No Will Exists In A Vacuum

From Caelwiki

Epilogue to Epic - Session LIII

[20:12] * Cerbero smiles, saying "I have always traveled, in search for a place to call home. I have found"
[20:12] Elenor: .. I could not agree more.
[20:12] Elenor: Though perhaps I didn't know it up until now.
[20:12] * Strider crasheson the couch and begins to cry. OH god...
[20:12] RoninOfDreams: " indeed where the heart is.  A shame, sometimes, that my home is still with my Kindred, no matter my failures."
[20:12] Strider: "Ronin you leave us?"
[20:13] * Nick disappears as soon as he hits the hallway.
[20:13] Stromy: Strider?
[20:13] * Cerbero embraces Elenor, and says "My true home will always be where you are"
[20:14] Elenor: .. Aye.
[20:14] Strider: Yes Stormy
[20:14] Stromy: "Did you learn nothing from that experience?"
[20:14] Strider: I did.
[20:14] Strider: Trust me I did...
[20:14] * TaloToecan shifts slightly in his clinging grasp on Damsel, nuzzling into her desparately.
[20:14] Stromy: "Yet you still continue to say that you've lost your chain..."
[20:15] * Taimat walks to the wall,and slumps down onto the ground. "Tonight was valuable...My journey is still far from over,but at least i may now continue it in peace..." He then begins to fade from this place. "Goodbye...My friends..."
[20:15] Strider: Stromy...
[20:15] Strider: I know I havent
[20:15] Strider: Its still there...
[20:15] Strider: Just not physsicly(?)
[20:15] Stromy: "It is within you, you remember it, therefore you still have it"
[20:15] Cerbero: Not only the oneiric world we have been in is one with our plane...
[20:15] * Lkeas sets down in her usual spot on the couch, sighing contentedly.  "My heart.. will always belong here.. regardless of who pulls the strings.."
[20:16] Elenor: Heh, I only made two serious wishes, and they were for people to come.
[20:16] * RoninOfDreams turns to Strider. "My not here. Though several times I have been honored and blessed to be among the number of those present. No, my home is still with my people, who I shall never forget."
[20:16] Cerbero: We are one.
[20:16] Cerbero: We are seekers.
[20:16] * YoungerDamsel murmurs quiet comforts to Talo, trying to convince him that now everything will be all right. Better, in fact, that it had been as of late.
[20:16] De`thion: ... well then...
[20:16] Strider: "Ronin...who exactly are you?"
[20:16] Stromy: We are one with eachother, we are a single unit, never to be seperated
[20:16] De`thion: Logos hmm? nice to meet you.
[20:17] * Lkeas nods. "I hope we never lose sight of that fact..."
[20:18] Cerbero: Unafraid to live...
[20:18] Stromy: "How can we Lkeas? Though we may seem seperate, in the end we all are one."
[20:18] Cerbero: to be firm in belief...
[20:18] Cerbero: to know the truth...
[20:18] Cerbero: and to spread it
[20:18] RoninOfDreams: "I am the Ronin of Dreams.  The Walker.  The Warden.  Or several other names that Falerin and others have referred to me as.  The Dream Halls...are a place I am intimately familiar with, and I would be doing Lady Nyx a disservice had I ignored the summons to help you.  She has given me much to be thankful for."
[20:19] * Strider simply staired at the ceiling.
[20:19] * Strider pondred what had happneed.
[20:20] * Strider smiled, and looked at the others. "I picked a fine day to join thsi place.
[20:20] Strider: "
[20:20] Elenor: .. Wise words..
[20:20] Stromy: Which are wise words?
[20:20] Elenor: ((Cerbero's quote))
[20:21] Stromy: "But, truth cannot be spread."
[20:21] * Elenor shakes her head at stromy.
[20:21] Cerbero: It can
[20:21] Cerbero: and it must.
[20:21] Strider: Yes it can
[20:21] Strider: And it will Stromy
[20:21] Stromy: "How can it be spread?  It is already there."
