From Caelwiki

[15:35] Abode: Warning Temporal Instability Detected
[15:36] * Xforce burps. "Sorry. Toasty made a batch of sourdough donuts this morning."
[15:36] Xforce: "Whats a Tempura Inability?"
[15:36] * LordBarrius stirs quietly in his seat and sits up slowly, rubbing at his eyes a bit. "Huh? What was that?"
[15:36] * Elmedor jumps up grabbing for his sword
[15:37] Cerbero: Temporal Instability means that the server is not stable... or does it?
[15:37] * Cerbero assumes battle stance
[15:37] Elmedor: Server?
[15:37] * Lyoko wakes slowly.
[15:37] Lyoko: "Whassat?"
[15:37] * Lyoko yawns and stretches.
[15:37] Abode: Chronological Apeture Incoming
[15:38] Xforce: "I think its a waiter or something, Elmedor."
[15:38] Xforce: "I think the nice voice said that its also an acupuncturist."
[15:38] Necro: Time device is coming...
[15:38] * Elmedor stares around the room
[15:39] TreadLight: 'Ello
[15:39] * Cerbero prepares his armor and shield
[15:39] TreadLight: 'Ello\\
[15:39] Cerbero: just in time, TL
[15:39] Necro: Sounds like a Time Machine from the wording... could be a time capsule in that sense of the term
[15:39] >Ambiance<: There is a intense feeling of nausea and a sense as if time is folding rapidly in upon itself
[15:39] Cerbero: let me inform you of what Abode said...
[15:39] TreadLight: What we doin'?!
[15:39] Cerbero: I'm feeling ill...
[15:39] Cerbero: This smell... i can't stand it!
[15:40] Cerbero: someone tell TL
[15:40] * Lyoko holds her stomach, well used to feeling nausea.
[15:40] Cerbero: i believe that we are moving in time, but not in space
[15:40] Lyoko: ( O_o )
[15:40] * Necro starts feeling nauseous. "Dang, the temporal disturbances must be pretty powerful if it's causing this much ripples...
[15:40] >Ambiance<: Beta Alpha Gama
[15:40] * Elmedor feels that there is a god present
[15:40] >Ambiance<: Beta Alpha Gammmmmmmmmmmmma
[15:40] Cerbero: ((dear Lorithia...))
[15:41] >Ambiance<: Error 214
[15:41] * Xforce promptly regurgitates an undigested donut, spewing it out even as it reconstitutes itself through the temporal anomaly and flies across the room.
[15:41] * Elmedor barely holds back his vomit
[15:41] * Cerbero feels in pressence of a futuristic being
[15:41] * LordBarrius frowns a bit. "This feeling again?"
[15:41] * Cerbero kneels...
[15:41] Abode: I am unable to compensate and prevent temporal dislocation
[15:41] Necro: LB, this has happened before?
[15:41] * Xforce begins walking backwards due to temporal acceleration, unable to adapt the time frame.
[15:41] Cerbero: i can't remain standing...
[15:41] Xforce: "..."
[15:41] * Xforce hiccups
[15:41] Abode: Prepare for transit
[15:42] * Selarep nods to LB while attempting to hold in the nausea in.
[15:42] LordBarrius: "Usually it happens right before....yeah, transit." He frowns more deeply.
[15:42] Xforce: ?tahw...
[15:42] Cerbero: We are about to warp in time unsafely... i guess
[15:42] * TreadLight spews blood from his mouth, while trying to hold his breath from what is to come.
[15:42] * Elmedor keels over and seems to be in pain
[15:42] Elmedor: I hate these....things
[15:42] Abode: Attempting to follow wave in order to allow foll.....
[15:42] Abode: Attempt failed
[15:42] Xforce: ...ereh thgir t'nsi gnihtemoS
[15:42] Abode: Transit is imminent
[15:43] * Lkeas stumbles down the stairs, clutching her stomach. "Whaa... what's going on..?"
[15:43] * Cerbero has a bad feeling... a horrible one...
[15:43] Nhox-[GHII}: "Great. WHo broke the world?"
[15:43] NhoxTheDivided: "Are you alright, Lkeas?"
[15:43] * Necro tries to hold back the nausea. "Ahh, I've never been here when such a thing occurs...
[15:43] Cerbero: Neither have I...
[15:43] * Elmedor tries to pull out his sword as he tries to rise to the floor
[15:43] NhoxTheDivided: "Meh. I'm fine with it."
