ness086)�)
* Ness086 is now known as Ness
* Reality sets mode: +ao Ness Ness
<bluemanrocks> ((Erm...))
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Now then, as Our time draws nigh, We are left wondering what else you might wish to berate Us for."
* Lkeas has joined

  1. darkabode
    * Reality sets mode: +ao Lkeas Lkeas
    * Val|OOC has left
  2. darkabode
    * Falerin frowns
    <Falerin> "You come from a reality that

lacks true free will"
<Falerin> "You thus have little or no buisness entering one that has it"
<Falerin> "This will have no effect but to cause conflict of purpose"
<Falerin> "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "We act as we have been prophesized to act."
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "That edict of scripting, so to speak, includes Our entrance into this realm."
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Though it is the first...and the last...that We shall ever have the distinct pleasure of visiting."
<Falerin> "Yes but you see.. there is a problem"
<Falerin> "One that may cause me some great misery later"
* Falerin looks off into the distance
<Falerin> "Do you enjoy travel?"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "We...rarely have had the pleasure of going anywhere by any sense of will, even under percieved freedoms."
* LordBarrius raises an eyebrow, curious as to what Falerin intends.
<Falerin> "Do you acknowledge that your actions however intentioned and I shall leave that to others...."
<Falerin> "Do you acknowledge that your actions however intentioned.... by nature violated the "soverignty" of the Farpoint. And of myself"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "That was already ordained to be the case even before We set foot into this realm."
<Falerin> "That was not the question"
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "So yes, We acknowledge such formally."
<Falerin> "Then you also acknowledge that I am in right to punish such a violation"
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "We expect such, and thereby acknowledge such, though We are aware of what We are supposedly destined to do. Soon."
* Falerin smirks and grins wildly
<Falerin> "Lkeas...."

* Lkeas 's eyes widen. "Y-yes... LoreMaster..?"
<Falerin> "Can you tell me... should you stay on Caelestia for exactly 295,000 years.... and then go to Lore. the exact ammount of time that will have passed on Lore in that intervening period?"
<Falerin> "I mean is it possible to define that for me linearly"

* Lkeas furrows her brow. "I don't know.. time passes differently in different realms.."
<Falerin> "Wait thats right"
<Falerin> "Indeed because time is relative to ones current reference.... time DOES pass differently in different realms"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Do I sense an assumption in the works, oh Wise One?"
<Falerin> "Oh thats concerning"
<Falerin> "That means for instance one might leave Calestia today and end up in yesterday...."

<Ness> Oh, no
<Falerin> "Or one might leave Caelestia in 2 million years and find in their own world only a minute has passed"
<Ness> Not more non linear time
* Ness gets a headache "I HATE non linear time!"
<Falerin> "So tell me Paladin of Souls"
* Paladin_Of_Souls smiles anew and glances at Falerin. "Now whatever gave you the impression that Our fate was tied to chronogology of Time itself?"
<Falerin> Nothing
<Falerin> Which is precisely my point you

<Falerin> For even if it WERE....
<Falerin> One cannot define linearly or according to chronology how

much time they have left
<Falerin> And once you enter a world with free will
<Falerin> Any defintion that is FATED based on PERCEPTUAL time
<Falerin> breaks

* Dale attempts to muffle his yawn, but fails.
<Falerin> Since it cannot be enforced on you in that world
<Falerin> So then... here is your sentence....You are to be confined. To this mulitverse. You may travel freely within it. But you are to be confined to this multiverse. Untill such a "Time"
<Falerin> as I have decided you have served your sentence
<Falerin> And of course time for me is really really nonlinear to begin with
<Falerin> "I will get arround to pardoning you eventually of course"
<Falerin> "We always do"

* Lkeas raises an eyebrow. "What kind of punishment is that?"
* Paladin_Of_Souls raises an eyebrow curiously. "And yet We were fated to die after a Confrontation forthcoming after another Portion had taken upon himself a new student."
<Falerin> "Indeed... but WHEN might that happen....."
<Ness> I think his being from a place with no freewill, being confined to a place WITH freewill would surely cause problems
<Ness> If I understood all that
<Falerin> "I mean we already know WHERE... as it involves a fated event it cannot occur in this universe"
<Falerin> "But the problem of when...."

