Given Additional Information

From Caelwiki

[17:33] * Arden descends the stairs halfway and stares into the distance....
[17:34] * Grett stifles a snicker.
[17:34] FrogPlushie: Hmm... Hang yourself or eat... Hmm, decisions.
[17:34] ThatOneThatIsSomeone: Ah, Arden.
[17:34] Arden: never trust perception
[17:34] * Daniel 's illusion filters pink hair onto the "dancing Daniel-Damsel".
[17:34] Arden: It is a liar
[17:34] * Damsel manages to recover from the shock, her voice stern. "Daniel!"
[17:34] * Arden finishes descending the stairs
[17:34] Daniel: I would have to agree with you.
[17:34] * Eitak_Razal seemingly appears, though its not quite right.
[17:34] * Clyde stares, "Greetings Arden."
[17:34] * Daniel smiles and dispels the illusion.
[17:34] Necro: Good evening Arden
[17:34] * Lkeas nods a greeting to Arden. "That is something we've been shown many a time.."
[17:35] Damsel: "I thought I asked you not to take my form any more?"
[17:36] * Xforce tilts his head to one side as everyone's hair reverts to its normal colour.
[17:36] Daniel: The hair was pink, and I added a tattoo.
[17:36] Arden: Antimagic Shell
[17:36] Lkeas: ((i think he just dispelled the illusion on himself, Xforce, not everybody else))
[17:36] Abode: Antimagic Shell now active
[17:36] Xforce: ((Oh... I see))
[17:36] * mori looks up at Arden. "Hello, and what was that gigantic magical disturbance just now?"
[17:36] Daniel: ((Bingo. Also, song credits: If God is a DJ, by Pink))
[17:37] * Eitak_Razal fades as the antimagic shell is put up.
[17:37] mori: Oh, antimagic shell. Got it.
[17:37] * Xforce stares in horror as Eitak vanishes, then huddles against Clyde.
[17:37] Xforce: "Daddy, what happened to mommy?"
[17:37] * TaloToecan is heavily inconvenienced, and labors to breathe slightly.
[17:37] Daniel: It prevents me from causing trouble.
[17:38] Damsel: "...That isn't quite what I ment."
[17:38] * Eitak_Razal was just a puppet
[17:38] Abode: Adjust Magical Restrictions to Inate nonexternalized magic
[17:39] * TaloToecan breathes more easily. "My thanks..."
[17:39] * mori looks surpised as his flesh becomes less pale. "Oh yeah...undead...right..."
[17:39] * ThatOneThatIsSomeone slowly puts a hand to his throat as to feel wether it's still there.
[17:40] * Eitak_Razal was using an external magic to make the puppet appear and thus can't show up
[17:40] * Clyde feels his soul change in order to adapt to the shell
[17:40] * Xforce seems slightly more chipper as the shell fades.
[17:40] * Lkeas glances around the room, rather concerned. "It will be a good thing to keep note of... how many of the seekers are dependent upon magic for their normal functioning."
[17:40] >Ambiance<: The Laptop beeps
[17:40] * Daniel plops himself back on the couch and begins to take a sip of Elaith's hot chocolate.
[17:40] * TaloToecan blinks slightly. "Computer?"
[17:40] Necro: That could work to our dis-advantage....
[17:40] * ThatOneThatIsSomeone shrugs, now sure of his independance.
[17:40] Lkeas: Should that sort of shell ever be used maliciously..
[17:41] Durroth: that was iinteresting
[17:41] Clyde: "I dont depend on magic it depends on me."
[17:41] Arden: How irrational
[17:41] * Xforce looks up at Clyde, wide eyed with admiration.
[17:41] Arden: Magic worked in the abode long before your arrival
[17:41] Xforce: "Wow daddy! You're so cool!"
[17:41] Selarep: (XD)
[17:41] * Clyde looks around, "Dont ask."
[17:42] Computer: Messages Waiting
[17:42] Arden: Magic Shell Off
[17:42] * mori looks at Xforce. "I really want to..."
[17:42] Abode: Antimagic Shell deactivated
[17:42] Lkeas: List messages, please?
