The Epic - Session II
From Caelwiki
[13:57] Falerin: This is a "different" type of game
[13:57] Falerin: it is known as an epic because it has an era of persistance
[13:57] Falerin: Death is not the end... merely a new fronteir
[13:57] Falerin: So if you are killed and devoiced
[13:57] Falerin: Stick arround
[13:57] Falerin: as everything an anything could still happenm
[13:57] Falerin: I will pm everyone during the night phade
[13:57] Falerin: er phase
[13:58] Takun: Heh. Epics ftw.
[13:58] Falerin: and directly ask you some questions
[13:58] Falerin: Answer those and the game will go swimmingly
[13:58] Falerin: During the night do not talk at all in channel
[13:58] Falerin: During the day phase all is fair in love and war....
[13:58] Falerin: I am now assigning roles to you....
[14:00] Falerin: I have assigned everyone their role.... though even that is more fluid in Immertot forest where this game takes place
[14:00] Falerin: Are we ready to begin then?
[14:01] Scary_Sarah: Yes. Well....I am...not sure about everyone else....
[14:02] Falerin: Very well then
[14:02] Falerin: The game begins with Night Phase and it starts now
[14:02] Falerin: Villagers Close Your Eyes
[14:04] >Ambiance<: The forest is vast in your dreams. It stretches out for miles but there is something very wrong with it. Something alien. You find yourself running and fleeing something and stumbing and falling.... just as a horrible beast reaches out and grabs you you awake disoriented.... but..... where are you... this is not your bed.... its some kind of hotel or inn....
[14:04] Falerin: ((Players do not know each other. You have nothing on you but the clothing on your back...))
[14:04] >Ambiance<: Falerin's Computer suddenly plays tiny [Mest - Graveyard] (3:42/112Kbps) mp3
[14:05] Falerin: ((A bit of background music))
[14:06] *** Scully is now known as Scully|Spriting.
[14:06] >Ambiance<: Villagers Awaken on Day 3 the number of the day is 5
[14:06] Falerin: Villagers Open your Eyes
[14:07] * blackknight awakens and stretches.
[14:07] * Takun awakens.. Yet does not open his eyes. He senses something is wrong, and remembering his dream from the night before, he feels around and finds his staff lying near him. He closes his fingers around it slowly and jumps up, ready to fend off any attacks if neededc
[14:08] * Soulwraith yawns and slowly begins getting up "What happened?..." he says as he looks around
[14:08] * blackknight cracks his neck and looks around.
[14:08] * Lkeas wonders how she misplaced her toothpaste
[14:08] * Kraken wakes up shivering "its cold"
[14:08] * Maxx rubs eyes.
[14:08] Maxx: Where are we?
[14:08] Lkeas: apparently some kind of hotel
[14:08] blackknight: This isn't my house!?
[14:08] Genoclysm: Hrm, what a dream...
[14:08] LordOuranos: What happened last night?
[14:08] * dalefanwill lazily climbs out of bed.
[14:08] * blackknight splashes water on his face and looks around, still the same room.
[14:08] * Scary_Sarah tries to stay asleep but can't, she wakes up groggily with her eyes still closed
[14:08] * Falerin exits one of the rooms and looks arround idly
[14:08] blackknight: Gah!?
[14:09] * Sasori_Yaiba crawls slowly up.... He pushes the near wall for balance....
[14:09] Falerin: "Heaven help us...... a complete replacement"
[14:09] * blackknight bardges out of the room.
[14:09] * Falerin shakes his head in exasperation and walks down the stairwell to the inn below
[14:09] * Scary_Sarah opens her eyes....she then wonders what is going on
[14:09] Scary_Sarah: What the..?
[14:09] Sasori_Yaiba: Aaagh....
[14:09] Soulwraith: Who the hella re you people? Where am I?..
[14:09] * Takun , only seeing other people, lowers it and backs off toward the wall, watching the others awaken. He has long silver hair, almost covering his eyes. He is wearing a dirty white robe, running down over his feet, and the sleeves covering his arms
[14:09] Sasori_Yaiba: What was with that thing?
[14:09] Genoclysm: What did that guy mean? A replacement?
[14:09] * blackknight looks down both the halls and walks down the stairwell.
[14:09] * Sasori_Yaiba trudges slowly down the steps.
[14:10] * Maxx is thankful he wore pj's last night.
[14:10] * Falerin looks at the innkeeper. We can forget going after Morgan today Caliban
[14:10] Caliban: A complete replacement?
[14:10] Falerin: I am afraid so
[14:10] * blackknight looks at the 2 men.
[14:10] Caliban: Lovely
[14:10] * Lkeas follows the stranger down the stairs to the innkeeper and overhears their conversation
[14:10] LordOuranos: Oh, I dont have money to pay for last night's stay
[14:10] * blackknight walks over to them and asks "Who are you 2?"
[14:11] * Kraken grabs a blanket off the bed he was alying on and wraps it around him
[14:11] * Caliban gestures at LordOuranos
[14:11] * Sasori_Yaiba decides to go to bed again.... hoping that this is just another dream....
[14:11] * dalefanwill watches the two men converse from afar.
[14:11] * Takun drops his staff and follows the people downstairs silently
[14:11] Caliban: No one ever pays at my inn
[14:11] * Kraken sighs "its still cold"
[14:11] LordOuranos: That is so kind of you
[14:11] Caliban: Its nothing unusual
[14:11] * Caliban goes over to the fireplace and stokes up the fire untill the common room is brighly lit and quite toasty
[14:11] blackknight: I asked, who are you two?
[14:11] Kraken: "thank you"
[14:11] Soulwraith: What kind of place is this? *stares hard at Caliban* Whya re we here?
[14:11] * Sasori_Yaiba bumps into Takun near the stairs and falls down on his back.
[14:12] Caliban: "About the only good thing Fal is that there was no death last night either I already checked"
[14:12] * blackknight looks at Falerin then Caliban.
[14:12] Sasori_Yaiba: Oh.....
[14:12] Sasori_Yaiba: I'm sorry...
[14:12] Falerin: That will save misery arround noon....
[14:12] Genoclysm: Excuse me, sir, what is a replacement? What has happened to us?
[14:12] * Takun looks down at Sasori_Yaiba
[14:12] Falerin: But it does not.....
[14:12] * Falerin whirls
[14:12] Takun: Ah. Apologies.
[14:12] * Takun holds out his hand
[14:12] * Kraken looks around "got anyting to drink?"
[14:12] Falerin: "I am in the middle of a conversation...."
[14:12] Genoclysm: Sorry.
[14:12] * Sasori_Yaiba takes Takun's hand and slowly rises.
[14:12] * Falerin stops and looks at Takun
[14:12] blackknight: Well, hurry and finish it.
[14:12] LordOuranos: Dont be rude
[14:12] Falerin: "how peculiar.....":
[14:12] Sasori_Yaiba: Who are you? My name is Sasori.
[14:13] * Scary_Sarah is lost in all the conversation...she lays back down on her bed and covers her ears with her pillow
[14:13] Falerin: "An analog....."
[14:13] blackknight: I really, don't have a name.
[14:13] * Lkeas looks towards Takun
[14:13] Falerin: "Well I suppose the same thing happened with Khat"
[14:13] Lkeas: an analog?
[14:13] * dalefanwill walks over to the fire, still listening in one the mens conversation.
[14:13] blackknight: You just call me BK.
[14:13] Takun: Hmm. My Name is Takun. Nice to meet you.
[14:13] blackknight: Hello, Takun.
[14:13] LordOuranos: Cant you see you are scaring Sarah? She doesnt like all these loud noises.
[14:13] Maxx: As opposed to digital?
[14:13] * blackknight holds his hand out to Takun to greet him.
[14:13] Falerin: "Lets just hope the same thing does not happen to Takun that happened to his analog"
[14:13] Falerin: "It was a bit messy"
[14:14] Sasori_Yaiba: Well...
[14:14] * blackknight stops and looks at Falerin.
[14:14] * Sasori_Yaiba continues to the others, hoping to find out more.
[14:14] blackknight: Analog?
[14:14] * Lkeas scratches her head and looks at Takun
[14:14] Falerin: Allright people... um... gather round or something
[14:14] Lkeas: Do you know what he's talking about?
[14:14] * dalefanwill ponders what Falerin means by "Analog"
[14:14] * Soulwraith talks to no one in particular "I wonder why we're here..."
[14:14] Falerin: I will do my best to explain to you what is happening here
[14:14] Falerin: and answer those questions
[14:14] Takun: Unfortunately, no.
[14:14] * blackknight stands, facing Falerin.
[14:15] Sasori_Yaiba: Oh boy.... I sure hope nothing bad happened...
[14:15] * LordOuranos pulls up a chair, and sits down
[14:15] * Maxx listens intently to the strange man.
[14:15] * Kraken sighs "can you answer one question for me?"
[14:15] * dalefanwill walks over and joins the crowd around Falerin.
[14:15] * Lkeas plops down on a fluffy cushion by the fireside and looks curiously around at the gathered
[14:15] * Scary_Sarah removes the pillow from her head
[14:15] * Takun walks over to Falerin, and glances him over
[14:15] * Sasori_Yaiba leans near the wall, listening.
[14:15] Takun: Hmm. Seems familiar..
[14:15] * Scary_Sarah stands up and sees the crowd
[14:15] * Scary_Sarah walks over
[14:15] blackknight: Answer me this, who are you and why are we here?
[14:15] * Genoclysm stands, but faces the speaker, a look of interest on his face.
[14:15] * Soulwraith sits cross legged on the floor and stares hardly at Falerin, obviously ready to listen.
[14:15] Falerin: Greetings to you... I am Falerin Ardendor... and along with Caliban here I run this inn.... The inn used to be part of a larger village here but the forest consumed the rest of it entirely... only the inn remains... just as it consumed the village and our families....
[14:16] blackknight: Falerin, eh.
[14:16] Kraken: "my question is got anything to drink?:
[14:16] blackknight: How about Fal?
[14:16] Falerin: As you must
[14:16] * blackknight turns to the other man.
[14:16] Takun: I see. This forest.. It feels strange. Alive, even.
[14:16] Falerin: Now it will go much faster.....
[14:16] Scary_Sarah: Falerin is such a nice name.
[14:16] Takun: Like a living, breathing being.
[14:16] Falerin: If you do NOT intertupt
[14:16] Genoclysm: Let him speak. There is much we still don't know.
[14:16] blackknight: And I suppose he is Cal, correct me if I am wrong.
[14:16] Sasori_Yaiba: It does seem alive now that you mention it...
[14:16] Sasori_Yaiba: Can you tell us more?
[14:16] Falerin: It is not alive
[14:17] Falerin: Quite the opposite
[14:17] Falerin: The forest and everything in it is....
[14:17] Falerin: Undead
[14:17] * Lkeas shudders
[14:17] Soulwraith: But..
[14:17] Sasori_Yaiba: Un...dead?
[14:17] * blackknight looks at Fal.
[14:17] Sasori_Yaiba: How?
[14:17] Falerin: Even the trees and microbes are undead
[14:17] Takun: Hmm.
[14:17] blackknight: Like, zombies?
[14:17] Maxx: Who would do such a thing?
[14:17] dalefanwill: What a surprise...
[14:17] Soulwraith: We.. and you are in this forest..
[14:17] * Kraken thinks an undead tree this guys nuts
[14:17] Falerin: We are at the edge....
[14:17] Falerin: Listen I can tell you much but not if you keep askign questions
[14:18] * Scary_Sarah ponders at this
[14:18] blackknight: Wait wait wait. Do you mean like zombies?
[14:18] Falerin: reserve your questions untill I am done with my story
[14:18] * LordOuranos wonders what microbes are, considering he probably lives in a time way before they were discovered
[14:18] * Genoclysm thinks to himself. A forest entirely corrupted. Why does this sound familiar?
[14:18] * Takun bows his head slightly "Apologies, I just wish to find out more about this place."
[14:18] Falerin: "Immertot is ageless"
[14:18] Takun: Continue, please.
[14:19] * blackknight looks at Fal with amazement, eyes wide.
[14:19] Falerin: "It has always been.. part of the planes of instability... an area of undeath... a primal source... an area in defiance of the natural order.. but that is it's natural state.... as hard as that is to accept immertot was not created.. it merely is....
[14:19] * Sasori_Yaiba 's mouth falls open in awe...
[14:20] Falerin: The planes themselves are a primal pocket left over from creation. Some say it is a trapping of the plane of Limbo on the Prime that is Caelestia
[14:20] * blackknight 's jaw drops.
[14:20] Falerin: It very much behaves that way...
[14:20] Falerin: Over time the planes started.. grabbing things and people from realms
[14:20] blackknight: So, why is this called Immertot?
[14:20] * Falerin glares at blacknight
[14:20] blackknight: Is there like any other things.
[14:21] blackknight: Uh, no.
[14:21] blackknight: No you do not.
[14:21] LordOuranos: dont be rude, blacknight. Go on falerin
[14:21] * Kraken thinks hot temper....
[14:21] Falerin: Fine.. deal with it with out an explanation
[14:21] Falerin: You would have a hot temper too...
[14:21] Takun: Heheheh. It would benefit you to shut up. All of you.
[14:21] Falerin: If you survived what I had
[14:21] * Kraken thinks mind reader?
[14:22] Falerin: "Yes"
[14:22] Falerin: "yes I am"
[14:22] * Falerin turns
[14:22] blackknight: Fine then... we will live without your explenation.
[14:22] Lkeas: ...
[14:22] *** Sacred has joined #werewolf.
[14:22] *** Mode change "+ao Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[14:22] Falerin: Fine then...
[14:22] * blackknight thinks "Bad temper."
[14:22] Sasori_Yaiba: Darn you blackknight....
[14:22] * Falerin marches out of the inn
[14:22] Lkeas: Please, good sir, blackknight does not speak for the rest of us..
[14:22] * Caliban shakes his head sadly
[14:22] Sasori_Yaiba: We need to find out as much as we can about where we are....
[14:22] Takun: You IDIOT.
[14:22] * Genoclysm calls out:Â Falerin!
[14:22] Caliban: When he gets like this he often cannot be reasoned with
[14:23] Caliban: He lost his wife and daughter to the plauge
[14:23] LordOuranos: Well, Caliban, will you be willing to tell us more about our current predicament?
[14:23] Lkeas: that's terrible..
[14:23] * Takun puts his hand out toward blackknight, but thinks better of it and takes it back
[14:23] Scary_Sarah: quite cleary have the intellect of a fungus.
[14:23] Caliban: And he escaped....
[14:23] * Kraken hits BK with a cushion
[14:23] Caliban: He was one of the few that ever did
[14:23] Caliban: But then all of a sudden he was pulled back in again
[14:23] * blackknight ducks the cushion.
[14:23] * Sasori_Yaiba slouches back in silence....
[14:23] Caliban: He had thought himself forever freed
[14:23] Caliban: And instead... he is... trapped
[14:23] Caliban: All over
[14:23] Takun: I see..
[14:23] Caliban: I will do my best
[14:24] Caliban: I was dead for part of it
[14:24] Caliban: But I will do my best
[14:24] Genoclysm: Dead?
[14:24] blackknight: Hm, dang, that must stink. I had no idea.
[14:24] * Kraken think Falerin please come back we'll keep the morons mouth closed
[14:24] Caliban: The planes of instability
[14:24] Takun: Okay, no all of you. TAKE A HINT AND HOLD YOUR TOUNGES.
