Have You Read The Sign?
From Caelwiki
- [12:43] * Abode have you read the sign?
- [12:45] * Abode have you read the sign?
- [12:45] * Eitak_Razal blinks
- [12:45] <Dale> The sign?
- [12:45] <Eitak_Razal> Sign?
- [12:46] * Fulcan lands outside and walks in.
- [12:46] * Abode have you read the sign?
- [12:47] <Fulcan> "What? Sign? What sign?"
- [12:47] * Abode Chronos
- [12:47] * Abode Chronos
- [12:47] * Abode The sign of Chronos
- [12:48] <Fulcan> "The sign of Chronos...?"
- [12:48] * Malcolm looks up from reading a book in the corner
- [12:48] <Fulcan> "What sign? Where is it?"
- [12:49] * Abode The sign of Chronos is the sign of the times
- [12:49] * Abode have you read the sign?
- [12:49] <Fulcan> "Where is the sign?"
- [12:49] <Durroth> we havent even seen the sign
- [12:49] * Abode Everewhere
- [12:50] * Abode The signs of the times are everywhere
- [12:50] <Durroth> ... right
- [12:50] <Malcolm> so tell us what the signs say
- [12:50] <Fulcan> I haven't seen a sign... Can you show me one?"
- [12:51] * Abode A wicked generation asks for a sign.... but for them the only sign shall be the sign of Jonah
- [12:51] <Fulcan> "Jonah? Who is Jonah?"
- [12:52] * Abode Lkeas is your jonah
- [12:52] <Fulcan> "Lkeas?"
- [12:52] * Dale chuckles.
- [12:52] <Fulcan> "What is that supposed to mean?"
- [12:52] * Joins: Kazuma (romulus777@Caelestia-B9F8AA07.no.no.cox.net)
- [12:52] <Dale> She's involved in everything.
- [12:53] * Reality sets mode: +v Kazuma
- [12:54] * Kazuma yawns, "who is?"
- [12:54] <Fulcan> "Who are you? Who is it that tells us of Jonah?"
- [12:54] <Kazuma> ((did I walk in on an event?))
- [12:54] <Durroth> ((yes))'
- [12:55] <Malcolm> ((I will send you the logs))
- [12:55] <Kazuma> ((...I should have known))
- [12:58] <Malcolm> so Lkeas will falter, which may have already happened, but regain what she is and lead us onward?
- [13:13] * Abode Novai Salie
- [13:13] * Joins: Ras (ricks26@85EDBE3B.C1C4AD1F.C9E44FA8.IP)
- [13:13] <Fulcan> "What does Novai Salie mean?"
- [13:14] <Durroth> If we break it into letters and change it around we get Nova is a lie
- [13:14] <Malcolm> ((To Wikipieda!))
- [13:14] <Fulcan> "n o v a i s a l i e."
- [13:15] <Fulcan> "You're right."
- [13:16] * Abode Look to Novai Salie
- [13:17] <Malcolm> I wonder what that could mean
- [13:17] * Abode I am the Abode
- [13:17] <Fulcan> "Right. The abode."
- [13:18] <Fulcan> ( http://www.myspace.com/novaisalie/ )
- [13:18] <Malcolm> ((cannot be found))
- [13:18] <Fulcan> ( hm... )
- [13:18] <Kazuma> ((All we have is the archive))
- [13:19] <Malcolm> ((Where's Lkeas when you need her))
- [13:19] <Durroth> ((Follow who?))
- [13:19] <Fulcan> ( What the? (
- [13:19] <Fulcan> ( http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=115526472 )
- [13:20] <Malcolm> ((thats Galrick's myspace, maybe he is the one we are looking for))
- [13:21] <Fulcan> ( It's all scrambled... )
- [13:22] * Quits: Durroth ( durroth@Caelestia-90986732.man.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout)
- [13:23] * Joins: Durroth (durroth@Caelestia-90986732.man.east.verizon.net)
- [13:23] * Reality sets mode: +v Durroth
- [13:24] <Kazuma> ((before anybody tries, the CaelWiki for this room is the same
- [13:24] <Kazuma> ))
- [13:25] * Quits: Ras (ricks26@85EDBE3B.C1C4AD1F.C9E44FA8.IP ) (Exterminated: )
- [13:25] <Durroth> ((before anyone tries what?))
- [13:25] <Fulcan> "Abode, can you tell me where Falerin is?"
- [13:25] * Abode There is no god save Eldron
- [13:25] <Dale> (( XD ))
- [13:26] <Kazuma> ((dude, this house knows to much))
- [13:26] <Fulcan> "What of Mariel? Serian? What happened to them?"
