Whose Free Will Is Better?
From Caelwiki
- * Lanfire appears with a pop
- <Durroth> ... you people are crazier than I am, you know that?
- <Rimblade> "Aragh!"
- <FulcanRyst> "Hello... are you another new guy?"
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> If you're the wind, how can you get drunk?
- <Lanfire> "Scandalous. Hmm this is not Kintal"
- <Nick> Lanfire? I haven't seen you since...that Un-light stuff...
- * Korban snaps his neck to a towards a loud sound, to see someone familiar, yet he can't quite put his finger on it.
- <Lanfire> "Caelestia"
- <Lanfire> "I am on Caelestia"
- <FulcanRyst> "Yep."
- <FulcanRyst> "Sharp of you."
- <Lanfire> "Have I been recalled"
- <Rimblade> "Dunno."
- * Lanfire touches himself
- <Korban> Unknown.
- <Dale|Cleaning> ....
- <Lanfire> "I seem to be staying alive"
- <Korban> ....
- <Durroth> ((Its random persons appearing from nowhere day!))
- <Durroth> ((Week*))
- <Rimblade> "I guess."
- <Korban> ((XD, I'll leave it alone, too easy.))
- <Selarep> (*Lanfire touches himself:<--X.X)
- <Nick> ((Yeah it was >.>))
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Ok, pretend I have no clue
- <Lanfire> "Insufferable?"
- <Korban> Ahem, I hardly know you... sir.
- <Lanfire> "Them?"
- * Clyde whispers, "I think he's crazy."
- <FulcanRyst> "That's it? I thought I was much worse."
- <Rimblade> "Wait, which one of us is which?"
- * Nick pats the floor "Now, now, we aren't all bad..."
- <Lanfire> "I think perhaps you are confused... they are a bit milquetoast perhaps and lackluster even but not insufferable"
- <Lanfire> Ah I see
- <Lanfire> Yes I can handle that
- <Lanfire> Yes I am sure
- <Lanfire> Okay then
- <Lanfire> I understand
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> What Is Going ON here?!?! And why is Lanfire talking to himself?
- <Lanfire> What is going on is a mystery in and of itself
- <Clyde> Just watch and learn
- <Korban> I don't suppose an explanation would be too much to ask?
- <Lanfire> And as for the latter
- <Lanfire> I am not talking to myself
- <Lanfire> I am here for Elaith
- <Nick> Hmmm...
- <Dale> "Elaith? What do you require him for?"
- <Rimblade> "Dun dun dun duuuuun."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Elaith?
- <Lanfire> "Thats correct. I need to see Elaith"
- <Clyde> "Why do you want Elaith?"
- <Nick> He's around here somewhere...
- <FulcanRyst> "He's probably still asleep."
- <Lanfire> "Elaith is our Cleric"
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> No, who is Eliath?
- <FulcanRyst> "Elaith is a Cleric of Ardendor, Oblivion."
- <Lanfire> "And we desire him"
- <Dale> "Eh? You can't contact him via telepathy or somesuch?"
- * FrogPlushie has joined #darkabode
- * Abode sets mode: +v FrogPlushie
- <Rimblade> "Oh-ho."
- <Lanfire> "Thats rather nonsufficent"
- <Korban> For what purpose, sir?
- <Lanfire> "I was called back from Kintal to find him"
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> So, is Ardendor part of caelestia? or am I confused.
- <Nick> What happened that you would need a Cleric? Is everyone okay?
- <Lanfire> "Falerin is clearly part of Caelestia"
- <Lanfire> "It is the land of his birth"
- <FulcanRyst> "There is no god but Eldron."
- <Lanfire> "I shall note the purpose to Elaith only"
- <Clyde> "Why would you need a healer my friend?"
- <Rimblade> "Well... cept all the others, Fulcy."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Oh. Ardendor is the same as Falerin. live and learn.
- <Korban> Understood.
- <Clyde> "Has someone been injured?"
- <Lanfire> "Clerics are not all healers"
- <Dale> "Very well then. I will help you look, if you desire help at all."
- <FrogPlushie> We're all injured mentally.
- <Lanfire> "Would you call the cleric of the god of murder a healer?"
- <FulcanRyst> "He's not after a healer. He's after ELAITH. Ardendor's Cleric. Just because he is Ardendor's."
- <Lanfire> "Not that Caelestia has such"
- <Lanfire> "I am seeking very specifically Elaith"
- <Dale> "Some consider death the ultimate healing."
- <Lanfire> "Not a cleric in general"
- <FrogPlushie> Of course, long as they healed by murdering people.
- <Lanfire> "No general cleric is sufficient"
- <Rimblade> "What, a healurder?"
- <Korban> And you won't explain why, is tht correct.
- <Korban> that*
- <Rimblade> "Doesn't seem to be our business."
- <Lanfire> I am a Physical Manifestation of his Deity
- <Nick> He's here somewhere bud...probably sleeping...
