The Epic - Session LIII: Part 2

From Caelwiki

[18:08] Little_Brown_Box: Ooh.
[18:08] * Stromy looks at them and asks, "Have you seen anything like this before?"
[18:08] De`thion: ... Its raining
[18:08] De`thion: pretty
[18:08] * Strider lands and looks up. "Oh great..."
[18:09] * TaloToecan shudders at the feeling of the rain.
[18:09] * Cy puts his hand outside.
[18:09] Stromy: "I would get inside"
[18:09] * Brink sings in a just audbile tone "Oh the moon shines tonight on purrty red wings, on purrty red wings."
[18:09] * LordBarrius smiles and follows Damsel back, though his smile fades at the sight of the off-color rain.
[18:09] * Lkeas frowns. "This... this might be bad.."
[18:09] * Rimblade blinks, and summons the illusion of an umbrella, which he totes over him as he continues to be rained upon.
[18:09] * Genoclysm looks up for a moment, but keeps up with the group he's been sticking by.
[18:09] * Nick laughs "I don't think now is the time Brink."
[18:09] * Damsel shudders reflexivly and picks up her pace to get back inside the abode.
[18:09] Lkeas: Guys, anybody remember Immertot?  Let's not get covered if possible, shall we?
[18:09] Little_Brown_Box: Hey, Rim, your 'brella's leaking.
[18:09] * Elenor speeds up walking a bit, to get out of the rain.
[18:09] * Lkeas quickens her step as well.
[18:09] * Strider bends the wind to keep rain of him and the group. "If you feel like getting wet say so."
[18:10] * Nick agrees and begins to up the pace.
[18:10] * Stromy begins running back to the Abode
[18:10] * LordBarrius picks up his pace to return to the abode.
[18:10] Taimat: "I have a very bad feeling about this rain...EVERYONE,we should get back to the abode...
[18:10] * Brink looks at Nick "Tis not my reason for singing. This tune is to give me some focus on something... calms my nerves if you will."
[18:10] * Lkeas frowns as she watches the color of the rain spattering her clothes.  "It's not quite red..."
[18:10] * Cerbero speeds up as well, deep in thought
[18:10] * Brink continues singing the song to himselg.
[18:10] * Clyde follows the group closely and suddenly notices an odd color rain drenching him.
[18:10] * Cy pulls his hand in and puts his scythe out to catch the rain on it to scan it.
[18:10] * Rimblade sprints up to De'thion and offers him an illusory parasol.
[18:10] Nick: I'll have to try it sometime.
[18:10] * Damsel reaches the shelter of the abode and studies one of the raindrops that had stained her clothing.
[18:11] >Ambiance<: The abode has vanished
[18:11] * TaloToecan shifts lightly and deliberately slowly in Lkeas' arms, trying to shelter his injury better.
[18:11] Elenor: ... Great.
[18:11] Stromy: "Ahh"
[18:11] Strider: "Crap..."
[18:11] Clyde: "Fuck..."
[18:11] Cy: "Eep!
[18:11] * Nick looks alarmed
[18:11] Cerbero: Perfect...
[18:11] Stromy: "Maybe we should try summoning some help now?"
[18:11] Rimblade: "I didn't do it!"
[18:11] * Brink continues singing. "Now let's not over extend this..."
[18:11] * silversyte looks to cy what the heck!
[18:11] * Strider drops the wind shield keeping us from getting wet. "Oh great."
[18:11] Little_Brown_Box: Pfft.
[18:11] Little_Brown_Box: PFFT.
[18:11] * LordBarrius grits his teeth. "Oh dear...."
[18:11] Little_Brown_Box: The Abode wants to play hide and seek, eh?
[18:11] * Cy tries to scan the rain as it falls
[18:11] Little_Brown_Box: NOT IT!
[18:12] * Damsel would have reached the shelter of the abode, had it been where they left it. She curses fluently in a foreign, flowing language.
[18:12] * TaloToecan clicks his teeth in worry and regret.
[18:12] * Strider sticks his tounge out to taste the rain.
[18:12] * Lkeas comes to a halt as she stares in disbelief at the spot where the house was.  "Well... now what..?"
[18:12] De`thion: ... hmm...
[18:12] * Brink humms to himself. HE seems calm as he was before the event.
[18:12] * Strider looks at Lkeas. "Party?"
[18:12] Genoclysm: Perhaps we should continue walking.