* KeeperOfTheHallOfSouls is now known as Silence
<Falerin> "Well given as I am messing with the continuity between our two time frames undoubtedlty that will be very soon"
<Falerin> "Relative to your home world"

* RoninOfDreams blinks and starts from over in his corner. "Yet, I have just taken upon a student. How could that domain from which he was raised know of that with uncanny accuracy?"
* Ness shakes his head
<Falerin> "But relative to this one...."
<Falerin> "Shortness of time..."

<Ness> Someone can explain this to me later
<Falerin> "Well it is relative isnt it"
<Falerin> "Geological time and all that"

<Ness> I hate, I hate, I HATE non linear time
<Falerin> "Could be a blink of an eye"
* Lkeas smirks. "Get used to it Ness."
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Then...what? Are We destined by your decree not to die as We see fit?"
<Falerin> "Not at all"
<Daniel> I wonder if it would be better to put Elaith up for claim and risking the man in black having him, or to put up a wish...
<Falerin> "You will die as you see fit and when you see fit.. relative to your own frame"
* Daniel is clearly thinking aloud to himself *
<Falerin> "However that will not occur untill such a "time" relative to my own frame as I am satisfied"
* J has quit IRC (Vaporized: �)
<Falerin> "I mean otherwise I would be intefering with your free choice to have no free will"
<Falerin> "And far be it for me to do that"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Growth shall suffer, We believe, for that which you bind Us."
<Falerin> You believe....
<Falerin> Interesting....
<Falerin> You do not know though
<Falerin> oh yes thats right you CANNOT know
<Falerin> as its now involving free will

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "No, for you bind Us to that which was not Preordained."
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "So We infer, and We guess."
<Falerin> "Why not at all... I have not changed what is ordained one iota"
<Falerin> "What is ordained will occur "When" it is ordained to occur"
<Falerin> "Not one minute more or less then it was "Ordained" to occur"
<Falerin> "I mean I really lack the power to change my fate...."
* Falerin smiles

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Your sentence...*that* sentence...was not that which was Preordained."
* Elaith is unmoving *
<Ness> Hey, Paladin, I think Falerin just found what some people like to call a loophole
<Falerin> "Ah but you see.... Paladin....."
<Falerin> "You cannot preordain me"
<Falerin> "You can Prophecy"
<Falerin> "And your prophecy may in fact tell the most likely outcome"
<Falerin> "But life does have a way of taking these jagged turns"

* Lkeas frowns as she pulls her arm out from around Dale and attempts to stand on her own. "Your fate... LoreMaster... was it fated that the actions of the seekers would cause the Man in Black to be freed?"
<Falerin> "I in fact enjoy that part of life emensely"
* Falerin looks at Lkeas

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Another might be willing to be glad for such a loophole, yet We are not. We had found the role to which We served distasteful, though We moved to give the choice only twice before Hadin."
<Falerin> "Maybe. Probably"
<Falerin> "Ah well I see we have some work to do...."

<Lkeas> Troublesome.
<Falerin> "You are clearly not reformed"
<Falerin> "You still prefer absence of free will"
<Falerin> "I am afraid that might prolong your sentence"
<Falerin> "After all we need rehabiliation"

<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Not necessarily, but rather that We would not prefer to carry that role to which We were bound."
<Falerin> "Well then perhaps you should figure out a way to defy the will of that which directs your fate.... I have managed to pulls such suprises on William on more then one occasion."
* LordBarrius has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
<Ness> Now you know, Paladin, why Falerin here is the God of Evil
<Falerin> "I gather he has gotten used to it by now"
* LordBarrius has joined #darkabode
<Falerin> "You will certainly have time to consider the possibility of how the intervention of other free wills effects free will. Free will after all does not mean all choices are available"
<Falerin> "It only means that choice is"

