Louis Zephyr
From Caelwiki
- * Galrick has joined #755
- * Tralin sets mode: +v Galrick
- <Damsel> Good eve to you Galrick.
- <Daniel> Greetings Galrick.
- <Maxx> Greetings, Galrick.
- <Jeice> Hello Galrick.
- * LordBarrius turns. "Greetings Galrick."
- <Maxx> Late night?
- <Galrick> I need to repeat my directive. You need to let this go...
- <Galrick> give up on me.
- * Mobuis|Nap wakes up half asleep, "Oh... hello Galick.. er Galrik.. or.. whatever.." and falls back asleep
- <Formerly_Devout> Not a chance.
- <Daniel> As you insist.
- <Legault> No.
- * LordBarrius sighs. "Only if you will take care of yourself for me, friend."
- * Formerly_Devout kicks Daniel.
- <Jeice> Maybe a shuffling of priorities is in order, but not just giving up.
- <Daniel> We should not disobey a Sigma Directive Formerly.
- <Galrick> If you do not the results will be quite unacceptable for many people
- <Daniel> Even Traveller was unassigned.
- <KingK> i thought that we had agreed to do so? if we do not then we will only further help the devourer isnt that correct?
- <Galrick> Do not try to save me or stop me
- <Legault> Your life is far more important then some directibe.
- <Legault> ((Directive: *))
- <Daniel> Understood. I hope we never encounter in the future as enemies, friend.
- * Galrick points at Formerly Somebody and Legault
- <Maxx> Is there any way we could assist you in your task?
- <Galrick> I would point out Kingk
- * LordBarrius scowls at Legault. "Do not violate the Sigma Directive."
- <Galrick> that they clearly have refused
- <Galrick> And I have gotten several other messages indicating people still have my best interests in hear
- <Galrick> t
- <Galrick> But I assure you I know my best interests
- <Jeice> Allowing you to become a weapon would not been in the
best interest of the Truth Seekers Galrick. Once we take care of the other matters, why abandon you?
- <Galrick> better than you ever could
- <Galrick> give up on me.
- <Jeice> I'm sure you know yours though.
- <Galrick> Forget me
- <Galrick> Abandon me
- <Galrick> Surrender me
- <KingK> perhaps because they feel they must because you hold much value in our ques and losing you would be quite a loss
- <Galrick> Promise me.
- <Lelldorin|OOC|> For the purpose of the Directive?
- <Maxx> Then, I will have faith in you that you know what you are doing.
- <Galrick> Promise me to do so.
- <Daniel> I promise on my soul.
- <Damsel> But what of your most recent message?
- * LordBarrius frowns. "I will try my hardest."
- <Formerly_Devout> Are you sure that there isn't some compromise to be reached, priority wise?
- <Maxx> It is your choice. I do promise.
- <Legault> ... Fine.
- <Jeice> I won't forget you, but I won't go against your other wishes.
- * Galrick turns to Formerly Somebody
- <Galrick> "You have to let this go"
- <Galrick> "I am lost"
- <Formerly_Devout> I'm sorry, but I've learned that promising anything here is asking for trouble.
- <KingK> i wont make a promise but i will step down but if i
see any changes in you for the worst such as murdering or any type of evil i think its safe to say we will all step in.
- <Galrick> I have updated my main page again
- <Galrick> I have removed the longer list in favor of a more pointed selecion
- <Galrick> Gooday
- * Galrick has quit IRC (Interred: )
- <Formerly_Devout> ...depressing little pessimist.
- * LordBarrius sighs.
- <Daniel> A Sigma Directive is very important.
- * Formerly_Devout waves Daniel off.
- <KingK> what does his new message mean?
- * LordBarrius turns back to Daniel. "I apologize if I concerned you."
- * Mobuis|Nap rolls over
Daniel> Falerin agreed enough that Traveller was unassigned off of watching him.
- <Jeice> Dark lyrics...
- <KingK> yes but how do we know that is Galrick? or that our promisng wont effect us in the future as a bond of our word when he truly needs our help?
- <Daniel> We will have to trust Falerin was in the right in that he should be left alone.
- <Legault> Then we'll just bend the promise if we find he isn't the orginal... He seems that he is though.
- <Formerly_Devout> Right, KingK. That's why I didn't promise.
- * Mobuis|Nap yawns and leans up
- <Daniel> My word is my word for me.
- <Mobuis|Nap> Eh... good nap.
- <Mobuis|Nap> Er...
- <Daniel> I will not be breaking that promise.
- <Mobuis|Nap> Why am i wet?
- <Formerly_Devout> In fact, I refused.