- [13:27] * Abode There is no god save Eldron
- [13:27] <Fulcan> "Very well. Can you tell me where to find Eldron the good?"
- [13:28] * Abode How would I know where he is... I am Falerin's Avatar... not Eldrons
- [13:28] * Abode laughs
- [13:28] * Fulcan frowns. "Would you know HOW I can find him?"
- [13:28] <Abode> Take the house out of stasis. Go into Fair Harbor proper. Awaken Jason the Councilor.
- [13:29] <Abode> Jason is the High Archbishop of Eldron's church.
- [13:29] <Fulcan> "Take the house out of stasis? How do I do that?"
- [13:29] <Abode> I can do that.... do you wish for me to do that?
- [13:29] <Fulcan> "...Yes."
- [13:29] <Kazuma> ((okay, have fun.))
- [13:30] <Malcolm> we can't take the house out of stasis yet
- [13:30] <Abode> Preparing to cancel temporal dialation
- [13:30] <Fulcan> ( brb )
- [13:30] <Durroth> ... wait, if we take the house out of stasis...
- [13:30] <Abode> About to reenter the Normal Timestream as 23:30:29
- [13:31] <Dale> Shit. NO! That was yesterday!
- [13:31] <Dale> Dont~!
- [13:31] <Dale> Abode, stop!
- [13:31] <Durroth> we cant!
- [13:31] <Malcolm> stop abode
- [13:31] <Kazuma> Stop! We don't want to renter that day!
- [13:31] <Durroth> if we do, we lose time that we NEED
- [13:31] <Fulcan> "What?"
- [13:31] <Malcolm> do NOT cancel the Temporal dialation
- [13:31] <Abode> Only the initiator may stop me
- [13:31] <Durroth> actually kaz, thats where we left off
- [13:31] <Dale> Fulcan
- [13:31] <Abode> Now taking the house out of stasis
- [13:31] <Dale> STOP THE HOUS
- [13:31] <Fulcan> "Stop!"
- [13:32] <Dale> E
- [13:32] <Malcolm> I repete LEAVE the temporal dialation in place
- [13:32] <Durroth> taking the house out of stasis is not a good idea
- [13:32] <Abode> Temporal Dialation Reestablished at 23:31:02
- [13:32] <Kazuma> dang
- [13:32] <Kazuma> that was close
- [13:33] <Kazuma> ((I'm a bit lost...We're back in no time land, correct?))
- [13:33] <Malcolm> someone find Arden and maybe he will be able to explain what just happened
- [13:33] * Dale walks upstairs.
- [13:33] <Abode> Arden is not within
- [13:34] <Kazuma> dang...
- [13:34] <Durroth> you do realize that if we hadnt stopped that, we would have had damsel very angry at us
- [13:34] <Kazuma> to say the least
- [13:34] <Malcolm> this house is starting to get on my nerves
- [13:34] <Abode> If you'ld like to make a call
- [13:34] * Dale stops. "Abode. He was here last night. Where'd he go?"
- [13:34] <Abode> Please hangup, check the number, and dial again
- [13:34] <Malcolm> THAT and we could have made the uncreation of lore happen a lot quicker
- [13:35] * Joins: Jonasor ( Jonasor@Caelestia-326F8508.access.telenet.be)
- [13:35] * Fulcan frowns, and vanishes.
- [13:35] <Abode> If you need help please ask for a channel operator
- [13:35] * Jonasor walks in and takes a seat
- [13:35] <Malcolm> Fine, get me a channel Operator on the line
- [13:35] <Durroth> what is a channel operator?
- [13:35] <Durroth> you stopped making sense all of a sudden
- [13:35] <Malcolm> ((the house turned into the Frogplushie))
- [13:36] <Jonasor> "Hey all, Whats happening?"
- [13:36] <Malcolm> the house has turned crazy, tried to take us back into the time line
- [13:36] * Reality sets mode: +o Malcolm
- [13:37] <Jonasor> "It tried to take us back into the time?"
- [13:37] * Fulcan is now known as Fulcan-[away]
- [13:37] <Abode> Done
- [13:37] <Durroth> no
- [13:37] <Durroth> it didnt try to take us back in time because we havent moved forward in time
- [13:38] <Dale> It tried to resume moving time as it is.
- [13:38] <Malcolm> it tried to return us to the time stream, we are 'out of time' right now
- [13:38] <Malcolm> and close to that being true on two different levels
- [13:38] <Dale> Wait... Just the abode is is outside time?
