These Aren't the Moglins We're Looking For
From Caelwiki
- [21:14] <>Ambiance<> A small blinking light appears in the middle of the channel floating its metronomic beat precisely 1 flash every 3 seconds.
- [21:14] <Zeltan> Intresting...
- [21:14] <Nicholas> Very.
- [21:15] <Forneus> Hm, i guess this means...
- [21:15] <>Ambiance<> The metre of the flashing intensifies to 10 every second bathing the entire channel in a strobe.... time seems to bend slightly
- [21:15] <Zeltan> Grr...someone is playing with time again
- [21:16] <Damsel> ((all right, who's throwing the light-switch rave?))
- [21:16] <Forneus> A bomb maybe?
- [21:16] <Zeltan> ((huh?))
- [21:16] * Daniel begins playing a rhythm to the beat *
- [21:16] <Dale> (( Damsel, you should be aware, by now. ))
- [21:16] <>Ambiance<> The size of the strobe increases in size from a pinpoint to a large sphere 10 feet in diameter
- [21:16] * Damsel blinks, awakening from her light sleep, and peering about her blearly, squinting against the odd lighting.
- [21:17] <Damsel> ((just a joke))
- [21:17] <>Ambiance<> Time seems to dilate further
- [21:17] * Zeltan stands up
- [21:17] * Daniel no longer taps and just waits *
- [21:17] * Forneus eyes waits, tapping his fingers.
- [21:17] * Crash|Wii-TP is now known as Crash
- [21:17] * Link loks around master sword drawn
- [21:18] * Nicholas pays close attention to the events unfolding around him.
- [21:18] * Damsel rubs the heals of her hands across her eyes, trying to get her bearings.
- [21:18] <>Ambiance<> A large arachnid creature can be discerened within the light but its features are nondiscernable in the brightness
- [21:18] <Daniel> ...Epheel?
- [21:18] <Dale> What... is that... abomination...
- [21:18] * Zeltan covers his eyes from the brightness
- [21:18] <Link> "SKULLSPIDER!"
- [21:19] * Link launches at it
- [21:19] <Link> ((XD))
- [21:19] <Zeltan> "What in the name of.."
- [21:19] <Dale> (( Idiot.. ))
- [21:19] <Voice> Has it been done?
- [21:19] * Damsel stands and reguards the creature cautiously.
- [21:19] <Nicholas> Has what been done?
- [21:19] <Dale> Who goes there?
- [21:19] * Link stops in mid air and hits the floor "what?"
- [21:19] <Creature> I have done as commanded my Lord
- [21:19] * Hadin glances up from his tinkering, slipping his cane into Link's path.
- [21:19] <Zeltan> "Please reveal yourself"
- [21:19] <Forneus> Silence is golden.
- [21:19] <Creature> Very good. What comes, comes.
- [21:20] * Damsel presses a single finger to her lips, trying to catch the eyes of the speakers.
- [21:20] <Voice> Oh it comes. That you can be certain of.
- [21:20] <Link> "two things?"
- [21:21] * Zeltan remains silent, observing the creature
- [21:21] <>Ambiance<> A Large Hourglass appears and its sands begin flowing upward
- [21:22] <Link> "teh What?"
- [21:22] * Nicholas squints at the Hourglass.
- [21:22] * Damsel paces a small circle about the creature, attempting to observe the form from all angles, glancing repeatedly back at the hourglass.
- [21:22] * Forneus taps his fingers at a faster pace.
- [21:22] * Link pulls out a deku stick and pokes the hourglass. Poke
- [21:22] <Dale> (( Link, shush. ))
- [21:22] * Hadin raises an eyebrow at the symbology of time reversing itself.
- [21:23] * Zeltan examines the hourglass "Time.."
- [21:23] <Voice> Proceed as planned for the moment. When the time comes do as directed.
- [21:23] * Daniel notices everyone else is focused on the creature, so he takes a look at the hourglass and examines how fast the sand rises, and how much sand is there *
- [21:23] <Creature> As you will it shall be done Lord.