- <Lanfire> He has no right to ask why
- <Lanfire> He must simply comply
- <FulcanRyst> "Lanfire, I'll tell Elaith you are looking for him if when we see him. Or, actually, when I see him."
- <Korban> He must obey.
- <Selarep> ...
- <Rimblade> "Weeellll.... not AS such...."
- * Dale goes to search for Elaith. "Elaith? Elaith, you around?"
- * Brink has joined #darkabode
- * Abode sets mode: +v Brink
- <Rimblade> "I mean, it's still got the locomotive conundrum...."
- <FrogPlushie> He hasn't been active for 31961 seconds.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Nick, does your control over air include sound?
- <FrogPlushie> I think he's asleep.
- <Korban> Perhaps you should sit and wait then, no need to rush if he can't be found as of yet, and you can't locate him yourself.
- <Rimblade> "Nontheless, it's a good example of the mutable exceeding the immutable."
- <Nick> I don't know...maybe...
- <Rimblade> "I mean, it happens all the time, but you don't think of it, because it's like breathing."
- <Lanfire> Very well then I have a puzzle for all of you instead
- <Lanfire> It is the alternate method
- <FulcanRyst> "Let's hear it."
- <Korban> Shoot.
- * Dale nods.
- <Lanfire> So I shall employ it
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Can you try to make a loud noise, preferably Eliath's name, to get his attention?
- * Nick takes another drink and listens
- * Korban listens intently.
- <FulcanRyst> "Oblivion, Elaith isn't the only sleeping person here. Arden's asleep here as well, to my knowledge. He'd probably not wish to be awoken."
- <Lanfire> I am that which is all and none the start and end to all your fun. The source of joy free and true and the origin of evil too.
- <Rimblade> "Ohhhhhhh."
- <Lanfire> The entry by which all choice is made. The fate of others oft dismayed
- <FulcanRyst> "Marriage. Wedlock.
- <FulcanRyst> "
- <Korban> Greed?
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Oh. Didn't know that. Thank you for informing me before I tried something stupid.
- <Rimblade> "A riddle. Sounds like an idea to me."
- * Namegduf has joined #darkabode
- * Abode sets mode: +v Namegduf
- <Lanfire> I am the power to pick and choose and in the end to make you lose
- <FulcanRyst> "Freedom."
- <FulcanRyst> "Free will, more to be exact."
- <Nick> Free Will?
- <Rimblade> "Choice, motive, be-all, end-all, and the way it's all the same in the end, eh."
- <Lanfire> Good you solved the first riddle
- <Lanfire> Now for the harder one
- <Xforce> "Eh...?"
- * Clyde has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
- <Xforce> "Ridley, what?"
- <Rimblade> "I hope it's the one about the pirate, and the cleric, who walk into a bar..."
- <Selarep> ....
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Riddles. good. This is gonna be fun.
- <Rimblade> "And the pirate says 'Arrgh'"
- <Eitak_Razal> ...
- <Xforce> I don't speak pirate, I'm afraid.
- * Clyde has joined #darkabode
- <Korban> Oh that one.
- * Nick laughs
- <Xforce> Never could pick up the dialect.
- <Xforce> I did meet a giant man-o-war, once.
- <Korban> For a second I had no idea what you were talking about.
- <Xforce> It wore a turban. Called itself Manowar.
- <Xforce> nice enough fellow.
- <FulcanRyst> "How'd you pronounce that?"
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Wait, WHAT? What did you just say, Lanfire?
- <Rimblade> "Huh. That's nothing to do with pirates."
- <Dale> Word scramble.
- <Selarep> ...WHAT?!
- <FulcanRyst> ( H is on LSD and he makes sounds like VVIU OORD HR IVGGVY! )
- <Korban> Ah my favorite.
- <Selarep> (XD)
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> great. word scramble. not so good at word scrambles.
- <FulcanRyst> "Still wondering how you're pronouncing that."
- <FulcanRyst> "I see a pattern though. It starts with H'LSD"
- <Selarep> Is this a riddle where you jumble letters between words?
- <Eitak_Razal> E's hud du vuht uv funt clnyspmac, pid rana ec y lobran vun oui ehcdayt.
- <Selarep> ....
- <Selarep> ....
- <Lanfire> There you are
- <Eitak_Razal> ((Pronounced: "EAY'see haoo-de deoo fuoo-ha-te oo-fu feoon-te ku-lunae-see-pemah-ku, peee-de raahnah eay-ku ae luoh-bae-raahn fuoon ohooee eay-ha-ku-deahae-te."))
- <FulcanRyst> "A lot of V's."
- <Lanfire> Solve that and then solve the riddle itslef
- * Clyde has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
- <FulcanRyst> "Thank you, Falerin."
- <Lanfire> auf wiedersein
- <FulcanRyst> "Err, Lanfire, rather."
- * Lanfire vanishes
- <Rimblade> "Uh huhm."
- * Nick waves as he vanishes.
- <Selarep> (/me shoots himself. His brain was about to explode, anyway.)