- [13:38] <Jonasor> "Thank you Malcom... Sorry durroth but you made no sense..."
- [13:38] <Durroth> yes
- [13:38] * Parts: Reality ( Reality@violation.reality.net) (UNASSIGN from Falerin)
- [13:38] * Joins: Abode (Abode@Caelestia.net)
- [13:38] * Abode sets mode: +ao Abode Abode
- [13:39] <Durroth> just the inside of the abode
- [13:39] <Kazuma> ((XD))
- [13:39] <Durroth> people can enter from outside
- [13:39] <Kazuma> ((wow, we get abode-bot))
- [13:39] <Dale> (( XD ))
- [13:39] <Malcolm> ((think Fal got bored Fsaying it all the time and decided to make a bot up for it))
- [13:40] <Durroth> but we have an event to alter, and until that happens, we cant risk a single minute
- [13:40] <Jonasor> ((Saying what all the time XD?))
- [13:40] <Abode> Have you seen the sign
- [13:40] <Kazuma> This again?
- [13:41] <Durroth> Which one?
- [13:41] <Abode> I will repeat the interrogation untill you discover the point for yourself without being led
- [13:41] <Abode> Too much
- [13:41] <Abode> The Seeker's page has been modified
- [13:41] <Abode> The Seeker's Contains the clue
- [13:42] <Abode> No ones gonna drag you....
- [13:42] <Durroth> hmm... I dont suppose the laptop gets internet access
- [13:42] * Abode falls silent
- [13:42] <Kazuma> let's find out
- [13:42] <Jonasor> "What page has been modified? The Seeker's?"
- [13:43] * Durroth walks over to the magically inconspicuous statue on the table and presses his necklace into the indent, takes the laptop from inside it and logs on
- [13:43] <Durroth> lets see...
- [13:44] * Jonasor tries to see what Durroth is doing
- [13:44] <Computer> Welcome to CaelOS Enhanced. Where would you like to go today?
- [13:44] <Computer> Welcome to CaelOS Enhanced. Where would you like to go today?
- [13:44] <Durroth> hmm...
- [13:44] <Durroth> open internet browser
- [13:45] <Computer> Incorrect Nomenclature has been employed
- [13:45] <Kazuma> eh, try naming a program
- [13:45] <Durroth> what kind of computer has no internet browser?
- [13:45] <Durroth> Open internet explorer?
- [13:45] <Jonasor> try opening internet explorer
- [13:45] <Computer> The internet is not the World Wide Web. Do you wish me to launch a Web Browser, or some other generalized program that migrates the internet at large
- [13:46] <Durroth> web browser
- [13:46] <Computer> What is your prefered browser emulation?
- [13:47] <Computer> Please select a prefered browser emulation
- [13:47] <Jonasor> ((Whats a browser emulation?)
- [13:47] <Durroth> firefox
- [13:47] * Fulcan-[away] is now known as Fulcan
- [13:47] * Fulcan appears.
- [13:47] <Computer> Emulation set to Mozilla Firefox
- [13:47] <Computer> This preference has been saved
- [13:48] <Jonasor> "Hey fulcan, we are using the computer"
- [13:48] <Computer> Launching Mozilla Firefox on CaelOS Enhanced in Windows Compatability Mode
- [13:48] <Fulcan> "The laptop?"
- [13:48] <Jonasor> "yes"
- [13:48] <Fulcan> "Hm. I need to make a CaelOS account sometime."
- [13:48] * Joins: Legault (perroquite@Caelestia-90E33C29.bois.qwest.net )
- [13:48] * Abode sets mode: +v Legault
- [13:49] <>Ambiance<> The browser displays http://www.google.com/firefox?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
- [13:49] <Jonasor> "Ok, now what we need to look for again?"
- [13:49] * Fulcan looks at the screen.
- [13:49] <Legault> ((Even Caelestia uses Firefox. :o))
- [13:50] <Durroth> ((I chose it))
- [13:50] <Jonasor> ((We told it to use Firefox))
- [13:50] <Fulcan> ( I use IE. )
- [13:50] <Durroth> The seekers page
- [13:50] <Durroth> hmm
- [13:50] <Jonasor> Not the seekers page
- [13:50] <>Ambiance<> The browser displays http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&q=The+Seekers+Page&btnG=Google+Search
- [13:50] <Jonasor> The Seeker's
- [13:51] <Durroth> thats what I said
- [13:51] <Durroth> I need to decide what to google
- [13:51] <Jonasor> There are some difference in The seekers and The Seeker's
- [13:52] <Legault> ((How to beat The'Galin for Dummies.))
