The Epic - Session XLII: Part 3

From Caelwiki

[20:55] * Lkeas reaches into her cargo pocket and steps over to Damsel. "Listen, I may need to take off soon... I haven't forgotten about the groceries though."
[20:56] * Lkeas pulls out the card from Matthew Johansen. "It's got my name on it.. but Falerin said Matthew is thorough, it might still work with another holder."
[20:56] * Iago chuckles at Lkeas, "Confronted with all the power and knowledge of the universe... yet still a pragmatist."
[20:57] * Damsel glances at Lkeas, looking thoughtful. "Oh..." She glances at the card, then back at Lkeas. "I'm not certain I am the best to be entrusted with it. Not considering the decision I made last night."
[20:59] * Lkeas smiles. "Despite all that happened yesterday, I still consider you one of the more, er.. responsible members of the family.I wouldn't want a Seeker to go on a shopping spree with this."
[21:00] <Deathbringer> Heh... I can see it now... somebody buying ten thousand chickens...
[21:00] * Damsel sighs and holds out her hand to accept the card. "Very well."
[21:00] * Lkeas presses the card into Damsel's palm and squeezes her hand tightly. "Thank you, sister."
[21:01] <Necro> Remember Damsel, with great purchasing power comes great responsibility
[21:01] * Damsel attempts a small smile as she tucks the card away in hre breeches.
[21:01] <Figure> Your friend has moved beyond
[21:01] * Lkeas chuckles at Necro's comment.
[21:01] <>Ambiance<> As the card moves to her pocket Damsel notes the name on it has changed and reflects her own full name
[21:02] * Damsel lets her eyes widen is slight alarm before making sure the card is hidden. A frown crosses her face.
[21:03] * Lkeas pulls out the shopping list and hands it to Iago."Pragmatist, am I?Only on Wednesdays."
[21:04] * Iago takes the list
[21:04] <Figure> Luckily today is a wednesday Prophetess
[21:04] <Figure> Luckily today is a wednesday
[21:04] <Figure> So who is next
[21:04] <Deathbringer> Even Wednesday.
[21:04] <Necro> Wait... moved beyond what?
[21:04] <Figure> Oh I imagine he is at the fairgrounds
[21:05] <Figure> It seems to exit there regardless of where I set up
[21:05] * Iago glances at Damsel, "I'm feeling safer about this..."
[21:05] <Durroth> they have good funnel cake
[21:05] <Figure> Different parts of it each day
[21:05] <Figure> But the same area
[21:05] * Lkeas smirks. "Yes it's fresh made, not that prepackaged stale cake stuff."
[21:05] <Figure> Who is next?
[21:05] * Damsel looks at Iago and nods her head slowly. "Delphi's successor. The one that has been pulling us all around to preserve... Yes... I do feel better about this."
[21:06] <Lkeas> Don't forget the contingency spell.
[21:06] <Durroth> handy that
[21:06] * Iago glances around, chuckling, "Or its a massive lie and conspircacy drawing us all to our doom... " he laughs, "Or maybe an all powerful-booth is just an all-powerful booth"
[21:07] * Lkeas takes a few steps back from the group. "My time grows short, I don't think I'll make it through today.But perhaps you should decide amongst yourself who, if any, will ask the question Arden proposed?"
[21:07] <Figure> Ooh
[21:07] <Figure> You plan on asking one of THOSE questions
[21:07] <Iago> Damsel, you are the one who would best understand the answer
[21:07] <Figure> Numerous powerful magi tend to do that
[21:07] <Figure> They come through with some deep question to ask
[21:08] <Figure> And its always interesting
[21:08] <Figure> They generally come back more subdued
[21:08] <Figure> but they come back
[21:08] <Durroth> no, its not really that deep
[21:08] <Figure> What?
[21:08] * Lkeas shrugs. "But then again, we may have already gotten our answer beforehand.."
[21:08] <Durroth> well, it could be deep
[21:08] <Figure> Not? How does the Oracle work?
[21:08] <Figure> "What is the meaning of all life?"
[21:08] <Figure> Or something of that sort?
[21:09] <Damsel> "The secret of the booth..."
[21:09] <Durroth> Ok, those could be considered deep
[21:09] <Figure> these are the sort of questions that really thrill me
[21:09] <Figure> OOH
[21:09] <Figure> that is even more deep
[21:09] <Durroth> but it depends on who asks them
[21:09] <Figure> Thats not how it works
[21:09] <Figure> the SECRET of the booth
[21:09] <Figure> Thats....
[21:09] <Figure> Thats the deepest one in ages
[21:09] <Durroth> some who ask them dont really want to know, for them its an empty question
[21:09] <Necro> What do you mean by "subdued", specifically?
[21:10] <Figure> Empty questions do not neccesarily yeild empty answers
[21:10] <Figure> Awed
[21:10] <Figure> Astonished
[21:10] <Figure> Metanoied
[21:10] * Iago nudges Damsel, "He sounds like he wants you to go"
[21:10] <Figure> "I like the question"