[14:24] * Sasori_Yaiba props himself against the wall to start listening again.
[14:24] * blackknight thinks Well, not my fault. I had no idea.
[14:24] Caliban: have the ability to reach out beyond this world....
[14:24] Caliban: They are.. linked to primal creation and so they have pulled in many things
[14:25] Caliban: that are not from calestia
[14:25] Caliban: Whole citiies in the ancient past
[14:25] * Soulwraith observes the quarrels as he is listening to the explanation by Caliban
[14:25] Caliban: More recently it has just been people
[14:25] Caliban: When the planes are active people appear and disappear
[14:25] Kraken: "like we have?"
[14:25] Caliban: They are like yourselves
[14:25] Caliban: And they come from all different sorts of worlds
[14:25] blackknight: How?
[14:26] Caliban: Some come from the areas of the planes outside immertot
[14:26] Caliban: Some come from the area of caelestia outside the planes
[14:26] Caliban: and others come from distant worlds
[14:26] blackknight: Are there different planes?
[14:27] Kraken: "but Falerin was able to read my mind how did he come about being abel to do that?"
[14:27] Caliban: Stock Brokers from New York, Centarians from Alpha Centari, Drow from Toril
[14:27] Caliban: all have shown here over time
[14:27] Caliban: Falerin is an agent....
[14:27] *** Sacred has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
[14:27] Kraken: "agent?"
[14:27] Caliban: A mage and a priest
[14:27] Caliban: He serves as the voice of his God in this place...
[14:27] *** Sacred has joined #werewolf.
[14:27] *** Mode change "+ao Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[14:27] Caliban: Though his god... is pretty silent on the matter usually
[14:28] LordOuranos: Is he from this time?
[14:28] Caliban: To the point that Falerin himself is nothing like his god
[14:28] Caliban: About as opposite as they come acutally
[14:28] * Takun shifts about unconfortably, still feeling as if he was here before.. The memory hovering on the tip of his mind
[14:28] blackknight: Can you answer my questions now?
[14:28] Caliban: No
[14:29] Caliban: Some time ago....
[14:29] *** Robert_Kepley has joined #werewolf.
[14:29] Caliban: Immertot began to expand....
[14:29] Caliban: Began to expand beyond its normal borders
[14:30] Caliban: A very ancient shapeshifting theriantrope had come to Immertot
[14:30] Caliban: and began to use it for his hunting ground....
[14:30] Caliban: The creature would attack the villagers outside the forest
[14:30] Caliban: Slaying them and eating them
[14:30] Caliban: And then the forest would raise what survived of their dead bodies
[14:30] Caliban: As the living dead
[14:30] *** Crash has joined #werewolf.
[14:30] *** Mode change "+ao Crash Crash" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[14:30] Caliban: Such is what happened to Falerin's family
[14:31] Kraken: "wait a therian what?"
[14:31] Caliban: It is a generic term... lycanthrope implies wolf
[14:31] * blackknight 's eyes widen and thinks "Dang. He has it tough. No wonder he has a temper. That must stink."
[14:31] Caliban: We do not know that this creature is a wolf
[14:31] Caliban: only that it is a beast
[14:31] Caliban: Moving along
[14:32] Caliban: Some time thereafter... a necromancer came into the planes of instability from Caelestia proper
[14:32] Caliban: He discovered immertot and was delighted
[14:32] Sasori_Yaiba: Woah...
[14:32] Caliban: He decided that Immertot was a natural font of undeath
[14:32] Caliban: a place to expand his power base... but then he discovered the shapeshifter
[14:32] Caliban: and he was pissed
[14:33] Caliban: As the shapeshifter was messing with the natural order so he declared war on it...
[14:33] Caliban: But the necromancer Morgan.. is not a good guy either
[14:33] Caliban: Of that you can be assured....
[14:33] Caliban: About 5 years ago.. a group of people arrived much like yourself
[14:33] Caliban: Falerin and I had given up hope....
[14:33] Caliban: Many of that group died....
[14:34] Caliban: Consumed in the fighting
[14:34] *** Scary_Sarah has signed off IRC (Distracted: ).
[14:34] Caliban: But through trickery managed to open a gateway out of the forest that is immertot
[14:34] Takun: ..Hmm.
[14:34] Caliban: They forced the shapeshifter out into another place
[14:34] Caliban: And Morgan chased them
[14:34] Caliban: I am told that they slew the creature in this other place
[14:34] Caliban: And I did not see falerin again
[14:35] Caliban: Untill a few days ago
[14:35] Caliban: When he suddenly reappeared here....
[14:35] Caliban: Almost simultaneously with his reappearance... a NEW shapeshifter appeared
[14:35] Caliban: apparently enraged over what Falerin did to its brethren
[14:35] Caliban: and deciding that now that the forest was empty he could take over himself
[14:36] Caliban: Not long after that.....Morgan reappeared too
[14:36] Caliban: The group had planned to go after the Necromancer to seek answers
[14:36] Caliban: But before we could even conisder the lich something happened
[14:36] *** blackknight has left #werewolf.
[14:36] Caliban: We know not what
[14:36] Caliban: but a huge flow of power.....
[14:37] Caliban: Came into the planes from elsewhere
[14:37] Caliban: I saw it light up the middle of the forest last night....
[14:37] Caliban: I saw the forest fairly pulse with this power
[14:37] Caliban: I know not where it came from but how.. but the forest answered
[14:37] Caliban: And the planes shifted again....
[14:37] Caliban: The group that was to seek Morgan vanished
[14:38] Caliban: and you appeared
[14:38] Caliban: And... thats all I know
[14:38] LordOuranos: Hmm.. it sounds very complicated
[14:38] Kraken: "this is one freaky and chaotic place"
[14:38] Takun: I see..
[14:38] LordOuranos: thank you for explaining all of that
[14:38] LordOuranos: it helps us out a lot
[14:38] Sasori_Yaiba: Well...
[14:39] Genoclysm: So we have a shapeshifter on the loose? What are its limits to its forms?
[14:39] Takun: Why is it that I fell as if I have been here before...?
[14:39] Kraken: "well got anything to drink im thirsty"
[14:39] * Lkeas is deep in thought
[14:39] * LordOuranos hands kraken a jug of milk he found, just to shut him up
[14:39] * Kraken dumps the milk on LordOuranos' head
[14:40] LordOuranos: So, does anyone know what this were-creature looks like?
[14:40] *** Falerin has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[14:40] Maxx: So, Falerin was a member of the original group that slew the first shapeshifter?
[14:40] >Ambiance<: Pause much?
[14:40] >Ambiance<: A bell chimes loudly in the distance its note deep and haunting.
[14:40] *** Falerin has joined #werewolf.
[14:40] * Falerin appears, ghostly at first, but then gestures a cutting motion at his throat and becomes more solid. Even as he does this the bell stops ringing.
[14:40] SemiRPG: [Falerin] <KatChianna> what is with you peoples and port 8067? <Scott> I dunno. Ask the port <Xyphos_Celestin> Port what now? <KatChianna> *** Notice -- Client connecting on port 8067: Xyphos_Celestin �<KatChianna> Reens likes that one too <Xyphos_Celestin> That port is charismatic. I want to have its babies. <KatChianna> weirdo
[14:40] *** Mode change "+qo Falerin Falerin" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[14:41] Lkeas: Welcome back, Falerin; we apologize for our behavior earlier
[14:41] LordOuranos: what is this now? Ports?
[14:42] Lkeas: have you some idea of our purpose here?
[14:43] LordOuranos: Well Falerin, we are sorry we were insensitive and rude before, but you must understand what we were going through. We needed some kind of answers, we were all curious.
[14:45] LordOuranos: Wait, where is calliban?
[14:52] *** Sasori_Yaiba has signed off IRC (Drowned: Bye bye! I'm going now!).
[14:53] *** Mode change "-ao+v Crash Crash Crash" for channel #werewolf by Crash.
[14:54] *** Durroth has joined #werewolf.
[14:54] *** Mode change "+v Durroth" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[14:55] *** Mode change "+v Robert_Kepley" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[14:55] *** X|DragonFable has joined #werewolf.
[14:55] *** X|DragonFable is now known as X.
[14:55] *** Mysterious_Player has joined #werewolf.
[14:55] *** Mode change "+ao X X" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[14:55] *** LordOuranos has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).
[14:56] * Falerin grumbles staring into the forest without comment
[14:56] *** LordOuranos has joined #werewolf.
[14:57] *** Shock has joined #werewolf.
[14:58] *** Mode change "+v LordOuranos" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[14:58] * Falerin grumbles staring into the forest without comment
[14:58] Lkeas: would it be wise to try to search for the source of the power surge?
[14:58] Caliban: How would we start
[14:58] Caliban: First we would have to find where it happened.. first....
[14:58] LordOuranos: no, it is always bad to search for the mysterious evil
[14:58] Kraken: "bettewr yet would it be wise to search for the Falerin"
[14:59] Takun: And are you sure you would want to venture into the forest?
[14:59] Lkeas: i suppose we would need some protection from the undead...
[14:59] Takun: The undead are not what you'd worry about.
[14:59] LordOuranos: I say we get our footings first, find out more about these phenomenon, and come up with a plan for survival.
[14:59] Takun: They won't attack you..
[14:59] *** Sacred has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
[14:59] Maxx: Considering we're all in our pajamas; yes, I would at least like a sword.
[14:59] *** Sacred has joined #werewolf.
[14:59] *** Mode change "+ao Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[14:59] Kraken: its the Necro and the shapeshifter
[15:00] Kraken: "im not in my pajamas"
[15:00] Genoclysm: Yes, I'd like to know the forms that the shapeshifter can take.
[15:00] LordOuranos: Exactly, Maxx. We do need to be atleast prepared for whatever actions we are going to take
[15:00] Takun: Hmm. I still have yet to see why this this place is so familiar..
[15:00] * Takun leans against the wall and runs his hand through his hair
[15:00] Kraken: "our protection is Falerin"
[15:00] Takun: It's strange.
[15:00] *** Sacred has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
[15:00] LordOuranos: Have your ancestors been here? Have you heard stories of it?
[15:01] * Durroth shrugs
[15:01] Genoclysm: I think I've read about this phenomenon somewhere, but I'm having trouble remembering.
[15:01] Kraken: "hes a mage and a priest so hes our protection"
[15:01] *** Sacred has joined #werewolf.
[15:01] *** Mode change "+ao Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[15:02] >Ambiance<: A large keening metallic wail fills the inn
[15:02] Caliban: Ah
[15:02] Durroth: thats not good
[15:02] Caliban: its time
[15:02] Kraken: "what the?"
[15:02] Takun: ...
[15:02] Takun: What is that?
[15:02] * Crash walks down the road that originally lead him to the establishment, wondering how he got back there. As he passes behind the building, he sees a group of people he has not yet met. "Hmmm...You are not those that I met at my last visit."
[15:02] *** RavenousGecko has joined #werewolf.
[15:02] * LordOuranos moves into a fighting stance
[15:02] Maxx: Time for breakfast?
[15:02] >Ambiance<: Falerin's Computer suddenly plays tiny [Mest - Take Me Away (Cried Out to Hea] (3:45/112Kbps) mp3
[15:02] Genoclysm: Time for what?
[15:02] * Lkeas shudders again, the wail hauntingly familiar
[15:02] Kraken: "i think its time to run and hide"
[15:03] LordOuranos: Is it coming?
[15:03] Crash: What's going on here?
[15:03] Crash: What's "it?"
[15:03] Caliban: "It is noon"
[15:03] LordOuranos: The shapshifter
[15:03] * Kraken pulls up his robes hood and hides
[15:03] Caliban: "Noon is a nasty time in Immertot forest"
[15:03] *** Scully|Spriting has left #werewolf.
[15:03] Lkeas: what happens at noon?
[15:03] * Caliban points out at Falerin who stands by forest edge
[15:03] * Soulwraith looks around for soemthing unusual "I don't want to know.."
[15:03] LordOuranos: The shapeshifter comes out for the hunt at noon, I assume.
[15:03] Takun: Hmm..
[15:04] Takun: No.. The undead come.
[15:04] >Ambiance<: They begin to arrive from the forest a large army of the undead
[15:04] * Lkeas stares in horror
[15:04] Crash: Ah yes. I remember the undead. The metallic sound is new to me though.
[15:04] Kraken: "see told you all run and hide!"
[15:04] >Ambiance<: A female undead stops at the edge of the clearing near Falerin
[15:04] Genoclysm: Caliban, you know more than we do... what now?
[15:04] Lkeas: what is Falerin doing out there?!
[15:04] * Maxx looks around for something with which to defend himself.
[15:04] * LordOuranos is preparing himself
[15:05] * Genoclysm gasps.
[15:05] Takun: They will not harm you.. Calm yourselves.
[15:05] * Falerin takes the female undead in his arms and kisses her firmly on the cheek even as chunks of flesh and maggots fall to the Earth
[15:05] LordOuranos: they are friends?
[15:05] * LordOuranos cringes
[15:05] Genoclysm: That is... his wife?
[15:05] Maxx: His former wife, I presume.
[15:05] Lkeas: hmm.
[15:05] * Kraken grabs a shield off the wall
[15:05] Genoclysm: How sad.
[15:05] Takun: Yes..
[15:05] Kraken: "ewww undead and living love ewww"
[15:05] * Falerin kneels on the ground and begins sobbing.....
[15:05] * LordOuranos wonders what wall kraken thinks is he is grabing the sheild from, in this forest
[15:06] Falerin: "I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FREE...."
[15:06] Falerin: "THIS PLACE... had let me GO"
[15:06] Durroth: forget what wall, what shield?
[15:06] *** Sacred has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[15:06] *** Sacred has joined #werewolf.
[15:06] *** Mode change "+ao Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[15:06] * Takun watches the undead intently
[15:07] Genoclysm: Falerin, maybe you are needed. Could he want you to slay this new threat?
[15:07] * Robert_Kepley falls out of a tree
[15:07] * Lkeas wonders why Falerin would be cursing himself
[15:07] Kraken: "is he talking to himself?"
[15:07] *** Mode change "+v Shock" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[15:07] Takun: He is talking to the god Caliban spoke of.
[15:07] Takun: The god is also named Falerin..
[15:07] Genoclysm: I think I know. I've heard of a god of that name.
[15:07] Falerin: I am Named for my Deity
[15:07] * Falerin stands
[15:08] * Robert_Kepley shaks his head as he gets up, he sees the others
[15:08] Falerin: A cruel evil overlord
[15:08] * LordOuranos wonders if Falerin is posessed
[15:08] Falerin: Who has abandoned me....
[15:08] Lkeas: how did you become his communicant?
[15:08] Falerin: I was born as his Avatar
[15:08] Falerin: it was not optional
[15:08] Falerin: he created me for that purpose
[15:08] Lkeas: i see.
[15:08] Takun: Unfortunate.
[15:08] Falerin: and set me to explore this place
[15:08] Falerin: But he had let me leave
[15:08] Falerin: and NOW...
[15:08] Robert_Kepley: Who are you guys?
[15:09] Falerin: Now even after we killed the first one
[15:09] Falerin: I am back here again
[15:09] LordOuranos: I was named after the greek god of the sky, but he is not really related to me
[15:09] Falerin: and Morgan is back here too
[15:09] Takun: You are back..
[15:09] Falerin: WHAT THE HELL
[15:09] Falerin: I only wanted to die in peace
[15:09] LordOuranos: what is it?