- [21:24] <Voice> Of that you can be absolutely certain.
- [21:24] <Voice> Oh there is one other thing. A message needs to be delivered to R. C.
- [21:24] * Forneus notes the appreviation, and listens intently.
- [21:24] * Zeltan mutters "....Ryuusei"
- [21:25] <Voice> The message is this. Treachery is equal to forfeiture.
- [21:25] <Creature> Yes Lord
- [21:25] <Link> "Ryuusei Cartwright."
- [21:25] <>Ambiance<> The sphere shatters
- [21:25] <>Ambiance<> The hourglass vanishes
- [21:25] <>Ambiance<> Time returns to normal flow.
- [21:26] <Forneus> Intresting...
- [21:26] <Dale> This.. is most unexecpected..
- [21:26] * Daniel is startled by the vanishing hourglass and is glad it didn't shatter also *
- [21:26] <Link> "that was lie going back in time again."
- [21:26] <Dale> (( Minus the c ))
- [21:26] <Hadin> "Quite so...treachery is equal to forfeiture, hmm..."
- [21:26] * Bartimaeus ( has joined #755
- [21:26] * Tralin sets mode: +v Bartimaeus
- [21:26] * Damsel scoffs slightly before becoming thoughtful. "So Ryuusei is treading on treacerous ground, is he? I must say, I am not exactly surprised."
- [21:26] * Lego3400 ( has joined #755
- [21:26] <Zeltan> "Most intresting if you ask me"
- [21:26] * Nicholas nestles on the couch, trying to take everything in and trying not to strain his body.
- [21:26] <Forneus> Quite intresting.
- [21:27] * Lego3400 ( has left #755
- [21:27] * Bartimaeus ( has left #755
- [21:27] * Damsel 's brow furrows further. "Was that a peak at times current, past, or yet to be?"
- [21:27] <Daniel> My guess that is Epheel of the past...
- [21:27] <Daniel> ((*My guess- ))
- [21:27] <Zeltan> "But how far back in time?
- [21:27] <Zeltan> "
- [21:28] <Forneus> I'm more intrested in the voice.
- [21:28] <Dale> Epheel.. he could very well be the deceiver..
- [21:28] <Damsel> If that is true, why these time windows? Is this The Traveller's doing as well?
- [21:28] * Galrick ( has joined #755
- [21:28] * Tralin sets mode: +v Galrick
- [21:28] <Forneus> Maybe our explina-
- [21:28] <Daniel> Greetings Galrick.
- [21:28] <Forneus> Oh.
- [21:28] * Hadin shrugs once then turns to Galrick.
- [21:28] * Nicholas sits up, and looks towards Galrick.
- [21:28] <Zeltan> Hello again Galrick
- [21:29] <Nicholas> Hello.
- [21:29] * Galrick sits down silently
- [21:29] * Damsel nods to Galrick. "Welcome to you."
- [21:29] <Galrick> "People basically ignore information right in front of them...."
- [21:29] * Forneus eyes Galrick cuiriuosly.
- [21:29] <Link> "galrick what happend?"
- [21:29] <Galrick> "Zeltan for instance believes that Twig is an avatar"
- [21:30] <Galrick> "Twig is clearly not an avatar"
- [21:30] * Damsel tilts her head to the side, listening carefully.
- [21:30] <Galrick> "And indeed Twig is not in the Temple at all"
- [21:30] <Zeltan> "Is that so?"
- [21:30] * Hadin nods, following the information but choosing to say nothing.
- [21:30] <Zeltan> "Then suitable corrections shall be made"
- [21:31] <Galrick> "The only Moglin that has anything to do with the temple has been named."
- [21:31] <Daniel> Other yellow moglin: Kabroz, Kysapoo, Mom, Clody, Curly. *is mumbling to himself* Those I can think of off the top of my head.
- [21:31] <Galrick> "Are all Red Moglin twilly?"
- [21:31] * Zeltan shakes his head
- [21:31] <Dale> Nel, Daniel.
