From Caelwiki

  • Falerin stands before Chronos
    <Falerin> "Do not attempt that

again.... unless you want to be an even deader god then your lack of active followers makes you.
* AlastorRyst stares at where Fulcan was
<Falerin> "Your panethon is not in particular powerful as far as such things go. I seem to recall several.. casualites of war...."
<AlastorRyst> Chronos... that was... my missing half...
<Falerin> "I am not beyond a God's war at this juncture"
* Falerin looks at Alastor

* Useless raises an eyebrow at the mention of casualties.
<Falerin> "Not missing"
<Falerin> "He never ever existed"

* AlastorRyst looks at Falerin
<Falerin> "He does not exist"
* Lkeas frowns.
<Falerin> "He never shall exist"
<AlastorRyst> But...
<Link> who never existed?
<Falerin> "So he cannot be qualified as missing"
<AlastorRyst> Why do you and Lkeas remember him?
<AlastorRyst> If he never existed to give you any memories?
<Falerin> "Indeed as soon as well all leave this timeless place you will forget seeing him here"
<Falerin> "As his nature is nonexistance"

<Useless> "Some few have been given gifts to remember things, Alastor."
* AlastorRyst narrows his eyes
<Falerin> "Gifts?"
* Lkeas sighs. "Or curses.."
<Falerin> "The peristence of memory is generally considered something of a curse"
<Falerin> "Gods constantly exist inside and outside of time"

<Useless> "Depending on the point of veiw I suppose, as I consider Memory a powerful gift."
<Falerin> "So we do not forget when something Unexists"
<AlastorRyst> So Lkeas and Useless are gods now, are they?
<Falerin> "Certain others due to various effects"
<Falerin> "Replicate that persistence"
<Falerin> "Prophets, Visionaries, Psychopaths, Murders"

* Lkeas turns to Chronos. "And you... somehow feel it whenever uncreation takes place?"
<Falerin> "There are several resultant paths when you can see what no longer ever was"
<Dale> That.. must be terrible..
<Nicholas> Curious.
* Useless chuckles sofly to himself, thinking instead of 'Persistant Living Artifact'.
<Harlequin> that is interesting if true
<Chronos> "Terrible. Yes terrible. that being should never had been"
<Chronos> "Some uncreation is a natural part of creation. Recoherence of near realities for instance is a form of uncreation"

* GeckoSly has left #epic
<Chronos> "The distinction disappaears...."
<Chronos> "It is part of the universe."

<AlastorRyst> "I... don't think I WANT a portal now..."
<Chronos> "but that being... does not recohere. he culls"
* Useless looks curiously to Chronos. "Have you ever acted to prevent such before, sir Chronos?"
<Chronos> "Entire choices"
<Chronos> "He is a violation of free will. For he excercises his own free will to eliminate all variant possibilities from the time line"
<Chronos> "He redefines the universe in his image"

<Link> Dont we all?
<Chronos> "And that is ultimately his goal isn't it"
<Chronos> "When he is done"
<Chronos> "A perfect world"
<Chronos> "A perfect world of course cannot have free will"

<AlastorRyst> "Perfect?"
* Lkeas furrows her brow. "So we have heard.."
<Chronos> "Free will after all immediately invalidates perfection"
* Dale shakes his head. "Such a thing is impossible... Even for a god.."
<Chronos> "No being who can choose can be perfect"
* LordBarrius frowns slightly. "A utopia in his view, perhaps, but such a thing is not possible without free will...."
<Chronos> "Choice implies better and lesser options"
<Useless> "It would not be unlike most forms of Artifice, such a world. Working like clockwork but never varying from that which it is built to do..."
<Chronos> "A perfect world would be where the better is always chosen in the lesser is never a possibility"
* Falerin scowls
<Falerin> Such a world is an anathema
<Falerin> it is not perfection by my defintion. For the purpose of being is the choices we make.
<Falerin> The purpose of being is the lessons we learn

<Lkeas> And yet there are those who work towards that goal willingly.. those who join his side..
<Falerin> What would be learned in such a milquetoast static reality
<Falerin> nothing would ever change
<Falerin> nothing would ever grow
<Falerin> nothing would ever face challenges
<Falerin> so there would be no victory
<Falerin> Failure would be impossible
<Falerin> So there would be no life lessons

