Useless Leaves
From Caelwiki
- [14:21] <>Ambiance<> A bell chimes loudly in the distance its note deep and haunting.
- [14:21] * Falerin-: [Asleep] has joined #755
- [14:21] * Falerin-: [Asleep] appears, ghostly at first, but then gestures a cutting motion at his throat and becomes more solid. Even as he does this the bell stops ringing.
- [14:21] * Tralin sets mode: +o Falerin-: [Asleep]
- [14:21] <Dalefanwill> Hehe.
- [14:21] <Dalefanwill> Hello Falerin
- [14:21] <Zeltan> Meh
- [14:21] <Fulcan> Greetings, O God of Evil.
- [14:21] <Nicholas> Hello...
- [14:21] * LordBarrius turns to Falerin and nods. "Greetings, Falerin."
- [14:21] * Fulcan bows to Falerin, switching of his AI as he bows
- [14:22] <Sanotrix> Shutting down...
- [14:22] <Falerin-: [Asleep]> Gah computer restart required
- [14:22] <Fulcan> Hmm>
- [14:22] <Fulcan> ((Hmm?*))
- [14:22] <Dalefanwill> What's there not to understand?
- [14:23] <Fulcan> ((OOC or IC?))
- [14:23] <Dalefanwill> ((Falerin rarely uses the parentheses, so could be either. ))
- [14:23] <Fulcan> ((Exactly why I hmm'd.))
- [14:24] <Zeltan> ((Let me try something..))
- [14:24] * Mr_M has joined #755
- [14:25] <Zeltan> ((Gahh))
- [14:25] * Latius has joined #755
- [14:25] * Mr_M has left #755
- [14:25] * Nicholas lays back down, attempting to relax.
- [14:25] <Fulcan> Sleep well, Lord Nicholas.
- [14:27] <Nicholas> (( Pshh. It all depends on whether I'm able to or not. ))
- [14:27] <Fulcan> ((Meh.))
- [14:29] <Zeltan> ((Pfftt, how did you do your AI?))
- [14:30] <Fulcan> ((Another Client. Why?))
- [14:30] <Lyoko> ((ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Still can't wait for christmas(or Frostvale).))
- [14:30] <Sanotrix> ((Target ZELTAN identified as a non-1337 n008z0r.))
- [14:30] <Dalefanwill> XD
- [14:30] * Falerin-: [Asleep] shimmers as he reconnects
- [14:30] * Falerin-: [Asleep] is now known as Falerin
- [14:30] <Dalefanwill> :o
- [14:30] <Dalefanwill> he can shimmer now?
- [14:31] <Zeltan> ((meh, you got that right))
- [14:31] <Fulcan> I wish I were Falerin...
- [14:31] <Lyoko> Hello, Falerin
- [14:32] <Lyoko> Enjoy your sleep?
- [14:34] <Fulcan> Falerin? Are you with us?
- [14:35] <Dalefanwill> Most likely AFk.
- [14:35] <Dalefanwill> Or preoccupied.
- [14:35] <Dalefanwill> He is a god, after all...
- [14:35] * Fulcan watches Dale smash the fourth wall with a sledge hammer
- [14:35] <Dalefanwill> Eh
- [14:36] <Fulcan> Dale.
- [14:36] <Fulcan> I still don't like you.
- [14:36] <Dalefanwill> And I care because?
- [14:36] <Fulcan> Just letting you know.
- [14:36] <Dalefanwill> Heh, I was previously aware of taht.
- [14:36] <Dalefanwill> (( That. * ))
- [14:37] * Falerin looks at Lyoko
- [14:37] <Dalefanwill> See? :P
- [14:37] <Falerin> Sleep is just a euphemism for otherwise engaged
- [14:37] <Fulcan> Well said, Falerin.
- [14:37] <Falerin> You the only one talking this evening Lyoko
- [14:37] <Falerin> how decidedly dead
- [14:38] <Dalefanwill> Aha! So I was right! :P
- [14:38] <Fulcan> I'm not dead.
- [14:38] <Fulcan> I feel special :3
- [14:38] <Dalefanwill> Ignoring us FTW! :D
- [14:38] <Durroth> I'm not dead yet!
- [14:38] <Durroth> I dont want to go on the cart!
- [14:38] <Falerin> Ah Durroth
- [14:38] <Falerin> that makes 2
- [14:38] <Dalefanwill> Hehehe.
- [14:38] <Dalefanwill> XD
- [14:38] <Dalefanwill> (( This is fun. ))
- [14:38] <Fulcan> I actually agree with you, Dale.
- [14:39] <Fulcan> It's like we're not even here!
- [14:39] <Fulcan> Wait, we ARE here, right?
- [14:39] <Durroth> ((nope, your not))
- [14:39] <Dalefanwill> Eh, if I'm not wanted here, so be it, I DO have other things to do.
- [14:39] <Fulcan> Very well then.
- [14:39] <Fulcan> Leave me to be not here alone.
- [14:40] * Nicholas sits up. "Do I make three?"
- [14:40] <Fulcan> If Falerin acknowledges you, then no.
- [14:40] * Fulcan has left #755 (SAPart: This is even more like I am not even here)
- [14:40] * Fulcan has joined #755
- [14:40] <Durroth> it seems the channel gets sleepy at tenish
- [14:40] <Fulcan> ?
- [14:40] <Dalefanwill> (( Bwahahaha ))
- [14:40] <Fulcan> I'm awake.
- [14:40] <Dalefanwill> (( Falerin just exorcised his power on you, Fulcan ))
- [14:41] <Zeltan> ((Meh it's 11.42))
- [14:41] <Zeltan> ((am))
- [14:41] <Durroth> ((here its 10 pm))
- [14:41] <Durroth> ((10:42))
- [14:41] <Dalefanwill> (( 10:45 here. ))
- [14:41] <Durroth> ((EST FTW))
- [14:41] <Falerin> Singapore does not actually exist
- [14:41] <Falerin> it is a false lie told by the Devourer
- [14:41] <Falerin> to mislead us
- [14:42] <Dalefanwill> XD
- [14:42] <Fulcan> ((He kicked me?))
- [14:42] <Dalefanwill> (( No.
- [14:42] <Dalefanwill> ))
- [14:42] <Fulcan> ((how did I leave then?))
- [14:42] * Nicholas lays back down and falls asleep.
- [14:42] <Dalefanwill> (( He used SAPart ))
- [14:42] <Fulcan> ((SAPart?))
- [14:42] <Dalefanwill> (( He basically forced you out ))
- [14:43] -> *Fulcan* : [14:40] * Fulcan has left #755 (SAPart: This is even more like I am not even here)
- [14:43] <Dalefanwill> (( much like kicking, I guess. XD ))
- [14:43] <Fulcan> ((I see...))
- [14:43] *Fulcan* Thanks.
- [14:43] <Falerin> ((It is functionally actually quite different then kick))
- [14:43] <Durroth> Maine exists though
- [14:43] <LordBarrius> Does it?