[18:12] Elenor: Maybe try to find some place outside the rain?
[18:12] Nick: The trees could provide cover..
[18:13] Genoclysm: Standing in the "rain" is doubtful to help us.
[18:13] Cy: "Its water. CHemically. No reason for it to be refracting as purple
[18:13] Little_Brown_Box: Ooh, OOH!
[18:13] Little_Brown_Box: I've read this book!
[18:13] * Strider looks at Geno, then at the overs. "Maybe we should, I dont know, explian?"
[18:13] * Damsel looks about with increasing concern.
[18:13] Little_Brown_Box: This is the part where we find the forge by the roadside!
[18:13] * Brink looks at Geno "Perhaps... the some form of gaurd may help... this rain is beggining to be dreadful."
[18:13] Rimblade: "Wait.  Perhaps, if we can create the illusion of an Abode of the opposite species, the old Abode will be fooled, and re-appear!"
[18:13] * Lkeas nods in agreement with Geno. "Which direction..?"
[18:13] Little_Brown_Box: And then the Black Rider tries to kidnap us!
[18:13] * Nick points to the treeline, "There was a time when man used trees for shelter..."
[18:13] Little_Brown_Box: mean gender, right Rim?
[18:13] Genoclysm: Explain?  Explain what?  We all seem to be clueless.
[18:13] Strider: "Rim that makes no sense.
[18:13] Genoclysm: I don't know, but standing here won't help.
[18:13] Little_Brown_Box: Hm...
[18:14] Little_Brown_Box: I wonder if the Abode has a mating call...
[18:14] >Ambiance<: The strains of some odd music filter through the forest
[18:14] Elenor: This place is getting stranger by the moment
[18:14] Rimblade: "Ahhhh, I see."
[18:14] Little_Brown_Box: A-HA!
[18:14] Nick: See its practically Inviting us...
[18:14] silversyte: OOw music.
[18:14] Little_Brown_Box: That must be it!
[18:14] Rimblade: "The Abode is even now attempting to attract a MATE!"
[18:14] * Clyde spins around containously looking for the source of the music.
[18:14] Little_Brown_Box: The Abode's in HEAT!
[18:14] De`thion: music
[18:14] * Nick turns to look at the treeline and begins to walk slowly towards it.
[18:14] De`thion: this isnt good
[18:14] De`thion: its raining in a forest and theres MUSIC
[18:14] >Ambiance<: The music comes from everywhere and nowhere
[18:14] * Lkeas frowns. "Where is that coming from?"  She tilts her head to try to determine a direction.
[18:14] Cerbero: This is not a good sign
[18:15] De`thion: Boss fight!
[18:15] * Lkeas shakes her head.  "Not helpful in the slightest.."
[18:15] Rimblade: "Oh hell.  Omnidirectional music is the WORST sign."
[18:15] Strider: "Maybe we should dance to the music..."
[18:15] * Cy readies his scythe
[18:15] Elenor: I think the good signs took a break quite a while ago.
[18:15] silversyte: soon we will here disembodied voice
[18:15] * Cerbero offers Elenor a hand.
[18:15] * Little_Brown_Box changes frequencies, attempting to immitate the music in pitch and cadence.
[18:15] * Elenor takes it.
[18:15] Genoclysm: A siren, perhaps?
[18:15] * Brink leans back in his seat.
[18:15] Genoclysm: I've heard of... tree varieties.
[18:15] Strider: "A evil Bard?"
[18:15] Rimblade: "Oh no.  Worse than that, Geno."
[18:15] * TaloToecan sighs and rests his head on Lkeas' arm, listening to the music and its intent.
[18:15] Brink: (*leans in mid-air)
[18:15] * Cerbero embraces Elenor under his wing, keeping her from the rain.
[18:16] * Damsel wipes a few damp stray hairs from her face, wondering what this all could possibly mean.
[18:16] Voice: 'o/ I never meant to cause you any sorrow. I never meant to cause you any pain. I only wanted to see you laughing.... /o'
[18:16] silversyte: And there it is.
[18:16] Cy: "Standing in the rain."
[18:16] De`thion: totally a boss fight
[18:16] Strider: "Oh god."
[18:16] * Lkeas furrows her brow, trying to make sense of the lyrics.
[18:16] Rimblade: "It can't be.... that can't be.... it isn't.... Mrs. CAKE!?"
[18:16] * Clyde looks to see where the voice is coming from.
