Epheel Discussion
From Caelwiki
- [17:55] <Leo> I think this poll is kind of flawed:
- [17:55] * Useless forces his protections not to activate, despite their
reflexive nature, and wonders how Mogster is enjoying chewing on extremely fine metallic threads...
- [17:55] * Mephistos has quit IRC (Distracted: )
- [17:56] <Mogster> That is quite an odd poll
- [17:56] <Leo> For those of you who don't know the ending to EQ15, here's the
transcription I wrote for the 'pedia: http://psyham.googlepages.com/shadowmaster
- [17:57] <Damsel> Yes, I need the ability to select a majority of the
- [18:01] * Sonic12040 has joined #755
- [18:01] <Leo> Greetings Friend.
- [18:01] * Aria sets mode: +v Sonic12040
- [18:01] <Sonic12040> Greetings. How are you doing?
- [18:01] <Sonic12040> And welcome back Falerin!
- [18:03] <Leo> Fine.
- [18:03] <Falerin> hmmm
- [18:03] <Falerin> Epheel is lying or at least being creative at least in
part you know
- [18:03] <Mogster> what?
- [18:04] <Mogster> >.>
- [18:04] <Falerin> Not really suprising considering his nature.
- [18:04] <Falerin> I suppose given what he has been through this is to be
- [18:04] <Useless> He has been through quite a bit more than most, after all.
- [18:04] <Mogster> What do you mean?
- [18:04] <Falerin> I personally however believe the whole truth is preferable
to creative license
- [18:05] <Sonic12040> I think I know why Truth is respected. Truth is
respected for being 7, Lies is respected for being 5, and Lies' brother is the other 5.
- [18:05] <Falerin> It is not in fact accurate to say that Humans Elves and
Dwarves surivived the Devourer
- [18:05] <Mogster> O_o
- [18:05] <Falerin> They never in fact experienced him
- [18:05] <Falerin> So they had nothing to survive
- [18:05] <Mogster> What are you talking about?
- [18:05] <Sonic12040> Then how would Epheel have been a human mage at that
- [18:06] <Leo> Mogster, he's talking about this:
- [18:06] <Falerin> Well.. he was the equivalent then I suppose
- [18:06] <Falerin> We do draw loose parallels
- [18:06] <Useless> Indeed we do.
- [18:06] <Mogster> wow
- [18:06] <Falerin> I imagine it is as fair as saying the Drakel of that time
are the Drakel of today
- [18:06] <Mogster> What's in the shop?
- [18:06] <Sonic12040> Spider Leg and Epheel's Gift
- [18:06] <Falerin> When they are not
- [18:06] <Mogster> Hrm...
- [18:06] <Falerin> Deriviative yes....
- [18:07] <Useless> The Gift is only availible for Guardians from that shop, I
- [18:07] <Falerin> But actually a combination of several original races
- [18:07] <Mogster> Nice
- [18:07] <Falerin> Of course. The humans are in fact much that way too....
- [18:07] * Useless looks at Falerin with a slightly expectant gaze...
- [18:07] <Falerin> So the argument could be made
- [18:07] <Falerin> Though the influx....
- [18:07] <Falerin> Acutally...
- [18:07] <Falerin> hmm...
- [18:08] <Falerin> Well it is a detail not to concern oneself with I imagine
- [18:08] <Mogster> Well, I've got to get going. G'night everyone!
- [18:08] <Falerin> It does not really matter much does it
- [18:08] <Useless> Fare thee well, Mogster.
- [18:08] <Mogster> Thankies
- [18:08] <Falerin> Ciao
- [18:08] <Sonic12040> Did Epheel really battle The'Galin?
- [18:08] <Leo> Farewell.
- [18:08] * Mogster has quit IRC (Drowned: Zzzzzzzz....... )
- [18:09] <Falerin> Notice however that even Epheel uses the word "HUMAN" in
this fashion
- [18:09] <Falerin> That emphasizes that he is aware of some difference
- [18:10] <Falerin> Also what can be definitely assumed is that the Drakel and
perhaps the Moglin were the only races who had any aspect of their Culture survive
- [18:10] <Falerin> What other stragglers may have existed have rebuilt
society from very different seeds
- [18:10] <Falerin> Indeed now that I think on it that might explain certain
oddities in that era
- [18:11] * Falerin looks very distracted.
- [18:11] * Crash is now known as Crash|Sleep
- [18:12] * Useless raises an eyebrow as Falerin appears to become distracted.
- [18:12] <Falerin> A remenant... as seed...
- [18:12] <Falerin> How very poetic
- [18:12] <Falerin> ... also hopeful
- [18:12] <Falerin> hmm...
- [18:12] * Falerin vanishes abruptly
- [18:12] * Falerin has left #755