<Useless> "Growth...something even Artifice learns to relish..."
<Falerin> He can keep his damned perfect world
<Falerin> And he can take his violation of free will and go elsewhere
<Falerin> and that ultimately is what this is about

<AlastorRyst> No wars?
<Falerin> I will NEVER abide a violation of the will
* LordBarrius nods his agreement with Falerin. "Indeed. I would much prefer being able to choose for myself over an illusory utopia."
<Falerin> And I include pressuring a person into eventually accepting ones way as inevitable in that category
<Falerin> Lets move

<Useless> "Thus why you seek to set this prison into place."
* Chronos stands aside
* Lkeas sighs. "Will not such a trap somehow violate the free will of others, somehow?"
* Useless nods to Falerin, willing to follow here he might lead.
<Chronos> "Welcome to memory prime"
<Chronos> "Good luck"

* AlastorRyst starts to follow Falerin
* Jeice follows Falerin.
* AlastorRyst stops, just in front of Chronos
* Link waits for falerin to actually move.
* Harlequin follows Falerin when he heads out
* Daniel follows quietly after, saying nothing.
<AlastorRyst> Chronos...
* Falerin closes his eyes and reaches out he seems to grab some of the air.... some of the "fabric that forms the wall of the universe"
<AlastorRyst> I don't... know what to say...
<AlastorRyst> I don't know, what I can say.
* Necro watches Falerin closely
* Chronos looks at Alastor
* Link watches "this is weird...would this effect my realm in any way shape or form?"
* Useless would love to experiment and Observe more fully, but knows well not to be touching a thing.
<AlastorRyst> Fulcan....
<AlastorRyst> If he never existed...
* Harlequin watches Falerin with interest
<AlastorRyst> You can enter worlds that never existed
<AlastorRyst> ?
<Chronos> Realize yourself Ryst. Not some fantasy you that might have been. You can only ever play with what is here now
* Chronos vanishes

* AlastorRyst stares at the floor.
* Falerin grabs another handful and seems to be weaving something of the grey fabric
* Nicholas watches curiously.
* Falerin speaks into the void in a language that is ancient and unknown to all of you
<Falerin> yet his words seem to translate in your mind
<Falerin> automatically

* Useless attempts to memorize the words he speaks alongside the words he actually 'hears' in his mind.
* Daniel shows an intense interest in Falerin's actions and attempts to memorize everything as he sees it occur, taking advantage of eidetic memory *
* LordBarrius frowns slightly as he eyes Falerin, not wishing to disturb his work but rather curious as to what he is doing.
<Falerin> A doorway created. A world awaited. A time defined. This place will gather its energy and strengthen that section of the world that arrises. Become within the pocket of its existance. Invert within it being. Invert within it existance. A pocket of nothing.
<Falerin> All something that is active within it... shall strengthen the barrier

* Necro watches intently, trying to memorize the words and writing them down on his PDA
<Falerin> The more power used from within to breach it the more impossible breach becomes
<Falerin> Exit can only be affected from without

* Martin tries to memorize the words, and tries to write them down too.
<Falerin> A place that exists in defiance of time. In defiance of universe
<Falerin> A place that is and is not at once

* Jeice just tries to remember the translation.
<Falerin> set within that which lives and ever not
* Falerin frowns
<Falerin> set within the world it lives and ever ages not
<Falerin> Protect from without by the hands of chaos so none may see
<Falerin> make it so from here untill the time of its awakening defined hence.

* Link mumbles "Why do i have the feelings somethign bad is about to happen..."
<Falerin> 1830 After Farpoint. Caelestian standard at the hour defined herein
* Falerin gestures and numerous runes appears
<Falerin> So I will it
<Falerin> So shall it be
<Falerin> Define the target there in according to these runes

* Useless eyes each rune in turn, murmuring to himself.
* Falerin Draws several runes rapidly which the meaning of which seems lost
* Martin looks at the runes
* AlastorRyst sits on the floor, looking at the runes, eyeing them quickly
<Falerin> Something about Self Trapping Self
* Daniel makes sure to picture everything as quickly as possible *
* LordBarrius raises an eyebrow, his curiousity peeked further by this, but keeps silent.
<Falerin> Something about a Wayfinder
<Falerin> and Something about the maker of life from self