- * Lanfire has left #darkabode (vanishes)
- <Eitak_Razal> I spoke a languge that is nothing more than letter replace ment. Solve it and you get what i spoke
- <Rimblade> "But I don't care what you spoke."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Eitak, are you helping, or providing more clues? or being a nusicance?
- * TiredFerret|ClassBound|Blah is now known as RoninOfDreams
- * Abode sets mode: +v RoninOfDreams
- <FulcanRyst> "All of the above?"
- <Eitak_Razal> I'm giving you an alternate riddle.
- <FulcanRyst> "We don't NEED an alternate riddle."
- <Rimblade> "I don't want an alternate riddle."
- * Clyde has joined #darkabode
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> but will solving your riddle help us? I think not.
- <Korban> HR, lets focus on that there are only so many two letter words, lets narrow it down.
- <Korban> Well, I will anyway.
- <Eitak_Razal> Since he left, you'll never know the awnser to his. Try mine
- <Rimblade> "Allow me to respond to that statement in the following way."
- <Rimblade> "Noooooooo."
- * Oblivion_Necroninja pulls out duct tape and glares menecangly at Eitak.
- <Clyde> i think the words were SURVIV and DOOR
- <FrogPlushie> Duct tape no work.
- <FrogPlushie> Girls kick you when you do that.
- * FrogPlushie is now known as FrogPlushie|Away
- <Korban> (( http://www.richkni.co.uk/php/crypta/letreplace.php ))
- <Rimblade> "Then let me ask you this in lieu- how did the one relate to the two?"
- * Clyde has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
- <Nick> HR has to relate to something someway..Letters close to H are I and G, letters to R are Q and S, HR is IS perhaps?
- * Clyde has joined #darkabode
- <Korban> I assumed such, I'm trying to focus on the v's now.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> can anyone think of a word that has an apostraphe after the 1st letter?
- <Korban> I was more so wondering what four letter word has an apostrophe.
- * Clyde has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
- * FulcanRyst is now known as Fulcan-:[Starcrafting]
- * Clyde has joined #darkabode
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> don't. so, if it's backwards and scambled, it works.
- <Korban> Maybe... it's backwards?
- <Clyde> can someone re-type the code please =)
- <Korban> ((Sorry, didn't see you type that, thanks for googling it. :P jk.))
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> H'LSD VVIU OORD HR IVGGVY
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> VSG IVIVWIFN IL VSG VVIVWIFN
- <Korban> VVIU OORD- FREE WILL backwards I think.
- * Clyde has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> That fits. So, D=F, R=R, and O=E
- <Durroth> and I=I?
- <Korban> I think, not 100% on it though.
- <Nick> In that case its YVGGVI RH DROO UIVV DSL'H
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> YlGGli RH free will DSL'H
- <Durroth> your forgetting to translate the last D to an F
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> YlGGli RH free will fSL'H
- <Durroth> the problem now
- <Durroth> is words that start with f and have an apostrophy
- <Durroth> and are four letters long
- * Ras has joined #darkabode
- <Eitak_Razal> H is a D or S
- <Durroth> how do you figure?
- <Eitak_Razal> unless the appostiphie isn't actully one
- <Durroth> D isnt part of many 2 letter words
- <Rimblade> "Is it an?"
- <TaloToecan> "Well, if the : *each: * line is to be revesed, that nets us..." He pauses, then writes in the air a pyrokinetic display of letters: 'YlGGli rH free will fSL'H | ferTSG NLil SZEl HSLFeW XSLRXe fDL'H | NFiWeiee GSe Li NFiWeiei GSe'
- <Durroth> ... that makes no sense
- <Durroth> we may be doing it wrong
- <TaloToecan> "Indeed...perhaps different permutations."
- <Durroth> I can only think of OR for the two letter word RH makes
- <Korban> I agree.
- <Durroth> and if R comes before H then that doesnt work
- <Nick> I think its OR
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> OK, the most common double letter combinations (in english) are: SS, EE, TT, FF, LL, MM and OO. maybe that'll help...
- <Abode> On, Of, Oh
- <Eitak_Razal> we don't know what the R is yet so R could be o and H could be r
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> On, Of, Oh?
- <Rimblade> "Er."
- <Rimblade> "Um."
- <Rimblade> "Ah."
- <Eitak_Razal> an
- <Eitak_Razal> it
- <Eitak_Razal> if
- <Nick> ((Cap lock?))
- <Korban> ((Sorry, yeah.))
- <Durroth> is at no in
- <Korban> ((I was using the cypher, sorry everyone.))
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((Ok, the translation of Free Will is correct, according to Fal))
- <Eitak_Razal> VVIU OORD == FREE WILL
- <Nick> Isn't, Don't, Let's, Who's, Who'd
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> also, words are only flipped in place.
- <Eitak_Razal> What was the orginal clue?
- <Nick> Narrowing that down, H'LSD is either Isn't or Who's, based on the Free Will thing...
