Magic and Protection

From Caelwiki

: [16:34] <>Ambiance<> A resounding retort is heard ripping through the fabric of the multiverse.
[16:34] <>Ambiance<> Screeches and clacks are heard from within the vortex and demonic voices chanting and gurgling.
[16:34] * Sashuno ( has joined #darkabode
[16:35] <&Marrin> "Damnit..."
[16:35] <>Ambiance<> The smell of sulfur and brimstone fills the channel
[16:35] * &Lkeas shudders. "Here is comes..."
[16:35] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> What the hells...
[16:35] <+Cerbero> The...fuck?
[16:35] <>Ambiance<> The chattering becomes decidedly more agitated.
[16:35] <&Elenor> .. That can't be good.
[16:35] <>Ambiance<> The vortex pulses and demonic entities can be seen moving within. Seeking out a new universe from their prison in the nether.
[16:35] <&Marrin> "NO... i think Nick had it right."
[16:35] <>Ambiance<> A figure walks through the masses and the entities fall back in terror.
[16:35] <>Ambiance<> The figures form begins to resolve into an elven shape with grey hair and shifting multichromatic eyes.
[16:35] <&Durroth> whats happening?
[16:35] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Oh I remember this.
[16:35] <+Gemiere> "'Ello, Fal."
[16:35] <+Cerbero> Falerin!
[16:35] <&Durroth> ...
[16:35] * Clyde looks to the figure. "Out of all times."
[16:35] <&Marrin> "Whatever happened to angels and bells? I liked the annoying chorus..."
[16:35] * +Cerbero sighs in relief
[16:35] <&Lkeas> L-Loremaster? That's quite an entrance...

02: [16:35] * +Eitak_Razal ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)

[16:36] <&Durroth> nice entrance
[16:36] * Sashuno rises up from Cerbero's shadow silently, stepping away from him, his shadow cloak unmoving.
[16:36] * Eitak_Razal ( has joined #darkabode
[16:36] * +Cerbero is not surprised by this
[16:36] <>Ambiance<> The figures features melt away leaving the form of Tirlerion in the aftermath of the mire
[16:36] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta looks at the arrival with great dismay "Ahh, well now..."
[16:36] <&Durroth> hmm... I give it an 8
[16:36] <&Marrin> "Ah well that explains the lack of angels. Lovely."
[16:36] * &Lkeas tilts her head and blinks. "Er.. my mistake.."
[16:36] * Tirlerion ( has joined #darkabode
[16:36] <Tirlerion> Only an 8
[16:37] <Tirlerion> I shall have to work on that then
[16:37] * &Elenor blinks.
[16:37] * Sashuno raises an eyebrow beneath his cloak.
[16:37] <Tirlerion> Perhaps more bellows and screams
[16:37] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta chuckles.
[16:37] <Clyde> "Pfft, more like a 7.55."
[16:37] <&Marrin> "Yeah... demons don't scream schemes though..."
[16:37] <&Marrin> "Dissention, most certainly."
[16:37] <Tirlerion> Yes but the devils want to much
[16:37] <Eitak_Razal> Fal abandoned us, I highly doubt he'd be visting it us so soon.
[16:37] <&Marrin> "They always do."
[16:37] <&Lkeas> Who abandoned who now?
[16:38] * &Elenor moves her hand away from her sword hilt as she sees Tirlerion appear.
[16:38] <Tirlerion> An interesting question that is isn't it
[16:38] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Aye, Lkeas has it right...
[16:38] <&Marrin> "er... For starters."
[16:38] <&Marrin> "It's who abandoned whom, lkeas."
[16:38] * &Lkeas waves dismissively at Marrin. "Details, details."

02: [16:39] * +Dale ( Quit (: [] Local kill by Dalefanwill (clone.))

[16:39] * Clyde looks Tirlerion eye to eye, "Excuse me Tirlerion I'm kind of on my way."
[16:39] * Dale ( has joined #darkabode
[16:39] * Enmity sets mode: +v Dale
[16:39] * Sashuno retreats to a corner of the room, sitting cross-legged.
[16:40] <Tirlerion> I am sure you are.