- [13:52] <Durroth> hmm
- [13:52] <Malcolm> maybe "Truth Seeker's page"
- [13:52] <Durroth> lets try Galrick the seeker
- [13:52] * Durroth types it in and presses enter
- [13:53] <Malcolm> make sure to use quotes, Search engines work better with quotes
- [13:53] <Durroth> hmm... this looks promising
- [13:53] <Fulcan> "Try 'Galrick site:myspace.com
- [13:53] <Fulcan> "
- [13:53] * Durroth clicks the first link (Galricks myspace)
- [13:54] <>Ambiance<> The browser displays http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=9pK&q=Galrick+The+Seeker&btnG=Search breifly before opening up http://www.myspace.com/novaisalie
- [13:54] <Durroth> this is decidedly odd
- [13:55] <Jonasor> "Very odd, a picture of a bunny?"
- [13:55] <Durroth> yup
- [13:55] <>Ambiance<> Warning! This Site Does not Render In FireFox Mode
- [13:55] <>Ambiance<> I recommend IE Compat Mode for this Site
- [13:55] <>Ambiance<> Switch
- [13:55] <Legault> ((Not just any bunny! It's Bugs Bunny.))
- [13:55] <>Ambiance<> ?
- [13:55] <Durroth> ((It works fine in firefox for me))
- [13:55] <Malcolm> switch to IE compat mode
- [13:56] <Durroth> sure, switch to IE compat mode
- [13:56] <Fulcan> "Hm."
- [13:56] <>Ambiance<> Switched
- [13:57] * Eitak_Razal blinks
- [13:57] <Kazuma> and in the end, proof that not even gods like FireFox
- [13:58] <Fulcan> "I don't even know what those are."
- [13:58] <Jonasor> does anyone know what this could mean?
- [13:58] <Durroth> what?
- [13:58] <Fulcan> "What IS FireFox?"
- [13:58] * Eitak_Razal sits up groggly... and rubs her eyes "Whats going on?
- [13:58] <Eitak_Razal> whats all this about the internet?
- [13:58] <Durroth> its a terran web browser
- [13:58] <Malcolm> hey there, maybe you can help us
- [13:58] <Kazuma> FIreFox is a Terran Web browser.
- [13:58] <Kazuma> ((XD))
- [13:58] <Durroth> weird
- [13:58] <Malcolm> the house went a bit crazy but it gave us a clue
- [13:59] <Legault> ((Gah! I know what that is. ._.))
- [13:59] <Legault> ((Damsel can translate it easily.))
- [13:59] * Eitak_Razal pulls out her own laptop.
- [13:59] <Kazuma> ((tell me what it is))
- [13:59] <Eitak_Razal> Whats going on.
- [13:59] <Durroth> check this out
- [14:00] <Malcolm> ((/me pokes Damsel and Lkeas and LB, even though the latter two are not in the chat))
- [14:00] <Jonasor> Uhh guys.. i found something odd on the site...
- [14:00] <Durroth> theres a blog entry for today
- [14:00] <Fulcan> "What's that, Jonasor?"
- [14:00] <Jonasor> The date of a post
- [14:00] <Jonasor> Thursday, April 17, 2008
- [14:00] <Durroth> exactly
- [14:00] <Durroth> that one doesnt show up in all blog entries
- [14:00] <Durroth> but theres one for today also
- [14:00] <Jonasor> Follow her
- [14:00] <Jonasor> salut!
- [14:01] <Durroth> yup
- [14:01] <Durroth> thats one
- [14:01] <Jonasor> Follow who i would say...
- [14:01] <Durroth> the other one from 2008 says "Eyes are still watching. Get ready"
- [14:01] * Joins: Lyoko (droideka_1@Caelestia-B6D436CF.trrhin.dsl-w.verizon.net)
- [14:01] * Abode sets mode: +v Lyoko
- [14:01] <Kazuma> I remember that one
- [14:02] * Eitak_Razal bings up the page on her own myspace... "Now what was my password again?"
- [14:04] <Eitak_Razal> oh... That was it..
- [14:04] <Jonasor> "hmm is that message i posted before crypic?"
- [14:04] <Durroth> ok, todays is the most recent
- [14:04] <Durroth> Follow her.
- [14:04] <Durroth> that must be the sign
- [14:04] <Jonasor> "Yes, but follow who?"