[20:21] Lkeas: The truth... one must find their truth.. but if one does not know how to search, how can they?
[20:21] * Cerbero lets a tear stream down his face
[20:21] Stromy: "People just haven't seen it."
[20:21] Lkeas: Is that not what we do then, encourage each other..
[20:21] Cerbero: I will go upstairs, my love.
[20:21] Lkeas: Open each others eyes..
[20:22] * Cerbero softly kisses Elenor and walks upstairs, saying "Good Night, seekers."
[20:22] Stromy: "You cannot spread truth.  You can only hope that others see it for what it is."
[20:22] * Little_Brown_Box lurks about somewhere, being rather silent, even when compared to other instances of lurking.
[20:22] * Elenor waves goodbye to Cerbero as he ascends the stairs.
[20:22] Lkeas: Isn't that what it means to "spread" it then?  Passing on that hope, allowing them to come to see it?
[20:23] Stromy: "You cannot spread Truth itself, only the idea of Truth."
[20:23] * RoninOfDreams moves over and scratches Talo gently. "Relax, little artificer, dreams do come true." He then moves LordBarrius over to a couch and sets him down. "As for you, Lord...let go to your blame. Things will be okay."
[20:23] * LordBarrius is simply sagging there, limply, still choked up with soft sobs.
[20:24] * Lkeas nods towards Stromy.
[20:26] * Damsel 's older self follows after LordBarrius and Ronin. Carefully she reaches out with a hand to cup his cheek and gently wipe away some of his tears gently with her thumb. "Please... don't turn from me. Not now that I am finally free to love you without regret. Not now that you can return those feelings without the pain of tearing apart our family."
[20:27] * RoninOfDreams turns to regard the Damsels. "Two bridges from one, eh? As much as I would normally default, I wouldn't much like calling you Damsel 1 and Damsel 2...unless your true name is more allowable these days?"
[20:28] * Strider is still on the couch, his face a mask and his mind fluttering. Just what has he done now. He stood up and walked over to the stiars. On the way he stoped Ronin. He bowed, saying "Thank You" before leaving to the stairs.
[20:28] Strider: Good Night Seekers
[20:28] * Damsel 's younger self, in a bit better state than her counterpart at the moment, nods her head. "Aye. Neither of us would object to its use."
[20:29] Elenor: Uhm... Why are there two Damsels?
[20:30] * Lkeas sighs and looks down at the satchel by her feet.  "The archive.."
[20:30] Eitak_Razal: That is a very good  question
[20:30] * RoninOfDreams looks first at the younger and then at the elder. "Then one should be Damsel and the other Shayril, at least in the pleasantries of public?"
[20:30] * LordBarrius looks at Damsel with haunted eyes, filled with tears. "I....I can't. But now I look at you....and I know that you never would have had to make this choice...."
[20:30] * LordBarrius 's voice falters as he cannot finish the thought.
[20:33] * Damsel 's younger self inclines her head. "Aye, I find that fitting." The elder is too engrossed in her conversation with LordBarrius to focus on Ronin's question. Instead she replies to her love. "I do not regret my choice, Barrius. In fact, it fills my heart with hope and healing, that I can now be here for both of you, where before there was only pain. True, from now on her experiences will not be mine, nor mine hers, but... It is wonderous
[20:35] * TaloToecan shudders in the younger Damsel's grip and nips her collarbone lightly, if affectionately enough. He then sighs, heavily, as he turns to the elder and LordBarrius. "Brother...I failed her. Not you. There' more blame...nothing to worry about...okay? Heal, please."
[20:37] * Damsel 's younger version makes a noise, trying to shush Talo. "No, no. Even you can not take the blame for failure. We all made our own decisions, none other."
[20:40] * TaloToecan nuzzles into his Damsel, weeping freely if lighthearted. "And yet my choices too caused pain. Let me take what blame I already have, and free Brother from what he feels bound by."
[20:42] LordBarrius: ", brother...."
