Created Anunnaki

From Caelwiki

[16:03] *** Maxwell has joined #755.
[16:03] *** Mode change "+ao Maxwell Maxwell" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[16:03] Fulcan: Maybe not, but I would do anything to protect you.
[16:04] Dale: Fulcan, if I was ordered to do so, I would not hesitate.
[16:04] Durroth: Heil maxwell!
[16:04] Maxx: ((I walked away for a soda. Sorry.))
[16:04] * Lkeas: [logging] glances up briefly from her Archive and waves at Maxwell
[16:04] Durroth: erm
[16:04] Durroth: Hail*
[16:04] Maxx: Hello, Maxwell.
[16:04] Maxwell: Hello Truthseekers
[16:04] Genoclysm: Hello Maxwell.
[16:04] Durroth: Note to self- changing a greeting in mid-type causes errors
[16:05] * Lkeas: [logging] grins. "Hello Truth Disseminator."
[16:05] * Fulcan waits for a greeting himself
[16:05] Durroth: Oh mighty tormentor of heads
[16:05] Maxx: How's the Truthiness going, Maxwell?
[16:07] *** Newcomer is now known as latius.
[16:07] *** Mobuis has joined #755.
[16:08] Dale: (( heh, I like how the atmosphere changes once Maxwell and/or Falerin arrive. More of the Cor-Dem stuffs when it's Maxwell, and Epic related stuffs when it's Falerin. ))
[16:10] Maxx: (( I like how everyone stops their blathering in anticipation. ))
[16:10] VictimNumber9163: anyone knw what is nova?
[16:10] FS_AFK_Too_Much: Network Of V-something Agents.
[16:11] *** FS_AFK_Too_Much is now known as Formerly_Somebody.
[16:11] Dale: (( Network of Vespirian Agents, I think. ))
[16:11] Lkeas: [logging]: Vespirian
[16:11] Formerly_Somebody: That'd be it.
[16:11] Genoclysm: NOVA = Network Of Vespiarian Agents IIRC.
[16:11] VictimNumber9163: what do they want?
[16:11] Dale: Lots of stuff.
[16:11] Dale: XD
[16:11] Formerly_Somebody: They want all of your worldly possesions...
[16:12] Durroth: Ninjas on Vespas Attack!
[16:12] Formerly_Somebody: Or not. I dunno.
[16:12] Maxx: Ultimately, I think we're uncertain; but they say they want Hope.
[16:12] *** latius has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[16:12] Formerly_Somebody: The question is, what do they want Hope FOR?
[16:13] Maxwell: They want to continue project Epsilon, to save the future and humanity.
[16:13] * Fulcan staggers a bit, then falls on his 'new' favourite couch, and falls deep asleep
[16:13] Maxx: Some say they are working for The'Galin.
[16:13] Formerly_Somebody: I thought that they were a BAD thing.
[16:13] Lkeas: [logging]: is that their ideal goal? or their goal after the corruption?
[16:13] Genoclysm: Project Epsilon weeds out corruption, correct?
[16:13] Formerly_Somebody: Wait. They want to save the future AND humanity? Not the future OF humanity?
[16:14] *** Fulcan is now known as FulcanFantasyX2.
[16:14] Maxwell: There is no real side to N.O.V.A, they work for those who can help them in certain situations.
[16:14] Durroth: I still think the acronym would be cooler if it stood for Ninjas on Vespas Attack
[16:14] fantasygod: ((Oh, I have finished my Blade of Unity.))
[16:14] Formerly_Somebody: What is this Project Epsilon of which you speak?
[16:14] Durroth: ((What the hell is all this about a blade of unity fantasy?
[16:14] Durroth: ))
[16:15] Maxwell: Not to mention it is torn in two groups now, one wants to continue Epsilon. The other wants to end it.
[16:15] Formerly_Somebody: And why would an alien race codename something after an Earth letter?
[16:15] VictimNumber9163: what are vespas
[16:15] Durroth: an earth invention
[16:15] Maxx: I'd guess it's in the translation, Durroth.
[16:15] fantasygod: ((You will see.))
[16:15] VictimNumber9163: so, some people just thought of it, and suddendly, they became aliens?
[16:15] Genoclysm: I imagine it wipes out corruption and erases all of the world that is not corrupted, then starts off its restoration.
[16:16] Maxwell: Because they have been living among you for a very long time, they know much about your world. For all you know, it is their word.
[16:16] Genoclysm: that is*
[16:16] Genoclysm: The original inhabitants of Lore were scattered when it was destroyed, correct?
[16:16] Formerly_Somebody: The Greeks were aliens?
[16:17] Durroth: -_- yes formerly, and zeus was their overlord
[16:17] Durroth: he ruled them from the planet olympus in the gamma quadrant
[16:17] *** VictimNumber9163 has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[16:17] Genoclysm: Are the Vespiarians and the other agents descendants of the people from the original Lore?
[16:18] Maxwell: You tell me, I cant say.
[16:18] Genoclysm: Can't say, or don't know?
[16:18] Maxx: When are people going to start respecting newcomers' questions?
[16:19] Lkeas: [logging]: heh.
[16:19] Lkeas: [logging]: ((this log is taking forever to format
[16:19] Lkeas: [logging]: ))
[16:19] Formerly_Somebody: When he's not a newb anymore? I dunno.
[16:19] Damsel: I would imagine the answer to that is about the same time we stop insulting all those trying to help us or foolishly join The'Galin's "team."
[16:19] fantasygod: (Link:
[16:19] Maxx: Besides, you don't truly know a topic until you can teach it.
[16:19] fantasygod: The hilt is darkness, the blade is light, 2 spikes represent earth, another 2 spikes represent energy, the wings represent wind, the another 2 spikes represent Ice, the flames represent fire, and the waves represent water.