[17:42] * Damsel moves over to the laptop, curious.
[17:42] * mori looks on with interest.
[17:42] * Xforce tilts his head and looks at mori, curious
[17:43] Xforce: "Yes, mister mori?"
[17:43] * TaloToecan sighs heavily. "I myself am merely...quite used to the effects of magic and technology working together in meshed format within myself."
[17:43] Computer: An Holographic Letter from F. Ardendor
[17:43] Grett: What has one or more of us been sent this time? Usually those messages aren't just to be sociable...
[17:43] mori: Nothing child, hush for now.
[17:43] Damsel: "Display?"
[17:43] * Damsel looks at Lkeas.
[17:44] * Falerin: I have been in discussion with some old colleagues involved with Tracking The'Galin's activities across the multiverse and I have data about a world that he recently visited that bears investigation
[17:44] * Lkeas nods to Damsel. "It would seem to be less strict these days as to which user issues the commands."
[17:44] * Falerin flickers
[17:45] Falerin: Transit Information has been provided.
[17:45] * TaloToecan whispers softly to Lkeas. "That would probably be part of the upgrade to OmniOS."
[17:45] mori: Shh.
[17:45] * Damsel frowns slightly. "A world..."
[17:45] * Xforce raises a hand and looks at Falerin hesitantly.
[17:45] Xforce: "Excuse me, mister Falerin?"
[17:46] Falerin: Given the nature of The'Galin's activity a world so recently that has seen him is worth checking. I can of course not insure the world is intact but it does still exist.
[17:46] Clyde: X, don't interrupt the adults.
[17:46] Falerin: Little is specifically known about the world and it may take a team an extended period to learn what occured there.
[17:46] Grett: Is this world marked for uncreation though? It would not be good to be there when it happens, if it does.
[17:46] Xforce: "But... I have an important question I need to ask."
[17:46] Falerin: I consider it important enough to send The Sojurner with you
[17:46] Lkeas: I don't think it's an interactive message, guys..
[17:46] * mori thinks, " violence?"
[17:46] Lkeas: The Sojurner?
[17:46] TaloToecan: "The Sojurner as well?"
[17:47] * Lkeas 's eyes widen in shock. "I just spoke of him earlier to the Lorians.."
[17:47] Grett: I know, but I was voicing a concern.
[17:47] *** Lepres has joined #darkabode.
[17:47] * mori shushes.
[17:47] ThatOneThatIsSomeone: Could you guys just listen for a while?
[17:47] Falerin: He is my most mobile avatar
[17:47] * Lepres appears.
[17:47] Falerin: I will not however be able to do much on my own
[17:47] Falerin: So if you do choose to undertake this journey you do so at your own risk
[17:47] * Necro decides to finish up a few things with the scythe, still listening
[17:48] * Daniel ponders what things of interest might be seen on such a world.
[17:48] * mori twirles a newly-acquired knife in his hand.
[17:48] Clyde: What do you guys say? Shall we go for it?
[17:49] Falerin: The Sojurner will arrive at 2100 Hours Terran Eastern Daylight Time
[17:49] * ThatOneThatIsSomeone looks at Lkeas.
[17:49] Falerin: End of Missive
[17:49] * Damsel considers quietly.
[17:49] Durroth: nine o clock?
[17:49] Grett: I'm up for it, but again, there is the possibility of being there if and when it is uncreated...
[17:49] TaloToecan: "Computer, display current time in Terran Eastern Daylight Time."
[17:49] Durroth: hmm... according to my watch thats about... 13ish minutes from now
[17:50] Daniel: 10 minutes. And it sounds like fun. I'm most definitely in.
[17:50] mori: I'm for it, but my judgement may be impaired right now...
[17:50] ThatOneThatIsSomeone: me sighs.
[17:50] Durroth: sounds interesting
[17:50] Damsel: "It is risky but... if Falerin thinks it important enough, that there is much to be learned, then..."
[17:50] * ThatOneThatIsSomeone sighs.
[17:50] ThatOneThatIsSomeone: Always he leaves my questions unanswered.