- [14:43] <Durroth> yup
- [14:43] <Fulcan> ((Meh. Am I allowed to be noticed now?))
- [14:43] <Durroth> ruled by the mighty tree lords
- [14:43] * Dalefanwill is now known as DFW|UnwantedSoGone
- [14:44] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> :P
- [14:44] <Falerin> ((I can for instance Sajoin someone to a channel named 0 without a # in front and it will make them leave literally everywhere))
- [14:44] <Fulcan> ((OOOOOH....))
- [14:44] <Durroth> ((Seriously, if we had any more trees this place could be called Maine Forest))
- [14:44] <Zeltan> What ?!
- [14:44] <Falerin> You heard me
- [14:44] <Falerin> A lie told by The`Galin
- [14:44] <Zeltan> Nooo..
- [14:45] <Falerin> Completely does not exist
- [14:45] <Durroth> so what does exist if singapore doesnt?
- [14:45] <Fulcan> Does the Void exist?
- [14:45] <Falerin> Its like wyoming...
- [14:45] * Zeltan smashes his head
- [14:45] <Falerin> it is an ancient indian word meaning
- [14:45] * Fulcan shoots himself in the head
- [14:45] <Falerin> "No State Here"
- [14:45] <Fulcan> I can beat that, Zeltan.
- [14:45] * Fulcan reforms
- [14:45] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> XD
- [14:45] * Lyoko smiles and chuckles
- [14:45] <Lyoko> good one Falerin
- [14:46] * Fulcan cracks his neck
- [14:46] <Lyoko> be right back
- [14:46] <Fulcan> So Falerin, what brings you here today?
- [14:46] <Fulcan> Got any juicy gossip?
- [14:46] <Zeltan> To tell me that I lived in the Matrix and the singapore does not exist ?
- [14:49] <Fulcan> Well isn't this just a booming conversation.
- [14:50] <Zeltan> I will never look at my country in the same light again...((XD))
- [14:50] * Zeltan is now known as Zel: [afk]
- [14:50] <Falerin> Well durroth since Zel and Lyoko were the only other active people
- [14:50] <Falerin> Whats up
- [14:50] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> XD
- [14:51] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> So unfair.
- [14:51] <LordBarrius> Well, I don't count either Dale. :P
- [14:51] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> You will, I'm sure.
- [14:52] <Fulcan> Erm...
- [14:52] <Fulcan> Falerin.
- [14:52] <Fulcan> I'm here too...
- [14:52] <Lyoko> ((Where does the coffee go? I make some and it just disappears.))
- [14:52] <>Ambiance<> A bell chimes loudly in the distance its note deep and haunting.
- [14:52] * Falerin appears, ghostly at first, but then gestures a cutting motion at his throat and becomes more solid. Even as he does this the bell stops ringing.
- [14:52] <Fulcan> ...?
- [14:53] <Lyoko> That is still one of the best entrances i've ever read.
- [14:53] <Lyoko> ((I can't spell today.))
- [14:54] <Falerin> How odd
- [14:54] <Lyoko> ((I wonder Falerin, think maybe you could make a video of your entrances? I'd buy one.))
- [14:54] <Falerin> Nothing to add Durroth
- [14:55] <LordBarrius> Heh.
- [14:55] * Fulcan throws a pillow at Falerin
- [14:56] <Lyoko> Use the pillow dodging skill Falerin!
- [14:56] <LordBarrius> Or light it on fire, like I do.
- [14:56] <Fulcan> I can't light it on fire.
- [14:56] <Lyoko> Chuckle.
- [14:56] <Fulcan> All I got are guns, knives, and gunswords.
- [14:56] <Lyoko> then cut it.
- [14:57] <Fulcan> And a AI Targeting system.
- [14:57] * Fulcan pulls out a Machina Handgun and shoots the pillow with a bolt of lightning
- [14:57] <Lyoko> That was a pretty slow pillow.
- [14:57] <LordBarrius> Quite.
- [14:58] * LordBarrius shrugs.
- [14:59] <Lyoko> ((Lets see, what does my guy have? A scythe, advanced healing magic, some offensive magic, and a black cloak to conceal his identity. Not much. Oh well.))
- [14:59] <Zel: [afk]> ((Hey I'm the healer))
- [15:00] <Fulcan> ((One Machina handun, Damsel took the other, 3 knives, and a blade with a gun in the hilt.))
- [15:01] <Fulcan> ((A sweet leather jacket, torn jeans, and black leather halfgloves with iron on the knuckles.))
- [15:01] <Lyoko> ((You're better than me because i'm still sorta new. Can someone teach me to teleport? That would help.))
- [15:01] <Lyoko> ((At healing.))
- [15:01] <Fulcan> ((Depeneds, do you want puffy smoke, or fading?))
- [15:01] <Zel: [afk]> ((Puffy smoke is fun))
- [15:01] <Fulcan> ((You can like, vanish with a burst of flame too, thats my personal favourite.))
- [15:02] <LordBarrius> ((I prefer portals, myself. But that's just me.))
- [15:02] <Lyoko> (( I have a funner one one, how about going with my fav element and teleporting by lightning?))
- [15:02] <Zel: [afk]> ((I like walking through the door))
- [15:03] <Fulcan> (( hmm... /me is struck by a bolt of lightning, vanishing.))
- [15:03] <Lyoko> ((ZAP! And I'm gone, blinding everyone in the process.))
- [15:03] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> (( Fulcan, that would be badass, if you didn't take most of it from Final Fantasy. ))
- [15:04] <Fulcan> ((Well, I am #755's resident Final Fantasy Fanboy.))
- [15:04] <Fulcan> ((FFF!))
- [15:04] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> <.<
- [15:04] <Lyoko> ((That was from FF? I've thought that lightning teleportation wasn't used yet.))
- [15:04] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> (( Nevermind, Lyoko. ))
- [15:05] <Fulcan> ((I'm just fucking creative like that.))
- [15:05] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> (( .. Wow. ))
- [15:05] <Lyoko> ((So, can you teach it then? Or do I just get it from a scroll or something?))
- [15:05] <Fulcan> ((I can't help you. The`Galin went all 'Grrr... you suckz0r! no magicz0r for youz0r!))
- [15:06] <Lyoko> ((I just read that. You also stabbed Barrius, unwillingly.))
- [15:06] <Fulcan> ((Yeah... I hate that.))
- [15:07] <LordBarrius> ((At this point, who *doesn't* want to stab me? :/))
- [15:07] <Fulcan> ((Ermm... Fulcan.))
- [15:07] <Durroth> ((me))
- [15:07] <Lyoko> ((I don't.))
- [15:07] * Mysterious_Player has joined #755
- [15:07] * Tralin sets mode: +v Mysterious_Player
- [15:07] <LordBarrius> ((As for the flashy entrance, naw. My character's specialized in portals, sadly.))
- [15:07] <Durroth> ((A better question: Who doesnt want to kill iggy?))