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> THREE origional clues
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> H'LSD VVIU OORD HR IVGGVY
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> VSG IVIVWIFN IL VSG VVIVWIFN
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> according to fal, VVIU = Free. OORD = will.
- * Fulcan-[Starcrafting] is now known as Fulcan
- <TaloToecan> "I have it!"
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> so, that means each word is only reversed in place.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> so...
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> wSL'H free will RH YeGGer
- <Rimblade> "Do tell."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> You got it?!?!? What its it?!?!?
- <Nick> So then H'LSD is WHO'S
- * Lyoko|Fwiendisover is now known as Lyoko
- * TaloToecan writes in the air in brilliant pyrotechnic display: "Who's free will is better? Who's choice should hold more weight? The Murderer or the Murderer?"
- * Lyoko reappears, smelling of flowers, and wearing an orange t-shirt, and black pants.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> "Who's free will is better? Who's choice should hold more weight? The Murderer or the Murderee?
- * Korban gives Talo an ovation for solving the puzzle.
- <Xforce> "I would think their free will would be equal in value."
- <Korban> Good, work friend, good work indeed.
- * Fulcan smirks, knowing he had it just after Talo spoke.
- <Korban> good work: *
- <Nick> The Murderer should...
- * TaloToecan alters the message ever so slightly, having made minor errors in putting it up hastily.
- * Eitak_Razal looks miffed at not being the one to solve it.
- <Fulcan> ( Oh, and Oblivion, try only using 3 punctuation marks. )
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Hmph. We solved it, but what does it MEAN?!?!? How does this help us?
- <Nick> Its a riddle...
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((too late))
- <TaloToecan> "A step at a time, to solve any riddle."
- <Rimblade> "A riddle?"
- <Fulcan> "Does the murderee have free will? Can he or she CHOOSE not to die at the hands of the murderer?"
- <Nick> Now that we've solved the code, we need to solve the riddle.
- <TaloToecan> "A situation as described by this has occured in the past, actually."
- <Korban> It does sound familiar.
- <Nick> The Murderee's choices led to the Murderer's Choice...Therefore they both had a choice in the matter, the murderee however choose earlier...
- <Rimblade> "That so?"
- <TaloToecan> "Familiar enough that I think Elaith might find a comment or two to make..."
- * Eitak_Razal frowns "Doing all the brain work never was my strong point...:
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> but it says "who's choice SHOULD hold more weight". That's the Murderer. He had to make the choice to of whether or not to kill somebody. that's a pretty heavy choice...
- * Falerin has joined #darkabode
- <Xforce> "The murderee, however has to determine their own course of action."
- <Falerin> Fantastic
- <Falerin> Though I must say you miss the point
- <Xforce> "They would have to look out for their own interests."
- <Falerin> Allow me to modify the final clause
- <Falerin> Who's free will has greater value? Who's free will is better?
- * Eitak_Razal frowns.
- <Xforce> "Neither."
- <Rimblade> "Mine, obviously."
- <Falerin> The Victim or the totally random serial killer.
- <Eitak_Razal> The victem, though Eitak might not agree
- <Korban> I presumed that's what you meant.
- <Falerin> You have interpreted murderee in a way that gives them part in the situation
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> agreed. Free will is the only thing that is equal between everyone.
- <Nick> The Random killer...
- <Xforce> "In my opinion, their free will would be equal in value."
- <Falerin> Well I concur
- <Korban> It seems equal, both and neither.
- <Falerin> But the murderer thinks otherwise
- * Brink is now known as Brink|Gone
- * Brink|Gone has quit IRC (Iced: )
- <Falerin> Clearly the murderer thinks HIS free will is of greater value
- <Xforce> That would seem irrelevant.
- <Falerin> As he uses his free will to override that of the victim
- <Xforce> as perception has very little do with the actual worth of his free will.
- <Falerin> Oh yes
- <Falerin> It has EVERYTHING to do with it'
- <Nick> Does it matter at that point though? Even if the free will is equal, the Murderer still "wins"
- * FrogPlushie|Away has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
- <Eitak_Razal> And the victem and witnesses would think it would be the Murderee
- <Xforce> Hmmm?
- <Falerin> because esse est percepi et perceper
- <Rimblade> "Free will is in the mind with perception."
- <Eitak_Razal> Wha?
- * Xforce seems curious about the notion.
- <Falerin> To exist
- <Falerin> Is to percieve
- <Falerin> or to be percieved
- <Rimblade> Ahahaha.
- <Xforce> "A curious argument."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Free will is subject to perception. Is that it?
- <Rimblade> For something to exist, it must be fixed in time and space?
- <TaloToecan> "It is in my experience that such is...quite apt indeed."
- <Falerin> No
- <Xforce> "You could however, say that the murderer's perception is blind to the viewpoint of the murderee."
- * Eitak_Razal notes that they forth wall broke a few moments ago and fixes it
- <Xforce> "And generally speaking, vice versa."
- <Korban> So the will of many...nevermind.
