Uncovering the True Runes
From Caelwiki
Session Start: Sun Dec 17 18:45:32 2006 Session Ident: #755
- [18:45] * Now talking in #755
- [18:45] * Topic is 'The Man Behind the Curtain Knows More Than The Truth '
- [18:45] * Set by Maxwell on Sun Dec 17 14:38:17
- [18:45] * Tralin sets mode: +ao Maxx Maxx
- [18:45] <Maxx> Looks like we get to have a little fun this week.
- [18:46] <Daniel> Ok. I am just grouping all of them.
- [18:46] <Durroth> yeah, we've formed a thinktank
- [18:47] <Maxx> Are we going to have the help of this King in a Temple before the deadline?
- [18:47] * Elite5_Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-243C3EB5.sub-70-196-234.myvzw.com) has joined #755
- [18:47] * Tralin sets mode: +v Elite5_Lex
- [18:47] <Daniel> Maxwell, will your comments only be yes or no?
- [18:48] <Maxwell> yes they will
- [18:48] <Maxwell> no you will do this alone
- [18:48] <Daniel> Ok. *is shooting for that custom rune-related title*
- [18:48] <Durroth> But all the same we're helping eachother out
- [18:48] * Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-504E637F.sub-70-196-171.myvzw.com) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Elite5_Lex) )
- [18:48] <Durroth> not that I'm much help
- [18:48] <Maxwell> your chances of doing this are very low, and I find this to be your first true test of your faith in this
- [18:48] * Elite5_Lex is now known as Lex
- [18:49] <Durroth> Nonetheless, we have to figure it out
- [18:49] <Maxx> I don't think we were ever told the story from which the runes originated.
- [18:49] <Daniel> I think the false one will be grey just because it doesn't correspond to an element color really.
- [18:49] <Daniel> But I am half-crazy/
- [18:49] <Daniel> *.
- [18:49] <Maxwell> You are wrong
- [18:50] <Maxwell> The false rune has no color
- [18:50] <Maxwell> it is false
- [18:50] <Maxwell> It will not show up anywhere on your finished image
- [18:50] <Maxx> I think the name of the story is "The eternal and the hunted".
- [18:50] <Maxwell> You will need one rune of each color, this I thought was common sense.
- [18:50] <Daniel> Yeah, I just had a mind blowout I suppose.
- [18:51] <Rimblade> Heh.
- [18:51] <Maxx> Experience in this ordeal has taught us to not entirely trust "common sense".
- [18:51] <Durroth> Grey is air
- [18:51] <Durroth> if we're using common sense
- [18:51] <Maxwell> What color is the wind icon in AQ?
- [18:52] <Durroth> grey
- [18:52] <Maxx> But, yes, the one-to-one color correspondence was going to be one of my questions.
- [18:52] <Maxwell> So, common sense would tell you that it is "air"
- [18:52] <Durroth> but purple doesnt correspond unless you take into consideration that you cant have black on a black background
- [18:52] <Maxwell> but what is air in the Cor-Dem's book?
- [18:52] <Durroth> and light blue doesnt correspont to anything
- [18:52] <Maxx> ice
- [18:53] <Durroth> unless you consider that you cant have one color represent two thingsd
- [18:53] <Durroth> therefore light had to be white
- [18:53] <Durroth> and ice had to be light blue
- [18:53] <Durroth> therefore
- [18:54] * Takun is now known as Takun|Gunbound
- [18:54] <Durroth> Fire=Red Ice=Lt. Blue Water=Blue Earth=Green Air=Grey Energy=Yellow Light=White Darkness=Purple
- [18:54] <Rimblade> Truth is earth >.>
- [18:58] * Fulcan (rdashing@Caelestia-B9D7E8B3.dsl1-fairport.roc.ny.frontiernet.net) Quit (Interred: )
- [18:59] <Maxx> If Truth is Earth, "common sense" says Lies would correspond to Wind.
- [18:59] <Rimblade> Heh.
- [19:00] <Legault> So every rune in the has to be the same shape like Dan was doing?
- [19:00] <Rimblade> What's the symbol for earth?
- [19:00] <Daniel> I will be back later. Take care y'all.
- [19:00] * Daniel (Daniel@Caelestia-5BA25A00.nap.wideopenwest.com) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [19:01] <Rimblade> A leaf >.>
- [19:01] <Legault> Yeah...
- [19:01] <Maxx> Kell made a good point on the forums. Some of the groupings are the same other than color.
- [19:02] <Rimblade> Yeash.
- [19:02] <Legault>
- [19:02] <Legault> I'm pretty sure I messed up again.
- [19:03] <PapaSmurff037> a single horizontal line
- [19:03] <Legault> I was following Dan's example.
- [19:03] <Legault> He used 2 lines.
- [19:08] <Maxwell> Back again
- [19:09] <Maxwell> sorry for that
- [19:09] * Nicholas: [AFK] is now known as Nicholas
- [19:09] <Maxwell> I had to take care of something
- [19:09] * LordBarrius (pd142001@Caelestia-82B568B2.buckeyecom.net) has joined #755
- [19:09] * Tralin sets mode: +v LordBarrius
- [19:10] <Legault> Maxwell does it need to be one horizontal line, or just horizontal?
- [19:10] <Maxwell> one horizontal line going from 1-8
- [19:11] <Maxwell> is that really so hard? I have gotten none yet lol
- [19:11] <PapaSmurff037>
- [19:11] <PapaSmurff037> thats my attempt
- [19:11] <Maxwell> yay a try at it
- [19:11] <Legault> I was following Dan's example. ^_^
- [19:11] <Legault> He had 2 lines.
- [19:11] <Maxwell> lets see
- [19:11] <Maxx> You have two runes of the same type in your try, Legault.
- [19:11] <Maxwell> wrong Papasmurff
- [19:11] <PapaSmurff037> dang
- [19:11] <Maxwell> your first rune is incorrect I did not look at any others
- [19:12] <PapaSmurff037> oh
- [19:12] <PapaSmurff037> well crap
- [19:12] <Maxx> Is that our only Hope? Random guesses?
- [19:12] <Rimblade> The first of the failures! :D
- [19:12] <PapaSmurff037> no
- [19:12] <Maxwell> Well no
- [19:12] <PapaSmurff037> it wasnt a random attempt
- [19:12] <Maxwell> I will not tell you what you got right
- [19:12] <Maxwell> but I will tell you what you got wrong
- [19:12] * Bart|AQing (Bartimaeus@Caelestia-E9945D29.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [19:12] <PapaSmurff037> i tried to match the runes to the colors of elemtnts they reminded me of
- [19:13] <Maxwell> So if you give me them, and I tell you your first rune is wrong, that should tell you that your first rune is wrong
- [19:13] <Maxwell> if I tell you your second rune is wrong
- [19:13] <Maxwell> that must mean your first rune is correct
- [19:13] <Maxwell> savvy?
- [19:13] <Rimblade> Awesome.
- [19:13] <Maxx> aye
- [19:13] <PapaSmurff037> mkay
- [19:13] <Legault> I wrote down the one that's wrong.
- [19:13] <Rimblade> Then proceed from there :P
- [19:13] <Legault> We can just make a list and try trial and error...
- [19:13] <Maxwell> correctamundo
- [19:14] <Maxwell> I think you should show youe example papasmurf
- [19:14] <PapaSmurff037>
- [19:14] <Maxwell> most people on the forums have no ida what to do
- [19:14] <PapaSmurff037> oh
- [19:14] <PapaSmurff037> i see
- [19:14] <PapaSmurff037> ok
- [19:15] <Nicholas> I'm currently busy re-arranging the runes so they're sorted by both group and shape.
- [19:15] <Nicholas> Errr, colour.
- [19:15] <Maxwell> awesome
- [19:16] <Legault> So that blue icon is not the first... Now to try one of 71 others.
- [19:16] <Maxwell> dont forget to find the number 9 :P
- [19:16] <Legault> Fun time.
- [19:16] <Maxwell> I did not say it is not the right icon
- [19:16] <Maxwell> I said it is wrong
- [19:16] <Legault> >_<
- [19:16] <Maxwell> you could have gotten the color shape or direction wrong
- [19:16] <Rimblade> So, Trial and Error is likely to take forever due to the sheer number of possibilities?
- [19:17] <Maxwell> Yes, and looking for clues
- [19:17] <Maxwell> Many people are finding some already.
- [19:17] <Rimblade> Hehe.
- [19:18] <Maxwell> I am looking at the correct order right now, jealous much?
- [19:18] <PapaSmurff037> ...very
- [19:19] <Rimblade> Hayt.
- [19:19] <Rimblade> I'd be working harder on it, but I can't upload photos, so I'm killing Carnax's body parts over and over instead.
- [19:19] <Maxwell> It is not hard to upload an image
- [19:20] <PapaSmurff037> y cant u upload photos?
- [19:20] <Rimblade> 'Cause my computer sucks. It's all computer problems.
- [19:20] <Maxx> I'm watching the orcs attack on TNT; it's been a while since I've seen the LotR movies.
- [19:21] <Maxx> hehe
- [19:22] <Legault>
- [19:22] * Legault grins. "It's one line now."
- [19:23] <Maxwell> Your first rune is incorrect.
- [19:25] <Maxwell> 755 could help you greatly here
- [19:25] <Rimblade> Oh-ho!
- [19:25] <Legault> Trinity or 755?
- [19:25] * LordBarrius (pd142001@Caelestia-82B568B2.buckeyecom.net) Quit (Vaporized: )
- [19:27] <Maxwell> Matches are not always equal on the numbers they represent.
- [19:27] <Maxx> Does that mean the first rune is 7 or 5 in Legault's try, Maxwell?
- [19:27] <Maxwell> Why would the first rune be 7?
- [19:27] <Maxwell> The first rune is 1....
- [19:28] <Maxwell> the last rune is 8, savvy that?
- [19:28] <Rimblade> :D
- [19:28] * Legault laughes
- [19:28] <Maxx> In Legault's try. The first rune he guessed.
- [19:28] <Legault>
- [19:28] <Maxwell> He guessed that that was one
- [19:28] <Legault> And... Let the wrongness begin again!
- [19:29] <Maxwell> Your first rune is incorrect.
- [19:29] <Legault> I just keep alternating the order, eventually if I do it 72 times I'll get the first one right... I think.
- [19:30] <Maxwell> Pretty much :D
- [19:30] <Maxwell> you can send them to me in bulk too.
- [19:30] <Rimblade> Try all the white runes >.>
- [19:30] <Legault> !calc 72*8
- [19:30] <Lex> Answer: 576
- [19:30] <Rimblade> XD
- [19:30] <Maxwell> How do you know the first rune is white?
- [19:30] <Legault> ... Can't be right.
- [19:30] <Maxwell> It could be blue or red or green.
- [19:30] <Rimblade> I'm guessing, obviously.
- [19:30] <Maxwell> Or any color.
- [19:31] <Rimblade> I've got no clue- though I suspect I could find some by looking at past lists :o
- [19:31] <Rimblade> And white was the first to the right XD
- [19:31] * Mobuis (Mobuis@Caelestia-CAFD8395.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) has joined #755
- [19:31] <Legault> I wish it was that simple Rim/
- [19:32] <Maxwell> It could be that simple.
- [19:32] <Mobuis> Eh, hello all.
- [19:32] <Maxwell> It could not, you have to try.
- [19:33] <Maxwell> Many think you will all fail. Prove them wrong.
- [19:34] <Rimblade> We don't have to. We could always fail and die, if we felt like it.
- [19:34] <Rimblade> Which I'm sure we all want <.<
- [19:34] <Maxwell> That is true, you could all fail.
- [19:34] <PapaSmurff037>
- [19:34] <Maxwell> I think you will.
- [19:34] <Maxwell> Your first rune is incorrect.
- [19:34] <Durroth> So are we any closer?
- [19:35] <PapaSmurff037> damnit
- [19:35] <PapaSmurff037> actually i think i got an idea
- [19:35] <Legault> Got a patch of 3 ready.
- [19:35] <Rimblade> Do tell.
- [19:35] <Legault> Load, darn you!
- [19:36] <Legault>
- [19:36] <Legault>
- [19:36] <Legault>
- [19:36] <Durroth> your first rune is wrong
- [19:36] <Durroth> your first rune is wrong
- [19:36] <Durroth> your first rune is wrong
- [19:36] * Mobuis (Mobuis@Caelestia-CAFD8395.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) Quit (Ping timeout )
- [19:36] <Durroth> probably
- [19:36] <Durroth> I bet they are
- [19:36] <Nicholas> Remember to write down your attempts.
- [19:37] * Legault grins. "Probably."
- [19:37] <Legault> I am.
- [19:37] <Durroth> Well maxwell, any of his first runes right?
- [19:37] <Maxwell> Your first rune is incorrect.
- [19:37] <Maxwell> For all of them.
- [19:37] <Durroth> XD
- [19:37] <Durroth> are any of his runes in any of them right?
- [19:37] <Maxwell> That is not how this works my friend.
- [19:37] <Nicholas> I'm assigning nicknames to the runes so I can remember what I've tried.
- [19:38] <Nicholas> It's best to be orginized before making random guesses.
- [19:38] <Durroth> I know, I was hoping you might slip up
- [19:38] <Durroth> its a 1/1000000000000000000000000000000 shot
- [19:38] <Durroth> but it might happen one of these days
- [19:38] <Durroth> how do you even know you have the right color matched with the right rune legault?
- [19:38] * Rimblade shrugs.
- [19:39] <Maxwell> Do you want a clue?
- [19:39] <Maxwell> I would try each color
- [19:39] <Maxwell> first
- [19:39] <Rimblade> :o
- [19:39] <Maxwell> as your first rune..
- [19:39] <Maxwell> I mean it is common sense.
- [19:39] <Durroth> yes *expects the answer "Too bad"*
- [19:39] <Maxwell> Try every rune of every color until I say your second rune is wrong, and go from there.
- [19:39] <Durroth> he has something there
- [19:40] <PapaSmurff037> thats what im working on now
- [19:40] <Maxwell> That is your only clue.
- [19:40] <Legault> How many runes have been entered into the first slot?
- [19:40] <PapaSmurff037> im doing blue
- [19:40] <Nicholas> Hmm.
- [19:40] <Maxwell> Besides what is given.
- [19:40] <Legault> We're that close. >_<
- [19:40] <Maxwell> There are clues out there, in Lkeas's website and in the logs and even in the runes.
- [19:40] <Maxwell> So, good luck.
- [19:40] <Maxx> Can we guess at the false rune?
- [19:41] * Mobuis (Mobuis@Caelestia-CAFD8395.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) has joined #755
- [19:41] <Maxx> Thus eliminating it from consideration.
- [19:41] <Rimblade> Hahah.
- [19:41] <Legault> I have 6 patterns that are wrong...
- [19:42] <Maxwell> Keep up with the topic too.
- [19:42] <Legault> So... Alot left.
- [19:42] <Maxwell> I would check it right now actually.
- [19:43] <PapaSmurff037> we have the first rune found out
- [19:44] <Durroth> uploading my first try to parazz
- [19:44] <Durroth> do we papa?
- [19:44] <PapaSmurff037> yes
- [19:44] <Maxx> From the forums, yes.
- [19:44] <PapaSmurff037> check the forums
- [19:45] <Rimblade> The first rune stands discovered.
- [19:45] * Legault cheers. "Huzzah!"
- [19:45] <Durroth>
- [19:45] <Durroth> erm
- [19:46] <Durroth> thats the one that has the 1st rune right
- [19:46] <Durroth> everyone
- [19:46] <Maxwell> Your second rune is incorrect.
- [19:46] <Durroth> thats not mine max
- [19:46] <Rimblade> Oh, and houses are coming soon.
- [19:46] <Durroth> I'm posting it for everyones reference
- [19:46] * Legault snickers.
- [19:46] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472729
- [19:46] <Durroth> THIS is mine
- [19:47] <Maxwell> Your second rune is incorrect.
- [19:48] <Maxx> I'll take the yellow runes for the guesses on the second rune.
- [19:48] <Legault> So... Maxwell, if we just posted the first correct rune, what would your answer be?
- [19:49] * Mobuis (Mobuis@Caelestia-CAFD8395.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) Quit (Ping timeout )
- [19:49] <PapaSmurff037>
- [19:49] <Maxwell> You have to post 8 runes or I will give you no comment.
- [19:49] <Maxwell> Your second rune is incorrect.
- [19:49] <PapaSmurff037> thats the color/element order from the mainpage if u start with light
- [19:49] * Mobuis (Mobuis@Caelestia-CAFD8395.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) has joined #755
- [19:50] * Rimblade doesn't like Maxwell for having teh grande list of power :P
- [19:52] <Maxwell> btw I have "Your second rune is incorrect.
- [19:52] <Maxwell> as copy and paste :P
- [19:52] <Legault> XD
- [19:52] <Rimblade> Heh.
- [19:52] <Maxwell> I am shocked the first rune was found so fast >>;
- [19:52] <Rimblade> I'm not.
- [19:52] <Maxwell> But not all too shocked.
- [19:52] <Rimblade> I have faith in the power of chance ;)
- [19:52] <Legault> Well there's a lot of people trying combos.
- [19:52] <Maxwell> I did that on purpose to give you all some hope.
- [19:53] <Legault> ... Meanie.
- [19:53] <Maxwell> The first rune was the very rune you really see at the top left corner, the first a person would start.
- [19:53] <Maxwell> :P
- [19:53] <Durroth> uploading the next six attempts
- [19:53] <Rimblade> I said that!
- [19:53] <Mobuis> Meh.
- [19:53] <Maxwell> ok
- [19:53] <Rimblade> Anywhoo...
- [19:54] <Rimblade> I say that we split up the task.
- [19:54] * Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus@Caelestia-E9945D29.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #755
- [19:54] * Tralin sets mode: +v Bartimaeus
- [19:54] <PapaSmurff037>
- [19:54] <Mobuis> I wonder who would find the correct combo, if someone did.
- [19:54] <Rimblade> Everyone starts with the correct rune, then posts combinations of each different color rune for the second. Someone will be correct. Then we go on.
- [19:55] <Rimblade> Each person will only have to upload eight images per rune :D
- [19:55] <Maxwell> Your second rune is incorrect.
- [19:55] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472736
- [19:55] <PapaSmurff037> SON OF A *****
- [19:55] <Legault> I would laugh so hard if some random person posted random runes and got it all right...
- [19:55] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [19:55] <Legault> o_O
- [19:55] <Durroth> *gape*
- [19:55] <Mobuis> O_o
- [19:55] <PapaSmurff037> good job
- [19:55] <Rimblade> EGADS!
- [19:56] <Durroth> w00t!
- [19:56] * Mobuis cues dramtic music
- [19:56] * Legault cheers. "Huzzah!"
- [19:56] <Bartimaeus> lol Legault
- [19:56] <Nicholas> Hmm. We're progressing faster then I thought.
- [19:56] <Durroth> ok, we have runes 1 and 2
- [19:56] <Legault> ((Dramatic music! http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gba/cotm.mid ))
- [19:56] <Bartimaeus> we need more
- [19:56] <Maxwell> Yes, the first 2 are the easy ones.
- [19:56] <Mobuis> Meh, i'm look for a pattern or something.
- [19:56] <Rimblade> In what may be the wrong order :P
- [19:56] <Maxwell> Light and Dark one and two.
- [19:56] <Rimblade> ER, not order.
- [19:56] <Maxwell> Now, it begins.
- [19:56] <Rimblade> But rotation.
- [19:56] <Durroth> I just honestly randomly picked the second rune
- [19:57] <Maxwell> Also One and Two are in the exact loaction XD
- [19:57] <Durroth> well, the shape of it
- [19:57] <Maxwell> Well, it was a clue.
- [19:57] <Legault> So... Do are two elements that touch connected somehow?
- [19:57] <Legault> Hmm...
- [19:57] <Maxwell> No
- [19:58] <Rimblade> Well, we need to get the rune order right fast. Someone tell the forumites and then get to work systemmatically.
- [19:58] <Rimblade> :D
- [19:58] <PapaSmurff037> m on it
- [19:58] <Rimblade> I'll sit here and be a cheer squad.
- [19:58] <Maxwell> I would tell the forum users the second rune was found
- [19:58] <Maxwell> better teamwork could help you much.