- [14:04] <Durroth> or rather the clue
- [14:05] * Fulcan is now known as Fulcan-[away]
- [14:05] * Durroth writes it down on a piece of paper, shuts the laptop down, and seals it back in its hiding place
- [14:05] <>Ambiance<> The main page seems to contain Media. Play it?
- [14:05] <Durroth> ((or not))
- [14:05] <Durroth> yes
- [14:05] <Eitak_Razal> Sure
- [14:05] <Durroth> ((scratch my action))
- [14:05] <>Ambiance<> The browser renders the page exactly as explorer does with sound turned on
- [14:06] <Eitak_Razal> I prefer to browse it on a traditonal pc...
- [14:06] * Eitak_Razal has her laptop out
- [14:06] <>Ambiance<> Music fills the abode.
- [14:06] <>Ambiance<> Ace of Base.
- [14:06] <>Ambiance<> The Sign
- [14:06] <Eitak_Razal> Think the music is a clue
- [14:06] <Durroth> probly
- [14:07] <Malcolm> seems like it
- [14:07] <Durroth> the lyrics say "I saw the sign"
- [14:07] <Jonasor> "meh"
- [14:07] * Jonasor goes to the kithen and goes to do the dishes
- [14:08] * Jonasor is now known as jonasor
- [14:08] * jonasor is now known as jonasor|dishes
- [14:08] * Singer sings "Is enough enough"
- [14:09] * Singer sings "I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes"
- [14:09] * Singer sings "I saw the sign"
- [14:09] * Singer sings "Life is demanding without understanding"
- [14:09] * Legault is now known as MrLowSanity
- [14:09] * Singer sings "No ones gonna drag you up
- [14:09] * Singer sings "To get into the light where you belong...."
- [14:13] <Durroth> ok, so we've seen the sign, the question is, which her are we supposed to follow?
- [14:14] <Malcolm> Lkeas I would bet
- [14:14] <Durroth> very probable
- [14:14] <Durroth> but I havent seen Lkeas for a while
- [14:15] <Kazuma> Which part of Lkeas? There was the Lkeas that joined the opposing force, our Lkeas, Sakel and many others I'm sure
- [14:15] <Durroth> I dont know
- [14:16] <Durroth> it might not mean lkeas at all
- [14:16] <Durroth> we dont know
- [14:16] <Kazuma> right
- [14:16] <Kazuma> for all we know, we may not have met her
- [14:16] * Joins: Krosha ( Krosha@Caelestia-EA6A320A.ipt.aol.com)
- [14:16] <Malcolm> it was what the Abode said before
- [14:16] * Krosha fades into the plane.
- [14:17] <Malcolm> thats what makes me think its Lkeas
- [14:17] * MrLowSanity , the frog, appears.
- [14:17] <Durroth> yes, and Lkeas is still at the top of the list
- [14:18] <MrLowSanity> Which list? Smartest people list? Most wanted?
- [14:18] * Eitak_Razal blinks
- [14:18] <Malcolm> list of people who could be called 'her'
- [14:18] <Eitak_Razal> I's the frog
- [14:18] <Eitak_Razal> That could be any female...
- [14:18] <Durroth> list of people we're supposed to follow
- [14:18] <Durroth> who happen to be hers
- [14:19] * Eitak_Razal laughs "We can rule a few people out... Myself, Plushie-chan....
- [14:19] <MrLowSanity> Damsel!
- [14:20] <MrLowSanity> Or... Um... Lorithia?
- [14:22] <Dale> Or Lauren.
- [14:23] <Kazuma> or somebody we've yet to meet
- [14:23] * Eitak_Razal blinks
- [14:23] <Eitak_Razal> Who's Lauren...
- [14:23] <MrLowSanity> Lorithia.
- [14:23] <Kazuma> her human analog
- [14:24] <Eitak_Razal> Maybe... Its "Alice"
- [14:24] <Kazuma> we seem to be falling already
- [14:24] <Kazuma> hmm
- [14:24] <Kazuma> come to think of it
- [14:24] <MrLowSanity> Alice isn't female. You're all confused.
- [14:25] <Kazuma> That drink I had the other day had come from the "looking glass" vine yard
- [14:27] * Malcolm 's stomach rumbles
- [14:27] <Malcolm> too much thinking on an empty stomach
- [14:27] <Malcolm> I need something to eat
- [14:28] <MrLowSanity> I don't have a stomach.
- [14:28] <MrLowSanity> All that's there is a black hole.
- [14:29] * Malcolm gets up to make something in the kitchen
- [14:29] * MrLowSanity rips in half, "Opps. Feene wants me."
- [14:30] * MrLowSanity repairs himself, "... ... ... ... ... I think I'll stall."