[15:09] Lkeas: where are these shapeshifters coming from?
[15:09] Falerin: To be free of this place
[15:10] Falerin: But it seems I am destined to forever remain trapped here
[15:10] Falerin: Never allowed to die and stay dead
[15:10] Falerin: My god continuing to bring me back again and again
[15:10] LordOuranos: What is binding you to this place?
[15:10] Robert_Kepley: Uh.....
[15:10] *** Sacred has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[15:10] * Robert_Kepley walks over to the others
[15:10] Lkeas: but you must have a purpose if he brought you back...
[15:10] Caliban: Uh.. you should not do that friend...
[15:10] Crash: Things like this are why I never had a religon back home.
[15:11] * Falerin whirls on Caliban
[15:11] *** Sacred has joined #werewolf.
[15:11] *** Mode change "+ao Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[15:11] Falerin: "I do not care... I still do...."
[15:11] Falerin: "This is too much.. to be free of the forest"
[15:11] Falerin: "only to end up in it again"
[15:11] Falerin: "I saw a beach... I saw cities with towers reaching the sky"
[15:11] Shock: Yes, if he brings you back then you must have a purpose.
[15:12] Falerin: "The HELL with his purpose"
[15:12] LordOuranos: I agree with Caliban, it is not smart to anger a diety unless your are covetting their wrath
[15:12] * Robert_Kepley sighs
[15:12] Falerin: "I do not CARE what he wants"
[15:12] Kraken: "falerin i think the only way to be free is to kill these shapeshifters and kill morgan"
[15:12] Falerin: "I do not CARE ABOUT HIM"
[15:12] Robert_Kepley: This is one strange forest
[15:12] Falerin: "The multiverse take him"
[15:12] Lkeas: Falerin... it appears we are all trapped in this forest... we could use your help
[15:12] Falerin: "May he be devourered by the world"
[15:12] Falerin: "May his family be uncreated and removed from existance"
[15:12] Kraken: "thats waht we a here to do my friend"
[15:12] Falerin: "If there was a force I could serve to grant me that power"
[15:13] LordOuranos: Family?
[15:13] LordOuranos: The diety has a family?
[15:13] Falerin: "I would accept that power"
[15:13] Caliban: NO?!
[15:13] * Genoclysm gasps.
[15:13] Lkeas: you might want to rethink those words...
[15:13] Durroth: The possible repercussions of that statement make me shudder
[15:13] Genoclysm: Falerin, that power, is not one to trust.
[15:13] * Maxx gestures to the army of undead: "So, what about them?"
[15:13] * Caliban looks at Genoclysm
[15:14] Kraken: "power leads to losing your mind"
[15:14] * Robert_Kepley looks at the others
[15:14] Falerin: If I have the power to destroy the deity that made me....
[15:14] Crash: Or this power could lead to our freedom.
[15:14] Falerin: Even if the power that I serve betrays me a new
[15:14] Crash: A return to normality.
[15:14] Kraken: "you would destroy yourself
[15:14] Falerin: then my life will be complete
[15:14] Falerin: I mean every word I uttered....
[15:14] Kraken: "and it would end"
[15:14] Shock: Many can grant vast power, and just as many lead to dissaster. Many lie that they will even give it.
[15:14] * Falerin marches into the forest as a whole
[15:15] LordOuranos: Well, you are creating your own demise, but I dont think I can change your mind
[15:15] * Lkeas watches helplessly
[15:15] Crash: Funny. My normality would lead me back to prison, but that seems so much better then what I have here. Falerin has experienced this before. He is wise as to what is going on.
[15:15] Crash: We should follow his lead.
[15:15] * Falerin reappears back in the in magically
[15:15] Kraken: "uhh it would be wise to follow him... or not"
[15:15] Takun: Ah..
[15:15] Maxx: Neat trick.
[15:15] LordOuranos: The man was screaming at himself, I am not following his lead
[15:15] * Falerin goes slack jawed all of a sudden
[15:15] Kraken: "Falerin?"
[15:16] * Kraken walks over to him "falerin?"
[15:16] * Genoclysm stands in deep thought.
[15:16] * Falerin looks suddenly slightly taller and with a gesture his clothing changes from robes to an odd suit of deep purples
[15:16] * Kraken pushes him slightly with the shield
[15:16] Falerin: "I am afraid I deserve his anger"
[15:16] * Kraken backs away
[15:16] Lkeas: ah, it is you he was cursing.
[15:16] LordOuranos: he is obviously falerin we last saw at the forest
[15:16] Falerin: "He is only lucky..."
[15:16] Kraken: "falerin the god or falerin the person?"
[15:17] * Soulwraith has been quietly observing the insanity of the scene "Is the unstability of the forest getting to him?" he murmurs...
[15:17] Falerin: "That... I am watching"
[15:17] Genoclysm: Falerin. Did you perhaps save him?
[15:17] Falerin: "and that as a mirror the forces that might answer him cannot"
[15:17] *** Robert_Kepley has signed off IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Solid_Snake)).
[15:17] Maxx: Why did you bring him back here?
[15:17] Falerin: "He is my property... and I am not about to surrender him to the Devourer of Worlds... nor grant that force early entry into my world"
[15:18] LordOuranos: Well, obviously this diety has a bit more intervention in everyday life then most dieties are said to have. Is there a way of contacting this diety, then?
[15:18] Falerin: But he is right to be angry.... I did yank him back here....
[15:18] Genoclysm: I see. That was a dangerous situation. What is to be done?
[15:18] Falerin: I had little choice....
[15:18] Maxx: Is he here because of the influx of energy?
[15:18] *** Robert_Kepley has joined #werewolf.
[15:18] Falerin: My actions elsewhere had unplanned reprecussions
[15:18] * Kraken pushes LO "that is the diety
[15:19] * Lkeas nods slightly
[15:19] * LordOuranos realizes that this is the diety Falerin standing in front of him
[15:19] Lkeas: what do you mean, repercussions?
[15:19] Falerin: One of my other "children" died trying to save another world....
[15:19] Falerin: And open a doorway to stop the very force that this one is now calling out to
[15:19] LordOuranos: Why do you hold him here, when he only wishes to leave?
[15:20] Kraken: "is there a way to free him free us?"
[15:20] Falerin: It is never that easy I am afraid....
[15:20] Falerin: He redirected the energy from that place to here....
[15:20] Falerin: And for a time immertot was wide open
[15:20] Kraken: "i knew it let me guess we must kill Morgan and this new shapeshifter?"
[15:20] Lkeas: i thought he said this place would be safe from The'Galin's grasp
[15:20] Falerin: The creature who once resided here
[15:20] Falerin: was of an ancient race.. and they noticed his absence
[15:21] Falerin: so they sent another to investigate
[15:21] Falerin: It is...
[15:21] Falerin: for the moment free of that forces Grasp
[15:21] Falerin: but the result....
[15:21] Falerin: Is still very bad
[15:22] Falerin: The'Galin is not the only evil in this world... and his agents are spread out
[15:22] Falerin: Because of that creatures Return the necromancer Morgan returned as well
[15:22] Falerin: Morgan.... morgan is very bad news
[15:22] Falerin: And in fact might even already serve darker forces then I know....
[15:23] Lkeas: Morgan seeks to use the power that was transferred here?
[15:23] *** Blaster has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[15:23] LordOuranos: But Falerin, why does the human Falerin think you are so evil, when you seem so caring for him now? What reasons would he have to see you as evil?
[15:23] Falerin: So I summoned Falerin back to his place of birth
[15:23] Kraken: "and we must kill Morgan kill the new shapeshifter and make sure none of them are to come back?"
[15:23] Falerin: As he is needed here
[15:23] Falerin: I care for him.. but he does not like my care...
[15:23] Falerin: He wanted to be free of responsibility
[15:23] Falerin: he felt he had done enough
[15:23] Crash: Ouranos: Falerin was free. He does not wish to be back here, and is angry because of that.
[15:23] Falerin: And he had...
[15:24] Falerin: But what he wants
[15:24] Falerin: Does not really matter
[15:24] Falerin: As for you I am afraid you were drawn here because of the new energy awakening the planes
[15:24] Falerin: I did not draw you here
[15:24] Falerin: And an unfortunate side effect of the energy is that farpoint cannot cast you out either
[15:24] Lkeas: what must we do, then?
[15:24] Crash: I saw that coming....
[15:24] Falerin: The planes themselves will just pull you back in
[15:24] Genoclysm: Oh dear.
[15:25] * Kraken thinks all in all we just gotta stop all the bad guys
[15:25] Falerin: Put rest to the planes....
[15:25] Falerin: Now if you excuse me.. Your analogs need me elsewhere....
[15:25] * Kraken thinks and live our lives here
[15:25] * Falerin gestures his clothing reverting to a robe and him falling to the ground
[15:25] Takun: Hm.
[15:25] LordOuranos: Ah, the possesion is over
[15:25] * Kraken "help me get falerin up"
[15:26] Takun: I keep hearing references to these 'analogs'.
[15:26] LordOuranos: Yes, me too
[15:26] * Takun floats up through the floor and stops beside Takun
[15:26] * Kraken lifts falerin up by himself "argh thanks for the help"
[15:26] Takun: Uhm..
[15:26] Kraken: "god he's heavy
[15:26] LordOuranos: Ahem, someone just floated!
[15:27] Takun: It's.. A clone? A copy?
[15:27] Crash: Takun is an avatar as well?
[15:27] *** Mode change "-v Soulwraith" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[15:27] Kraken: "i think its an analog or something"
[15:27] *** Mode change "+v Robert_Kepley" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[15:28] * Kraken puts falerin down on a "couch"
[15:28] Caliban: In the multiverse
[15:28] * Lkeas searches the inn for some water to splash on Falerin's face
[15:28] Caliban: There are worlds that are parallel to this one
[15:28] Caliban: Where we did other things
[15:28] Caliban: made other decisions
[15:28] Caliban: An analog is simply that
[15:28] Caliban: an alternate us
[15:28] Takun: Hmm.
[15:28] * Kraken hits falerin in the head lightly with a cushion
[15:28] LordOuranos: makes sense
[15:28] Takun: I see.
[15:28] Crash: So how are they here from their alternate worlds?
[15:28] * Falerin grumbles
[15:29] Caliban: They were drawn in
[15:29] LordOuranos: And how many analogs are there, supposedly?
[15:29] Caliban: Just as you were
[15:29] Kraken: "glad to see your awake"
[15:29] Shock: The energy, i assume
[15:29] * Robert_Kepley leans against a tree
[15:29] LordOuranos: These alternate worlds, how many are there?
[15:30] * Kraken hits fale in the head again a little harder
[15:30] * Lkeas comes back with a pail of slightly murky water and tosses it on the Avatar's face
[15:30] * Lkeas turns to the others
[15:30] Lkeas: erm... you don't want to know where i got that from.
[15:30] Genoclysm: Eew...
[15:30] LordOuranos: Kraken, hitting him on the head wont wake him!! I would give him some milk to drink but you poured it all over my head before.
[15:30] Lkeas: hey, we have to wake him up, right?
[15:31] Kraken: "okay ill wake him up
[15:31] *** InshouLegault has joined #werewolf.
[15:31] * Kraken grabs another shield and bngs them together by falerins ear
[15:32] * Kraken bangs
[15:32] * Lkeas watches as the water mysteriously evaporates within seconds, leaving Falerin's hair completely dry
[15:32] *** InshouLegault has left #werewolf.
[15:34] * Robert_Kepley lays down on the ground
[15:35] Falerin: "Do that again..."
[15:35] Falerin: "And I will personally sacrafice you to the forest myself"
[15:36] * Lkeas hides the pail behind her back
[15:36] Falerin: "The last time I was here...."
[15:36] Kraken: "sorry!"
[15:36] Falerin: "I was killed.. but because I am an avatar I cannot be undead"
[15:36] Falerin: "So Falerin claimed me..."
[15:36] Takun: Hmm.
[15:36] Falerin: "And then SENT ME BACK"
[15:36] Crash: But if *I* die, I'm here for all eternity. Oh joy.
[15:36] LordOuranos: You are Falerin's avatar?
[15:36] Falerin: "He keeps sending me back"
[15:36] Falerin: "He won
[15:36] * Robert_Kepley gets up, walks to Falerin
[15:37] Gekkonidae: How many times have you been brought back? Countless?
[15:37] Falerin: "he just won't let me go..."
[15:37] Falerin: "And I am tired...."
[15:37] Falerin: "Countless... "
[15:37] Shock: You died again? That must be rather long have you been trapped?
[15:37] Falerin: "At least it is growing that way"
[15:37] Kraken: "uhhh we all know that there is still an army of the undead right outside our door?"
[15:37] Genoclysm: He may replace you once this mess is over.
[15:37] Falerin: "Caliban is in the same boat I guess"
[15:37] Falerin: "
[15:37] Lkeas: Caliban is also an avatar?
[15:37] Falerin: "And when I try to be normal...."
[15:37] Takun: Caliban has been here since the time of the village, correct?
[15:37] Falerin: "Have a family"
[15:37] Robert_Kepley: Am I an avatar?
[15:38] * Falerin sobs
[15:38] LordOuranos: But does Caliban have the deep connections with this diety like you do?
[15:38] Falerin: "Even that is destroyed"
[15:38] Caliban: I do...
[15:38] Caliban: though I serve a different power
[15:38] * Caliban pours some drinks
[15:38] * Lkeas places a hand on Falerin's shoulder, unsure of how to comfort him
[15:38] Shock: Wait..Kraken may be the army doing anything? I mean this is all well and fine, but wont they destroy the inn?
[15:38] Genoclysm: Falerin, he may replace you once a stop has been put to this mess.
[15:38] * Kraken jumps up "DRINKS!"
[15:39] LordOuranos: I will have rum, Caliban. So what is your purpose here? Why is he keeping you here, too?
[15:39] Takun: Like I have said countless times, the undead are not here to harm you.
[15:39] Durroth: they dont seem to be destroying it
[15:39] Caliban: "The undead are part of immertot"
[15:39] Caliban: "But.... they will harm you"
[15:39] Caliban: "Not by choice normally"
[15:39] *** X has left #werewolf.
[15:40] Shock: Will they harm us now?
[15:40] * Crash grabs a drink from the counter and stares at it as he listens to the speeches.
[15:40] * Robert_Kepley thinks "Wow, I am not noticed.... huh?"
[15:40] Caliban: "But.... if you are injured in that forest ever"
[15:40] Kraken: "but by the choice of Morgan"
[15:40] Caliban: "You done for"
[15:40] *** Mysterious_Player has left #werewolf.
[15:40] * LordOuranos clears his throat
[15:40] Crash: Not even killed? Merely injured and we become part of that?
[15:40] * Takun stares intently at the crowd of undead
[15:40] LordOuranos: So, Caliban, why is this diety keeping you here?
[15:40] Durroth: so anything that bleeds should stay out of the forest?
[15:41] Caliban: I stay by choice
[15:41] LordOuranos: Oh
[15:41] Caliban: He asked me if I would return
[15:41] *** Mode change "+v-ao Sacred Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by Sacred.
[15:41] Caliban: I had died too....
[15:41] Caliban: Was on to my reward
[15:41] Caliban: And.... I told him I would always serve the people of the Planes
[15:41] Caliban: as I had since birth
[15:41] Caliban: So my lord sent me back...
[15:41] Caliban: he is good that way
[15:41] Genoclysm: Noble.
