
From Caelwiki

[11:42] *** Mat has joined #755
[11:42] <ComputaFreak> The end is close. When the orb of Ice is reformed, the end will come
[11:42] * LordBarrius turns his gaze to ComputaFreak.
[11:43] <LordBarrius> Is that so?
[11:43] <ComputaFreak> The events of Frostval match up to what has been said perfectly
[11:43] *** Blaster has joined #755
[11:43] <LordBarrius> The beginning of the end, friend.
[11:43] <LordBarrius> But it isn't over yet.
[11:43] <Blaster> Tsk Tsk
[11:44] <Blaster> Have fun solving your little puzzle
[11:44] *** Blaster has quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected)
[11:44] * LordBarrius turns to Mat.
[11:44] <LordBarrius> Greetings.
[11:44] <ComputaFreak> That reminds me. I will assume the identity of a Male for now
[11:44] * ComputaFreak morphs
[11:44] <ComputaFreak> Hello Mat
[11:44] <ComputaFreak> Hello, Mat
[11:45] <Mat> greeting
[11:45] *** Zeltan has joined #755
[11:45] <ComputaFreak> By the way, I've got a theory for the runes. Try counting the number of vertices
[11:45] * LordBarrius thinks for a bit.
[11:46] <Zeltan> I made it..
[11:46] <LordBarrius> "I am your last Hope"....and such a message left by the Messenger.
[11:46] * ComputaFreak gestures. Zeltan floats, and falls gently
[11:46] <Zeltan> So much has happen
[11:46] <Zeltan> What date is today?
[11:46] <Mat> hunt begin yes?
[11:47] <Mat> hunt for the truth and outland
[11:47] <ComputaFreak> So by my theory, Square = 4
[11:47] <Mat> and for the watcher too
[11:47] <ComputaFreak> 5th December
[11:47] <Mat> you do not know the date?
[11:48] <Mat> i find that confusing
[11:48] <Zeltan> Hmm...5 days I've been gone..
[11:48] <Mat> keep track of dates and times to maintain a normal life you should
[11:48] * LordBarrius turns his gaze to regard Mat.
[11:49] <ComputaFreak> Time portals warp time, and to maintain a sense of time takes incredible power
[11:49] <Mat> portals are very fast
[11:49] <Mat> poof and your there
[11:49] <LordBarrius> Not to mention that time flows differently in different realms....
[11:49] * LordBarrius chuckles. "No, not quite."
[11:49] <Zeltan> True
[11:49] <Zeltan> I've been at my home realm for almost 2 weeks
[11:49] <LordBarrius> It takes me a bit of time to reach this realm from my own....
[11:49] <Mat> much faster than beamship
[11:50] <ComputaFreak> Think 'Chronicles of Narnia'
[11:50] <Mat> your portal not the same
[11:50] <ComputaFreak> Zeltan, do you have a 'body' yet?
[11:50] <Mat> portal is always shut now
[11:50] <Mat> was very fast
[11:50] <Mat> poof and you gone
[11:51] <Zeltan> I've regain my magic but sadly, i cannot find the nicantation
[11:51] <Mat> magic?
[11:51] <Mat> human on Earth using magic?
[11:51] <Zeltan> So i now use a force field to maintain my form
[11:51] <ComputaFreak> Can I help? While you were gone, I became an Ice ArchMage
[11:51] * LordBarrius chuckles. "I'm not from Terra."
[11:51] <Mat> like Harry Potter or Gandalf the Grey yes?
[11:51] <Zeltan> Human ? I'm not human
[11:51] * Zeltan chuckles
[11:52] <Mat> magic look fun
[11:52] <Zeltan> So Ice Archmage? Congratulations
[11:52] <Mat> no magic here no magic nope
[11:52] <Mat> magic very bad no magic
[11:52] * ComputaFreak gestures. Mat is temporarily encased in ice. "It is very fun"
[11:52] <Mat> still look fun but it bad
[11:53] * LordBarrius opens one of his hands, palm faced to the ceiling. A small blue fire appears in his palm, glowing brightly. "I beg to differ."