- [14:32] * Joins: Quintessence (Quintessen@Caelestia-109311E4.manc.cable.ntl.com)
- [14:33] <MrLowSanity> Oppsies. She's crying again.
- [14:34] * MrLowSanity vanishes in a burst of confetti.
- [14:35] * Parts: Quintessence (Quintessen@Caelestia-109311E4.manc.cable.ntl.com)
- [14:35] * Krosha brushes off some confetti.
- [14:36] * jonasor|dishes is now known as jonasor
- [14:36] * MrLowSanity is now known as FrogPlushie|BeingTortured
- [14:38] * jonasor is back from cleaning the dishes
- [14:38] <jonasor> "Gah, why do we got so many dishes?
- [14:38] <jonasor> "
- [14:38] * Durroth shuts the laptop down and returns it to its hiding place
- [14:42] <jonasor> "Well, did we get anything usefull from the site?"
- [14:43] <Durroth> a message
- [14:44] <jonasor> another one or just Follow her?
- [14:44] <Durroth> just follow her
- [14:45] <Durroth> but it must be very important
- [14:45] <jonasor> Maybe the other message might help
- [14:45] * Malcolm comes back into the main area
- [14:45] <jonasor> i got that off the site to
- [14:45] <Malcolm> the song has a clue in it too I believe
- [14:46] <jonasor> we should find the full lyrics
- [14:47] <Durroth> that message is from a while ago Jonasor
- [14:47] <Durroth> drop it
- [14:47] <jonasor> But it could still be important...
- [14:49] <jonasor> http://www.moron.nl/lyrics.php?id=26505&artist=Ace%20of%20Base
- [14:49] <jonasor> that should help us out
- [14:49] <Durroth> we've been over that message before
- [14:49] * Quits: Dale (Dale@XD.XD.XD) (Client exited)
- [14:49] <jonasor> Ok ill drop it
- [14:49] * Joins: Dale (Dale@4D372EA4.3D057424.2BFD3166.IP )
- [14:50] * Quits: Dale (Dale@4D372EA4.3D057424.2BFD3166.IP) (Interred: )
- [14:51] * Quits: jonasor ( Jonasor@Caelestia-326F8508.access.telenet.be) (Interred: CaelIRC Webchat)
- [14:51] * Joins: Jonasor (Jonasor@Caelestia-326F8508.access.telenet.be)
- [14:52] * Joins: Dale (Dale@XD.XD.XD)
- [14:52] * Abode sets mode: +v Dale
- [14:54] <Jonasor> "Life is demanding whitout understanding"
- [14:56] <Jonasor> "The onlything good i can get out of it..."
- [17:14] * Damsel walks in from outside. "How interesting."
- [17:14] <Durroth> what?
- [17:15] <Damsel> "Galrick's site."
- [17:15] <Durroth> yup
- [17:15] <Abode> Salad tossed with a side of lentil soup
- [17:15] <Durroth> ...
- [17:15] <MrLowSanity> Yummy!
- [17:15] <Damsel> "Follow Her... with a capital H."
- [17:15] <Durroth> so we've decided that unless something happens, we'll assume her is Lkeas
- [17:16] <MrLowSanity> Or Lauren.
- [17:16] <Durroth> I dont think it is
- [17:16] <MrLowSanity> Or Lorithia. Or Damsel.
- [17:16] <Durroth> but malcolm does
- [17:16] * Damsel smriks. "If it is Lkeas, I find it to be extremely ironic."
- [17:17] <Malcolm> I believe it to be Lkeas because the Abode said that Lkeas is our Jonah
- [17:17] <Elaith> Well, has anyone had themselves marked or set apart from the others? They would seem to be more likely.
- [17:17] <Damsel> "You are aware that Lkeas is only a female on a limited number of worlds, are you not?"
- [17:17] <Durroth> no Elaith
- [17:17] <Durroth> not really
- [17:18] * Damsel glances at Elaith and frowns slightly.
- [17:18] * Elaith smiles blandly.
- [17:19] <Damsel> "Marked... You don't think... but obviously you do."
- [17:19] <Durroth> all theories are welcome
- [17:20] <Durroth> we dont have many yet
- [17:20] * Damsel leans against a wall and crosses her arms. "Shades..."
- [17:21] * Elaith shrugs. "It would be my guess, yes."
- [17:21] * Damsel shakes her head. "Let's forget about that for a moment. 'Her' appears to reference a proper name. Usually a capital letter when used in pronouns indicates added importance, usually for those in a god's position."