[20:43] * Damsel gently scratches behind Talo's ears, convenying a message not to be heard verbally.
[20:43] * Tirlerion appears in the abode
[20:43] * Lkeas glances up at Tirlerion's appearance.  "Hey there, man in black.."
[20:44] Tirlerion: "Hello Profitless" (without rancor)
[20:44] Lkeas: Ah, I suppose I am.  After all, I did not wish for anything that would necessarily transfer back here..
[20:44] Durroth: Good evening to you Tirlerion
[20:44] Stromy: "What causes you to grace us with your prensence Tirlerion?"
[20:44] Durroth: I dont suppose you'd care for a cup of coffee
[20:44] Elenor: Uhm.. Huh?
[20:44] Tirlerion: Did you not....
[20:44] Stromy: "Or a steak?"
[20:44] Stromy: "I can make a mean steak"
[20:45] Tirlerion: Have you not realized that not everything is physical
[20:45] Stromy: "We have Sir."
[20:45] * Tirlerion looks about pointedly
[20:45] * Damsel , with Talo, looks up at Tirlerion, wondering what to make of his appearance.
[20:45] Elenor: I've been manipulating reality with my mind for ages. Magic...
[20:45] Lkeas: Well... knowledge of course is an essential part of any journey... so in that sense, then yes.
[20:45] Tirlerion: I said I would not harm you...
[20:45] Stromy: "Dreams are just as real as waking life"
[20:45] Tirlerion: I most distinctly never said I would not help you
[20:45] * TaloToecan sighs heavily for a moment, nodding to his Damsel in acceptance and agreement of the grave truth, before looking over at Tirlerion. "Good eve, Man in Black."
[20:46] Tirlerion: You are welcome
[20:46] * Tirlerion laughs evilly
[20:46] * Tirlerion vanishes
[20:46] Stromy: "And you...yea"
[20:46] Stromy: "Saw that coming"
[20:46] Nick: ((I don't recall anyone saying thankyou >.>))
[20:46] * Lkeas cocks an eyebrow. "Does that mean..?"
[20:47] Stromy: "yea, why did Tirlerion say 'your welcome'?"
[20:47] RoninOfDreams: "How...interesting."
[20:47] Computer: Tirlerion was responsible for the effect that cast you into the astral plane
[20:47] * Stromy looks at Lkeas quizically. "Does that mean what, Lkeas?"
[20:47] Lkeas: By Therlion, why would he do such a thing..
[20:47] Stromy: Thank you computer
[20:48] Durroth: ... He could have at least stayed for coffee
[20:48] Computer: Unknown
[20:48] Little_Brown_Box: Well, heck.
[20:48] Little_Brown_Box: Just...heck.
[20:48] Stromy: "How did he cause such an effect, Computer?"
[20:48] Lkeas: Help us?  Isn't his goal to drive us apart, ruin us and so ruin Falerin?
[20:48] Computer: Magi can send things into the astral with estate transfernce
[20:48] * Little_Brown_Box stirs itself from atop a reading table, whereupon it has been sitting this entire time, and slowly, VERY slowly, makes its way back to the couch.
[20:48] Computer: He is a god
[20:49] Computer: The spell effect appears identical
[20:49] Computer: He utilized an estate transference to send us into the Astral realm
[20:49] Stromy: "So it is basically a teleportation spell? Is that correct computer?"
[20:49] * Lkeas chuckles. "Maybe he aims for us to become so enamored of his assistance that we will forget our allegiance to the God of Evil.."
[20:49] Elenor: That's not bloody well going to happen.
[20:49] Computer: Not in particulars but in essence
[20:50] Elenor: Fal saved my life...
[20:50] Computer: Tirlerion's purposes are anyones guess
[20:50] TaloToecan: "So it was he who sent you to the day-side of the Halls. Yet, remember this my friends, it was through the blessings of Lady Nyx that much happened beyond that."