- [19:58] * Maxwell stares at Rimblade
- [19:58] <Maxwell> You could update them :P
- [19:59] <Rimblade> ....
- [19:59] <Maxwell> You dont want to help the forum users?
- [19:59] <Maxwell> I am shocked!
- [19:59] <Rimblade> Division is good, right?
- [19:59] * Zeltan (zeltanx@Caelestia-8CB87593.dyn228.pacific.net.sg) has joined #755
- [19:59] <Rimblade> And in any case, Durroth just told them.
- [20:00] <Maxwell> yes but the link does not work
- [20:00] <Maxwell> that is a problem :P
- [20:00] <Bartimaeus> ((On an unrelated note...))
- [20:00] <Bartimaeus> ((Houses are HERE!))
- [20:00] <Zeltan> ((Really?))
- [20:00] <Nicholas> ((/me doesn't care.))
- [20:00] <Durroth> its blocking the word username
- [20:00] <Nicholas> ((/me finds the Truth Saga better.))
- [20:00] <Zeltan> ((ditto))
- [20:00] <Rimblade> Mmm. Someone needs to post a photobucket version with the second rune right.
- [20:01] <Legault> ((I'm uploading 2 in a second.))
- [20:01] <Maxwell> I already have a house.
- [20:01] <Legault> I can get that Rim.
- [20:01] * LordBarrius (pd142001@Caelestia-49CCC7E9.buckeyecom.net) has joined #755
- [20:01] * Tralin sets mode: +v LordBarrius
- [20:02] <Rimblade> Good. 'Cause if I see any filter evasions to post an illegal album, I'll eat your post alive >:(
- [20:02] <Mobuis> Meep.
- [20:02] * LordBarrius (pd142001@Caelestia-49CCC7E9.buckeyecom.net) Quit (Vaporized: )
- [20:02] <Nicholas> All right, how shall we find the third rune? Who's doing which colour?
- [20:02] <Legault>
- [20:02] <Legault>
- [20:03] <Maxwell>
- [20:03] <Legault> Heh.
- [20:03] <Legault> I want your picture. :P
- [20:03] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:03] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:03] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:03] <Legault> >_>
- [20:03] <Mobuis> Lol, tenshi.
- [20:04] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:04] <Legault> I still want your picture. :P
- [20:04] <PapaSmurff037> damn
- [20:04] <Mobuis> What ya'll think the next rune is?
- [20:04] <Mobuis> On a totally random guess.
- [20:04] <Legault> A red squiggly line.
- [20:04] <Mobuis> I think it's the N with the slash.
- [20:05] <Mobuis> Not sure what color.
- [20:05] <Legault> Cap'n broke AQ.
- [20:05] <Maxwell> oh noes
- [20:05] <Legault> If you refresh it freezes loading the time.
- [20:05] <Durroth> good news
- [20:05] <Durroth> we only have 7 runes left and 6 colors
- [20:06] <Maxx> Here are all the yellow ones as the third rune:
- [20:06] <Durroth> max
- [20:07] <Bartimaeus> ((You get a new temp armor with houses))
- [20:07] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:07] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:07] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:07] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:07] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:07] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:07] <Zeltan> ouch
- [20:07] <Bartimaeus> o.0.o
- [20:07] <Durroth> nevermind
- [20:07] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:07] <Durroth> I'll do red
- [20:08] <PapaSmurff037> ill do blue
- [20:08] <Rimblade> XD
- [20:08] -AnnounceServ- : [Falerin]: Tick Tock
- [20:09] <Maxx> I started off trying to look for clues, but it'll go quicker if we work together and brute force it.
- [20:09] <Mobuis> Oro? "-AnnounceServ- : [Falerin]: Tick Tock"
- [20:09] <Nicholas> ((Great time for an epic, Falerin.))
- [20:09] <Zeltan> ((Epic?))
- [20:09] <Maxx> I'll start on light blue.
- [20:10] <Zeltan> i'll go green
- [20:10] * Lady_Valedia (Lady_Valed@Caelestia-114248A7.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #755
- [20:10] * Latius (Twig@Caelestia-1FF4CFB8.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) Quit (Vanished: )
- [20:11] * dalefanwill (PJIRC-133@Caelestia-22BAA75.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #755
- [20:11] * Tralin sets mode: +v dalefanwill
- [20:12] <Lady_Valedia> (( Oh how I hate cars lately. >_< ))
- [20:13] <Nicholas> ((Anyone who's willing to join the epic would be greatly appreciated...))
- [20:13] <Maxwell> By the way the lazy bums not helping you, will get no credit.
- [20:13] <Mobuis> Own'd.
- [20:13] * LordBarrius (pd142001@Caelestia-B0ED1DA7.buckeyecom.net) has joined #755
- [20:13] * Tralin sets mode: +v LordBarrius
- [20:13] <Legault> ((I will.))
- [20:13] <Nicholas> I'm honestly not looking for credit.
- [20:13] <Legault> Who falls under the lazy-bum catagory?
- [20:13] * Lady_Valedia still remains unmoving in her sleeping state, perfectly still except for the slow and steady breathing.
- [20:13] <Legault> Not me I hope. T_T
- [20:14] <Nicholas> I do.
- [20:14] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:14] <PapaSmurff037> there is the blue
- [20:15] -AnnounceServ- : [Falerin]: The Epic Resumes NOW!
- [20:15] <Maxx> Here are all the lt.blue ones as the third rune:
- [20:15] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472796
- [20:15] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:15] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:15] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:15] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:15] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:15] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:15] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:15] <dalefanwill> XD
- [20:16] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:16] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472795
- [20:16] <Lady_Valedia> (( Evening Barrius. :3 ))
- [20:16] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:16] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472794
- [20:16] <Mobuis> He sounds like a bot.
- [20:16] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:16] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472793
- [20:16] <Maxwell> I am no bot
- [20:16] <dalefanwill> XD
- [20:16] <Maxwell> I feel like one though
- [20:16] <Zeltan> Connection is weird for me
- [20:16] <Mobuis> Hence the, he sounds 'like' a bot.
- [20:16] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:16] <LordBarrius> ((Evening. Finally got my stupid comp to load the internet. I hate this comp.))
- [20:16] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472792
- [20:17] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:17] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472791
- [20:17] <Mobuis> ((I hate my comp to, it's disconnected me thrice!))
- [20:17] <Lady_Valedia> (( Heheh, been wondering where you were. :P Val's still passed out. ))
- [20:17] <Maxwell> Lkeas is missing all the fun
- [20:17] <Maxwell> and she worked so hard on all the rune stuff
- [20:17] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2391260
- [20:17] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472789
- [20:17] <Zeltan> Great i can't click on the links =.=
- [20:17] <Durroth> wait
- [20:17] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect, that is a cat
- [20:18] <Durroth> disregard 260
- [20:18] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:18] <dalefanwill> XD
- [20:18] <Durroth> ok, we've ruled out red, yellow and light blue
- [20:18] <Maxwell> I have a cat :D
- [20:18] <dalefanwill> XD
- [20:18] <Zeltan> Darn it my mouse is cracking up
- [20:18] <Mobuis> I have a rabbit.
- [20:18] <Mobuis> A white one.
- [20:18] <Maxwell> no
- [20:19] <Maxwell> want to see him?
- [20:19] <Maxwell> he is like 11 years old
- [20:19] <Legault> I have... A rabbit, 2 guinea pigs, and a hamster.
- [20:19] <Maxwell> or olrdeer
- [20:19] <Maxx> We didn't rule out red yet, did we?
- [20:19] <Durroth> yes
- [20:19] <Durroth> I just posted every red
- [20:19] <Maxx> papasmurf did blue
- [20:19] <Durroth> light blue
- [20:19] <Durroth> and yellow
- [20:19] <Durroth> not regular blue
- [20:19] <PapaSmurff037> its not red blue lt.blue or yellow
- [20:19] <Durroth> no, we didnt try drk blue
- [20:19] <PapaSmurff037> yes i did
- [20:19] <Maxwell> wait a second
- [20:19] * Lady_Valedia finally starts to stir, her head moving back and forth some while her eyes are still closed.
- [20:19] <Durroth> oh
- [20:19] <PapaSmurff037> its green or grey
- [20:20] <Maxwell> when did you try light blue or yellow?
- [20:20] <Maxwell> I only remember red
- [20:20] <Durroth> the first third rune one you rejected was all the yellows
- [20:20] <Maxwell> ok
- [20:20] <Maxx> I did yellow earlier. And just did lt blue.
- [20:20] <Rimblade> Hehe.
- [20:20] <Maxx> Here are all the lt.blue ones as the third rune:
- [20:20] <Durroth>
blue ones
- [20:21] <Durroth> dark blue*
- [20:21] <Rimblade> Whoa, Maxx is working at super-efficiency.
- [20:21] * Zeltan (zeltanx@Caelestia-8CB87593.dyn228.pacific.net.sg) Quit (Supressed: )
- [20:21] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:21] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:21] <PapaSmurff037> there is yellow
- [20:21] <Legault> My guinea pig + A pancake.
- [20:21] <Durroth> there goes our green
- [20:21] <dalefanwill> XD
- [20:21] * Zeltan (zeltanx@Caelestia-8CB87593.dyn228.pacific.net.sg) has joined #755
- [20:21] <Maxwell> Your fourth rune is incorrect.
- [20:21] <Durroth> 0.o
- [20:21] <Durroth> ok
- [20:22] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:22] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:22] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:22] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:22] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:22] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:22] <dalefanwill> XD
- [20:22] <Durroth> wait, is that blue or light blue maxwell
- [20:22] <PapaSmurff037> wait
- [20:22] <PapaSmurff037> crap
- [20:22] <Durroth> that your doing correctness for
- [20:22] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:22] <PapaSmurff037> which one is the good one
- [20:22] <Maxwell> You should pay attention and not send so many at a time
- [20:22] <PapaSmurff037> we didnt
- [20:22] <Durroth> -_-
- [20:22] <PapaSmurff037> u just didnt see them the first time
- [20:22] <Durroth> ok, stop judging all of them
- [20:22] * Maxx laughs.
- [20:22] <Durroth> lets go through blue first
- [20:23] <Durroth>
- [20:23] <Durroth> THEN someone can post light blue
- [20:23] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect, for all of them.
- [20:24] <Durroth> ok, now light blue papa
- [20:24] <Durroth>
- [20:24] <Maxx> I think it was the second lt. blue one.
- [20:24] <Durroth> heres lt. blue
- [20:24] <Durroth> judge em
- [20:24] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:24] <Maxwell> Your fourth rune is incorrect.
- [20:24] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:24] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:24] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:24] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:24] <Maxwell> Your third rune is incorrect.
- [20:25] <Durroth> ok
- [20:25] <Legault> Huzzah!
- [20:25] <Legault> We have 3!
- [20:25] <dalefanwill> XD
- [20:25] <Maxx> I'll grab yellow again for the fourth.
- [20:25] <Mobuis> Hmm...
- [20:26] <PapaSmurff037> ill do red
- [20:26] <Durroth> Grey
- [20:26] <Zeltan> Darn still can't click on the links =_=
- [20:26] <Durroth> someone post it on the forum
- [20:26] <Legault> Which one?
- [20:26] <Legault> Link.
- [20:26] <LordBarrius> Don't feel bad Zeltan, my computer is being uncooperative, otherwise I'd help too.
- [20:27] <sejwan> same here
- [20:27] <Zeltan> I feel useless >_>
- [20:27] <Durroth> we're efficient
- [20:27] <Maxwell> So, who has found what so far hmm? :P
- [20:27] <Durroth> I found second rune
- [20:27] <Maxwell> I think the first was.. Fayt190
- [20:27] <Maxx> Jump in the epic, LB. Someone has to go get pwned by Cartwright.
- [20:27] <LordBarrius> Already did. :P
- [20:27] <Maxwell> epic?
- [20:27] <Durroth> First was fayt190, second durroth, 3rd papasmurf
- [20:28] <Maxx> It doesn't matter who finds what, as long as we know the Truth.
- [20:28] <Mobuis> How long have people been at this?
- [20:28] <Mobuis> 3 hours?
- [20:28] <Maxwell> about
- [20:28] <Mobuis> So that's around 1 per hour.
- [20:28] <LordBarrius> You guys have done great. :P
- [20:28] <Maxwell> I doubted you could do it
- [20:28] <Maxwell> because it requires team work
- [20:28] <Maxwell> but, your doing great so far
- [20:29] * Lady_Valedia 's temporary stir of life soon ceases as her head relax once more and she returns to the motionless state.
- [20:29] <Durroth> thanks for the compliment maxwell
- [20:30] <Maxwell> also, a clue could be to figure out 755
- [20:30] <Maxwell> what elements 7 and 5 could be, yes?
- [20:30] <LordBarrius> Hm. Quite.
- [20:30] <Mobuis> Hm, Seven could be light.
- [20:30] <Maxwell> How so?
- [20:30] <Maxx> Truth is earth and 5.
- [20:31] <Maxwell> Then the number five is the color of Earth then.
- [20:31] <Mobuis> ((7 down from the top of the stats menu is light >_<))
- [20:31] <Mobuis> ((5 down is earth))
- [20:31] <Maxx> Lies might be wind and is definitely 7.
- [20:31] <PapaSmurff037> here is red
- [20:31] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:31] <Maxwell> So 7 would be the wind color then?
- [20:31] <Maxx> We'll find out.
- [20:32] <Maxx> I have the yellow ones ready as soon as the red ones are judged.
- [20:32] <Maxwell> Your fourth rune is incorrect.
- [20:32] <Maxwell> Your fourth rune is incorrect.
- [20:32] <Maxwell> Your fourth rune is incorrect.
- [20:32] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:32] <Maxwell> Your fourth rune is incorrect.
- [20:32] <Maxwell> Your fourth rune is incorrect.
- [20:32] <PapaSmurff037> 4th one
- [20:32] <Zeltan> X.x
- [20:32] <LordBarrius> Nice!
- [20:32] <Zeltan> Wow
- [20:33] <Mobuis> O__O
- [20:33] <Mobuis> Pawnage.
- [20:33] <Nicholas> ((You guys rock.))
- [20:33] <Maxx> Someone do the green ones for 5.
- [20:33] <PapaSmurff037> ill get green
- [20:34] * Lkeas (psyham@Caelestia-83D2AEF6.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #755
- [20:34] * Tralin sets mode: +ao Lkeas Lkeas
- [20:34] <Zeltan> Hello Lkeas
- [20:34] <Lkeas> hi...
- [20:34] <Durroth> Papa, you wanna take yellow?
- [20:34] <Maxwell> You are missing out on the fun
- [20:34] <Durroth> I'll take grey... again
- [20:35] <Maxwell> They have to work for the runes, it has been rather fun to watch. :D
- [20:35] <Lkeas> i heard...
- [20:35] <PapaSmurff037> im doing green
- [20:35] <Lkeas> you do all the fun stuff right while i'm in crunch
- [20:35] * Lkeas cries
- [20:35] <Lkeas> and an epic besides...
- [20:35] <Lkeas> although i'm exempt from those for the moment
- [20:36] <LordBarrius> I'll have to settle for the Epic alone. My computer might drop dead if I try to load another window. >_>
- [20:36] <Maxwell> you are trying for the 5th rune now, a part of the big question on what is 755's elemental representation.
- [20:36] <Zeltan> Now my right click in now working
- [20:36] <Zeltan> not*
- [20:36] <Lkeas> elemental representation?
- [20:37] <Useless> ((Whoo? Huh? Wha? Bwah?)
- [20:37] <Maxwell> Are you behind? :P
- [20:37] * KingK (kjmoney91@Caelestia-4B5305DC.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #755
- [20:37] <Lkeas> ((that's what i'm sayin' Useless))
- [20:37] <Durroth> uploading greys
- [20:37] <KingK> ((hey))
- [20:37] <Lkeas> ok, someone wanna link me the ones we have right so far?
- [20:37] <KingK> good evening
- [20:37] <Durroth> XD
- [20:38] <Maxwell> I do not know who is keeping track
- [20:38] <Maxwell> I hope they are >>;
- [20:38] <Lkeas> and how are people bothering to figure them out? just random guesses? or is there method to the madness?
- [20:38] <Durroth> yeah
- [20:38] <Maxwell> There is a method to their attempts
- [20:38] <Maxwell> every rune by color
- [20:38] <Durroth> we each take a color and post every remaining rune
- [20:39] * Useless twitters confusedly.
- [20:39] <PapaSmurff037> here is green
- [20:39] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:39] <Lkeas> ok... and we know the orientations of the runes already?
- [20:39] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:39] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:39] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:39] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:39] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:39] <PapaSmurff037> ok so its not green
- [20:39] <Lkeas> apparently not.
- [20:40] <Lkeas> or... that
- [20:40] <Durroth> you only did 5 of them maxwell
- [20:40] <Maxx> WTF did I do get the numbers backwards.
- [20:40] <Durroth> ...?
- [20:40] <Durroth> wait what?
- [20:40] <PapaSmurff037> is anyone doin yellow?
- [20:40] <Lkeas> do we know that the runes are oriented correctly?
- [20:40] <PapaSmurff037> the first 4 are all correct
- [20:41] <Durroth> papasmurf
- [20:41] <PapaSmurff037> ?
- [20:41] <Durroth> you forgot the sixth
- [20:41] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472877
- [20:41] <PapaSmurff037> there isnt a 6th
- [20:41] <Lkeas> does Maxwell tell us if we have the right rune but wrong orientation?
- [20:41] <PapaSmurff037> after we got the 4th there are only 5 other runes it could be
- [20:41] <PapaSmurff037> o
- [20:41] <PapaSmurff037> no
- [20:41] <PapaSmurff037> *
- [20:41] <Maxwell> A rune, well 1-8 represents a number, an element, a Cor-Dem legend, and an Avatar.
- [20:41] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472876
- [20:42] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:42] <Lkeas> ok... is that supposed to help us put them in order maxwell?
- [20:42] <PapaSmurff037> he posted 2 maxwell
- [20:42] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:42] <PapaSmurff037> ok
- [20:42] <PapaSmurff037> i guess ill do yellow now
- [20:42] <Maxwell> well, they are working on 1-8
- [20:42] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472874
- [20:43] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:43] <Lkeas> and they have 1-4? in the proper orientation and everything?
- [20:43] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472873
- [20:43] <Maxwell> yep
- [20:43] <Durroth> yes lkeas
- [20:43] <Durroth> we are very efficient
- [20:43] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:43] <Lkeas> how did you know which orientation?
- [20:43] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472870
- [20:43] <LordBarrius> They didn't, they're just really fast.
- [20:43] <LordBarrius> :P
- [20:44] <Maxwell> They still do not know what legend or Avatar they represent. That is part two.
- [20:44] <Mobuis> OH boy, part 2!
- [20:44] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:44] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2472869
- [20:44] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:44] <Durroth> ok, so 5 isnt grey
- [20:44] <Durroth> what colors do we have left?
- [20:45] <PapaSmurff037> im almost done with yellow
- [20:45] <Lkeas> how do you know it's not grey but just rotated wrong?
- [20:45] <PapaSmurff037> we still need blue done
- [20:45] <Lkeas> i can do blue
- [20:45] <Maxwell> That is not how it works
- [20:45] <Maxx> He gave us the correct orientations on the forums, Lkeas.
- [20:45] <Lkeas> he did?
- [20:45] <Lkeas> link me
- [20:45] <Maxwell> I made it easy on you
- [20:45] <Lkeas> i'll do blue.
- [20:45] <Maxwell> They are all correct if you get the color correct :P
- [20:45] <Maxwell> So, once you have all of the numbers
- [20:45] <Maxwell> you will have the right shape
- [20:46] <Maxwell> and the right color
- [20:46] <Maxwell> for each number
- [20:46] <Maxwell> Until then, your still in the dark
- [20:46] <Durroth> wait, crap, I repeated a rune
- [20:46] <Lkeas> oh, so we're not worrying about orientation just yet?
- [20:46] <Lkeas> ...
- [20:46] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:46] <Maxwell> No need to
- [20:46] <PapaSmurff037> thats yellow
- [20:46] <Maxwell> if you get the color right you found the right orientation
- [20:46] <Lkeas> oh
- [20:46] <Durroth> has anyone done green?