[21:11] * Damsel considers for a moment, then nods. "Very well."
[21:11] <Figure> "But I do not care who asks"
[21:11] <Figure> Ooh is that another of you
[21:11] <Figure> How exciting
[21:11] * Figure opens the door
[21:11] <Figure> Enter at will
[21:12] <Damsel> "I have trusted Delphi in the past.I will do so with its successor as well."
[21:12] * Damsel enters.
[21:12] <Lkeas> Another?
[21:12] * Lkeas looks around and spots Brink. "Oh hey there!"
[21:15] * Lkeas shakes her head. "He was here, wasn't he?"
[21:15] <Lkeas> Ah well.
[21:15] * Brink slowly begins to take shape some where around 20 ft from the door.
[21:15] <Figure> Ah
[21:15] <Figure> There we go
[21:15] <Figure> He is no longer just possibly here
[21:15] <Figure> he now really is too
[21:16] * Brink is now at the door.
[21:16] * Durroth claps
[21:16] * Lkeas wipes her brow. "Ah good, I'm not just seeing things."
[21:16] <Durroth> I wasnt expecting th... Brink
[21:16] <Deathbringer> Hello, Third.
[21:16] <Lkeas> At any rate, I'd best get going.
[21:16] <Necro> See ya Lkeas
[21:16] * Brink walks in "ello there fourth."
[21:17] <Durroth> Ello clarice
[21:17] <Brink> Be seeing you Lkeas.
[21:17] <Deathbringer> See ya, Lkeas.
[21:17] * Brink looks at Deathbringer "Have you been keeping up with your training?"
[21:17] <Iago> Goodbye Lkeas
[21:17] <Durroth> meh, new memories have way too many obscure movie references
[21:18] <Deathbringer> Not yet... with out Fulcan here, I haven't done a thing...
[21:18] * Iago puts the grocery list in his front pocket
[21:19] <Brink> I'm somewhere around the ability to make most anything from void energy.
[21:19] <Brink> Plain practice does the trick.
[21:19] <Durroth> good job brink
[21:19] <Brink> Hmmm....
[21:19] <Brink> ?
[21:19] * Lkeas waves to the Seekers and heads off into town.
[21:20] <Brink> Come again Durroth?
[21:20] <Durroth> just congratulating you on your progress
[21:20] <Brink> In nether controling?
[21:22] <Durroth> whatever your progressing in
[21:22] <Deathbringer> Hmm... sir, which way is the fairgrounds? I have been through once and do not wish to hold up the lines.
[21:22] <Durroth> I dont keep track of specifically what
[21:22] <Deathbringer> ((*?))
[21:23] <Brink> Now why are we in this room/
[21:23] <Durroth> what room?
[21:23] <Durroth> we're outside
[21:23] * Iago looks at Brink quizically
[21:24] * Brink sighs "I'm seeing things."
[21:24] * Brink rubs his eyes and now sees they are outside.
[21:25] <Durroth> maybe you need to ease up on your schedule a tad
[21:25] <Brink> Possibly.
[21:26] <Brink> I hate to bother again.... but what are we here for?
[21:26] <Necro> Shopping
[21:27] <Deathbringer> Um... yeah.
[21:27] <Brink> We're in a festival to shop?
[21:27] <Necro> We got distracted
[21:27] <Necro> and ordered to squander time
[21:27] <Brink> Ah.
[21:27] <Deathbringer> Yes. Fal would smite us if we did not waste time.
[21:28] <Durroth> meanwhile, everyone in the abode is getting hungry
[21:29] <Iago> Oh yeah... and we're also discovering the mysteries of the universe on our way to the Caelestian equivalent of a supermarket
[21:29] <Necro> Just an average excursion for us
[21:29] * Iago smiles
[21:30] * Iago looks at the still closed door, wondering if Damsel is alright, and whether she asked the question she was tasked to ask
[21:30] * Joins: Kazuma (Kazuma@Wishes.He.Could.Change.His.Hostmask)
[21:30] * Joins: Adam_Hartholm (
[21:32] * Brink sighs ad looks at the figure "What attraction is this area for?"
[21:32] <Durroth> Its the oracle
[21:33] <Brink> Oracle?
[21:33] * Brink turns swiftly to Durroth.
[21:33] <Durroth> thats what he said
[21:33] <Brink> Did anyone mind to ask what it does?
[21:34] <Durroth> thats what damsels doing
[21:34] <Brink> Apparently the answer is long winded.
[21:35] <Durroth> you have a gift for understatement
[21:35] <Figure> Well I fear a question like that
[21:35] <Figure> Why it cannot be matched today
[21:35] <Figure> And it bears learning the answer quickly
[21:35] <Figure> So... Come again to the festival
[21:35] <Figure> The fair is one block west
[21:36] * Figure enters the booth and vanishes
[21:36] <>Ambiance<> The booth does too
[21:36] <Deathbringer> Whoa...
[21:36] * Iago wonders where Damsel is...
[21:36] <Necro> Damsel's still in there though...
[21:36] <Durroth> lets head to the fairground and find out what damsel got for an answer
[21:36] * Iago quickly heads off to the fairgrounds
[21:36] * Parts: Falerin (
[21:36] * Deathbringer begins to walk over to the fairgrounds.
[21:36] * Brink walks to the fairgrounds.
[21:37] * Necro joins the rest
[21:37] * Elaith travels with the group towards the fairgrounds, his curiosity piqued.


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