[16:20] Formerly_Somebody: Uh...sure...
[16:20] * Lkeas: [logging] nods in agreement with Damsel
[16:20] Maxwell: I wish I could show you my sword
[16:20] Dale: XD
[16:20] Formerly_Somebody: ...disturbing.
[16:20] Formerly_Somebody: Just...disturbing.
[16:20] fantasygod: ...
[16:20] Maxwell: I didnt mean it that way
[16:20] fantasygod: Why?
[16:20] Maxwell: I mean I just made a new sword for AQ like yesterday
[16:20] Formerly_Somebody: Oh. That's okay then. Sorry.
[16:20] Maxwell: looks pretty cool
[16:21] *** Crash has joined #755.
[16:21] *** Mode change "+v Crash" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[16:21] Genoclysm: When will it be released?
[16:21] Maxwell: has something to do with the Cor-Demi codex =O
[16:21] fantasygod: Ooo.
[16:21] Maxx: Le gasp!
[16:21] Formerly_Somebody: ZOMG! Secrets FTL!
[16:21] Genoclysm: For AQ, and it is involved with the Codex... cross over anyone?
[16:21] Formerly_Somebody: ((Dang it! I STILL can't see any of fantasy's stuff!))
[16:22] Formerly_Somebody: Nah. It's just in your head, Geno.
[16:22] Durroth: any chance you can approximate a release date for us maxwell? or is that a big secretization
[16:23] Formerly_Somebody: Or maybe you're in my head, in which case it's also in my head. Ever think of THAT?
[16:23] * Maxx shakes his head in frustration.
[16:23] Formerly_Somebody: He could tell you, but he'd have to kill you first.
[16:23] Genoclysm: I just want to know this: Is the King Tralin?
[16:23] Maxwell: I dont know, is he?
[16:24] Lkeas: [logging]: yes.
[16:24] Maxx: Read the next log, Geno.
[16:24] Maxx: Yes, he is.
[16:24] Genoclysm: I thought he didn't serve a single element.
[16:25] Maxwell: if you are an Avatar you dont serve an element, your facless does
[16:25] Genoclysm: Which log? I'm still jumping around trying to catch up.
[16:25] Maxwell: faceless*
[16:25] Genoclysm: Ah, that makes sense.
[16:25] Formerly_Somebody: Or does it?
[16:25] Maxwell: seven weeks until Lost comes back...
[16:25] Genoclysm: Formerly, stop.
[16:26] * Maxwell twitches in his chair
[16:26] Formerly_Somebody: Lost is gone?
[16:26] Formerly_Somebody: Haha! I win!
[16:26] Durroth: so its possible that a faceless and their avatar could serve completely opposing elements?
[16:26] Maxwell: All I can do is re-watch season 1 and 2 over and over until it comes back lol
[16:26] Maxwell: Yes, it is
[16:26] Maxwell: But then again
[16:27] Maxwell: A facless that serves fire would never take a host that serves say, water or ice.
[16:27] Maxwell: They look for their ideal host
[16:27] Durroth: what if they start serving that element AFTER the faceless chooses them?
[16:27] Durroth: for one reason or another
[16:27] Maxwell: The faceless would take control most likely
[16:28] Maxx: The log "searchingforavatar", Geno.
[16:28] Durroth: what if by some sheer statistical impossibility the avatar had a stronger will than the faceless?
[16:29] Maxwell: A faceless can freely leave their host at any time, but only for short periods of time.
[16:30] Maxwell: Truth left Makkisar many times to communicate with you.
[16:30] Lkeas: [logging]: max... i'm trying to remember, can ANY anunnaki inhabit a host? or are there some that cannot?
[16:30] Maxwell: During the time the faceless leaves their host, their host will have complete free will.
[16:30] Maxwell: There are many that can not, they are the originmal Anunnaki
[16:31] Maxwell: Before they were changed with Epsilon
[16:31] Lkeas: [logging]: is Ryuusei one of them?
[16:32] Genoclysm: So the ones we solved are the avatars of the agents, but not the true avatars?
[16:32] Maxwell: Also, there is the Primitive Faceless, that grows in the body of a host and must always remain inside the host. When they do in fact leave the body they tear out of the chest leaving the dead corpse. These types of faceless are nothing more than the body of the Leech and the soul of the Faceless.
[16:33] Maxwell: This type lives inside Maxwell and two of his daughters.
[16:33] Lkeas: [logging]: yes, i was familiar with those, i was more concerned with the idea of Ryuusei being able to take a host if he so desired..
[16:34] Maxwell: Epsilon used three races to create what you know as Faceless.
[16:34] Maxx: But, not the true Avatar of Truth, Rosa.
[16:34] Formerly_Somebody: ((Yay! Supper!))
[16:34] *** Formerly_Somebody is now known as FS_AFK_Too_Much.
[16:34] *** Beo has joined #755.
[16:34] *** Mode change "+v Beo" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[16:35] Maxwell: So, there is many types of Anunnaki in the universe.
[16:35] Maxwell: The ones that are created by Epsilon, are of course the Faceless.
[16:36] Genoclysm: I'm guessing it is not part of the puzzle, but can you explain the Lycanthropy causing Annunaki?
[16:36] Genoclysm: I've been somewhat curious about that.
[16:36] FS_AFK_Too_Much: So, all Faceless are Anunnaki, but not all Anunnaki are Faceless?
[16:37] Maxwell: that is right
[16:38] *** FS_AFK_Too_Much has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[16:38] Maxwell: I am sure you will be able to read into much of this when the path to the temple opens.
[16:38] Maxwell: Lift Up Your Eyes and Look North
[16:38] * Maxwell grins
[16:38] *** Maxwell has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
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