Fleeting Clues

From Caelwiki

* Maxwell has joined #755-TotallyOOC
* Anna sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
<LordBarrius> Hey Maxwell.
* Damsel|Avarie sneak-hugs Maxwell.
<Maxwell> Hello there. ^^
<Damsel|Avarie> bwahaha!
<Nick> Max!
<Maxwell> Just to let you all know, Daniel's page was updated a few momments ago.
<Fenix> Maxie!
* Fenix wuv schnuggews Maxwell
<Nick> Special like an Arizona Sunrise, or a fresh dew
<Fenix> Ha.
<Fenix> I have tactics!
<lightbringerlord> Hey Maxwell.
<Fenix> ...
<Fenix> Or not..
<Damsel|Avarie> what in the...?
<Nick> "Next is Sub-Section D...Missing Underpants"
<Fenix> Huh...?
<Damsel|Avarie> the updated page
<Fenix> I found the first link, but the second does nothing...
<lightbringerlord> Some runes are missing.
<Fenix> Seek me where you can find Peace in your heart.
<Fenix> What about the nobodies?
<Fenix> They have no hearts ;_;
<Fenix> Oh.
<Fenix> I get it...
<Fenix> It's backwards...
<Fenix> Can anybody record it and reverse it?
<Damsel|Avarie> I unfortunately don't have the tools here
<Fenix> Do you have the tools anywhere?
<lightbringerlord> Dan has some programs.
<Fenix> Hm.
<Fenix> We'll have to talk to him upon his return.
<Damsel|Avarie> yea, I have the tools at my apartment. Just not at my parents'  :P
<lightbringerlord> By the wayi can someone give me the link please?
<lightbringerlord> *,
<Damsel|Avarie> [1]
<Fenix> Heh.
<Fenix> NAO!
<Fenix> Apologies.
<Damsel|Avarie> 4 hour drive. I'll get right on that. -_-
<LordBarrius> XD
<Fenix> Okay.
* LordBarrius patpats Damsel.
<Fenix> Talk to you in four hours.
<Dale> XD
<Fenix> Oh.
<Fenix> You were kidding >.>;
<Damsel|Avarie> yea right. actually I have to run for about 20 so I can drop off my mom's car.  :P
<Dale> Sarcasm FTW!
<Fenix> Idiocy ftl...
* Lkeas is on IRC
<LordBarrius> :p
<lightbringerlord> I got it!
<lightbringerlord> Even though I walk
<lightbringerlord> in the valley of the shadow
* Lkeas has joined #755-TotallyOOC
<Anna> [Lkeas] Whatcha wanna do? Wanna be hackers? Code crackers? Slackers? Wastin' time with all the chatroom yakkers? 9 to 5 chillin' at Hewlett Packard? What!
* Anna sets mode: +ao Lkeas Lkeas
<lightbringerlord> of death
<Lkeas> death!
<Fenix> Lkeas!
<Dale> Lkeas!
<LordBarrius> Psalm.
<lightbringerlord> I fear no you.
<Lkeas> Fenix! Dale!
* Fenix wuv schnuggews Wuhkayush!
<Dale> :D
<lightbringerlord> Lkeas!
<Damsel|Avarie> be back in a bit. Luck. ^^
<LordBarrius> Hey Lkeas.
<Lkeas> LBL!
<Lkeas> LB!
<Nick> Its You!
<Fenix> Damsel's going away for 4 hours or so.
<LordBarrius> Too cheerful!
<Fenix> She's going to her apartment for the sound reversing software
<Fenix> ^^
<Lkeas> so, you crazy people doin' anything productive or just screwin' around as usual?
<lightbringerlord> Even I though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no you.
<LordBarrius> Well, I'm doing the latter.
<Fenix> [2]
<Fenix> <Fenix> Heh.
<LordBarrius> I mean, I'm hard at work, madam!
<Fenix> Updated.
<Nick> So far its been Green and Blue for the last few hours
<Nick> >.>
<Dale> I'm doing homework, while trying to play Baten Kaitos. >.>
<Lkeas> huh?
<Lkeas> green and blue?
<lightbringerlord> and orange.
<Fenix> Click the center of the two.
<LordBarrius> Actually, I'm *attempting* to finish this post of mine. Just need five screenshots....
<Lkeas> center of the two what?
<Maxwell> you might have to refresh the page
<Fenix> The two pentagrams.
<Nick> Hey Max...Can you make that into a Screen Saver
<Lkeas> oh that
<Fenix> YEAH!
<Dale> "I will see you soon truth seekers"
<Dale> :<.:<
<Fenix> That'd be awesome, Maxwell.
<Fenix> Dale, did you reverse it?
<Fenix> Is that what it said?