[15:42] LordOuranos: yes, very noble of you
[15:42] >Ambiance<: an odd ripple like heat over flames appears in the inn
[15:42] Caliban: "Another shifting"
[15:42] * Caliban frowns
[15:42] Kraken: "oh no"
[15:42] Caliban: "The Planes are much more active then normal"
[15:42] Kraken: "time to run and hide!"
[15:42] Caliban: "This influx of energy has affected them very badly"
[15:43] * Kraken pulls up his robes hood again and hides
[15:43] Durroth: I would assume they dont normally do stuff like this
[15:43] Crash: Well, hopefully if I am transported, I will end up home.
[15:43] >Ambiance<: A figure falls out of the rippling
[15:43] * Crash raises his glass and drinks.
[15:43] Caliban: "They have always done things like this"
[15:43] Lkeas: what must we do to put rest to the planes?
[15:43] Lkeas: that is what Falerin told us we must do
[15:43] LordOuranos: Who is that!?
[15:43] Caliban: "But the frequency has increased hugely"
[15:43] Shock: Who...
[15:43] * Caliban looks at Sacred
[15:44] Caliban: A new victim
[15:44] Sacred: Ugh
[15:44] * Sacred stands up
[15:44] * Durroth raises his glass unenthusiastically
[15:44] Crash: Hello stranger. I am known as Crash. May I ask your name?
[15:44] Durroth: huzzah
[15:44] LordOuranos: Where did you come from?
[15:44] Sacred: I....I do not know...
[15:44] Sacred: My name is Sacred
[15:45] Sacred: Where is here?
[15:45] LordOuranos: Well, join the party. Most of us are confused here anyway, so you will fit in.
[15:45] Genoclysm: Hello Sacred, my name is Genoclysm.
[15:45] * Sacred looks around with an upset look
[15:45] Genoclysm: Welcome to Immertot, according to the innkeep and Falerin.
[15:45] * Sacred bows his head
[15:45] Sacred: May I ask who this Falerin is?
[15:45] Durroth: not exactly a fun place to land out of nowhere
[15:45] * Sacred frowns
[15:46] Sacred: Indeed not..
[15:46] Robert_Kepley: I don't even remember my name.....
[15:46] Genoclysm: This man over here. *points*
[15:46] * Sacred looks over
[15:46] Lkeas: he is an Avatar for a deity, one of the deity's other avatars has caused a surge of energy to transport here
[15:46] Lkeas: it's causing some... imbalances
[15:46] Lkeas: and has attracted some rather nasty characters as well
[15:47] LordOuranos: Strange things are happenning, and many people are brought here only to meet their demise
[15:47] Sacred: What?
[15:47] Caliban: "Night is coming"
[15:47] * Caliban sits up
[15:47] Sacred: What kind of nasty characters?
[15:47] * Caliban stands
[15:47] * Falerin looks at Caliban
[15:47] Durroth: Evil shapeshifting thingy
[15:47] * Lkeas searches for a blanket in the dimming light
[15:47] Falerin: "You wish for me to say it"
[15:47] Caliban: For old times my friend
[15:47] Crash: This doesn't sound good.
[15:47] Falerin: Fine
[15:47] Sacred: I would perfer some meticulous statements on these "nasty creatures"
[15:47] Falerin: "A drink all arround caliban"
[15:48] Falerin: "Drink Up people...."
[15:48] Falerin: "For tonight one of us dies"
[15:48] Durroth: Evil shapeshifting thing pretty much describes it
[15:48] Lkeas: ...
[15:48] Genoclysm: One of us will die?
[15:48] * LordOuranos screams like a girl
[15:48] * Crash takes his glass and raises it. "To life." He drinks all of it.
[15:48] * Falerin stands takes a drink from the bar drinks it and goes up the stairs
[15:48] * Takun stands at a corner of the inn, watching everyone else
[15:48] * Kraken sighs
[15:48] * Durroth downs his drink
[15:48] * LordOuranos starts to drink heavily
[15:48] Shock: Drink!
[15:48] Genoclysm: I'll pass. My stomache isn't up to it.
[15:48] * Maxx grabs a drink.
[15:49] * Kraken grabs the shields and heads to his room
[15:49] Durroth: cheers
[15:49] * Lkeas takes a sip from her mug
[15:49] * Durroth wonders where the HELL kraken keeps procuring shields from
[15:49] *** Kayf is now known as Kayf|Shower.
[15:49] * Crash starts towards his room. "Goodnight, and best of luck to all of you." With that, Crash walks to his room and goes to sleep.
[15:49] * Sacred refuses to drink
[15:49] >Ambiance<: The night descends on the Forest of Immerot.... and the day comes to an end
[15:49] Falerin: <Villagers Close Your Eyes>
[15:50] Falerin: <Forces of the Night open Your Eyes>
[15:53] >Ambiance<: The dream is vivid in its power and intensity. You run with strength beneath the moon which shines down upon your head. You are filled with the power and strength of the hunt. You find your quarry near the inn and you corner him.
[15:53] >Ambiance<: Grabbing him by his neck you sink your fangs in and rip out his throat. You then begin to munch on the rest of his corpse eviscerating him... when you are done part of his face and his left hand are all that remain....
[15:54] >Ambiance<: you then bound back into the forest howling in delight and pleasure to be alive
[15:54] *** Mode change "-v Robert_Kepley" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[15:55] >Ambiance<: You awaken in the morning the taste of blood still in your mouth and your heart still pounding with power... fallen fall leaves scattered about your bead
[15:55] Falerin: *bed
[15:55] Falerin: Begin Day 3: The Number of the Day is -4
[15:55] * Sacred gets up
[15:56] * LordOuranos yawns and rises to look out the window
[15:56] * Durroth gets up
[15:56] * Lkeas startles awake , toppling to the floor
[15:56] * Kraken wakes up "good morning shields"
[15:56] * Lkeas once again curses the lack of toothpaste
[15:56] * Genoclysm 's eyes open.
[15:56] * Maxx stretchs. "We're still here."
[15:56] * Kraken heads out of the room
[15:57] * Genoclysm gets up.
[15:57] * Takun raises his head and looks around. He fell asleep slumped in the corner he was standing in last night. Tasting the blood in his mouth, he recalls his dream and grins wickedly.
[15:57] * Shock gets up and downs his ale. He saved it from last night.
[15:57] * Crash rolls over in his bed, looking around. He finds himself to still be in Immertot and does not want to get up. Something makes him rise, and he walks out of his room and down the stairs.
[15:57] >Ambiance<: the remains of Robert Kepley lay in the common room
[15:57] * Maxx gets up and walks down to the common room.
[15:57] Genoclysm: I'm finding this world ever more unpleasant.
[15:57] Durroth: Well, falerin was right
[15:57] Lkeas: did he... did he drink the wrong rum?
[15:57] * Sacred looks down towards the ground
[15:57] * LordOuranos enters the common room for breakfast but is shocked to see the dismembered body before him
[15:57] * Kraken walks to the common room stepping in something squishy "what? WHAT THE HELL!"
[15:57] Durroth: of course there wasnt any doubt, but it would have been NICE if he was wrong
[15:58] Sacred: Death...
[15:58] Shock: Thats not good...
[15:58] * Crash rubs his eyes and feels around his face, as he has a taste of blood in his mouth. He sees blood all over the floor and hopes it is not his.
[15:58] * Genoclysm after stepping into the common room, he very quickly steps back out.
[15:58] * Takun pulls a chait over by Robert_Keply and sits in it, looking down at the body
[15:58] Sacred: Death enervatates me...
[15:58] LordOuranos: Oh my, what could have been the cause of such a horrific death?
[15:58] Takun: Heh. Another undead for morgan. The shapeshifter is helping him without knowing it.
[15:58] * Sacred looks at Takun
[15:58] Lkeas: there's... not much left to make an undead out of...
[15:58] * Crash clasps his hand to his mouth. He backs into the wall and slides downwards disgusted by the site.
[15:58] * Sacred glares at Takun
[15:59] Kraken: "why do i taste blood in my mouth?anyone else taste blood in there mouth?"
[15:59] * Takun leans back in the chair a bit and yawns
[15:59] Durroth: a very small deformed undead?
[15:59] LordOuranos: Blood? Heavens no!
[15:59] Falerin: Generally when only this much remains
[15:59] Takun: Because we all had the same dream.
[15:59] Falerin: They come back as incoporeal undead
[15:59] Takun: The dream that we killed him.
[15:59] Falerin: Wraiths
[15:59] Falerin: Ghosts
[15:59] Lkeas: oh..
[15:59] Falerin: things like that
[16:00] Durroth: great, thats just as bad
[16:00] * Lkeas hopes Robert_Kepley will be a friendly ghost...
[16:00] Crash: Th....thi..this is just....horrid...
[16:00] * Sacred whispers the name "Takun"
[16:00] * Durroth glares at Lkeas
[16:00] * Takun kicks the corpse a bit "Well, we killed him good, didn't we?"
[16:00] * Lkeas chugs the remains of her drink from last night
[16:00] Takun: Heh.
[16:00] * Sacred whispers the name "Takun" to himself
[16:01] >Ambiance<: A figure cloaked in darkness appears
[16:01] Kraken: "what the?"
[16:01] Sacred: The hell?
[16:01] Genoclysm: And who is this?
[16:01] Durroth: why does this not surprise me?
[16:01] LordOuranos: Someone died, and you are going to make fun of this? Have you no sense, Tukan?
[16:01] Takun: Hmm. Morgan, perhaps?
[16:01] Figure: You need not surrender to the beast
[16:01] Figure: I have the means to fight him
[16:01] Kraken: "no way"
[16:01] Lkeas: how can we fight him?
[16:01] Crash: Be quiet.
[16:01] Crash: He will offer one of us a trip home.
[16:02] Figure: Say the word and I will help you....
[16:02] Crash: Away from all of this.
[16:02] Takun: Are you really asking usto help you?
[16:02] Kraken: "i dont accept aid from creepy cloaked figures"
[16:02] Genoclysm: Please explain.
[16:02] * Sacred walks over to LordOuranos
[16:02] Takun: Oh, I see. You wish to help us.
[16:02] Takun: Heh.
[16:02] * Caliban goes up to Shock pointedly
[16:02] Kraken: "so introduce yourself creepy cloaked figure"
[16:02] * Sacred whispers to LordOuranos, "Takun shouldn't be trusted"
[16:02] * Sacred walks away
[16:03] * LordOuranos seems to be thinking thouroughly
[16:03] Genoclysm: Sir, as I would like help in this, I'd like to know what your help entails.
[16:03] * Crash is still against the wall. He calls to Sacred across the room. "We all had the dream. Do not act as if you did not."
[16:03] * Lkeas watches the exchange and follows Sacred with her eyes discreetly
[16:03] Kraken: "wait wait wait Falerin what did morgan look like?"
[16:03] Sacred: I....Had a dream...
[16:03] Figure: "I can give you the power to prevent his killing you"
[16:03] Sacred: But mine..
[16:03] Sacred: My dream was different..
[16:03] Figure: "I have discovered the means"
[16:04] Lkeas: what is the cost?
[16:04] * Figure goes over to Shock
[16:04] Crash: It's like the Mafia. He gives you one favor and it takes the rest of your life to pay back.
[16:04] Takun: Hmm.
[16:04] Shock: Hi?
[16:04] * Sacred trembles
[16:04] Sacred: I saw...
[16:04] Figure: "You are a man of morals and of compunctions.... You do not wish to join this creature... do you.. or join the mindless undead slaved to immertot"
[16:04] * Kraken whispers to Takun " i think thats morgan"
[16:04] Sacred: In my dream...
[16:04] Figure: "Say the word and I will prevent all of that"
[16:04] Genoclysm: I don't like owing favors.
[16:04] * Sacred falls to the ground with an addled look on his face
[16:05] Shock: No, no i do not.
[16:05] Takun: Oh, so do I.
[16:05] LordOuranos: Of course we do not wish to join
[16:05] Figure: So then.. do you want my help Shock
[16:05] Figure: all you need to do is say Yes
[16:05] Crash: Let him speak for himself.
[16:05] Kraken: "hmmm creepy cloaked figure would you happen to be a necromancer named Morgan?"
[16:05] Crash: No need to force him to stay here if he can get out.
[16:05] Durroth: how do we know your not just as bad?
[16:05] * Takun twitches his hand a bit and his robe turns into a black cloak.
[16:05] Shock: Morgan is cool and all, but no...
[16:05] * Figure looks at Caliban
[16:06] Falerin: He is speaking the truth such as it is
[16:06] LordOuranos: Oh, but such a grand offer never comes alone. I fear that in agreeing to take your help, we would unknowningly agree to much more.
[16:06] Falerin: He can do what he says
[16:06] Durroth: but at what cost
[16:06] Figure: Ah.. thats always it isn't it the cost....
[16:06] Figure: Fine.. refuse my aid....
[16:06] Crash: Ah yes. I recall it now. As he did with that one known as Lex, was it not?
[16:06] Figure: I will return to offer again in a day....
[16:07] * Figure vanishes
[16:07] Kraken: "wait you never answered my question"
[16:07] Kraken: "ahh crap"
[16:07] Shock: Too late. he is gone.
[16:07] Falerin: That was morgan
[16:07] Durroth: I dont trust anyone who offers without giving a price
[16:07] Genoclysm: I thought so.
[16:07] Takun: As I thought.
[16:07] Falerin: And he asks no price
[16:07] * Sacred slowly gets up
[16:07] Shock: It was Morgan..
[16:07] Falerin: He charges nothing for his service
[16:07] Falerin: however...
[16:07] LordOuranos: good riddens, if he was offering a pure solution, he would not have had to be so mysterious about it
[16:07] Kraken: "i knew it"
[16:07] Falerin: His service itself is the price
[16:08] Shock: What do you mean by that?
[16:08] Genoclysm: I see. His way out is not a good one?
[16:08] * Durroth raises an eyebrow
[16:08] Falerin: What is the surest way to prevent the Beast from killing someone
[16:08] Kraken: "he wants us to become an undead i think"
[16:08] Sacred: To kill the beast..
[16:08] Falerin: Absolutely guaranteed to work
[16:08] Genoclysm: Killing them first.
[16:08] Falerin: Absolutely guaranteed to work
[16:08] Crash: No.
[16:08] Kraken: " a minion of his"
[16:08] * Takun gets up and walks over to Crash and whispers in his ear "Do you remember me? The one you killed before? Eheh. Ryo, as you would know me."
[16:08] Crash: It is to get them out of here.
[16:08] LordOuranos: Killing the beast?
[16:09] * Lkeas agrees with Geno
[16:09] Falerin: No
[16:09] Falerin: The beast can return
[16:09] Sacred: The beast WILL return..
[16:09] Falerin: Like everything else
[16:09] Kraken: "destroy immertot?"
[16:09] Falerin: The surest way to prevent the beast killing you
[16:09] * Crash turns fast to the one next to him. "Ryo.....RYO? It's not possible....You died....You were one of them...."
[16:09] Falerin: Is to already be dead.....
[16:09] LordOuranos: Then to kill the people before they are killed by the beast? .... wait, that doesnt make sense
[16:09] Maxx: Remove what the beast is killing
[16:09] Falerin: Yes max
[16:09] Falerin: Remove the food
[16:09] Falerin: If you are already dead....