- [20:46] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:46] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:46] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:46] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:46] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:47] <PapaSmurff037> ok its blue
- [20:47] <Lkeas> did we find out which is the 9th wrong one yet?
- [20:47] <PapaSmurff037> no
- [20:47] <Maxwell> no
- [20:47] <Durroth> papasmurf, what HAVENT we tried
- [20:47] <PapaSmurff037> blue
- [20:47] <Durroth> I'll try green then
- [20:47] <Durroth> unless we've done green
- [20:47] <PapaSmurff037> already did green
- [20:47] <Durroth> oh
- [20:47] <PapaSmurff037> all we have left for the 5th rune is blue
- [20:47] <Durroth> so yeah, its blue
- [20:47] <PapaSmurff037> or the rest of grey if u didnt finish that
- [20:48] <PapaSmurff037> ill do the blue ones for 5th
- [20:48] <Lkeas> hang on blue will be up in a minute
- [20:48] <Durroth> I finished grey
- [20:48] <Durroth> let Lkeas do blue
- [20:48] <Durroth> each of us already has a rune
- [20:48] <Durroth> you have 2 I believe
- [20:48] <Maxwell> papasmurf found two actually
- [20:48] <Lkeas> do we have to make a guess with all 8?
- [20:48] <Durroth> Lkeas, just do the remaining 5
- [20:49] <Durroth> erm
- [20:49] <Durroth> you need 8 runes on your guess
- [20:49] <Legault> Great job with the runes.
- [20:49] <PapaSmurff037> im uploading blue now
- [20:49] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:49] <Legault> I'm doing the Epic.
- [20:49] <Durroth> ah, papas got blue already
- [20:49] <PapaSmurff037> yea im gettin fast
- [20:50] * Azerkail (Azerkail@Caelestia-406BE2AB.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #755
- [20:50] <Durroth> showoff
- [20:50] * Lkeas sighs
- [20:50] <PapaSmurff037> lol
- [20:50] <Lkeas> ok fine.
- [20:50] <Durroth> your only getting lucky with the colors
- [20:50] <Lkeas> whichever one is right, i'll take one of the colors for the 6th rune
- [20:50] <Durroth> yup
- [20:50] * Tralin sets mode: +v Azerkail
- [20:50] <Azerkail> Ugh.
- [20:50] <Durroth> its down to me, lkeas, and papasmurf each having a color
- [20:50] <Durroth> I'll take grey... again
- [20:50] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:50] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:50] <Maxwell> Your sixth rune is incorrect.
- [20:50] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:50] <Maxwell> Your fifth rune is incorrect.
- [20:50] <PapaSmurff037> ill do yellow
- [20:51] <Lkeas> i'll do yellow
- [20:51] <PapaSmurff037> 3rd one is right
- [20:51] <Mobuis> Hey, you got 5.
- [20:51] <Maxx> I've got yellow set up for the sixth already
- [20:51] <PapaSmurff037> i actually already have yellow done
- [20:51] <PapaSmurff037> oh
- [20:51] <PapaSmurff037> lol
- [20:51] <Lkeas> um...
- [20:51] <Lkeas> ok, i'll do green?
- [20:52] <Azerkail> How does Rimblade know what's right?
- [20:52] <Maxwell> from me
- [20:52] <Maxwell> they just found the 5th rune
- [20:52] <Azerkail> I thought he was just pulling things out from under a hat...
- [20:52] <Maxwell> no
- [20:53] * Rimblade (Rimblade@Caelestia-225B6204.cap.east.verizon.net) Quit (Broken pipe )
- [20:53] <Maxwell> feel free to join in
- [20:53] <Azerkail> !calc 72-6
- [20:53] <Lex> Answer: 66
- [20:53] <Maxwell> It will be over soon, and part two begins
- [20:53] <Maxwell> the fun part that is not just random guessing :P
- [20:53] <Azerkail> !calc 66 nCr 8
- [20:53] <Lex> Answer: 66
- [20:53] <sejwan> i wish i could join in
- [20:53] <Azerkail> Ugh, the possibilities are huge.
- [20:53] <Maxwell> not really
- [20:53] <Lkeas> thanks, non-random guessing would be good.
- [20:54] <Maxwell> they are doing every rune for each color until they get it
- [20:54] * Rimblade (Rimblade@Caelestia-225B6204.cap.east.verizon.net) has joined #755
- [20:54] * Tralin sets mode: +v Rimblade
- [20:54] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:54] <Azerkail> 5743572120 possibilities remain.
- [20:54] <PapaSmurff037> thats yellow
- [20:54] <Maxwell> when this is over it is time to use the puzzle to make a bigger puzzle :P
- [20:54] <Durroth> if he gets it again I'll kill im good
- [20:54] <Azerkail> Maxwell loves to torture people.
- [20:54] <PapaSmurff037> lol
- [20:54] <Mobuis> Some one's loven teh glory.
- [20:54] <Maxx> I was about to post those, papa.
- [20:54] <Maxwell> Your sixth rune is incorrect.
- [20:54] <Maxwell> Your sixth rune is incorrect.
- [20:54] <Maxwell> Your sixth rune is incorrect.
- [20:54] <Maxwell> Your seventh rune is incorrect.
- [20:54] <Lkeas> gahhhh
- [20:55] <Lkeas> it was yellow
- [20:55] <Durroth> -_-
- [20:55] <PapaSmurff037> hot damn
- [20:55] <Durroth> I hate you papa
- [20:55] <Durroth> ok, now me and Lkeas
- [20:55] <Durroth> papa has his glory
- [20:55] <Maxwell> papa found a pattern, that is how he did it
- [20:55] <Maxwell> give him his glory not jealousy
- [20:55] <Zeltan> Well, he's gonna get all the glory >_>
- [20:55] <Rimblade> Glory to you, Papa :D
- [20:55] <Azerkail> Any way I can help Durroth, besides calculating the remaining possibilites?
- [20:55] <Maxwell> of course not
- [20:55] <PapaSmurff037> ill do grey
- [20:55] <Maxwell> you all will
- [20:56] <Maxwell> who is doing green?
- [20:56] <Lkeas> i can do green
- [20:56] <Lkeas> unless papa decides to do it all by himself :P
- [20:56] * Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-243C3EB5.sub-70-196-234.myvzw.com) Quit (Client exited )
- [20:56] <Maxwell> well better beat him to it then :P
- [20:56] <Rimblade> Rather ingenious, actually.
- [20:56] <Azerkail> How does the system work? Try all runes in one try?
- [20:56] <Mobuis> Ready, set, go!
- [20:56] <Azerkail> What's the right order so far?
- [20:57] <Maxwell> 1 2 3 4 5 6 Azerkail :P
- [20:57] <Maxwell> 7 SHOULD be a no-brainer
- [20:57] <Rimblade> XD
- [20:57] <Lkeas> damn it i screwed up
- [20:57] <Rimblade> Only one combo left
- [20:57] <Azerkail> Seriously?
- [20:57] <Maxx> Well, apparently the Truth being earth thing didn't work.
- [20:57] <PapaSmurff037>
- [20:57] <PapaSmurff037> there ya go
- [20:58] <Azerkail> The whole time I was digging around in the pedia looking for clues as to the order and runes.
- [20:58] <Durroth> Dangit Papa! Grey was mine!
- [20:58] <Maxwell> Your seventh rune is incorrect.
- [20:58] <Maxwell> Your seventh rune is incorrect.
- [20:58] <Maxwell> Your seventh rune is incorrect.
- [20:58] <PapaSmurff037> well its green
- [20:58] <Durroth> ok, let lkeas do it
- [20:58] <Rimblade> Ehe.
- [20:58] <Durroth> wait a minute
- [20:58] <Azerkail> I call next
- [20:58] <Mobuis> I swear he turns into a bot there...
- [20:58] <Durroth> ok
- [20:58] <Azerkail> Next is...
- [20:58] <Durroth> Let azerkail have 8
- [20:59] <Maxwell> ok
- [20:59] * Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-243C3EB5.sub-70-196-234.myvzw.com) has joined #755
- [20:59] * Tralin sets mode: +v Lex
- [20:59] <Maxwell> Lkeas can have this one
- [20:59] <Azerkail> Ok I'll have 8.
- [20:59] <Durroth> hurry up lkeas, before papa gets it
- [20:59] <Azerkail> Can I have 9 just for fun? =P
- [20:59] <Mobuis> >_>
- [20:59] <LordBarrius> Wow, great job guys....
- [20:59] * Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus@Caelestia-E9945D29.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [20:59] <Durroth> papa has shear dumb luck and speed
- [20:59] <Lkeas>
- [20:59] <Maxwell> even if he does, Lkeas can still have this one unless she takes too long XD
- [20:59] * Elite5_Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-243C3EB5.sub-70-196-234.myvzw.com) has joined #755
- [20:59] * Tralin sets mode: +v Elite5_Lex
- [20:59] <Zeltan> I never have the fun T_T
- [20:59] <Lkeas>
- [20:59] <Lkeas>
- [20:59] <sejwan> i bet pappa gets it
- [20:59] <Maxwell> Your seventh rune is incorrect.
- [21:00] <Maxwell> Your seventh rune is incorrect.
- [21:00] <Mobuis> Zeltan, we will forever be known as the cheer leaders of this event.
- [21:00] <Rimblade> Hehe.
- [21:00] <sejwan> lol
- [21:00] <Mobuis> Bear that title proudly!
- [21:00] <Durroth> -_- I wonder what could it be
- [21:00] <Lkeas> ...
- [21:00] <Rimblade> And it's a close game between Lkeas and Papa Smurf! Who shall win?
- [21:00] <dalefanwill> I just sit here and talk like I know what I'm talking about. It's fun nonetheless, but still. XD
- [21:00] <Azerkail> 7rune3 is right?
- [21:00] <Durroth> no azerk
- [21:00] <Azerkail> Gah
- [21:00] <Durroth> wait
- [21:00] <Durroth> yeah
- [21:00] <Durroth> probly
- [21:01] <Durroth> unless maxwell didnt see 1
- [21:01] <Lkeas> unless the moon thing was the 9th incorrect one
- [21:01] <Durroth> he DID post 3
- [21:01] * Zeltan pulls out a pom-pom
- [21:01] <Durroth> she*
- [21:01] <Maxwell> ahh sorry
- [21:01] <Maxwell> I did not see one
- [21:01] <Zeltan> Go Lkeas go !
- [21:01] <Rimblade> Which one?
- [21:01] <Durroth> the first one, right?
- [21:01] * Elite5_Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-243C3EB5.sub-70-196-234.myvzw.com) Quit (Supressed: From death comes life. From life comes death. But what comes from nothingness? )
- [21:01] <Maxwell> the first link was correct
- [21:01] <Rimblade> :o
- [21:01] * Mobuis joins Zeltan in cheering, "Go Lkeas!"
- [21:01] <Lkeas> the first one? 7rune1?
- [21:01] <Durroth> wait
- [21:01] <Azerkail> OMG I so blam you Maxwell.
- [21:02] <Durroth> correct as in completely?
- [21:02] <Maxwell> but the number 8 rune
- [21:02] <Maxwell> is wrong
- [21:02] <Lkeas> ok
- [21:02] <Durroth> oh, phew
- [21:02] <PapaSmurff037>
- [21:02] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:02] <dalefanwill> XD
- [21:02] <Azerkail> PWNT.
- [21:02] <PapaSmurff037> wrong?
- [21:02] <Azerkail> =P
- [21:02] <Mobuis> Yay! No bot mode!
- [21:02] <PapaSmurff037> lol
- [21:02] <sejwan> you can do it
- [21:02] * Mobuis throws maxwell a cookie
- [21:02] <Maxwell> Ahahahah you fell for the Cor-Dem M and N trap!
- [21:02] <Durroth> ok azerkial
- [21:03] * Maxwell laughs like an evil mad man
- [21:03] <Rimblade> The first Lkeas rune had the correct seventh rune?
- [21:03] <Durroth> you have 2 left
- [21:03] * Mobuis wonders if Maxwell wants the cookie
- [21:03] <Azerkail> I'll take Lkeas's thing and edit it, right?
- [21:03] * Useless ponders. "Runic analysis has never been a forte of mine."
- [21:03] <Lkeas>
- [21:03] <Rimblade> I need to know which one to announce.
- [21:03] <Azerkail> Or that.
- [21:03] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:03] <Lkeas> damn
- [21:03] <Maxwell> the last one is a thinker
- [21:03] <Azerkail> What's left?
- [21:03] <Maxwell> all of them..
- [21:04] <Rimblade> Haha!
- [21:04] <Maxwell> for number 8 is a rune at a different direction
- [21:04] <KingK> ((how do you cut out a piece of an image using word?))
- [21:04] * Zeltan shakes the pom-pom
- [21:04] <Durroth> -_-
- [21:04] <Zeltan> Use paint
- [21:04] <Mobuis> At a different direction?
- [21:04] <Azerkail> I mean, no colors repeat and no runes repeat, right?
- [21:04] <Durroth> Ok, we'll give this one to azerkial
- [21:04] <Maxwell> yes, you fell for a trap
- [21:04] <Mobuis> You mean it's titled wrong out of order?
- [21:04] <Lkeas>
- [21:04] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:04] <Durroth> Azerkial- apparently, any rune EXCEPT the two that are left are possibilities
- [21:05] <PapaSmurff037> hold on
- [21:05] * Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-243C3EB5.sub-70-196-234.myvzw.com) Quit (Ping timeout )
- [21:05] <PapaSmurff037> im uploading it now
- [21:05] <Durroth> T_T
- [21:05] <PapaSmurff037>
- [21:05] * Mobuis waves a Banner, "Go Us!"
- [21:05] <Lkeas>
- [21:05] <Durroth> just give it to azerkial already!
- [21:05] <Zeltan> Not even one day has passed
- [21:05] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:05] <Lkeas>
- [21:05] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:05] <Azerkail> I'm working I'm working
- [21:05] <Lkeas> what the hell?
- [21:05] <Rimblade> Oh yeah, Zeltan? You think this is the end?
- [21:05] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:05] <Lkeas> is it supposed to be sideways?
- [21:05] <PapaSmurff037> did u llok at mine Maxwell
- [21:05] <Azerkail>
- [21:05] <sejwan> man this anticipation is killing me
- [21:05] <Maxwell> Hey, Maxwell lies
- [21:05] <Maxwell> get used to it
- [21:05] * Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-243C3EB5.sub-70-196-234.myvzw.com) has joined #755
- [21:05] * Tralin sets mode: +v Lex
- [21:06] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:06] <PapaSmurff037>
- [21:06] <dalefanwill> XD
- [21:06] <Mobuis> O_o
- [21:06] * Azerkail stabs his hand in frustration.
- [21:06] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:06] <Rimblade> Maxwell lies? That is not nice at all.
- [21:06] <Maxx>
- [21:06] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:06] <Lkeas> that's the same rune as the first one maxx
- [21:06] <Durroth> http://www.parazz.com/html/?username=Durroth&albumID=71336&photoID=2391263
- [21:06] <Maxwell> this is no lie
- [21:06] <Durroth> because I am the answer to everything
- [21:06] <Maxwell> very wrong
- [21:06] <Mobuis> >_<
- [21:06] <Azerkail> To the Truthmobile!
- [21:07] <Mobuis> Holy taletoes Batman!
- [21:07] <Azerkail> Is the rune even on that picture?
- [21:07] <Maxwell> I did, lie in a sense
- [21:07] <Maxwell> I said there was a false rune and the runes for 1-9
- [21:07] <Durroth> He said all 9 runes are possibilities
- [21:07] <Zeltan> ((How the owl stays in the air is a mystery >_>))
- [21:07] <Durroth> for 8
- [21:07] <Maxwell> there is a false rune and 1-9 and a rune that does not belong
- [21:07] <Maxwell> so you see, I did lie
- [21:07] <Maxwell> but only a litle
- [21:07] <Maxwell> Because I knew you would find the pattern
- [21:08] <Maxwell> So, good luck with the last rune
- [21:08] <Lkeas> wait so... what?
- [21:08] <Maxwell> it much like the M and N in the English language
- [21:08] <Maxwell> when upside down it means something else
- [21:08] <Maxwell> And is already one of the runes on the list
- [21:08] <Durroth> N upside down is N maxwell
- [21:08] <Maxwell> Tricky aye?
- [21:08] <Rimblade> W-M and... er... N-N?
- [21:08] <Maxwell> W and M
- [21:08] <Maxwell> yes
- [21:08] * Lkeas slaps head
- [21:08] <Maxwell> whatever
- [21:08] <Maxwell> I am tired
- [21:08] <Lkeas> it's one of the ones we already have?
- [21:08] <Azerkail>
- [21:08] <Lkeas> is it just upside down or is it sideways?
- [21:09] <Maxwell> correct!
- [21:09] <Maxx> That's why I chose the rune I did, Lkeas.
- [21:09] <Mobuis> O_O
- [21:09] <Azerkail> Finally.
- [21:09] * Azerkail does the dance of correctness.
- [21:09] <Mobuis> Yay!
- [21:09] <Maxwell> wait
- [21:09] <PapaSmurff037> ...
- [21:09] <Mobuis> ...
- [21:09] <Zeltan> Yay !
- [21:09] <Maxwell> WRONG
- [21:09] <Lkeas> wait?
- [21:09] <Lkeas> gahhh
- [21:09] * Azerkail does the dance of fallen dreams.
- [21:09] <Mobuis> ...
- [21:09] <PapaSmurff037> WTF!!!
- [21:09] <dalefanwill> You evil little...
- [21:09] <Rimblade> :D
- [21:09] <sejwan> gasp
- [21:09] <Maxwell> so close
- [21:09] <Zeltan> For what Azer ?!
- [21:09] <Maxwell> but you messed up
- [21:09] <Maxwell> on the 7th rune
- [21:09] * Azerkail does the dance of messing up.
- [21:09] <Zeltan> >_<
- [21:09] <Mobuis> Your gunna get slapz0r'd...
- [21:10] <Maxwell> not my fault
- [21:10] <dalefanwill> That was very.. mean. XD
- [21:10] <Lkeas> we messed up on the 7th rune?
- [21:10] <PapaSmurff037> wait i thot that was the 7th rune
- [21:10] <Durroth> XD
- [21:10] <Maxwell> Well, I like to have my fun
- [21:10] <Azerkail> Whoa, was the seventh rune even confirmed?
- [21:10] <Durroth> azer
- [21:10] <Maxwell> yes it was
- [21:10] <Durroth> no, Azerkail, messed up the 7th rune
- [21:10] <Maxwell> Yes you did
- [21:10] * Azerkail does the dance of I messed up the 7th rune
- [21:10] <Maxwell> now your glory will be stolen from you
- [21:10] <Mobuis> Fix it then. <_<
- [21:11] <Maxwell> I know there is an upload going on right now
- [21:11] <Lkeas> but you said my first guess was the right now didn't you?
- [21:11] <Azerkail> Papa's gonna get it.
- [21:11] <Lkeas> 7rune1?
- [21:11] <Azerkail> I used 7rune1 as well..
- [21:11] <Maxx> Yeah, that's the rune Lkeas had.
- [21:11] <Lkeas> that's what i thought
- [21:11] <Azerkail> Quick, ban papa from the channel.
- [21:11] <Maxwell> if you can not show me the correct pattern that is a shame
- [21:11] <Maxwell> you are so close
- [21:12] <Rimblade> If we can't, we'll all die, right?
- [21:12] <Mobuis> Just FIND it dangit!
- [21:12] <Zeltan> And I can't steal the glory
- [21:12] <Azerkail> Wait a second.
- [21:12] <PapaSmurff037>
- [21:12] <Azerkail> Never mind.
- [21:12] <Mobuis> <____<
- [21:12] <PapaSmurff037> i dont know if thats it
- [21:12] <Mobuis> dun dun...
- [21:12] * Mobuis plays a drum roll
- [21:13] <PapaSmurff037> i missed which was the correct 7th rune
- [21:13] <Maxwell> correct
- [21:13] <Azerkail> If Maxwell already confirmed that Lkeas's was the right one, and then I had the right 8th but the wrong 7th...
- [21:13] <PapaSmurff037> yay
- [21:13] <Maxwell> the runes are found
- [21:13] <Azerkail> OMFG.
- [21:13] * Azerkail does a party dance for papa.