<Lkeas> huh?
<Dale> That's all taht came up, for me.
<Fenix> Came up...?
<LordBarrius> The page has been blanked, that's why.
<Dale> Okay then.
<lightbringerlord> Weird.
<Dale> :p
<lightbringerlord> I got something else.
<Fenix> Oh.
<Fenix> It changed again.
<Lkeas> d'oh
<Fenix> >.>;
<LordBarrius> That's why you never click refresh until we've had the dummy do it. Aka, me.
<Fenix> ...
<Fenix> Id'yit.
<Nick> Seriously though Max...
<LordBarrius> ;p
<lightbringerlord> Well
<LordBarrius> I liked the "shiny spinny thing" though. >.>
<lightbringerlord> We got the messeage.
<Nick> Sexual Harresment Panda xD
<Nick> xD
<Dale> .. >>
<lightbringerlord> and I got the track saved.
<Fenix> Nice work, lbl
* Daniel|Class|Tenshi is now known as Daniel
<Fenix> Danneh :o
<Daniel> Hell hath no fury like me in a video game store.
<Lkeas> how'd you get the track?
<Dale> :p
<Fenix> Dude.
<lightbringerlord> I have a michrophone.
<Lkeas> oh cool
<Fenix> Hell hath no fury like me when people in the RL piss me off.
<Lkeas> did you reverse it?
<lightbringerlord> yep
<Fenix> I go berserk and scream at them.
<Lkeas> what did it say?
<Fenix> Then lecture them.
<lightbringerlord> [3]
<Lkeas> oh
<Lkeas> I fear no you, eh?
<Daniel> And lo though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil. *hums*
<Fenix> Dude.
<Fenix> I fear a me.
<Fenix> I'm freakin' scary >.>;
<Lkeas> is that the only clue you guys found?
<Nick> He says it wierd though
<Nick> >.>
<Fenix> Only clues given.
<Fenix> I searched the page everywhere, Lkeas.
<Fenix> That's it.
<lightbringerlord> yep
<Lkeas> how sad.
<lightbringerlord> and it's gone now.
<Maxwell> Is that so?
<Fenix> Yeah.
<Fenix> Yeah it is.
<Lkeas> i found clues...
<Nick> lol
<Lkeas> they're gone now though :P
<Maxwell> You should have shown them, before they vanished.
<Nick> It turns from Green, to orange to Blue
<Nick> Its soo pretty
<Fenix> It really is.
<Maxwell> Seekers need to keep track of time, or time will pass them up.
<Lkeas> would you like me to?
<Fenix> Kudos to you, Maxwell.
* Daniel picked up Fire Red. >_>
<Fenix> Ew.
<Fenix> Pokemon?
<Fenix> Those are all the same.
* Daniel also picked up Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
<Maxwell> How are they all the same?
<Dale> Good game, Dan.
* Daniel also bought a piano. M)M
<Dale> I love it.
<Fenix> On the fire theme, Dan?
<Daniel> *:<_:<
<Nick> No they aren't
<Maxwell> Its a different reigion lol
<Fenix> So what.
<Nick> Its different >.>
<Fenix> It's always, "catch, train, fight."
<Maxwell> Region*
<Fenix> There's always some force against you, named Team somthing.
<Fenix> something*
<Maxwell> Yeah.. it is an RPG captain obvious.
<Nick> lol
<Fenix> And a legendary pokemon, maybe two.
<Maxwell> That is what you do in RPGs lol
<Dale> XD
<Fenix> Then the ones that run away.
<Fenix> Hey Maxwell.
<Maxwell> Meh, I like pokemon.
<Dale> It's okay.
* Daniel is laughing very hard right now. Fenix makes no sense.
<Dale> The games are good, the shows.... Not so much.
<Maxwell> They are fun to play when your bored.
* Fenix smacks Maxwell in the direction of Final Fantasy X-2
<LordBarrius> It's a better video game than a card game, for sure.
<Fenix> That's not what you do in GOOD RPG's.
* Daniel dives in front of Maxwell, sparing him from certain doom.
<LordBarrius> And I agree, quite fun when you're bored.
<Fenix> I loved pokemon, sure.
<Fenix> When I was 8
<Fenix> >.>;
<Maxwell> Good for you :)
<LordBarrius> X-2? Really now.
<Fenix> They're all the same now.
<Fenix> I'd pick up another if I thought it'd be any differen.t
<Dale> I thought that game was pretty boring, Fenix.
<Fenix> I liked it :P
<Maxwell> Funny every pokemon title gets good reviews for some reason.. I dont know what though.
<Maxwell> Maybe because they are fun?
<LordBarrius> Aha, now I need only upload my tables, and my monstrous argument's all done. >.>
<Fenix> ...