[16:09] Kraken: "so it will starve"
[16:10] Falerin: He has nothing to take
[16:10] Durroth: that doesnt seem like much of an alternative
[16:10] Takun: Heh. No, I am simply an analog of Ryo. Yet I have somehow recalled his memories.. I will get you back. Do not worry.
[16:10] Falerin: As for keeping you from immertot...
[16:10] Falerin: He may be able to do that
[16:10] Falerin: By raising you as higher types of undead himself
[16:10] Durroth: the object here is to stay alive, not get killed by one person in exchange for being killed by another
[16:10] Kraken: "wouldnt it be easier to destroy immertot?"
[16:10] Falerin: The undead of immertot are slaves to the forest
[16:10] Takun: Why does Morgan wish to kill the beast so much, anyways?
[16:10] LordOuranos: So what? Why condem yourself to eternity as a zombie creature, just because you are afraid of the possibility of some beast killing you?
[16:10] Falerin: Morgan himself... is not
[16:11] LordOuranos: Why take yourself out because you are afraid that someone else will? It makes no sense
[16:11] Falerin: Because Ouranos... if you die here...
[16:11] * Crash places a hand on Takun. "I would rather die here then go back to where I was."
[16:11] Falerin: The same fate befalls you
[16:11] Falerin: and you are trapped here
[16:11] Falerin: for all eternity
[16:11] Falerin: Morgan offers death and undeath on your own terms
[16:11] Falerin: rather then someone elses
[16:11] Crash: Is that not what you want, Falerin? To be here with your family for eternity?
[16:11] * Sacred sighs
[16:11] Takun: Well you just may have your wish granted..
[16:11] Crash: Why do you wish to get away from them?
[16:11] LordOuranos: Well, that is a solution for the coward and not for the wise
[16:11] *** Mode change "+v Robert_Kepley" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[16:12] Falerin: No Crash
[16:12] Falerin: I wish to escape this place and go to the afterworld
[16:12] Kraken: "falerin your a mage and a priest cant you just make us a portal back to where we came?"
[16:12] Falerin: Once there I may be able to find a way to free them
[16:12] Falerin: I have made a portal once
[16:12] Crash: I understand.
[16:12] Falerin: ask the Gecko what it did to me
[16:12] Falerin: And what good it did
[16:12] Kraken: "the gecko?"
[16:12] Durroth: thewha?
[16:13] Falerin: I was able only to get the people who were here back to the inn from the middle of the forest
[16:13] Falerin: that is all I could manage
[16:13] Falerin: and I paid the price for the action
[16:13] LordOuranos: Well, I still dont get why you think that eliminating yourself is a solution? There is still the chance that the creature may not kill you, why destroy that chance?
[16:13] Falerin: Remember I said last time that I died here...
[16:13] Genoclysm: I see.
[16:13] Takun: Falerin cannot die here..
[16:13] Falerin: That is what happeend.... the process killed me
[16:13] Falerin: And I was taken
[16:13] From: what I remember, he may be talking about the mimic that we encountered...
[16:14] Falerin: and then sent back
[16:14] Gecko: From what I remember, he may be talking about the mimic that we encountered...
[16:14] Kraken: and ended up killing the people wo ended up in the forest?
[16:14] >Ambiance<: A keening wail fills the tavern
[16:14] Falerin: "It is noon"
[16:14] * Lkeas looks towards the edge of the forest
[16:14] Takun: It is time. Again.
[16:14] Falerin: "Go outside and see them..."
[16:14] LordOuranos: So the undead will come?
[16:14] Kraken: "ahhh not again"
[16:15] Falerin: "They have another member now"
[16:15] Crash: Time again I suppose.
[16:15] LordOuranos: Well, lets go
[16:15] * LordOuranos heads for the door
[16:15] * Kraken heads outside with his shield from his room
[16:15] * Crash walks outside and waits for them to appear.
[16:15] Maxx: Goes out to look at the undead.
[16:15] * Takun walks outside to the edge of the forest, and watches as countless undead appear
[16:15] LordOuranos: Hmm, so doesnt this mean that Robert Kepley will now be in this bunch?
[16:15] Shock: wow...shouldent we be at all worryed?
[16:15] * Lkeas steps outside cautiously, looking around as if seeing creatures just outside her field of vision
[16:16] Shock: yes...
[16:16] Shock: it would Ouranos
[16:16] Crash: That is who Falerin reffered to.
[16:16] LordOuranos: Well, perhaps he can tell us about his killer.
[16:16] Kraken: "i just hope falerins undead lover doesnt come onto him again"
[16:16] * Genoclysm looks for Robert.
[16:16] * Robert_Kepley arises from the earth
[16:16] * Crash sighs.
[16:17] Crash: I fail to see why all of you refuse to accept the dream you had.
[16:17] Falerin: They are afraid of it
[16:17] Crash: You ALL had the dream. You ALL tasted the blood this morning. You ALL need to accept that.
[16:17] LordOuranos: Well, it is good to see you again. Do you mind telling us the events of last night and of how you were killed?
[16:17] Kraken: "i dont refuse it"
[16:17] * Takun walks up to one of the undead.. One that looks the same as himself. He simply stands there and stares into the eyes of the person
[16:17] Lkeas: but what does it mean?
[16:17] Genoclysm: I remember the dream Crash. I do not like it.
[16:17] Crash: You may not like it, but it did in fact take place.
[16:17] Crash: There is no denying that.
[16:17] RavenousGecko: They'll get used to it. Quickly
[16:17] * Takun whispers to the undead "Ys.. He is here. ONe of those who killed you before.."
[16:18] LordOuranos: Robert, do tell us of the events of last night?
[16:18] Kraken: "why should he tell us WE SAW IT"
[16:18] LordOuranos: We did not see who his killer was, only he did
[16:18] * Crash looks over the crowd on undead and sees two people that look alike. "He was telling the truth. Ryo has an analog here...."
[16:18] * Takun nods and walks off to the others again
[16:18] Crash: We did not see the killer?
[16:19] Crash: We saw it through OUR eyes.
[16:19] LordOuranos: No, we did not
[16:19] Gekkonidae: I remember from a long time ago that it was possibly something found within all of us.
[16:19] Crash: Not from a third person standpoint.
[16:19] Crash: We all had a hand in the murder.
[16:19] Robert_Kepley: Eh?
[16:20] Takun: Hmm.
[16:20] LordOuranos: I admit I had that dream, but I am not superstitious enough to jump to the conclusion that it was anything more than just a dream
[16:20] Sacred: True..
[16:20] LordOuranos: I do not believe that I killed anyone
[16:20] Robert_Kepley: I don't know what happened.....
[16:20] Crash: Did you not see Robert killed? Did you not wake with the same taste of blood in your mouth? Did you not see the body on the ground this morning as you left it?
[16:20] Falerin: They are afraid of it
[16:20] Genoclysm: Are you saying that all of us become the shifter?
[16:20] Gekkonidae: It was probably too traumatic for most.
[16:20] * Kraken sighs "LO is in denile"
[16:21] LordOuranos: This is unfamiliar territory, we do not know what that dream meant.
[16:21] Crash: I must agree, Falerin. I will stop fighting it. I know what took place. Maybe they will come to understand it as well.
[16:21] * Kraken slaps LO "WE DO KNOW IT WAS THE MURDER OF ROBERT!"
[16:21] LordOuranos: It could just be an empathetic vision of the killer's doings.
[16:21] Lkeas: but what does it mean? do you mean to tell me we all ganged up on Robert_Kepley in the middle of the night and ripped him to shreds?
[16:21] Shock: Why would
[16:22] Takun: Hmm..
[16:22] Shock: Is there any evedience besides the body?
[16:22] Crash: The dream itself.
[16:22] * Kraken points to the undead RObert
[16:22] Robert_Kepley: Well, forest is calling me!
[16:22] Crash: The fact that we ALL had the dream.
[16:22] >Ambiance<: A rain begins to fall.. a scarlet rain....
[16:22] Falerin: "INSIDE"
[16:22] Crash: The taste of blood in our mouths when we awoken.
[16:22] Falerin: "NOW"
[16:22] * Lkeas runs back to the inn
[16:22] Falerin: "
[16:22] * Kraken runs inside
[16:22] Shock: Blood..
[16:22] Falerin: "
[16:22] Shock: bad
[16:22] * Genoclysm runs inside.
[16:22] * Maxx runs inside.
[16:22] Kraken: "acid?"
[16:22] Takun: ...Blood?
[16:22] Falerin: blood
[16:22] * Shock runs in
[16:22] * Crash sighs as he walks inside mumbling about people denying things.
[16:23] Falerin: and if the blood cause any living blood to be shed....
[16:23] * Takun stares up into the sky and lets the rain hit his face
[16:23] Falerin: The undead....
[16:23] LordOuranos: And how would we all kill the same man if the killer ripped the victim to shreds? There would be nothing more to kill after the first killer is through.
[16:23] >Ambiance<: several drops hit Takun square in the face.....
[16:23] Takun: Ah.. Have not felt the joy of blood.. In a while.
[16:23] * Sacred shakes his head
[16:23] LordOuranos: Joy?
[16:23] * Falerin frowns
[16:23] Kraken: "TAKUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
[16:23] Falerin: Well you just felt it for the last time...
[16:24] *** Xforce has joined #werewolf.
[16:24] Crash: I will not fight this battle any longer, Ouranos. Assume what you will. You HAD the dream. I will accept what has happened, as this is the second time I have been through it.
[16:24] >Ambiance<: The undead change direction and stop withdrawing
[16:24] Takun: Hmm. I see.
[16:24] Shock: Uh....
[16:24] *** Sasori_Yaiba has joined #werewolf.
[16:24] Kraken: "YOU IDIOT!"
[16:24] LordOuranos: I do not believe that anyone who enjoys the taste of blood would be in our interest to keep in our company.
[16:24] *** Sasori_Yaiba has left #werewolf.
[16:24] Shock: That sounds...bad...
[16:24] * Lkeas puts as much distance between herself and Takun as possible
[16:24] * Takun pulls his hood off and walks toward the undead
[16:24] >Ambiance<: Smelling the blood and unable to control their primal appetites the undead turn toward living creatures covered in the blood
[16:24] Gekkonidae: There's a difference between enjoying it and accepting what happens.
[16:24] Takun: I welcome death..
[16:25] Gekkonidae: Time to run... *starts heading away from the undead*
[16:25] Crash: Goodbye, Takun. Say hello to Ryo for me.
[16:25] * Kraken runs "you welcome death YOUR A FREAK!"
[16:25] >Ambiance<: The undead grant this wish in the most gruesome way possible.......
[16:25] * Crash smiles as he watches the event under the roof of the inn.
[16:25] Takun: Of course..
[16:25] >Ambiance<: Takun is literally ripped apart by their immense hunger....
[16:25] * Takun raises his arms as he is overwhelmed
[16:25] * LordOuranos is already running back to the inn as fast as he can
[16:25] * Takun dies
[16:25] * Takun merges with his already undead analog the two becoming one
[16:26] * Kraken sighs "as gross as it is its kinda funny"
[16:26] * LordOuranos watches from the doorway of the inn
[16:26] *** Mode change "-v Robert_Kepley" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[16:26] *** Mode change "-v Takun" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[16:26] *** Takun is now known as Ryo.
[16:26] Crash: I suppose I am the one who gets the last laugh.
[16:26] Shock: How so?
[16:26] Lkeas: i don't find it all that funny..
[16:26] Shock: Your the only one who dose.
[16:26] Crash: None of you were here before.
[16:26] LordOuranos: If you think that any part of this is funny, I pity you.
[16:27] Crash: You have no idea what I am refering to.
[16:27] Genoclysm: Disturbing events indeed...
[16:27] Maxx: Not funny, interesting.
[16:27] Crash: You should not judge so quickly.
[16:27] Kraken: "i heard your conversation Crash i know what happend"
[16:27] Shock: Further more you were saying that we are deniying the truth.
[16:27] Sacred: Indeed you shouldn't..
[16:27] Durroth: he wasnt too smart
[16:27] >Ambiance<: an odd wail is heard and then an unusual rippling
[16:27] *** Mode change "+v Xforce" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[16:27] Falerin: "Again"
[16:27] Shock: Not again..
[16:27] Crash: Another has arrived.
[16:27] Kraken: "Takun's analog was killed by Crash"
[16:27] Falerin: "It is happening nearly daily now"
[16:28] Crash: Hello, Stanger. I am Crash. What may we call you?
[16:28] LordOuranos: Hmm... what is happening?
[16:28] Gekkonidae: Who?
[16:28] Crash: No, Kraken. It did not happen like that.
[16:28] Xforce: "Uhm... where am I?"
[16:28] Xforce: "Actually, when am I?"
[16:28] Genoclysm: You are in a nightmare.
[16:28] Kraken: "and now Takun was killed and Crash finds it amusing watching two of the same person die infront of him"
[16:28] Falerin: Yes it is
[16:28] Lkeas: when is unimportant. where is Immertot
[16:28] Crash: He blamed me, although I was only partially responsible. It was the dream we all had. I have seen that dream twice now.
[16:28] Maxx: Hmm, one is taken and one arrives.
[16:28] Shock: Depends on when you are from...
[16:28] * Falerin reenters the inn
[16:28] LordOuranos: Well, you are in some place that I forgot its name, but that is of minimal importance. You are now entangled in a horrible mess of murder and mystery.
[16:29] * Gekkonidae enters the inn a while later.
[16:29] Kraken: "another one?"
[16:29] Falerin: You...
[16:29] * Xforce blinks, tottering on his feet.
[16:29] Durroth: its not that fun
[16:29] Falerin: It is drawing in others who already escaped now?
[16:29] * Crash walks up to the last to enter the Inn. "We have not met. I am called Crash. What is your name?"
[16:29] Falerin: Welcome back....
[16:29] * Falerin sighs
[16:29] Maxx: I for one could use a real drink.
[16:30] Kraken: "i for one could use some therapy"
[16:30] * Falerin goes behind the bar and pulls out a bottle of dark whiskey
[16:30] Xforce: My name... is rather odd. I don't know if you could pronounce it in your current dialect.
[16:30] Gekkonidae: Hello again
[16:30] * Falerin pours Maxx several fingers
[16:30] * Maxx walks up to the bar.
[16:30] LordOuranos: What is this now? Escape is not permanent. This adds a whole other level of complexity to the possible solution of this problem.
[16:30] Kraken: "or maybe a girlfriend"
[16:30] Maxx: Thank you sir.
[16:30] * Falerin proceeds to drink from the bottle directly himself
[16:30] * Xforce dips his head to the group polietly, then stumbles into the inn and totters towards a seat.
[16:30] * Maxx downs a few.
[16:31] Xforce: I operate under the alias "Xforce", from time to time... you may refer to me as such, if you wish.
[16:31] * Lkeas walks over to the bar and flops on a stool
[16:31] Kraken: "how about just XF?"
[16:31] Lkeas: i need something to calm the jitters, Fal
[16:31] * Crash walks around the Inn. He has come to admire such artwork on his time on this side of "the bars."
[16:31] Falerin: Nothing in the nine hells is worse then this place
[16:31] * LordOuranos walks from the doorway and sits in a large chair by the fire.
[16:31] Genoclysm: At this point I'm not sure if remembering anyone's name is worthwile.
[16:31] * Falerin produces another bottle this one with a glowing liqour of some sort
[16:31] * Xforce shrugs, obviously disintrested in the subject of his name.
[16:31] Gekkonidae: I'm not sure how I got back here, suppose that it was the lich again.