[11:53] <Mat> where on Earth you live?
[11:53] <ComputaFreak> I live in the Void
[11:53] <LordBarrius> Magic is quite usable is simply lessened due to the rules set by this realm.
[11:53] <Mat> that not on my map
[11:53] * Zeltan gestures and 5 balls of light begin circling him
[11:54] <Mat> where you from for real not pretend
[11:54] <ComputaFreak> The Void is between dimensions. It cannot be reached by normal humans
[11:54] <ComputaFreak> So, Zeltan. Do you want a body?
[11:54] <Mat> you all play games when i try to talk normal
[11:55] <Mat> confusing to me
[11:55] <Zeltan> I'm fine in my state thank you
[11:55] <ComputaFreak> Ok
[11:55] * LordBarrius chuckles.
[11:55] * Zeltan looks at the balls of light.
[11:55] <Mat> no idea why Messenger want me in here to spy on you all it boring
[11:55] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow.
[11:56] <Mat> human boring to watch
[11:56] * ComputaFreak thinks. "Spy, you cannot. Unless you can penetrate my very thoughts"
[11:56] <Zeltan> The magic of my realm now flows through me
[11:56] <LordBarrius> Humans are boring to watch, eh?
[11:56] * LordBarrius chuckles.
[11:56] <Zeltan> You weird talk Mat
[11:56] <Mat> you think you magic
[11:56] <LordBarrius> Your translator is not bad, Mat.
[11:57] <Mat> i know you not
[11:57] * ComputaFreak fires ice crystals towards Mat. "I am magic(al)"
[11:57] *** wolfwing has joined #755
[11:57] <LordBarrius> Now, do tell....what is your name?
[11:57] <wolfwing> hey
[11:57] <ComputaFreak> Hello, wolfwing
[11:57] <Mat> my name mat it was given by my parents on my human home on Earth
[11:57] * Zeltan waves
[11:58] <Mat> i think that is what i say
[11:58] * LordBarrius frowns. "Your real name."
[11:58] * ComputaFreak focusses. "LB, care to join?"
[11:58] <Mat> my real name mat messenger hurt me if i tell you anything
[11:58] *** wolfwing has quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected)
[11:58] <Zeltan> messenger bad bad
[11:58] <ComputaFreak> Messenger can do very little
[11:59] <Mat> cor dem not in the system much anymore
[11:59] <LordBarrius> The Messenger will....hurt you?
[11:59] <LordBarrius> Curious.
[11:59] <Mat> information can help but you all pretend games
[11:59] <Zeltan> games fun
[11:59] * ComputaFreak stretches out a hand. A barrier surrounds the room
[11:59] <Mat> dead more fun?
[11:59] <Zeltan> dead not fun, dead bad
[12:00] * LordBarrius frowns again. "Please do explain your business then. Is it merely to spy?"
[12:00] <Mat> go to land of dead and wander forever in the fields of Omega you will
[12:00] <ComputaFreak> Fields of Hope?
[12:00] <Mat> that what they call it
[12:00] <ComputaFreak> Mr. Twain
[12:00] <Mat> it not a field
[12:01] <LordBarrius> What is it then?
[12:01] <Mat> it kinda look like your moon
[12:01] <ComputaFreak> Nova agent is here
[12:01] <Mat> with big buildings
[12:01] <Mat> and big big statue
[12:01] <LordBarrius> Hm....
[12:02] <Zeltan> Intresting...
[12:02] <ComputaFreak> Cor-Demi home planet
[12:02] <Mat> and lot of people
[12:02] <Mat> no no not home planet
[12:02] <ComputaFreak> Refuge
[12:02] <Mat> new home
[12:02] <ComputaFreak> From the Network
[12:02] <Mat> no network
[12:03] <Mat> network bad
[12:03] <ComputaFreak> I must go. The very fabric of Ice is tearing
[12:03] *** ComputaFreak has quit (Vanished: Massive Ice Rupture)
[12:03] <Mat> network work with Omega
[12:03] *** ComputaFreak has joined #755
[12:03] <LordBarrius> Hm....