02: [16:40] * +Crash ( Quit (Iced: )

[16:40] <&Lkeas> What will happen to him, Tirlerion...
[16:40] * Tirlerion takes a seat
[16:40] <Tirlerion> "Happen?"
[16:41] <Tirlerion> "What does he intend to do?"
[16:41] * Sashuno has his glowing yellow eyes fixed on Tirlerion.
[16:41] * &Lkeas nods. "Without your protection, will he not be violating the Farpoint directive as a foreign deity..?"
[16:41] <Tirlerion> "Does he intend to act as a deity?"
[16:41] <Tirlerion> "Or does he intend to leave"
[16:41] <&Lkeas> I'm not sure, actually.
[16:41] <Eitak_Razal> Who?
[16:42] <&Marrin> "No, but I beleive he will be using power to return to his home."
[16:42] <&Marrin> "is that right, Clyde?"
[16:42] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> You seem to be frequenting us with your presence a lot it because you love us? Oh please say you love us, I've never felt real love before...
[16:42] <Tirlerion> "If he intends to leave he will pass unhindered from Caelestia. So long as he does so outside of the bounds of the city"
[16:42] * Clyde turns in disgust. "My home? How wrong."
[16:42] * silversyte ( has joined #darkabode
[16:42] * &Elenor facepalms upon hearing Nick's comment.
[16:42] * &Marrin idley ponders giving Nick a permanant wedgie
[16:43] <Tirlerion> "He entered under my invitation to seekers so he can depart under those terms unrestricted"
[16:43] <&Lkeas> That's good to hear.
[16:43] <Tirlerion> "If he attempts to return however he does so in at a bit more risk then others"
[16:43] <Tirlerion> "At that point he will be deemed a hostile lesser power"
[16:43] * &Marrin nods "Been there... Clyde, you understand?"
[16:43] <Tirlerion> "And the farpoint will declare it an act of God War"
[16:43] * Clyde stops suddenly.
[16:43] <Tirlerion> "There upon I cannot say what happens"
[16:44] <Tirlerion> "You might want to ask Mariel"
[16:44] * Sashuno looks on with interest.
[16:44] <&Lkeas> Ah, speaking of Mariel, he stopped by earlier.
[16:44] * silversyte wakes up
[16:44] <&Marrin> "Oh that's right, what was he supposed to verify?"
[16:44] <&Lkeas> He said you had asked him to do some sort of verification?
[16:44] * Clyde makes a moaning noise. "Ugh, Mariel."
[16:44] <Tirlerion> Verification?
[16:44] <Tirlerion> Not I.
[16:44] * silversyte looks confused
[16:44] <&Lkeas> Odd...
[16:44] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta shrugs and frowns "Eh you win some you lose some...I suppose I'll just wander the earth alone...Just like always..."
[16:44] * &Marrin furrows his brow
[16:44] <&Marrin> "He was quite insistant."
[16:44] <+Cerbero> Tirlerion...
[16:44] <Tirlerion> Thought let me send a request to him to verify what would happen to Clyde.
[16:45] * Tirlerion gestures
[16:45] <Tirlerion> Anyway I cannot rightly say
[16:45] * &Marrin looks at lkeas "We should find out what happened then."
[16:45] <Tirlerion> God War is serious buisness to the Farpoint though
[16:45] <Tirlerion> and for very good reason
[16:45] <+Cerbero> I believe you are aware that I have requested your protection, right?
[16:45] * Eitak_Razal leans back in her chair, spinning a rose between her fingers.
[16:45] * &Lkeas nods.
[16:45] <Tirlerion> My awareness is not required. However I am aware.
[16:46] * +Cerbero nods "Thank you."
[16:46] * silversyte looks seriously confused now
[16:46] <Clyde> "So what happens to me if I leave?"
[16:46] <Tirlerion> Odd.
[16:46] <&Elenor> Oh.. Silver.. Falerin has retracted all protections on this place.
[16:46] <Tirlerion> Mariel is not responding to the request.
[16:47] <&Elenor> Tirlerion here has generously offered to protect us instead.
[16:47] <&Lkeas> Might I ask how much of a burden this protection places upon you? How extensive is it?
[16:47] * Sashuno 's eyes widen at Elenor's remark.
[16:47] <Tirlerion> Somewhat more extensive then Falerin's own was in fact
[16:47] * Tirlerion turns and stands
[16:47] <Tirlerion> "
[16:47] <Tirlerion> "I will go inquire directly"
[16:47] * &Elenor raises an eyebrow. "Really? Awesome."
[16:47] <silversyte> I remember that much about Falerin summoning something to watch us.
[16:47] * Tirlerion vanishes
[16:47] <&Lkeas> Do be careful.. something doesn't seem right..
[16:47] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta ponders something for a moment but doesn't say a word.