- [15:07] <LordBarrius> ((Must I answer? :P))
- [15:08] <Mysterious_Player> ((I bet the Tails Doll works for The'Galin))
- [15:08] <Fulcan> ((I'm not liking Falerin for letting him get a new character.))
- [15:08] <Durroth> ((This says a great deal about how much respect we have for wes))
- [15:08] <Durroth> ((I have less respect for link though))
- [15:08] <Lyoko> I'm going to try the teleporting now.
- [15:09] <Durroth> ((If he comes in again I'll kill im))
- [15:09] <Fulcan> ((Erm. My respect for Wes is equal to the negative of The`Galin's ingame hp.))
- [15:09] <LordBarrius> ((I don't disrespect him. I just don't like him. Totally different.))
- [15:09] * Lyoko tries to teleport, but tries too hard and farts loudly.
- [15:09] * Fulcan shoots the ground near Lyoko's foot
- [15:09] <Fulcan> That's nasty man.
- [15:09] <Lyoko> sorry.
- [15:10] <Zel: [afk]> Careful, don't ignite the gases
- [15:10] * DFW|UnwantedSoGone shoots some fireballs at Fulcan, for fun.
- [15:10] * Lyoko waves it away.
- [15:10] * Fulcan flicks on his AI
- [15:10] <Mysterious_Player> ((Im surprized no ones at #666 I wanted to say something of the tails doll))
- [15:10] * Lyoko tries again and is just hit by lightning.
- [15:10] <Mysterious_Player> ((Do you feel the sunshine yet?
- [15:10] <Lyoko> *sizzle* Ow.
- [15:10] <Sanotrix> Target DALE acquired. Target hostile.
- [15:11] <Durroth> ((Go now fulcan, assassinate john connor))
- [15:11] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> XD
- [15:11] * Fulcan aims at Dale
- [15:11] * LordBarrius raises an arm. "Please, enough."
- [15:11] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> You believe a toy like that will harm me?
- [15:11] <Sanotrix> Target locked. Fire at will.
- [15:11] * Lyoko is laying on the groud sizzling.
- [15:11] <Mysterious_Player> ((no))
- [15:11] <Mysterious_Player> ((Its just funny))
- [15:12] * Fulcan flicks a switch on his gun, which begins glowing neon blue
- [15:12] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> Must you go through these pointless effects, and just shoot me already.
- [15:12] <Mysterious_Player> ((if it is real im diggin my own grave))
- [15:12] <Lyoko> ((Need to have some tries first. I'll get it as soon as Fulcan fires.))
- [15:12] <Sanotrix> Overcharging Machina Handgun. One blast remaining before cooldown sequence begins.
- [15:12] <Lyoko> ((I wouldn't like to get hit.))
- [15:13] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> Overcharge? Sounds painful, go ahead.
- [15:13] * Fulcan discharges and enormous blast of red lightning at Dale
- [15:13] <Durroth> ((Hadoken!))
- [15:13] <Sanotrix> Cooldown Sequence begin.
- [15:13] <Lyoko> ((See? I would have attracted that.))
- [15:13] <Fulcan> ((lol))
- [15:14] * DFW|UnwantedSoGone is hit by the lightning, head on.. "Wow, that did hurt, but you'll have to do better. "
- [15:14] * Crash has joined #755
- [15:14] * Tralin sets mode: +v Crash
- [15:14] <Lyoko> ((It being my element, I'm also training to be healed by it instead of hurt.))
- [15:14] * Fulcan grabs the gun, pressing a button on it, extending it into a rifle
- [15:14] * LordBarrius snorts. "Fulcan...."
- [15:15] <Sanotrix> Transformation into Machina Rifle complete. Charging.
- [15:15] * Lyoko gets up, and tries a final time, and is hit by lightning, disappearing.
- [15:15] <Fulcan> Yes, Barrius?
- [15:15] * Lyoko reappears in a another bolt ten feet away.
- [15:15] <Sanotrix> Charging complete. Target 'DALE' locked. Fire at will.
- [15:15] <Lyoko> Sweet!
- [15:15] <LordBarrius> Enough, if you please. We don't need pointless violence.
- [15:15] * M has joined #755
- [15:15] <Fulcan> ((good.))
- [15:15] * M has quit IRC (Supressed: )
- [15:15] <Fulcan> But it's sooooooo much fun!
- [15:16] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> It's more of an annoyance, then fun.
- [15:16] <Fulcan> To you, maybe.
- [15:16] * Lyoko starts meditating, electricity crackling around him.
- [15:16] <Fulcan> Nothing important is happening, so why not do a bit of target practice.
- [15:16] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> If you wish to keep it up, you'll force me to take actions. And beyond that point, I can't guarentee your safety.
- [15:16] * Falerin sets mode: +b Santorix!*@*
- [15:16] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> (( XD ))
- [15:16] <Falerin> Who let alien technology in here?
- [15:17] <Fulcan> Um...
- [15:17] * Fulcan 's sunglasses shatter
- [15:17] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> You just shut down his eyes.
- [15:17] <Lyoko> ((Now i'm trying to take an elemental side. It'll take a little while. I like electricity.))
- [15:17] <Fulcan> No, not my eyes.
- [15:17] <Mysterious_Player> The Tails Doll did fal!
- [15:17] <Fulcan> My AI's eyes.
- [15:17] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> Glasses, same thing
- [15:17] <Falerin> Such things are a violation of the Farpoint
- [15:17] <Fulcan> Falerin, do you know the trouble I went through to steal that?
- [15:17] <Falerin> they will not be tolerated
- [15:18] <Falerin> Tell whomever was responsible
- [15:18] <Falerin> to stop MO
- [15:18] <Falerin> to stop MP
- [15:18] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> XD
- [15:18] <Mysterious_Player> What I do?
- [15:18] <Falerin> Nothing
- [15:18] <Mysterious_Player> Ok good :D
- [15:18] <Falerin> I told you to relay a message
- [15:18] <Durroth> He got them from some guys who attacked him
- [15:18] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> Looks like further actions on my part are not needed.
- [15:18] <Falerin> Whomever is brining in alient technology
- [15:18] <Fulcan> They assaulted me.
- [15:18] <Falerin> Should stop
- [15:18] <Durroth> he killed them
- [15:18] <Durroth> and took their gear
- [15:19] <Fulcan> So I infiltrated their armoury, stole some weapons, and took this AI.
- [15:19] <Falerin> What are you going on about Durroth?
- [15:19] <Fulcan> I had NO clue, it was alien technology.
- [15:19] <Lyoko> May I ask what stop MO and stop MP mean?
- [15:19] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> Nothing.
- [15:19] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> (( Typo, most likely ))
- [15:19] <Mysterious_Player> To stop makeing Mario Party games?