[18:16] Voice: 'o/ I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain /o'
[18:16] * Strider looks at De'thion. "Hopefully."
[18:16] Elenor: Is this going to get dangerous, or just really weird?
[18:17] De`thion: its clear what we have to do
[18:17] Cerbero: I think both.
[18:17] Cy: "We arent laughing."
[18:17] Strider: "Both"
[18:17] * Damsel feels a chill, thinking that perhaps the lyrics are a bit too close to experiences the day prior.
[18:17] Little_Brown_Box: Pfft.
[18:17] silversyte: Start laughing you heard em
[18:17] De`thion: form into parties of 4 to take on the boss in a turn based battle
[18:17] Little_Brown_Box: That's OBVIOUSLY a euphamism for pot.
[18:17] Rimblade: "Box.  There are no windows."
[18:17] Little_Brown_Box: Oh my.
[18:17] Strider: "This song sounds like it is talking about someone being ressurected."
[18:17] Little_Brown_Box: Kick in a wall?
[18:17] * LordBarrius falls silent, moving close to the others and casting a guarded look around.
[18:17] Stromy: "Uh, Voice...where are we?"
[18:18] Brink: "AH... the terran song of 'Purple Rain'... who was that artists name..."
[18:18] * Brink ponders.
[18:18] * silversyte looks up "Damn rain"
[18:18] Stromy: "Prince?"
[18:18] Rimblade: "Has anyone got a net?"
[18:18] Elenor: A prince wrote this song?
[18:18] Strider: "What is up with you people and Terrans?!!!!"
[18:18] De`thion: no
[18:18] De`thion: the artist formerly known as prince now known as prince again did
[18:18] Cerbero: No. A singer who caled himself 'Prince'.
[18:18] Rimblade: "A whaling net would, I admit, be preferable."
[18:19] Elenor: Uhm... Okay..
[18:19] >Ambiance<: The rain ceases and the sky turns bright orange
[18:19] Stromy: "Voice?"
[18:19] Brink: Hmmm...
[18:19] * Lkeas lifts her face upwards.  "What is going on.."
[18:19] * Cy walks over to a tree and tries to climb it
[18:19] Strider: "Oh god the sky is changing!"
[18:19] silversyte: Thank you very much.
[18:19] Stromy: "Are you still there Voice?"
[18:19] * Cerbero looks up.
[18:19] * Elenor casts a quick spell to dry out her clothes, and does the same for Cerbero.
[18:19] Strider: "THE SKY IS GONNA FALL
[18:19] Little_Brown_Box: Easy, L'Keas. Deific acid trip.
[18:19] Cerbero: Thanks Elenor.
[18:19] * Clyde puts his hand up to block some of the rain drops as he looks up curiously.
[18:19] Little_Brown_Box: Watch out for falling manta rays!
[18:19] Elenor: Eh, you blocked most of it from hitting me, so only fair.
[18:19] Voice: 'o/ what if you were livng yours /o'
[18:19] * TaloToecan cannot quite shield his eyes at the brilliant color of the sky
[18:20] Voice: 'o/ instead of hating mine /o'
[18:20] Cerbero: ...
[18:20] silversyte: sunset.
[18:20] Voice: 'o/ Finding truth and spreading love /o'
[18:20] Cerbero: A massive space distortion...
[18:20] Elenor: So.. Why are we in a weird forest, with a terran Bard's music going through it.
[18:20] * Strider dries him self and closes his wings tighter. He breathed in and out. Just where were they.
[18:20] Elenor: This doesn't even make a little bit of sense.
[18:20] * Stromy looks up musingly, "Living...Hating...Finding...all connected to...Life?"
[18:20] Voice: 'o/ and searching deep inisde /o'
[18:20] Little_Brown_Box: Powerful shit!
[18:20] Cy: "Terran songs?"
[18:21] Damsel: "What...  is going on...?"
[18:21] silversyte: Truthseeker song?
[18:21] * Cy tries to climb the tree to see where the heck we are
[18:21] Voice: 'o/ See me gliding too that place /o'
[18:21] Cerbero: ...The song...
[18:21] Cerbero:
[18:21] * Lkeas closes her eyes and tries to clear her mind, letting the lyrics sink in. "That's... that's what I wanted.."
[18:21] Voice: 'o/ I need to be that home /o'
[18:21] Strider: "If only someone would jump out and attack us. Then this might get interesting."