- [17:22] <Durroth> o...k...
- [17:22] <Durroth> so that might narrow it down, or it might not
- [17:23] <Elaith> I don't think forgetting would be the way to go, so to speak. You are a possibility, even if you wouldn't like to exactly shout from the rooftops "It's me!" in a party hat.
- [17:23] <Durroth> we cant discount any possibilities yet
- [17:23] <Malcolm> we could use the laptop to find a list of female deitys that have encountered the seekers on our journys
- [17:24] * Damsel frowns again at Elaith. "I don't know. It seems extremely presumptuous..."
- [17:25] <MrLowSanity> Presume or guess? What's better?
- [17:25] <Elaith> Well Her could also be a substitute title like Damsel, and it just feels right.
- [17:26] <Durroth> I refuse to rule any possibilities out
- [17:26] <Elaith> The others don't have the same feeling for being the one it is to me.
- [17:26] <Durroth> unless they're extremely unlikely
- [17:28] * Damsel sighs softly. "Why Salut though? That doesn't really seem to fit with much of anything."
- [17:28] <Durroth> good question
- [17:28] <MrLowSanity> ((Salute?*))
- [17:28] <MrLowSanity> ((Or Salut?))
- [17:29] <Durroth> theres a very small possibility but...
- [17:29] <Durroth> nevermind
- [17:29] <Damsel> ((that wasn't a typo. no e.))
- [17:29] <Damsel> "No, please, go on."
- [17:29] <Durroth> I was thinking
- [17:29] <MrLowSanity> It would be bad if you weren't.
- [17:30] <Durroth> Fal used that when we toasted
- [17:30] <Durroth> ((Falerin*))
- [17:31] <Durroth> it could be a reference to his toast to family and such
- [17:31] <Damsel> "Do you recall the line or context in which it was used?"
- [17:31] * Dale is now known as Dale|Dinner
- [17:31] <Durroth> its really just a toast
- [17:31] <MrLowSanity> Oooohhh. He made Avarie drink.
- [17:31] <MrLowSanity> Maybe her?
- [17:31] * Damsel chuckles. "Not Avarie. Elaith."
- [17:32] <MrLowSanity> ((/me resists saying, "Elaith is a her?!"))
- [17:33] <Elaith> That's because I am not overly fond of imbibing alcohol.
- [17:33] * MrLowSanity blinks at Elaith, "Are you a wraith?"
- [17:34] <Elaith> "I am of Terran descent."
- [17:34] <MrLowSanity> You're so sneaky and silent, you must be.
- [17:34] <Malcolm> it could refer to the Îles du Salut, called the Salvation Islands in english
- [17:34] <MrLowSanity> Oh, nevermind then.
- [17:34] <Durroth> ... wait
- [17:34] <Durroth> hmm...
- [17:35] <Durroth> in that context Salut could mean salvation
- [17:35] <MrLowSanity> Follow Her to salvation?
- [17:35] <Durroth> there was no to, but that could be it
- [17:36] <Damsel> "Usually though it's just used as a greeting."
- [17:36] * Eitak_Razal sits up groggly... and rubs her eyes "Whats going on?
- [17:37] <Malcolm> only with the E on the end
- [17:37] <Durroth> yes, but it cant be used as a greeting in the context
- [17:37] <MrLowSanity> I blame that Bald Cupper book you're reading. Stop reading it. It makes you sleepy.
- [17:37] <Malcolm> Salut and Salute are two different words
- [17:37] <Durroth> if you use it as a greeting it reads "Follow Her. Hello!"
- [17:38] <Damsel> "I know."
- [17:38] <MrLowSanity> Orrrr... Galrick is just saying hi.
- [17:38] <MrLowSanity> People do that, ya'know.
- [17:40] * Quits: Lyoko ( droideka_1@Caelestia-B6D436CF.trrhin.dsl-w.verizon.net) (Exterminated: )
- [17:42] * Arden descends the steps
- [17:42] <Durroth> no frog, he wasnt just saying hi
- [17:43] <MrLowSanity> Did you ask him?
- [17:43] <Arden> What are you on about?'
- [17:43] <Durroth> wait... how did you
- [17:44] <Damsel> "We seem to have gotten an odd message from Galrick, Arden."
- [17:44] <Durroth> how did you get upstairs when you werent in the abode earlier?
- [17:44] <MrLowSanity> A wizard did it, clearly.
- [17:44] <Durroth> that makes no sense!
- [17:44] <MrLowSanity> ((xD))
- [17:44] <Arden> Pardon me?