* Dale stares blankly at the runes, not seeming to concentrate on them, but on his thoughts instead.
* Necro draws the runes into his PDA
* Falerin then goes through a series of about 2000 runes in a few seconds
* Falerin weaves them rapdily into the fabric of the universe itself

* Martin tries to see them all, but cannot
* Falerin lets go and the walls slip back into place
* Useless wonders slightly about the Wayfinder.
<>Ambiance<> There appears to be no obvious outward effect from Falerin's manipulationm
* Daniel does not catch any of the runes

  • <Link> we done here?
    * Lkeas blinks, a bit taken aback by the

speed, and mutters to herself, "If only I could Archive that quickly.."
* Dale looks up, hearing Lkeas speak, only to sigh, and look down.
<Jeice> That was fast...
* Harlequin looks amazing..."such speed he has"
* Useless turns to Lkeas with a soft grin. "Even what I am cannot comprehend that quickly."
* Necro just stares at the amazing speed. "Wow"
<Falerin> "I do not desire you keeping a record of HOW I did this completely"
<Falerin> "If You did so there would be room to undo it"
* Falerin frowns I mispoke one of the lines and had to go back over it with the correct version
<Falerin> However once spoken in that language a mispoken line cannot be recanted
<Falerin> It is irrevocable

* Lkeas scowls. "Unforeseen consequences..."
<Falerin> So the correct version will happen too
<Link> so could that have screwed up the trap?
<Falerin> The trap no
* Useless turns to Lkeas. "Excuse me, Lkeas? What do you mean by that?"
<Falerin> The line I mispoke
* LordBarrius frowns. "That sounds bad...."
<Falerin> was
* Lkeas looks at Useless, but shakes her head once quickly. "It is nothing."
<Falerin> set within that which lives and ever not
<Falerin> and I wanted it to be
<Falerin> set within that which lives and ever ages not
<Falerin> I was putting it within a buble of timelessness

* AlastorRyst stays silent, as he stares blankly into nowhere
<Link> and you changed it to Set within that which lives and ever ages not. we know
<Falerin> so that within it nothing happens
<Falerin> but that bubble...
* Falerin frowns
<Falerin> Oh good lord
<Falerin> How lovely...

* Daniel cocks his head *
<Daniel> What?
* Dale sighs. "What is it?"
<Jeice> Falerin, what have you done?
<Link> did you screw up the universe?
<Falerin> Chronos get back here. Did I just create the place myself... or did I simply cause it to be used
<Falerin> Tell me damned scholar you see all

* LordBarrius grits his teeth, awaiting the bad news to be broken.
* Lkeas 's eyes widen slightly. "What place..."
* Silence has left #epic
* Useless looks back and forth between Falerin and Chronos expectantly.
* AlastorRyst widens his eyes as Falerin says "damned"
<Chronos> (voice only) "You have done nothing more or less they you have been fated to do Ardendor. That which I knew already would come. What I remembered was happening. Well see you the day before yesterday when we meet hundreds of years hence....
<Useless> ((*where Chronos was standing))
<Link> wait what?
<Falerin> Never mind
<Link> can we leave this? place is freaking me out.
<Jeice> Falerin, where was effected?
* Dale sighs. "Meddling with time is much too messy for me...."
<Falerin> an inside joke for those who meet often outside time is that relative to the world an earlier meeting can happen in our own perceptual chronology AFTER a later one
<Falerin> I just referenced a place within chaos and without time

<Useless> "We came for a purpose Link, I do not think we will be lingering long after we have acertained that it has been fulfilled in full."
<Falerin> That ever lives and lives not
* Lkeas looks at Falerin. "It is not the joke which concerns me, but rather what he said about your fate..."
<Falerin> Given the defintion I rather idiotically blundered
<Falerin> I may have created immertot

<Link> well it was your fate i suppose.
* LordBarrius staggers slightly. "Wait, what?"
<Falerin> And I have absolutely no doubt that immertot is where the trap will have been located too
* Useless blinks several times and looks at Falerin incredulously. "Now that, Falerin, is amazing and quite interesting indeed."
<Falerin> Given that defintion
<Dale> Oh the irony...
* Lkeas shakes her head. "Created? YOU created that place?"
<Falerin> "I defined the place"
<Falerin> "accidentally"