[18:21] * LordBarrius listens quietly, hoping merely to assess what he's hearing into something that makes more sense.
[18:21] Rimblade: "Ahem."
[18:21] * Nick smiles as the music hits him.
[18:21] Voice: 'o/ grown in zone harvesting my seeds /o'
[18:21] * Brink turns to Strider. "Enough, attacking is the last thing we want."
[18:21] De`thion: it could be worse
[18:22] * TaloToecan sighs as the words string along his own heart more than he would tend to admit, as wlel.
[18:22] Voice: 'o/ Say goodbye to a tangerine sky /o'
[18:22] * Brink gets lost in music.
[18:22] De`thion: we could be trapped in the cruxshadows "Citadel"
[18:22] Rimblade: "Box.  I am going to hide behind you now."
[18:22] Voice: 'o/ Say hello /o'
[18:22] Little_Brown_Box: Right-o!
[18:22] Rimblade: "Hello!"
[18:22] Voice: 'o/ Say hello to tommorow/o'
[18:22] Cy: "Hello tommorow."
[18:22] Little_Brown_Box: Hello, tomorrow!
[18:22] * Strider looks at brink. "Listening to songs is fun in all but this may be a spell. I dont trust it. At least beingattacked is straght forward."
[18:22] Rimblade: "Hello to tommorow."
[18:22] De`thion: and I do NOT want to stand at the gates to face the onslaught
[18:22] * Rimblade hides behind the box.
[18:22] * Cerbero assumes a defensive stance, still holding Elenor.
[18:22] silversyte: Wait a sec i recognise this song.
[18:22] * Elenor simply stands and waits.
[18:23] * Strider curls his tell around him.
[18:23] * Cerbero closes his eyes to exalt his hearing a little bit.
[18:24] Strider: "Silecen.
[18:24] Strider: Great.
[18:24] Cerbero: Perfect...
[18:24] >Ambiance<: A small stream appears winding its way through the forest it is flooding mildly spilling over it's banks
[18:24] Nick: Woah...
[18:24] De`thion: ... please dont tell me the next song is yellow submarine
[18:24] * Lkeas opens her eyes presently, aware of the new sound issuing from the stream.
[18:24] Elenor: .. oookay.
[18:24] Strider: "Oh shit...flood time."
[18:24] Voice: 'o/ Well you are my strength /o'
[18:24] * Cy tries to climb a tree again
[18:24] * TaloToecan looks at the stream in mild surprise, clicking softly and almost wondering if it is natural water.
[18:25] Voice: 'o/ Even though I'm never weak /o'
[18:25] Elenor: I'm sure someone is watching this and laughing thier ass off right about now.
[18:25] Voice: 'o/ and you are my joy /o'
[18:25] Voice: 'o/ Even though I'm never sad /o'
[18:25] Little_Brown_Box: Hehe.
[18:25] Little_Brown_Box: This is pretty cool.
[18:25] * Cerbero opens his eyes and notices the stream. He extends his wings to avoid them from getting wet.
[18:25] Voice: 'o/ But sometimes I see you get a little mad /o'
[18:25] Little_Brown_Box: The weird stuff happening to us isn't being bad.
[18:25] Little_Brown_Box: This is a Hallmark moment!
[18:25] De`thion: this is like the worst music mix youtube video EVER
[18:25] Cerbero: Box... don jynx it.
[18:25] Rimblade: "Well, the no one trying to kill us all is a bit refreshing."
[18:25] silversyte: Horrible singing voice.
[18:25] Strider: "This weird stuff is broing Box..."
[18:26] Taimat: "Hmmm...Am i the only person who feels the need to cut this stream up?"
[18:26] Little_Brown_Box: I say we just enjoy it!
[18:26] * Lkeas smiles slightly, her breath slowing as she continues to let the lyrics flow through her.  She nods along with the music.  "Seekers, please... just.. take it to heart.."
[18:26] Rimblade: "I say, we make the most of it."
[18:26] Voice: 'o/ I will always love you always /o'
[18:26] Cy: "Falerin, Where are you?"
[18:26] Little_Brown_Box: Come, Rimblade, let us FROLIC!
[18:26] Rimblade: "Frolic indeed!"
[18:26] Voice: 'o/ Do you love me. I need to know/o'
[18:26] * Cerbero hears that line and cant help to smile at Elenor.
[18:26] * Elenor groans.