- [15:19] <Falerin> Stop MO was a typographical error
- [15:19] <Falerin> Stop MP was a directive to Mysterious player
- [15:19] <Falerin> Tell whomever was responsible
- [15:20] <Falerin> to stop MP
- [15:20] <Falerin> They go together
- [15:20] <Falerin> I.e.
- [15:20] <Lyoko> ((I've never seen Falerin misspell, so I doubt it.))
- [15:20] <Falerin> MP, YOU tell them to stop
- [15:20] <Mysterious_Player> Guys Stop.
- [15:20] * Fulcan rolls his eyes
- [15:20] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> (( There IS a human on the other end of that keyboard. XD ))
- [15:20] <Durroth> wow... after we JUST explained this
- [15:21] <Lyoko> I'll try to help keep order, with my new electricity powers.
- [15:21] * Fulcan returns his rifle back to a handgun, and puts it in his jacket
- [15:21] * Lyoko stands up and ealizes the goal is reached.
- [15:21] <Durroth> dont we technically all have alien technology though? hailing from different realms and whatnot
- [15:22] <Lyoko> *realizes
- [15:22] <Lyoko> Time to test the new powers.
- [15:22] <Mysterious_Player> I don't.
- [15:22] * Lyoko claps his hands together and starts pulling ions from the area.
- [15:22] <Durroth> I have my shifting sympathetic materials that respond to my power better than regular materials
- [15:23] * Useless rouses long enough to shift away from Lyoko
- [15:23] <Durroth> and my flowing blade
- [15:23] <Useless> *tiredly* Electricity is something I prefer not to be around, after all...
- [15:24] <Lyoko> i'm only gathering power.
- [15:24] * Fulcan shoots Lyoko with a blast of lightning
- [15:24] <Durroth> you should be fine as long as he doesnt let loose an EMP
- [15:24] <Fulcan> There you go.
- [15:24] <Lyoko> Gotta recharge. ((Snicker.))
- [15:24] <Fulcan> Hmm...
- [15:24] * Lyoko feels the energy charge him.
- [15:24] <Fulcan> Maybe I'll go steal another AI tonight...
- [15:25] <Lyoko> thanks.
- [15:25] <Lyoko> I wouldn't. Falerin really didn't like it.
- [15:25] <Useless> Fulcan, I thought you were directed not to harm another soul when you were purged from even The`Galin's ranks...?
- [15:25] * LordBarrius nods slowly. "And he won't."
- [15:25] <Fulcan> I will not let people try to erase my memory, thank you.
- [15:25] <Mysterious_Player> ((brb))
- [15:26] <Fulcan> They were persistant even when I showed them mercy.
- [15:26] <Fulcan> I stopped them.
- [15:26] * Zel: [afk] sits on the couch and begin editting his scroll
- [15:27] * Lyoko steps away from everyone to see the new skills.
- [15:28] * Latius has quit IRC (Vanished: )
- [15:28] <Useless> The fact of the matter is that you should avoid such conflict, according to the letter of that law.
- [15:28] <Durroth> and if I have to, the next AI you bring back I'm shifting into a toaster
- [15:28] <Fulcan> Then he can uncreate me.
- [15:28] <Fulcan> I really don't care.
- [15:29] <Fulcan> I'd be doing everybody a favour.
- [15:29] * Lyoko casts a bolt of lightning and looks satisfied.
- [15:29] <Durroth> we will call him SmartToast, and he will cook our waffles and bread.
- [15:29] <Lyoko> Not me. I do care, even if you don't. You make a interesting company.
- [15:30] <Zel: [afk]> I love waffles
- [15:30] <Useless> As far as I recall, your life would be made quite alot more unpleasant, and remain as unending as it is at current....
- [15:30] <Fulcan> I can live with unpleasantness.
- [15:31] <Fulcan> He can do his worst to me.
- [15:31] <Lyoko> ((Who else will I snicker at while I try to understand the story of Truth, Lies, and Hope and all the rest.))
- [15:32] <Lyoko> ((That could have been worded better.))
- [15:32] <Fulcan> ((Or made a question.))
- [15:32] * Zel: [afk] is now known as Zeltan
- [15:32] <Zeltan> Well, Fulcan
- [15:32] <Zeltan> What can you tell me about Uncreation?
- [15:33] <Fulcan> You feel nothing.
- [15:33] * Ojodeldevorador gestures at Fulcan
- [15:33] <Useless> Oh my...
- [15:33] <Fulcan> Maybe we'll find out again.
- [15:33] * Crash is now known as Crash|Scrubs
- [15:33] <Zeltan> Ojo
- [15:33] <Ojodeldevorador> Technologica Incompetencia
- [15:33] <Mysterious_Player> Falein, Did you see the thread about bruning The'Galin Followers?
- [15:33] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow.
- [15:33] <Fulcan> Well, well, well, Ojo.
- [15:33] <Zeltan> I'm sure The'galin would not like this
- [15:33] <Fulcan> What have we here?
- [15:34] <Ojodeldevorador> All high technology shall hereby fail to work when you attempt to use it.. But only for you and with no damage to the technology
- [15:34] * Fulcan tosses his gun out on the floor
- [15:34] <Fulcan> Define, technology.
- [15:34] <Fulcan> Electronics?
- [15:35] <Lyoko> ((Okay.))
- [15:36] <Ojodeldevorador> Any and all devices created by the discipline also called technology
- [15:36] <Fulcan> Guns?
- [15:36] <Falerin> For which both the anthropological and strict science definitions are applied
- [15:36] <Zeltan> Ojo, how does uncreation work ?
- [15:36] <Fulcan> ((Nice, Fal.))
- [15:37] <Ojodeldevorador> (Anthropology) The body of knowledge available to a society that is of use in fashioning implements, practicing manual arts and skills, and extracting or collecting materials.
- [15:37] <Fulcan> So no more guns...
- [15:37] <Ojodeldevorador> (Scientific) . the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
- [15:37] <Durroth> or cell phones, or computers
- [15:38] <Durroth> I'm glad my technology is safe
- [15:38] <Fulcan> Ojo.
- [15:38] <Falerin> Also included is magiscienctific technologies
- [15:38] <Falerin> All of them
- [15:38] <Fulcan> Why doesn't The`Galin just uncreate me?
- [15:38] <Falerin> Because you WILL OBEY
- [15:38] <Fulcan> I will not.
- [15:38] <Falerin> Yes Fulcan You will
- [15:38] <Falerin> Ojo knows that
- [15:38] <Durroth> but only for fulcan right?
- [15:38] * FS_AFK_Too_Much has quit IRC (Broken pipe)
- [15:38] <Falerin> So do I
- [15:38] <Fulcan> You couldn't do anything to me to make me obey.
- [15:39] <Durroth> well, fulcan couldnt use my stuff anyway thank god
- [15:39] <Fulcan> Make my life as pitiful as you want to, Zephyr.
- [15:39] <Durroth> I can only imagine what he'd do with my flowing blade
- [15:39] <Fulcan> Go ahead, I'm asking you to.