- <Xforce> "Their perceptions would be mutually exclusive to each other."
- <Rimblade> "Oh ho?"
- <Xforce> "Rendering them as little more than apples and oranges."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Are they? They are perceving the same event, just from different viewpoints...
- <Falerin> Valuation is always that way for the partial
- <Nick> It doesn't really matter who's is greater, the Murderer still wins, he still pulled ahead of the murderee, Free Will may be balanced from person to person.,,
- <Rimblade> "Wins?"
- <Rimblade> "WINS?"
- * Eitak_Razal blinks
- <Falerin> Looking at it from outside however free will it seems should be equal
- <Eitak_Razal> I feel like I'm trapped in a Pipe dream..
- <Falerin> The murderer however DOES win
- <Falerin> In the end which has free will
- <Falerin> The Murderer only
- <Nick> The Murderer
- <Korban> Hm.
- <Eitak_Razal> And most will think that he shouldn't have any and the victem should
- <Falerin> becuase his act of free will is an excercise eliminating the free will of the victim
- * Ras has quit IRC (Exterminated: )
- <Falerin> That is how he chooses to use his free will to eliminate the victims choice
- <Korban> So... the only way to outweight the murderee's free will is to eliminate it from the equation?
- <Rimblade> "But doesn't he elminiate his own choices?"
- <Falerin> Every single day we make decisions with our free will effecting or abrogating the free will of others
- <Rimblade> "Once the deed is done, the path is set?"
- <Falerin> Relativity makes it very very muddy
- * Korban chuckles.
- <TaloToecan> "It boggles the mind of the empathic and mechanical alike."
- <Korban> Doesn't it though.
- <Falerin> We are more or less on the same page now tho
- <Falerin> Ask yourself carefully
- <Falerin> Why I am telling you this
- <Rimblade> "Why is he telling me this?"
- <Falerin> And more to the point why I wanted the message delivered to Elaith particuarly
- <Korban> He's going to kill himself?
- <Nick> Free will...sucks...
- * Nick sighs
- <Rimblade> "Why did he want this message delivered to Elaith particuarly?"
- * Korban catchs himself, accidently throwing the first idiotic thing in his mind out there.
- * TaloToecan blinks. "To him personally...? I ask you, Falerin, what form of foresight has led to this?"
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> SSSSSSS.... Free will is important. Do not diss it, nick.
- <Rimblade> "Sheer bias."
- * Nick shrugs "Believe what you want..."
- <Korban> ((Smoke break, brb.))
- * Korban is now known as Korban:[SB]
- <Rimblade> "Free will isn't a gift and it isn't a curse."
- <Rimblade> "It's just where all the others come from."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Sadly, I know too little about Elaith to be of help...
- <TaloToecan> "I would think there are those who might argue with you on that count, Rimblade."
- <Rimblade> "Of course there are."
- <Rimblade> "But isn't that their perogative?"
- <TaloToecan> "True enough."
- * Elaith awakens and comes downstairs.
- <Fulcan> "Elaith... nice of you to join us."
- <Fulcan> "Lanfire was looking for you."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Good morning, Elaith. It is nice to finally meet you.
- * Elaith looks over to Fulcan with a bit of curiosity. "Did he say why?"
- <Elaith> And pleasure to meet you too- *searches for a name*
- <Falerin> It does not matter Why
- <Falerin> He was looking for you because I sent him
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Oblivion.
- <Fulcan> "He did not. He just said he was looking for you. As a Cleric of Ardendor."
- <Falerin> I was going to have him take you to a scene of mass murder
- <Falerin> and ask you who's free will was respected there
- <Falerin> The victims
- <Falerin> or the killers
- <Falerin> Why do you suppose my cleric
- <Falerin> i would be asking you that?
- * Elaith thinks for a second. "Because of my recent writing."
- <Falerin> Yes
- * TaloToecan blinks and continues to shift his gaze between Falerin and Elaith in curiosity.
- * Fulcan is now known as Fulcan-[Starcrafting]
- * Nick rocks back and forth slightly, watching with interest.
- <Elaith> As for the scene of the mass murder, I must confess that once there I would perhaps ask for your blessings for a mass resurrection of the victims, though I don't know exactly how it played out.
- * Rimblade turns an interesting shade of fleem.
- <Falerin> Oh?
- <Falerin> So you would have me override the free will of the murderers then?
- <Falerin> You would select to remove their free will
- <Falerin> Interesting
- * Falerin vanishes
- * Falerin has left #darkabode
- <Elaith> The murderers made their choice and killed the victims. That would have happened anyways.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> But, is it really overriding their free will?
- <TaloToecan> "But by reversing the result of their actions, you still removed the choice made."
- * Falerin has joined #darkabode
- <Falerin> Fantastic!
- <Elaith> I didn't remove it, as they still most definitely killed the victims.