[17:50] * Damsel nods, almost to herself. "I will take that risk."
[17:50] Clyde: X you'll have to stay on this one.
[17:51] ThatOneThatIsSomeone: I will be late.
[17:51] * Lkeas bites a nail absently. "I had questioned The Sojurner's statements about creation being self-balancing.."
[17:51] ThatOneThatIsSomeone: There is something I have to do, somewhere I have to go first.
[17:51] TaloToecan: "I have showed willingness before to undertake such risks, even solo."
[17:51] * mori leaves to prepare. "I'll see you guys in 10 minutes then, I guess."
[17:51] ThatOneThatIsSomeone: My rearrival cannot be timed to such precision.
[17:51] * Xforce looks mournful, but nods.
[17:52] Lkeas: I wonder if this is somehow a response. If it is, it would be foolish of me not to find out the answer to that question..
[17:52] * Xforce intends to sneak along anyway, if the opportunity comes up.
[17:52] Daniel: You know what's really exciting? The world's name wasn't said. Imagine if it were someplace we'd been before! It would be fascinating.
[17:52] * TaloToecan looks at Daniel sardonically
[17:52] * Clyde faceplams, "I need a babysitter."
[17:52] Necro: Meh, I'm in, not really much better to do, though I may have to leave in the middle of the expidition...
[17:52] Grett: It would be mildly troubling if that were the case, in my opinion.
[17:52] * Daniel is smiling, and nearly bouncing in his seat with excitement.
[17:52] Damsel: "More than mildly, I suspect."
[17:54] * Damsel watches Daniel quietly, obviously concerned, though about what precisely is unclear.
[17:55] * Plushie-chan pops up from behind the couch, "Whats going on?"
[17:55] * Paladin_Of_Souls groans softly. "Way to leave me with a you know what its like to have a portion of your consciousness denied to you for a time?"
[17:56] Daniel: Something like being cut from four lanes of traffic down to two of course!
[17:56] * Lkeas regards the statue. "It's not like anybody's forcing you to remain here while we are travelling.."
[17:57] Plushie-chan: ((WHat did I miss))
[17:57] * Paladin_Of_Souls seems to just stand there blinking over Daniel's reply. "Er...Lkeas...I meant the sphere. It took me a while to regain things, so to speak."
[17:57] LordBarrius: "At any rate, I would be willing to go....if you would have me." Lord Barrius's voice seems to echo from one of the corners of the room, though oddly enough neither hide nor hair of him is detectable there.
[17:57] * Damsel smiles faintly. "Brother."
[17:58] Grett: And where did you get the idea that we wouldn't have you?
[17:59] * Lkeas glances around the room towards the source of Lord Barrius's voice. "You know you're always an asset to have along with us."
[17:59] * mori returns clad in a light leather outfit.
[17:59] mori: Hey.
[17:59] LordBarrius: "That's a humorous question, Grett."
[17:59] Grett: Humorous how? I missed the joke.
[18:00] mori: I feel like one of those Lorian rogues in this what'd I miss? And where'd that frog come from?
[18:00] Lkeas: Not much, Mori. We're still awaiting the arrival of The Sojurner.
[18:00] * LordBarrius relaxes in a seat in another corner with a comfortable sigh. This would be fairly odd considering he was not there a few seconds prior.
[18:00] * Fulcan-[ToverIsOver] leans against the wall.
[18:01] * Clyde greets Lord Barrius with a nod.
[18:01] *** TheSojurner has joined #darkabode.
[18:01] * mori waves at LordBarrius and sits backwards in a wooden chair.
[18:01] * TheSojurner appears silently without fanfare and sits at the kitchen counter
[18:01] mori: Ah. Hello.
[18:02] Grett: LordBarrius, really, why was my question "humorous"?
[18:02] * Damsel smiles warmly at LordBarrius in welcome then turns towards TheSojurner. "Good eve. It has been some time."
[18:02] * Clyde walks into the kitchen and ignores theSojuner, "Im hungry for some steak."
[18:02] * mori grins.
[18:02] * Lkeas follows mori's gaze and spots The Sojurner herself. "There's some fresh bread in the cupboard if you're hungry.."