[18:26] * Rimblade begins to skip merrily in a circle.
[18:26] Voice: 'o/ Do you love me. Tell me so/o'
[18:26] * Nick enjoys the music.
[18:26] * Stromy nodds at Lkeas wisdom
[18:26] Taimat: "no."
[18:26] Voice: 'o/ Here I am take my hand/o'
[18:26] Voice: 'o/ Why can't you just understand /o'
[18:26] silversyte: uh oh cerbero is proposing.
[18:27] * LordBarrius glances at Lkeas and nods, listening to the lyrics quietly, and he casts a soft glance at Damsel as he does.
[18:27] * Little_Brown_Box "hums" along with the music as Rimblade swings it about.
[18:27] Voice: 'o/ me/o'
[18:27] * Lkeas shivers suddenly at the last lyric.  "Your.. hand..."
[18:27] Lkeas: Ojo...
[18:27] Cerbero: This is begginning to freak me out.
[18:27] Voice: 'o/ Don't run away /o'
[18:27] Rimblade: "Oh dear.  It's giving away body parts."
[18:27] Voice: 'o/ Don't run away /o'
[18:27] Cerbero: Zephyr...
[18:27] * TaloToecan sighs heavily and looks over at Damsel then LB, before turning to cover his face with his tail, unable to bear the sturrings.
[18:27] Voice: 'o/ Will you ever realize /o'
[18:27] * Strider eyes open when he heals Ojo.
[18:27] Strider: "Lkeas did you just as Ojo to hold your hand??"
[18:27] Voice: 'o/ There's more to life than meets the eye /o'
[18:27] Voice: 'o/ Don't run away /o'
[18:27] Voice: 'o/ Don't run away /o'
[18:27] Taimat: "I wasnt planning on running...Now,whoever you are,Show yourself!"
[18:28] * Cerbero 's face suddenly shows alarm.
[18:28] Elenor: Huh?
[18:28] Genoclysm: "I wonder..."
[18:28] * Clyde yells like he can't hear, "Don't run away!"
[18:28] Strider: Lkeas did you just ask Ojo to hole your hand?!
[18:28] De`thion: ENOUGH already!
[18:28] * Cy tries to clmib the tree!
[18:28] De`thion: I cant take this horrible music!
[18:28] * Damsel takes a deep shuddering breath, her feelings conflicting.
[18:28] * Lkeas shakes her head.  "Won't... run... want to.. stay faithful.."
[18:29] Cerbero: Lkeas... Keep hope within, remember?
[18:29] silversyte: Someone needs singng lessons.
[18:29] * Strider looks at Lkeas. "What is happening her!!"
[18:29] * Nick takes a breath "Sometimes runnings the only option..."
[18:29] Rimblade: "I think it wants us to run."
[18:29] Stromy: "I don't know..."
[18:29] Little_Brown_Box: Run faster?
[18:29] >Ambiance<: The forest vanishes and a large urban park appears
[18:29] Clyde: " doesnt"
[18:29] Little_Brown_Box: Whao!
[18:29] * TaloToecan begins to cry silently, again, despite himself.
[18:29] Cerbero: What?!
[18:29] * Stromy looks around
[18:29] silversyte: play time!
[18:29] Strider: "Oh freaking great!"
[18:29] Elenor: What the hell is this place?
[18:29] * Taimat draws Rairinyami,and gets into a defensive stance.
[18:29] Cerbero: Terra?!
[18:29] Stromy: "Finally a change of scenery"
[18:29] Voice: 'o/ Is this farewell /o'
[18:29] Elenor: Is this terra?
[18:29] Little_Brown_Box: Hullo! We're walking in sunshine!
[18:29] Strider: "Now where are we?!"
[18:29] Voice: 'o/ There is no blood /o'
[18:29] De`thion: I tire of your mind games
[18:29] Elenor: Terra is danmed strange..
[18:29] Stromy: "Ahh...."
[18:30] Voice: 'o/ There's no Alibi /o'
[18:30] De`thion: I'm sick of playing dont wake daddy
[18:30] * Clyde eyes open as the terrain suddenly shifts.
[18:30] De`thion: good sir, no more rock paper scissors for me!
[18:30] * Cerbero retracts his wings inside his body. They represent a danger here.
[18:30] * Lkeas turns her gaze to Talo, petting his fur softly as her eyes begin to water as well.
[18:30] * Strider is stunned. "Were in Terra?!"