<Maxwell> That could be.. but I am not sure.
<Fenix> :P
<Maxwell> What did X-2 get for a score?
<Maxwell> Oh yeah... I think it was somewhere around a five?
<Fenix> Liek, a bajillion out of ten.
<Nick> You do realise that the two newest titles pretty much sold out in the first week
<Daniel> Which is amusing because 10/2 = 5. >_>
<LordBarrius> Depends where you look, Maxwell. That 5 might range from 4-6. :P
<Maxwell> Pokemon > You
<Fenix> A lot of things > me.
<Maxwell> Maxwell > Pokemon ?
* Maxwell nods
<Fenix> No.
<Fenix> Maxwell > Dawnblade
<Daniel> That's true.
<lightbringerlord> yep
<Maxwell> I am going to make a dawnblade
<Fenix> ...?
<Fenix> Why?
<Maxwell> and make it staff only and equip it on my character
<LordBarrius> XD
<lightbringerlord> XD
<Granger> XD
<Fenix> Okay.
<Fenix> That's fine.
<Fenix> I really don't care anymore.
<lightbringerlord> O RLY?
<Fenix> Yeah.
* Dale ^5's Maxwell.
<Maxwell> Honestly, I am sick of the request for a dawnblade.
<Fenix> I realized it'll never be in game, so I'm done.
<Granger> Lol he'd still have the last laugh though.
<LordBarrius> As long as it looks like a bottle of dish detergent, Maxwell.
<Maxwell> If you want the item in the game.
<Maxwell> Suggest it like everyone else.
<Fenix> I did.
<Maxwell> Or win a contest or something.
<Dale> (He did._
<Fenix> But I'm done now.
<Dale> )*
<Fenix> 'Tis a dream I cannot fufill.
<Maxwell> Begging gets you nowhere in life.
<Maxwell> Unless your a puppy, then it gets you food or a good scratching behind the ears if your lucky.
<Fenix> Lest you be a dog.
<Fenix> >.>
<Granger> XD
<Granger> Creepy.
* Daniel loves his Arwen-puppy.
* Maxwell yawns
<Fenix> Go ahead and make it.
<Maxwell> I caught all of the regis this morning before work.
<Fenix> I hope you enjoy it ^^
<Daniel> >_:< I still have *counts* zero Chansey. >_>
* Fenix had like, seven of those.
<Fenix> And a Blissey.
<Lkeas> hmm
<Maxwell> I have about 12...
<Lkeas> i dunno, i don't think it says "i fear no you"...
<Maxwell> to get the lucky egg lol
<Lkeas> it sounds like "evil" to me..
* Daniel DOES however, have a Mudkip. ^_^ >_>
<Granger> Hey is it nice outside for anyone else that doesn't live in the west?
<Daniel> Yeah.
* Fenix has a Mudkip, Torchic, and Treeko :P
<Daniel> It's pretty nice out here.
<Granger> Great change isn't it?
<Maxwell> its cold in here
<Fenix> It is.
<Daniel> Pft... I bred mine, Fenix. :-)
<Maxwell> but the fans on
<Maxwell> and I am too lazy to turn it off
<Fenix> Okay...
<Fenix> I did too >.>;
<Granger> Oooh too bad, it's about 68 degrees here.
* Daniel thinks that he would like to duel Fenix. ^_^
<Fenix> A slaughter
<Fenix> I only use my Raquaza, Regi's, and Groudon.
<Maxwell> I dont think it will be a problem finding 30+ people to put on my buddy list in pearl lol
<Fenix> Oh, and my Blaziken.
<Daniel> Unless you cheat, chances are I'll take you to town. ^_^
<Granger> hehe.
<Fenix> I like town.
<Fenix> There's a nice old lady there who bakes me cookies.
<Fenix> ^_^
<Daniel> Here cookies are crumbly and stale and smell like smoke.
<Maxwell> Thats a man.
<Maxwell> Thats a man...
<Granger> Gasp!
<Maxwell> Daniel, it is a man not a woman.
<Granger> How dare you steal my grandmother Dan?
<Maxwell> Your grandmother is a man named Dan?
<Fenix> XD
<Granger> Yeah...duh...
<Daniel> O_O What a coincidence! I'M Dan!
<Granger> Pfft what yours name is something girly?
<Granger> XD
<Maxwell> Your.. Granger's grand mother?!?
<Daniel> Mebbe. >_>
<Daniel> But I'd like to think it's The Messenger.
* Fenix is his own Grandmother
<Maxwell> Well, it would make more sense than how Maxwell's has three kids in different time periods and realities.