- [15:39] <Lyoko> You're picking a fight you can't win Fulcan.
- [15:39] <DFW|UnwantedSoGone> I think he's aware of that.
- [15:39] * DFW|UnwantedSoGone is now known as Dale
- [15:39] <Ojodeldevorador> you exist under a delusion FulcanRyst
- [15:39] <Ojodeldevorador> That you can outsmart and outmaneuver me
- [15:39] <Fulcan> That's Prince Fulcan Ryst, to you.
- [15:40] <Fulcan> I do not think such.
- [15:40] <Zeltan> Prince?
- [15:40] <Ojodeldevorador> No to me its Pathetic Waste of being
- [15:40] <Fulcan> I just want to be uncreated, so that these people can live on in their lives.
- [15:40] <Durroth> I believe humans call that "Burned"
- [15:40] <Ojodeldevorador> No.. you just wish to escape your fate
- [15:40] <Useless> Prince of what? You certainly don't inspire any of the qualities of being a figure of authority such as a prince.
- [15:40] <Fulcan> My fate?
- [15:40] <Fulcan> What is my fate, Zephyr?
- [15:40] <Fulcan> Can you even tell me?
- [15:41] <Ojodeldevorador> You will persist Fulcan
- [15:41] <Fulcan> Persist to what?
- [15:41] <Ojodeldevorador> You will persist aeons upon aeons
- [15:41] <Ojodeldevorador> And as long as you continue to refuse ability to resist will be progressively stripped....
- [15:41] <Fulcan> And then what will I be?
- [15:41] <Fulcan> Epheel?
- [15:41] <Ojodeldevorador> Untill the point where you can merely breath in pain and agony
- [15:42] <Useless> I daresay it will be far more unpleasant that another's "persisting"...
- [15:42] <Fulcan> I deserve it, Zephyr.
- [15:42] <Ojodeldevorador> And you will still persist
- [15:42] <Fulcan> I deserve pain and agony.
- [15:42] <Ojodeldevorador> But you will also obey
- [15:42] <Ojodeldevorador> Because you will lack the ability to resist
- [15:42] * Fulcan shakes his head, signaling 'no'
- [15:42] <Fulcan> No.
- [15:42] <Fulcan> Take away everything.
- [15:42] <Fulcan> Then we'll see.
- [15:42] <Ojodeldevorador> You seem to think that The`galin gives a damn about volition
- [15:42] <Ojodeldevorador> Or what you think
- [15:43] <Ojodeldevorador> He does not
- [15:43] <Ojodeldevorador> He cares only what you do
- [15:43] <Durroth> he seems to think alot of things, whether he actually thinks at all is the question
- [15:43] <Ojodeldevorador> And when he renders you incapable of doing anything he dislikes
- [15:43] <Fulcan> ...
- [15:43] <Ojodeldevorador> You will in fact be being obedient
- [15:43] <Ojodeldevorador> Because you will not have a choice in the matter
- [15:43] <Fulcan> Then why don't you prove it then?
- [15:44] <Ojodeldevorador> Oh we will Fulcan
- [15:44] <Fulcan> I'm really not a listener, you should know that by then.
- [15:44] <Ojodeldevorador> We will...
- [15:44] * Fulcan spits on the ground
- [15:44] <Fulcan> When?
- [15:44] <Ojodeldevorador> In the fullness of time
- [15:44] <Fulcan> I've got all the time I need.
- [15:44] <Ojodeldevorador> for you it may be aeons upon aeons
- [15:45] <Fulcan> Tell me, Zephyr.
- [15:45] <Ojodeldevorador> but he enjoys teaching
- [15:45] <Fulcan> How many others were uncreated and created again?
- [15:45] <Ojodeldevorador> So he will do what he needs
- [15:45] <Useless> I daresay that even over such aeons and aeons you will accomplish nothing at all, Fulcan.
- [15:45] <Ojodeldevorador> Till you beg.. beg for mercy...
- [15:45] <Fulcan> Useless, do be quiet, I'm not in the mood right now.
- [15:45] <Nicholas> (( Interesting turn of events. ))
- [15:45] <Fulcan> You shant hear begging from me, Zephyr.
- [15:45] <Ojodeldevorador> Until you actually LIKE being kind and nice
- [15:46] * Fulcan 's eyes widen
- [15:46] <Dale> It would seem everything he said went right over your head, and you just wish to be uncreated.
- [15:46] <Ojodeldevorador> Until you HATE all meanness unfairness and wicdkedness
- [15:46] <Ojodeldevorador> Until you are a paragon of charity and virtue
- [15:46] <Lyoko> ((Yes, very interesting.))
- [15:46] <Fulcan> I don't think that's possible..
- [15:46] * Fulcan shakes his head
- [15:46] <Useless> Indeed it would, Dale.
- [15:46] <Ojodeldevorador> You will LEARN otherwise
- [15:46] <Fulcan> You couldn't do that to me.
- [15:46] <Ojodeldevorador> He can...
- [15:46] <Durroth> ((I'm out, cya))
- [15:46] <Fulcan> But will you answer two questions for me, Zephyr?
- [15:46] <Dale> You question the powers of a god?
- [15:47] * Durroth is now known as Durroth|Slumber
- [15:47] <Ojodeldevorador> Fall to your knees Fulcan and admit I am better being then you have ever been. Of higher quality....
- [15:47] <Dale> You're even more of a fool then I previously thought.
- [15:47] <Fulcan> I will not.
- [15:47] <Ojodeldevorador> Yes you will
- [15:47] * Fulcan falls to his knees
- [15:47] <Fulcan> what are you doing to me.....
- [15:48] <Fulcan> why do I feel this DESIRE.....
- [15:48] <Falerin> Yes I can
- [15:48] <Dale> ... Don't tell me that's the evil analog...
- [15:48] <Ojodeldevorador> You need not speak for me Evil one
- [15:48] <Zeltan> It seems you cannot escape the fact Fulcan
- [15:49] <Falerin> Well it is so predictable
- [15:49] <Useless> It is shameful, to witness such a pitiful challenge of the powers beyond most mortal's ken...
- [15:49] <Falerin> it deserved saying
- [15:49] <Falerin> Very well then
- [15:49] <Useless> have proved forever more that you will consistently choose to remain a fool, Fulcan.
- [15:49] <Ojodeldevorador> Ok as you will "Yes I can"
- [15:50] <Fulcan> "You are better then me. You are forcing me to say it. But I also know it to be totally true. I will deny it after you geas is off me.. but it is true. I am a worthless peice of crap"
- [15:50] <Ojodeldevorador> Thank you Fulcan
- [15:51] <Dale> I guess that's what happens when you challenge a god.
- [15:51] <Ojodeldevorador> Now... I will restore your free will... but consider this.. I am a weak agent with relatively no power
- [15:51] <Falerin> I can do this to you
- [15:51] <Ojodeldevorador> Am I speaking or You Falerin
- [15:51] <LordBarrius> Hm....