- * Falerin gestures and a huge buffet appears
- <Falerin> A so called hell seeker gets the point while none other makes the connection
- * Nick looks slightly suprised
- <Falerin> Listen carefully
- <Falerin> This is an alternative situation
- * Oblivion_Necroninja gulps. "People weren't supposed to know that". He tenses to run.
- <Falerin> You have seen a Serial Killer kill a large number of people
- * TaloToecan swishes his tail. "Be at ease, you are welcome in our midst."
- <Falerin> He desires to be able to kill many many more
- <Rimblade> "Uh-huh, uh-huh."
- <Falerin> He wishes to live his life killing at least a person a day
- * Dusk has joined #darkabode
- * Abode sets mode: +v Dusk
- <Falerin> You know absolutely what he is doing and what he has done
- * Oblivion_Necroninja relaxes. "thank you. My allies and i are mistrusted by many."
- <Falerin> Further his very next victim is someone who matters to you
- * Dusk slowly appears
- <Korban[SB]> ....
- <Falerin> Not that the coudicil is required
- * Korban[SB] is now known as Korban
- <Rimblade> "Um. He's going to kill me next?!"
- <Falerin> But for some that are more evil oriented
- <Falerin> I will provided it anyway
- * LordBarrius has joined #darkabode
- * Abode sets mode: +ao LordBarrius LordBarrius
- <Falerin> Tell me then
- <Falerin> Do you interfere with his Free Will
- <Falerin> Or do you allow his free will to go unchallenged
- <Rimblade> "Oh, that's simple."
- <Nick> Its your choice...You free will is going to take his choices away.
- <Rimblade> "Someone's free will must be trammeled."
- <Rimblade> "And I'd prefer it be him."
- <Falerin> Of course
- <Rimblade> "Tho that is technically an act of evil by the philosphy of Days."
- <Falerin> Therefore Elaith's excuse for siding against The'Galin is senselessness
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Either way, somebody loses their free will. Either it's the murderer, or my friend. I'd prefer it be the murderer losing his free will.
- <Falerin> Free will does not exist in a vacuum
- <Falerin> Every action we take alters something
- <Falerin> All choices limit free will somehow
- <Falerin> even if only for ourselves in future actions
- <Falerin> Free will is not so mystical absolute that can be unfettered and considered a noble higher calling
- <Rimblade> "So, a better excuse might be...."
- <Elaith> I challenge it. The right to do as you please extends as far as you respect others rights to do so either. I believe I tagged the disclaimer to the end of my blurb before handing things over to Daniel.
- <Rimblade> "I am against The'Galin because I want to be?"
- <TaloToecan> "Rather it exists in shades of grey between black and white?"
- <Falerin> You yourself say... Everyone should be able to choose your path unless that path inhibits the path of others?
- <Falerin> Fantastic
- * Rimblade turns a dull grey shade.
- <Nick> So then you can't do anything...
- <Falerin> Has The'Galin abridged your free will lately?
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> But he's violating people's free will on a scale more massive thana any of us ever could...
- <Nick> Because your choice will almost always interfere with someone elses...
- <Falerin> This is what then Oblivion_Necroninja?
- <Falerin> An argument against authority
- <Falerin> He has more power
- <Falerin> therefore he is bad
- <Falerin> That is a non sequitir
- <Rimblade> "Weeeellll..."
- <Rimblade> "By every arguement that could be used to name him 'evil'...."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> No, he's bad if he uses that power to violate the free will of billions. like he's done.
- <Rimblade> "All the world is evil too."
- <Dale> "That makes no sense. People with more power aren't bad just because they have power, it's the way they use it."
- <Rimblade> "Okay, Oblivion."
- <Falerin> He has?
- <Falerin> It seems to me far more like he lets them do what they do.
- <Falerin> and only after they have made their choice
- * Nick nods.
- <Falerin> Considers the consequences of that choice
- <Rimblade> "Oh my lord."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> I never thought of it that way. But what about Uncreation? dosen't that negate every choice a person's ever made?
- <Rimblade> "It's a turn-based invasion."
- * Nick laughs
- <Falerin> The net sum of a persons total choices are considered
- <Falerin> Not individual things
- <Falerin> Gods do not consider peices
- <Falerin> They consider the whole
- <Falerin> The whole is greater then the sum of parts
- <Falerin> It always is
- <Falerin> As for you Nick
- <Fulcan-[Starcrafting]> "I thought there was no god but Eldron?"
- <Falerin> You tread a dangerous dangerous line
- * Fulcan-[Starcrafting] is now known as Fulcan
- <TaloToecan> "The whole is what often escapes a mortal's perceptions."
- <Falerin> You may indeed be given a choice to Join or Not
- <Rimblade> "I disagree entirely."
- * LordBarrius stirs from his seat and awakens. Noting the conversation at hand, however, he falls quickly silent to observe.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> But, does he think the same way the rest of the gods do? afterall, he was once a mortal. couldn't that be clouding his perceptions.
- <TaloToecan> "Unless I am mistaken."
- <Falerin> but the choice should it occur
- <Rimblade> "The whole is not always greater than the summ of it's parts."
