Terrorism on IRC
From Caelwiki
- [19:06] *** NOVA has joined #755.
- [19:06] *** ndog1 has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
- [19:06] bob: huh
- [19:06] bob: NOVA?
- [19:06] CircaSurvivr: NOVA .......
- [19:06] NOVA: Harry Nolan
- [19:06] CircaSurvivr: not him......
- [19:06] NOVA: where is he
- [19:06] bob: who?
- [19:06] CircaSurvivr: up ur but
- [19:06] NOVA: we are looking for a Harry Nolan
- [19:06] CircaSurvivr: ur evil guys dont tell him !
- [19:06] Lkeas: don't know who you're talking about
- [19:06] Fayt: nova?
- [19:06] FreindlyProtector: They say you're evil NOVA.
- [19:06] bob: no
- [19:06] bob: nothing
- [19:06] Fayt: medievley evil
- [19:06] bob: you learn nothing
- [19:06] FreindlyProtector: Is it true?
- [19:06] *** Genoclysm has joined #755.
- [19:07] bob: dont say anything you will regret
- [19:07] CircaSurvivr: he has been ...... figuring out who peopel are
- [19:07] Fayt: harry nolan?
- [19:07] FreindlyProtector: I usually don't.
- [19:07] CircaSurvivr: he knows a lot about some people
- [19:07] LordBarrius: Hm.
- [19:07] Fayt: nalon yrrah?
- [19:07] CircaSurvivr: who is henry?
- [19:07] Genoclysm: NOVA, what is your goal?
- [19:07] CircaSurvivr: he is gone
- [19:07] CircaSurvivr: or he is just typing something really really long
- [19:08] NOVA: We told you, we want Harry Nolan
- [19:08] bob: to make people happy
- [19:08] bob: no
- [19:08] Lkeas: why do you want this person?
- [19:08] CircaSurvivr: well we dont know NOVA !
- [19:08] Fayt: i bet its an imposter
- [19:08] CircaSurvivr: so he can take him
- [19:08] CircaSurvivr: remember llkeas
- [19:08] bob: and dont say anything you will regret, it will be use agenst you.
- [19:08] CircaSurvivr: dind't he get info bout poeple
- [19:08] LordBarrius: They want to silence him, clearly.
- [19:08] NOVA: Blade_fighter
- [19:08] Lkeas: but what has he done?
- [19:08] Genoclysm: What do you want him for, and what info can you provide about him?
- [19:08] bob: you have the right to remain silent
- [19:08] bob: (:
- [19:08] FreindlyProtector: Can I join you NOVA?
- [19:08] NOVA: this is his name on the interweb
- [19:08] NOVA: We wish to speak with him
- [19:08] Lkeas: why?
- [19:08] bob: he has not shown up here
- [19:08] CircaSurvivr: NOVA he obviou8sl;y isn't here
- [19:09] CircaSurvivr: or either he is scare dof you
- [19:09] Genoclysm: What do you want to speak to him about?
- [19:09] *** Silence has joined #755.
- [19:09] CircaSurvivr: probaly wants to threaten him
- [19:09] bob: i log EVERYTHING that happens here. i would know
- [19:09] NOVA: Circa Survivor
- [19:09] kingk: you aren tnova your a guy trying to find someone you knoe
- [19:09] CircaSurvivr: maybe henry ...know to much
- [19:09] NOVA: we also wish to speak with this person
- [19:09] bob: no you dont
- [19:09] CircaSurvivr: who?
- [19:09] Lkeas: ...
- [19:09] NOVA: Circa Survivor
- [19:09] CircaSurvivr: why?
- [19:09] LordBarrius: Hm.
- [19:09] Genoclysm: What happened involving Circa?
- [19:09] bob: no such person
- [19:09] CircaSurvivr: what do i have to do with this?
- [19:09] bob: you dont
- [19:09] bob: thats not your name
- [19:09] CircaSurvivr: im just gonna rebel against to you to hwat i think
- [19:10] bob: good thinking
- [19:10] Fayt: o mai god
- [19:10] LordBarrius: Heh. They're picking names from the thread....
- [19:10] CircaSurvivr: and how does he know my forum name ?
- [19:10] Fayt: kinda obvious
- [19:10] CircaSurvivr: lol oh yea
- [19:10] CircaSurvivr: well NOVA whyt dont you pay a visit and post ?
- [19:10] Genoclysm: "hmmm... maybe I'm temping fate, but lets test this. NOVA is evil! "
- [19:10] kingk: this is his whois you guys
- [19:10] kingk: NOVA is NOVA@Caelestia-5BE10461.dyn.centurytel.net * NOVA
- [19:10] kingk: NOVA on #755 #NOVA
- [19:10] kingk: NOVA using Aurora.Caelestia.net Caught in the dazzling lights of the Aurora
- [19:10] kingk: NOVA End of /WHOIS list.
- [19:10] kingk: -
- [19:10] Genoclysm: ^^ that rings a bell.
- [19:11] CircaSurvivr: NOVA isn't the ultimate evil thoghu
- [19:11] bob: i will log this...dont say anything that could be used in a leagal debate NOVA....
- [19:11] bob: WE hold the upper hand
- [19:11] NOVA: We have no response from the user
- [19:11] FreindlyProtector: Can I join NOVA, NOVA?
- [19:11] NOVA: why is this?