[16:31] * Kraken lays down on the floor
[16:32] * Falerin pours a drink for Lkeas
[16:32] * Kraken sighs "im gonna need therapy after this
[16:32] Falerin: "The lich is definitely back here"
[16:32] Falerin: "But another of those creatures is..."
[16:32] * Lkeas licks her lips hesitantly, staring at the glowing substance
[16:32] Crash: I'll take some of that, Falerin.
[16:32] Falerin: "And this one is smarter"
[16:32] * Xforce looks at Falerin questioningly. "You said nothing in the nine hells was worse than this place?"
[16:32] Crash: Anything to clear my head, y'know?
[16:32] * Lkeas downs it all in one swallow
[16:32] Kraken: "ill take anything falerin you qualified as a therapist?"
[16:33] * Sacred hits Kraken over the head
[16:33] Sacred: That should do the trick..
[16:33] Kraken: "OW!"
[16:33] Xforce: I wouldn't bandy words concerning the nine hells lightly... they do contain some fairly horrible things...
[16:33] * Sacred sits down
[16:33] Crash: You should not stress.
[16:33] Crash: Enjoy what peace you have.
[16:33] Gekkonidae: Smarter than the lich?
[16:33] Falerin: "Help yourself.. bartender dutiey is over"
[16:33] * Kraken kicks Sacred"
[16:33] Gekkonidae: I wonder if those two are possibly rivals.
[16:33] Falerin: "I do not know that I would say that"
[16:33] Falerin: "but smarter then the previous shapeshifter:
[16:33] Gekkonidae: Allies?
[16:33] Xforce: "Shapeshifter?"
[16:33] Falerin: "He knows how we killed the other one"
[16:34] * Crash walks over to the bar and picks a random bottle. He pours a glass and starts to sip it down.
[16:34] Falerin: "And he will not fall for that trick"
[16:34] Gekkonidae: That's not good.
[16:34] Lkeas: how does he control our dreams?
[16:34] Falerin: "though he does generally operate the same way"
[16:34] Maxx: How was the other one killed?
[16:34] * Kraken gets up grabs a bottle of rum and plops back down on the floor with it
[16:34] Falerin: We made it kill its vessel
[16:34] Gekkonidae: So is the the lich or shapeshifter in the dreams?
[16:34] * Xforce reaches for a bottle with a cobwebby surface, inspects it, then pours himself a glass.
[16:34] Gekkonidae: And how did the shapeshifter find out?
[16:34] Falerin: That I do not know
[16:35] LordOuranos: How did you convince it to kill its own vessel?
[16:35] * Sacred frowns
[16:35] Falerin: Perhaps all of their kind are linked
[16:35] * Kraken chugs down the whole bottle
[16:35] Falerin: But its definitely the creature in the dreams
[16:35] Falerin: Morgan continues to offer freedom from his attacks
[16:35] Falerin: via death of course
[16:35] Xforce: Might you inform me just what exactly you are discussing?
[16:35] Lkeas: so then, the dream was about a singular creature after all? and not actually all of us?
[16:35] Maxx: So, we are seeing the murder through the eyes of the shapeshifter.
[16:35] Xforce: From what I gather, there is a creature of some sort chasing you?
[16:35] Falerin: Its not that easy
[16:35] * Kraken tosses the bottle and lays back down drunk
[16:35] Xforce: Or rather, chasing us...
[16:36] Falerin: The faceless creature you face can spread itself out among many
[16:36] Sacred: This creature...
[16:36] Lkeas: a faceless...
[16:36] * Falerin looks at the bar
[16:36] Falerin: "Another drink Caliban... your strongest"
[16:36] Falerin: "Drink Up everyone....."
[16:36] Sacred: This creature is adroit...
[16:36] * Falerin trails off not completing the phrase as he goes upstairs
[16:37] * Lkeas passes on the second round
[16:37] Maxx: Well, here we go again.
[16:37] Crash: Is Morgan not coming today?
[16:37] LordOuranos: enough drinking, besides, how are we going to get more alcohol once we drink all of this? Think about it.
[16:37] Falerin: He did...
[16:37] * Xforce sniffs at the contents of the latest round, then sips the drink cautiously.
[16:37] Maxx: He showed up earlier today.
[16:37] Falerin: it does not rain blood in Immertot normally
[16:37] Crash: I must be confusing myself then.
[16:37] * Falerin enters his room
[16:37] Xforce: Rain... blood?
[16:37] * Crash grabs a glass and drinks some of it. "Good luck." With that, he walks to his room and retires for the night.
[16:38] * Maxx walks upstairs to his room.
[16:38] * Xforce scracthes his head, mumbling something about Quetzolcoatl
[16:38] Sacred: Your confusing yourself? I always thought you as an astute individual...
[16:38] * Lkeas checks herself worriedly looking for stray spots of blood before settling into her bed
[16:38] Falerin: <Villagers Close Your Eyes>
[16:42] >Ambiance<: with a loud howl you flex your muscles alive and vibrant. The feeling of power fills your being. You are an unstobable force. A being older then time and you will do you masters service with glee. Cornering your victim you allow him to run and give chase.... before you jump over his head and with one swipe of your claw disembowel him
[16:43] >Ambiance<: you awake covered in fine droplets of blood
[16:43] *** Mode change "-v Kraken" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[16:43] >Ambiance<: Begin day 5 The number of the day is NaN
[16:44] >Ambiance<: The corpse of is hung his own intestines forming the noose... he hangs over the bar by the moose head
[16:44] * Lkeas jerks awake with a start and runs downstairs, fearing the worst
[16:44] * LordOuranos awakes.
[16:44] LordOuranos: What is that smell?
[16:45] * Crash rolls over in bed, and realizes he is STILL here. He slowly walks downstairs, realizing he is covered in blood and recalls his dream.
[16:45] * Maxx wakes and solumnly walks down the stairs to the common room.
[16:45] Caliban: you are covered in blood all of you....
[16:45] * Gekkonidae hears some fool thumping down the stairs and wakes up to wander down.
[16:45] * Lkeas climbs over the bar looking for more of the glowing liquor
[16:45] Caliban: please wash up instead of tracking blood thru....
[16:45] Shock: blood i belive...strange...morning all...
[16:45] * Xforce awakens in a supply closet, trying to rise from his cramped position. Blinking away the moisture covering his body, he pushes aside a mop and totters into the usptairs hallway
[16:45] * Genoclysm awakens, and goes to the commons room.
[16:45] Falerin: He has violated the inn itself
[16:45] Falerin: this is a first
[16:45] Falerin: The killings have always been left outside before
[16:45] *** Kayf|Shower is now known as Kayf.
[16:45] * Xforce blinks, looking at himself, then at the others
[16:46] Caliban: This is not good
[16:46] * Maxx looks at the body hanging over the bar and swears off drinking.
[16:46] LordOuranos: You see we are all covered in blood and you are only worried about the cleanlyness of your bar? This is a weird town
[16:46] * Gekkonidae goes to wash up.
[16:46] Falerin: Indeed not
[16:46] Lkeas: we can't just stay here waiting for the creature to slaughter us all one by one
[16:46] Gekkonidae: A message to us?
[16:46] Lkeas: we have to do something!
[16:46] Xforce: By the divine? What the hell happened after hours last night?
[16:46] Xforce: Why are all of you covered in blood?
[16:46] Crash: Things are getting worse. Oh joy. At least that bastard deserved the death.
[16:46] * Figure arrives
[16:46] Xforce: Why am *I* covered in blood?
[16:46] Figure: I can aid you
[16:46] * Crash grabs a bottle of alcohol not covered in blood and begins to drink it.
[16:47] LordOuranos: Hey, no one deserves to die. Even if they have a strange sheild fetish.
[16:47] * Xforce turns towards the figure, unconciously taking a step back
[16:47] Figure: I can eliminate the beasts influence
[16:47] Gekkonidae: Another one of these guys...
[16:47] Sacred: This thing....Its going to kill us off...
[16:47] Crash: It's the same one.
[16:47] Figure: Gecko!?
[16:47] Figure: What a pleasure.. to see you again...
[16:47] Xforce: ... who are you?
[16:47] Figure: I must say this is a pleasant surprise
[16:47] LordOuranos: You know him, gecko?
[16:47] Gekkonidae: The old one, apparently.
[16:47] Figure: I thought I left you with my General Analog
[16:47] Figure: How ever did you manage to get back to immertot
[16:47] Figure: Oh well no matter
[16:48] * Figure turns back to the assembled
[16:48] Gekkonidae: hm...
[16:48] Figure: "You need only ask me for help"
[16:48] Shock: hmm
[16:48] * Sacred walks up to the "figure"
[16:48] Sacred: We need help..
[16:48] LordOuranos: I do not wish for your help, as you are not willing to tell what the help entails
[16:48] Crash: No, Sacred.
[16:48] Shock: no we do not.
[16:48] Figure: You need help?
[16:49] Crash: I do not need help.
[16:49] Crash: You may want it.
[16:49] Figure: You wish my help Sacred?
[16:49] Crash: Speak for yourself.
[16:49] Shock: mabye YOU do.
[16:49] Sacred: Indeed I do...
[16:49] * Gekkonidae waits.
[16:49] Sacred: I do not wish to die..
[16:49] Lkeas: ...
[16:49] Gekkonidae: Be careful what you wish for is always sound advice.
[16:49] Figure: Your wish for my help is my command
[16:49] * Figure extends a single bone like finger from the robe
[16:49] Gekkonidae: Yep.
[16:49] >Ambiance<: The tip of morgans finger glows for a moment
[16:49] LordOuranos: Fine, Sacred can be a coward and bring about his own demise. But I am definitely not accepting your help.
[16:49] * Sacred stands
[16:49] *** Mode change "-v Sacred" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[16:50] *** Sacred has left #werewolf.
[16:50] *** Sacred has joined #werewolf.
[16:50] *** Mode change "+ao Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[16:50] * Figure casts finger of death
[16:50] Sacred: I had to leave
[16:50] * Xforce ponders the situation, scratching his marginally damp, blook soaked hair
[16:50] Sacred: Something came up..
[16:50] *** Sacred is now known as Sacred|BrB.
[16:50] * Figure gathers Sacred's corpse
[16:50] LordOuranos: Well, that is unfortunate
[16:50] * Falerin leaves with a flash
[16:51] Crash: Unfortunate? How so? He wanted to do it.
[16:51] Genoclysm: Falerin?! Where did he go?
[16:51] Lkeas: we are losing numbers fast, if we are to solve this mystery we must get started
[16:51] LordOuranos: Well, he could have taken the ripped up body with him, too.
[16:51] Xforce: What in the nine hells...?
[16:51] Falerin: "How unfortunate.. you seem to have lost your guide"
[16:51] Lkeas: we can't just stand here
[16:51] Morgan: "How unfortunate.. you seem to have lost your guide"
[16:51] Xforce: Did you just offer to help us, then suddenly slaughter that guy?
[16:51] Crash: This isn't good.
[16:52] Lkeas: that is his offer of help, Xforce
[16:52] Maxx: That is how he helps Xforce.
[16:52] Morgan: The beast will not kill hum now
[16:52] LordOuranos: He did what he was asked to do. Morgan did not turn upon anyone.
[16:52] Shock: he did help him
[16:52] Morgan: And he will not rise in the control of the forest
[16:52] Xforce: ... I... see...
[16:52] * Morgan takes the corpse
[16:52] Gekkonidae: "Help" and "escape" mean death.
[16:52] Gekkonidae: It's nothing new by now.
[16:52] Morgan: "Good luck to you.. Untill the morrow"
[16:52] Shock: i assume it was painless, yes?
[16:52] * Morgan vanishes
[16:52] * Lkeas peeks outside, hoping to see Falerin there
[16:52] LordOuranos: Wait, I thought you left, morgan?
[16:52] LordOuranos: oh well
[16:52] Crash: No.
[16:52] Crash: Falerin left.
[16:53] Crash: Which is a problem.
[16:53] LordOuranos: ah
[16:53] * Lkeas looks around the room
[16:53] Xforce: ...
[16:53] Lkeas: Caliban?
[16:53] LordOuranos: yes, that is a problem, but we still have caliban
[16:53] Xforce: Do any of you know where I might be able to clean up?
[16:53] Shock: we do?
[16:53] >Ambiance<: Falerin's Computer suddenly plays tiny [Weird Al Yankovic - Everything You Know Is Wrong] (3:49/128Kbps) mp3
[16:53] Crash: Xforce, look around for a sink or bathroom.
[16:53] Xforce: I'm not sure about you, but after waking up covered in blood, I'm feeling a powerful urge to get clean, somehow...
[16:54] LordOuranos: Me too
[16:54] *** Sacred|BrB is now known as Sacred.
[16:54] Lkeas: considering that even the microbes are undead... you might want to be careful which water you clean up with...
[16:55] * Xforce sighs, then begins exploring the inn in search of a bathroom, his voice trailing up the stairs. "I don't suppose they've invented indoor plumbing...?"
[16:55] Falerin: There is bath upstairs
[16:55] * Falerin reappears
[16:55] LordOuranos: ok, Falerin is back
[16:55] Lkeas: where did you go, Falerin?
[16:55] Crash: Or is he?
[16:55] LordOuranos: Where did you go, falerin?
[16:55] * Xforce gasps, clutching his chest
[16:55] Xforce: Gods, man - you almost gave me a heart attack!
[16:55] Falerin: I was about to attack the Lich
[16:55] Crash: Are we so sure this is Falerin and not a shapeshifter?
[16:55] Shock: Are you allright?
[16:56] Falerin: and knew that the fight that resulted would kill us all
[16:56] Falerin: So I left instead
[16:56] Lkeas: hmm.
[16:56] Falerin: To my room
[16:56] Falerin: upstairs
[16:56] Gekkonidae: Good question.
[16:56] LordOuranos: Well, I am not dead, so maybe you underestimated us
[16:56] Lkeas: so, what now?
[16:56] Falerin: I also never struck him
[16:56] Gekkonidae: Falerin, what is the name of the one Caliban serves?
[16:57] Falerin: Elran
[16:57] LordOuranos: Good question
[16:57] LordOuranos: Can you describe this deity for us?
[16:57] Falerin: Elran the inane
[16:57] Gekkonidae: I thought that it was Eldron.
[16:57] * Caliban shakes his fist at Falerin
[16:57] Caliban: It is
[16:57] Caliban: It is Eldron. Eldron the Good
[16:57] Caliban: He is mocking me
[16:57] Lkeas: heh.
[16:58] LordOuranos: So this is a good diety, can we meet him?
[16:58] Falerin: Whats some ribbing between friends
[16:58] * Xforce chuckles
[16:58] Crash: Friends?
[16:58] Caliban: Eldron tends to not make direct appearances
[16:58] Gekkonidae: Well, at least it's most likely not the shapeshifter, I think.
[16:58] Crash: I thought you two did not want to see each other when we first arrived here...
[16:58] LordOuranos: oh, well that is too bad
[16:58] Gekkonidae: When did you return, Caliban?
[16:58] Caliban: We did not
[16:59] Caliban: Because that meant that we both had been trapped here again Crash
[16:59] Crash: Ah yes.
[16:59] * Caliban turns to Geckkonidae
[16:59] Crash: Forgive me. My memory is weak as the stress from all tihs is great.
[16:59] Gekkonidae: hm... I thought that you had departed, though my memory is deceiving me.