* Paladin_Of_Souls loses his smile and faces the RoninOfDreams. "We would much prefer to have led a simpler life...even one with such hardships as his."
<Falerin> "And ultimately it MIGHT be an illusion. Ultimate this very conversation MIGHT have been described by powers beyond even those who fated your fate"
<Falerin> "It may in fact be that we were fated to defy your original fate."
<Falerin> "Sadly when you take it out far enough you can never really know can you"
<Falerin> "You can only act as if you have choice

* Mobuis is now known as John
<Falerin> and thus endeavor to make the "correct" one....
<Falerin> For his own part

<RoninOfDreams> "I would wish none to have lived the course of my life...not even yourself, regardless of how you percieve it to be so."
* Silence is now known as HidingFromHer
<Falerin> Hadin though he may have percieved himself to be here or to have become.... And however willingly he may have ultimately gone
<Falerin> There are several here that would like to give him a second opinion I believe

<Falerin> Not the least of which is myself
<Falerin> And not the least of which is his Son

* Rasudido has joined #darkabode
<Falerin> You may sell something I wish to sell something else
* Useless nods from over by Lkeas at such remark from Falerin. "I really would...even if he chooses the same again, at least I would get to say goodbye."
<Falerin> The fact that however underutilized he may have felt he was...
<Falerin> We NEEDED him

* Lkeas pats Useless on the shoulder. "We had wished you had been there.."
<Falerin> We Valued him
<Falerin> And his part in the events that shape not only his world
<Falerin> but all of these worlds
<Falerin> is yet to be defined

* LordBarrius nods in agreement with Falerin.
<Falerin> Least of all by your Fate
<Falerin> If he CHOOSES to go with you then he chooses such
<Falerin> but he shall do so under the light of what HE chooses
<Falerin> not under the light of what was forseen
<Falerin> I won't allow your reality enforcing its

prophecy on my world
<Falerin> nor that of any of my charges
<Falerin> For your own part... I recommend you start your vacation

somewhere else on caelestia
<Falerin> Immertot forest is not a good place for travel
<Falerin> And you do have plenty of time for that at the moment
* Falerin points at Paladin of Souls

* Lkeas chuckles. "Indeed not. But could he perhaps bring Hadin back before he leaves?"
<Falerin> "You are dismissed"
* HidingFromHer is now known as Silence
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Then on that cue...We shall be departing. Not because you dismiss me, but rather because We would rather be away from your presence for a time."
<Falerin> "Why thats a lovely CHOICE"
<Falerin> "I approve heartily"

* Paladin_Of_Souls walks away, through the forests for a time before fading to walk the realms.
<Falerin> "To be fair I SHARE the sentiment"
* Falerin turns to the door and gestures at it again
<Falerin> "Come out old man"

* Hadin has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +ao Hadin Hadin
* Lkeas watches the point in the forest where she lost sight of the Paladin, then turns her attention towards the door. 
<Genoclysm> Hadin!
<Falerin> You know its the height of rudeness to up and die on someone without giving them a chance to say goodbye when a choice exists particularly when it makes a Liar out of me
* Dale 's eyes widen as Hadin enters.
* Paladin_Of_Souls has left #darkabode
<Falerin> I mean I really do not like being made a liar of
<Falerin> its really.....

<Jeice> Hello Hadin.
<Falerin> Whats the word.....
<Hadin> "About damn time, do you even know what its like being cooped up in that...place? Prison? Whatever the hell it is, I am damned sure I'll never want to be in that place again."
<Falerin> "Its timeless"
<Falerin> "Which of course means it is infinitely boring"

* LordBarrius grins as Hadin enters. "You have

  • no* idea how happy I am to hear your voice again."
    <Falerin> "And you

had such... joyous company...."
<Hadin> "Precisely...these hands were BORN to tinker...or damn near to it."
<Falerin> "Yes about that....."
* SplinterClaw has joined #darkabode
* Lkeas lets out a small sound somewhere halfway between laughing and crying. "Artificer..."
* Hadin walks over and plops himself down with a harumph. "Actually, when I told him to just shut the hell up, he stayed silent.
* SplinterClaw is now known as SC_studying
<Falerin> "I am afraid I may have been a bit messy in the wording of my spell about timelessness actually and some of my runes"
<Falerin> "And I am sure this is likely to cause an almighty harumph and great grumbling the like of which would make a surly mountain dwarf who has gone without ale for two weeks proud"
<Falerin> "But I think that maybe just maybe...."