<Falerin> "
<Necro> Interesting...
<Link> you can create anything here?
<Falerin> "The question is whether anyone had ever before done the same"
* Nicholas sighs.
<Falerin> "Which is why few outside creators play with such forces"
<Falerin> "How you DEFINE things"
<Falerin> "Defines how they ARE"
<Falerin> A mispronunciation becomes a totally different thing

<Link> That which lives and lives not you created Immertot the forest of the Undead.
* Lkeas shudders. "But the Paladin of Souls did not visit Immertot... how will the trap help if it is in that awful forest?"
<Falerin> That is where the trap is physically located
<Falerin> Its reach is the entire plane of Caelestia

<Useless> "As I recall, the trap is to send the Paladin wherever it is defined to be, and imprison him there."
<Jeice> It will yank him into Immertot?!
<Jeice> Oh boy, what will that cause?
<Lkeas> Oh gods... I would not wish anybody to be imprisoned there...
<Link> but....when he took Hadin why wasnt he dragged if the trap was there since the beggining of time?!
<Falerin> He will be outside of time
<Falerin> It will not be as if the places nature has any bearing save this

<Link> man...this time stuff is hurting my brain...
<Falerin> We have to go to immertot to open it
* LordBarrius frowns at the uttering. "Oh dear...."
<Useless> "Then I assume that is where we will be heading...?"
* Dale sighs. "Again.."
<Jeice> So what is the plan now?
<Link> To immertot hi ho Undead eh?
<Falerin> "Yes well it will be different. I rarely do such a thing.. but I will be going personally"
<Falerin> "And not this me either...."
<Falerin> "All of me"
* Falerin vanishes
* Falerin reappears dressed in jet black robes

* Daniel shivers despite himself at the full might of Falerin *
<Link> Now how we gonna...oh your back.
<Falerin> Never send an Avatar to do a God's buisness
<Gilphon> heh, I have no wish to go to that place, but it seems we must
* Useless blinks at the transition of Falerin. "Oh my...all of you? The Paladin has merited that much of your wrath?"
<Falerin> Lets go
<Link> Aye Aye Falerin!
* Lkeas blinks, then shrugs helplessly. "Let's hope Caliban's bar is fully stocked.."
* Falerin gestures and a large lightning bolt reappears
<AlastorRyst> If I stay... Will I be able to leave?
* Harlequin nods at Falerin
<Falerin> If you state AlastorRyst
* Nicholas nods, and shrugs. "Sure, why not..."
<Falerin> you will die before you were ever born
<Falerin> as I shall not be returning for you

<Link> Nope Alastor, Lets-a go!
<Necro> Might as well
* Gilphon begins to walk towards the bolt
* AlastorRyst sighs, and rises.
* LordBarrius nods at Falerin slowly and steps towards the lightning bolt.
* Jeice heads in the bolt's direction.
<Link> will I ever get my sword back?
* Useless moves over and stands next to Lkeas, giving her a nod before moving to the bolt.
* AlastorRyst turns to Falerin
* Link step to the portal
* Daniel is silently glad everyone asks questions for him and heads on through

  • <AlastorRyst> What of Chronos?
    <AlastorRyst> Will he be

<Link> this is Chronos realm he'll be fine
<Falerin> Chronos is a Terran God
<Falerin> Chronos shall be fine

* Necro heads to the bolt as well
<Falerin> Move
<Link> told you
* Harlequin walks to the bolt
* Lkeas follows after Useless and steps into the bolt
* Link walks through the bolt
* AlastorRyst smiles faintly, "Alright then, my leige."
* Nicholas wanders towards the bolt.
* Gilphon steps in
* AlastorRyst steps toward the bolt
* Dale stumbles through the bolt lazily.
* Martin goes in
* Necro walks in
* LordBarrius steps into the bolt.
* Nicholas proceeds after LordBarrius.
* AlastorRyst steps into the bolt, lazily and apathetically
* Jeice follows the rest through.
* Falerin

has left #epic

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