[15:43] * Xforce stumbles into Lkeas. "...ynnuf yllear gnileef m'I"
[15:43] *** :AnnounceServ!AnnounceSe@Caelestia.net NOTICE $*.net :[Falerin]: The Epic Resumes NOW
[15:48] >Ambiance<: The effect settles and you find yourself standing very much in the abode still
[15:48] Elmedor: What just happened?
[15:49] * Xforce blinks, then looks around uncertainly. "?deneppah tahW"
[15:49] >Ambiance<: Though a very large layer of dust has settled on everything and the light is very dim
[15:49] Selarep: Hmm...
[15:49] * Lkeas stumbles over to a couch but reflexively pulls her hand back from the arm as it releases a cloud of dust. "I... this is odd.."
[15:49] * Fi wipes some of the dust upon his finger from the nearby couch
[15:49] * Necro sneezes from the dust. "Dust? That shouldn't happen during time travel... unless the abode itself didn't get transported..."
[15:50] * Elmedor has his hand still on his sword but is uncertain of what is going on
[15:50] Fi: Odd indeed...
[15:50] Elmedor: Seems something of higher power is active...
[15:50] * LordBarrius frowns, keeping his thoughts to himself as he observes the room.
[15:50] >Ambiance<: The abode is utterly silent only your own voices echoing in it's vast emptiness
[15:51] * Necro takes out his PDA, and attempts to scan the area
[15:51] * Xforce is currently completely unarmed. Also; rather curious.
[15:51] * Elmedor walks over to LordBarrius "Any clue you may give me of what is going on?" he whispers to LB
[15:52] * Lkeas glances around warily. "Abode? Are you there?"
[15:52] * Fi glances around the room wearily, ending the scan with a soft sigh.
[15:52] Lkeas: This is not a good sign... what's happened to the abode? How far have we jumped?
[15:52] Elmedor: This is most puzzling...
[15:52] >Ambiance<: Lkeas' inquiry is met with a slight echo and otherwise abject silence
[15:52] * Lyoko yawns.
[15:53] * Selarep checks himself and then Lyoko.
[15:53] Fi: It seems as of though no one has been here for decades...
[15:53] LordBarrius: "No, I'm not sure. All I know is that we seem to have jumped into the abode's future. At least, that's how it seems."
[15:53] * Selarep checks with his eyes, of ocurse.
[15:53] * Lkeas walks over to a window and peers out towards what she hopes is still Fair Harbour.
[15:54] * Lyoko is fine. She pulls the hoodie hood over her head as a precaution.
[15:54] Xforce: "...yllis si sihT"
[15:54] * Elmedor walks around the room his eyes showing confusion
[15:54] * Selarep nods to Lyoko and then glances around the rest of the room.
[15:54] * Necro attempts to scan for any power sources near by, trying to determine the source of the light
[15:55] Xforce: ".erutuf s'esouh ROU si siht kniht t'nod I"
[15:55] * Cerbero begins to feels strange..."What just happened?"
[15:55] Necro: Ok, I'm still running some preliminary scans, but I'm not picking up any other life, except for some plant life and micro-organisms...
[15:56] Xforce: "gnihtemos Ro .sesle ydobemos ylbaborp stI"
[15:56] Necro: I can't track where we were due to no frame of reference...
[15:56] Elmedor: Seems either the ancient past or the far off future
[15:56] * Lkeas looks back at Xforce. "What's wrong with him?"
[15:57] * Elmedor attempts to melt into his realm but fails
[15:57] Xforce: "huh"
[15:57] Lkeas: You, why are you talking backwards?
[15:57] Cerbero: he has been negatively affected by the time alteration
[15:57] Elmedor: It seems certain that my realm does not exist in this time period...
[15:57] Xforce: ".em htiw gnorw gnithon serehT"
[15:57] * Lkeas shakes her head. "Time shifts shouldn't do that.."
[15:57] * Fi pokes Xforce on the shoulder "any idea on how to fix you?"
[15:57] >Ambiance<: The air is stagnant and musty as if it has not circulated in ages
[15:57] Selarep: Just ignore him...He usually acts "odd".
[15:58] * Necro walks over to a heavy tapestry curtain and attempts to pull it back, noticing that there is light coming in from it
[15:58] Xforce: "... sdrawkcab gniklat ton m'I"
[15:58] * Xforce sticks his tongue out at Selarep.