[20:50] Computer: His recent activty is highly inconsistent
[20:50] * LordBarrius hears Tirlerion's speech, but doesn't look at him. His eyes instead focus on Damsel, his eyes still welling with tears. "If....if you want it this way....I will have to try to accept it."
[20:50] Stromy: "That being?"
[20:50] * Lkeas nods.  "Very pecular indeed.."
[20:50] * Little_Brown_Box mutters to itself, entirely incoherrently, not even bothering to form words as it sits there beneath the couch.
[20:51] * Damsel continues brushing her hand against LordBarrius' cheek. "Please, let the pain go. Let yourself heal. And I'll be here with you, beside you. Just don't push me away. Don't... stop loving me."
[20:51] �De`thion�: I'd like to formally apologize to everyone for accidentally causing us to be trapped by the safety dance
[20:51] Lkeas: I owe him my existence.. if the implications are true..
[20:51] * Damsel 's younger self frowns faintly too. "I believe... I owe him a great deal as well, now."
[20:51] Computer: He likely collects his debts as faithfully as falerin does
[20:52] Stromy: "Lkeas, don't talk that way.  You owe him nothing.  Take your life and live it as you choose"
[20:52] Stromy: "You too Damsel"
[20:52] * Lkeas frowns.
[20:52] Stromy: "Don't be fettered by bonds to any God"
[20:52] Computer: Fettered implies lack of volition
[20:52] Damsel: "Aye, I know he has asked for nothing in return and so I am not committed.  But at the same time...  It is something that I will not deny nor forget."
[20:52] Computer: Are you fettered to Falerin?
[20:52] Stromy: "Take what help they are willing to give, but don't become their servents because of such"
[20:53] Stromy: "no."
[20:53] Stromy: "I take his help"
[20:53] Computer: We are all servants
[20:53] * RoninOfDreams frowns softly. "Tirlerion may have sent you there, but your own dreams led to much. Or will you discount what you learned?"
[20:53] Stromy: "In a manner of speaking."
[20:53] Stromy: "But I don't see it that way."
[20:54] Computer: None have asked for servitude regardless
[20:54] Computer: But both I think collect their debts
[20:54] Lkeas: Indeed, Ronin.  If we did not push ourselves within the astral realm, we may have just as easily gained nothing from Tirlerion's spell.
[20:54] Stromy: "Debts which I wish to have a choice in paying."
[20:54] Elenor: ... I didn't gain anything, and I don't need anything from the astral realm
[20:54] Computer: And assuredly you will
[20:54] Elenor: After I wished for Falerin to appear I was just screwing around.
[20:54] * RoninOfDreams smiles over at Lkeas. "Ah, but you had guidance there. Not his, either. Remember that."
[20:55] Stromy: "I don't want to be forced because of perceived obligations to any God."
[20:55] Lkeas: Yes, the Deva Caliga...
[20:55] * Damsel 's younger self nods at Ronin. "I will not forget that either."
[20:55] Stromy: "The Gods shall be treated the same way they treat me."
[20:55] Stromy: "Giving help only when they want to."
[20:55] Computer: Deva Caliga is .... a pseudonymous identity
[20:56] Lkeas: And yourself, of course, Ronin.  I suppose we all help guide each other.
[20:56] Computer: At least partially so
[20:56] * TaloToecan whimpers softly at his Damsel. "Dear careful in what you attribute and to whom."
[20:56] Stromy: "what is Deva's real name then computer?"
[20:56] Computer: Nyx
[20:56] Stromy: "Sleep?"
[20:56] Computer: Dreams
[20:56] * Damsel nods her head at Talo. "I understand."
[20:56] Stromy: "Ahh, my mythology isn't perfect."
[20:57] RoninOfDreams: "I merely did what service I owe to my Lady, all told.  Though I did it gladly."
[20:57] Stromy: "So I will be visiting Nyx again tonight I guess."
[20:57] * Lkeas frowns. "But the songs we heard.. some of them were quite foreboding.. do they mean anything?  Or was it just as the voice said, idle humming to oneself?"