[16:47] * +ZLOK enters the abode from the outside.
[16:47] * Sashuno nods slightly.
[16:48] * Tirlerion reappears
[16:48] * silversyte stands up cracking his neck and stretching
[16:48] * &Lkeas waves to ZLOK.
[16:48] <Tirlerion> My request arrived several hours before I sent it
[16:48] * +ZLOK nods to Lkeas.
[16:48] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Thats Odd...
[16:48] <&Lkeas> Ah, is that why he appeared before then?
[16:48] <Tirlerion> That is I fear the danger of flexible chronologies
[16:48] * &Lkeas smirks.
[16:49] <Tirlerion> At anyrate I have determined that in that instance you would be forcibly expelled. Unless you refused to leave.
[16:49] <Tirlerion> Thereupon the entire pantheon would be compelled to seek to destroy you
[16:49] <Tirlerion> Also upon your expulsion, which would take the form of abjuration, forcing you back to your home plane
[16:49] * &Marrin shrugs "Told ya so.."
[16:49] * &Lkeas chucks a thumb in Marrin's general direction. "Is he included in the pantheon now?"
[16:49] * Clyde makes a sarcastic face. "Sounds delightfull."
[16:50] <Tirlerion> Your entire plane would banished from contact with this one until reconciliation occured
[16:50] <Tirlerion> Sounds bureaucratic to me
[16:50] <Clyde> "So I wouldn't be allowed to return?"
[16:50] <Tirlerion> Defintely not
[16:50] * &Elenor facepalms.
[16:50] * Eitak_Razal blinks in responce to Lkea's comment
[16:50] <silversyte> Right.....
[16:51] * silversyte walks into the kitchen
[16:51] * Tirlerion looks at Lkeas
[16:51] <+ZLOK> How about bumbling morons, can they go and leave as they wish?
[16:51] <Tirlerion> Oh naturally he is
[16:51] <Tirlerion> He is part of the Pantheon as it is currently recognized
[16:51] <&Elenor> Silver, if you try to cast magic without Tirlerion's protection, you're going to end up in fair harbor jail.
[16:51] <Tirlerion> His portfolio is Forbidden Magic
[16:51] * &Lkeas turns to Clyde. "Then you DEFINITELY do not want the pantheon coming after you... not only would you be destroyed, but humiliated utterly at the same time..."
[16:51] <Tirlerion> Oh as a bit of a warning.
[16:52] <Tirlerion> I would be careful
[16:52] <silversyte> I know not to be foolish with magic.
[16:52] <Tirlerion> Hyrcinian may not appreciate the proximity of your portfolio to his own
[16:52] <Eitak_Razal> Marrin's part of the Pantheon?
[16:52] * Sashuno sighs audibly, then mumbles, "No magic, huh?"
[16:52] <&Elenor> .. That is an awesome portfolio.
[16:52] * Eitak_Razal falls over laughing.
[16:52] <Tirlerion> Hyrcinian covers Forbidden Knowledge
[16:52] <Tirlerion> And he is a rather unsavory sort
[16:52] <Tirlerion> My kind of guy actually
[16:52] <+Cerbero> Is said knowledge included in our protection?
[16:52] <&Marrin> "Ah. I thank you."
[16:52] <Tirlerion> I will have a talk with him
[16:52] <&Marrin> "Sounds like we'll get along just fine."
[16:53] <Tirlerion> Likely
[16:53] <+Gemiere> "Forbidden Knowledge? I like."
[16:53] * silversyte walks out of the kitchen with an apple
[16:53] <&Marrin> "He sound's just like my best friend back home."
[16:53] <+ZLOK> How about bumbling loons, are they allowed to enter and leave at their own discretion?
[16:53] <+Cerbero> Excuse me, I'll be right back
[16:54] * &Lkeas glances at ZLOK. "Have you been around the past few days while all the mess has been going on? I just got back today, myself.."
[16:54] * +Cerbero walks upstairs
[16:54] * silversyte takes a bite out of the apple
[16:54] <+ZLOK> Only in senses, not in particularities.
[16:54] <Eitak_Razal> Phh. I showed up lastnight and was told either ask for his protection or leave with no detials
[16:54] <Tirlerion> Well then Clyde
[16:54] <Tirlerion> To bad you have to go.
[16:54] <Eitak_Razal> I got them after asking of course
[16:54] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> No you weren't Eitak.
[16:54] <Tirlerion> Shut the door on your way out please
[16:54] <Tirlerion> It's drafty tonight
[16:55] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> We told you many times what the situation was, you just weren't listening, only when you asked, you listened.
[16:55] <+ZLOK> That's my modus opperandi too.
[16:55] * Tirlerion looks at ZLOK
[16:55] * Clyde laughs, "Aren't we the practical one tonight?
[16:55] <+ZLOK> Except I listen when present.