[12:03] <Zeltan> Fixed the tear?
[12:04] <Mat> Outland work with Hope
[12:04] *** ComputaFreak has left #755
[09:02] Mat: Demu work with Hope too
[09:02] Mat: that me
[09:02] LordBarrius: Ah.
[09:02] Lkeas: hmm?
[09:02] Mat: watcher not watching see
[09:03] Mat: I trick her
[09:03] Zeltan: Hello Lkeas
[09:03] LordBarrius: Greetings Lkeas.
[09:03] Lkeas: greetings
[09:03] * Lkeas bows her head in greeting to the newcomer
[09:03] Mat: greeting i think
[09:04] Mat: purple lettering not understand
[09:04] Mat: human time left ten minute
[09:04] Zeltan: Ten minute?
[09:04] Mat: watcher come back and i go bye bye
[09:04] Lkeas: how come you can only talk when the watcher isn't watching?
[09:04] LordBarrius: Alright then. These buildings....anything particularly special about them?
[09:04] Mat: she control system
[09:05] Mat: she control truth lies and nova
[09:05] Mat: even the twins
[09:05] Mat: system in contact with human communication
[09:05] Mat: watcher very bad Anunnaki
[09:06] Mat: mean to Cor-Dem
[09:06] Lkeas: is this the same Watcher who told us they were both Hope and Omega?
[09:06] Mat: no host she hide in beamship funny she think she ugly
[09:07] Mat: Demu think she ugly too
[09:07] * Zeltan laughs
[09:08] Mat: watcher want to look like Vespirian
[09:08] LordBarrius: Why is that?
[09:08] Mat: she try to act like but not work she look like ugly monster
[09:09] Mat: she evil
[09:09] Mat: you can not cover up evil
[09:09] LordBarrius: Indeed.
[09:09] Mat: it make you ugly forever
[09:09] Mat: Demu see her ugly and watcher see ugly too
[09:10] LordBarrius: Hm. What about this statue you referred to? Is it of a figure?
[09:10] Mat: it hard to explain to human
[09:10] Lkeas: when you said she controls truth and lies, did you mean the faceless? or the programs?
[09:10] Mat: you not see it like me
[09:10] Mat: it of human woman
[09:10] Mat: Cor-Dem not know who but she pretty
[09:10] Mat: look like Truth
[09:10] Mat: Truth very pretty and very nice
[09:11] LordBarrius: Looks like Truth?
[09:11] Lkeas: Kaliope? she can disguise herself as Kaliope?
[09:11] Lkeas: this does not bode well...
[09:11] Zeltan: Or look like her
[09:11] Mat: Truth pretty she help try to help Demu
[09:11] Useless: Intriguing...
[09:12] Mat: Truth open door
[09:12] Lkeas: yes, we're supposed to meet her
[09:12] Mat: door we thought could not open cause she not chosen one
[09:12] Zeltan: So, she pretty because she help Demu?
[09:12] Lkeas: how will we be able to tell it's her and not the watcher?
[09:12] Mat: she pretty, she good
[09:12] Mat: watcher ugly, she bad
[09:12] Mat: Cor-Dem see that but human not
[09:12] Useless: She opened the door, and yet is not the chosen one?
[09:12] Lkeas: but you said we wouldn't be able to tell...
[09:12] Mat: Watcher trick you she can
[09:13] Mat: no trick a Cor-Dem
[09:13] Lkeas: we will need your eyes then.
[09:13] LordBarrius: They can see her evil, right?
[09:13] Zeltan: So we';; have to decide who is the real one
[09:13] Mat: we see past Anunnaki trick
[09:13] Lkeas: will you help us?
[09:13] Mat: me not there
[09:13] Mat: me on beamship
[09:13] Mat: with my brothers and sisters
[09:14] Lkeas: what about Demi?