[15:58] Lkeas: I don't suppose anybody managed to nab the laptop before we transited?
[15:58] Necro: There's no nearby power sources in the area...
[15:58] Cerbero: A healing spell casted chanting backwards should do
[15:58] * LordBarrius frowns a bit, then moves to the stairwell. He glances up the stairs a moment, not really expecting to see anything but curious regardless.
[15:58] Necro: I got my PDA, but it's capabilities are limited, especially compared to the laptop
[15:58] Xforce: "!ton do"
[15:58] * Cerbero begins to breathe faster
[15:58] >Ambiance<: The windows are cracked and totally overgrown with vines and plant life sunlight shines vaguely downward but remains quite dim
[15:59] Elmedor: Yes seems..the apocalyptic future
[15:59] Xforce: "hoooO!"
[15:59] * Lkeas checks the room to see if the statue where the laptop was hidden still remains.
[15:59] * Fi stares out the window.
[15:59] Xforce: "taen ytterp stahT"
[16:00] * Elmedor inspects one of the vines
[16:00] * Selarep glances at the ceiling.
[16:00] * Xforce looks around to see if there's still food in the Kitchen.
[16:00] * Cerbero helps Lkeas, but is distracted by the many changes...
[16:00] * Fi pokes the vine, recoiling his hand quickly, expecting an attack of sorts.
[16:00] * Lkeas heads over to the statue, letting out a small sigh as she realizes it's cracked and very degraded.
[16:00] Lkeas: Well, maybe the laptop is still there...
[16:01] Elmedor: I doubt it has survived
[16:01] * Lkeas attempts to pull apart some of the cracked pieces.
[16:01] >Ambiance<: The vine is thick and fiberous but otherwise not responsive
[16:01] * Necro teleports in a small flash, obviously the transporter on the airship locked on to him somehow and called him back, obviously for an emergency. His PDA however, is left behind.
[16:01] * Selarep checks for any signs of change at the ceiling, possibly similar to the windows.
[16:01] * LordBarrius frowns, deciding against trying the stairwell to check upstairs on further inspection, and moves closer to the center of the common room again to focus first on the area at hand.
[16:01] Cerbero: This vine... it reminds me of something i have seen before
[16:01] Fi: These vines appear old and mature.
[16:01] * Xforce looks around the upstairs rooms to see if he can spot any of this abode's regular residents.
[16:01] * Elmedor picks up Necro's PDA
[16:01] >Ambiance<: The PDA falls to the ground with a thud and emits a beep before fading to black
[16:01] Fi: hmmm
[16:02] Elmedor: Hmm
[16:02] * Fi stares firmly at the vines, unflinching, studying them.
[16:02] * Elmedor notices it fell from his hand
[16:02] Cerbero: Interesting... very interesting indeed...
[16:02] * Fi jerks right, spinning, only to realize the noise was the PDA.
[16:02] Fi: That about gave me a heart attack!
[16:02] * NhoxTheDivided yawns.
[16:02] * Selarep lowers his head and turns his gaze towards the ground where the PDA rests.
[16:02] * Elmedor decideds to check upstairs interested in what he will find
[16:03] * Cerbero follows Elmedor, to help in what's needed.
[16:03] Lkeas: Hey guys, it's still here!
[16:03] * Fi returns to studying the vine
[16:03] * Lkeas pulls out the laptop and opens it up. "Gods, it's seen quite a bit of weathering..."
[16:03] Lkeas: Computer?
[16:03] * Cerbero jumps downstairs"The laptop?"
[16:03] * Lyoko walks over, grabbing the PDA.
[16:03] * NhoxTheDivided follows Lkeas.
[16:03] * LordBarrius turns his head with a small smile. "So long as it works...."
[16:03] Lyoko: "Interesting..."
[16:03] * NhoxTheDivided walks over to Lkeas*
[16:04] Xforce: "Oooh! Can I see?" "?ees I !naC !hoooO"
[16:04] * Selarep looks over to Lkeas and walks toward her.
[16:04] * Elmedor begins his ascent up the stairs
[16:04] Cerbero: Thats it, Xforce...
[16:04] >Ambiance<: The stairwell gives way entirely and Elmedor plummets into the subbasement
[16:04] * Fi strolls over to Lkeas with the others
[16:04] * Cerbero begins to examinate Xforce
[16:04] * Elmedor screams AHHH!
[16:05] * NhoxTheDivided looks at Elmedor, "The hells?"