- [21:13] <sejwan> woohoo
- [21:13] <sejwan> go pappa
- [21:13] <dalefanwill> Fast this time. XD
- [21:13] <Mobuis> Ha!
- [21:13] <Maxwell> now for my
- [21:13] <Maxwell> list
- [21:13] * Lkeas sighs
- [21:13] <Maxwell> to show you
- [21:14] * Mobuis glares
- [21:14] <Azerkail> eww.
- [21:14] <Azerkail> Maxwell's gonna show us something. 0_o
- [21:14] <Lkeas> Az would have got it if we hadn't been told the wrong answer for the 7th rune
- [21:14] <Mobuis> We don't want to see your list! Put that away! There are children here!
- [21:14] * Azerkail does the dance of utter humiliation.
- [21:14] <Durroth> Go team venture!
- [21:14] <Maxx> Doesn't matter as long as we got it, Lkeas.
- [21:14] * Lkeas grins
- [21:14] <Lkeas> of course
- [21:14] <Rimblade> Okay you lot, calm down.
- [21:14] <Lkeas> good job guys :)
- [21:14] <PapaSmurff037> thats right
- [21:14] * Azerkail does the Team Venture thing with Durroth.
- [21:14] * Lkeas gives papa a hi-5
- [21:15] <sejwan> yes congrats
- [21:15] * Mobuis blows off a bottle rocket
- [21:15] <PapaSmurff037> i couldnt have gotten it without Durroth
- [21:15] <Maxwell>
- [21:15] <Durroth> oh?
- [21:15] * Lkeas gives durroth a hi-5 too
- [21:15] <Durroth> how not?
- [21:15] <PapaSmurff037> u got the 2nd one didnt u
- [21:15] <Azerkail> Oh bury me in a foxhole, I was right for once?
- [21:15] <Durroth> oh yeah
- [21:15] <Rimblade> Is that post-able on the forums, max?
- [21:16] <Maxwell> yep
- [21:16] <Lkeas> ok, so now what do we have to figure out?
- [21:16] <Azerkail> Someone started saying this story about how the Light and the Dark had babies and made the rest of the elements.
- [21:16] <PapaSmurff037> yea whats the 2nd part of the puzzle
- [21:17] <Rimblade> Figure out what that means?
- [21:17] <Durroth> so do we all get credit for this?
- [21:17] <Azerkail> It probably involves the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42.
- [21:17] <Rimblade> Heh.
- [21:17] <Durroth> including the lone forumite
- [21:17] <PapaSmurff037> lone forumite?
- [21:17] <PapaSmurff037> who was that
- [21:17] <Durroth> who got the first rune
- [21:17] <Zeltan> Great, they misinterprete the creation story
- [21:18] * Zeltan groans
- [21:18] <Azerkail> I got the last one.
- [21:18] <Maxwell> Now you must match the Cor-Dem legends with the Runes.
- [21:18] <Rimblade> Geez Az- I didn't claim that that one post was the end of all things.
- [21:18] <Rimblade> :D
- [21:18] <PapaSmurff037> ...awesome
- [21:18] <Lkeas> the legends?
- [21:18] <Maxwell> The legends, then the Avatar
- [21:18] <Maxwell> yes the legends
- [21:18] * Azerkail scribbles down on his notepad "Search the teamtenshi site for more clues..."
- [21:18] <Rimblade> In seven days :D
- [21:19] <Lkeas> the hunter and the eternal?
- [21:19] <Maxwell> The Legend of Truth
- [21:19] <Maxwell> The Legend of Lies
- [21:19] <Maxwell> The Legend of Transient
- [21:19] <Maxwell> The Legend of Eternal
- [21:19] <Maxwell> The Legend of Life
- [21:19] <Maxwell> The Legend of Death
- [21:19] <Maxwell> The Legend of Peace
- [21:19] <Maxwell> The Legend of War
- [21:19] <Azerkail> The Legend of Tarzan
- [21:19] <Lkeas> ah.
- [21:19] <dalefanwill> XD
- [21:20] <Azerkail> Just kidding =P
- [21:20] <Mobuis> >_<
- [21:20] <Maxwell> The Legend of Hope
- [21:20] <Maxwell> The Legend of Omega
- [21:20] <Lkeas> um.
- [21:20] <PapaSmurff037> where are the legends at?
- [21:20] <Lkeas> that's 10 legends
- [21:20] <Maxwell> Yes it is
- [21:20] <Mobuis> The Legend of Zelda.
- [21:20] <Lex> The Legend of Zelda
- [21:20] <Mobuis> <_<
- [21:20] <Rimblade> Hehe.
- [21:20] <Lex> :p
- [21:20] <Lkeas> 10 legends, 8 runes?
- [21:20] <Mobuis> Lol.
- [21:20] <Lex> I beat you to it!
- [21:20] <Lex> :p
- [21:20] <Maxwell> Only match 8 of them
- [21:20] <Mobuis> I beat you.
- [21:20] <Mobuis> <_<
- [21:20] <Lkeas> Truth is 7
- [21:20] <Lex> Nope
- [21:20] <Rimblade> I recall older threads much like that list.
- [21:20] <Mobuis> I did too.
- [21:20] <Maxwell> at once
- [21:20] <Lkeas> gah
- [21:20] <Maxwell> in order
- [21:20] <Azerkail> Hope and Omega are fair game still in this hunt?
- [21:21] <Maxwell> If you wish to use them, yes
- [21:21] <Azerkail> Would Lies be 5?
- [21:21] <Maxwell> I gave you the pieces
- [21:21] <Maxwell> go
- [21:21] * Azerkail goes.
- [21:21] <Rimblade> Let's redeem the human race :P
- [21:21] <Durroth> hold up
- [21:21] <Durroth> what are we doing now?
- [21:22] <Maxx> Are we matching the Avatar to their correct number?
- [21:22] <Maxwell> no
- [21:22] <Maxwell> that is part 3
- [21:22] <Mobuis> ....
- [21:22] <Durroth> what are we doing then
- [21:22] <Durroth> ?
- [21:22] <Maxwell> The Cor-Dem legends first please
- [21:22] <Lkeas> matching legends to numbers
- [21:23] <Durroth> where are the legends lkeas?
- [21:23] <Lkeas> he listed them already
- [21:23] <Zeltan> ((Well, the epic was fun..))
- [21:23] <Lkeas> ((anybody log the epic?))
- [21:23] <Durroth> wait, its just the titles of the legends?
- [21:23] <Azerkail> I don't suppose the Legend of War has anything to do with a War...
- [21:23] <dalefanwill> Guess what?
- [21:23] <Maxwell> http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=7397084&mpage=1&key=� <---
- [21:23] <dalefanwill> I now serve Ryuusei.
- [21:23] <Zeltan> Why ?
- [21:24] <Azerkail> Now's not the time...
- [21:24] <dalefanwill> He saved me.. I needed him at that moment..
- [21:24] * dalefanwill (PJIRC-133@Caelestia-22BAA75.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Drowned: dalefanwill )
- [21:24] <PapaSmurff037> Maxwell are there actually stories to these legends or are we just matching names of legends to the runes?
- [21:24] <Zeltan> Great...isn't that nice?
- [21:24] <Lkeas> ok first guess
- [21:24] <Lkeas> 1 - Light - Hope
- [21:24] <Lkeas> 2 - Dark - Death
- [21:24] <Lkeas> 3 - Ice - Eternal
- [21:24] <Lkeas> 4 - Fire - War
- [21:24] <Lkeas> 5 - Water - Peace
- [21:24] <Lkeas> 6 - Lightning - Life
- [21:24] <Lkeas> 7 - Earth - Truth
- [21:24] <Lkeas> 8 - Wind - Transient
- [21:24] <Mobuis> meep.
- [21:25] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:25] <Maxx> The Legends match with different numbers than the Avatar?
- [21:25] <Mobuis> Are any right?
- [21:25] <Lkeas> hmm.
- [21:25] <Maxwell> I will not say, it would make it far too easy
- [21:25] <Durroth> 1-Light-Life
- [21:25] <Mobuis> ...
- [21:25] <Mobuis> Meh.
- [21:25] <Lkeas> you have to guess all 8 at the same time Durroth
- [21:25] <Maxwell> You have clues for this, I would use them
- [21:25] <Durroth> I cant type that fast
- [21:25] <Durroth> what clues?
- [21:25] <Maxwell> some are harder of course
- [21:25] <Lkeas> we have clues for all of them?
- [21:25] <Zeltan> I need to restart brb
- [21:25] <Azerkail> 1814400 permutations possible, folks.
- [21:25] * Zeltan (zeltanx@Caelestia-8CB87593.dyn228.pacific.net.sg) Quit (Supressed: )
- [21:25] <Rimblade> When is the due date on this, Max?
- [21:26] <Maxwell> tonight I hope
- [21:26] <Azerkail> Why would Lightning be life? Did they have defibulators back then?
- [21:26] <Lkeas> :P
- [21:26] <Rimblade> Huh. Well then.
- [21:26] <Lkeas> it was just a first guess
- [21:26] <Lkeas> i was hoping it'd be like the runes where at least he'd tell us if the first one was right
- [21:26] <Azerkail> =P
- [21:26] <Maxwell> you will not need to upload anything for this either
- [21:27] <Azerkail> Ice wouldn't be eternal, it can melt...
- [21:27] <Rimblade> Darkness was the element associated with death in the stories, and Lightning was linked to life in Paxia, as I recall.
- [21:27] <Lkeas> what clues did we get for lightning?
- [21:27] <Rimblade> Truth was linked directly to Earth.
- [21:27] * Lkeas vanishes with a pop
- [21:27] * Legault swirls some dark energy around in a nonchalant manner, making patterns in the air
- [21:28] <Legault> I must be going.
- [21:28] <Azerkail> Zeltan: "I've heard rumors about Light and Dark having elemental babies. This is not True ! The creation story is taken from Falerin's tale. Read carefully next time."
- [21:28] * Legault swirls some dark energy around in a nonchalant manner, making patterns in the air
- [21:28] <Mobuis> Can we guess?
- [21:28] <Rimblade> Is Paxus a clue?
- [21:28] * Crash (Crashnburn@Caelestia-872B59F0.nwrk.east.verizon.net) has joined #755
- [21:28] * Tralin sets mode: +v Crash
- [21:28] <Legault> ((Grr. Darn script.))
- [21:28] <Durroth> I have to go
- [21:28] * Legault disappears into the shadows. "I'll be back in a bit, duty calls."
- [21:29] <Mobuis> Au Revoir.
- [21:29] * Legault (perroquite@Caelestia-A0DD8DF6.bois.qwest.net) Quit (Supressed: *Legault disappears beneath his cloak, leaving it behind on the ground, only for it to fade away a second later.* )
- [21:29] <Maxx> Did something happen with Lkeas to make her vanish?
- [21:29] <Durroth> besides, I've already contributed
- [21:29] <Durroth> cya tomorrow
- [21:29] <Lkeas> ((you guys are on your own for a moment))
- [21:29] <Rimblade> Because every time you click his hands, before it describes a clan, it links and element to a Legend.
- [21:29] <Maxx> Bye Durroth
- [21:29] <Mobuis> Really?
- [21:29] <Azerkail> Oh, no wai?
- [21:29] <Rimblade> Yeash.
- [21:29] <Maxx> Yeah, it tells of each clan.
- [21:29] <Azerkail> Cool...
- [21:30] <Durroth> so go off what paxus' hands say then
- [21:30] <Rimblade> BUt.
- [21:30] <Durroth> I'll be back tomorrow for whatever part we're on
- [21:30] <Rimblade> I dunno if that's directly linked to this.
- [21:30] * Lkeas drops back into the room with a gasp
- [21:30] <Lkeas> oh gods...
- [21:30] <Rimblade> Yes, Lkeas?
- [21:30] <Mobuis> Paxus does link em...
- [21:30] <Useless> Are you alright, Archivist?
- [21:30] <Mobuis> Whats wrong?
- [21:30] <Lkeas> the... decoherence, it's dissipating...
- [21:31] <Azerkail> It says Earth is life...
- [21:31] * Useless twitters in a worried and agitated manner
- [21:31] <Lkeas> i was reunited with my analog in Ryuusei's presence...
- [21:31] <LordBarrius> Bah....that's bad news indeed.
- [21:31] <Rimblade> Energy is the spark of all life...
- [21:32] <Rimblade> From the earth comes the peace of eons... unstoppable movement of life, junk...
- [21:32] * Lkeas sits down, shaking.
- [21:32] <Rimblade> As Darkness falls, so do lies...
- [21:32] * Maxwell grins
- [21:32] <Mobuis> Hmm...
- [21:32] <Lkeas> how... has anybody else guessed yet?
- [21:32] <Rimblade> When a world need rebirth, it rests in ice.
- [21:32] <Azerkail> That's disturbing.
- [21:32] * Useless scurries over to Lkeas and nudges her gently in a reassuring manner.
- [21:32] <Rimblade> Flame destroys most of all, but leaves just enough behind...
- [21:33] * Nicholas walks into the room, frowning.
- [21:33] * Lkeas pets Useless absentmindedly
- [21:33] <Rimblade> Light dispells shadow and gives heat without distruction, bringing possibility...
- [21:33] * Kraken (PJIRC-923@Caelestia-3D389C9E.fuse.net) has joined #755
- [21:33] <Maxwell> Many clues in the words of Paxus
- [21:33] <Maxwell> but no Truth to be found
- [21:33] <Rimblade> No.
- [21:34] <Lkeas> good to know.
- [21:34] <Rimblade> Blech.
- [21:34] <LordBarrius> Hm.
- [21:34] <Azerkail> Go figure, I wouldn't listen to a staute with 8 arms either.
- [21:34] <Mobuis> Why is Truth Capatilized there?
- [21:34] <Rimblade> Paxus talks a lot.
- [21:34] * Lkeas reaches into her Archives, trying to calm herself
- [21:34] <Azerkail> Because Truth isn't there? =P
- [21:34] <Nicholas> So, that makes another servant of The`Galin.
- [21:34] <Mobuis> Huh.
- [21:34] <Lkeas> Dalefanwill..
- [21:34] <Nicholas> Or rather, Ryuusei.
- [21:34] <Lkeas> i... saw..
- [21:34] * Lkeas shakes her head
- [21:35] <Maxwell> Time is short, and my body grows tired
- [21:35] <Maxwell> I will remain until you give me the legends of course.
- [21:35] <Mobuis> Hmm...
- [21:36] <Rimblade> Obviously, the clues should rest in the logs and past threads.
- [21:36] * Goofy (sf49ersman@Operator.Caelestia.net) has left #755
- [21:36] <Mobuis> Wuts Transient mean? e_e
- [21:36] <Azerkail> Not permanent, Mobuis.
- [21:36] <Lkeas> the opposite of eternal, a fleeting thing
- [21:36] <Azerkail> In a way, the opposite of Eternal.
- [21:37] <Lkeas> Transient was mentioned a few times in some clues
- [21:37] <Rimblade> Hehhum.
- [21:37] <Azerkail> Transient fired the laser.
- [21:37] <Azerkail> I mean beacon.
- [21:37] <Lkeas> Transient was mentioned with waves at some point
- [21:37] <Lkeas> sailing
- [21:37] * Lex is now known as Lex|AFK
- [21:37] <Azerkail> How far back was this?
- [21:38] <Lkeas> few days ago? i dunno, maxwell was talking to sonic
- [21:38] <Useless> Waves
- [21:38] <Mobuis> Is anyone going to make a guess?
- [21:38] <Useless> Sine waves...antiwaves...
- [21:38] * Useless sighs
- [21:38] <Lkeas> bah. my brain is fried thanks to Ryuusei...
- [21:38] <Lkeas> 1 - Light - Hope
- [21:38] <Lkeas> 2 - Dark - Death
- [21:38] <Lkeas> 3 - Ice - Peace
- [21:38] <Lkeas> 4 - Fire - Life
- [21:38] <Lkeas> 5 - Water - Transient
- [21:38] <Lkeas> 6 - Lightning - Eternal
- [21:38] <Lkeas> 7 - Earth - Truth
- [21:38] <Lkeas> 8 - Wind - Lies
- [21:38] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:39] <Mobuis> Truth - Light
- [21:39] <Mobuis> Lies - Dark
- [21:39] <Mobuis> Transient - Wind
- [21:39] <Mobuis> Eternal - Ice
- [21:39] <Mobuis> Life - Lightning
- [21:39] <Mobuis> Death - Earth
- [21:39] <Mobuis> Peace - Water
- [21:39] <Mobuis> War - Fire
- [21:39] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:39] <Mobuis> meh
- [21:39] <Rimblade> >:|
- [21:39] <Lkeas> no hints huh?
- [21:39] <Rimblade> Truth is Light? I dunno.
- [21:39] <Lkeas> Truth is Earth. that's the only sure thing.
- [21:39] <Maxwell> I have given hints before
- [21:39] * Lady_Valedia (Lady_Valed@Caelestia-114248A7.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [21:39] <Maxwell> is that so?
- [21:39] <Rimblade> Many many many times before :P
- [21:39] <Lkeas> isn't it?
- [21:39] <Maxwell> Lies is a sure thing too..
- [21:40] <Azerkail> I wish I could google Maxwell without finding the coffee.
- [21:40] <Lkeas> is it?
- [21:40] <PapaSmurff037> lol
- [21:40] <Rimblade> Yeah, we were pretty much told Lies' element. Unfortunately, I canne remember it :O
- [21:40] <Lkeas> Lies is Anna, but what element does she represent?
- [21:41] <Maxwell> You of all people should know
- [21:41] * Lkeas sighs
- [21:41] <Maxwell> The last part was not given just to be random
- [21:41] <Maxwell> put it to use
- [21:42] <Mobuis> Shall i guess again?
- [21:42] <PapaSmurff037> lies is wind isnt it?
- [21:42] * maieo (random.dat@Caelestia-56795E24.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #755
- [21:42] * Useless stretches and yawns
- [21:42] <Mobuis> Why would lies be wind?
- [21:42] <Useless> Perhaps because Wind is unsubstantial?
- [21:42] <LordBarrius> Why wouldn't he?
- [21:42] <PapaSmurff037> why is truth earth
- [21:43] <Lkeas> because Maxwell said so.
- [21:43] <PapaSmurff037> i know that
- [21:43] <Rimblade> Lightning = Eternal? What?
- [21:43] <Mobuis> >_>
- [21:43] <Useless> Regardless, this is not something I prefer to comment on, as my analytical capacity on such is...lacking...
- [21:43] <Lkeas> i have to go.
- [21:43] <Rimblade> I don't see it.
- [21:43] <Lkeas> i'm sorry guys
- [21:43] * Nicholas lays down on the couch, contemplating.
- [21:43] <Maxwell> because Earth stores the Truth of the past
- [21:43] <Lkeas> i can't stay
- [21:43] <LordBarrius> Goodbye, Lkeas. Take care.
- [21:43] <Azerkail> Lies opposite of Earth, so Lies equals Wind?
- [21:43] <Nicholas> Farewell.
- [21:43] <Lkeas> good luck, read the pedia
- [21:43] <Lkeas> look for clues
- [21:43] <Maxx> Didn't the Messanger say Truth was Earth?
- [21:43] <Mobuis> Meh, seems logical.
- [21:43] <Maxwell> Lies covers the Truth of the past
- [21:43] <Useless> Fare thee well, Archivist. You will be missed.
- [21:43] <Rimblade> ...
- [21:43] * Lkeas (psyham@Caelestia-83D2AEF6.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has left #755 (wish i could be there for the big finish... )
- [21:44] <Maxx> Like water covers the earth, Maxwell?
- [21:44] <Rimblade> Anything can cover the earth.
- [21:44] <Mobuis> Wind, light, dark, water...
- [21:44] <Rimblade> Ice, Fire.
- [21:45] <Mobuis> fire?
- [21:45] <Crash> Big finish?
- [21:45] <Mobuis> I haven't seen a planet on fire lately.
- [21:45] <Rimblade> Bah. Go lookie at Venus.
- [21:45] * Lex|AFK is now known as Lex|Asleep
- [21:45] <Maxwell> When the sun gets to close to the planet
- [21:45] <Maxwell> it will be on fire
- [21:45] <Maxwell> :D
- [21:45] <Mobuis> <_<
- [21:46] <Maxwell> well it will >>
- [21:46] <LordBarrius> True enough.