[18:30] Voice: 'o/ Cause I've drawn regret from the truth /o'
[18:30] Voice: 'o/ of a thousand lies /o'
[18:30] * Nick notices the change of scenery.
[18:30] * Clyde continues, "Of a thousand lies."
[18:30] Cerbero: You know, that phrase reminds me of Twain.
[18:30] * Damsel closes her eyes, trying to keep ahold of her emotions while still listening to the words of the song.
[18:30] Elenor: Uhm... Does magic work on Terra?
[18:30] Voice: 'o/ So let mercy come /o'
[18:30] Rimblade: "Mercy, eh?"
[18:30] Voice: 'o/ and wash away /o'
[18:30] Strider: "Do Terrans no of Vartai?"
[18:31] * Little_Brown_Box chuckles. "Mercy?"
[18:31] Voice: 'o/ What I've done /o'
[18:31] Clyde: "What I've Done!"
[18:31] Cerbero: I would advice against trying.
[18:31] Cerbero: Oh snap.
[18:31] Elenor: Crap.
[18:31] Little_Brown_Box: Mercy's an annoying little twit.
[18:31] * LordBarrius nods sadly and turns his gaze away to stare away from the rest of the group.
[18:31] Voice: 'o/ I'll face myself /o'
[18:31] * Elenor checks the sword at her belt.
[18:31] Little_Brown_Box: Thinks it's a bloody snare drum!
[18:31] Voice: 'o/ to cross out what i've become /o'
[18:31] Lkeas: Wait... I know that song...
[18:31] Lkeas: Galrick...
[18:31] Taimat: "I tire of this...Whoever you are,cease your mind games and show yourself!"
[18:31] Voice: 'o/ erase myself /o'
[18:31] Rimblade: "Not uncreation!"
[18:31] Strider: "Oh shit..."
[18:31] * Lkeas looks up and around at the environment.  "Galrick?"
[18:31] Rimblade: "That's very dangerous!"
[18:31] Voice: 'o/ and let go /o'
[18:31] Voice: 'o/ of what I've done /o'
[18:31] * Elenor sighs.
[18:32] * Stromy thinks, "The'Galin?"
[18:32] Cy: "Wait."
[18:32] Stromy: "Could it be The'Galin"
[18:32] LordBarrius: "Let go...."
[18:32] Cerbero: Someone is either failing miserably in an attempt to entertain us, of having an epic success trying to freak the hell out of us.
[18:32] Little_Brown_Box: What're you on, L'Keas?
[18:32] Strider: "Juses"?
[18:32] Stromy: ?*
[18:32] Little_Brown_Box: Galrick doesn't have this kinda power.
[18:32] Strider: ((*jesus))
[18:32] Cy: "lkeas! The songs and terrain symbolize a person we have known."
[18:32] >Ambiance<: The park fades and is replaced by a large city street
[18:32] Little_Brown_Box: Ooh!
[18:32] Strider: "Oh my>"
[18:32] Rimblade: "What 'bout delphi waves, eh?  Eh?!"
[18:32] * Clyde head bows down as he falls to his knees. "A Clean slate..."
[18:32] * Lkeas shakes her head. "Box, Galrick posted that song on his journal.. once.."
[18:32] Little_Brown_Box: Strollin' down the streets of Westminster!
[18:32] Cerbero: Why am I not surprised.
[18:32] Elenor: ... Terra is strange indeed.
[18:32] Voice: 'o/ When you're alone /o'
[18:33] Cy: "Thats what i mean LKeas."
[18:33] Voice: 'o/ and life's making you lonely /o'
[18:33] Little_Brown_Box: And there's nobody home?
[18:33] Genoclysm: Once is not always.
[18:33] * TaloToecan continues to cry in total silence, realizing that there is a message beyond what things tell on his own heart, but too entrenched in last night's events to escape his own sadness.
[18:33] Rimblade: "YES!"
[18:33] Little_Brown_Box: Oh, bah.
[18:33] Voice: 'o/ you can always go /o'
[18:33] Cy: "Downtown?"
[18:33] Voice: 'o/ Downtown /o'
[18:33] * Nick laughs at this.
[18:33] De`thion: XD
[18:33] * Little_Brown_Box laughs out loud.
[18:33] Cerbero: I think we should get moving... who knows where we might end up next...