[16:05] * Cerbero runs at Elmedor
[16:05] * NhoxTheDivided dives in after Elmedor.
[16:05] Cerbero: are you okay?
[16:05] * Selarep stops walking as he sees Elmedor fall.
[16:05] * Xforce blinks, suprised at the twin stream of voices emerging from his mouth
[16:05] * LordBarrius whips his head around to Elmedor and scowls a bit. "Why do you think I *didn't* go up the stairwell, hm?"
[16:05] * Elmedor falls on the subbasement floor
[16:05] * Lkeas frowns. "It probably won't work... look at how old it is.." She looks up abruptly at hearing Elmedor's scream.
[16:05] Xforce: "I... don't know" | "wonk t'nod ...I"
[16:05] >Ambiance<: The laptop emits a series of long and short beeps but does not light up or otherwise respond
[16:05] * Selarep staggers back as he nearly reaches the stairwell.
[16:06] Cerbero: I believe someone or something is trying to reach us
[16:06] Fi: Blast! What's wrong with it?
[16:06] Lkeas: I guess we're on our own, then...
[16:06] * Elmedor looks around the sub-basement
[16:06] * NhoxTheDivided dives through the ceiling of the sub-basement, and lands next to Elmedor, "You moron."
[16:06] Elmedor: Ehh it was worth a try
[16:07] * Cerbero lands next to Nhox "it is not time for yelling at each other. we should investigate."
[16:07] * LordBarrius sighs gently and calls down to Elmedor. "Are you at least unharmed?"
[16:07] Elmedor: Yeah I am ok
[16:07] * Lkeas sets down the laptop and heads toward the hole in the stairs. "Find anything, while you're down there?"
[16:07] Cerbero: We should help, Nhox.
[16:07] * Elmedor looks around seeing alot of debris and much the same as upstairs
[16:08] Cerbero: The air is as musty as above... i hate it.
[16:08] * Fi peeps into the hole.
[16:08] * Elmedor looks up noticing the floor above is entirely decayed
[16:08] Fi: Yeesh, he should really be more careful.
[16:08] * Elmedor stands up
[16:08] Cerbero: Everyone watch your step
[16:08] Lkeas: Perhaps we should head outside before the estate collapses on top of us?
[16:08] Elmedor: Heh there is water...
[16:08] Cerbero: I don't think so
[16:08] Cerbero: we are here for a reason
[16:08] Elmedor: Any idea how to get out from here?
[16:09] >Ambiance<: Several peices of the stairway having been weakened from Elmedor's trespass collapse into the subbasement
[16:10] LordBarrius: "I'm inclined to agree with Lkeas, actually. The stairwell likely isn't the only rotted-out wood in this building. It isn't likely safe here." He steps back a few paces as the other pieces fall and nods. "Aye, we'd better leave."
[16:10] * Elmedor dodges from it
[16:10] Cerbero: Ouch... nearly got me
[16:10] Lkeas: Erm.. we'd need a ladder or something to get the others out of there, you think?
[16:10] Elmedor: Any rope up there?
[16:12] Cerbero: it wouldnt be safe , the floor would crack beneath you.
[16:12] Cerbero: Let me try this
[16:12] Lkeas: Well, isn't there a normal exit from the basement?
[16:12] * Fi wanders into the kitchen, looking for something to pull the others up with.

  • Cerbero shapeshifts to half dragon form, ability learned from Lord

Cyrus, taking all in the subbasement above, however such motion causes more fractions of the floor above to collapse.
[16:13] LordBarrius: "Probably, but I wouldn't trust another stairwell...."
[16:13] * Selarep leans towards the hole and attempts to conjure a 20 foot long rope of twilight and lower it down to Elmedor.
[16:13] * Damsel stirs very belatedly away, blinking in confusion. As she moves, she raises a small cloud of dust from the couch which she unfortunately inhales, causing her to sneeze.
[16:13] * Elmedor thinks touching Twilight is a bad idea
[16:14] >Ambiance<: The kitchen is a shambles the cabinets and countertops long since deteriorated a small tree is growing in the rear door onto the terrace which stands ajar... the pathway beyond is overgrown but passable
[16:14] Elmedor: Ah the heck with it!
[16:14] Cerbero: Should we...?
[16:14] * Lkeas steps back in surprise as she watches Cerbero carry everyone out of the subbasement.
[16:14] Lkeas: Oh wow. How did you..?