- [21:31] <Galrick> "They why pray would you assume all Yellow ones are Twig"
- [21:31] <Link> "he like fwish an icecweam."
- [21:32] <Dale> Because he is the most.. how shall I say.. recognized?
- [21:32] <Zeltan> "I may have assume too much Galrick.."
- [21:32] <Galrick> "Recognition is not very relevant is it...."
- [21:32] <Galrick> "Especially as a named moglin has been mentioned not only in the histories but by maxwell as well"
- [21:32] <Galrick> "And said named moglin is yellow in hue...."
- [21:32] <Galrick> "And tattooed as I recall"
- [21:32] <Daniel> Thanks Dale.
- [21:32] <Dale> Nel, then?
- [21:33] <Dale> Heheh, Not a problem.
- [21:33] <Galrick> "This is not the only example... consider for instance the fact that Demu directly says that said moglin is NOT an Avatar at all"
- [21:34] <Galrick> "The loremaster already addressed that though I believe"
- [21:34] <Zeltan> "I believe so"
- [21:35] <Nicholas> (( I wouldn't know. My mind has been upside down as of late. ))
- [21:36] <Galrick> Also... is it not odd that creatures known to side directly against The'Galin and thus in effect on the side of Creation are labeled as ... having no allegiance
- [21:37] * Dale chuckles, "Odd indeed"
- [21:37] <Galrick> I will say the following regarding the unhuman avatar. Saod Avatar is twice the annunaki any other Avatar is...
- [21:38] <Galrick> *Said
- [21:38] <Galrick> What does it mean for an Annunaki to select an annunaki host I wonder
- [21:39] * Galrick ( Quit (Interred: )
- [21:39] <Dale> Greeeat.
- [21:39] * Zeltan frowns "An Annunaki avatr?"
- [21:39] <Hadin> "Hmmm"
- [21:39] <Zeltan> avatar?
- [21:39] <Dale> It would appear so.
- [21:39] <Daniel> Perhaps that the annunaki host contains characteristics that annunaki finds appealing.
- [21:39] * Zeltan chuckles "It seems that Galrick's purpose today is to correct me of my mistakes"
- [21:39] * Damsel returns to her seat, leaning her chin upon a hand in thought. "Most intersting. I actually had wondered if that might have occurred."
- [21:40] <Daniel> And me as well, though he didn't say my name, haha.
- [21:40] <TheTraveller> He is gone?
- [21:40] <ZLOK> It would appear so.
- [21:40] <TheTraveller> Good.
- [21:40] <Zeltan> I afraid so Traveller
- [21:40] <TheTraveller> Case is important.
- [21:40] <Daniel> Welcome, Traveller.
- [21:40] * Damsel laughs lightly. "I thought you might be about, Traveller. I hope you are well?"
- [21:40] <Nicholas> Greetings.
- [21:40] * Forneus nods at Traveller.
- [21:41] <TheTraveller> Case is in fact vital to understanding.
- [21:42] <TheTraveller> Consider the following: I serve only the king. I serve only The King.
- [21:42] <TheTraveller> Consider the following: Do they mean the same thing?
- [21:42] * Damsel nods. "So the host chosen had an annunaki prior, but not an Annunaki... Yes, I think I see."
- [21:43] <Hadin> "I would think not, Traveller."
- [21:43] <TheTraveller> I for one am disinterested in serving "The King" be he Mr. Presley or that very distrubing Puppet Man whose visage seems so identified in Manhattan.
- [21:44] * Forneus chuckles.
- [21:44] * Link laughs
- [21:44] <TheTraveller> I do believe that were I to actually "Wake Up With The King"
- [21:44] <TheTraveller> Bloodshed would most definitely occur
- [21:45] <Zeltan> Mr. Presley? Who might that be?
- [21:45] * Daniel vanishes *
- [21:45] <Link> ((elvis puppet man and burger king XD))
- [21:45] * Daniel is now known as Daniel: [logging]
- [21:45] <Dale> ((I got it, Daniel. :P))
- [21:46] <TheTraveller>