[18:02] * LordBarrius opts to ignore Grett's query and focuses his attention on the Sojurner instead.
[18:03] TheSojurner: Not particularly I just came from Sardi's
[18:03] * Daniel hops up. "Must be nearing time to go."
[18:04] * Clyde gets ready, "Lets do this."
[18:04] * mori checks his pockets, making sure he's totally prepared, then nods.
[18:04] * Lepres waves to everyone.
[18:04] Lkeas: Alright. Are you interested in leaving now, or do you need any time to prepare before the trip?
[18:04] * Xforce has been left alone while Clyde was in the kitchen.
[18:05] * Clyde looks at XForce then turns his attention, "I might have to just take him with me."
[18:05] Grett: Ah, well... So, Sojourner, greetings. What can you tell us about the planet we are going to? Some of the people going might would like to know the climent I imagine.
[18:05] * Xforce beams at Clyde
[18:05] Grett: Climate, rather.
[18:05] * mori frowns. "If you must, Clyde..."
[18:06] * Clyde has a headache, "Guilt is an unpleasant trip threw intense fire."
[18:07] TheSojurner: Falerin was largely and annoyingly nonspecific with his instructions
[18:07] TheSojurner: I hope you know where it is we are going
[18:07] TheSojurner: As I do not
[18:07] Lkeas: Oh, great...
[18:07] * Clyde chuckles, "As always?"
[18:07] Lkeas: Well... the laptop has coordinates, I believe.
[18:07] mori: We have coordinates...don't we?
[18:07] Durroth: Sounds fun
[18:07] TaloToecan: "Yes, it does."
[18:07] Damsel: "Computer, do you have coordinates enclosed with Falerin's message?"
[18:07] Grett: That is annoying.
[18:07] Necro: Are we allowed to bring gear with us?
[18:07] Xforce: "Err... mister Sojourner?"
[18:07] * TaloToecan looks worrisomely at Damsel for a few moments.
[18:07] Xforce: "I was wondering if you could tell me something?"
[18:08] Grett: All he told you was to "babysit" us?
[18:08] Clyde: "X, dont intervene."
[18:08] Computer: Affirmative
[18:08] * Xforce sighs then looks sulky and falls quiet
[18:08] mori: Well that's good.
[18:09] TheSojurner: Babysit?
[18:09] * Damsel nods, glad for the confirmation.
[18:09] TheSojurner: No... this is a reasearch expedition which is something of my specialty
[18:09] Damsel: "Are you able to access any information about that local, computer?"
[18:09] * Clyde feels guilty, "What's your question X?"
[18:09] TheSojurner: Beyond that however I am uninformed
[18:09] * Rimblade enters. Via the door, not stage left. Assuming there IS a door :o
[18:10] * mori looks up. "Hello, oh organically reformed one."
[18:10] Xforce: "Well, I was wondering..."
[18:10] Xforce: "Mister Thegelling said that he wanted to fail."
[18:10] Rimblade: "And may you abide long in silence, oh most moribund."
[18:11] Xforce: "But that means that he sees something wrong with what he is doing."
[18:11] * TheSojurner arches his eyebrows
[18:11] Xforce: "Which means that he's doing something he can't stop himself from doing...
[18:11] * mori grins
[18:11] Xforce: Or that he's doing something that he thinks is right while wanting to be proved wrong."
[18:11] TheSojurner: That is not a correct syllogism
[18:11] * Clyde raises his eye brow as well
[18:12] * Xforce looks at the Sojurner with a confused look.
[18:12] Xforce: "What syllygogism?"
[18:13] * Clyde apologizes for XForce, "Im sorry."
[18:13] Plushie-chan: Huh?
[18:13] * Damsel turns and looks at TaloToecan meaningfully for a moment.
[18:13] mori: Don't mind the child. His questions, while pertinent, have no answers which he could understand.
[18:13] mori: Unfortunately.
[18:13] * Xforce sighs.
[18:14] Necro: Are we moving out anytime soon?
[18:14] * TaloToecan moves over to her side and takes a hand in his own gently.