- [15:51] * Falerin gestures bemused
- [15:51] <Ojodeldevorador> Now... I will restore your free will... but consider this.. I am a weak agent with relatively no power
- [15:52] <Ojodeldevorador> I can do this to you
- [15:52] <Ojodeldevorador> How much more can he do
- [15:52] <Falerin> He can do much more
- [15:52] <Falerin> Oh well close
- [15:52] * Dale ponders the horror that awaits Fulcan.. As he will never learn...
- [15:53] <Fulcan> Will you answer my questions?
- [15:53] <Ojodeldevorador> Of course I will not
- [15:53] <Dale> XD
- [15:53] <Fulcan> And why not?
- [15:53] <Ojodeldevorador> Part of your punishment is that you will not be given answers you do not deserve
- [15:53] <Fulcan> So I will spend eternity wondering what is the answer?
- [15:53] <Ojodeldevorador> Rather you will be thwarted in EVERY desire including the persuit of knowledge
- [15:54] <Ojodeldevorador> The promise of life will be kept
- [15:54] <Ojodeldevorador> But the quality of that life....
- [15:54] <Fulcan> Will suck.
- [15:54] <Ojodeldevorador> Will bne what YOU made it....
- [15:54] * Fulcan sighs
- [15:54] <Ojodeldevorador> Unless of course you willingly decide to stop being a pathetic failure
- [15:54] <Falerin> But we both know
- [15:54] <Fulcan> And how can I do that...
- [15:54] <Fulcan> ?
- [15:55] <Lyoko> Give in?
- [15:55] <Ojodeldevorador> That will never happen.... Since you seem to be reading my mind.... you can do all my speaking for me LoreMaster
- [15:55] <Fulcan> No...
- [15:55] * Ojodeldevorador leaves
- [15:55] <Fulcan> Tell me how and I'll make it reality.
- [15:55] <Falerin> Pride goest before the Fall
- [15:55] <Fulcan> Falerin for the loss...
- [15:56] <Falerin> I will help you fight him
- [15:56] <Dale> Fulcan, tell me, what did you take away from that?
- [15:56] * Crash|Scrubs is now known as Crash
- [15:56] <Falerin> The day you have honestly converted and have actually given your life to aiding the poor sick and destitute
- [15:56] <Falerin> and mean it with all your soul
- [15:57] * Latius has joined #755
- [15:57] <Falerin> Not a second before that Day Fulcan Ryst
- [15:57] <Fulcan> Falerin
- [15:57] <Falerin> I uncreated you myself
- [15:57] * Twig has joined #755
- [15:57] <Fulcan> You can alter souls, can you not?
- [15:57] <Falerin> I considered you beyond all redeption
- [15:57] <Falerin> Beyond alteration
- [15:57] <Falerin> Prove it wrong on your OWN effort
- [15:57] <Falerin> and I will help you
- [15:57] <Useless> That day unfortunately appears to be so far off in the horizon as to never come, as things stand now, Falerin.
- [15:57] * Latius has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Twig))
- [15:57] <Falerin> Untill then you do not exist to me
- [15:57] * Twig is now known as Latius
- [15:57] * Fulcan reaches in his coat and drops his knives on the ground
- [15:58] * Falerin returns to not seeing Fulcan
- [15:58] * Fulcan unhooks his belt which carries his sheath and lets it fall to the ground
- [15:58] * Fulcan takes off his jacket, his gloves, and his necklace, throwing them on the ground
- [15:58] * Falerin turns to face Fulcan
- [15:58] * Fulcan starts toward the door
- [15:58] <Falerin> Tell me Ryst
- [15:58] <Fulcan> Yeah?
- [15:59] <Falerin> Which one of the two of you was more worthy of recreation after uncreation and death...
- [15:59] * Fulcan stops
- [15:59] <Fulcan> Me or Alastor?
- [15:59] <Falerin> Which one of you should be here today....
- [15:59] * Lyoko starts manipulating the lightning, guiding it , then launching it at a target.
- [16:00] <Falerin> If YOU could change which one it was ...
- [16:00] <Fulcan> Hmmm...
- [16:00] <Falerin> Would you do so
- [16:00] <Falerin> Willingly
- [16:00] <Falerin> and... irrevocably
- [16:00] <Fulcan> Me.
- [16:00] <Fulcan> Alastor served The`Galin without wanting redemption
- [16:00] <Fulcan> Deep inside...
- [16:00] <Fulcan> I wanted to be noticed.
- [16:00] <Fulcan> I planned it all along, subconciously.
- [16:00] <Fulcan> I would serve him for a bit, then seek redemption.
- [16:01] <Falerin> Which is worse.....
- [16:01] <Fulcan> It didn't work as I had planned.
- [16:01] <Falerin> Being honestly a servant
- [16:01] <Fulcan> But the difference between the two of us is...
- [16:01] <Falerin> Or being a fool
- [16:01] <Fulcan> I'd rather be ignorant that serve The`Galin to help myself.
- [16:01] * Fulcan walks toward the door again
- [16:01] <Falerin> Ah well then you trully are unredeemable
- [16:02] <Fulcan> Very well then.
- [16:02] <Falerin> I would much rather an unpenitent sinner who is honest
- [16:02] <Falerin> Then a machinator who fails at machination
- [16:02] <Fulcan> Well then, I guess you can read mines.
- [16:02] <Dale> Heh, so that's why you ignore me, Falerin.
- [16:02] <Fulcan> minds*
- [16:02] * Fulcan turns to face Falerin
- [16:02] <Fulcan> I can't trick you.
- [16:02] <Fulcan> I just said what I thought you wanted to hear.
- [16:02] <Fulcan> You saw through that, didn't you?
- [16:03] <Falerin> Of course I did
- [16:03] <Fulcan> Brilliant, Falerin.
- [16:03] <Fulcan> Brilliant.
- [16:03] <Falerin> Of course I knew what you would say too
- [16:03] <Falerin> Oh well then
- [16:03] * Lelldorin has quit IRC (Interred: Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur)
- [16:03] * Falerin looks away
- [16:03] * Falerin turns and looks at Dalefanwill
- [16:03] <Falerin> You i have other plans for
- [16:03] * Fulcan shakes his head
- [16:03] <Dale> I don't know whether to be worried, or excited...
- [16:03] * Fulcan walks back over to the couch and sits down
- [16:03] <Falerin> Yours will be the Path of others....
- [16:04] <Zeltan> Be both Dale
- [16:04] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow. "Other plans, hm?
- [16:04] <Falerin> Your redemption will be earned in blood
- [16:04] <Falerin> The blood of Ryuusei Cartwright
- [16:04] * Falerin has left #755
- [16:04] * Fulcan begins crying
- [16:04] <Dale> Does he honestly expect me to kill Ryuusei?
- [16:05] <Zeltan> Yes, i believe so
- [16:05] * LordBarrius smiles. "That's assuming you can, of course. He is quite powerful."