[09:14] Mat: we in the system make things work
[09:14] Mat: me not know any Demi
[09:14] Lkeas: hmm.
[09:14] Lkeas: who is the chosen one?
[09:14] Useless: Can you teach us how to see past her tricks?
[09:14] Mat: the chosen one is the chosen one
[09:14] Useless: And all Anunnaki tricks, for that matteR?
[09:15] Mat: i not know how to make you turn into Cor-Dem
[09:15] Mat: magic like humans on Earth could do maybe
[09:15] Useless: So it is beyond mere knowledge, we would have to be a Cor-Dem?
[09:15] Mat: yep yep
[09:15] Mat: me think so
[09:15] Mat: if you go to my world then you in danger
[09:16] Mat: network bad and network there
[09:16] Mat: network take us and make us work
[09:16] Lkeas: but we want to free you from the network
[09:16] Useless: What of your beamship? How do you stay safe?
[09:16] Mat: only small tribe fight
[09:16] Mat: me not safe, me slave
[09:16] * Useless twitters. "Small things can make large impacts, don't you agree Archivist?
[09:16] Mat: many slave work for network
[09:17] * Lkeas nods in agreement
[09:17] Mat: watcher still look for Demy
[09:17] Lkeas: and the Watcher, she controls the network?
[09:17] Mat: still time
[09:17] Mat: no she control beamship
[09:17] Lkeas: oh.
[09:17] Mat: she try to trick Avatar
[09:17] *** SplinterClaw has joined #755.
[09:17] Mat: she mean nasty
[09:17] Lkeas: how did she trick them?
[09:17] Mat: she ugly evil too
[09:17] Mat: she make us lie
[09:18] Mat: make fake rune
[09:18] Useless: You not lie now?
[09:18] Zeltan: Avatar?
[09:18] Mat: me no lie now
[09:18] Mat: many lie we said
[09:18] Lkeas: oh no... fake? which ones are the real ones?
[09:18] LordBarrius: How many are fake?
[09:18] Mat: none real real
[09:18] Mat: but she not know that
[09:18] Mat: network not know how to use door
[09:18] Mat: they dumb they are
[09:19] Lkeas: so she told you to make fake runes, but you sent the real ones anyway?
[09:19] Mat: human smart they open door with magic and kill us and make monster
[09:19] Useless: She force you make bad rune...and other runes deceptions, not true runes?
[09:19] Mat: no we use real rune to make fake rune
[09:19] * Lkeas shakes her head
[09:19] Mat: she know if we make new rune
[09:20] Mat: no worry you be o.k
[09:20] Mat: Demu here to help
[09:20] Lkeas: so the runes are real, but they've been altered?
[09:20] Mat: if plan work big boom make network go blam blam
[09:20] Mat: and die
[09:20] * Lkeas chuckles
[09:20] Lkeas: let's hope so
[09:20] Lkeas: what's the plan?
[09:21] Mat: if chosen one help us before omega kill us
[09:21] Mat: that the plan
[09:21] Useless: How to find chosen one?
[09:21] Mat: you chosen one dumb dumb
[09:21] Lkeas: oh, Hope.
[09:21] Mat: you say Demi yes?
[09:21] Mat: me thinks i know name now
[09:22] Lkeas: yes, we met him before, with Anna
[09:22] Mat: Demi go bye bye in lightship
[09:22] Mat: network lost ship never got back
[09:22] Useless: Lightship of network, or lightship of small fight tribe?
[09:22] Mat: dead he is
[09:22] Useless: Dead for sure?
[09:22] LordBarrius: Demi is dead?
[09:22] Lkeas: dead? but we saw him..
[09:22] Mat: me thinks so
[09:23] Mat: well he go poof
[09:23] Mat: so dead
[09:23] Lkeas: well, it was a while ago
[09:23] Lkeas: the lightship was probably the one the Aerodu took over
[09:23] Useless: You think dead, since you no see, you mean?
[09:23] *** SplinterClaw has left #755.
[09:23] Zeltan: Aerodu eh?