- <Falerin> will not come from The'Galin but an agent
- <Falerin> and it will be offered something like this
- <Nick> An Agent huh...
- <Falerin> Save your friends
- <Falerin> or betray them and join the network and serve him
- <Falerin> That will be the nature of the choice
- <Fulcan> "The Network isn't worth it. Trust me."
- <Falerin> Not.... Join him volitionally because you agree with his cause
- <Dale> Interesting....
- <Falerin> That choice will not be availed to you
- <Xforce> ((Game continues in #Werewolf xD?))
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Save my Friends it is. I was worried it would be "save your friends or fight the'galin"
- <Dale> They allow you free will, yes, but if you don't do as they want... Very interesting, indeed.
- <Falerin> because by the time The'Galin is manifest things will be far to far moved along
- <Nick> So with my choice comes consequences...As it should...
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> I agree with his cause, but I will not join him.
- * Nick sinks into his chair.
- <Rimblade> "For the sake of those ten."
- <Falerin> The consequence of your choice is that he will judge you based not on your intentions
- <Falerin> or good nature
- <Falerin> but based on your actions and their effects
- <Lyoko> "I will save my friends."
- <Falerin> the rode to the 9th layer is paved with good intention
- <Rimblade> "I hear that the eigth is just frozen telephone salespeople, though."
- <Falerin> Consider that very carefully
- <Falerin> True
- <Xforce> "The frozen telephone salespeople?"
- <Falerin> And Door to Door salesement too
- <Selarep> Save my friends, of course.
- <Xforce> "They do not seem to merit a lot of thought."
- <Fulcan> "I hate door to door salesmen."
- <Rimblade> "But I will not agree with that synopsis."
- <Falerin> As for his human status clouding his judgement
- * Nick sighs. "You'd think...things like this would be easy..."
- <Xforce> Do you hate cheesemakers?
- <Falerin> Is it not possible that you Oblivion_Necroninja are grasping for those straws
- <Selarep> (Methinks Fal got this question out of that D&D alignment test.)
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> No. I'm just considering all the possiblities. Some of those possiblities happen to be straws.
- <Rimblade> "And I am naturally disinclined to believe that a part....."
- <Falerin> This one is
- <Rimblade> "Is lesser than a whole."
- <Falerin> he is a deity
- <Falerin> if anything his mortality provided him with experience that most deities lack
- <Falerin> and thus makes his judgement more prone to consider lenience
- * Falerin looks at Rimblade
- <Falerin> False Dichotomy
- <Falerin> False Difficulty
- <TaloToecan> "Lenience...an oddity in a manner."
- <Falerin> And abject stupidity
- <Falerin> Which you are capable of far better
- <Falerin> I should have left you shiny
- <Rimblade> "Pshaw."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Huh?
- <Falerin> You are engaging in a false comparison
- <Falerin> You are making the argument that you are in fact "Part" of Dynseal
- <Durroth> ... his shinyness is proportional to his intelligence?
- <Falerin> That sir is not true
- * Xforce chortles
- <Falerin> Your physical being is part of Dynseal
- <Falerin> Thats true
- <Falerin> But Rimblade as a being
- <Falerin> is entirely seperate
- <TaloToecan> "But his soul is his own?"
- <Xforce> "How... curious."
- <Rimblade> "Yes and no, I suppose."
- <TaloToecan> "An intriguing statement to have to make."
- <Rimblade> "Though perhaps, for your point, you are entirely correct."
- <Rimblade> "And a whole be made of other wholes."
- <Rimblade> "Though that's got a lot of holes in it."
- <Falerin> Life Dies
- <Falerin> And it has holes in it the entire time it lives
- * Nick looks at the bottle in his hands and corks it, putting it away and sighing.
- <Falerin> You wanted evil get some other profession
- <Falerin> So what can I get you to eat Oblivion_Necroninja
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Macrocosms. Microcosms. wholes composed of other wholes. Wholes that are part of other wholes...
- <Falerin> We really are entering the territory where it matters... and remember iBake
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Hmmm... Got any New-York style prezels?
- <Rimblade> ">.:<"
- <Durroth> ... please dont tell me poorly though out apple products exist HERE too
- <Durroth> thats almost as bad as malevolent spirits
- <Falerin> I prever the Bavarian Style
- <Rimblade> "Apple is omniplanar."
- <Falerin> Pennsylvania Ductch Soft
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((Of course they do, Apple is everywhere!))
- <Falerin> But you want some New york style pretzels
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> soft pretzels = good.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> thought you were talking about software for a moment
- * Oblivion_Necroninja eats a pretzel
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> This place is awsome.
- * Fulcan yawns.
- <Falerin> We try
- <Rimblade> "At breakfast time, into a bowl I drop an egg-"
- <Fulcan> "It's alright. I think the last 'suprising' thing I saw here was that it talks."
- * Nick mumbles to himself and is thinking...hard.
- <Rimblade> "And add some juice."