[16:59] Caliban: I was free.. Eldron alerted me to the danger arising here
[16:59] Caliban: and I insisted he allow me to return
[16:59] Gekkonidae: ahh, right
[16:59] Xforce: I... see.
[16:59] Lkeas: yes, we are in quite real danger
[17:00] Lkeas: do we know yet the shapeshifter's motives?
[17:00] Xforce: So, you returned to this particular hellish distortion of reality.... willingly?
[17:00] *** Kraken is now known as Wes.
[17:00] *** Wes is now known as Kraken.
[17:00] Caliban: Feasting on the fallen
[17:00] >Ambiance<: A keening howl fills the bar....
[17:00] Gekkonidae: I'm still wondering how us apparently killing and devouring the victim can fill him.
[17:00] Caliban: "Spead up again...."
[17:00] Lkeas: but what does it have to do with the power surge?
[17:00] Caliban: "The Lich is active"
[17:00] LordOuranos: Well, what did this Eldron tell you that was convincing enough to make you want to come back to this dispicable place?
[17:01] LordOuranos: What were these dangers?
[17:01] Shock: What was that noise..
[17:01] Caliban: This place Ouranos has been my home
[17:01] Caliban: since my birth
[17:01] Caliban: "Its noon Shock"
[17:01] Lkeas: the undead return
[17:01] LordOuranos: Yes, but it has now been turned into a horrible prison
[17:01] Shock: oh
[17:01] Xforce: ... I... see...
[17:01] Caliban: "That noise means they come"
[17:01] * Maxx Finds an armchair in the corner to sit and think about this predicament.
[17:01] *** Mode change "+v Ryo" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[17:01] Shock: do we risk going outside?
[17:01] *** Mode change "+v Robert_Kepley" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[17:01] Crash: Well, we best go meet them.
[17:01] * Crash walks outside.
[17:01] *** Mode change "+v Kraken" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[17:02] Xforce: covered in blood?
[17:02] * Genoclysm goes outside.
[17:02] Xforce: Do you want to look more appetizing to them than you already do?
[17:02] Lkeas: hmm. good point...
[17:02] LordOuranos: Why not, no one dies when we talk to the zombies, Shock. Lets go
[17:02] * LordOuranos walks outside
[17:02] * Genoclysm runs back in.
[17:02] Xforce: ...
[17:02] Genoclysm: Better wash up.
[17:02] * Lkeas climbs upstairs to wash
[17:02] Xforce: this is... strange indeed
[17:02] Gekkonidae: You could have washed up first.
[17:02] *** Scary_Sarah has joined #werewolf.
[17:02] *** Mode change "+ao Scary_Sarah Scary_Sarah" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[17:02] Crash: I've gone too far.
[17:02] * Caliban gestures Cleansing them all
[17:02] LordOuranos: Oh, yes, I dont want blood on me.
[17:02] Shock: all...allright...the blood rain though...
[17:02] Xforce: ... many thanks, friend.
[17:02] Caliban: "Courtesy of the god of Good"
[17:02] * Genoclysm goes outside.
[17:03] * Lkeas slides down the banister and hops outside
[17:03] * LordOuranos quick runs back inside, washes up and then returns outside
[17:03] Crash: Remind me to thank him should we meet.
[17:03] * Xforce follows the rest outside cautiously
[17:03] * Crash stands outside waiting for them.
[17:03] * Shock makes his way towrds the entrance of the inn
[17:04] * Genoclysm hangs back, closer to the inn.
[17:04] LordOuranos: Well, shall we approach them?
[17:04] Lkeas: we should, i think
[17:04] Lkeas: we need answers
[17:04] Genoclysm: It would not be good should the blood come again.
[17:04] Lkeas: i can run fast :)
[17:04] Shock: yes..
[17:04] Shock: but..
[17:04] Xforce: They are zombies...
[17:04] Xforce: Can they really even speak?
[17:04] Shock: I..I think i will stay back a little...
[17:04] Crash: Have what fears you will.
[17:05] Crash: I will try and gather information.
[17:05] LordOuranos: Yes we do. I say we find Robert, he was the only one who didnt have it coming to him: the only true victim of our group.
[17:05] Lkeas: fine. you guys keep a look out for signs of the weather changing
[17:05] Crash: And Ryo did? He was innocent as well.
[17:05] * Lkeas walks up to the undead, searching for Falerin's wife
[17:05] Shock: Oh no, i am still going. However...
[17:05] Crash: Takun on the other hand, deserved it.
[17:05] LordOuranos: No, ryo was a mad, blood-thirsty man
[17:05] Shock: Oh fine...lets go...
[17:06] * Kraken pops up infront of Lkeas "hi there"
[17:06] Crash: Did you know him?
[17:06] Crash: No.
[17:06] Crash: You were not here to meet him before he died.
[17:06] Lkeas: oh hi, Kraken
[17:06] Crash: You met Takun.
[17:06] *** Mode change "+v-ao Sacred Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by Sacred.
[17:06] Lkeas: sorry about your death and all...
[17:06] LordOuranos: Well, we did meet Takun, and he did seem evil enough.
[17:06] Lkeas: we're trying to figure out how to avenge it, y'know, that sort of thing
[17:07] Xforce: Hello, twisted abominations that mock the living. I don't know you, and you don't know me. I'd prefer to kepe it that way.
[17:07] Shock: Well..well then..lets cut to the chase incase the rain happens again.
[17:07] Kraken: "it will all lead to death"
[17:07] LordOuranos: I say we talk to Robert because he seems the most innocent
[17:07] Lkeas: but can we not stop the shapeshifter, kraken?
[17:07] Kraken: "dont know"
[17:08] Shock: What happend when you died?
[17:08] Caliban: analogs can be the exact opposite in personality from each other
[17:08] LordOuranos: What did the shapeshifter look like, Kraken?
[17:08] Shock: What do you remember? anything?
[17:08] Crash: As Takun and Ryo were, Caliban.
[17:08] Kraken: "a big ugly hairy thing"
[17:08] Crash: Or as they seemed to be.
[17:08] Lkeas: how does he control our dreams? why does it seem as though all of US are the ones killing?
[17:08] Genoclysm: The beast seems to somehow act through us. Stopping it is a bit complicated I'd guess.
[17:09] Kraken: "dont know but
[17:09] Genoclysm: I'm not sure the dreams are dreams anymore.
[17:09] LordOuranos: "Hairy", that leans more to the canine-type beast kind of shape shifters. Was it a werewolf, Kraken?
[17:09] Lkeas: wait... isn't the beast a faceless?
[17:09] Crash: So, Genoclysm, you have seen the light as I was trying to help you into yesterday?
[17:09] LordOuranos: No, lkeas, I dont see where you would get any idea that it would be
[17:10] Shock: One can be faceless and not be a faceless.
[17:10] * Lkeas sighs
[17:10] Genoclysm: I saw it before then Crash.
[17:10] Crash: You saw the dream, but did not understand it. Did you?
[17:10] Kraken: me whispers to Lkeas "it had eyes the eyes of crash do not trust him"
[17:10] * Kraken whispers to Lkeas "it had eyes the eyes of crash do not trust him"
[17:11] Lkeas: how can that be, shock?
[17:11] Genoclysm: I understood it yesterday.
[17:11] Lkeas: doesn't everyone have a face?
[17:11] Shock: Well...
[17:11] Xforce: I think you misunderstand...
[17:11] Shock: depends what you call a face.
[17:12] Xforce: perhaps they mean to imply that the beast lacks an identity...
[17:12] Genoclysm: This beast, we fuse into it it seems. What kind of creature has that power?
[17:12] Shock: Shapeshifter do not
[17:12] Lkeas: a faceless would, geno...
[17:12] Xforce: if that is the case... then it is likely a symbiote or parasite of some sort...
[17:12] Shock: Hmm...
[17:12] Lkeas: but it is said... that a faceless cannot control an unwilling host...
[17:12] Xforce: A symbiote, then...
[17:13] Xforce: Unless, perhaps... the host was willing to surrender control.
[17:13] Crash: So, it had my eyes?
[17:13] Lkeas: we have all had dreams, Xforce...
[17:13] Caliban: Unwilling
[17:13] Xforce: Or willingly aids the creature... thouh I do not know why.
[17:13] Caliban: is relative
[17:13] *** Sacred has left #werewolf.
[17:13] *** Sacred has joined #werewolf.
[17:13] *** Mode change "+ao Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[17:13] Crash: I am the beast that will kill you all?
[17:13] LordOuranos: but how would the infected benifit from the faceless controlling them?
[17:13] Crash: Interesting.
[17:13] Lkeas: what do you mean, Caliban?
[17:13] Xforce: I do not know, Ouranos. I am as mystified as you.
[17:13] * Xforce eyes the undead uneasily
[17:14] Xforce: And more than a little uneasy with this situation...
[17:14] Genoclysm: Xforce, they are safe when blood is not near.
[17:14] * Sacred appears
[17:14] Shock: We dont seem to be getting anywhere special out here..
[17:14] * Lkeas turns to the undead
[17:14] Shock: Mabye we should go back inside...
[17:14] Lkeas: have any of you been to the source of the power surge in the middle of the forest?
[17:14] *** Mode change "+v-ao Sacred Sacred Sacred" for channel #werewolf by Sacred.
[17:14] Sacred: The power...
[17:14] LordOuranos: I still say we talk to Robert, he can give us a different perspective on these events
[17:15] * Sacred laughs
[17:15] Lkeas: what is funny?
[17:15] * Shock takes a step backwards...
[17:15] Xforce: Uhm... what the hell?
[17:15] LordOuranos: I am glad to see that you can still have a good time, being dead and all
[17:15] Xforce: Didn't you die a few minutes ago?
[17:15] Morgan: Nothing stays dead in immertot
[17:16] Lkeas: we must restore balance to the planes, how can we do so without investigating the power?
[17:16] Sacred: Everyone..
[17:16] Sacred: This power...
[17:16] Shock: Morgan...
[17:16] Genoclysm: Morgan, why have you come again?
[17:16] Crash: Do not listen to Sacred.
[17:16] Sacred: This power is great
[17:16] LordOuranos: Well, duh
[17:16] Crash: We must not become corrupt as he hads.
[17:16] * Shock takes another step back....
[17:16] Morgan: He asked me to take him here
[17:16] Morgan: So I did as he wished
[17:17] Robert_Kepley: Well, what do you want to know?
[17:17] Morgan: I am not some sort of tyrant
[17:17] Morgan: he wanted to aid his friends
[17:17] Morgan: So... I let him...
[17:17] Sacred: Corrupt?
[17:17] Sacred: No...
[17:17] * Xforce takes a step backwards from Sacred, twisting his lip into a derisive smile as bending his knees slightly, poised to run - should the need arise.
[17:17] Lkeas: Robert... we wish to know if the shapeshifter is indeed a faceless
[17:17] * LordOuranos recalls the old tales of genies who would grant wishes for people and fulfill their desires, yet somehow cause a horrible side effect and ruine the people's lives.
[17:17] Xforce: Is that really the case, Morgan?
[17:18] * LordOuranos is starting to see some similarities
[17:18] Robert_Kepley: He had Lkeas mouth
[17:18] Xforce: I would not trust... that creature, even if it took the shape of my own brother...
[17:18] Lkeas: i...
[17:18] *** Soulwraith has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[17:18] LordOuranos: oh, robert, so what did this creature look like to you?
[17:18] Sacred: Guys...
[17:18] * Shock takes yet another step back, this one much larger
[17:18] Sacred: This power...
[17:19] Robert_Kepley: Hmmm......
[17:19] LordOuranos: Was he in the form of a hairy beast, or did he take on some other guise?
[17:19] *** Ryo is now known as Takun.
[17:19] Sacred: I can't stop talking about this power..
[17:19] Shock: No you cant we can see that...
[17:19] Robert_Kepley: Just a second.....
[17:19] Xforce: Talk about it then... if it is all you can do...
[17:19] * Kraken sighs "all of you enjoy your lives while you have them"
[17:19] * Shock is haveing to nearly shout now due to his distance from the group
[17:20] * Lkeas looks at Caliban
[17:20] Lkeas: unwilling is relative?
[17:20] Crash: So it had my eyes and Lkeas' mouth? Sounds like we are being framed.
[17:20] Xforce: perhaps, Crash...
[17:20] Lkeas: the beast... it controls our dreams...
[17:20] Xforce: but as you said, we all have the dreams...
[17:20] LordOuranos: Or that it goes back to the theory that the monster is a creation and combination of all of us
[17:20] Lkeas: it could invade any one of us
[17:20] Kraken: "it changes its looks to each of us
[17:20] Morgan: It needs an entry way....
[17:20] Lkeas: if we let it...
[17:20] Morgan: The darkness is your own....
[17:20] * Maxx mutters something about "misdirection" from is chair in the inn.
[17:21] Maxx: *his
[17:21] Morgan: You are its gateway.....
[17:21] * Lkeas makes a decision
[17:21] * Xforce pauses, suddenly struck by a strange possibility
[17:21] Robert_Kepley: I honestly don't remember much.....
[17:21] *** Thrall has joined #werewolf.
[17:21] Robert_Kepley: Sorry guys
[17:21] *** Mode change "+ao Thrall Thrall" for channel #werewolf by SemiRPG.
[17:21] Crash: So we must all die for the good of tha land?
[17:21] *** Sacred has signed off IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Thrall)).
[17:21] LordOuranos: Well, that was worth the wait
[17:21] *** Thrall is now known as Sacred.
[17:21] Xforce: Morgan... this beast... it does not operate solely on the physical plane, does it?
[17:21] Xforce: After all, it has the power to control dreams...
[17:21] Morgan: Indeed not
[17:22] Morgan: In fact its own native form... is not physical at all
[17:22] * Lkeas nods
[17:22] Robert_Kepley: But I'll tell you what..... I will get back to you on the subject when I correctly remeber
[17:22] Xforce: If such is the case... then what protection does the simple stone and mortar of the inn provide?
[17:22] Morgan: None at all....
[17:22] * Shock walks back a little more
[17:22] * Morgan vanishes
[17:22] LordOuranos: Well, empathy is a power common to other beings than spirits. Telepaths, witches, wizards.... it is a common power
[17:22] Sacred: Guys, morgan gave me power...
[17:22] Genoclysm: Shelter from the rain. heh
[17:22] Sacred: Life..
[17:23] * Xforce applauds Sacred
[17:23] Xforce: can you create the world's smallest violin?
[17:23] Xforce: I would be glad to play it for you.
[17:23] *** Twiggy has joined #werewolf.
[17:23] * Lkeas is still wondering about the power imbalance...
[17:23] LordOuranos: I think Sacred has an addiction
[17:23] Sacred: No guys...
[17:23] Sacred: He GAVE me life
[17:23] Sacred: He gave me protection..
[17:23] Crash: You HAD life.
[17:23] Crash: I give up on this.
[17:23] LordOuranos: Life? But he killed you!
[17:23] Kraken: "i had life to"
[17:23] Crash: I am retiring to the Inn for now. Summon me if I am needed.
[17:24] Genoclysm: Sacred, I do not consider what you have to be "life"
[17:24] Xforce: Morgan... I have one additional question...
[17:24] * Crash walks towards the Inn and steps inside. He sits at a table and thinks about his life behind bars.
[17:24] Xforce: If the beast is intangible... then how are we to combat it?
[17:24] * Lkeas looks towards the forest, hoping to catch a glimpse of it
[17:24] LordOuranos: Well, you cant just make a crazy statement like that and not explain yourself, sacred
[17:24] LordOuranos: Why do you think he gave you life?