02: [16:55] * +Cerbero (Cerbero_25@41970BA1.FA0F169E.ED8EB99F.IP) Quit (Interred: )

[16:56] <Tirlerion> Unfortunately my modus operandi is to patently refuse to speak redundantly
[16:56] <Eitak_Razal> Forbidden Kowlage? Like what? The secret to eternal life? Everyone knows thats apple juice mixed with steltzer water...
[16:56] <Tirlerion> Thats hardly forbidden thats just common sense.
[16:56] <+ZLOK> Then why did you just?
[16:56] * &Marrin chuckles
[16:56] * Tirlerion looks at Clyde
[16:56] <Tirlerion> "Pragmatism rules the day"
[16:56] <&Marrin> "theres far worse spells and knowledge in this universe.."
[16:56] * +ZLOK smirks.
[16:56] <Tirlerion> "I tend toward practicality as much as possible."
[16:56] <Tirlerion> "It aids in getting the job done"
[16:56] <&Marrin> "For instance, the knowledge of how a devil might control lesser demons."
[16:57] <Tirlerion> "So... What would you like for dinner"
[16:57] <+ZLOK> I would assume plane collapsing spells to be forbidden.
[16:57] * +ZLOK shrugs.
[16:57] <&Marrin> "that would be my territory, however."
[16:57] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> That burger sounded real good Tirlerion...
[16:57] <Tirlerion> "I have in mind a certain Moroccan Restraunt outside Rabat
[16:57] <Eitak_Razal> I could go for a burger...
[16:57] * silversyte finishes eating the apple and walks to a wall, leans against it and falls asleep
[16:57] <&Lkeas> Moroccan? That sounds interesting..
[16:57] * silversyte ( has left #darkabode
[16:58] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Never tried Moroccan...
[16:58] <&Lkeas> Can't say I've had their cuisine before.
[16:58] <Clyde> "Hmph. So it does?"
[16:58] <Eitak_Razal> Moroco is a contry on Terra is it not?
[16:58] <som3dud33> bye
[16:58] * TaloToecan walks back up towards the door of the abode, formerly the Abode, carrying several packages of chilled fish and a few odds and ends aside to make a semi-festive dinner for himself and Damsel with some extras. Among the fresh fish items are three large filets of tuna, a few dozen shrimp, and a netted bag of muscles alongside the makings for at least one pasta dish involving them. In short, he is looking forward to getting back inside, totally unaware of
[16:58] <&Lkeas> ((totally unaware of))
[16:58] <&Ferret> ((*the situation at hand.))
[16:59] <Tirlerion> Very bright colors
[16:59] <Tirlerion> Vibrant Cuisine
[16:59] <Tirlerion> Belly Dancers
[16:59] * &Damsel walks alongside him, helping carry the burden of the foodstuffs, much more light hearted than when she had departed.
[16:59] <+ZLOK> Wait, prophetess, I'm not once more stuck here, am I?
[16:59] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta looks up at belly dancers "Lets go then! What are we waiting for!?"
[17:00] <Sashuno> ((lol, I've obviously missed something of epic importance, huh?))
[17:00] * &Lkeas watches Talo-Toecan and Damsel enter. "Looks like they got the jump on dinner.."
[17:00] <&Elenor> You can't teleport out of here without accepting Tirlerion's offer.
[17:00] * &Lkeas turns back to ZLOK. "Well, magic use is now limited unless we agree to place ourselves in Tirlerion's protection."
[17:00] * Eitak_Razal frowns "Just don't expect me to get up on stage with them"
[17:00] <Tirlerion> There is a good moroccan restraunt on Ventura Blvd. In studio city as well. Marrakesh. But it is a bit high end and trendy. Now Dah Mahreb on Sunset that is a Moroccan restraunt to die for.
[17:00] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> You're 14, I wouldn't want to see that anyway.
[17:00] <Tirlerion> Still I prefer to go to the source
[17:00] <+ZLOK> Oh, great. I can't do that anyway, is being transported elsewhere by other means allowed? I'd assume not. What does this protection entail?
[17:00] <&Lkeas> The offer is very simple though, he asks for no vows of loyalty or anything. Just that we ask him for protection by our own volition.
[17:00] * TaloToecan raises an eyebrow as he steps inside the door and effectively rejoins the others. "Oh...? What is this? You've returned, Tirlerion?"
[17:00] * Sashuno sighs, then scratches his head in thought.
[17:] <+Dale> "I didn't know gods had to eat. Or enjoyed it."
[17:] <Tirlerion> The country of origin tends to get it better then any import
[17:] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Aye, that is true, same goes Whiskey...
[17:] <+ZLOK> What's the catch?
[17:] <Eitak_Razal> I'm still wondering that myself.. A
[17:02] * &Lkeas shrugs. "There is none, as far as I can tell. We had previously been under Falerin's protection, now we are being offered Tirlerion's instead. I suppose it just depends on whether you want him to be the provider of said protection."
[17:02] <+ZLOK> What does Tirlerion's portfolie include again?
[17:02] <&Marrin> "hey, if there are belly dancers, I'm there."
[17:02] <&Damsel> "Ah good eve, all."
[17:02] * Clyde walks past Tirlerion and stops shortly and whispers in his ear. "Very shrewd, my friend. Very shrewd."
[17:02] * +ZLOK casually waves in Damsel's direction.
[17:02] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta looks at Marrin "See, we're all for it!"
[17:02] <Eitak_Razal> Hey Damsel