[18:14] * mori looks at Xforce, and his gaze softens a bit, but he remains silent.
[18:14] * Lkeas shakes her head. "It's alright, mori, every seeker has a right to be inquisitive."
[18:14] TheSojurner: Reluctance at acheiving his goal does not imply the belief that his method is incorrect
[18:14] TheSojurner: Rather it implies that his actual goal may be quite different then in appears
[18:14] Lkeas: Were you not yourself one who wished that people would ask more questions?
[18:15] TheSojurner: Given additional information I am somewhat baffled by him myself
[18:15] TheSojurner: So I cannot suppose to give you any answer
[18:15] * Lkeas turns to the Sojurner. "Yes, about that... I was wondering about something you had said, a long while back. About uncreation being anathema."
[18:15] mori: Indeed, Lkeas. I apologize, I presume too much. I know not the child.
[18:15] * Damsel hesitates for a moment, then wraps her fingers around Talo's own.
[18:15] Lkeas: Do you think that this additional information has changed your views upon the matter?
[18:16] * mori nods agreement with Lkeas's question.
[18:16] * Xforce looks around, obviously confused by the discussion going on around him.
[18:16] * TheSojurner considers the question very carefully
[18:16] TheSojurner: Uncreation as a Segregate Force not part of an overall cycle is anathema
[18:16] TheSojurner: I stand by that
[18:16] * mori sighs, relieved.
[18:17] TheSojurner: However... it is begining to become quite clouded that such is actually what happens
[18:17] TheSojurner: Uncreation does occur ordinarily as part of the cycle of creation
[18:17] TheSojurner: And in that sense it is normal
[18:17] Lkeas: So... uncreation is part of that self-balance?
[18:17] * Clyde feels he should ask, "Are there those who seek Uncreation? Or in a sense gain power to it?"
[18:17] TheSojurner: My previous assumption was that The'Galin was a Lone Ranger
[18:18] TheSojurner: That assumption is growing considerably more suspect
[18:18] Durroth: ((Must resist asking whos tanto))
[18:18] * Eitak_Razal 's appears as a projection and as such you can walk right through this version of her.
[18:18] mori: Hm...I've always assumed the same, as he acts so differently from others...
[18:18] * Rimblade is amused by the idea of the Lone Ranger riding in and blowing up worlds, all while shouting, 'Hi-ho Silver!'
[18:18] * Xforce runs up to Eitak... and runs right through her.
[18:18] * Necro checks his PDA, then frowns. "Meh, more maitenence needed. Sides, they got plenty of people already, I'd just get in the way this round..."
[18:18] * Xforce skids to a halt, somewhat confused.
[18:19] Eitak_Razal: Heh
[18:19] Xforce: "M... mommy?"
[18:19] Eitak_Razal: Sorry, I'm not really here.
[18:19] * TaloToecan visibly stiffens as a shimmer glows breifly on his skin from the internal magics being altered by his own whim.
[18:19] * mori glances at the transparent Eitak.
[18:19] TheSojurner: Well
[18:19] TheSojurner: I suppose that if we are to venture forth
[18:19] * Xforce nods. "Oh. Okay then."
[18:19] * Xforce huddles close to Eitak anyway.
[18:19] * mori frowns as the projection reforms its apparent solidity.
[18:19] Necro: Good luck to y'all in your research endeavor
[18:20] mori: Will you join us on this trip, Eitak_Razal?
[18:20] TheSojurner: We should do so...
[18:20] * Lkeas nods. "Right. Carpe diem and all that."
[18:20] TheSojurner: Forthwwith
[18:20] Durroth: alright then
[18:20] * TaloToecan leans in and kisses Damsel's cheek gently, with an audible crack of released magic, and seems diminished as a result. "...I love you Dear Heart. Tread well, with the Sojurner."
[18:20] Eitak_Razal: Yeah, I can't interact but i can still talk.
[18:20] * LordBarrius eyes Xforce briefly and shakes his head, then refocuses his attention. "Yes, we should probably go. Sitting around won't help."