[09:24] Mat: if beamship go poof
[09:24] Mat: you go dead
[09:24] Mat: they not fly in big portal or crash
[09:24] *** ComputaFreak has joined #755.
[09:24] Mat: and dead be with Omega you become
[09:24] Zeltan: Hello again
[09:24] * ComputaFreak enters
[09:24] Useless: An explosion then, I am thinking.
[09:24] ComputaFreak: Hello
[09:24] Mat: beamship go poof then boom then crash then dead
[09:24] Lkeas: hmm. who was in the crashed ship then?
[09:25] Mat: Outland tribe
[09:25] Mat: they escape network
[09:25] * Useless shakes his whiskers vigorously
[09:25] Mat: try to
[09:25] Lkeas: the whole Outland tribe was in that ship? they ALL died??
[09:25] Useless: All Outland tribe dead?
[09:25] Mat: all gone
[09:25] Lkeas: oh no...
[09:25] ComputaFreak: Mat, do you realise that your WHOIS shows up NOVA?
[09:25] Mat: no one tribe
[09:25] Mat: Outland many tribe silly
[09:25] Zeltan: all....gone...
[09:25] Mat: many many alive
[09:25] Lkeas: oh
[09:25] Zeltan: Only one tribe go boom?
[09:25] Mat: we all slaves though
[09:26] Lkeas: that's still sad though
[09:26] Useless: None yet free?
[09:26] Mat: some fight for free
[09:26] Lkeas: like you
[09:26] Mat: they warriors that camp around door
[09:26] ComputaFreak: By 'ship', do you mean the Aerodu clan base?
[09:26] Mat: me no warrior no
[09:26] Lkeas: but you are fighting, you are talking to us
[09:26] Lkeas: that's a risk
[09:26] Mat: i not know what aerodu is
[09:26] Mat: sound like human food
[09:26] Mat: it yummy?
[09:27] Zeltan: Big bird you know?
[09:27] ComputaFreak: It not food
[09:27] Useless: Human clan
[09:27] Mat: chicken?
[09:27] * Lkeas laughs
[09:27] Zeltan: eagle
[09:27] Mat: me know what a chicken is eat eat
[09:27] ComputaFreak: It big ship. Land through portal
[09:27] Mat: eagle eat eat too yummy
[09:27] Lkeas: no no, we don't eat Aerodu
[09:27] Zeltan: now high flying
[09:27] Mat: beamship big?
[09:28] LordBarrius: We think so.
[09:28] Mat: i not know beamships all fly in space
[09:28] Mat: they not fly like bird
[09:28] Mat: they go zoom real fast
[09:28] ComputaFreak: Yes. Fly together, but not like birds
[09:28] Mat: like bullet yes
[09:28] Lkeas: hmm
[09:28] ComputaFreak: Yes, bullet
[09:29] Mat: you see website
[09:29] Mat: it all true
[09:29] ComputaFreak: Website?
[09:29] Lkeas: the messenger's site
[09:29] Useless: All true, no single lie?
[09:29] Mat: me try to change but me cant
[09:29] ComputaFreak: Hmm
[09:29] Mat: some lie but most true
[09:29] LordBarrius: Some lie?
[09:29] Mat: always some lie
[09:29] Zeltan: what lie
[09:29] Lkeas: is the Watcher an Eban?
[09:29] Useless: Some lie because of Watcher?
[09:29] Mat: names wrong
[09:30] Mat: yes some lie
[09:30] Useless: Or some lie because of not knowing full truth?
[09:30] Mat: defend truth
[09:30] Mat: no defend truth for network
[09:30] Useless: Ah
[09:30] Mat: watcher try and kill twin
[09:30] Mat: but he keep trying
[09:30] Mat: some lie because he not know all truth
[09:31] Mat: he think he does but he not
[09:31] Mat: but what he know is good read for human
[09:31] Mat: talk about me people
[09:31] Useless: Glad to know of your people.
[09:31] Mat: story of evil beast missing
[09:32] Lkeas: wait... the watcher tried to kill the twin? you mean matthew twain?