- [16:05] <Dale> Does he think I WANT to be redeemed?
- [16:05] <Useless> The blood of Ryuusei Cartwright?
- [16:05] <Dale> Indeed.
- [16:05] <LordBarrius> You'd need help, I would think.
- [16:05] <Dale> Of course.
- [16:05] <Useless> Quite...interesting.
- [16:05] * Fulcan walks over, picks up his discarded belongings, and puts them back where they were
- [16:06] <Falerin> No I do not think you want to be redeemed... none the less you will attempt to kill Ryuusei cartwright eventually. it has already been seen...
- [16:07] * Falerin fades in voice just as his body did before it...
- [16:07] <Dale> Heh..
- [16:07] <Dale> I will not do it.
- [16:07] <Dale> Get others to do it, I refuse.
- [16:07] * Fulcan shouts to the ceilint, his voice louder than it has ever been, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!?!??!"
- [16:07] <Useless> So you claim...
- [16:07] <Dale> But of course, I most likely have no choice in this matter.
- [16:07] <LordBarrius> We shall see, won't we Dale?
- [16:08] <Dale> That we will.
- [16:08] * Lyoko blinks and goes back to gathering ions.
- [16:09] <Zeltan> To anyone who wishes to answer this: How does uncreation work?
- [16:09] * LordBarrius turns to watch Lyoko with casual interest.
- [16:10] <Ojodeldevorador> Willing obedienc
- [16:10] <Ojodeldevorador> Willing obedience
- [16:10] * Lyoko gets more and more carged, until electricity begins jumping from his body.
- [16:10] * Nicholas slowly gains consciousness, moaning.
- [16:10] <Dale> And it returns..
- [16:10] * Useless ambles over to the opposite side of Damsel from Lyoko before hunkering down again...
- [16:10] <Lyoko> *charged
- [16:10] <Ojodeldevorador> Obedience is not sufficent.
- [16:10] <Ojodeldevorador> Willing obedience is required
- [16:10] <Dale> What most I do?
- [16:10] <Dale> (( Must* ))
- [16:11] <Dale> I shall not kill Ryuusei.. Even for you..
- [16:11] * LordBarrius glances at Useless with a slight smile. "Don't worry, brother....I'm watching over you."
- [16:11] <Ojodeldevorador> That answer Dale is for Fulcan. You are not my deparment. You belong to Cartwright....
- [16:11] <Useless> My thanks, brother.
- [16:11] <Dale> Bah
- [16:12] * Nicholas shakes his head. "What's going on?"
- [16:12] <Ojodeldevorador> Diviara is dying....
- [16:12] <Ojodeldevorador> His life force barely registers in the network at all
- [16:12] <Dale> Now are you addressing me? Or this to Fulcan as well?
- [16:12] * LordBarrius frowns. "No...."
- [16:12] <Ojodeldevorador> I believed that you might wish to know the fact
- [16:12] <Useless> Something that I am attempting to alter, but I've not the means directly.
- [16:13] <Useless> My creator, on the other hand...
- [16:13] <Ojodeldevorador> Oh... and if you could do it more directly would you Talo-Toecan....
- [16:13] * Lyoko hits maximum, then screams "GIGA SESSION!" and a large blast of electricity is created. Luckily, I am far enough away, so all that happens is that everyone hair stands up. But most of the ground around me is now electrified and crispy.
- [16:13] <Useless> I am unsure what I could do, even if I was there.
- [16:13] <Ojodeldevorador> Say for instance you Creator and yourself could be made to switch positions via some mechanism
- [16:14] <Ojodeldevorador> Would you even do so?
- [16:14] <Ojodeldevorador> If it actually meant risking self... would you
- [16:15] * Useless glances towards Damsel, then at his brother LordBarrius. "I...well...that is a difficult question to answer, but if you'll give me a moment to frame a response..."
- [16:15] <Ojodeldevorador> Or will you hide behind fear lack of certainty and lack of knoweledge
- [16:15] * Lyoko pushes his hair back down, and observes his handiwork.
- [16:15] * LordBarrius waves a hand over his head to drain any residue electricity from the air, absorbing it into his arm, then glances at Useless.
- [16:15] <Ojodeldevorador> Or those you place greater value on....
- [16:15] <Ojodeldevorador> After all.. they have done more then he for you
- [16:15] <Ojodeldevorador> I understand completely
- [16:16] <Useless> The idea is admittedly quite alluring, as I do owe Diviara much on a personal level, and further I believe in a Cause.
- [16:16] * Lyoko looks toward useless's direction, and runs there, realizig he has a much faster speed.
- [16:16] <Lyoko> ((well, toward there.))
- [16:16] <Useless> I would however, equally admit that leaving the people of this haven depresses me to think about, more with some than others.
- [16:16] <Dale> (( Lyoko, do you have any idea what is occurring at this moment? ))
- [16:17] <Ojodeldevorador> It is a good thing noones life hangs in the balance regarding the ability of you to act quickly and get to the point.. oh wait ....
- [16:17] <Iggys> ((i tihnk think he/she knows whats going on in his mind))
- [16:17] <Useless> Up until know, my mission and task, as it were, was to Observe and pass on what information I could to my creator when I had opportunity to.
- [16:17] <Useless> I belive that has changed...and so...
- [16:17] <Lyoko> yes, i am watching, but i've stopped testing, for now.
- [16:17] * Useless sighs, looks towards Damsel longingly, then turns away. "If such an opportunity arose, then I suppose I would, as it would also spare my creator from further harm for the nonce."
- [16:18] * Iggys wakes up 'looking' around
- [16:18] <Useless> I would only hope that certain people would understand, and not hold such a decision against me.
- [16:19] <Iggys> ((OTOH i have no clue whats going on XD))
- [16:19] <Zeltan> Now, if you will excuse me..
- [16:19] <Dale> (( Then do shutup. ))
- [16:19] * Zeltan packs his things
- [16:19] * LordBarrius nods slowly. "I would understand, and I'm sure sister Damsel would as well."
- [16:19] * Ojodeldevorador appears pysically a stately looking man in a lab coat with blue eyes and a dark walking stick
- [16:19] <Useless> I would also hope that such a switch might actually serve to save those lives in most direct question...rather than being an effort badly mad.
- [16:19] * LouisZephyr has joined #755
- [16:19] <Useless> ((*made))
- [16:19] <Zeltan> What?!
- [16:20] <Zeltan> Meh
- [16:20] <Iggys> ((dude your old XD))
- [16:20] * Useless blinks, regarding the man in the lab coat curiously. "Dr. Zephyr, I presume?"
- [16:20] * Nicholas slowly sits up.
- [16:20] <LouisZephyr> "I am Dr. Louis Zephyr..."
- [16:20] * Zeltan stops packing his thing
- [16:20] <Iggys> ((DUN DUN DUUUUNN!))
- [16:20] <LouisZephyr> "I am ready to escort you to Delphi Talo-Toecan...."
- [16:20] <Iggys> ((Delphi?))