[20:58] * Caliga appears
[20:58] Stromy: "Hello Nyx"
[20:58] Elenor: Greetings.
[20:58] Caliga: I am always with and within
[20:58] Stromy: "Thank you for all of the help"
[20:58] Caliga: Even within Tirlerion
[20:58] * RoninOfDreams bows to Caliga respectfully. "My Lady. Thank you for helping them."
[20:58] Stromy: "I plan on visitign you again tonight"
[20:59] * Caliga smiles
[20:59] Stromy: "May we have another conversation liek the one earlier?"
[20:59] Caliga: They helped themselves my dear warden
[20:59] Caliga: I was merely a fence post put there by Tirlerion
[20:59] * Lkeas nods respectfully to Caliga.  "Thank you for helping us to realize what is possible within ourselves."
[20:59] Stromy: "Caliga?"
[20:59] * Damsel chuckles, Talo in her arms. "My lady, you have my thanks."
[20:59] Elenor: Heh...
[21:00] Caliga: What is self
[21:00] Stromy: Am I correct in my idea that waking and sleeping are one because of the transfer of ideas?
[21:00] * Caliga chuckles musically and vanishes
[21:00] Stromy: "You meanie"
[21:00] * Lkeas chuckles and waves dismissively. "As if we did not have enough to brood over already.."
[21:00] * RoninOfDreams matches her smile with his own. "Ah, but what a wonderful array of directions on your post. No matter how little you wish to accept of it, you still have my thanks, my Lady."
[21:00] Stromy: Ronin, can you answer my question?
[21:01] * TaloToecan nods in similar amusement.
[21:01] Computer: It seems an over simplifcation
[21:01] Stromy: But is it correct in essence?
[21:01] Computer: Though if the definition serves you
[21:01] * RoninOfDreams turns to Stromy. "Ah but dreams are such wondrous things, why bring them down so far?"
[21:02] Computer: Use it.... the division between waking and dreams is....arbitrary and at once manifest
[21:02] Computer: Neither is more or less real...
[21:02] * Stromy looks at Ronin, "I don't mean to bring them down, just understand them more clearly. In doing such, I have no wish to make them less mystical or meaningful."
[21:02] Computer: They are just of different natures.. and of the same
[21:02] Stromy: Logos?
[21:02] Computer: All entertain waking dreams
[21:03] Stromy: They are all of Logos? Is that correct?
[21:03] Computer: Words... thoughts.... yes
[21:03] Stromy: What of lucid dreams?
[21:03] * Lkeas shakes her head. "You make it seem as though all dreams might pass into reality should one have enough will.  What is to keep chaos from reigning as all attempt to pull their dreams here?"
[21:04] Computer: Lucid dreams are those rare cases where we recognize the reality before us all the time anyway
[21:04] �De`thion�: I wonder what kind of zanpakuto this will be if I ever try to release its shikai
[21:04] * RoninOfDreams smiles yet further. "Ah, well, now that is a mystery worth entertaining, now isn't it?"
[21:04] Computer: What indeed Lady Lkeas
[21:04] Computer: Expectation and the will of others primarily
[21:04] Durroth: knowing you? who knows
[21:05] Computer: No will exists in a vacum
[21:05] Lkeas: Mmm.  That helps me rest easier, I think.
[21:05] * Stromy yawns
[21:05] Durroth: it could be a kidou type, or straight attack, an ice type, water type, fire type, its hard to tell with your personality
[21:05] Computer: Entering Hibernate Mode
[21:05] Stromy: "Its time to go and ponder these waking moments in my sleeping moments
[21:05] Stromy: "
[21:06] Stromy: "Sweet dreams everyone!"
[21:06] Durroth: why not ask it yourself
[21:06] * RoninOfDreams nods again and hums to himself. "I am again reminded why I always have enjoyed walking the Halls..." And with that, he turns and walks himself away, fading back into the halls they left.

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