[09:32] Mat: when omega tribe enter door and kill many
[09:32] LordBarrius: Evil beast....
[09:32] Useless: Evil beast...dragon?
[09:32] Zeltan: omega tribe?
[09:32] Lkeas: Carnax, probably..
[09:32] Mat: they call
[09:32] Useless: Be safe. Be well.
[09:32] *** SplinterClaw has joined #755.
[09:32] Mat: xanrac
[09:32] Lkeas: yes
[09:32] Mat: me think
[09:33] Lkeas: something like that
[09:33] Useless: We thank for time. We thank for risk.
[09:33] LordBarrius: Mm, yes.
[09:33] ComputaFreak: We thank for all
[09:33] Mat: Cor-Dem cal it that me think
[09:33] Lkeas: what about Matthew Twain? your name in here is Mat, do you recognize that name?
[09:33] Zeltan: ah..xanrac...
[09:33] Mat: me told to use name mat
[09:33] Mat: human name sound
[09:33] *** Mat is now known as Demu.
[09:33] Demu: me not care
[09:34] SplinterClaw: what's up guys?
[09:34] Lkeas: oh do be careful..
[09:34] Zeltan: Demu better sound
[09:34] Demu: human name sound dumb
[09:34] Useless: Name then useless? No meaningful name in human then?
[09:34] Demu: name mat
[09:34] Demu: fake
[09:34] LordBarrius: Heh. Still, be careful using your real name....
[09:34] Demu: truth good for human ear to hear
[09:34] Lkeas: indeed.
[09:34] LordBarrius: We don't want Watcher getting you.
[09:34] Demu: make you happy and show teeth
[09:35] Zeltan: bad guy may be listening
[09:35] Lkeas: how many Watchers are there?
[09:35] Demu: bag girl
[09:35] * Useless twitters softly. "Not all human here."
[09:35] Demu: bad girl
[09:35] Demu: bag girl funny sounding
[09:35] Zeltan: bad you mean?
[09:35] * Lkeas laughs
[09:35] * ComputaFreak agrees. "Some origins are unknown..."
[09:35] Lkeas: so there's the bad girl Watcher. then you mentioned someone who tried to kill twin, is that the same?
[09:36] Demu: nova try to kill human that find truth
[09:36] *** ComputaFreak has signed off IRC (Vanished: Destruction is near).
[09:36] Demu: twin maxwell and other
[09:36] Demu: both in danger
[09:36] LordBarrius: Maxwell?
[09:36] Lkeas: Dan..
[09:36] Demu: Demu know maxwell
[09:36] Demu: contact with him we are
[09:36] Zeltan: Maxwell and Dan
[09:36] Demu: he work with network too
[09:36] Demu: but in danger
[09:37] Demu: he not good guy
[09:37] Zeltan: What kind of danger?>
[09:37] Demu: he try to be
[09:37] Demu: but he work with network he scared
[09:37] Useless: He takes risks. You take risks. Both to help us...
[09:37] Zeltan: Maxwell bad?
[09:37] Demu: he lie to you
[09:37] Demu: he save self
[09:37] Demu: me tell you truth
[09:37] Lkeas: what did he say that was a lie...?
[09:38] Demu: lots
[09:38] Demu: lots and lots
[09:38] Useless: He say any truth?
[09:38] Demu: he make stuff up to keep you looking so he not get killed
[09:38] Useless: Amidst the lies
[09:38] Lkeas: great... half my Archive is garbage then...
[09:38] Demu: danger when network know he lie
[09:38] Demu: when they know he dead
[09:38] Zeltan: Not really Lkeas
[09:38] Demu: it look real
[09:38] * Useless pats Lkeas' arm with his tail.
[09:39] Demu: lightship gonna land in hour
[09:39] Lkeas: he will die if we find the truth?
[09:39] Lkeas: land where?
[09:39] SplinterClaw: ?
[09:39] Demu: lightship big big big beamship
[09:39] Demu: we go to
[09:39] LordBarrius: In an hour human time, yes?