02: [17:] * som3dud33 ( Quit (Awoke: )

[17:] <&Lkeas> His portfolio is currently a subset of Falerin's, I believe. He's working under the God of Evil at present.
[17:] * Sashuno continues to ponder Tirlerion's offer.
[17:] <&Marrin> "Dissention and Schemes."
[17:] <+ZLOK> So someone who is under the god of evil is offering us his protection with no catch?
[17:] <Sashuno> "Then how do we know this is not a scheme as well?"
[17:] * TaloToecan shifts his packages slightly and continues to glance at the assembled, wondering what in the world has gone on in his absence.
[17:] <&Marrin> "Considering Falerin did the same, you are surprised?"
[17:] <+ZLOK> Falerin is not evil.
[17:] <Eitak_Razal> Did Fal's offer have a catch?
[17:04] <&Marrin> "I would be dissapointed if it WEREN'T"
[17:04] <+ZLOK> Oh yes.
[17:04] * Sashuno immediately cringes, wishing he did not say anything.
[17:04] <Eitak_Razal> But he's the god of Evil, he has to be... You just don't realize it.
[17:04] <+ZLOK> By the same logic, I have to be too.
[17:04] * Clyde heads toward the Abode mumbling under his breathe as he walks and manages to utter out something like "I accept" and a few expletives.
[17:05] <Sashuno> "not... the god of... deception..."
[17:05] <Sashuno> "Evil."
[17:05] <+ZLOK> Not because I am the god of anything.
[17:05] <&Elenor> From what I've seen of Evil, it isn't really that bad...
[17:05] <+ZLOK> If I was a god, I guess my portfolio would include oversized ducks, worn boots, and not knowing what the hell I'm doing.
[17:05] * Eitak_Razal giggles
[17:] * &Marrin chuckles
[17:] * Sashuno chuckles, his cloake hands muffling it.
[17:] <Sashuno> (cloaked*)
[17:] * &Lkeas shakes her head. "Still. Personally I would rather see my family protected, and Tirlerion hasn't exactly gone around crushing peoples' larynxes lately..."
[17:] <&Elenor> I couldn't hang around here at all without said protection.
[17:] * &Damsel glances about and nudges Talo gently. "Should we head to the kitchen?"
[17:] * +ZLOK mubles: "It's always a trap."
[17:] * Sashuno is comfused, and as such, he looks at Lkeas confused, albeit shyly.
[17:07] * &Lkeas rubs her neck as she recalls the incident.
[17:07] <Sashuno> (confused*)
[17:07] <Eitak_Razal> Though it would help if that family didn't go around commitintg armed roberies on a world with a free economiy...
[17:07] * TaloToecan glances over at Damsel and shrugs. "Well, I suppose we didn't miss anything too drastic, if no one is going to answer. I'm going to go ahead and put everything into the kitchen and get out what we will need to prepare it all properly.
[17:07] * &Elenor chuckles at the memory of said robbery.
[17:07] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Niether could I...and of course it is ZLOK, but for now I'd rather be protected then serving time in imprisonment.
[17:08] * &Damsel nods and begins weaving her way towards the kitchen doorway, knowing he will likely follow.
[17:08] * Sashuno mumbles, "tell me. What kind of imprisonment do you mean?"
[17:08] <&Lkeas> 35 years hard labor, for the slightest bit of magic use...