- [21:46] <Rimblade> Hehe.
- [21:46] <Kraken> ((unless the planet is made of ice then it would be covered in water!))
- [21:46] <Maxwell> Have you all given up already? :P
- [21:46] <Mobuis> Neva!
- [21:46] <Rimblade> And the water would atomize.
- [21:46] <sejwan> still thinking
- [21:46] <Mobuis> guess #2
- [21:46] <Mobuis> Truth - Earth
- [21:46] <Mobuis> Lies - Wind
- [21:46] <Mobuis> Transient - Light
- [21:46] <Mobuis> Eternal - Ice
- [21:46] <Mobuis> Life - Lightning
- [21:46] <Mobuis> Death - Dark
- [21:46] <Mobuis> Peace - Water
- [21:46] <Mobuis> War - Fire
- [21:47] <LordBarrius> I'm thinking. :P
- [21:47] <Mobuis> <_<
- [21:47] <Mobuis> Wrong
- [21:47] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:47] <Mobuis> lol.
- [21:47] <Maxx> WTH, here's a try.
- [21:47] <Maxx> 7 - The Legend of Truth
- [21:47] <Maxx> 5 - The Legend of Lies
- [21:47] <Maxx> 8 - The Legend of Transient
- [21:47] <Maxx> 2 - The Legend of Eternal
- [21:47] <Maxx> 1 - The Legend of Life
- [21:47] <Maxx> 3 - The Legend of Death
- [21:47] <Maxx> 4 - The Legend of Peace
- [21:47] <Maxx> 6 - The Legend of War
- [21:47] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:47] <PapaSmurff037> there is no way to know for sure if we are getting close or not
- [21:47] * Tralin sets mode: +v maieo
- [21:47] <Azerkail> If, say Fire were War, wouldn't that make its opposite, Water, Peace?
- [21:48] <Maxwell> that stinks huh
- [21:48] <Mobuis> #3
- [21:48] <Mobuis> Truth - Earth
- [21:48] <Mobuis> Lies - Water
- [21:48] <Mobuis> Transient - Light
- [21:48] <Mobuis> Eternal - Ice
- [21:48] <Mobuis> Life - Lightning
- [21:48] <Mobuis> Death - Dark
- [21:48] <Mobuis> Peace - Wind
- [21:48] <Mobuis> War - Fire
- [21:48] <PapaSmurff037> or is the opposite of fire ice?
- [21:48] <Rimblade> Water isn't peaceful :P
- [21:48] <Kraken> ((why dont we take it element to element))
- [21:48] <Maxwell> no, but ice is..
- [21:48] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:48] <Azerkail> Harumph.
- [21:48] <Rimblade> Hehe.
- [21:48] <Mobuis> Graggle.
- [21:49] <Rimblade> But is Fire really Violent?
- [21:49] <Maxwell> Well, yes
- [21:49] <Mobuis> Quote; The Flames of war
- [21:49] <Rimblade> Uh huh.
- [21:49] <Kraken> ((Truth - earth, Lies - Fire i think))
- [21:49] <Azerkail> Truth-Earth, Lies-wind, Fire-War, Ice-Peace, Light-Transient, Dark-Omega,
- [21:49] <Rimblade> So, I'll just go with Fire being war, and Ice being peace then, shall I? That'd be cliche :o
- [21:49] <Azerkail> What's left>
- [21:49] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:49] <Mobuis> Then again... quote; The winds of War have yet to reach here...
- [21:50] <Azerkail> Harumph.
- [21:50] <Maxwell> it is not that cliche if you think about it
- [21:50] <Maxwell> ice does nothing to harm anyone, peaceful and not moving
- [21:50] <Kraken> ((what about mine maxwell?))
- [21:50] <Azerkail> I'ma go step outside for a moment, maybe I'll think of something.
- [21:50] <Maxwell> fire burns all and melts ice
- [21:50] <Azerkail> Brb
- [21:50] * Azerkail (Azerkail@Caelestia-406BE2AB.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) Quit (Interred: BRB )
- [21:50] <Rimblade> True enough. But I still say that Lightning should be Life.
- [21:50] <Mobuis> are we looking for opposites?
- [21:50] <Rimblade> After all...
- [21:51] <Rimblade> Energy is thought, and movement, and whatnot.
- [21:51] <Maxwell> you mean Energy
- [21:51] <Maxwell> not lightning
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Guess number... i lost count T_T
- [21:51] <Rimblade> Yeah.
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Truth - Earth
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Lies - Wind
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Transient - Lightning
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Eternal - Water
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Life - Light
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Death - Dark
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Peace - Ice
- [21:51] <Mobuis> War - Fire
- [21:51] <Maxwell> wrong
- [21:51] <Maxx> 7 - The Legend of Truth
- [21:51] <Maxx> 5 - The Legend of Lies
- [21:51] <Maxx> 6 - The Legend of Transient
- [21:51] <Maxx> 2 - The Legend of Eternal
- [21:51] <Maxx> 8 - The Legend of Life
- [21:51] <Maxx> 3 - The Legend of Death
- [21:51] <Maxx> 1 - The Legend of Peace
- [21:51] <Maxx> 4 - The Legend of War
- [21:51] <Mobuis> Graggle.
- [21:52] <Maxwell> you need to list the element and number from now
- [21:52] * Mysterious_Player (Mysterious@Caelestia-BA0B2F2A.dial1.chicago1.level3.net) has joined #755
- [21:52] * Tralin sets mode: +v Mysterious_Player
- [21:52] <Maxwell> or I will get confused
- [21:52] <Mobuis> oh, k.
- [21:52] <Rimblade> Yeah, comeon, Maxx!
- [21:52] <Mysterious_Player> Hiyas, whats goin on
- [21:52] * VictimNumber9393 (VictimNumb@Caelestia-D3E1126E.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #755
- [21:52] <Rimblade> I won't be able to tell what the hell Maxwell is saying 'No' to!
- [21:52] * Fayt (Fayt@Caelestia-73CA534D.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #755
- [21:53] <Maxx> I suppose you're going to yell at me to order them as well, Maxwell.
- [21:53] * SinisterBoy (SinisterBo@Caelestia-BDFF76A8.delta72.maxonline.com.sg) has joined #755
- [21:53] <Mysterious_Player> Whats goinging on
- [21:53] <SinisterBoy> Hello?
- [21:53] <Mysterious_Player> Hiyas
- [21:53] <Rimblade> Please?
- [21:53] <Maxwell> You will have to list them in order too
- [21:53] <Fayt> hola
- [21:53] <Maxwell> Or I will get so damn confused I will say yes to somethin that is wrong and confuse you all
- [21:53] <Mysterious_Player> List what in order?
- [21:53] <Maxx> Read Maxwell's thread on the forums, MP. We have a new puzzle.
- [21:54] <Mysterious_Player> Oh.
- [21:54] <Mobuis> Hm...
- [21:55] <Kraken> ((Truth - Earth Lies - Fire Transient - Water Eternal - Dark Life - Wind Death - Light Peace - Ice War - Lightning)) ((sorry if its not correctly posted))
- [21:55] <Rimblade> Gah, I can't FIND the thread I want :P
- [21:55] * Lex|Asleep is now known as Lex
- [21:55] <Maxwell> wrong, and not in the right format
- [21:55] <SinisterBoy> Life and Death should be light and dark.
- [21:55] <Mysterious_Player> ((Yay, AQ houses, Now Im officilly a hobo!))
- [21:56] <Rimblade> Darkness had an association with Death, Sinister- but Light?
- [21:56] <Mobuis> Life?
- [21:56] <SinisterBoy> :S
- [21:56] <Rimblade> Why would Light be Life?
- [21:57] <PapaSmurff037> ok well i have got to get up for a bit i have a headache from looking at a screen too much
- [21:57] <Rimblade> It's a very orthodox thought, but it's not logical otherwise.
- [21:57] * PapaSmurff037 is now known as PapaS|AFK
- [21:57] <SinisterBoy> Hmmm.
- [21:57] <Mysterious_Player> Is it the one about runes on the forum?
- [21:57] <Mobuis> Meh...
- [21:58] * MegaSlaya (MegaSlaya@C9DBFBAF.A3619F1A.5B2E1AB9.IP) has joined #755
- [21:58] <Maxx> 1 Light - The Legend of Peace
- [21:58] <Maxx> 2 Dark - The Legend of Eternal
- [21:58] <Maxx> 3 Ice - The Legend of Death
- [21:58] <Maxx> 4 Fire - The Legend of War
- [21:58] <Maxx> 5 Water - The Legend of Lies
- [21:58] <Maxx> 6 Lightning - The Legend of Transient
- [21:58] <Maxx> 7 Earth - The Legend of Truth
- [21:58] <Maxx> 8 Wind - The Legend of Life
- [21:58] <VictimNumber9393> It is one of the 8 elements that is NOT matched... The number 9 rune IS matched!
- [21:58] <Rimblade> I support our Energy is Life theory. I MIGHT support the Darkness is Death theory. That Ice is Peace seems a good guess, and Fire War. Truth seems to be Earth.
- [21:58] <Maxwell> Why is energy life in your theory?
- [21:58] <Maxwell> and why is light not life in your theory?
- [21:58] <MegaSlaya> Darkness is probably Omega.
- [21:59] <Rimblade> 'Cause I disagree.
- [21:59] <Mobuis> Meh.
- [21:59] * Nym (Nym@Caelestia-B5CDE9A3.sd.sd.cox.net) has joined #755
- [21:59] * Crash (Crashnburn@Caelestia-872B59F0.nwrk.east.verizon.net) Quit (Interred: Good night. )
- [21:59] <VictimNumber9393> Darkness will definitely be aligned with something classically good
- [21:59] <Mobuis> I'll give it another shot, any bets?
- [21:59] <SinisterBoy> What is a Transient?
- [21:59] <Rimblade> I think that Energy makes more sense than Light does :P
- [21:59] <VictimNumber9393> In total contradiction to normal things
- [21:59] <Rimblade> And I'm probably wrong, but still.
- [21:59] <VictimNumber9393> Falerin is involved in this...
- [21:59] <Maxx> Maxwell, could you comment on my list please.
- [21:59] <Maxwell> Well, I was just wondering why you think so
- [21:59] <MegaSlaya> Ain't Omega The'Galin?
- [21:59] <Nym> Earth might be life
- [21:59] <Mobuis> Wrong.
- [22:00] <Mobuis> <_<
- [22:00] <Kraken> ((WE ARE Talking LIGHTNING not energy))
- [22:00] <Maxwell> it is wrong
- [22:00] <VictimNumber9393> Omega is not The
- [22:00] <Maxwell> no, we are talking energy
- [22:00] <Mobuis> Rejection immenent!
- [22:00] <Mobuis> 1-Light-Life
- [22:00] <Mobuis> 2-Dark-Death
- [22:00] <Mobuis> 3-Ice-Eternal
- [22:00] <Mobuis> 4-Fire-Transient
- [22:00] <Mobuis> 5-Water-Peace
- [22:00] <Mobuis> 6-Lightning-War
- [22:00] <Mobuis> 7-Earth-Truth
- [22:00] <Mobuis> 8-Wind-Lies
- [22:00] <VictimNumber9393> He is not that Galin dude
- [22:00] <Rimblade> You keep asking me as though I've actually dug through teh logs and threads and found the clues :P
- [22:00] <Maxwell> wrong
- [22:00] <VictimNumber9393> He is sum 1 else
- [22:00] <Mobuis> Yes, 5 wrongs!
- [22:00] <Nym> Ice wont be eternal
- [22:00] <MegaSlaya> Fire is eternal if there is oxigen.
- [22:00] <SinisterBoy> If you close your eyes you see darkness. Open your eyes you see light. So, I guess light is life
- [22:00] <MegaSlaya> oxygen*
- [22:00] <Maxwell> Ice can never be eternal, it melts
- [22:00] * Elite5_Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-4EA05AF6.sub-70-196-187.myvzw.com) has joined #755
- [22:01] * Tralin sets mode: +v Elite5_Lex
- [22:01] <Rimblade> Ice should be Peace. Fire should be War.
- [22:01] <Rimblade> But what is Eternal?
- [22:01] <sejwan> ice is peace
- [22:01] <Mobuis> Thats what i thought originally
- [22:01] <MegaSlaya> Fire.
- [22:01] <Kraken> ((HOUSES COST TOKENS!!!))
- [22:01] <Rimblade> Earth is ground away and destroyed.
- [22:01] <Rimblade> Fire is put out.
- [22:01] <Maxwell> Something that is eternal :P
- [22:01] * Lex (nintendopo@Caelestia-243C3EB5.sub-70-196-234.myvzw.com) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Elite5_Lex) )
- [22:01] * Elite5_Lex is now known as Lex
- [22:01] <Rimblade> Light is absorbed :P
- [22:01] <MegaSlaya> Death.
- [22:01] <Maxwell> something that lives even if something dies
- [22:01] <MegaSlaya> Death is eternal
- [22:01] <MegaSlaya> LOL
- [22:01] <MegaSlaya> uhhh..
- [22:01] <MegaSlaya> wind?
- [22:01] <Maxwell> no, death is always dead
- [22:01] <Maxwell> it can never be eternal
- [22:02] <Rimblade> Darkness?
- [22:02] <Fayt> wind?
- [22:02] <Nym> if eternal is right, then darkness
- [22:02] <Mysterious_Player> Tell me when you guys solve it, and what hapens when.
- [22:02] * Mysterious_Player (Mysterious@Caelestia-BA0B2F2A.dial1.chicago1.level3.net) has left #755
- [22:02] <Maxwell> wind is a force, in space there is no wind
- [22:02] <Nym> Light isn't eternal
- [22:02] <Nym> The sun will die
- [22:02] <Rimblade> Darkness never goes away.
- [22:02] <Nym> ice isn't, fire isn't, etc.
- [22:02] <Maxwell> light can consume darkness
- [22:02] <MegaSlaya> yes it does
- [22:02] <Maxx> 4th attempt, Maxwell:
- [22:02] <Maxx> 1 Light - The Legend of Life
- [22:02] <Maxx> 2 Dark - The Legend of Eternal
- [22:02] <Maxx> 3 Ice - The Legend of Death
- [22:02] <Maxx> 4 Fire - The Legend of War
- [22:02] <Maxx> 5 Water - The Legend of Lies
- [22:02] <Maxx> 6 Lightning - The Legend of Transient
- [22:02] <Maxx> 7 Earth - The Legend of Truth
- [22:02] <Maxx> 8 Wind - The Legend of Peace
- [22:02] <Rimblade> Nuh-uh.
- [22:02] <Rimblade> XD
- [22:02] <Maxwell> and darkness can consume light
- [22:02] <Kraken> ((light can also kill))
- [22:02] <Nym> But darkness will always exist
- [22:02] <Maxwell> wrong
- [22:02] <Rimblade> XD
- [22:02] <Maxwell> Light can consume darkness
- [22:02] <Maxwell> so how so?
- [22:03] <Mobuis> Rejection numba 6 on teh way!
- [22:03] <Mobuis> 1-Light-Transient
- [22:03] <Mobuis> 2-Dark-Eternal
- [22:03] <Mobuis> 3-Ice-Peace
- [22:03] <Mobuis> 4-Fire-War
- [22:03] <Mobuis> 5-Water-Life
- [22:03] <Mobuis> 6-Lightning-Death
- [22:03] <Mobuis> 7-Earth-Truth
- [22:03] <Mobuis> 8-Wind-Lies
- [22:03] <Nym> *wah* I think max is toying with us lol.
- [22:03] <Kraken> ((without Dark Light would have no purpose))
- [22:03] <MegaSlaya> ...
- [22:03] <Maxwell> wrong
- [22:03] <Maxwell> again
- [22:03] <LordBarrius> 1-Light-Life
- [22:03] <LordBarrius> 2-Dark-Death
- [22:03] <LordBarrius> 3-Ice-Peace
- [22:03] <LordBarrius> 4-Fire-War
- [22:03] <LordBarrius> 5-Water-Eternal
- [22:03] <LordBarrius> 6-Energy-Transient
- [22:03] <LordBarrius> 7-Earth-Truth
- [22:03] <LordBarrius> 8-Wind-Lies
- [22:03] <MegaSlaya> nothing is eternal, except eternal itself
- [22:03] <Maxwell> wrong
- [22:03] * Donto_M (huffyboy24@Caelestia-F63871A2.ipt.aol.com) has joined #755
- [22:03] <VictimNumber9393> Number 9 - Eternal, Water - Life , Dark - Peace (like a tranquil night or sommat), Earth - Death (Entropy Baby), Lightning - Transient (lightning is transient after all), Light - Eternal, Wind - Truth (The answers my friend are blowing in the wind),
- [22:03] <Rimblade> Light is absorbed, Darkness is consumed, Ice is melted, Fire is quenched, Water is blasted into component parts, Energy is abosrbed, the Earth is worn away, and the wind eventually stops.
- [22:03] <Kraken> ((dark has to be eternal))
- [22:03] <Nym> I don't think eternal is a correct rune (meaning it is, lol)
- [22:03] <Rimblade> So.
- [22:04] <Rimblade> Erm.
- [22:04] <Kraken> ((because Dark is the only thing))
- [22:04] <Rimblade> Water was the hardest to destroy, though.
- [22:04] <VictimNumber9393> Or number 9 truth
- [22:04] <MegaSlaya> I would risk eternal off the list.
- [22:04] <Mobuis> The other's were The Legend of Omega
- [22:04] <Mobuis> The Legend of Hope
- [22:04] <Maxwell> yes, but the key to all forces is this one that force that is left even if something dies
- [22:04] <Maxwell> I know all can be killed in their own ways
- [22:04] <Nym> Energy might be it
- [22:04] <sejwan> i think omega would be the last rune
- [22:04] <VictimNumber9393> I say either water or ice is not included as classically they are forms of the same. And number 9 IS included
- [22:05] <MegaSlaya> One elements destroys/consumes other.
- [22:05] <Rimblade> It can't be ice- it could be water.
- [22:05] <Maxwell> water and ice are 2 elements in AQ's world
- [22:05] <VictimNumber9393> So...
- [22:05] * maieo (random.dat@Caelestia-56795E24.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Interred: )
- [22:05] <MegaSlaya> water can be drained
- [22:05] <MegaSlaya> ice could be melt
- [22:05] <Rimblade> Water remains unless you destroy it's molecule.
- [22:05] <MegaSlaya> water could also evaporate
- [22:05] <Rimblade> Water evaporates into water :P
- [22:05] <Mobuis> Water seems like life to me.
- [22:05] <LordBarrius> But when it evaporates, it's not gone.
- [22:05] <MegaSlaya> gassy water
- [22:05] <MegaSlaya> LOL
- [22:05] <Nym> Heres a guess for half
- [22:05] <Nym> Legend of truth: light
- [22:05] <Nym> meh
- [22:05] <VictimNumber9393> That does not mean both are represented.... Nothing that has been said that says that the rune for the Number 9 is the one NOT included
- [22:05] <Rimblade> And when it freezes, it's still there >.>
- [22:05] <Nym> Didn't copy it all
- [22:05] <VictimNumber9393> people are assuming it is
- [22:06] <MegaSlaya> water could be lide, like mobuis said
- [22:06] <VictimNumber9393> and thats pretty silly
- [22:06] <Maxwell> yes but when frozen
- [22:06] <Maxwell> it is beaten
- [22:06] <Maxwell> for it becomes a new element
- [22:06] <SinisterBoy> you coudl just melt it with a fire
- [22:06] <Mobuis> Meh...
- [22:06] <Rimblade> So.
- [22:06] <Maxwell> So water can be stopped easy
- [22:06] <Maxwell> freeze it
- [22:06] <MegaSlaya> its still water though
- [22:06] <VictimNumber9393> Actually making Ice a seperate element was one of the most irrational things AQ ever did
- [22:06] <Rimblade> Then all the elements can be stopped easy.
- [22:06] <Nym> Legend of truth: light, Legend of life: earth, Legend of lies: dark, Legend of war: fire. Thats my guess for half, Earth MUST be life.
- [22:06] <MegaSlaya> solid water
- [22:06] <Maxwell> They can all be stopped by another element
- [22:06] <Mobuis> Hmm...