* Elaith remains immobile as an undead *
<Falerin> "I accidentally included something about rejuvinated youth or something in there
* Hadin looks at Falerin for a moment, then guffaws. "Here I thought it was his fault."
<Falerin> I mean restored youth and... frozen time...
<Falerin> they do have a rather close aspect
<Falerin> Well now that you are out of the stasis of that place
<Falerin> We shall see what the effects are shant we

* Lkeas looks over at Falerin, a grin growing on her face. "We have much to thank you for, LoreMaster..."
<Falerin> I think perhaps I may have given you a good 40 years of my own life"
* Hadin looks about for a moment. "Well, I don't terribly much feel too different, but I haven't been patting myself down either. Now either get me a mirror, or tell me where the hell I am *this* time?"
* Lkeas shuffles her feet slightly. "Not the least of which is saving my sorry hide for badmouthing the Man in Black.."
<Falerin> "Er at the moment back in immertot"
<Falerin> "But we shall soon rectify that"
* Falerin gestures and reality ripples the estate transference spell ending

<Jeice> What about Elaith?
* LordBarrius looks at Falerin and nods. "Good. I dislike Immertot...."
<Falerin> A yes....
<Falerin> "Him"
<Falerin> "Is he quite sure he wont enjoy being undead?"
<Falerin> "There are perks I understand"
* Falerin gestures at Elaith
<Falerin> "You are not a mindless undead you may speak"
<Falerin> "What is it YOU want"

<Elaith> I personally would rather be in your portfolio than be undead like this.
<Falerin> "So you are basically asking for me to claim you...."
<Elaith> Yes.
* Lkeas looks at Elaith. "He of all of us had the courage to face death in order to try to warn you.."
<Falerin> "Very well you are now my Avatar... but I fear I really have no use for an Avatar right now... I mean I have plenty"
<Elaith> Well, I am at your command then.
* Hadin looks about and takes a deep breath, before yelling out and damn the consequences. "�And where in bloody hell is my damned cane?! I'm used to it, and damn the age!�"
<Falerin> "So.... you are dismissed"
* Elaith has quit IRC (Vaporized: Dismissal.�)
<Falerin> Oh I approve of a Cane anyway they are highly tasteful
<Ness> Falerin, do you have time to answer me a small question or two?
* Elaith dies
* Useless scurries about animatedly looking for anything that may suffice for one, still not trusting his voice or his limbs to carry him close to Hadin for the moment.
<Falerin> "Oh dear he died... oh yes thats what happens when I dismiss people"
<Falerin> "Well rather then calling him back... I suppose I can just"
* Falerin casts Ressurection

* John has left

  1. darkabode
    <Falerin> Ok then
    <Falerin> That sets things back

to normal. Leaves him technically as my cleric.... but not my Avatar
<Falerin> but should his OWN deity want him back at somepoint
<Falerin> I wont get possessive
<Falerin> I am easy that way
* Falerin turns to Ness
<Falerin> now what was it you are on about
<Falerin> Questions?