[17:08] * TaloToecan walks alongside of her, letting her past first through the doorway, and arranges the packages in the order they will need to be cooked.
[17:08] <&Lkeas> Multiplied for each higher level of magic used.
[17:08] <+ZLOK> Years?
[17:08] * Eitak_Razal blinks.
[17:08] <&Durroth> which decreases my survivability by alot
[17:08] <+ZLOK> How long are these years?
[17:08] <Eitak_Razal> That is a long time
[17:08] * Brink (ashoup1@9B92D004.2D4D6190.184804C.IP) has joined #darkabode
[17:08] * Enmity sets mode: +v Brink
[17:09] <+Dale> Actually.
[17:09] <+Dale> It was twenty-five, Lkeas.
[17:09] <&Durroth> considering I have to sustain my own stability off my home planet
[17:09] <Eitak_Razal> one orbit around the sun
[17:09] * Sashuno blushes slightly, then raises his voice a bit. "And can one still use magic?"
[17:09] <+ZLOK> How long does one orbit around the sun take?
[17:09] <Eitak_Razal> On terra, a year is 365 days... 366 on a leap year....
[17:09] <Eitak_Razal> Here... I'm not quite sure
[17:09] <+ZLOK> This is getting complicated.
[17:09] * +Brink looks at Sashuno "On what conditions?"
[17:10] <+ZLOK> Could someone tell me how long a year is?
[17:10] * Eitak_Razal blinks
[17:10] * &Damsel smiles at Talo, knowing she is far from knowledgable about the intricacies of cooking seafood. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
[17:10] <&Elenor> Eh... I'm not ending up in jail.
[17:10] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Around 365 days...
[17:10] * &Lkeas shrugs at Dale. "Still longer than I'd like to be imprisoned."
[17:10] * Sashuno looks at Brink, recognizing him immediately. "A...any kind..."
[17:10] <+ZLOK> And how long then, is a day?
[17:10] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> 24 hours
[17:10] <Eitak_Razal> 24 hours
[17:11] <&Elenor> An hour is sixty minutes, and a mintues is 60 seconds, before you ask.
[17:11] * Dale|Sleep ( has joined #darkabode
[17:11] * Enmity sets mode: +v Dale|Sleep
[17:11] <+ZLOK> And an hour, you're going to reply. It sixty minutes. And a minute sixty seconds. Sure.
[17:11] * TaloToecan speaks over his shoulder as he rummages for a few pans and a large pot. "Well, if you could find a few sharp, clean knives that would save me a bit of time."
[17:11] <Eitak_Razal> and an hour is 60 minutes and a minute is 60 seconds
[17:11] <+ZLOK> How long is a second?
[17:11] <Eitak_Razal> hold on
[17:11] <+Brink> "Under Tirlerion's protection, one can use magics. Under any other circumstance currently offered to the seekers we cannot."
[17:12] * Sashuno scratches his head in thought once more. "Not even on Lore?"
[17:12] * &Damsel nods her head and begins searching through drawers and cupboards.
[17:12] <+ZLOK> Is it forbidden to access magic? Many pronged lightning bolt portals, for example?
[17:12] <Sashuno> "Not even if we have some other entity use it for us?"
[17:12] <+Brink> "On Lore of course."
[17:12] <+Brink> "Not in this realm of being however."
[17:12] <&Lkeas> Without a permit, yes ZLOK.
[17:12] <&Lkeas> Tirlerion demonstrated...
[17:12] <+ZLOK> Funky.
[17:12] <+Brink> "Quite."