[16:14] * Elmedor grabs unto the twilight rope
[16:14] * Xforce cautiously advances into th ekitchen and inspects the tree
[16:14] * Elmedor climbs up the rope of twilight
[16:15] Elmedor: My hands feel funny...
[16:15] * Selarep 's twilight is crystallized and perfectly safe to touch. It is not the kind made of light and dark, but rather a different element entirely. He pulls back on the rope, attempting to heave Elmedor out of the hole.
[16:15] >Ambiance<: the tree mostly grows outside of the abode and is at least 400 feet tall
[16:15] Cerbero: Could that be a new specie of sequoya?
[16:15] * Elmedor lands on the floor above as he feels it cracking
[16:15] >Ambiance<: the limb growing into the kitchen is about 5 feet thick and has taken out part of the ceiling and wall
[16:15] Elmedor: Ok..we should get outta here
[16:16] * Damsel gets to her feet, the sneeze having brought her rather abruptly awake though confusion still lingers. "What... what has happened?"
[16:16] * Lkeas turns to Damsel. "We transited, it looks many years into the future... the estate is in a terrible state.."
[16:16] Cerbero: Explaining would be difficult, but it is neccesary.
[16:16] Lkeas: Er.. as you can probably tell.
[16:17] Elmedor: shall we go to the terrace?
[16:17] Cerbero: We do not loose anything by trying.
[16:17] * Lkeas takes a few steps away from the stairway. "The terrace?"
[16:18] * Cerbero returns to his normal form, in fear of making more fractions of the floor collapse.
[16:18] * Selarep dissipates his rope and glances towards the tree limb.
[16:18] * Damsel looks around quitely for a moment before signing. "I probably should find this strange but... I suppose I really don't. This kind of thing is becoming everyday anymore..."
[16:18] * LordBarrius smiles faintly at Damsel. "You got dragged along for the ride too, I see." He then turns his focus towards the terrace. "We should at least leave the building. It's clearly not too safe to remain, and we gain nothing by waiting here."
[16:19] * Elmedor moves towards the terrace noticing it is overgrown
[16:19] Cerbero: We should enter...
[16:19] * NhoxTheDivided shifts through the subbasement into the main room, and meets up with the others.
[16:19] Lkeas: Alright, let's head out. And watch your step! We don't need more people falling into the basements...
[16:19] >Ambiance<: The abode emits several creaks and cracks
[16:19] * Damsel returns LordBarrius' slight smile before nodding in agreement. "I wonder if the gate might still work..."
[16:20] Cerbero: I think at least two of us should go upstairs before we leave
[16:20] * Elmedor goes out unto the terrace
[16:20] * Cerbero follows Elmedor
[16:20] * Brink yawns, waking up as he slept through it all.
[16:20] * Lkeas follows a few of the others towards the back door of the kitchen. "We can't get upstairs if there's no stairs!"
[16:20] NhoxTheDivided: "I *should* be able to shift through the walls upstairs, but I don't know if it'll hold."
[16:20] * Selarep nods to Lkeas. "Alright. I'll go last to help anyone else who falls."
[16:20] * LordBarrius frowns. "I don't like the sound of that. Let's go, now." He moves without hesitation to the terrace and exits.
[16:21] * Brink hops down, in fax sized form, "Where are we going?"
[16:21] * NhoxTheDivided follows the others.
[16:21] Selarep: Everyone hurry, though.
[16:21] * Damsel follows after LordBarrius, seeing the wisdom in a quick exit from the unstable structure.
[16:21] * Lkeas gestures to Brink from the kitchen. "Out of here, before the abode collapses on us. Come on, Brink!"
[16:22] * Brink jumps down and uses his light footedness to dash to the near front.
[16:22] * Elmedor sees a jungle infront of him, a small amount of light pears from the canopy seems the seekers are in the understorey
[16:22] * Selarep nods and grabs Lyoko. He then runs out the door, following the others.
[16:22] * Lkeas steps through the door and picks her way around the tree and over several vines onto the terrace.
[16:22] >Ambiance<: A large chunk of the kitchen collapses into the subbasement with a bang sending dust and mold skyward
[16:22] * Brink suddenly shifts into his half-wolf form.
[16:23] Elmedor: Heh alot of thick trees they seem tall...
[16:23] Elmedor: Anyone wanna climb one to see the landscape?
[16:23] Cerbero: I will
[16:23] * NhoxTheDivided shrugs, "Thanks for volunteering, Elmo."