- [19:11] CircaSurvivr: what do you mean NOVA me ?
- [19:11] CircaSurvivr: which useer?
- [19:12] NOVA: we wish to speak with you
- [19:12] NOVA: you
- [19:12] CircaSurvivr: how ?
- [19:12] *** Crash has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
- [19:12] bob: dont
- [19:12] bob: talk
- [19:12] NOVA: we have sent you a message
- [19:12] bob: to
- [19:12] bob: him
- [19:12] CircaSurvivr: how without all these people ?
- [19:12] NOVA: please respond
- [19:12] CircaSurvivr: my inbox ?
- [19:12] FreindlyProtector: I think you should atleast talk to him?
- [19:12] kingk: i am amember why havent i been informed about this?
- [19:12] Fayt: resist
- [19:12] NOVA: you are no such thing
- [19:12] CircaSurvivr: i don't have anytihng in my inbox from the forums
- [19:12] CircaSurvivr: i am such thing....
- [19:12] kingk: yes i am i was sent a message allowing me into nova
- [19:13] NOVA: very well
- [19:13] CircaSurvivr: argh..........
- [19:13] NOVA: if you wish do not speak with us
- [19:13] CircaSurvivr: I hate you........
- [19:13] CircaSurvivr: u haven't sent me a message !!
- [19:13] Fayt: fight the power
- [19:13] bob: then dont
- [19:13] CircaSurvivr: al lies !
- [19:13] kingk: is there a red blinking thing uptop off your screen that saiys NOVA circa?
- [19:13] Genoclysm: NOVA, what is it you wish to be known? What is the ultimate goal that you strive for?
- [19:13] bob: dont talk to him
- [19:14] bob: we dont need his knolegde
- [19:14] CircaSurvivr: no king
- [19:14] CircaSurvivr: there is no re dlight on top of the irc chat page
- [19:14] bob: nova picked the wrong guy
- [19:14] kingk: then perhaps do you have an email address?
- [19:14] bob: he is new to IRC
- [19:14] CircaSurvivr: he can't know my e-mail address
- [19:14] Genoclysm: For there to be trust in NOVA, or any kind of faith at all, then we need to know their goal and motives.
- [19:14] NOVA: the warriors of today will be the lost tomorrow
- [19:14] CircaSurvivr: it is impossible
- [19:14] Lkeas: circa, they can private message you in IRC
- [19:15] CircaSurvivr: for i have nothing to do with this
- [19:15] NOVA: is that so?
- [19:15] Fayt: what the?
- [19:15] kingk: if he ahs your members page in the forums he does
- [19:15] NOVA: <posts Circa Survivor's email>
- [19:15] NOVA: NOVA knows all
- [19:15] Lkeas: what's that for? is that how we contact you?
- [19:15] Fayt: lol
- [19:15] CircaSurvivr: geese.......
- [19:15] CircaSurvivr: omg
- [19:15] CircaSurvivr: get out !!
- [19:15] CircaSurvivr: leave me alone !!
- [19:15] kingk: no thats circas email
- [19:15] Lkeas: grr.
- [19:15] bob: huh?
- [19:15] Lkeas: you shouldn't have posted that here NOVA
- [19:15] CircaSurvivr: please dont NOVA ! how did you know ??
- [19:15] Fayt: go away nova person
- [19:15] CircaSurvivr: im scared
- [19:15] bob: lol
- [19:15] LordBarrius: Hm.
- [19:15] Lkeas: don't listen to them Circa they're just trying to intimidate you
- [19:16] CircaSurvivr: please NoVA il stop
- [19:16] bob: nova saw you memver page
- [19:16] bob: in the fourms
- [19:16] NOVA: Good, you will stop
- [19:16] Fayt: in the words of max, kill nova
- [19:16] bob: relax
- [19:16] kingk: if you have it in your members page in the forums all he has to do is press email
- [19:16] CircaSurvivr: ok llkeas i beleive in you
- [19:16] bob: its on your member page
- [19:16] FreindlyProtector: What is NOVA?
- [19:16] CircaSurvivr: a sicko
- [19:16] NOVA: you will stop speaking lies about us
- [19:16] bob: i know you e-mail as well
- [19:16] Genoclysm: NOVA can't be good if they use scare tactics.
- [19:16] CircaSurvivr: that is who he is
- [19:16] Lkeas: what lies?
- [19:16] bob: there are no lies
- [19:16] FreindlyProtector: This board seems to be filled with lies.
- [19:16] bob: we simply recored
- [19:16] LordBarrius: Lies....Truths....
- [19:16] CircaSurvivr: omg NOVA dont give everyone my e-mai laddress !!
- [19:16] bob: we do not make anything NEW
- [19:16] Lkeas: how can we know what the lies are if you won't tell us the truth?
- [19:16] CircaSurvivr: how did he know ?!
- [19:17] NOVA: we will not help the wicked
- [19:17] bob: i knew your e-mail
- [19:17] CircaSurvivr: lkeas ho did he know is part of the staff ???
- [19:17] bob: its called you user page
- [19:17] CircaSurvivr: im srry NOVA
- [19:17] Lkeas: "wicked" is a relative term
- [19:17] NOVA: have a great day
- [19:17] kingk: i am not wicked
- [19:17] Genoclysm: NOVA, you are wicked.
- [19:17] bob: bye
- [19:17] *** NOVA has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).