Which Prophecy?

From Caelwiki

* Maxwell has joined #755
* Tralin sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
<Daniel|Gonefortheweekend> Greetings.
* Daniel|Gonefortheweekend is now known as Daniel
<Maxwell> hi
<Daniel> How's it going?
<Maxwell> alright
<Maxwell> I have the flu, but I am still working.
<Daniel> Yeah, I saw the Watcher post.
<Daniel> Unfortunately searching for the White Rabbit will be difficult. No hidden period links this time.
<Maxwell> Yes, but the Watcher is the key to learning the Truth to all fo this
<Maxwell> and he can be found around many corners
<Daniel> So there is more than one way to get to him?
<Maxwell> yes
<Daniel> Where do you think we should start searching?
<Maxwell> I can not say
<Maxwell> everywhere and anywhere
<Daniel> Ok, but if your error log in cPanel floods with failed attempts on teamtenshi that was me checking different possibilities. : <_: <
<Maxwell> not a smart idea :(
<Daniel> I am searching for "Outlands" , "Outland" , "WhiteRabbit" , "Kalliope" , and pretty much anything I can think of on every site I check.
<Daniel> And I dunno if you have your cPanel set to log 404's.
<Maxwell> do a search for "cute Japanese girls" for me too :P
<Daniel> Will it help me find the rabbit? ((This is like a combo of Lucky Charms and Trix))
<Maxwell> not really
<Maxwell> but it will make Maxwell happy
<Daniel> haha
<Daniel> Daniel will be happy when he knows whether or not Cor-Demiaz wrote the prophecy.
<Daniel> Everytime I mention that everyone goes silent, too, but I have no way of confirming it was him since my only lead is that the prophecy varies indicating it was written in the runes.
<Maxwell> he could have
<Daniel> When you labeled the duce rune, did you label it duce on purpose? Or was it supposed to be deuce?
<Maxwell> both
<Daniel> Also, we had a visit from a "Cor-Dem" but they matched a user's IP named Black1134. Was this just an impersonation?
* Looking up Maxwell user info...
<Maxwell> most likely
<Daniel> Ok, Lkeas wasn't sure, so she didn't ban on the spot.
<Daniel> So does the duce rune represent the 2 rune?
<Daniel> And does it represent leader?
* Maxwell has left #755
<Daniel> Time to post the log.
<TheSojurner> I would point out that you speak of "
<Daniel> Greetings Sojurner. I will do my best to explain everything including my questions with my log.
<TheSojurner> "The Prophecy" as if there is but one. You must define your terms correctly. When you say "The Prophecy" you may be refreing to something quite different then when Maxwell utters those words
<Daniel> So do you feel that Maxwell refers to a different prophecy than the Index will shine on the heels of creation one?
<Daniel> (and its many variants)
<TheSojurner> Many prophecies have been uttered. Each in its own sphere. Each with its own purpose. Each shall be fulfilled.
<Daniel> So both the good and the bad shall occur.
<Daniel> Sojurner, how did Cor-Demiaz die?
<TheSojurner> However I am quite sure Maxwell does refer to something other then the prophecy this channel normally refers to because... Maxwell has indicated before it was something we had not heard. He has been enigmatic in revealing more of it. We however HAVE heard the index prophecy. At least parts of it.
<Daniel> So the index prophecy is still incomplete... like Truth's totem.
<Daniel> Is the index prophecy even in order?
<TheSojurner> I hesitate to say incomplete. It has evolved clearly over time. But each flavor is complete within itself.
<Daniel> And would you say that the index prophecy evolves over time based on our actions to reflect the current course of the future?
<TheSojurner> One would do well to consider Variants which do not seem to be mere expansions the same way one considers David Viara and the Brilhado for instance....
<TheSojurner> Analogs....
* Daniel mulls that over and does not pursue that line of questioning further : *
<Daniel> What do you mean?
<TheSojurner> Who knows what I mean. I am an enigma.
<TheSojurner> TheSeeker has updated his Blog
<TheSojurner> Or what ever it is you call that Myspace thing
<TheSojurner> As apparently the blog is only part of it
<Daniel> I will look at that immediately.
<Daniel> Do you refer to the new song?
<Daniel> I have no sound on this computer, so I can only assume if it is anything auditory.
<Daniel> The lyrics to Never Too Late are interesting though.
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