[18:33] De`thion: ((Erm, wrong channel))
[18:33] De`thion: ((Ignore that))
[18:33] * Strider LOLS
[18:33] * Damsel feels a chill once again and her eyes snap open. "Downtown..."
[18:33] Elenor: ... What is this strange place?
[18:34] Strider: "I think its Terra from what I hear."
[18:34] Cy: "Songs and terrain symbolize someone we have known i say!"
[18:34] silversyte: Street race anyone?
[18:34] * Lkeas looks at Damsel, her expression growing concerned. "You recognize that one too.."
[18:34] Little_Brown_Box: Downtown!
[18:34] Cerbero: This is the street of a city.
[18:34] Little_Brown_Box: DUH!
[18:34] Elenor: ... very odd.
[18:34] Strider: "Though iI have never been to Terra."
[18:34] >Ambiance<: The city fades placed by a vast savanaha
[18:34] Rimblade: "Obvioius, Elenor!  It's downtown!"
[18:34] Cerbero: Think of it as Battleon in a millenium.
[18:34] * Damsel meets Lkeas' eyes. "How could I not?"
[18:34] * Stromy looks alarmed "I remember a place like this...downtown"
[18:34] Rimblade: "This bears less resemblance to a down-town."
[18:34] Cerbero: ...
[18:34] Strider: "Whatch out for Lions!!"
[18:34] * Cerbero facepalms
[18:34] Elenor: Okay...
[18:34] Taimat: "...That is it...Now i am really getting mad!"
[18:34] * Nick looks around and then waits.
[18:34] De`thion: what song now?
[18:34] * Little_Brown_Box blares the opening notes of the Lion King theme.
[18:35] silversyte: Were on vacation.
[18:35] Voice: 'o/ So what if you can see /o'
[18:35] Voice: 'o/ The darkest side of me /o'
[18:35] * Strider sits down covered in his wings and tail. "Tell me when were attacked."
[18:35] Voice: 'o/ no one will ever change /o'
[18:35] Cerbero: No, but i can hear how bad you sing.
[18:35] Voice: 'o/ This animal I have become /o'
[18:35] De`thion: ... I do not like this song
[18:35] Cerbero: Nor do I...
[18:35] Voice: 'o/ Help me believe it's not the real me /o'
[18:35] * Lkeas shakes her head in alarm.  "Galrick... has Ryuusei got him again?"
[18:35] Strider: "This si a good song."
[18:35] Lkeas: Gods..
[18:35] Little_Brown_Box: Wow, L'Keas.
[18:35] * Cerbero moves a hand towards his sword
[18:35] Little_Brown_Box: I'm thinking you may be on to something.
[18:35] Elenor: Ehhh... Not too fond of all this stuff that's been played
[18:35] De`thion: I know, but we're trapped in the song
[18:35] Nick: I wonder if he's okay...
[18:35] Voice: 'o/ Somebody help me tame this animal /o'
[18:36] Cy: "This one is more about Galrick."
[18:36] Damsel: "What...  is this?"
[18:36] Voice: 'o/ this animal this animal/o'
[18:36] Elenor: And Cerb, hand away from sword.
[18:36] * Taimat sheathes his sword and sits down,trying to calm himself. "Damn wolf makes things so complicated sometimes..."
[18:36] * Stromy nods to Lkeas, "I'm getting the same feeling"
[18:36] Rimblade: "He needs help!  Someone bring a magic tank!"
[18:36] * Clyde eyes open wide, "Lkeas, is Galrick trying to send us a message?"
[18:36] De`thion: theres only one way to protect ourselves when we're inside the music
[18:36] De`thion: everyone! do the safety dance!
[18:36] * LordBarrius smiles faintly but sadly as he listens in silence.
[18:36] Lkeas: I don't know.. I don't know... how can we help... what can we do?
[18:36] Cerbero: ...De`thion...shut up.
[18:36] * Rimblade stops, drops, and rolls, obeying De'thion.
[18:36] Stromy: "Galrick?  Is that you?"
[18:36] Cerbero: Lkeas, KEEP HOPE WITHIN.
[18:36] silversyte: cerb you tried to pull your sword before i have even thought about it.
[18:37] * TaloToecan curls up further, having succumbed to his own sadness, and trying merely to push them aside for the time.
[18:37] * Lkeas turns to cerbero.  "What good is keeping Hope within, if it cannot be emptied out to help our friend?"
[18:37] >Ambiance<: The environment vanishes and each of you is alone in their own endless expanse

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