Session XVIII
From Caelwiki
[21:15] <>Ambiance<> The door to Davids room closes silently and David steps back and collapses on the couch
[21:15] <David> "I am not sure what to do about him. I am even more concerned about what to do about the Prophet and Ryuusei"
[21:18] <Jeice> You don't know any way that we can help him?
[21:18] <David> "I do not even know what is wrong with him Jeice"
[21:18] <David> "How can I know how to help him"
[21:18] * Avarie shudders at the mention of the latter name. With difficulty she tries to summon her voice. "Where is Lkeas?"
[21:19] <David> "I also am not gravely convinced I should help him"
[21:19] <David> "The guy tried to kill me twice"
[21:19] <David> "And wanted to assassinate my brother"
[21:19] * Ester looks at Diviara, and sighs
[21:19] * Hadin grumbles mightily. "Well, you might not, but...damn it all. Talo-Toecan, this is an outright mess!"
[21:19] <David> "It does not instill heartwarming feelings toward him":
[21:19] <Jeice> I think I know what he did to cause this David. He used his energy to help someone.
[21:20] <Jeice> Odd I know, but he did this to himself for a good perpose.
[21:20] * LordBarrius nods slowly. "I can understand that. But letting him die doesn't feel right either."
[21:20] * Avarie gazes at the form of Diviara, unsure of what to do.
[21:20] <David> How very uncharacteristic. I somehow doubt my altruism has an infectious effect upon him. Trust if he is doing something of that nature it is because doing so serves his purposes in some way.
[21:20] <Hadin> "A someone quite dear to me, actually."
[21:20] * Ester looks around, "It seems we must pick the lesser of two evils..."
[21:21] * Nicholas sighs helplessly.
[21:22] <David> Evil is relative
[21:22] * Hadin grumbles. "Talo-Toecan wouldn't ask any idle favors of such, I would save his life."
[21:22] * David stares out his window....
[21:22] <Ester> It's an expression...
[21:22] <Jeice> He seemed genuinely concerned about Useless.
[21:22] * David holds his head moaning
[21:22] <Jeice> Are you alright David?
[21:22] * Hadin glances at David. "Something wrong, lad?"
[21:22] <Ester> You alright?
[21:23] * Avarie looks at David, concerned. "Yes, are you quite all right?"
[21:23] * LordBarrius turns his head towards David, a bit of concern reflecting in his gaze.
[21:23] <David> "I am stressed... and I am tired. And I have not eaten since he arrived 3 days ago"
[21:23] <Rimblade> If you don't know what to do next, then you should get some rest.
[21:24] <Gilphon> Or at least eat something
[21:24] <Ester> You should eat. Get your strength back.
[21:24] * Hadin smacks his cane into the ground. "Then for the Lords sake, lad, go and eat! I'll stay and try to think of something...I hope..."
[21:24] <David> I was hoping one of you would have a briliant Idea as you know him.. I was also hoping Randall was with you
[21:24] <David> That computer of his would make things somewhat easier
[21:25] <Ester> Yeah, it would, wouldn't it?
[21:26] <Jeice> He seems to either have used too much energy, or used his very life force to heal and change Useless. He said the magic was pretty much lost to them.
[21:26] <Jeice> Lost to the Brilhado I mean.
[21:26] <Gilphon> Hmm... Maybe someone could give they're life force to him...
[21:27] <Rimblade> The Brilhado are creatures of the Light lord, or were at one time, were'nt they? Healing should come naturally...
[21:27] <Ester> Wouldn't that take advanced magic? Not to mention a sacrifice...
[21:27] <Jeice> I'm not entirely sure how to go about doing that, and this world has rather strict magic laws Gliphon.
[21:27] <Gilphon> if any of us care that much about him, that is.
[21:28] <Hadin> "Healing...doesn't change Artifice in such a manner. Nay, I don't even think Talo-Toecan is really bound by that term anymore...but I don't know what else to call him."
[21:28] * Avarie looks about her, far out of her element.
[21:28] <Gilphon> in any case, it wouldn't have to be all of it, just enough
[21:28] * Ester heads toward the door, "Excuse me, I'll return as soon as I can."