- * LordBarrius shrugs. "At any rate, it is about time I left. I need to have a talk with a certain god in my own realm...."
- <Damsel> Daniel, I would advise you to be terribly careful of making promises of that nature in the future. I would be afraid of how they could be taken by certain parties.
- * Mobuis|Nap is now known as Mobuis
- <Formerly_Devout> So, I'm free to act if it comes to that.
- <KingK> exactly while i will hold my self in the neutral position as for giving up on him
- <Daniel> I know, but I trust in the Sigma Directive, and in Falerin.
- <Mobuis> Huh...
- * Jeice mumbles "What is erternal, the man or the moment, the act or the reason?"
- <KingK> i gave my life for the man once im willing to do ti again.
- <KingK> it: *
- * LordBarrius gestures to his right, and exits via the resulting portal.
- * Formerly_Devout grins at Barrius. "See ya."
- <Mobuis> um, bye!
- <KingK> tata
- * Formerly_Devout kicks Barrius on the way out.
- <Jeice> Bye Barrius.
- <Maxx> g'night LB
- <Daniel> Thank you for the concern though.
- * Daniel gives Damsel a hug : *
- <: <Falerin>> Faithless little devils aren't you
- <Formerly_Devout> You again?
- <Mobuis> Wait Barrius!
- <KingK> good evening.....fakerin
- * LordBarrius pauses halfway through.
- <KingK> pardon me ,Falerin
- <Daniel> Hello.
- <Formerly_Devout> Keep going, Barrius. Nothing important here.
- <Jeice> Hello Falerin.
- <: <Falerin>> Fakerin... how original...
- * LordBarrius turns to regard the voice.
- <KingK> not really i just felt like ammusing myself
- <: <Falerin>> I am however not Fake.... in any sense of the word
- <LordBarrius> Greetings to thee.
- <Daniel> I hope you are doing well, Falerin.
- <KingK> indeed you arent it was merely a joke you are as real as your analog
- * Damsel nods in reply to the voice. "A good eve to thee."
- <: <Falerin>> More real even
- <Jeice> More real?
- * Mobuis plays a short greeting tune on the flute
- <: <Falerin>> Unlike other Falerin's I act with an "evil accent"
- * Formerly_Devout grunts.
- <LordBarrius> ((Heh....))
- <Formerly_Devout> ((English accent? Kewl.))
- <Legault> ((There's a difference between evil and english. >_>))
- <Mobuis> So, what'd be your purpose among us tonight?
- <Formerly_Devout> ((Prove it!))
- <Formerly_Devout> Messing with us. As per usual.
- <: <Falerin>> ((Men in tights parodies FTW))
- <Maxx> Ah, greetings Falerin. How are you?
- <Jeice> ((XD))
- <Daniel> ((XD))
- <KingK> though i must say i dont like being called faithless
- <Mobuis> ((Lawl.))
- <Formerly_Devout> ((Token black guy!))
- <LordBarrius> ((Quite, Fal, quite.))
- <Maxx> ((Truly evil.))
- <Formerly_Devout> ((Love that movie.))
- <Daniel> ((: *mumbles Unlike other Robin Hoods...: *))
- <Formerly_Devout> ((See? It IS an English accent. Own't!))
- <: <Falerin>> ((Yes but I said act with an accent. Accent has different meaning in that usage.))
- * Formerly_Devout wonders why gods take such a long time
- <Formerly_Devout> ((So you say now. So you say now...))
- <Legault> ((First Owned, now Own't? Make up your mind people!))
- <Daniel> I hope that this evil accent is not being directed upon us too harshly.
- <Formerly_Devout> ((Nebahs!))
- <Jeice> ((Inanity reigns supremem yet again.))
- <: <Falerin>> I at least know what evil is... unlike my lackluster analog
- <Jeice> ((supreme: *))
- <Formerly_Devout> ((With any luck, he'll throw Useless through another wall. =P ))
- <Legault> ((Analogs ftl. :P))
- <Formerly_Devout> At least your analog knows the meaning of civility.
- <Formerly_Devout> And style. Don't forget that.
- <Ojodeldevorador> You are an impertinent upstart....
- * LordBarrius gestures and closes the portal, resuming his seat.
- <KingK> oh...this is interesting indeed
- * Damsel blinks in surprise.
- <Jeice> I'm sure he is plenty evil in his own world.
- * Formerly_Devout 's eyes open wide. He mouths the word "Showdown".
- <Daniel> In advance my apologies for lack of faith Falerin.
- <Jeice> What I mean is events concerning only his world.
- <KingK> i was about to say something but......looks like ojo can handle it.
