Same Names, Different Names

From Caelwiki

[15:50] <bluemanrocks> Falerin, I have a question, and I guess since you say

there are no coincedences...

[15:50] <bluemanrocks> I have found many seemingly-irrelevant connections

between things; but now I don't know if they are actually irrelevant

[15:51] <Jeice|AFK|> You guys are nuts. I see you got Tralin taken away.
[15:51] * Jeice|AFK| is now known as Jeice
[15:51] <bluemanrocks> For example: Doorways, or doors, or a door has been

refrenced several times...

[15:51] <Falerin> Aria is quite capable of performing the same inane tasks
[15:51] <Falerin> and at lower pay
[15:51] <bluemanrocks> Heh
[15:51] <Jeice> hehe
[15:51] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> but
[15:51] <Falerin> She is after all not royalty
[15:51] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> but
[15:51] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> but
[15:51] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> Tralin is better
[15:52] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> i dont know who tralin is
[15:52] <Falerin> Yes? and...
[15:52] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> therefore tralin is better
[15:52] <bluemanrocks> "The doorway of darkness", "The door will open" etc.
[15:52] <Falerin> Yes? and...
[15:52] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> wait
[15:52] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> wait
[15:52] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> whos tralin
[15:52] <Broken_Statue_of_Kraken> ?
[15:52] <Jeice> Tralin is the only known communicant of Lorithia.
[15:52] <bluemanrocks> Is there a relevant and importnat connection between


[15:53] <Falerin> I will reserve conversation for those that are not Lazy
[15:53] <Jeice> He is also a Drakel king of a human kingdom.
[15:53] * Broken_Statue_of_Kraken is now known as Kraken
[15:53] <bluemanrocks> And what exactly are these "doors" (or if they are

one in the same "door")

[15:53] <Useless> His importance among Lore is therefore quite great.
[15:53] <bluemanrocks> Are they meant metaphorically, or literally?
[15:53] <Falerin> As for that bluemanrocks it is not possible to answer


[15:53] <Falerin> There are in fact two things to consider
[15:54] <Falerin> Two lessons I once gave and you need them both
[15:54] <bluemanrocks> Yes?
[15:54] <ZLOK> Yeah. Blue still works well.
[15:54] <Jeice> It was dissapointing that all he did was sit there and do

bot stuff. If he was on here as a character I would have liked it.

[15:55] * Falerin sets mode: +m-vvvvvv+v Crash dreampunisher Leo Mephistos

NL_Asleep Suikoman444 Useless

[15:55] <Useless> Much obliged, LoreMaster, for allowing me to still speak.
[15:55] * Falerin sets mode: +v bluemanrocks
[15:55] <Falerin> I am sure you can be silent during instruction
[15:55] <Falerin> I cannot speak for others
[15:55] <Falerin> Ok
[15:56] <Falerin> Let me dig up some things quickly
[15:57] <Falerin>

[15:58] <Falerin> Which one of these entities is "Gateway"
[15:59] * X|WoW has joined #755
[15:59] * Aria sets mode: +v X|WoW
[15:59] <Jeice> If you are expecting an answer, all of them.
[15:59] * Falerin sets mode: -v X|WoW
[15:59] * X|WoW is now known as X
[15:59] <Falerin> Well I would prefer the answer from the original querent
[15:59] <Falerin> But....
[16:00] <Jeice> Sorry.
[16:00] <Falerin> Yes thats fair enough your majesty
[16:00] <Falerin> All of them are indeed an entity known as Gateway
[16:02] <Falerin>

[16:02] <Falerin> Which of these is Isle?
[16:03] * bluemanrocks has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[16:03] <Falerin> Damn it to the 9 circles
[16:03] <Falerin> I really do not enjoy wasting my time
[16:03] <Jeice> Oh dear.
[16:04] <Useless> I can see to it that this lesson is passed onto him, if

you don't mind completing the instruction to us.

[16:04] <Falerin> Again all of them are Isle
[16:04] <Jeice> Yes, he can be given a log at least.
[16:04] <Falerin> theyh are related in that similiarity
[16:04] <Falerin> but they are all discreet entities
[16:04] <Falerin> Ah shared name does not equal a shared identiy
[16:05] <Falerin> But names at least not "very specific" ones are not owned
[16:05] <Falerin> Now by contrast
[16:07] <Falerin>

[16:07] <Falerin> Which of these indicates a pathway between multiple


[16:08] <Useless> They all technically fufill that purpose of indication...
[16:09] <Falerin> Even more pointedly within a city or cities more then one

of these designations may apply to the same contiguous stretch of "pavement"

[16:09] <Falerin> Main St. within the city proper may become Progress Ave.

outside the city limits yes?

[16:09] <Useless> That indeed seems to be the case, LoreMaster.
[16:09] <Falerin> So which is the correct name or term?
[16:10] <Falerin> I see we lack someone willing to provide an answer
[16:10] <Useless> Applied to that particular stretch of "pavement", I

suppose both are equally correct unless you are implying a certain location along that stretch...whereupon one would be more correct than the other.

[16:10] <Useless> Forgive my slowness in response.
[16:11] <Falerin> The correct answer is Mu likely.
[16:11] <Falerin> As the question implies a truth value to something lacking


[16:11] <Falerin> Now
[16:11] <Falerin> The Traveller, The Sojurner, Lanfire Dupre
[16:11] <Falerin> Which one of these entities is Falerin Ardendor
[16:12] <Falerin> (In whole or in part)
[16:12] <Jeice> All three.
[16:12] <Falerin> Very good
[16:12] <Useless> I do not recall having the pleasure of meeting Lanfire

Dupre, however...I believe both The Sojurner and The Traveller are in part.

[16:12] <Useless> Ah, beaten to the punch I see.
[16:13] <Falerin> They all are in essence me... and so are a fair number of

other things

[16:13] <Falerin> The essence of the first lesson is that Many things can

have the same name and be unrelated

[16:14] <Falerin> The essence of the second is that many different names can

apply to the same thing

[16:14] <Falerin> The question I was asked is wether all of these doors were


[16:14] <Falerin> The clear answer to which is yes
[16:14] <Falerin> Since they are all doors
[16:15] <Falerin> are they all the same? That is uncertain.
[16:15] <Useless> And therefore left for us to discover in future on our

own, LoreMaster?

[16:16] <Falerin> Frankly I lack the breadth of knowledge that answering so

vauge a question would require

[16:16] <Falerin> I have no clue whatsoever how many doors he may have heard


[16:16] <Falerin> and in what context
[16:16] <Falerin> They could all be the same one... or they could all be

different ones

[16:17] <Falerin> And lacking his brain I can only comment on the subject in

the context of what I do know

[16:17] <Useless> I see...thank you for the Instruction nonetheless,

LoreMaster. I am sure it will bear fruit regardless, once he is made aware of it. I am sure that I have come away from this the wiser as well.

[16:18] * Falerin sets mode: -vvv Crash dreampunisher Kraken
[16:18] * Falerin sets mode: +vvv Crash dreampunisher Kraken
[16:18] * Falerin sets mode: +vvv Leo Mephistos NL_Asleep
[16:18] * Falerin sets mode: +vvv Suikoman444 X ZLOK
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