[21:29] * Ester leaves
[21:29] * LordBarrius frowns a little. "The laws of magic here are different, Gilphon. We don't know what we can and can't do."
[21:29] <David> "That would just result in someone else dying in his place"
[21:29] <David> "That is not a real solution"
[21:29] * Nicholas looks down at his feet. "I would be willing to give up my life to save his..."
[21:29] <Jeice> What about a phoenix David?
[21:29] <>Ambiance<> The apartment is filled by a buzz
[21:30] <Gilphon> what's that?
[21:30] * David walks over to the far wall
[21:30] <David> "Who is it"
[21:30] * Hadin glances up, realizing that he has been tapping his cane in thought for quite some time now...
[21:30] <Voice> One sec Doc...
[21:30] <Voice> It's Glenn
[21:31] <David> "You got ahold of Dr. Jardis?!"
[21:32] <Voice> "yeah she is on her way from pennsylvania"
[21:32] <David> "Great!?"
[21:32] <David> "Come on up the door is unlocked...."
[21:33] <Voice> "You really need to tighten security David you live near the river. It's not Soho"
[21:33] <>Ambiance<> The voice ends and shortly knocking is heard at the door
[21:34] * LordBarrius turns his gaze to the door but remains quiet, content to observe.
[21:34] * David opens the door to reveal the form of Galrick standing beyond the door. At least he looks like Galrick his haircut is different and he is dressed in casual dress pants and a black button downshirt holding a silver tipped cane
[21:34] * Rimblade turns his gaze to the door, but remains uncharacteristically silent, content to be confused.
[21:35] * Hadin keeps tapping his cane on the floor, glancing between Diviara's form and a point somewhere in the air. In his mind, he is alternatively asking for, then cursing, his little ferretine creation...
[21:35] <David> "Heya Glenn come in"
[21:35] * Glenn enters
[21:35] <Glenn> Who are your friends
[21:35] * Nicholas looks up.
[21:35] <Rimblade> Galrick?
[21:36] <Gilphon> That is a very long story, Glenn
[21:36] <David> Er.. these are the aliens from another dimmension I told you about
[21:36] * Avarie looks at Glenn with a glimmer of recognition in her eyes.
[21:36] * LordBarrius chuckles at David's comment. "Aliens, eh? You can call me Barrius."
[21:36] <Gilphon> wait, he knows about us?
[21:36] <Gilphon> Well, whatever, I'm Gilphon
[21:37] <Glenn> "They do not look very alien to me. Though they do speak an odd language. Is Galrick your world's version of hello?"
[21:37] <Jeice> You look familiar Glenn. Do you have analogs that you know, or is David alone in that?
[21:37] * Rimblade startles, still staring at Glenn. "What? Oh, no. Sorry. Hello and whatnot."
[21:37] <Glenn> "Glenn Richard Jamieson"
[21:37] <Gilphon> Galrick is the name of someone we know
[21:37] * Hadin mumbles softly, not really taking his focus off of his twin distractions. "Er...I'm Hadin...forgive the distraction..."
[21:37] <Glenn> "A pleasure to be of your aquantaince"
[21:38] <Jeice> You look like a friend of ours whose name is Galrick.
[21:38] <Rimblade> So, why were you calling a doctor?
[21:38] * Avarie smiles politely. "I am Avarie. It's a pleasure to meet you."
[21:38] <Nicholas> "Forgive my rudeness." turns to Glenn "Hello, you can call me Nicholas."
[21:39] <David> "Glenn" is an associate professor over at NYU in the department of Magical Health Issues. He taught my Cryptobiological Seminar last year. We also are old roommates"
[21:39] <Rimblade> Have you called him here to look at Diaviara?
[21:40] <Glenn> "I have already seen the Malach"
[21:40] * Avarie 's brow creases with confusion. "Malach?"
[21:40] * Rimblade doesn't even have to pretend ignorance at this point. "Er... the Mala-what?"
[21:41] <Glenn> "Homo Sapiens angelicus"
[21:41] <Rimblade> Ah. Brihillado.
[21:41] <Glenn> "Malach means messenger in hebrew it was their word for angel"
[21:41] <Glenn> "Anyway..."
