From Caelwiki
- [21:22] Dragon: you better not post it
- [21:22] Lkeas: what's the worst that could happen?
- [21:22] Dragon: I am not who you think I am
- [21:22] Dragon: I want you to shut down the website
- [21:23] Lkeas: actually, i don't know who you are
- [21:23] Dragon: lets just say, NOVA keeps an eye on you
- [21:23] Lkeas: yeah well, tell NOVA i've got my eye on them
- [21:24] Dragon: It is your choice
- [21:24] Lkeas: how do i know you're even connected to all this?
- [21:24] Lkeas: you could just be some forumer having fun
- [21:24] Dragon: If you really wish to go on with your quest
- [21:25] Dragon: <he posted my real name>
- [21:26] Lkeas: hah. my real name is spattered all over google, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out
- [21:27] Dragon: <he posted my email and IP address>
- [21:27] Dragon: We know who you are
- [21:27] Lkeas: that won't be my email for long, it's getting deactivated
- [21:27] Dragon: This is your warning
- [21:28] Lkeas: what the hell, dude. Dragon isn't even a character in this story
- [21:28] Lkeas: why are you trying to intimidate me?
- [21:28] Dragon: This name I have chosen is to blend in with the user base. Not to draw attention.
- [21:28] Dragon: My name is Robert Twain
- [21:28] Lkeas: and i should know this because?
- [21:28] Dragon: the son of Matthew Twain, creator of NOVA.
- [21:29] Dragon: Do you really want to say no to me?
- [21:29] Dragon: Do you really want poor Maxwell, to die?
- [21:29] Dragon: and Daniel too?
- [21:29] Dragon: you have had your fun
- [21:29] Lkeas: oh, so you know those guys huh?
- [21:29] Dragon: but the game is over
- [21:29] Lkeas: who's Daniel's wife then?
- [21:30] Dragon: Sasha Green
- [21:30] Dragon: anything else?
- [21:30] *** Dragon is now known as NOVA.