- <Ojodeldevorador> The`Galin considers you a disease... a neccesary disease but I would not be too comfortable Ardendor.... if he visits Caelestia at all.. it will be YOUR world he visits first
- * Useless opens an eyelid and regards the exchange with interest.
- <Legault> It's that talking eye again... Atleast he makes sense now.
- * Formerly_Devout grins at Useless. "Well, no unscheduled wall-smashing for you, it looks like."
- <KingK> hm seems you actualy quieted him down. bravo Ojo
- <Lelldorin|OOC|> I doubt it.
- <KingK> hes probably just getting what he has to say into one large bundle to throw at him
- <: <Falerin>> And you are mouthpeice who likes to speak out of turn... a traitor to yourself... You fancy that you can do the Order of Lorithia's job.... I will see you fail I assure you of that Doctor
- <Legault> ((SEE?))
- * Useless twitches his whiskers, though not necessarily pleased. "The last time far worse was attempted."
- <Formerly_Devout> ...Doctor?
- * Lelldorin|OOC| shares a look with KingK
- <: <Falerin>> Go back to your earth Doctor....
- <: <Falerin>> Go back to your academy and ignore Lore....
- * Damsel 's brow furrows as she hugs Useless to her tightly.
- * Formerly_Devout looks at Useless again. "And you slapped it down."
- <KingK> what the devil are you talking about falerin?
- <: <Falerin>> Or I assure you Zephyr. you will suffer
- * Daniel has a seat, knowing he will need it : *
- <Daniel> We should listen first before we start questioning Falerin.
- <Formerly_Devout> Doctor Zephyr. Hm...
- <Ojodeldevorador> We shall see shant we.
- * Useless chirps lightly at Damsel, trying to loosen her grip on him but making it clear that he will not leave her.
- <Maxx> . . . Dr. Jardis??
- <Ojodeldevorador> You know Amelie?
- <KingK> what in the blazeas is all this about?
- <KingK> can one of you two please elaborate on this strange subject?
- <Lelldorin|OOC|> If we are meant to find out, we will.
- <KingK> blazes: *
- <Ojodeldevorador> This is an unforseen complication
- <Maxx> The tales of the Epic travellers are recorded.
- <Legault> ((I'f love to take a tooth pic to that floating eye. >_>))
- <Useless> Amelie is Dr. Jardis' first name? Interesting, still, that name has been mentioned to my creator and his companions.
- * Damsel losens her grip on Useless slightly, listening with growing amazement.
- <KingK> ((this doctor is someone from the epics?))
- <Ojodeldevorador> No, I am not Amelie Jardis. She however is.... someone I know well.
- <Ojodeldevorador> My given name is Dr. Louis Zephyr
- <KingK> you hail from Terra?
- <Useless> I bid you greeting by your given name then, Louis Zephyr.
- <Ojodeldevorador> We shall see about you though Ardendor. I have fought your kind before. I have won.
- <Ojodeldevorador> I hail from one of them....
- <Formerly_Devout> I congratulate you, doctor. You seem to have found the cure for annoyingevilgoditus.
- <Daniel> Neither of you should be fighting right now.
- <Ojodeldevorador> Yes we should....
- <Ojodeldevorador> We most definitely should.
- <KingK> and i take it that world is no more.....being that you no serve the'galin.......
- <KingK> now: *
- <Ojodeldevorador> No... My world still exists but I was long ago yanked from it
- * Lex is now known as Lex|BRB
- <KingK> may i ask you a rather well far fetched question?
- <Ojodeldevorador> The even had something to do with an Analog of someone else you have encountered. A being known as Morgan Orisis
- <Daniel> If you two cooperate you have much more potential than as enemies. Why fight?
- * Formerly_Devout looks at Daniel. "You ARE crazy, aren't you?"
- <Ojodeldevorador> Because I loathe what he stands for....
- * LordBarrius scowls. "Morgan...."
- * Lelldorin|OOC| is now known as Lelldorin|AFK|
- <Daniel> I don't think all evil can be eliminated and still keep a balance.
- <Formerly_Devout> Morgan Orisis? Doesn't ring any bells...
- <Ojodeldevorador> His analog though is a military officer on my earth... A general in some paramilitary organization
- <Jeice> Who is the higher ranked in/me whispers to Daniel "Would you give the same advice to two bandit groups?"
- <Ojodeldevorador> Not an undead....
- <Ojodeldevorador> But equally unpleasant
- <KingK> hm
- <KingK> heh
- <Jeice> gah
- <Ojodeldevorador> Especially as the two analogs are capable of merging manifestation
- <Daniel> ((haha))
- <Jeice> ((Uber typos...))