- [22:06] <Rimblade> Yes.
- [22:06] <Maxx> 5th attempt, Maxwell:
- [22:06] <Maxx> 1 Light - The Legend of Life
- [22:06] <Maxx> 2 Dark - The Legend of Peace
- [22:06] <Maxx> 3 Ice - The Legend of Death
- [22:06] <Maxx> 4 Fire - The Legend of War
- [22:06] <Maxx> 5 Water - The Legend of Lies
- [22:06] <Maxx> 6 Lightning - The Legend of Transient
- [22:06] <Maxx> 7 Earth - The Legend of Truth
- [22:06] <Maxx> 8 Wind - The Legend of Eternal
- [22:06] <Mobuis> Meh, shall i try again?
- [22:06] <MegaSlaya> so none is eternal!
- [22:07] <Rimblade> They are none of them eternal in the univers.e
- [22:07] <MegaSlaya> no element is eternal, I'm sure!
- [22:07] <Maxwell> That is not true
- [22:07] <Maxwell> One is
- [22:07] <MegaSlaya> maybe X
- [22:07] <Mobuis> <_<
- [22:07] <Mobuis> Darkness?
- [22:07] <MegaSlaya> element x?
- [22:07] <Maxwell> Because it triggers the creation of the other elements in the first place
- [22:07] <SinisterBoy> Whata bout element x?
- [22:07] <VictimNumber9393> Light is eternal
- [22:07] <VictimNumber9393> it cannot be created or destroyed
- [22:07] <Rimblade> ....
- [22:07] <Maxwell> it can be consumed
- [22:07] <Maxwell> by darkness
- [22:07] <Mobuis> Meh...
- [22:07] * PapaS|AFK is now known as PapaSmurff037
- [22:07] <Donto_M> What about energy?
- [22:07] <SinisterBoy> consume? like how?
- [22:07] <VictimNumber9393> Then I stick to my original statement
- [22:07] <Mobuis> I think Darkness is eternal.
- [22:08] <PapaSmurff037> so anyone got it yet?
- [22:08] <VictimNumber9393> Eternal is the 9th rune
- [22:08] <VictimNumber9393> and that reperesnts Creation
- [22:08] <Kraken> ((lightning = Eternal))
- [22:08] <Nym> Maxwell dashed all the elements on the rocks of no
- [22:08] <PapaSmurff037> neat
- [22:08] <Donto_M> How'd he dash energy?
- [22:08] <Rimblade> Erm, Fire would make sense, if water didn't quench it so easily.
- [22:08] <MegaSlaya> light trigered other elements
- [22:08] <Maxwell> I did not say energy can be stopped easily
- [22:08] <Nym> I don't remember, but he did
- [22:08] <LordBarrius> 1-Light-Life
- [22:08] <LordBarrius> 2-Dark-Death
- [22:08] <LordBarrius> 3-Ice-Peace
- [22:08] <LordBarrius> 4-Fire-War
- [22:08] <LordBarrius> 5-Water-Transient
- [22:08] <LordBarrius> 6-Energy-Eternal
- [22:08] <LordBarrius> 7-Earth-Truth
- [22:08] <LordBarrius> 8-Wind-Lies
- [22:08] <Mobuis> ((How, Kraken, is lighting eternal?))
- [22:08] <MegaSlaya> or energy...
- [22:08] <MegaSlaya> energy triggers fire
- [22:08] <Maxwell> wrong
- [22:08] <Rimblade> Energy?
- [22:09] <Rimblade> Um.
- [22:09] <Donto_M> Fire is a form of energy
- [22:09] <MegaSlaya> yeah
- [22:09] <Donto_M> Energy is also mass.
- [22:09] <Maxwell> and ice is a form of water
- [22:09] <VictimNumber9393> Creation is often listed as 9th force in Falerin's stories
- [22:09] <Maxx> Maxwell, which one? LordBarrius's guess or mine?
- [22:09] <SinisterBoy> energy shoudl be transient
- [22:09] <Kraken> ((because notihng can stop it Lightning is unstoppble))
- [22:09] <Nym> Energy never dissapears, in a sense.
- [22:09] <VictimNumber9393> Energy can be converted into matter
- [22:09] <Nym> Maybe electric VOLTAGE could dissapear
- [22:09] <Rimblade> Yes, Creation is often listed as a different element, but I do not think it applies here.
- [22:09] <VictimNumber9393> Energy can be converted into matter
- [22:09] <Donto_M> Right, because energy and mass are one and the same
- [22:09] <Maxwell> Yes, it can
- [22:09] <Mobuis> Energy can be lost i thought, wasn't Rimblade ranting about that a while ago.
- [22:09] <Rimblade> Entropics?
- [22:10] <Maxwell> They can all be lost
- [22:10] <Donto_M> Strike that last statement, sounds weird.
- [22:10] <Maxwell> But one will always be Eternal in the universe
- [22:10] <Mobuis> Yeah, Entropy.
- [22:10] <VictimNumber9393> Maxwell just said that one element Created all the others
- [22:10] <VictimNumber9393> That seems to imply creation to me Rimblade
- [22:10] <Mobuis> Water i think.
- [22:10] <MegaSlaya> damn you maxwell and your hard riddles
- [22:10] <Maxwell> no, it helps in the process
- [22:10] <Donto_M> You can't lose energy, it will just be transferred.
- [22:10] <Maxwell> I will just shut up now
- [22:10] <Kraken> ((LIGHTNING CREATES ALL!))
- [22:10] <Maxwell> I dont care if it makes sense :P
- [22:10] <Rimblade> Heh.
- [22:10] <Mobuis> ((Never again Kraken...))
- [22:10] <MegaSlaya> great.
- [22:10] <VictimNumber9393> Number 9
- [22:10] <MegaSlaya> revolution 9
- [22:10] <VictimNumber9393> The Number 9 will always be in the universe
- [22:10] <Nym> Does maxwell actually think ALL of these riddles up?
- [22:11] <Donto_M> hope, life, a spark
- [22:11] <VictimNumber9393> It represents Creation
- [22:11] <Rimblade> I claim for Fire or Water. I do not know about Energy.
- [22:11] <Kraken> (( 42 - Eternal!))
- [22:11] <VictimNumber9393> And by extention Hope
- [22:11] <MegaSlaya> energy creates light and fire
- [22:11] <Nym> If so, he gets pie and cookies. And they are DEFFINATELY NOT poisoned... :) *whistle*
- [22:11] * Falerin (Falerin@idleasfrigginghell.Caelestia.Net) has joined #755
- [22:11] * Tralin sets mode: +o Falerin
- [22:11] <Nym> 12Meh
- [22:11] <sejwan> my head hurts ill call it a night bye all
- [22:12] * sejwan (sejwan@Caelestia-646945AE.cfl.res.rr.com) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [22:12] <Falerin> Hmm
- [22:12] <Falerin> Having fun all?
- [22:12] <Nym> 00Does...
- [22:12] <Rimblade> Yes, actually.
- [22:12] <Fayt> not rly...
- [22:12] <Nym> No
- [22:12] <Nym> Lol
- [22:12] <LordBarrius> Hello Falerin.
- [22:12] <Kraken> ((maxwell is being mean and no))
- [22:12] <Donto_M> Much.
- [22:12] <Nym> Rim, your nuts
- [22:12] <SinisterBoy> Maybe
- [22:12] <Nym> :P
- [22:12] <Falerin> Sour Grapes?
- [22:12] <Rimblade> Elemental theory is fun to discuss, even when I'm wrong, which is often.
- [22:12] <Falerin> How very Aesop of all of you
- [22:12] <Fayt> grapes?
- [22:12] <Kraken> ((GRAPES - ETERNAL!))
- [22:12] <Falerin> Ah, I see you found the link I gave Fayt
- [22:12] <Nym> Would anybody have a problem with me mugging Falerin for answers? lol
- [22:13] <Fayt> heheh thanks
- [22:13] <Rimblade> He might :P
- [22:13] <SinisterBoy> lol
- [22:13] <Nym> Then he doesn't get a vote
- [22:13] <Nym> Lol
- [22:13] <Kraken> ((fal give us a hint mannnn!))
- [22:13] <Falerin> A hint?
- [22:13] <VictimNumber9393> The Number 9 will always be in the universe
- [22:13] <VictimNumber9393> It represents Creation
- [22:13] <VictimNumber9393> And by extention Hope
- [22:13] <Nym> Hint = YOUR DOOMED!
- [22:13] <SinisterBoy> the hint to the puzzle
- [22:13] <Nym> lol
- [22:13] <Falerin> I do not think so
- [22:13] <Kraken> ((an answer etc.))
- [22:13] <Falerin> yeah give you the answer
- [22:13] <Falerin> I thought that was what you are really asking
- [22:13] <MegaSlaya> all that is evil is not dark...
- [22:14] <Kraken> ((just one answer to one element))
- [22:14] <Rimblade> In any case, I am firmly against Earth, Air, Light, or Darkness being the Eternal element. I don't know about energy, Water, or Fire. I'm just gonna hit myself now.
- [22:14] <MegaSlaya> that kinda approves that light is not peace
- [22:14] <Nym> I think its energy
- [22:14] <Mobuis> Yeah! Give us the answer! Ruin the entire thing becuase were lazy! <_<
- [22:14] * Falerin tosses a bag of Oreo at VictimNumber9393
- [22:14] <SinisterBoy> lol
- [22:14] <Nym> Water and fire have been dashed
- [22:14] <Useless> Greetings to thee, Loremaster.
- [22:14] <Falerin> Greetings Talo-Toecan
- [22:14] <Rimblade> Hope, eh?
- [22:14] <Fayt> wha?
- [22:15] <Useless> I hope you are well, this eve?
- [22:15] <Rimblade> Earth is out, because it is Truth. Or so we think :p
- [22:15] <Kraken> ((i want oreos))
- [22:15] <Mobuis> Well, i'm tired of guessing, some one else give it a shot.
- [22:15] <SinisterBoy> Why on earth we have to figure out this tsupid puzzle anyway? Iss't there a place where we can find our answer easily?
- [22:15] <Fayt> no
- [22:15] <MegaSlaya> if the fire was provoked by gas, the water would only power it!
- [22:15] <Rimblade> :P
- [22:15] <MegaSlaya> so fire=eternal
- [22:15] <Nym> This is insane
- [22:15] <MegaSlaya> case closed
- [22:15] <MegaSlaya> go home yal
- [22:15] <Maxwell> Fire can not be eternal
- [22:15] <Fayt> i am home lol
- [22:15] <Nym> nah
- [22:15] <Kraken> (( fire isnt eternal))
- [22:15] <Rimblade> That made no sense.
- [22:15] <Nym> Fire ca...
- [22:15] <Maxwell> it needs oxygen
- [22:15] <Nym> There ya go
- [22:16] <Nym> Energy is eternal!
- [22:16] <LordBarrius> Exactly.
- [22:16] <Nym> (waits for a no)
- [22:16] <MegaSlaya> ITS MAGICAL FIRE
- [22:16] <Kraken> ((IT CANT Be it needs wind to live))
- [22:16] <SinisterBoy> To have oxygen, you need wind.. i guess
- [22:16] <MegaSlaya> ITS MAGICAL
- [22:16] <Maxwell> lol
- [22:16] <MegaSlaya> DUH
- [22:16] <Fayt> sigh...
- [22:16] <Rimblade> Then it's not magical FIRE.
- [22:16] <Rimblade> Fire is simply rapid oxidization.
- [22:16] <MegaSlaya> T.T
- [22:16] <Nym> Max didn't say energy was wrong...
- [22:16] <MegaSlaya> I make myself sad
- [22:16] <Rimblade> It's... magical...
- [22:16] <Nym> I think...
- [22:16] <Rimblade> Heaty thingy...
- [22:16] <Useless> ((*sigh*))
- [22:16] <Donto_M> Since when does energy need wind to live? You focus enough energy and you get a mass.
- [22:16] <Kraken> ((oh its magical that solves EVERYTHING))
- [22:17] <Nym> *grabs maxwell by the nickname* is energy eternal?
- [22:17] <Rimblade> I still say Energy is liiiife.
- [22:17] <Fayt> energy is converted to other stuff...
- [22:17] <Mobuis> Then mae a guess rim!
- [22:17] <Mobuis> make*
- [22:17] <MegaSlaya> how does light consume darkness?
- [22:17] <Rimblade> No.
- [22:17] <LordBarrius> Energy helps fuel the processes that would create the others.
- [22:17] <MegaSlaya> light cant consume a black hole
- [22:17] <Rimblade> I won't make random guesses.
- [22:17] <Nym> He still hasn't said energy isn't eternal
- [22:17] * Mobuis goes and sits in the back of the room
- [22:17] <SinisterBoy> Falerin, tell us the answer.. You are the LOREMaster and i'm sure you know the answer to the universe
- [22:18] * Lelldorin (shadez_0vb@Caelestia-9F4EB747.singnet.com.sg) has joined #755
- [22:18] * Tralin sets mode: +v Lelldorin
- [22:18] <Kraken> ((what is the answer to the universe fal?))
- [22:18] <Fayt> he wont give a starightforward answer
- [22:18] * Maxwell taps fingers on desk waiting
- [22:18] <MegaSlaya> 42
- [22:18] <Kraken> ((shut up you))
- [22:18] <Rimblade> Urgh, I can't even think!
- [22:18] <Nym> He STILL hasn't said energy isn't eternal!
- [22:18] <SinisterBoy> right... >.>
- [22:18] <Useless> I would think that being told an answer would mean that we do not learn the lesson in trying, SinisterBoy.
- [22:18] <Rimblade> Even to MY usual standards!
- [22:19] <Fayt> hey max is energy eternal?
- [22:19] <PapaSmurff037> hes not gonna tell u
- [22:19] <Nym> 08He won't say yes
- [22:19] <Donto_M> yes, focus enough of it and it makes mass, destroy mass and it becomes energy. the devourer prefers to uncreate in terms of absorbing energy. it could be voided but that means energy is still there, jsut in the void.
- [22:19] <MegaSlaya> its obvious the answer to the universe is 42 but why do children like toasted cinnamo... you know the rest. MEH. ENERGY IS ETERNAL
- [22:19] <Nym> 02He might not say no though
- [22:19] <Nym> 12Silence yay
- [22:19] <PapaSmurff037> energy=eternal
- [22:19] <Rimblade> Truth could be earth, War could be fire, Ice could be peace...
- [22:19] <Kraken> ((NO DAMED COLORS!))
- [22:19] <MegaSlaya> not saying no is enough for me.
- [22:20] <Donto_M> so, say energy is eternal but, doesn't that mean we are short an element still?
- [22:20] <Rimblade> Water could be Life.
- [22:20] <Nym> 12Is spam eternal?... Nevermind, okay so energy is eternal.
- [22:20] <Nym> 12I think earth is life
- [22:20] <Kraken> ((EARTH IS TRUTH!))
- [22:20] <MegaSlaya> no it isnt.
- [22:20] <Nym> Meh
- [22:20] <Nym> I think life is truth
- [22:20] <Nym> LIGHT
- [22:20] <Nym> lol
- [22:20] <Kraken> ((yes It Is))
- [22:20] <Nym> <smack me
- [22:20] <Rimblade> Well, too late for me.
- [22:20] <Rimblade> See you, Humanity.
- [22:20] <Mobuis> Bye.
- [22:21] <MegaSlaya> OH THE HUMANITY
- [22:21] <MegaSlaya> Cya Rim
- [22:21] * Rimblade (Rimblade@Caelestia-225B6204.cap.east.verizon.net) Quit (Vanished: Sleepy Frostval Children all snug in they're beds.... with chicken... )
- [22:21] <Maxx> You're being generous, Rim.
- [22:21] <Maxx> Ah, too late.
- [22:21] <Nym> I shall shelter from Mr.Galin in my titanium tiki hut
- [22:22] <Fayt> while i eat popcorn and see what happens
- [22:22] <Maxwell> Well
- [22:22] <Kraken> ((the next day Nym's tiki hut and NYm are devoureratered
- [22:22] <Maxwell> if you give up
- [22:22] <PapaSmurff037> hold on
- [22:22] <Maxwell> I can end this
- [22:22] <Donto_M> Not quite.
- [22:22] <Mobuis> End it?
- [22:22] <LordBarrius> I'm not done yet.
- [22:22] <Nym> End it meaning what?
- [22:22] <Maxx> Still working on it.
- [22:22] <PapaSmurff037> i have an idea just lemme write it out
- [22:22] <Fayt> end it in the bad way?
- [22:22] <SinisterBoy> end the puzzle
- [22:22] <Nym> Does ending it mean you tell us?
- [22:22] <SinisterBoy> he meant
- [22:22] <LordBarrius> I'm just thinking it through.
- [22:23] <Mobuis> Ending it means you getting killed?
- [22:23] <Mobuis> <_<
- [22:23] <Maxx> Guys, let's cut down on the spam in here.
- [22:23] <Donto_M> First, I came in late, so let me get things straight. We are matching the 8 elements of Adventure Quest to the truth, lies, transient, etc.?
- [22:24] <Mobuis> ((http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=7397084 - that))
- [22:24] * SinisterBoy (SinisterBo@Caelestia-BDFF76A8.delta72.maxonline.com.sg) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [22:24] <PapaSmurff037> 1 - Light - Life, 2 - Dark - Death, 3 - Ice - Peace, 4 - Fire - War, 5 - Water - Lies, 6 - Energy - Eternal, 7 - Earth - Truth, 8 - Wind - Transient
- [22:25] <Maxwell> correct
- [22:25] <Mobuis> Well?
- [22:25] <PapaSmurff037> HAHA
- [22:25] <Mobuis> O__O
- [22:25] <Nym> HOLY CRAP!
- [22:25] <LordBarrius> Way to go.
- [22:25] <Fayt> ....
- [22:25] <Kraken> (OMFG!))
- [22:25] <PapaSmurff037> I WIN AGAIN!!
- [22:25] <Nym> Papa smurf won BOTH!
- [22:26] <Mobuis> ;_;
- [22:26] <Maxx> XD
- [22:26] <Fayt> do we still get credit?
- [22:26] <Fayt> heh
- [22:26] <LordBarrius> No. :P
- [22:26] <Mobuis> T__T
- [22:26] <MegaSlaya> impressive.
- [22:26] <Maxwell> tell the forums
- [22:26] * Kraken tosses Papasmurff a bag of Grippos Bar-B-Q Flavored Chips
- [22:26] <PapaSmurff037> im already on it
- [22:26] <LordBarrius> Good job Papa, you got it right before I could say it. :P
- [22:26] <Kraken> ((CONGRATZ!))
- [22:26] <MegaSlaya> my energy theory was correct
- [22:26] <Fayt> made a crapload of progress in one day
- [22:27] * Nym (Nym@Caelestia-B5CDE9A3.sd.sd.cox.net) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [22:27] <MegaSlaya> gratz papasmurf
- [22:27] <Kraken> ((UH hello i said Lightning was eternal
- [22:27] <Kraken> ((MY Lightning theory was right))
- [22:27] <Mobuis> ((We'll inform you when we care.))
- [22:27] <LordBarrius> That just leaves Part 3, yes?
- [22:27] <Kraken> ((not yours!))
- [22:27] <PapaSmurff037> thanks
- [22:27] <MegaSlaya> jeez
- [22:27] <MegaSlaya> relax
- [22:27] <Maxwell> That, will be hard indeed :P
- [22:28] <Mobuis> Let's get 'r done!
- [22:28] <LordBarrius> Meh. I've got a little bit of brain juice left. Bring it,
- [22:28] <Kraken> (( Git 'R Done dumbo
- [22:28] <Kraken> ))
- [22:28] <Mobuis> JEEEEENNKKKIINNNS!!!
- [22:28] <Donto_M> Let's do it!
- [22:28] <Mobuis> ((You got killed, dumbo :P))
- [22:28] <Maxwell> If you wish
- [22:28] <VictimNumber9393> Man Falerin Shame on you Darkness = Death. That sucks!
- [22:28] <Maxwell> This part has no pieces
- [22:28] <Maxwell> go
- [22:28] <Donto_M> 42
- [22:28] <Falerin> Death is neither evil nor good.