02: [17:13] * Dairsu ( Quit (Awoke: I HATES homework >_<)

[17:13] <&Elenor> Eh, I'm under Tirlerion's protection, and I've been using magic quite a bit.
[17:13] <+Brink> "A man allowed his finger to glow, and he was sentenced to 35 years of hard labor."
[17:13] <Eitak_Razal> 100 Miliseconds ZLOK
[17:13] * Sashuno closes his eyes, relaxing his posture, and plunging into intense pondering.
[17:13] <+ZLOK> Could have been a phosphorous material.
[17:13] * +ZLOK shrugs.
[17:14] <+ZLOK> You don't get the point.
[17:14] <&Lkeas> What is the point?
[17:14] <&Lkeas> That the protection could be a trap?
[17:14] <+ZLOK> Without a clear definition of how long time is, we can keep dividing our words into smaller fractions given other words.
[17:14] <+Brink> He remotely discribed levels of magics, teleportation is a level 9 spell, I think he said that would cost one 225 years.
[17:14] * TaloToecan moves to clean the various fish components again, more of a sense of former habit than distrust over the fishermen, and sets aside the shrimp for prompt deveining near a wastebin.
[17:14] <+ZLOK> Nono, not that.
[17:14] * Sashuno wonders, "I still have some questions."
[17:14] <+ZLOK> I'm trying to learn how long a year is.
[17:14] * Eitak_Razal nearly falls over
[17:14] <+ZLOK> It differs from place to place.
[17:14] * Kazuma ( has joined #darkabode
[17:14] * Enmity sets mode: +v Kazuma
[17:15] <Eitak_Razal> 365 days!
[17:15] <Eitak_Razal> we explained it all already
[17:15] <+ZLOK> Which still gives me no inclination of how long that is, I said this already.
[17:15] * &Lkeas shrugs. "You do have a point. However considering the look of terror upon the man's face when Tirlerion proposed the choices he had... I can't say 35 Caelestian years is something someone would want to endure."

02: [17:15] * +Dale ( Quit (Drowned: )