- [17:45] <Arden> turning toward Damsel "What does the message say?"
- [17:46] <Damsel> "All the message contained was "Follow Her," with a capital "H," and then on another line, "Salut!"
- [17:46] <Arden> That was the entire message in context? How peculiar. Her clearly is refering to a specific individual with emphasis.
- [17:47] <Arden> Salut is a terran toast. It means to your health.
- [17:47] * Damsel nods her head. "I see."
- [17:48] <Malcolm> what about the translation of it meaning 'salvation'?
- [17:49] <Damsel> "The more important question is likely which individual he is referring to..."
- [17:50] <Eitak_Razal> ...
- [17:50] <MrLowSanity> We need a list.
- [17:51] <MrLowSanity> Can the computer give a list of every female in the omniverses?
- [17:51] <Malcolm> how many billion Petrabytes will that be I wonder
- [17:51] <Eitak_Razal> That would be trillons of people Frog...
- [17:51] <Damsel> "His main page background has changed along with the song. The bloody brilhado wings..."
- [17:51] <Durroth> ... it probably could, but I dont feel like reading that
- [17:52] <Durroth> the song is kinda catchy
- [17:52] * Dale|Dinner is now known as Dale
- [17:52] <Damsel> "That's... a particular choice."
- [17:52] <Durroth> anyway, we knew we were supposed to be finding a "sign" to begin with
- [17:52] <Arden> Such is indeed a translation of the french albeit a bit of a stretch
- [17:53] <Damsel> "Lavender windows and his saying has changed... 'to stay aware is to stay alive' and he lists his location as Ponce, Puerto Rico."
- [17:53] <Durroth> because the abode said so
- [17:53] <MrLowSanity> Oh? The abode talks too? YAY!
- [17:54] * MrLowSanity floats over to the wall and attempts to start up a conversation with it.
- [17:54] * MrLowSanity is now known as FrogPlushie|Eating
- [17:54] <Durroth> yes, we established that, but I doubt it will talk to you
- [17:54] <Durroth> it only seems to talk when it has something important to say
- [17:54] <FrogPlushie|Eating> ((I know. ;p))
- [17:54] <Eitak_Razal> Puerto Rico is an amerecian Teritory. Its on terra...
- [17:54] * Eitak_Razal wonders what he's doing on terra.
- [17:55] <FrogPlushie|Eating> ((Coffee break.))
- [17:55] <FrogPlushie|Eating> ((Heroes need that, you know.))
- [17:57] * Elaith sighs and ponders in his head, frustrated at coming up with nothing thus far *
- [17:57] * Fulcan-[away] is now known as Fulcan
- [17:57] * Fulcan is now known as Fulcan-[away]
- [17:58] * Damsel appears equally without answer.
- [17:58] * Durroth mutters about people never using the front door
- [17:59] <FrogPlushie|Eating> ((Is that what he's always brooding about?))
- [17:59] * FrogPlushie|Eating is now known as MrLowSanity
- [17:59] <Durroth> ((no))
- [18:04] * MrLowSanity gives up on the wall, "It's boring."
- [18:04] * Quits: Hazelnut (Hazelnut@Caelestia-A1AE1238.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net) (Connection reset by peer)
- [18:06] <Durroth> hmm...
- [18:07] <Durroth> I got nuthin
- [18:07] <MrLowSanity> Let's see. So. What good the answers be?
- [18:08] <MrLowSanity> Lauren, Lorithia, Lkeas, Damsel, uh... That other Lkeas. Or someone he haven't met. Or some god I don't know.
- [18:09] <Damsel> "The main page seems to have ties to the brilhado, however..."
- [18:09] <MrLowSanity> There are female Brilhado?
- [18:10] <MrLowSanity> ((Seriously, I've never seen one outside Diviara's wife.))
- [18:10] * Damsel gives MrLowSanity an odd look.
- [18:11] <Malcolm> somehow I doubt its a Brilhado, I mean it could be, but I don't think it is
- [18:11] <Malcolm> however it may be a clue to who 'she' is
- [18:12] <MrLowSanity> ((It's obviously a female adventurer in Winged Guardian armor.))
- [18:18] <MrLowSanity> Umm... What about that Huntress lady?
- [18:19] <MrLowSanity> She's made Brilhado wings bloody.
- [18:19] <Abode> I find you dull too. Pseudorandom. Predictably.
- [18:20] <Durroth> ... Frog just got insulted by a house
- [18:20] <Abode> I mean really. You PLAY at being mad and chaotic but you are a caricature really.
- [18:20] * Eitak_Razal chuckles