- [22:28] <Falerin> Death is another state of being
- [22:28] <MegaSlaya> its death
- [22:29] <Kraken> ((all that is dark is not evil))
- [22:29] <Falerin> Things continue after death
- [22:29] <LordBarrius> So now we need to match the avatar to each rune?
- [22:29] <Falerin> Evil is not Death
- [22:29] <PapaSmurff037> so now we have to match the avatars right?
- [22:29] <Maxwell> You tell me
- [22:29] <Falerin> But Death has always been associated with Darkness
- [22:29] <Maxx> The Avatar correspond to the same numbers/elements as the Legends. XD
- [22:29] <Falerin> Even Undeath is generally associated with Darkness
- [22:29] <Fayt> ...
- [22:29] <Falerin> Any state of being not generally considered life is
- [22:29] <PapaSmurff037> unlife?
- [22:29] <Donto_M> Very well.
- [22:29] <LordBarrius> I'll assume that's a yes.
- [22:30] <Donto_M> Might as well, there's nothing else to run off of.
- [22:30] <Falerin> Life and Death are not really opposites either....
- [22:30] <Falerin> No Elments are "True" opposites
- [22:30] <Falerin> They are "Positional Opposites"
- [22:30] <Falerin> But not "Antithetical Forces"
- [22:31] <Useless> They exist in harmony as I recall, do they not, Falerin?
- [22:31] <Falerin> Life flows from death flows from life
- [22:31] <Falerin> Elements tranform all the time
- [22:31] <MegaSlaya> the law of that dude
- [22:31] <Falerin> They also exist in a mixed state
- [22:31] <MegaSlaya> each action has a counterpart
- [22:31] <MegaSlaya> lol
- [22:31] <Falerin> A living being contains ALL of the elements in action ALL the time
- [22:31] <Falerin> So does a Dead one
- [22:31] <Falerin> XD
- [22:32] <Mobuis> Huh.
- [22:32] <Maxwell> even ice?
- [22:32] <Maxwell> and fire?
- [22:32] <Falerin> Absolutely Maxwell
- [22:32] <PapaSmurff037> im pretty sure im not on fire in any way
- [22:32] <PapaSmurff037> but maybe thats just me
- [22:32] <Falerin> Fire is oxidation chemically
- [22:32] * Zeltan (zeltanx@46F47B29.5F536422.363DF4C7.IP) has joined #755
- [22:32] <PapaSmurff037> oh
- [22:32] <PapaSmurff037> well in that case
- [22:32] <Falerin> The body DEPENDS on fire
- [22:32] <Maxwell> makes sense
- [22:32] <Zeltan> Did i miss much ?
- [22:32] <Fayt> hey zeltan
- [22:32] <Maxwell> I am just messing around I know :D
- [22:32] <Zeltan> Hey
- [22:33] <PapaSmurff037> i figured out the 2nd puzzle
- [22:33] <Mobuis> What do we have to do for 3 again?
- [22:33] <Useless> Even Artifice holds these tenants true, that all the elements exist within and in constant action.
- [22:33] <PapaSmurff037> well i answerd it but we all figured it out
- [22:33] * Falerin tosses Papasmurf some Snickerdoodles
- [22:33] * Zeltan gives papasmurff a cookie
- [22:33] <Maxwell> I did study ancient theories on the elements before working on AQ, with the basic four elements and then the other element that stands for light and dark, forget what it was called
- [22:33] * PapaSmurff037 begins snacking on all the food thrown his way
- [22:33] * Maxwell throws a dead fish at Papa's face
- [22:34] <MegaSlaya> lol
- [22:34] <Zeltan> What's the 3rd puzzle?
- [22:34] <VictimNumber9393> Why is Ice a Seperate Element on AQ? That makes no sense
- [22:34] <Maxwell> enjoy! I stole it from a stupid litle yellow rat thing
- [22:34] * Kraken throws an Acme 5000 lb. Anvil at PapaSMurff
- [22:34] <PapaSmurff037> match the avatars
- [22:34] <Falerin> The manifestation of elements varies from plane to plane the relative forces are the same....
- [22:34] <Maxwell> Because most elements in AQ are shared elements
- [22:34] * Zeltan muttered "must solve this"
- [22:34] <Falerin> This is actually addressed in the Histories
- [22:34] <Maxwell> it takes one or more elment to make another usually
- [22:34] * PapaSmurff037 looks up to see a fish and a huge anvil flying his way, "AHHHHH!!!"
- [22:34] <Falerin> When the water lord directly says that in another world there is a Steam Lord
- [22:34] <Falerin> Where on some Worlds Water and Earth are postioned opposite
- [22:35] <Maxwell> I bet it is a drakel world
- [22:35] <Maxwell> they love steam power
- [22:35] <Falerin> Yeah
- [22:35] <Falerin> THey do
- [22:35] <Maxwell> Because they have yet to discover anything better >>;
- [22:35] <Falerin> Well the Ancient Drakel Races, The Siliari and what not clearly settled other worlds
- [22:35] <Maxwell> but still
- [22:35] <MegaSlaya> siliari?
- [22:35] <Falerin> Well some Drakel have havent they Maxwell
- [22:35] * Falerin coughs
- [22:35] <Maxwell> Well yes
- [22:36] <MegaSlaya> Siliari?
- [22:36] <Maxwell> Depends what you call a Drakel of course
- [22:36] <MegaSlaya> what is this sorcery
- [22:36] * ZLOK (-@ThisHostContainsSecretInfo.Caelestia.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer )
- [22:36] <Falerin> Yes well that depends on what division one refers to
- [22:36] <Falerin> The Silari are Drakel that existed before the first coming
- [22:36] <Falerin> They were one of Several Dracomamalian subraces
- [22:36] <MegaSlaya> Are we gonna see them sometime?
- [22:36] <Maxwell> The family tree is kinda crazy if you look into other realms timelines to see the cross breeding >>;
- [22:36] <MegaSlaya> Like in a Past War?
- [22:36] <Falerin> The modern drakel are actually the natrual evolutionary combiantion of those races into one central branch
- [22:37] <Maxwell> Not to mention Epsilon’s tree.
- [22:37] <Falerin> Though apparently at near the same time representives of each of thoses races also left lore
- [22:37] <Falerin> and apparently evolved in rather different ways
- [22:37] <Falerin> Which explains the differences among the Annunaki
- [22:37] * ZLOK (-@ThisHostContainsSecretInfo.Caelestia.net) has joined #755
- [22:37] <Falerin> Both Convergent and Divergent Evolution actively at work
- [22:37] <Falerin> Its quite elegant
- [22:37] <MegaSlaya> interesting
- [22:38] <Falerin> Of course Humans could be called Drak... no you are not ready for that
- [22:38] <Falerin> None of you are...
- [22:38] * Trenton (Trenton@Caelestia-2E23A320.ipt.aol.com) has joined #755
- [22:38] <MegaSlaya> ._.
- [22:38] <Kraken> ((im dead im ready for anthing))
- [22:38] * Falerin turns and leaves
- [22:38] * Falerin (Falerin@idleasfrigginghell.Caelestia.Net) has left #755
- [22:38] <Zeltan> Too much for me ;.;
- [22:38] <MegaSlaya> NOOO
- [22:38] <Fayt> nooooo
- [22:38] <Zeltan> So avatar now
- [22:38] * Zeltan reads up his scroll
- [22:38] <MegaSlaya> we have a conclusion
- [22:38] <MegaSlaya> humans are drakels
- [22:39] <Zeltan> >_>
- [22:39] <ZLOK> No.
- [22:39] <MegaSlaya> and that makes all drakel wars pointless
- [22:39] <MegaSlaya> yes.
- [22:39] <Donto_M> Barrius, there's a flaw with your thought of matching the 8 to the 8. we still only know seven.
- [22:39] <ZLOK> You base that conclusion on what?
- [22:39] <LordBarrius> Hm?
- [22:39] <Zeltan> Have we met the 8th, Maxwell ?
- [22:39] <MegaSlaya> Falerin : Of course Humans could be called Drak... no you are not ready for that
- [22:40] <Zeltan> IC: I know my people are called Drakkeren
- [22:40] <Donto_M> Well, the third part started and you said it was to match the avatars in as well. don't we only know 7 of them at this point?
- [22:40] <Trenton> so the fragment Drak can only mean Drakel?
- [22:40] <ZLOK> Do you believe everything you hear?
- [22:40] <Maxwell> you think you know seven
- [22:41] <MegaSlaya> yes, zlok, yes i do.
- [22:41] <LordBarrius> Some of them are wrong.
- [22:41] <Zeltan> Hmm..
- [22:41] <ZLOK> Diving in a pool of acid is good for you.
- [22:41] <Donto_M> ah, well that's a downer. when was that revealed?
- [22:41] <Fayt> lol
- [22:41] <Zeltan> Have we seen the 8th before?
- [22:41] * Nym (Nym@Caelestia-B5CDE9A3.sd.sd.cox.net) has joined #755
- [22:41] <Nym> So what now maxwell?
- [22:41] <PapaSmurff037> match the avatars
- [22:41] <MegaSlaya> who are the avatars again?
- [22:41] <Nym> ??
- [22:41] <Donto_M> He already told us Nym, the 3 part has started, we get no clues.
- [22:41] <LordBarrius> Now we need to match 8 avatar....and we don't have a full list of 8. :P
- [22:42] <Nym> Dangit
- [22:42] <Nym> Well can anyone tell me what they were?
- [22:42] <Maxx> Unless the eighth is the King in the Temple Maxwell was talking about the other day.
- [22:42] <PapaSmurff037> read the forums
- [22:42] <Maxx> So, we would know eight. Yes?
- [22:42] <Zeltan> What ?! Water is Lies ?!
- [22:42] <Donto_M> and we weren't necissarily told that we actually had to match the avatars
- [22:42] <PapaSmurff037> yup
- [22:42] <Nym> Would white rabbit and black rabbit count? lol
- [22:42] <Kraken> ((what about the clan leaders?))
- [22:42] <Zeltan> That will kill off my guesses
- [22:43] <PapaSmurff037> actually im pretty sure that when we first started on this puzzle Maxwell said we did have to match the avatars
- [22:43] <Zeltan> Anna, Kaliope, The Eternal, The Huntress, Aquella, Nifaria, Edward, ???
- [22:43] <LordBarrius> Yes. However, we need 8, and we lack that.
- [22:43] <Zeltan> Danit
- [22:43] <Zeltan> Anna is Lies
- [22:43] <LordBarrius> Not to mention that our list could well be flawed.
- [22:43] <Zeltan> Kaliope is Truth
- [22:44] <Zeltan> Really ?
- [22:44] <PapaSmurff037> Maxwell if we get the 7 will u tell us if we are right?
- [22:44] <Donto_M> it saved the shut down of truth and lies though...
- [22:44] <LordBarrius> Yes....
- [22:44] <LordBarrius> However, does that mean that it must be perfectly correct?
- [22:45] <Kraken> ((I Am The 8Th))
- [22:45] <Maxwell> good luck
- [22:45] <Maxwell> I must be going
- [22:45] * Maxwell (Truth@755.755.755.755) has left #755
- [22:45] <Nym> ...
- [22:45] <LordBarrius> Heh.
- [22:45] <Nym> Craaaapppppp
- [22:45] <Donto_M> wasn't the requirement then to have the 7 of the 8 avatars perfectly correct?
- [22:45] <MegaSlaya> aw damn.
- [22:45] <Nym> Lol
- [22:45] <LordBarrius> Fun fun.
- [22:45] <Zeltan> Time for the hard method
- [22:45] <LordBarrius> Alright, well....
- [22:45] <Zeltan> Guess it ...
- [22:45] <Donto_M> Well we know Edward matches with death and dark.
- [22:45] <LordBarrius> Allow me to explain why I said what I did....
- [22:45] <Zeltan> Anna-Lies-Water
- [22:45] <LordBarrius> Maxwell: for your list is wrong
- [22:45] <Nym> I can't find anything new frokm maxwell on the forums
- [22:45] <LordBarrius> Maxwell: You have listed some that are not true Avatar.
- [22:46] <Kraken> (maxwell is fone))
- [22:46] <Zeltan> whose list ?
- [22:46] <LordBarrius> Which throws a wrench in things.
- [22:46] <Donto_M> When did he say that? (I've missed out here and there))
- [22:46] <LordBarrius> http://psyham.googlepages.com/akinginatemple
- [22:46] * Fayt (Fayt@Caelestia-73CA534D.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [22:46] * Fayt (Fayt@Caelestia-73CA534D.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #755
- [22:46] <LordBarrius> It was recent.
- [22:47] <Zeltan> Oh great I forgot that
- [22:47] <LordBarrius> We can't trust everything we hear.
- [22:47] <LordBarrius> :P
- [22:47] * Trenton (Trenton@Caelestia-2E23A320.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Vanished: ignites! )
- [22:47] <Zeltan> So that puzzle is sort of useless
- [22:47] <LordBarrius> Now, time for some thinking. Which ones are real....
- [22:47] <Zeltan> What do we know?
- [22:47] <LordBarrius> And which are not?
- [22:47] <Donto_M> Perhaps we could trust maxwell was lieing when he said our list was wrong.
- [22:47] <Zeltan> Anna
- [22:48] <Zeltan> She is Lies as Maxwell pointed out
- [22:48] <LordBarrius> Kaliope is Truth.
- [22:48] <Donto_M> Heh. Ok, Edward seems to be a key.
- [22:48] <Zeltan> Edward is Death
- [22:48] <LordBarrius> Edward has been mentioned previously also.
- [22:48] <Donto_M> I don't like Nifaria
- [22:48] <Zeltan> Aquella doesn't seem right
- [22:48] <MegaSlaya> Aquella is Fire
- [22:49] <Zeltan> =_=
- [22:49] <Donto_M> Say what?
- [22:49] <MegaSlaya> she waged war with losolia
- [22:49] <LordBarrius> Well, water is lies, yes? Aquella *might* have lied regarding the Sea Fiend incident.
- [22:49] <Nym> Aquella could be lies, considering the recent incident, but jacques triton could be lies to! both work!
- [22:49] * LordBarrius shrugs. "Just my two cents."
- [22:49] <Zeltan> So it's either Anna or Aquella
- [22:49] <Nym> Aquella is ahead because of the fact that water and lies are together
- [22:49] <LordBarrius> I sincerely doubt the fisherman is an Avatar.
- [22:50] * Mobuis tosses Barrius two cents, "Now you have four."
- [22:50] <LordBarrius> me snorts and mumbles something about Terran humor.
- [22:50] <Nym> *
- [22:50] <PapaSmurff037> well ive done my part for now so im gonna go take a break and let my mind rest
- [22:50] <Zeltan> Great my scroll is errored
- [22:50] <Nym> *shrug*
- [22:50] <LordBarrius> ((Wow, that's the greatest /me ever. :P))
- [22:50] * PapaSmurff037 is now known as PapaS|AFK
- [22:50] <LordBarrius> Alright then....
- [22:51] <LordBarrius> So what's left?
- [22:51] <Nym> ...
- [22:51] <Zeltan> The Eternal Huntress
- [22:51] <Zeltan> ,
- [22:51] <Zeltan> Nifaria
- [22:51] <Nym> The female gatta -__
- [22:51] <Nym> -_-
- [22:51] <Nym> Lol
- [22:51] <Nym> *is useless*
- [22:52] <Nym> Eternal... is... eternal?
- [22:52] <Nym> Lol
- [22:52] <LordBarrius> He said that some of them were assumptions on our part, but....
- [22:52] * Zeltan erases something from his scroll
- [22:52] <Zeltan> Dammit
- [22:52] <Mobuis> Eh assumptions are bad mate.
- [22:52] <Nym> *repeat* the eternal could be the eternal
- [22:52] <Donto_M> yes, but that is easily assumable
- [22:52] <LordBarrius> I don't quite know, honestly. I'm not sure how we're meant to dig up an eighth name, and that assumes our other list was correct and Maxwell was lying in that last log.
- [22:53] <Nym> And its simple
- [22:53] <LordBarrius> But then, it wasn't Maxwell in that log, was it?
- [22:53] <Nym> Meaning its wrong
- [22:53] <Nym> lol
- [22:53] <>Ambiance<> Terul
- [22:53] <Zeltan> This is wercking my brain
- [22:53] <Zeltan> What ?!
- [22:53] <Mobuis> Um...
- [22:53] <Donto_M> Yeah, the most we can do right now is take names off the list.
- [22:53] <LordBarrius> Terul?
- [22:53] <Mobuis> Terul? Is that the 8th?
- [22:53] <Maxx> Is that the name of the King in the Temple?
- [22:53] <Donto_M> Luret.
- [22:54] <Donto_M> Who does that amviance stuff anyways?
- [22:54] <Donto_M> *ambiance
- [22:54] <Zeltan> People with & or Falerin
- [22:54] <>Ambiance<> He is a Drakel. But he is not a Drakel.
- [22:54] <>Ambiance<> 'Sith
- [22:54] <PapaS|AFK> OH GOD
- [22:54] * LordBarrius frowns.
- [22:54] <PapaS|AFK> THE SITH ARE COMMING!!!
- [22:54] <Mobuis> ...
- [22:54] <Zeltan> Terul, a 'sith, drakel but not drakel
- [22:54] <Donto_M> Put away your lightsabes papas.
- [22:54] <Fayt> ...
- [22:55] <Donto_M> wasn't Sith the dragon of the shadow master?
- [22:55] <LordBarrius> Nith, IIRC.
- [22:55] <Mobuis> Part Drakel?
- [22:55] <MegaSlaya> messenger
- [22:55] <LordBarrius> Or something like that.
- [22:55] <Donto_M> Yup, that's it.
- [22:55] <Zeltan> That dragon ?
- [22:55] <LordBarrius> Well...
- [22:55] <>Ambiance<> A resounding retort is heard ripping through the fabric of the multiverse.
- [22:55] <>Ambiance<> Screeches and clacks are heard from within the vortex and demonic voices chanting and gurgling.
- [22:56] <Zeltan> Un oh
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> The smell of sulfur and brimstone fills the channel
- [22:56] * LordBarrius 's eyes open wide. "No...."
- [22:56] <Donto_M> Tralin has been the closest to part drakel that I've seen.
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> The chattering becomes decidedly more agitated.
- [22:56] <Zeltan> Stand back everyone !!!!
- [22:56] <LordBarrius> 2 percent...
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> The vortex pulses and demonic entities can be seen moving within. Seeking out a new universe from their prison in the nether.
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> A figure walks through the masses and the entities fall back in terror.
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> The figures form begins to resolve into an elven shape with grey hair and shifting multichromatic eyes.
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> The eyes ultimately fix on a bright sea bluegreen, a sort of vivid turquoise.
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> The figure raises his staff and the creatures flee even more as he approaches the channel
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> The figure now stands directly in the portal. He is distinctly recognizable as Falerin
- [22:56] <Zeltan> Dammoit Ojo failed....
- [22:56] * ZLOK scoffs.
- [22:56] * Falerin (Falerin@idleasfrigginghell.Caelestia.Net) has joined #755
- [22:56] * Tralin sets mode: +o Falerin
- [22:56] <>Ambiance<> The vortex sucks closed with a slurp. The Gaping wound in reality sealing but giving cause to wonder if the wall is not forever weakened.
- [22:56] <Fayt> hey fal!
- [22:56] <Falerin> I have returned.
- [22:56] <Falerin> of course he did....
- [22:56] <Falerin> Time is on my side after all
- [22:56] * Mobuis gulps
- [22:56] <Falerin> I exist outside of its flow
- [22:56] <Maxx> Hello, Falerin.
- [22:56] <Falerin> Even if he totally obliterated my source
- [22:57] <Falerin> That could not uncreate me after the fact
- [22:57] <Falerin> Only destroy my world
- [22:57] * PapaS|AFK is now known as PapaSmurff037
- [22:57] <Falerin> Which is very very ill
- [22:57] * Zeltan curses
- [22:57] <Falerin> very ill indeed from his intereference
- [22:57] <Falerin> Which of course weakens me
- [22:57] <Falerin> Which is his point
- [22:57] <Zeltan> 12 multiverse gone like that...
- [22:57] <Nym> Fal is taking over from max
- [22:57] <Nym> lol
- [22:57] <Falerin> But I shall see him suffer for it
- [22:57] <Falerin> I assure you of that
- [22:57] <Nym> Maybe fal is a avatar?