<Fenix> Maxwells a time-playa
<Daniel> I can understand that. I just don't understand Fenix's concept of reality. >_>
<Maxwell> why do I have a feeling that will be the next CBS comedy?
<Fenix> Ha!
* Rimblade has joined #755-TotallyOOC
* Anna sets mode: +ao Rimblade Rimblade
<LordBarrius> Whew. 5 tables of number crunches and one hell of a lot of text....but it's done. Now to post it and have the argument totally ignored. ^.^
<Fenix> Reality is for the weak.
<Fenix> Isn't that right, Rimblade?
<Daniel> Nope, I'll read it LB. :P
<Rimblade> Totally.
<Rimblade> The strong use 'Rimality'.
<Maxwell> Lkeas, did you show them the list you found on the codex page?
* Fenix uses Rimality
<Fenix> >:D
<LordBarrius> The whole thing, Dan?
<Granger> Hey Max, can I sk you one question, or do you not feel upto it?
<Granger> ask*
<LordBarrius> I'll be impressed.
<Maxwell> Ask me anything..
<Fenix> What is the meaning of life?
<lightbringerlord> 42?
<Daniel> You asked that before, Fenix.
<Daniel> :P
<Fenix> I forgot ;_;
<Granger> Ok, I wnated to know I had this little theory, is that little wording on Messenger's site relating to the Heart of Talados?
<Maxwell> The meaning of life is the pink hippo, if you forgot.
<Fenix> Thx.
* Entonis has joined #755-TotallyOOC
* Anna sets mode: +v Entonis
<Granger> I mean that is where Carnax found peace right?
<LordBarrius> Done.
<Maxwell> No, if you notice.
<Maxwell> it says Peace
<Granger> oh, wanted*
<Maxwell> not peace
<Rimblade> Whoa- what would happen if we mushed all the elements together and locked them in a little room forever?
<lightbringerlord> If Daniel is dead, who changes the his site?
<Maxwell> it means the Avatar of Peace.
<Granger> I know but I was feeling optomistic.
<Rimblade> Would they get all hard and stale? ;_;
<Maxwell> They would turn into something very tasty after a few months of being locked up in a jar.
<Daniel> If I were to hand you a fish head right now, would it have some bearing on the conversation about Peace?
<Rimblade> >:D
<Maxwell> a fish head?
<Maxwell> no..
<Granger> XD
<lightbringerlord> Can we tell the difference between a forsaken and an avatar from outside?
<Granger> I actually got it.
<Nick> That makes me a saaaaaad panda
* Fenix smushes all the elements together into a small locked room and locks the door
<Maxwell> [4]
<Maxwell> freaking sweet
<Rimblade> OMG! No Fenix!
<Entonis> I love slushies ^_^
<Granger> Why so blue panda bear?
<Rimblade> They weren't ripe! Now they'll just whap into each other and disappear forever! D:
<Fenix> Mwahahahh!
<Granger> XD apparently nobody has seen a snickers commercial.
<lightbringerlord> Can we tell the difference between a forsaken and an avatar from outside?
* Fenix points evilly at Rimblade, "Give me back the holy land, and I'll release them."
<Rimblade> You leave me little choice but to bring out 'The Big Whapper'.
* Rimblade points evillyer at Fenix, and thus wins.
<Nick> The 1st panda may sue the 2nd panda unless the 1st panda's party is a panda
* Fenix points evillist at Rimblade, overridding the win, and winning.
<Granger> Rudeness gets you as far as begging lol.
<Rimblade> Godmodding! Wow, only a looser like Rimmeh would do that, Fenny >:o
<Fenix> >:D
<Fenix> That's who I learned it from!
<Maxwell> I have to get going :)
* Damsel|Avarie is back.
<Daniel> Farewell!!
<Fenix> That is correct...
<Damsel|Avarie> dang it
<LordBarrius> Alright, seeya Maxwell.
<Damsel|Avarie> :P
<Granger> Good bye.
<Fenix> All my god modding was taught to me... BY YOU!
* LordBarrius patpats Damsel.
<Maxwell> I have some pixies to color.
<Damsel|Avarie> Take care
<Fenix> Bye Maxie.
<Lkeas> huh?
<Maxwell> adios :)
<Granger> Catch you on the blue side.
<Fenix> Have fun with the Dawnblade.
<Lkeas> sorry i was afk for a sec
<Granger> Let it go!
<Fenix> Make it stupid as hell!
<Daniel> Trouble comes in threes?
<Maxwell> you already did for me!
<Fenix> ...
<Maxwell> high five!
<Maxwell> lol
<Maxwell> kidding
* Fenix ^5's Maxwell!
<Maxwell> cya ^^
<Granger> XD
<Fenix> :D
* Maxwell has quit IRC (Vanished: �)
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