Sets and Sensibility

From Caelwiki

[01:47] >Ambiance<: A bright light suddenly appears in the heavens and brings light to the channel stunning all in its brilliance
[01:48] >Ambiance<: A chorus of angels appears from within the light with lyres and harps.
[01:48] * ChorusOfAngels begin to sing.....
[01:48] ChorusOfAngels: Halelujah he is coming.. Oh glorious day Aaaaaaaaaaleluia....
[01:48] >Ambiance<: The channel is shaken by the a great stone door dropping from the sky.
[01:48] >Ambiance<: The door opens to reveal Falerin standing on the other side.
[01:48] *** Falerin has joined #755.
[01:48] *** Mode change "+o Falerin" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[01:48] * Falerin turns and looks at the angels.
[01:48] Falerin: That was great you can go now.
[01:48] * Falerin turns back to the channel with a smirk and asks "So anyone miss me?"
[01:48] Sonic12040: Hello Falerin!
[01:49] Lkeas: Greetings, LoreMaster :)
[01:49] Sonic12040: We've been talking about sets and cardinality.
[01:49] Lkeas: yes, perhaps you could comprehend Sonic's ideas as my brain has turned to mush
[01:50] Sonic12040: I am theorizing that the three polygonal runes have the sets {Earth, Sol, Zeta Reticuli} and {+, -, 0} (since order doesn't matter in sets)
[01:50] Falerin: Why do we believe the runes use set theory at all?
[01:51] Lkeas: can you use cardinality without sets?
[01:51] Falerin: The runes have cardinality?
[01:51] * Lkeas sighs
[01:51] Sonic12040: We don't know.
[01:52] Falerin: No you cannot use cardinality without sets
[01:52] Lkeas: it's all from Maxwell's silly comment, "Let's go Cardinals!"
[01:52] Lkeas: he probably sent us on a wild goose chase didn't he
[01:52] Falerin: LOL
[01:52] Falerin: Were the Cardinals playing at the time?
[01:52] Falerin: Either Cardinals? Football or Baseball?
[01:52] Sonic12040: No. I had just asked a lot of questions.
[01:53] Falerin: Well then
[01:53] Falerin: perhaps...
[01:53] Falerin: Especially if he knew about the previous conversation about ordinals and cardinals in channel
[01:53] Falerin: it could be....
[01:53] Falerin: Or it could be absolutely nothing at all
[01:54] Sonic12040: Lkeas, what day was the cardinals talk?
[01:54] Lkeas: a few days after maxwell posted that comment, if i recall... :P
[01:54] Sonic12040: Ok, so he posted it before the chat.
[01:54] Sonic12040: (the 20th of October)
[01:55] Lkeas: the chat was on the 20th?
[01:55] Lkeas: maxwell posted on the 19th
[01:55] Lkeas: were the Cardinals playing on the 19th?
[01:56] Sonic12040: The Arizona Cardinals did, but Maxwell lives in Wisconsin and isn't a football fan if I remember correctly.
[01:57] Sonic12040: If it is also of note, Phoenix had posted something before Maxwell, but his post is no longer there.
[01:57] Sonic12040: I don't remember the post content though.
[01:58] Falerin: There were actually two conversations about cardinals and ordinals in channel.. one very basic when discussing aleph null and the meaning of it
[01:58] Falerin: and the other very involved
[01:58] Falerin: where I explained degrees of infinity
[01:59] Falerin: In a hugely professorial way
[01:59] Falerin: Oh dear
[01:59] Lkeas: that's right... regardless of maxwell's comment, seeker posted aleph null ages ago
[01:59] Falerin: tis 5pm
[01:59] Sonic12040: What is scheduled for 5?
[01:59] Falerin: 12 hours from here
[01:59] Falerin: Which means its 5am here
[02:00] Falerin: And thus I am up way to late
[02:00] Sonic12040: Yeah, it's only 4AM here.
[02:00] * Falerin will probably try to run the session missed today tommorow afternoon/early evening if players exist
[02:01] * Lkeas will be out of town but hopes it will be a good one
[02:01] Sonic12040: I'm sure someone will log it.
[02:01] Falerin: If players do not exist I will likely end up distracted
[02:01] Lkeas: someone(s) XD
[02:01] Falerin: By mid to late evening I definitely WILL be
[02:01] Falerin: And by tommorow
[02:01] Falerin: I actually mean today
[02:02] Lkeas: get some sleep, LoreMaster
[02:02] Falerin: Tommorow Saturday I will likely be otherwise occupied but then.. I will keep tryimg each day untill it does happen
[02:02] Falerin: May end up being sunday again
[02:02] Sonic12040: Ok.
[02:02] Falerin: as that worked out last week
[02:02] Falerin: We shall see when people are here
[02:02] Lkeas: :)
[02:02] Sonic12040: Falerin, do you think our interpretation of Maxwell's comment is wrong?
[02:03] * Falerin smiles but says nothing
[02:03] *** Falerin has left #755.
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