- [16:20] <Iggys> "delphi?"
- [16:21] <Useless> It is good to finally meet you...
- [16:21] -AnnounceServ- : [LouisZephyr]: Tick Tock!
- [16:21] <Iggys> "who or what is delphi?"
- [16:21] * Useless twitters softly in a slightly aggravated manner, then turns to nip Damsel on the cheek lightly. "Very well...lead on, Dr. Zephyr."
- [16:22] <Lyoko> ((Hmm.))
- [16:22] <Zeltan> ..Delphi.
- [16:23] * LordBarrius nods slowly.
- [16:23] * Nicholas pulls himself to a stand position and strolls out of the room.
- [16:23] <Useless> Brother...let my dear heart know what is afoot, and pray help her understand.
- [16:23] <Mysterious_Player> ((-AnnounceServ- : [LouisZephyr]: The Epic continues NOW))
- [16:23] <LordBarrius> I will try.
- [16:23] * Useless hops down from the couch and trots over to Dr. Zephyr.
- [16:24] * LordBarrius smiles. "Take care, brother."
- [16:24] <Useless> You do the same, and watch over those that I can no longer...
- [16:25] <Crash> Good night, and if I don't speak to you, Happy Holidays.
- [16:25] * Iggys flies out of the room hitting a tree
- [16:25] <LordBarrius> I will.
- [16:26] * Lyoko looks around, and notices he has been twitching.
- [16:26] <Lyoko> This will take some getting used to.
- [16:26] * Crash has quit IRC (Interred: Apparantly music videos by Brand New that I want to see hide from me....)
- [16:27] * LordBarrius glances at Lyoko. "I can try to help if you'd like...."
- [16:27] * Man vanishes with Talo
- [16:27] * LouisZephyr vanishes with Talo
- [16:28] * Useless vanishes with LouisZephyr
- [16:28] * Useless has left #755
- [16:28] * LordBarrius bites his lip and holds back tears. "Goodbye brother...."
- [16:28] * Dale mutters under his breat " Be safe "
- [16:28] <Zeltan> ..
- [16:29] * Lyoko "Have a good journey."
- [16:29] * Lyoko summons his scythe, and realizes it is now a yellow color.
- [16:29] <Lyoko> Hmm.
- [16:30] * Lyoko starts swinging it around and channels some electricity through it, causing a faster swing by making the electrons inside it pull a specific direction.
- [16:31] * Lyoko realizes he can do that with his body too.
- [16:31] <Iggys> ((god Mod Mucho?))
- [16:31] * Zeltan shields himself from the static in the air
- [16:31] <Lyoko> So, a speed boost and a new power. Not bad.
- [16:31] <Zeltan> Static usually affects my molecules
- [16:31] <Dale> (( How is that a god mod? ))
- [16:32] <Lyoko> ((No, it's not god-modding. i'm just faster, and have better lightning attacks.))
- [16:32] * Lyoko absorbs the electricity in the air.
- [16:33] <Lyoko> ((Well, I am basically dedicated to energy.))
- [16:34] <Lyoko> ((I've taken an elemental side. Many enemies in AQ do.))
- [16:35] * Zeltan has quit IRC (Supressed: )
- [16:37] * LordBarrius stands and takes a seat closer to Damsel, watching over her with a careful eye.
- [16:38] * Iggys is now known as Iggy
- [16:39] * Lyoko puts up his scythe, and sits in the office chair he summoned last sunday.
- [16:40] * Lyoko then starts spinning, much faster than last time he tried it.
- [16:40] * Dale walks over to Damsel
- [16:40] * Lyoko lyoko is then hit by lightning, and both he and his chair are gone.
- [16:40] * Lyoko has quit IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected)
- [16:41] * Dale takes unsheathes his blade, and holds it to her throat before saying " Hm.. It would appear killing you... would make quite a significant change in this place.. "
- [16:41] * LordBarrius scowls and grabs the blade with one hand.
- [16:41] <LordBarrius> Back off.
- [16:41] <Dale> "But alas, it would serve no other purpose"
- [16:42] * Dale lets out an evil laugh
- [16:42] <Dale> Looks like I struck a nerve.
- [16:42] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow. "I'll give you five seconds."
- [16:42] <Dale> Relax Barrius, I had no intentions of killing her.
- [16:43] <Dale> Just gathering reactions is all.
- [16:43] <LordBarrius> I'll relax when you move that blade off her throat and back up.
- [16:43] <Dale> And I must say, that was quite predictable, even for you.
- [16:43] <LordBarrius> Unless you'd prefer that I break it.
- [16:43] * Dale walks away, blade still in his hands.
- [16:43] * Mysterious_Player has quit IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected)
- [16:44] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow and removes his hand as Dale backs up. His hand runs with blood but he doesn't seem to notice.
- [16:45] * Daniel has joined #755
- [16:45] * Tralin sets mode: +v Daniel
- [16:45] <Daniel> Hello everyone!
- [16:45] <Daniel> How's it going?
- [16:45] * LordBarrius snorts. "Don't do that again, Dale."
- [16:46] <Daniel> Been better then, I take it?
- [16:46] * LordBarrius glances down at his hand, and noticing the blood, waves his other hand over it, slowly sealing the wound.
- [16:46] <Dale> Now now, Barrius, don't get all demanding on me, of all people.
- [16:47] <LordBarrius> If you come near her again while I'm present....
- [16:47] <LordBarrius> It will be most unpleasant for you.
- [16:47] <LordBarrius> Are we clear?
- [16:48] <Dale> Ha, I would love to see the pain you can inflict.
- [16:48] <Daniel> Oh, Louis, I almost didn't see you. How are you doing?
- [16:48] <LordBarrius> No Dale, you would not.
- [16:49] * Dale raises his blade again " Barrius, it would just cut through her neck.. Like a knife through butter! "
- [16:49] <Daniel> Just so you two know... peace is always a fun thing to do...
- [16:50] * LordBarrius scowls. "Play with toys, and they get broken sometimes."
- [16:50] <LordBarrius> You'll get to decide over what body part I break it.
- [16:50] * Dale laughs evilly
- [16:50] <Dale> This is fun.
- [16:51] * LouisZephyr appears
- [16:52] * LouisZephyr gestures
- [16:52] * Daniel sighs *
- [16:52] * Hadin has joined #755
- [16:53] * LordBarrius turns to Zephyr in curiousity.
- [16:53] <Daniel> And we're supposed to be useful to LORE. I wish I had some idea what Falerin sees in us.
- [16:53] * Dale walks over to Damsel yet again.
- [16:53] <LouisZephyr> The same thing my lord sees
- [16:53] * Hadin grumbles mightily, distraught almost as much in the new surroundings as he might be with any other jump.
- [16:53] * LouisZephyr turns leaving Hadin
- [16:53] <Dale> Now tell me Barrius, what did you say you were going to do?
- [16:54] * LouisZephyr has left #755