Session XIV - Lkeas
From Caelwiki
[17:35] Falerin: The second you touch him you are filled with a sense of revulsion... and extreme cold
[17:35] Falerin: You feel every one of your faults and errors
[17:35] Falerin: Every shortcoming
[17:35] Falerin: Every petty name you called another child in school
[17:35] Falerin: Every mean word you said in exasperation
[17:35] Falerin: The full magnitude of every single ripple you have ever caused
[17:35] Falerin: Weighs upon you
[17:36] Falerin: Every regret you have ever had... is magnified
[17:36] Falerin: Cartwrights voice fills your mind completely
[17:36] Falerin: "You really have been quite a mess haven't you...."
[17:39] Falerin: You feel a sensation like a worm crawling in your brain reading EVERYTHING your mind knows even what you yourself have forgotten and a buzzing like a million hornets in your skull
[17:39] Falerin: It is distincty and totally inhuman
[17:51] Falerin: The second touch is MUCH worse..... now rather then reflecting your faults they are magnified. Cartwright picks just one error you made and shows you with his mind how that error negatively effected another
[17:51] Falerin: and how they in turn negatively hurt another
[17:51] Falerin: and how they in turn hurt another
[17:51] Falerin: He fully magnifies the fact that human nature is selfish and hateful
[17:51] Falerin: How evil exists so firmly in the core of all people
[17:52] Falerin: How greed and desire and lust dictate human movement
[17:52] Falerin: The more you resist the more he picks at even further instances of your own imperfection
[17:52] Falerin: Even further instances of your own disgust
[17:52] Falerin: And this is still just a second dose of Second Hand Cold my darling
[17:52] Falerin: I can give you the real thing if you like
[17:52] Falerin: I can show you ....