[16:23] * Cerbero , knowing the risks, climbs a tree
[16:23] Elmedor: ...pff Cerbero said he will
[16:24] Falerin: #roll 1d20
[16:24] RPGServ: <Roll for Falerin [1d20]: 17>
[16:24] >Ambiance<: You climb the tree for some great distance coming to several upper branches but the canopy still looks a very very long way off
[16:25] * Elmedor shouts "Anything yet Cerby?"
[16:25] * NhoxTheDivided gasps, "You stole my nickname for him!"
[16:25] Cerbero: everyone! i climbed as high as i could, but the canopy still looks a very, very long way off!
[16:25] Elmedor: Can you climb any higher?
[16:26] Cerbero: There are many branches, but i'll see what i can do
[16:26] NhoxTheDivided: So hey. Let's go.
[16:26] NhoxTheDivided: "Which direction?"
[16:26] Falerin: #roll 1d20-3
[16:26] RPGServ: <Roll for Falerin [1d20-3]: 15>
[16:26] * Lkeas works her way over to Damsel and LordBarrius. "I dunno, the terrace gate is a sort of portal, isn't it? Not sure where it might spit us out.."
[16:26] Elmedor: Nhox it would be wise to see what is around us
[16:27] * Elmedor walks over to Damsel,Lkeas, and LBarrius
[16:27] * Damsel nods her head. "Yes, I had considered that and I'm not exactly certain how it might function now..."
[16:28] Falerin: You climb some distance more stopping at the branches for rest and ultimately come to a section of the tree which lacks many branches or vines. You would need to scale the trunk directly here to continue. The canopy stretches for at least 200 feet further
[16:28] NhoxTheDivided: "Clearly."
[16:28] * LordBarrius shrugs. "It's better that then to risk sitting around in that building. And if we end up somewhere which provides us with better transit, that's only an improvement from now."
[16:28] >Ambiance<: The people are a good 300 feet beneath you now
[16:28] * Lyoko removes herself from Selarep, walking to Lkeas.
[16:28] Lkeas: Maybe we should attempt the front door, and see how much of the village has survived?
[16:28] Lkeas: That is, if we can reach it..
[16:28] Elmedor: ...I think we should survey our surroundings
[16:28] Damsel: "The question of course becomes that the gate usually needs instruction on where to transport an individual. I'm not sure where we would even request for it to take us."
[16:28] NhoxTheDivided: "Hey. I bet they speak Yagafagarish. That's my best language!"
[16:29] >Ambiance<: Part of the abode roof caves in and the kitchen falls completely into the basement
[16:29] Cerbero: I found a part of the tree that lacks many vines, or branches, i'd have to scale the trunk directly to continue! but the canopy stretches for at least 200 feet further!
[16:29] Elmedor: Cerby you got any knives?
[16:29] * Lkeas shields her eyes from flying bits of debris and lets out a small yelp. "Then again...?"
[16:29] NhoxTheDivided: "Weapons are for sissies. Real men use fists of fury!"
[16:30] * Brink looks upwards before returning his gaze to the group.
[16:30] * Damsel smiles faintly though her eyes appear troubled. "Somehow I always expected this house to outlive the city..."
[16:31] * Cerbero yells so all the rest hears him from below: "Yes, its at least 200 feet!"
[16:31] Elmedor: Brink maybe you could try scaling the tree with your claws and fangs...
[16:31] * Brink graons slightly "I expected it to out live myself..."
[16:31] Brink: Ahem...
[16:31] Brink: I'm a dog
[16:31] Cerbero: No need to, i have Half Dragon form, but i'm not sure the wind is favorable!
[16:31] Brink: Not a climber unfortuantely
[16:31] Elmedor: Good point...
[16:31] Cerbero: or maybe Dragon Claws?
[16:32] * Lkeas cranes her neck trying to see Cerbero. "Be careful up there! Maybe it'd be better to explore on foot!"
[16:32] Cerbero: But it is safer to know what expect us!
[16:32] Cerbero: i do not wish to risk all of you!
[16:32] * LordBarrius moves silently to Damsel's side as he observes Cerbero in the tree.
[16:32] * Cerbero senses a couple forming below the tree
[16:33] Cerbero: anything interesting down there?
[16:33] NhoxTheDivided: "No."
[16:33] Elmedor: Cerb should I throw you a pair of knives to help you?
[16:33] >Ambiance<: The abode collapses entirely into a pile of rubble

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