- <Falerin> I stick to my guns on this tho
- <Rimblade> "A poor excuse for what I crave...."
- <Durroth> this place is full of surprises
- <Falerin> It may sound cool but Hellseeker is a silly name
- <Rimblade> "And then I add some oatmeal too...."
- <Falerin> The Abyss is a much better lower plane
- <Rimblade> "And it comes out tasting JUST like glue- but think of the time I save!"
- <Falerin> And I really prefer the Prime Better
- <Fulcan> "But think of all the time I save."
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Yes it is. Moridin stole it from some Terran thing called "warcraft".
- <Fulcan> "Yeah, about the hellseekers... Can I take them out?"
- <Durroth> but AbyssSeeker sounds weird when you say it out loud
- <Falerin> Aside from that... You are a truth seeker
- <Falerin> But I will not tell your friends if you dont
- * Falerin vanishes
- <Durroth> it has three Ss in a row
- <Fulcan> "Who was that last statement to?"
- * LordBarrius grins faintly.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Basically. But then, all of us are.
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> me
- <Rimblade> "Oh ho."
- <Rimblade> "You SHOULD try seeking the Tertiary Theoretical Planes."
- <Rimblade> "You get some CRAZY worlds there."
- <Selarep> I'm feeling Deja vu...
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Teritary Theoretical Planes?
- <Rimblade> "I remember the Paraelemental Demiplane of Jumbo Trampolenes."
- <Durroth> ... Do I want to ask?
- <Rimblade> "Too bad it had bouncers."
- <Durroth> ... was that a pun?
- <Rimblade> "We may never know."
- <Durroth> it was a very bad one
- * TranscendentalPig Arrives
- <Fulcan> "Oh, that's comical. A pig."
- <Rimblade> "Oh gods. Him again?"
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> Hey, it's the Transcendental Pig! What's the meaning of life?
- <Rimblade> "He'll tell you the meaning of his life, if you'll tell him the meaning of yours."
- <Durroth> ((is this the one that answers questions or the one thats hiccups destroy planets?))
- <Rimblade> ((Hiccups do destroy planets >.>))
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((questions. hiccups is the Interstellar Pig. This is probably the pig from the "young wizards series"))
- * TaloToecan blinks and watches the new arrival. "And what have we here...?"
- <Durroth> ((I get the two confused))
- <Rimblade> "It's a pig."
- * Selarep2 has joined #darkabode
- <TranscendentalPig> The meaning of life is
- <Nick> Hmmm
- * LordBarrius eyes the arrival. "Erm....I suppose it is, Rim..."
- <Durroth> ((Well then, I dont suppose anyone has three things he doesnt know for exchange?))
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((so, about how many things happen here a day? 1? 2?))
- <Durroth> A talking pig
- * Selarep has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
- <TaloToecan> "....mu?"
- <TranscendentalPig> Errantry
- * Selarep2 is now known as Selarep
- <TranscendentalPig> Or is it?
- <Durroth> this place gets weirder every hour
- <TranscendentalPig> The universe is being created
- <TranscendentalPig> Consider that
- <Rimblade> "Are you supposed to give us free advice?"
- <Rimblade> "I thought we had to tell you three things an omnipresent being wouldn't know."
- <TranscendentalPig> Advice is rarely given but is often taken
- <Xforce> "I can think of one, I suppose."
- <Xforce> "Or two, rather."
- <Rimblade> "Ohhhh."
- * Abode sets mode: +v Selarep
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> No, you're just supposed to ask him whenever he shows up, just in case he slips up and answers.
- <Rimblade> "What, why would he know better than I?"
- <Oblivion_Necroninja> It's from a terran book series.
- <TranscendentalPig> I have not yet
- <TranscendentalPig> I do not suspect I ever shall
- <TranscendentalPig> One can always try again tho
- <Durroth> heh
- <Rimblade> "Well, you know what the theories say on that."
- <Rimblade> "Eventually, it has got to happen."
- <TranscendentalPig> I do however find it fairly boring
- <Rimblade> "Maybe you need a vacation."
- <TranscendentalPig> The Lone Power is happy with you.... Which is interesting
- <Durroth> boring like watching paint dry or boring like the first hour of King Kong?
- <TranscendentalPig> As he rarely is happy
- <Rimblade> "Weeeell, I do like pleasing antithesis."
- <TranscendentalPig> That is the same statement you made next time Rimblade
- <TranscendentalPig> I do expect more originality
- <Durroth> ((Durroth is feeling saner every minute he spends here))
- <TranscendentalPig> of course I am not the same pig but merely... an allegory
- <Rimblade> "Gah, drat it all to the fourty-fifth sphere of the third paradise to the left!
- <TranscendentalPig> One who's point is safely made
- <Durroth> the what?
- <Nick> Did the other pig get turned into bacon?
- * TranscendentalPig fades to nonexistance
- <Rimblade> "That's an allegorical load of baloney."
- <Rimblade> "Or, perhaps, bacon."
- * Falerin has left #darkabode