[18:20] * Clyde asks "Are there those who seek Uncreation? Or in a sense gain power to it?"
[18:20] * TaloToecan attempts to move to the couch, unless Damsel prevents such.
[18:20] * Rimblade smiles evvilly. Not because he's evil, mind. Just practicing.
[18:21] * ZLOK returns in a flash and a puff of smoke.
[18:21] * mori takes a deep breath
[18:21] * mori begins coughing from smoke.
[18:21] * ZLOK coughs as he inhales a rather large breath of sulphurous smoke.
[18:21] * Rimblade takes a deeper breath, and gags on the air.
[18:21] mori: Don' that!
[18:21] ZLOK: I told you dimensional travel wasn't my thing.
[18:22] * Damsel makes no move to stop Talo, though she watches him with evident emotion in her eyes. "I... will be careful."
[18:22] * Lkeas turns to ZLOK, covering her mouth. "You're just in time, we were about to leave.."
[18:22] ZLOK: Which means I am sometimes forced to take what I get.
[18:22] Computer: Transit is prepared
[18:22] ZLOK: Oh.
[18:22] ZLOK: Great timing as always.
[18:22] * TaloToecan sits heavily. "Best of luck...all."
[18:22] ZLOK: Count me in if you need me.
[18:22] Durroth: well then
[18:22] Lepres: I'll go too.
[18:22] Daniel: Hmmm... I won't.
[18:22] * Durroth puts away the deck of cards hes been shuffling in his jacket pocket
[18:22] Clyde: Would you like to watch over X?
[18:23] * Clyde waits for Daniel's answer
[18:23] Daniel: Not particularly. Something's come up.
[18:23] * Xforce runs back to Clyde and clings to his pant leg.
[18:23] * Damsel looks one last time at Talo before moving to stand with those departing.
[18:23] Daniel: Bring him with. He could learn something.
[18:23] Eitak_Razal: What's with him anyways?
[18:23] Eitak_Razal: How did he get turned into a kid.
[18:24] Clyde: I wish to know that as well.
[18:24] Durroth: I dont know
[18:24] Lepres: I'll watch over him. I love babies!
[18:24] * Clyde looks at TheSojurner, "Should a mere child go with us on a mission so dangerous?"
[18:24] * Lepres has no idea what she's getting herself into.
[18:24] >Ambiance<: A multipronged pale purple lighninng bolt appears and hovers within the abode expanding to a good 4 feet wide
[18:24] * Clyde looks at Lepres, "thank you."
[18:25] Durroth: ... nice
[18:25] Computer: Transit is available
[18:25] ZLOK: After you, Lkeas.
[18:25] * TheSojurner shrugs and enters the lightning portal
[18:25] Lepres: Come here, little X.
[18:25] * TheSojurner vanishes
[18:25] Xforce: ...
[18:25] TheSojurner: #announce The Epic Continues Now
[18:25] Rimblade: "Oh ho! An adventure! With lasers, and lizards, and possibly fire."
[18:25] * mori enters portal.
[18:25] * Xforce walks over to Lepres cautiously
[18:25] * Clyde enters the protal without hesitation
[18:25] * LordBarrius simply grins and gets up from his seat, purposely awaiting for others to enter first.
[18:25] Xforce: "yes...?"
[18:25] * Rimblade limps into the portal.
[18:25] * Grett enters as well.
[18:26] * Fulcan-[ToverIsOver] walks into the portal casually.
[18:26] * Xforce hiccups
[18:26] * Lepres gives an aura similar to Selarep, so X should feel comfortable around her.
[18:26] * Durroth walks through the portal
[18:26] * Damsel forces herself not to look back as she enters the portal.
[18:26] * Lkeas follows after Damsel, checking behind to see if ZLOK is also coming.
[18:26] * Xforce walks over to Lepres slowly, then pokes ther in the thigh.
[18:26] * Lepres gently picks up X and walks through the portal.
[18:26] * ZLOK follows close by Lkeas.
[18:26] * Eitak_Razal walks through the portal
[18:26] * LordBarrius then enters promptly after the majority has already entered.
[18:27] * FrogPlushie walks into the portal.
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