[21:42] <Glenn> "I saw him but his problem is not magical"
[21:42] <Glenn> "His lifeforce is actually interupted..... there appears to be neurological damage as a result of that redirection too"
[21:42] <Rimblade> Can it be fixed? Is that why you're calling in a doctor, then?
[21:42] <Glenn> "So I called in a Colleague who used to Work at Johns Hopkins... Dr. Amelie Jardis"
[21:42] * Hadin glances up at the mention of Diviara's condition. "Oh? Damn...I wish I could avoid little Talo-Toecan hearing of that..."
[21:43] <Glenn> "She works in Pennsylvania now at Orphic Academy for the Gifted"
[21:45] <Rimblade> Indeed? Do you have some operation in mind to treat the patient?
[21:45] <David> "Her speciality is Neurobiology and neurology....."
[21:45] * LordBarrius frowns at the conversation but keeps his thoughts to himself.
[21:45] <David> "Particularly in being of extranormal gifts"
[21:46] <Gilphon> Well, she should be just the person we need.
[21:46] <David> "She refuses to Apport though. She has a deadly phobia of falling out of the transport and being stuck in the barrier between worlds"
[21:47] <Rimblade> Is that a common occ... no, obviously not, otherwise nobody will use it. So she won't be here anytime soon.
[21:47] <David> "Which means she uses entirely mundane transport and means she had to dedicate several days instead of several hours to consult. we did not know if she would come"
[21:47] <Gilphon> so, what do we do until she gets here?
[21:47] <Glenn> "Well no worries. She is..."
[21:47] <Jeice> Well it seems that all we can do about this is to rely on the doctor. There are other problems we have to deal with however, and we might be able to do something about them.
[21:48] <Rimblade> Yes, Cartwright, first and foremost, eh?
[21:48] * Avarie shudders again, a hint of panic in her eyes. "I would not like to deal with that person again."
[21:48] <Gilphon> or perhaps the dark analogs?
[21:48] <Glenn> Cartwright?
[21:48] <Rimblade> Yes, do you know a Ryuusi Cartwright?
[21:49] <David> "Er... an unpleasant fellow. I really wanted to keep you out of it...."
[21:49] <Hadin> "Perhaps...perhaps not. It would depend on if a certain ferret might be able to shed more light on Diviara's condition."
[21:49] <Glenn> I cannot say as I do
[21:49] <Jeice> You are lucky Glenn.
[21:49] * LordBarrius frowns again. "I....would rather never see him again...." he says, finally voicing his mind, though he does so rather quietly.
[21:49] <Gilphon> unpleasant is an understatement
[21:50] <Rimblade> Lucky you then. David... do you have any ideas on how to retrieve the Prophet, or deal with Cartwright?
[21:50] <David> Except I cannot open a portal to Caelestia again anytime soon. The last window past untill sometime after christmas.... and I used substantial energy opening a wormhole to your version of Manhattan
[21:51] * Nicholas frowns. "Well, we have to save the Archivist, and in the process we will most likely deal with Ryuusei."
[21:51] <Rimblade> Therefore we are trapped here in this system?
[21:51] <Gilphon> Oh great, we're sitting ducks
[21:52] <David> "No no"
[21:52] * Hadin begins swearing under his breath, a tick forming on his brow as frustration wells up inside of him.
[21:52] <David> "I can send you elsewhere just not to Caelestia"
[21:52] <David> "Caelestia is not earth"
[21:52] <David> "Its not in any earth system"
[21:52] <David> "Which means relative to other worlds its a very very distant universe"
[21:53] <Rimblade> Of course. So, you obviously must have some idea of what to do with us then.
[21:53] <David> "I cannot readily open portals there. Especially as they seem to block them in kmost location"
[21:54] <Gilphon> what do you suggesst we do?
[21:54] * LordBarrius tilts his head curiously. "So then, what can we do?"
[21:54] * Nicholas shudders, and gazes down upon the floor with a worried look in his eyes.
[21:54] <Ryuusei> I have no idea what he suggests, but I know what I suggest. You are going nowhere.
[21:54] <David> <END OF SESSION>