[17:15] <Sashuno> "What is the penalty for using magic to teleport someone without the offered protection?"
[17:15] <+Brink> "225 years of hard labor."
[17:15] <+Brink> "Roughly."
[17:16] * Dale|Sleep is now known as Dale
[17:16] * Eitak_Razal blinks
[17:16] <Tirlerion> "
[17:16] <+Brink> "Wait."
[17:16] <Tirlerion> "To teleleport someone?"
[17:16] <&Elenor> Just hearing about this makes me want to rip someone limb from limb.
[17:16] <Eitak_Razal> Agreed Elenor
[17:16] <Tirlerion> "If the person casting the spell is under protected nothing"
[17:16] <+Brink> "Are you asking if someone who HAS protection can teleport?"
[17:16] * &Marrin yawns "Ill cut off this time if anyones going anywher...
[17:16] <+ZLOK> Caelestian years is about 33 divisions. I know that.
[17:16] * &Marrin leans on a couch
[17:16] <+ZLOK> So if we put whatever years we have here, in relation to celestian years. I'll know how long these years are too.
[17:16] <+Brink> "If THAT'S the question, then indeed, as Tirlerion as said there is no penalty.
[17:16] * &Damsel finally produces a small array of knives and places them upon a clean section of the kitchen, nearby the cutting board. "I believe this should do."
[17:16] <Sashuno> "no, if someone under protection can teleport someone without protection, my friend."
[17:17] <+Brink> "Ah...."
[17:17] * Tirlerion looks at ZLOK
[17:17] <&Lkeas> This is Caelestia, is it not?
[17:17] <Sashuno> "and using magic on behalf of someone unprotected"
[17:17] * +ZLOK looks strangely.
[17:17] <Tirlerion> "Caelestian years are about 2.5 earth years"
[17:17] <+ZLOK> I got myself confused again.
[17:17] <+Brink> "There is no penalty."
[17:17] * Marrin is now known as Marrin|nap
[17:17] <Tirlerion> "Given the size of the planet"
[17:17] <+ZLOK> Ok, so I got a rough estimate. Thanks.
[17:18] * Sashuno immediately retreats to his "bubble"
[17:18] <Eitak_Razal> Wow... That is a long time....
[17:18] * Tirlerion turns back to the the group
[17:18] * Eitak_Razal nearly falls over
[17:18] <Tirlerion> "So.... anyone up for Moroccan"
[17:18] <Eitak_Razal> thats almost 50 years of my life for a minor spell!
[17:18] <Tirlerion> "Rabat is lovely this time of year"
[17:18] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta gets up "I am!"
[17:18] <Eitak_Razal> And yes
[17:18] <Eitak_Razal> Anything to get my mind off that dumb lwa
[17:18] <Eitak_Razal> (*law))
[17:18] <+ZLOK> So it's approximates that four caelestian years is .. *trails off into incoherent mumbling, obviously doing math in his head*
[17:18] <&Elenor> I'm going to go find some monsters or something on Lore to kill for a bit. I need to let out some anger.
[17:19] * TaloToecan smiles over at Damsel in appreciation and immediately grabs the smallest knife to methodically devein the shrimp in a semi-practiced manner.
[17:19] <Tirlerion> Unfortunately we missed the exhibition. That was yesterday
[17:19] <Tirlerion> Of course if you prefer we could go to Tangier or Casablanca
[17:19] <Tirlerion> Either is okay with me
[17:19] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> it does not matter to me.
[17:19] <Tirlerion> Casablanca has a certain romantic charm
[17:19] * Sashuno projects his voice through his cloak without moving his lips. "I accepy your offer, Tirlerion. Also, that dinner sounds tantalizing..."
[17:19] * Stromy ( has joined #darkabode
[17:19] * Enmity sets mode: +v Stromy
[17:19] * &Lkeas glances into the kitchen and watches Talo and Damsel cooking. "Well, they're probably working on dinner for two. I'm up for going out."
[17:20] <Sashuno> (accept*)
[17:20] <+ZLOK> Diminishing included I can last for two cycles without food, if I remain reasonably immobile.
[17:20] * +ZLOK sits down near Lkeas' chair.
[17:21] * +Brink looks at Lkeas and nods back to Tirlerion "Sounds fine."
[17:21] * Clyde plops on the couch facing the cieling. "Hmph."
[17:21] * Necro (ultrapower@1E71D84C.F80C5742.FB243B6.IP) has joined #darkabode
[17:21] * Enmity sets mode: +v Necro
[17:21] * TaloToecan calls over his shoulder hearing Lkeas's 'dinner for two' comment. "Oh, there will be some extras, I'm sure."
[17:21] * +Stromy appears out of the corner
[17:21] <+Stromy> "Hello All."
[17:21] * Vixen|Sleep is now known as Vixen
[17:22] <&Elenor> Hello.
[17:22] * +Necro teleports into the abode, wearing a green armband with an orange patter of cross scythes. It looks rather odd set against his red jumpsuit as he takes his usual spot. He is also carrying something that appears to be a tool kit
[17:22] * +Brink sniffs "Talo, my friend, what're you cooking in there?" he sniffs the smell again.
[17:23] <Tirlerion> Seafood
[17:23] <Tirlerion> Well you know...
[17:23] * +Brink looks at Tirlerion "They are now?"
[17:23] <Tirlerion> That presents something of an alternative
[17:23] * Tirlerion vanishes
[17:23] <&Durroth> ..
[17:23] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Ahh, I was hoping...ah well.
[17:23] * &Lkeas looks quizzically towards the spot where Tirlerion stood, then looks even more bewildered as she realizes he's no longer there.
[17:23] * TaloToecan finishes deveining the shrimp. "Just a few dishes that remind me of something festive, at least at home, Brink."
[17:24] <+Brink> "Ah. Nothing like comfort foods, eh?"
[17:24] * Sashuno breathes deeply and goes into a meditative state.
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