[09:39] Demu: human time yes
[09:39] Demu: Cor-Dem not use hour
[09:39] Zeltan: How big?
[09:39] Demu: bigger than umm
[09:39] Demu: whale
[09:40] Lkeas: where are you going to land? in Lore?
[09:40] Demu: bigger than new york city building
[09:40] Demu: that big
[09:40] SplinterClaw: Where shall it land?
[09:40] Demu: no we land on moon
[09:40] LordBarrius: Luna?
[09:40] Demu: collect slaves
[09:40] Zeltan: Slaves...cor-dem?
[09:40] Useless: Human slaves or Cor-Dem slaves?
[09:41] Demu: me not know race
[09:41] Demu: network have many slaves
[09:41] SplinterClaw: ... the void
[09:41] Zeltan: is it your race?
[09:41] Demu: they look ugly and they mean
[09:41] Useless: Doubtful, SplinterClaw.
[09:41] Demu: big spikes
[09:41] Demu: hard worker for mines
[09:41] *** Demu is now known as Mat.
[09:41] Lkeas: why does the network need miners?
[09:41] Zeltan: Look like what?
[09:41] *** The_Watcher has joined #755.
[09:42] Lkeas: ...
[09:42] *** Mat has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[09:42] *** The_Watcher has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[09:58] *** Maxwell has joined #755.
[09:58] *** Mode change "+ao Maxwell Maxwell" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[09:59] Gamer: Greetings Maxwell
[09:59] Zeltan: Hello Maxwell...
[09:59] Maxwell: phew im tired
[09:59] * Zeltan eyes Maxwell suspiciously
[09:59] Maxwell: just got over the flu...
[09:59] Lkeas: greetings, Maxwell
[09:59] Maxwell: hiya
[09:59] Zeltan: He's a..slave Gamer
[09:59] Lkeas: i'm glad you're feeling better
[09:59] Maxwell: working on Tenshi Zensen :D
[09:59] Lkeas: that's cool
[10:00] Zeltan: Good luck with that
[10:00] Maxwell: the game is going to be very neat
[10:00] * Gamer yawns and streches.
[10:01] Lkeas: so, uh, Max... we had a tip-off that you haven't been entirely truthful with us...
[10:01] Maxwell: oh?
[10:01] Zeltan: Yes...a tip-off
[10:01] Lkeas: that's rather bothersome as my Archive is called the Encyclopedia of Truth...
[10:01] Maxwell: well, if I lie it is because I was lied to
[10:01] Zeltan: Really?
[10:01] Maxwell: I only know what I am told
[10:02] Gamer: ((Presenting the truth in such a way as to cause as much excitment as possible.))
[10:02] Lkeas: it's said that you're in danger and you're lying in order to save yourself
[10:02] Maxwell: i'm sure NOVA would want people to think that
[10:02] Zeltan: What's your source of information Maxwell?
[10:03] Maxwell: Dan
[10:03] Lkeas: your twin?
[10:03] Maxwell: twin.. right..
[10:03] Maxwell: no I dont even have a brother
[10:04] Maxwell: anyways, I dont care what NOVA drones have to say about me
[10:04] Zeltan: Not as in blood relation
[10:04] * Lkeas frowns
[10:04] Zeltan: Rather..what NOVA believes in
[10:04] Lkeas: why not? they're trying to free themselves
[10:04] Maxwell: or some evil shadow lurking around trying to trick you
[10:04] Lkeas: what evil shadwo?
[10:04] Lkeas: *shadow
[10:04] Zeltan: That we all have an "other"
[10:04] Gamer: Dopllegranger again?
[10:05] Maxwell: you know there are people that enter this place that want nothing more than power, and to trick you
[10:05] Maxwell: I really wish I had no part in it anymore, NOVA is not a friendly bunch
[10:05] Lkeas: how do they gain power by coming here, though?