<Ness> Well, what you said to Elaith on your last visit made me think
* Lkeas works her way over to Hadin and embraces him warmly. "Welcome back, you."
<Ness> Is The'Galin himself, or if not him, Dr. Zephyr, Omega's Host?
<Falerin> Wait a moment there is something else I need to take care of
* Ness nods
<Falerin> The'Galin cannot host an annunaki directly
* Useless finds nothing to suit, then hides himself behind Lkeas, whimpering lightly in anxiety despite his humanoid form.
<Falerin> He is a deity
<Ness> But he might have been the Host before his ascension
<Falerin> But even were he not the biological problems would have been quite impossible
* Dale walks over to Hadin as well. "It's good to see you again."
<Falerin> When The'Galin lived
<Ness> Okay, what about Dr. Zephyr?
<Falerin> The Annunaki were still physical beings
* Hadin squirms about in her grasp. "Bah, its not like I was really gone, ya know. Even had I...well...bah! Enough lass, enough!"
<Falerin> Zephyr is a potential conduit but no... he will likely never even be seen on Lore
* Lkeas grins and pulls away. "Ah, just like old times."
<Ness> Bah...
<Falerin> Zephyr is a General who is actually assigned to other realms
<Ness> I was sure I had it this time...
<Genoclysm> What about Myr?
<Genoclysm> He has a faceless.
* Useless whimpers once more, then throws his arms about Hadin from behind, sobbing tears of joy at seeing him again. 
<Ness> But something caught my ear
<KingK> ((has there always been a book on the great fire war in-game in fal's library?))
<Ness> The'Galin cannot host a faceless DIRECTLY?
<Dale> ((Yes. o.o))
* Lkeas turns to Ness and Falerin. "What was the discussion about ascension for, anyway? Is one of the Avatar believed to be a deity?"
<Ness> What does that mean?
<Jeice> ((Not always, but it is old.))
<Falerin> The only reason we see him is because in this place other realms are involved
<KingK> ((but it explains what the weapon is that his great whatever made.))
<Falerin> Myr has a faceless but even were Omega annunaki he would not be just a simple one
<KingK> ((yulgars I mean.))
<Ness> Is who is Hosting Omega even important?
<Falerin> Myr's faceless is not particularly amazing
<Ness> I also had one other simpler question
<Falerin> Did someone verify he was Annunaki
* Hadin gets an eyeful of metallic hair as this new figure embraces him. "I know that fur........well I'll be right damned and burning my own fingers in the hearth. Talo-Toecan?"
<Falerin> Did I miss that memo
<Falerin> "Hmm thats interesting"

<Ness> Is a Faceless' name neccessarily reflective of their personality?
<Falerin> "Given the way you entered here Talo you maintianed your human form"
<Ness> Is Peace really peaceful, if War really Warlike?
<Lkeas> Wait, what? Who is Anunnaki?
<Falerin> "Is Omega an Annunaki?"
<Ness> Apparentl not
<Jeice> I imagined some assumed Omega could be.
* Useless cries anew in an outburst of joy and hugs the crotechety 'old' man tighter.
<Falerin> "Annunaki are not the only races involved"
<Lkeas> Who the hell knows? I thought Omega was the manifestation..
<Jeice> I've kept my mind open about what Omega is.
<Falerin> "Omega is a front line General"
<Falerin> "Omega might be Diviara"

<Ness> But, Falerin, as for the Faceless' personalities...
<Falerin> "I am not prepared to confirm or deny much about Omega"
<Lkeas> How can he be controlling the Network if he's busy on the front lines?
* Lkeas shakes her head.
<Ness> Do the names of the Avatar really reflect the personality of the Annukai who inhabit them?
<Lkeas> Or she for that matter..
<Falerin> "As for the manifestation recent evidence suggests to me whom that will end up being I fear"
<Jeice> I imagine that would make things too somple, and hurry what should not be hurried so soon.
<Ness> War Peace Light Transient etc...
<Falerin> "And I am not very fond of the indicators"
<Falerin> "But tis not time for such darkness"

* Lkeas frowns. "Evidence..."
<Jeice> Is he still after Tralin?
<Daniel> The man in black...
<Falerin> "What it is time for is the choice of whom returns to Terra"
<Falerin> "Our buisness is not over we still must deal with the Beast"
<Falerin> "And we still must aid Galrick"