[17:25] Xforce: Oh...
[17:25] * Xforce sighs
[17:25] Xforce: He is gone...
[17:25] * Maxx mutters something about "balancing the equation" from his chair in the inn.
[17:26] LordOuranos: Well, I think all this stress has gone to Maxx's head, Xforce. I always notice him mumbling to himself. It is quite strange.
[17:26] Shock: well...nothing is happening out here that cannont happen in the inn no?
[17:27] Xforce: We may get eaten.
[17:27] LordOuranos: Are you suggesting that we go back?
[17:27] Xforce: if the blood rain returns...
[17:27] *** Mode change "-v Robert_Kepley" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[17:27] Lkeas: is Falerin still around? we should learn more about the power..
[17:27] Xforce: But the inn offers no protection from the beast...
[17:27] *** Mode change "-v Takun" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[17:27] LordOuranos: Well, I dont see why not.
[17:27] Sacred: This IS life....
[17:27] Xforce: we are in a difficult situation.
[17:27] Shock: yes..
[17:27] Shock: i am..
[17:27] LordOuranos: Lets go
[17:27] Xforce: back to the inn then...
[17:27] Xforce: At least there is alcohol there.
[17:27] Kraken: "goodbye"
[17:28] >Ambiance<: the Undead of immetot withdraw but Sacred remains unaffected
[17:28] * Shock walks back the 20 feet to the inn from where he was..
[17:28] LordOuranos: Hmmm
[17:28] * Lkeas gives up and starts walking back towards the in
[17:28] * Genoclysm heads back to the inn, pondering.
[17:28] Sacred: You see?
[17:28] LordOuranos: Sacred?
[17:28] Sacred: Its life..
[17:28] LordOuranos: You are not like them!
[17:28] Xforce: No... but I fear he is worse...
[17:28] LordOuranos: Either way, I dont trust Morgan.
[17:29] * Xforce trudges back to the inn, his eyes strangely distant, his mind lost in thought.
[17:29] LordOuranos: And I dont think he gave you life.
[17:29] Genoclysm: At least the others don't have a master.
[17:29] Sacred: Morgan will protect you..
[17:29] LordOuranos: Goodbye
[17:29] * LordOuranos walks to the inn
[17:29] Sacred: As he has protected me..
[17:29] *** Mode change "-v Kraken" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[17:29] * Lkeas plops down at the bar, grabs the bottle that the glowing liquor was in, and curses when she sees it's empty
[17:30] * LordOuranos walks to the big chair by the fire and sits down to contemplate these past events
[17:30] * Shock tells Lkeas that there is more in the back room
[17:30] * Falerin gestures at the bottle it refills
[17:30] Lkeas: thank you, Falerin
[17:30] Shock: Woah..
[17:31] Falerin: I am too lazy to go downstairs to the wine celar
[17:31] * Lkeas giggles
[17:31] * Falerin walks over to the fire
[17:31] Falerin: "
[17:31] Falerin: "We are doomed"
[17:31] * Crash picks up the drink he had last night and swishes it around. "Still good." With that, he gulps it down.
[17:31] Falerin: "all of us"
[17:31] Lkeas: why do you say that?
[17:31] Shock: Haveing a wizzard is nice..or whatever you may be..i have lost track..
[17:31] Lkeas: you mustn't give up Hope
[17:31] Crash: Yes, I sort of figured that, Falerin. I'm going to enjoy what life I have left though.
[17:31] Falerin: Does hope dwell within those who have had another faceless replace it?
[17:32] * Falerin coughs
[17:32] Lkeas: we all have the capacity for change...
[17:32] Falerin: "What does that mean":
[17:32] * Lkeas drowns herself in her mug
[17:32] Falerin: "where did that come from"
[17:32] * Falerin shudders
[17:32] Lkeas: not literally
[17:32] Crash: We will all die off. One by one. I feel sorry for those of us that last long.
[17:32] Crash: That is a miserable way to go.
[17:32] Genoclysm: Falerin, Falerin would not have you back here if there was nothing you could do.
[17:32] Falerin: "All of us have the capacity for change?"
[17:32] Falerin: "Ah...."
[17:33] Falerin: "Ah... yes...."
[17:33] LordOuranos: So what other powers do you have Falerin? You are unlike the priests I am used to; the only power they had was to feed me those Jesus-crackers and they had a strong sedative power whenever they would perform their sermons.
[17:33] Falerin: "Tell me.. do you trust me?"
[17:33] Lkeas: implicitly
[17:33] Xforce: As much as I trust anyone here... I guess.
[17:33] Falerin: Tommorow...
[17:33] Crash: We venture into the forest?
[17:33] Falerin: I am going to do something...
[17:33] Falerin: Do not try to stop me
[17:33] Falerin: Understand?
[17:33] Lkeas: why would we?
[17:33] Falerin: "Drink up people
[17:34] Falerin: "For tonight one of us dies"
[17:34] Genoclysm: You won't try to call the Devourer, will you?
[17:34] Xforce: hear hea...
[17:34] Crash: Aye. Let us get drunk in celebration of that poor bastard's final night!
[17:34] Shock: Attack the lich mabye...
[17:34] * Crash grabs a bottle and proceeds to sip it down.
[17:34] Xforce: Genoclysm, shut the maw up.
[17:34] *** Scary_Sarah is now known as Jenovas_Witness.
[17:34] * Lkeas cradles her mug thoughtfully
[17:34] *** Jenovas_Witness has left #werewolf.
[17:34] *** Takun is now known as Takun|Busy.
[17:35] * Crash gets up a short while later and tries to swagger toward his room. "Goodnight ya poor bastards."
[17:35] * Crash trips on the way and passes out on the floor.
[17:35] LordOuranos: Well, there is no need to die of alcohol poisoning and secure your spot as the one who dies.
[17:35] Falerin: <Villagers Close Your Eyes>
[17:37] *** Kraken is now known as Wes.
[17:39] >Ambiance<: You filet him with a claw into small steaks and cook them on the common room fire for breakfast...
[17:39] >Ambiance<: you awake to the smell of them finishing cooking.
[17:39] *** Mode change "-v dalefanwill" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[17:40] * Genoclysm awakens.
[17:40] Genoclysm: What is that smell?
[17:40] * Lkeas awakens slowly, a grin spreading slightly at the corners of her mouth
[17:40] *** Twiggy has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).
[17:40] * Lkeas 's grin suddenly disappears when she realizes she is still in the Inn
[17:40] * Shock hops out of bed, repulsed by the smell of to inn's air
[17:40] Xforce: I had the most interesting dream last... well... damn.
[17:40] LordOuranos: What the heck is going on!?
[17:40] * Maxx gets out of bed.
[17:41] * Gekkonidae goes to clean up upon waking up.
[17:41] Xforce: As if the supply closet wasn't bad enough... I have to deal with this now?
[17:41] * Lkeas runs downstairs, her mug sloshing in her hand
[17:41] Maxx: Must've fallen asleep in the chair. But, how did I get back up here?
[17:41] *** Mode change "+v Wes" for channel #werewolf by Falerin.
[17:42] * Maxx shrugs and meanders downstairs.
[17:42] Xforce: Lkeas... I don't know if you want to go there...
[17:42] * Lkeas skitters to a halt in front of the common room fire
[17:42] Xforce: Unless you are a cannibal...
[17:42] Xforce: it might be alright, then.
[17:42] Lkeas: i... i'm not hungry.
[17:42] * Lkeas chugs the glowing sludge at the bottom of her mug
[17:42] Xforce: Me either. I wonder why.
[17:43] LordOuranos: Oh, I am starving for breakfast. That was a weird dream
[17:43] Maxx: I think I'll pass on breakfast.
[17:43] Lkeas: don't do it!!
[17:43] * LordOuranos goes to the commons
[17:43] Shock: Dont do what?
[17:43] >Ambiance<: Falerin's Computer suddenly plays tiny [Farmer Boys - In My Darkest Hour] (4:08/192Kbps) mp3
[17:43] Xforce: ... wow, Gekkonidae is taking a ridiculously long time in the bathroom... what is she doing? Extracting herbal essences in the sink?
[17:43] * LordOuranos sees the gruesome event there and gasps in horror
[17:43] * Wes a person who looks much like Kraken walks into the inn
[17:43] * Xforce drops his jaw in alarm, then buries his hands in his face.
[17:44] Xforce: Okay, now the gods are just mocking us.
[17:44] LordOuranos: What is this? Were people eating others?
[17:44] LordOuranos: This is horrible!!!
[17:44] Shock: Im not...
[17:45] Shock: No idea what kind of evil being cooked those..
[17:45] LordOuranos: We dont need to eat each other, we have plenty of food.
[17:45] Genoclysm: Sickening.
[17:45] Shock: Nevermind kill the body.
[17:45] Xforce: Yet we all dreamed we did it...
[17:45] Xforce: did we not?
[17:45] * Wes the inn common room
[17:45] LordOuranos: Falerin probably has a whole storage of Jesus-crackers that we could eat. Sure it might still be canabalism, but only fictional.
[17:45] Lkeas: did we?
[17:45] Shock: Mabye we should all just let Morgan kill us...
[17:45] Xforce: We know exactly how it was done...
[17:45] * Gekkonidae stepped out a while ago, just wasn't seen ;)
[17:46] Shock: No..
[17:46] Shock: Cant..
[17:46] LordOuranos: And besides being a priest, Falerin is a magician, so he can make food magically appear
[17:46] Xforce: And where is this accursed music coming from, at any rate?
[17:46] * Falerin sits at the table waiting
[17:46] * Lkeas walks over to Falerin
[17:46] Lkeas: is it time?
[17:46] Shock: Hello Falerin...
[17:46] * Morgan appears with Sacred in tow
[17:46] Genoclysm: I would prefer the undeath of the forest than Morgan's.
[17:47] Sacred: Geno..
[17:47] Sacred: Look at me...
[17:47] Morgan: Good morning
[17:47] Gekkonidae: A new minion...
[17:47] * Sacred turns around
[17:47] Xforce: Hello... Falerin... I hope you haven't partaken of that... ah..."meal"...
[17:47] Shock: And hello morgan...
[17:47] Sacred: Morgan has given me new life...
[17:47] * Wes wakes up in a room gets up and heads downstairs seeing these people
[17:47] LordOuranos: Well, it is nice to see the face of death in the morning.
[17:47] Falerin: "Save your sales pitch Lich"
[17:47] >Ambiance<: Falerin's Computer suddenly plays tiny [Mest - Tonight Will Last Forever] (4:20/112Kbps) mp3
[17:47] Falerin: "I Accept"
[17:47] Lkeas: what??
[17:47] * Crash rolls over on the floor of the Inn, with a terrible hangover.
[17:47] LordOuranos: Kind of makes you realize the rest of the day can only get better.
[17:47] Shock: What?!?
[17:47] Crash: What's going on here?
[17:48] Genoclysm: I see.
[17:48] Lkeas: that was your plan?
[17:48] * Wes looks around "hi?"
[17:48] Morgan: "Wait what? You accept falerin?"
[17:48] Xforce: "You accept...?"
[17:48] Shock: Falerin...
[17:48] Xforce: Oh no... this can't be good...
[17:48] Shock: What will that help with?
[17:48] LordOuranos: Are you getting married?
[17:48] Falerin: "I Accept"
[17:48] Genoclysm: Falerin hopes to escape, and possibly get away from his deity.
[17:48] Crash: Fal accepts Morgan's offer?
[17:48] Crash: He said do not try to stop him.
[17:48] Wes: "hello?"
[17:48] Gekkonidae: Fal asked us not to intefere, though it should be interesting...
[17:48] Crash: Indeed.
[17:49] Lkeas: but Falerin... won't the deity just bring you back? you cannot escape by dying...
[17:49] * Crash rubs his head and wishes he had something to cure his hangover.
[17:49] Sacred: Morgan can help you guys..
[17:49] Shock: He wont be dead Lkeas...
[17:49] Crash: Ugh....You people don't follow too well, do you? He said let him do it.
[17:49] Sacred: As he helped me...
[17:49] LordOuranos: He is a god, falerin! You cant escape his power!!
[17:49] Crash: Let's just see what happens.
[17:49] * Morgan points at Falerin and casts finger of death
[17:49] Genoclysm: This method may help him escape his deity, and that would be bad.
[17:49] * Lkeas throws her hands in the air
[17:49] Lkeas: i trust you
[17:49] * Falerin vanishes
[17:49] * Falerin reappears wearing a suit
[17:50] Lkeas: hmm.
[17:50] * Wes walks by Lkeas
[17:50] Falerin: "Did you just try to finger of death my avatar Osiris"
[17:50] Crash: He didn't try to.
[17:50] Crash: He DID.
[17:50] Falerin: "You did right... you cast finger of death on my Avatar"
[17:50] Gekkonidae: If the avatar Fal really did permanently disappear, it would imply that Morgan was more powerful.
[17:50] Lkeas: yeah... he did.
[17:50] Gekkonidae: I think.
[17:50] LordOuranos: Osiris, who is this now?
[17:50] Xforce: Osiris?
[17:50] Crash: Is that good or bad, Gecko?
[17:51] Xforce: Morgan is... Osiris?
[17:51] * Lkeas sighs
[17:51] Gekkonidae: I'm waiting to hear more; I don't know.
[17:51] Xforce: This... explains much.
[17:51] Falerin: "His name is actually Morgan Orisis"
[17:51] Falerin: "But I mock him by calling him Osiris"
[17:51] Falerin: "As I think its apropo"
[17:51] * Lkeas laughs, "Quite."
[17:51] Morgan: Evil gods play with their playthings....
[17:52] Morgan: But in this case you cannot blame me Falerin
[17:52] Morgan: Your Mirror asked me to kill him
[17:52] Morgan: Did he?
[17:52] * Morgan looks arround
[17:52] * Wes sits down still confused as to whats happening
[17:52] Falerin: "Interesting...."
[17:52] Falerin: "You suppose that matters really?"
[17:52] Falerin: "Did he indeed ask this of Morgan people"
[17:53] Falerin: "Save me some time and provide the answer"
[17:53] Lkeas: yes... he told us to trust him..
[17:53] * Sacred is silent
[17:53] * Xforce runs one hand through his hair, wondering what exactly he should say
[17:53] Genoclysm: He only said "I accept"
[17:53] Crash: I'm not sure we should answer you.
[17:53] Genoclysm: He did not specify.
[17:53] Maxx: He accepted Morgan's offer of "help".
[17:53] Falerin: Indeed.....
[17:53] Crash: Well, there goes any leverage we had.
[17:53] Lkeas: leverage? why would you need leverage over the god of evil?
[17:54] Maxx: Although, he did not ask to die.
[17:54] Wes: "i was not here so i do not know i dont even know whats going on
[17:54] Lkeas: that's true, maxx
[17:54] Xforce: I would want no leverage there...
[17:54] Crash: Didn't you just explain it yourself?
[17:54] Falerin: Well... I know very well people will just be pulled back in the future but I am not about to let the lich raise my Avatar as undead or interfere with him in anysuch way
[17:54] Falerin: By order of the farpoint directive I evict all of you from the realm of Caelestia.....
[17:54] * Falerin gestures his hands rapidly and the inn spins away......
[17:54] LordOuranos: What?
[17:54] LordOuranos: We are free?
[17:54] * Xforce looks extremely panicked
[17:54] >Ambiance<: Game Over (NOT)