- [22:57] <ZLOK> You are an enemy of this Ojodelvorador?
- [22:57] <LordBarrius> Billions of universes....
- [22:57] <MegaSlaya> O_o
- [22:57] <LordBarrius> Crushed. For nothing.
- [22:57] <Falerin> I had to kill and recall some 3 dozen of my own avatar
- [22:58] <PapaSmurff037> 2.34 billion i believe
- [22:58] <Nym> Yes Maxwell shall make your suffer for taking over from him
- [22:58] <Falerin> The road to hell is based on Good Intentions Barrius
- [22:58] <Falerin> I did tell him to stop
- [22:58] <Zeltan> 12 multiverse= billions of universe
- [22:58] <Falerin> I did order him
- [22:58] <Falerin> But did he listen...
- [22:58] <Falerin> no...
- [22:58] <LordBarrius> Quite....
- [22:58] <ZLOK> Did you?
- [22:58] <Nym> Falerin knows the eternal :P
- [22:58] <Falerin> Neither did my Analog
- [22:58] <Zeltan> And to think my realm is almost uncreated
- [22:58] <Falerin> he turned his back
- [22:58] <ZLOK> Does anyone?
- [22:58] <Falerin> Let Ojo do what he would do
- [22:58] <ZLOK> And would you be as bold as to expect them to?
- [22:59] <Donto_M> He saved them as you went to kill them.
- [22:59] <Falerin> Then again.. should you expect differently of Zephyr
- [22:59] <Falerin> After all he is The`Galin's eyes
- [22:59] * LordBarrius snorts. "Perhaps so....but he has saved us before. You have not."
- [22:59] * Zeltan falls silent
- [22:59] <ZLOK> Like now, when you're not.
- [22:59] <Falerin> It is just 'tragic' that all of you made the mistake of forgetting that fact...
- [22:59] <ZLOK> The last three times I called for you.
- [23:00] <Falerin> "You have no recourse to call for me"
- [23:00] <Falerin> "I always LISTEN"
- [23:00] <Falerin> "I RARELY respond"
- [23:00] <Falerin> "As quite frankly you are beneath response"
- [23:00] <Zeltan> That explains it
- [23:00] <ZLOK> Even to people you don't like?
- [23:00] <KingK> oooh thats extemely cold.
- [23:00] <LordBarrius> Loathe.
- [23:00] <Falerin> Especially to them
- [23:00] <ZLOK> Yeah, it seems to be that way to everyone.
- [23:00] <Nym> Okay then
- [23:00] <ZLOK> E mere little plaything worth nothing.
- [23:00] <Nym> Does that help use people?
- [23:00] * Useless glances over at Falerin.
- [23:01] * MegaSlaya (MegaSlaya@C9DBFBAF.A3619F1A.5B2E1AB9.IP) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [23:01] <Falerin> "Now... to reinforce what I was doing when Ojo grabbed me by the temporal Cojones"
- [23:01] <Donto_M> Barrius, I'm afraid we have to wait a while to complete that list.
- [23:01] * Falerin turns toward Useless
- [23:01] <LordBarrius> No....
- [23:01] <Falerin> "The original timeline is about to reassert itself a new"
- [23:01] * Useless sighs. "You would do that, wouldn't you?"
- [23:01] <Zeltan> No..don't
- [23:01] <Donto_M> No. Not again.
- [23:01] * Mobuis looks at Useless
- [23:02] <Falerin> "Consider it.... Asynchronous Parallel Evolution"
- [23:02] * Falerin collapes to his knees
- [23:02] <PapaSmurff037> eh?
- [23:02] <Nym> I have considered it
- [23:02] <Falerin> "There is something about weaker analogs"
- [23:02] <Zeltan> What ?!
- [23:02] <Fayt> ...
- [23:02] <Nym> I don't get it
- [23:02] <Nym> lol
- [23:02] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow.
- [23:02] <Falerin> "Something rather interesting...."
- [23:02] <Donto_M> Hm, interesting indeed.
- [23:02] <Falerin> "It is called Overshadowing Manifestation and Recoherence"
- [23:03] <Useless> Oh?
- [23:03] * Falerin stands up and a staff appears in his hand with a tensided gemstone.
- [23:03] <ZLOK> Does gods care?
- [23:03] * Zeltan backs away
- [23:03] <Useless> Overshadowing Manifestation...? Forgive me if I am unable to plumb all of the depths of the hidden meanings.
- [23:03] * Falerin's attire changes to his well known purple outfit
- [23:04] <Falerin> "Simply this"
- [23:04] <Falerin> There are many ways to transit between worlds
- [23:04] * PJIRC-561 (PJIRC-561@Caelestia-728BE620.fuse.net) has joined #755
- [23:04] <Falerin> In some of them you swap places with your analog
- [23:04] <PJIRC-561> ((HORRIBLE INTERNET!))
- [23:04] * Useless twitches his whiskers thoughtfully. "Yet in some you take your analog over entirely, Loremaster?"
- [23:04] <Falerin> In some places you knock your analog out of ambit
- [23:04] <Fayt> ...
- [23:04] * Kraken (PJIRC-923@Caelestia-3D389C9E.fuse.net) Quit (Ping timeout )
- [23:04] <Falerin> And in some...
- [23:04] <Falerin> You MERGE with it
- [23:04] * PJIRC-561 is now known as Kraken
- [23:04] <Falerin> Totally overshadowing it
- [23:05] <ZLOK> There are no transits capable without analogs.
- [23:05] <Falerin> its an unfortunately COMMON effect of analogs that are weaker then the dominant personality
- [23:05] <Zeltan> ...You merge with our Loremaster ?
- [23:05] <Fayt> ...
- [23:05] <Falerin> The opposite Zeltan
- [23:05] <Falerin> You see... a person suddenly weakened by his powerbase being uncreated
- [23:05] <ZLOK> So, I would be weaker than who is me?
- [23:05] * Zeltan frowns "That's bad.."
- [23:06] <Nym> Man
- [23:06] <Falerin> and losing basically all of their worshippers
- [23:06] <Nym> Falerin is confusing
- [23:06] <Falerin> Their power as a god...
- [23:06] * PJIRC-344 (PJIRC-344@Caelestia-728BE620.fuse.net) has joined #755
- [23:06] <Falerin> is rather restricted
- [23:06] <PJIRC-344> ((OMFG!))
- [23:06] <Falerin> Not that we require it in the Farpoint
- [23:06] <Falerin> We have power onto ourselves
- [23:06] <Falerin> but if you were to compare two falerii
- [23:06] <Falerin> one with worshippers and one with one
- [23:06] <Falerin> Well
- [23:06] <Useless> Yet it is enough to have cast him from being in balance to yourself?
- [23:07] <Falerin> The one with worshipppers
- [23:07] <Falerin> loses...
- [23:07] <Donto_M> huh, I'll be rereading things now.
- [23:07] <Falerin> I have been known to absorb analogs of myself before
- [23:07] <Falerin> There was a problematic one on Thrid City's version of earth
- [23:07] <Falerin> So.. lets put it this way
- [23:07] * Kraken (PJIRC-561@Caelestia-728BE620.fuse.net) Quit (Ping timeout )
- [23:07] <Falerin> The Dark Mirror....
- [23:07] <Falerin> Has been shattered
- [23:08] <Nym> Anybody know what hes talking about?
- [23:08] <Falerin> I have used the peices for a nice new mosaic
- [23:08] <ZLOK> Yeah, it's simple.
- [23:08] <Nym> ...
- [23:08] <Falerin> Incidentally thats not precisely true
- [23:08] <PJIRC-344> ((put it in your house?))
- [23:08] * LordBarrius sighs.
- [23:08] <Falerin> an extradimensional portal
- [23:08] <Falerin> A true one ZLOK
- [23:08] <Falerin> can allow you to transit without a analog
- [23:08] <Falerin> It is why Dual Manifestation can happen at all
- [23:08] <Falerin> Two analogs in the same world
- [23:09] <ZLOK> Yes, otherwise you would be unable to go when all analogs are absorbed.
- [23:09] <ZLOK> My mind is not as mind bogglingly fast as that of a gods, but it gets there in a timely fashion.
- [23:09] <Falerin> Of course there are also those odd cases of worlds where a single entity has an analog on another reality that happens to be twins
- [23:09] * Useless sighs with quite a bit of relief. "Despite the manner in which it was accomplished, that is a very relieving thing to know."
- [23:09] <Falerin> That gets somewhat messy
- [23:09] <Falerin> Yes well it is unfortunate
- [23:09] <Falerin> Many innocents had to die in crushing his ambition
- [23:09] <Falerin> But it had to be done
- [23:10] <Falerin> I do warn you though
- [23:10] <Falerin> He still exists within
- [23:10] <ZLOK> Of course, he's absorbed.
- [23:10] <ZLOK> You inferred that a while ago.
- [23:10] <Falerin> It is theoretically possible. Though nearnly inconcievable that he could reemerge"
- [23:10] <Falerin> *nearly
- [23:11] <Fayt> im going to catch some zs
- [23:11] <Falerin> But it wont be for some time
- [23:11] * Fayt (Fayt@Caelestia-73CA534D.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [23:11] <Falerin> He also has done some damage elsewhere
- [23:11] <ZLOK> I would assume a metaphor would be it be like two souls struggling for dominion over the same body.
- [23:11] <ZLOK> I do not in any second believe however, that gods are restricted to bodies, or souls.
- [23:11] <Falerin> Well thats a close analogy
- [23:11] <Falerin> though in truth we have one soul
- [23:11] <Useless> Damage that we are in the dark of, Lore Master?
- [23:11] <Falerin> Analogs share a soul common to all of their forms
- [23:12] <Falerin> which is why people speak of the net sin of all forms
- [23:12] <Falerin> and such other oddities
- [23:12] <Falerin> Rather say multiple Minds
- [23:12] <Falerin> or even Multiple brains
- [23:12] <ZLOK> This is the link that once untied unravels its existance across planar boundries?
- [23:12] <Falerin> Multiple personalities is too banal though
- [23:12] <Falerin> Something of that nature ZLOK
- [23:12] <Falerin> Now...
- [23:13] <Falerin> I am sorry I did not respond sooner
- [23:13] <Falerin> I was not sure when he would arrive
- [23:13] <Falerin> though I of course did know he would come
- [23:13] <PJIRC-344> ((i must be off. and fal can i have control of evil wes and have the same deal as Fulcan?))
- [23:13] * Latius (Twig@Caelestia-C5EB42F5.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) has joined #755
- [23:13] <ZLOK> Interesting, does someone hold as much knowledge and more importantly will to answer as Ojodelvorador? I would assume his time is less critical than yours.
- [23:13] <Falerin> ((You can introduce an analog))
- [23:13] <PJIRC-344> ((that will do))
- [23:14] <Falerin> ((But theres not a snowballs chance in hell of you controling evil wes)
- [23:14] <KingK> ((haha thank god for that))
- [23:14] <PJIRC-344> ((can i have control of an analog of evil wes but this wes is good?))
- [23:14] <Falerin> Louis Zephyr is an interesting man...
- [23:14] <Falerin> His purposes are quite odd...
- [23:14] <Falerin> One wonders why he chose to serve The`Galin at all
- [23:15] <Falerin> But I would not make the mistake of assuming he does not in fact do so
- [23:15] <Zeltan> And to be able to become his eye..
- [23:15] <Falerin> Ojo is not like Galrick
- [23:15] <ZLOK> I would assume he sees the reasons I see and chose to go with them instead of- as I- struggling against dominion of any form.
- [23:15] <Falerin> Or even Diviara
- [23:15] <PJIRC-344> ((eh ill just introduce an analog))
- [23:15] * PJIRC-344 is now known as Iggy
- [23:15] <Useless> Indeed, he is quite an interesting one...I would quite like to chat with him idly, if it were not for the situation at hand making such a thing...dangerous?...ill-advised?...on top of what contact we already have with him.
- [23:15] <Falerin> Speaking with Diviara
- [23:16] <Falerin> When the world sorted out. David's analog ended up living in a different location
- [23:16] <KingK> perhaps he had his own motives? maybe he had to join in order to stop a great loss of a person in his life?
- [23:16] <Falerin> That world of New York Changed
- [23:16] <Falerin> That Apartment wont be his...
- [23:16] * Useless whimpers slightly at the mention of Diviara's name. "Is he...alright?"
- [23:16] <Falerin> Pass that along to Hadin
- [23:16] <Falerin> I presume Useless he is still in dire straits
- [23:16] <Falerin> just in a new apartment
- [23:16] <Falerin> whereever David has been moved to
- [23:16] * Iggy stumbles in. "hmm this doesnt sound like the store."
- [23:16] * Useless sighs. "I shall do my best to pass that along."
- [23:16] <ZLOK> Omniscience?
- [23:17] <ZLOK> Would you need to presume?
- [23:17] <Falerin> I am not omniscient
- [23:17] <Falerin> I have said as much repeatedly
- [23:17] <Falerin> Well at least not in regard to this universe
- [23:17] <ZLOK> You're not? But The'Galin is, yet considers you a threat? I'm not getting the big picture here.
- [23:17] <Useless> I admit, I have not tried to contact him since the event regarding your Analog, Falerin.
- [23:17] <Falerin> Omniscience only functions in universes that lack free will
- [23:17] <Falerin> As Omniscience by nature negates it
- [23:17] <ZLOK> Oh.
- [23:18] <Falerin> Relatively few universes have free will.
- [23:18] <Falerin> Consider it this way
- [23:18] <ZLOK> I understand.
- [23:18] <Falerin> If I know the future with absolute certainty
- [23:18] <ZLOK> So he would be no more omniscient in this universe than you.
- [23:18] <KingK> yes?
- [23:18] <Falerin> It is impossible to act any way but they way I know you will act
- [23:18] <Falerin> Thats correct ZLOK
- [23:18] <KingK> ah so you can disrupt the time stream without reprecussion?
- [23:18] <Falerin> The laws of this universe and of most in fact prohibit it
- [23:18] <ZLOK> I believe that whatever I am going to do, I already did and chose for myself.
- [23:19] <Falerin> Thats still something of a predestination.
- [23:19] <ZLOK> But unfortunately, I do not know.
- [23:19] <Falerin> Thats You taking away your own free will
- [23:19] <Falerin> Or time
- [23:19] <Falerin> But then again
- [23:19] <Falerin> Time is but a yard stick
- [23:19] <Falerin> Its units do not have any real meaning
- [23:19] <Falerin> they are just a measure
- [23:19] <Useless> A very problematic yard stick at times.
- [23:19] <Donto_M> yup, it isn't a constant.
- [23:20] <Falerin> Well
- [23:20] <ZLOK> Man made concept to measure the decay of the universe?
- [23:20] <Falerin> I am off
- [23:20] <Falerin> Or the creation of it
- [23:20] <ZLOK> Till we meet again, then.
- [23:20] <Useless> Fare thee well, Lore Master.
- [23:20] <Falerin> :)
- [23:20] * Falerin vanishes
- [23:20] <Zeltan> Farewell then
- [23:20] <ZLOK> Good point.
- [23:20] * Falerin (Falerin@idleasfrigginghell.Caelestia.Net) has left #755
- [23:20] <Donto_M> Farewell.
- [23:20] * LordBarrius nods. "Farewell Falerin."
- [23:20] <Mobuis> Well...
- [23:20] <Mobuis> That was informative.
- [23:20] <Useless> Creation and Uncreation...and yet again I fail to Recall to ask of Reformation...
- [23:20] * LordBarrius shudders slightly. "Quite."
- [23:21] <Useless> At least in time for such a query to be addressed by our Lore Master.
- [23:21] <Zeltan> Now, to focus on the matter at hand
- [23:21] <Mobuis> What was that?
- [23:21] <Nym> So did that get us anything?
- [23:21] <Nym> Wait
- [23:21] <Zeltan> The avatar and their faceless
- [23:21] * PJIRC-579 (PJIRC-579@Caelestia-3D389C9E.fuse.net) has joined #755
- [23:21] <LordBarrius> Terul.
- [23:21] * Iggy (PJIRC-344@Caelestia-728BE620.fuse.net) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by PJIRC-579) )
- [23:22] <Mobuis> Yes, the Drakel that isnt a Drakel, who is also a 'Sith?
- [23:22] * PJIRC-579 is now known as Iggy
- [23:22] <Maxx> (( Hahahaha. Has anyone run into Woodland Pack yet in AQ? ))
- [23:22] <LordBarrius> Well....
- [23:22] <Zeltan> ((Me))
- [23:22] <Mobuis> ((nope))
- [23:22] * Iggy looks around although he cant see.
- [23:22] <Zeltan> ((they should increase the Turtle's bomb power))
- [23:23] <Zeltan> Where is Maxwell when we need him
- [23:23] <Zeltan> Arg
- [23:23] <LordBarrius> If we think for a moment about the definition of human....we cannot really say the Drakel couldn't be human.
- [23:23] <ZLOK> (( Discussion of AQ has a channel dedicated to the purpose. ))
- [23:23] <Useless> I am to offer you condolences on the part of our Lore Master. He meant to make it clear that there exist relatively few universes that *lack* free will.
- [23:23] <ZLOK> No.
- [23:23] <ZLOK> Nor could we, when we think about it say that they are.
- [23:23] * Iggy tries to draw a map of the area in his mind.
- [23:23] <ZLOK> We defined them as something else.
- [23:23] <ZLOK> Such definitions linger.
- [23:23] <LordBarrius> Indeed.
- [23:23] <ZLOK> They are differently defined because they are different.
- [23:24] <ZLOK> Therefore, they would need a different defination.
- [23:24] <ZLOK> Calling two things the same name does not make them akin.
- [23:24] <LordBarrius> Right.
- [23:24] <Iggy> "what are you people talking about and where am i?"
- [23:24] <ZLOK> That is the idea of names themselves.
- [23:24] <ZLOK> To be able to differentiate and identify the aim of the conversation.
- [23:24] <Useless> Might I advise you to read this? http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=999166
- [23:24] <ZLOK> If noone were ever to talk of you, you would need no name.
- [23:25] <ZLOK> Of course, you would barely be existent.
- [23:25] <Useless> It would...expand...I think, on your talk of Terul'sith
- [23:25] <ZLOK> My talk of what?
- [23:25] <Useless> Of course, one might say it is not I who have done the advising.
- [23:25] <Zeltan> Terul'sith ?
- [23:25] * LordBarrius nods.
- [23:25] <Mobuis> Oh...
- [23:25] <Mobuis> Huh...
- [23:25] * ZLOK stretches.
- [23:26] <Mobuis> Well, enough thinking for me tonight.
- [23:26] <LordBarrius> Ah.
- [23:26] * Iggy thinks Am i invisible to these people?
- [23:27] <Zeltan> Hmm...can we take the list to be true..or Maxwell's words?
- [23:27] * Nym (Nym@Caelestia-B5CDE9A3.sd.sd.cox.net) Quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- [23:27] * LordBarrius offers Iggy a brief nod but stays lost in his thoughts.
- [23:27] <LordBarrius> Well....
- [23:28] <LordBarrius> I'm not sure how to answer that.
- [23:28] * Iggy is blind therefore he cannot see the nod. thinks again I am invisible to these people...
- [23:28] <Zeltan> My scroll is going to be so wrong..
- [23:29] <Useless> Many things may be gleaned from Thorne Lorin.
- [23:29] <Useless> His tale has aided myself before, actually.
- [23:29] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow towards Useless and nods. "I'll have to brush up on my readings then."
- [23:30] <Maxx> I should be going. G'night.
- [23:30] <QuoteServ> “You know I have been sitting here with you for some time, and the longer I sit more I realize, I know absolutely nothing about you. Yet you risked your life to save mine. In all of this your people remain an enigma.”
- [23:30] <QuoteServ> “This is likely so” The Drakel remarked with what I feel sure was a sardonic smile.
- [23:30] <QuoteServ> I sat silent for a few moments considering the situation.
- [23:30] <QuoteServ> “What is your name?” I finally asked plainly.
- [23:30] <QuoteServ> “Terul'sith” The Drakel responded “I am Terul’sith”
- [23:30] <Iggy> Who Is this Thorne Lorin?
Session Close: Sun Dec 17 23:31:19 2006