- <Useless> Merging manifestation?
- <Maxx> Do you mean merging analogs?
- * Daniel mutters back "It depends on the bandits. Do they wear tights? Are they manly men?" : *
- <Formerly_Devout> Merging?
- <Ojodeldevorador> There are different forms of Manifestation between realities. Substitution, Replacement, Dual Manifestation and Merging are all forms
- <Formerly_Devout> You could hear a faint whistling as that went straight over my head...
- <Ojodeldevorador> In a substitution the analogs switch places. The analog from one world takes the place of the other and vice versa
- * Jeice slaps his forehead at Daniel's question and walks away.
- * Lex|BRB is now known as Lex
- <Ojodeldevorador> In a true replacement the original is overshadowed by the replacement for the duration
- <KingK> that reminds me of a certain novel ive read of the graphic persuasion.......
- <Daniel> ((Do they roam around the forest looking for fights?))
- <Maxx> ((Realities need to come with user manuals and tech support.))
- <Ojodeldevorador> In a merging the two forms become one entity for the durarion sharing knowledge power and memory completely as well as volition
- <Mobuis> ((Tech support that doesn't speak Spanish either : <_: <))
- <Ojodeldevorador> In a dual manifestation two different analogs coexist within one plane in seperate physical vessels
- <Ojodeldevorador> There are other subtle variations on the theme as well
- <Formerly_Devout> ((Or forward you to India and put you on hold for three hours.))
- <Useless> Amazing, so many possibilities to such...
- <KingK> so they are one soul mind in two forms?
- <Jeice> Such as one person being in two places at once on the same plane?
- <KingK> two separate: *
- <Maxx> Is Morgan working with Ryuusei to merge Lkeas's analogs?
- <Ojodeldevorador> Suffice to say my studies concerned parallel universes and methods to travel between them especially ones ordianrily inaccessible
- <Jeice> I figured.
- <Ojodeldevorador> I developed a project that awakened the ability of some of my students to do switch realites at will
- <Ojodeldevorador> At least that was it's intended goal
- <Ojodeldevorador> The General took the technology for its military application and expanded on it
- <KingK> ive only just noticed.....we are discussing the analog yet he is nowhere to be found
- <Ojodeldevorador> He also attempted to kill my students in the process as a threat to national security
- <Ojodeldevorador> When he and Morgan met they arranged for the Merging type of manifestation
- <Useless> That is...distressing news. Potentially very bad and distressing news at that.
- <Ojodeldevorador> This happened some time ago
- <Ojodeldevorador> I was literally cast out of my own world. I had some interaction with some other powerful entities and eventually found myself in service to The`Galin
- <Ojodeldevorador> That Falerin knows my history is not greatly suprising.
- <Ojodeldevorador> His statements though are mostly bravado
- <Ojodeldevorador> I have the ear of The`Galin. Falerin does not.
- <Jeice> What has caused you to find so much favor in his eyes?
- <KingK> what did he promise you Ojo?
- * Mobuis bows, "Au revoir all."
- * Mobuis has quit IRC (Vanished: )
- <Ojodeldevorador> I am being called away.... If you see Amelie Jardis.. tell her Louis sends his regards... If she seems to not know me... then she is an analog.... However... in that case you are to tell her the following "Loot to Orphic. The Oracle is there"
- <KingK> very well
- <Jeice> Good bye Zephyr.
- <Useless> I will take that into advisement, if ever I am able to contact my creator again.
- <Ojodeldevorador> Amelie Jardis and I.... well She loves me... I adore her but our relationship was and is very complicated
- * Takun|Gunbound is now known as Takun
- <Useless> Fare thee well, Zephyr.
- <Ojodeldevorador> I must go..
- <KingK> good day to you
- <KingK> and safe journey
- * Damsel smiles gently. "Be well, Louis."
- <KingK> ((glad to know hes human i always pictured like an eye out of lord of the rings type form :P))
- * Ojodeldevorador fades away
- * LordBarrius nods. "Farewell."
- * Formerly_Devout looks around. "Is it gone yet?"
- <Useless> Fare thee well, Zephyr.
- <Ojodeldevorador> I must go..
- <KingK> good day to you
- <KingK> and safe journey
- * Damsel smiles gently. "Be well, Louis."
- <KingK> ((glad to know hes human i always pictured like an eye out of lord of the rings type form :P))
- * Ojodeldevorador fades away
- * LordBarrius nods. "Farewell."
- * Formerly_Devout looks around. "Is it gone yet?"
- <Fal> ((Even the eye of sauron was a manifestation. Not a being itself))
- <Fal> ((Night all))
- <KingK>((night fal))