* Lkeas nods. "Indeed.."
* Hadin eventually shoves even Talo-Toecan off of him, though he is unable to hide a pretty large grin. "That's a good'un. Have a seat beside me, eh, and lets see what may or may not be working."
* Elaith has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +v Elaith
<Falerin> No the man in black is relative to Caelestia
<Falerin> He will be a thorn in my side but we shall not see that play out untill well after the events of Lore take place

* Ness walks over to Hadin and holds out his hand "I've heard about you...I'm rather new here, I'm Ness. Pleased to meet you."
* Useless happily sits beside Hadin, preferring to rest on the floor as is his penchant, and gives Hadin a nod that he understands.
<Falerin> ((I.e. it may very well form the plot that takes over in Epic AFTER the Devourer saga))
<Genoclysm> Two are better than one, but I'd prefer if I were the one at risk rather than Jeice.
<Daniel> Well, if I survive, I'll try and do what I can to help.
* Lkeas shrugs helplessly. "I as always am yanked across realms.. no need for a decision on my end.."
* Hadin waves off the hand. "Bah, no need fer that now lad. The name's Hadin, or Artificer, or Hadin the Artificer. Whichever ye want."
<Daniel> I shall remain travelling with the others.
<Harlequin> i will go wherever u am needed
<Falerin> "Hadin prefers unrestrained PHYSICAL ebulience"
<Harlequin> *((I am needed))
<Falerin> "A handshake is offensive"
<Falerin> "Try bear hugs instead"
<Falerin> "They really make his day"
* Falerin smirks

* Lkeas hides a smile behind her hand
* LordBarrius chuckles lightly at Falerin.
<Falerin> "
<Genoclysm> I'll go to represent Odeycia.
* Daniel grins *
* Ness nods
<Falerin> "You have untill the clock next chimes to draw us back to formalize your decisions"
* Hadin frowns as he closes his eyes for a moment, testing the bond and then using it to draw knowledge from it...then snaps his eyes open and glowers at Falerin. "Why you blasted god...why'd ye go and only give me forty years, eh? Coulda given me sixty and not cared a whit. I see how it is."
* Jeice looks at Geno. "And you think I'll sit on my butt?"
<Elaith> I travel where you need me.
<Daniel> I travel with the others.
<Falerin> "The fact that Lady Damsel has apparently been left behind however may unfortunately flavor this"
<Falerin> "As much as I am sure Hadin would prefer go and have Useless stay and vice versa"
<Falerin> "I am relatively certain that Useless will not be buying any"

* Lkeas frowns. "Perhaps when next we jump realms, Avarie may choose to attempt a switch?"
<Lkeas> But then, she's been taking lessons from Ronin..
* LordBarrius shrugs. "I'll be going whereever I am needed, of course."
<Falerin> "Thats possible but not neccesarily predictable"
<Falerin> "It may be that BOTH Hadin and Talo go"

<Useless> "Not unless you could promise to return her here, unharmed. Otherwise I would go and continue take Hadin's place."
<Falerin> "After all Ronin is here as well"
<Falerin> "We may be able to arrange for Hadin to serve us on a second front in fact...."

* Hadin grumbles and swipes at Talo-Toecan lightly. "Bah, yer young...I'll be seeing you two get out of there."
<Ness> I don't know what the hell you're all on about, but if I'm needed somewhere, I'll of course, go
<Falerin> "I suspect as things go on... we may need to be jumping in and out of Lore"
<Falerin> "And the Artificer's skill is perhaps most usefully put there"

<RoninOfDreams> "I am here more because of the needs of the Seekers, especially with Hadin having been...indisposed...for such a time."
<Falerin> For my own part I have no Question. The Loremaster and Galrick will return to Lore
* Falerin looks at RoninOfDreams
<Falerin> "Well whatever happens happens"
<Falerin> "Make your decisions however you make them"
<Falerin> "The deadline is not immediate"
<Falerin> "But when the clock chimes be prepared to answer"
<Falerin> <END OF SESSION,


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