[10:05] Maxwell: I dont know
[10:06] Maxwell: all I know is I never lied to you and if I did Lie then iT was for a good reason
[10:06] LordBarrius: ((I'm officially....65 Ninja from a good screenshot. >_>))
[10:07] Gamer: Wait...I read that the runes are a Lie
[10:07] Lkeas: i suppose that's true...
[10:07] Maxwell: aLways look pasT what others say
[10:07] Zeltan: ((What's with the ninja?))
[10:07] Lkeas: read beTween the Lines, you mean?
[10:07] LordBarrius: ((You'll see. :P))
[10:07] Maxwell: I lead to what you want
[10:07] Zeltan: pasT? No errors?
[10:07] Maxwell: and if you are reading this then you know I am speaking in 2
[10:07] Maxwell: not 1
[10:08] Maxwell: 1 for you and 1 for them
[10:08] Lkeas: indeed.
[10:08] Zeltan: Alright then
[10:08] Maxwell: ALLTTT
[10:08] Gamer: T L T
[10:08] Lkeas: ...
[10:08] Gamer: ((Stupid keyboard))
[10:09] Maxwell: yes.. stupid keyboard indeed..
[10:09] Maxwell: keyboards cause very strange things to happen in chat logs do they not
[10:09] * Maxwell grins
[10:09] Zeltan: Aye they do
[10:09] * Gamer laughs
[10:09] Lkeas: i'd argue it's the user... the keyboard is just the tool
[10:10] Maxwell: so now that we got the alt out of the way
[10:10] Zeltan: My keyboard is totally messed up
[10:10] Maxwell: and you know my response
[10:10] Maxwell: would anyone like to see some concept work of Tenshi Zensen

<>: [11:31] KingK: lol i was watching the daily show before and the guy was saying how reptiods control the american government

[11:31] LordBarrius: Of course.
[11:31] * Valedia purrs lightly and jumps up into LB's lap.
[11:32] Maxwell: they do
[11:32] Gamer: Reptiles you mean King?
[11:32] KingK: reptiloids*
[11:32] *** Gamer is now known as Gamer|Working.
[11:32] Maxwell: well the nordic race controls it actually
[11:32] Maxwell: and the reptoids control them
[11:32] * LordBarrius grins and strokes Valedia's fur.
[11:32] KingK: most likely which is why i think im going to purposly start eating iguanas just to show my hatred of george bush
[11:33] KingK: and hismentally challenged son
[11:33] Maxwell: I could care less about the united states anymore, they are going to hell.
[11:34] KingK: can i ask right quick though max is the network to them how they describe the way the devourer controlles the undead on their planet?
[11:34] lightbringerlord: [AFK]: Nah, I just hate the goverment
[11:34] KingK: and that is so true
[11:34] Maxwell: I am live here but I dont like anything we are doing.
[11:34] LordBarrius: Yeah....
[11:34] KingK: i miss the 90's
[11:34] KingK: as do i just i cant really put faith in a man who was nearly assasinated by a pretzal
[11:34] lightbringerlord: [AFK]: Maxwell, did you watch 'V for Vendetta'?
[11:34] Maxwell: the network is many races that are bound to one master
[12:05] Maxwell: just make sure you listen to my clues in my messages
[12:05] Maxwell: I might have talked normal but I did leave you something
[12:06] Gamer|Working: bye maxwell
[12:06] Maxwell: something you will learn is the new 755
[12:06] LordBarrius: Nice.
[12:06] Maxwell: or just as important
[12:06] Lkeas: the new 755?
[12:06] Maxwell: yes, a message
[12:06] Maxwell: good bye :)
[12:06] LordBarrius: Well, seeya.
[12:06] Lkeas: bye..
[12:06] Maxwell: dont forget to whois me for a clue you have about 10 seconds
[12:06] *** Maxwell is LiesLTruth@755.755.755.755 (Maxwell)
[12:06] *** Maxwell is on: &#755
[12:06] *** Maxwell is using Caught in the dazzling lights of the Aurora
[12:06] *** End of /WHOIS.
[12:06] *** Maxwell has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
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