Arilar and Gamia

From Caelwiki

<>Ambiance:<> The abode is filled with sudden beeping
<>Ambiance:<> Loud and incessant coming from the common area somewhere
* Legault looks around, "Hrm?"
* Hazelnut walks in the abode
<Selarep> What the?!
<Selarep> (It's Def Con 5!)
* Hazelnut realizes the beeping from the area and starts inspecting the room
<Kazuma> not again...
<>Ambiance:<> The beeping seems to come from the Laptop
* Selarep walksover to the laptop
<Hazelnut> there's a laptop in here?
* Selarep opens the laptop
<Selarep> Durroth, come here.
* Hazelnut joins Selarep
* Kazuma manages to get to the laptop, and watches Selarep
<>Ambiance:<> Messages
<>Ambiance:<> Messages
<Selarep> Messages.
<Selarep> Open messages.
<Legault> Is that... Galrick's laptop?
<Hazelnut> what does it say?
<>Ambiance:<> Welcome to CaelOS Enhanced. Select your login.
* Kazuma sighs
* LordBarrius steps into the common room quietly and glances over at the laptop with a frown. "It's turned itself on?" He promptly moves over to the gathered to watch.
<Legault> This is Counterfeit all over again...
<Kazuma> is there a guest option?
<Hazelnut> what do you mean...?
<Selarep> Loin Selarep.
<Selarep> (login: *)
<Legault> ((Loins!))
<Selarep> (XD)
<>Ambiance:<> Unknown Login.
<>Ambiance:<> Welcome to CaelOS Enhanced. Select your login.
<Selarep> Login Guest.
<Hazelnut> Say Galrick and see what happens
<Selarep> Login Galrick
<Kazuma> eh...not a good idea
<Hazelnut> hehe
<>Ambiance:<> The guest account has been disabled due to administative options on your computer. Please contact a channel administrator.
<Kazuma> figures
<Selarep> ...
<Kazuma> Hmm
<Kazuma> Falerin, Perhaps you know how to login on this computer
<Hazelnut> we need someone who knows what they're talking about...where's damsel?
<Legault> ((xD))
<Durroth> wait
<Durroth> I'll handle it
<Selarep> Good, you're here.
<Durroth> Login Durroth
* Fulcan-[Dinner] is now known as Fulcan
<Kazuma> ((when in doubt, ask the big man. Worst that could happen is banishment to Limbo))
<Fulcan> "What now?"
<Durroth> ... how the hell did it get out of its hiding place?
<Legault> You know about it?
<>Ambiance:<> Please verify your retinal scan. A small loop detaches from the machine
<Fulcan> Login Alastor Fulcan Ryst.
<Kazuma> We got it man
* LordBarrius shrugs slightly. "I'm...not certain, Durroth."
* Durroth places his eye to the scanner
<>Ambiance:<> Access verified
<Durroth> check messages
<>Ambiance:<> You have 1 message waiting.
<Fulcan> "Hm?"
<Durroth> read message one
<>Ambiance:<> A message scrolls by
<Kazuma> Legault, you were right
<>Ambiance:<> What would you do to save the world you loved? What would you do to prevent its ultimate destruction by forces from within?
<Fulcan> "I'm missing something, aren't I?"
* Falerin ( has joined #darkabode
<>Ambiance:<> What would you do to save the woman you loved? What would you do if the very world you loved destroyed her? What if her salvation was your destruction. What if being saved once might destroy her even more fully again.
<>Ambiance:<> What price would you be willing to pay. Consider carefully the question that stands before you.
<>Ambiance:<> There will be a pop quiz.
<>Ambiance:<> A small window cloaked in odd haze opens on the laptop as if there and not. A possibility not yet or no longer it is hard to say.
<>Ambiance:<> Two Silari are here one is male the other female. They are in conversation.
<Silari2> We must stop his acension only by completely preventing the event can we destroy Xilar.
<Silari> The impertinent upstart, his actions sought to upset everything, but this seems drastic.
<Silari2> He should have accepted his place? Now he has brought destruction on us all.
<Silari> Are you ready to do this? Are you sure it is wise. He exists outside of time only by altering the action of the Goddess can we even begin to hope to effect his uncreation.
<Silari2> He is the source of Xilar's power he is the problem.
<Silari> Not him. Not as he stands there.
<Silari2> You know what he becomes Arilar
<Dale> ....Oh dear.
<Legault> Huh...
<Arilar> I only fear the damage we might do Gamia.
<Fulcan> "I'm clearly missing something."
<Gamia> Our race was destroyed Ariliar absorbed into the Drakel. Our sole remenants cast to the stars. He sought purity but all he gives us is mud.
<Arilar> Mud, is that what our peoples progeny are to you my wife.
<Gamia> Impure, inferior, mongreloid.
<Arilar> Let's do this then activate the device.
<>Ambiance:<> A prismatic light and the two Silari stand at the edge of a broad road.
<>Ambiance:<> A human figure walks along the roadway. The two Silari approach.
<Kazuma> are these...overcreators?
<Ariliar> Sieleidari?
<Gamia> Sieleidari of Tjeli?
<Legault> I doubt it...
<Dale> No. These are Silari.
<Sieleidari> Yes?
<Arilar> I am not sure one will not arise to take Sieleidari's place. What do we do now.
<Gamia> We do two things husband. One we asure Lauren lives two we save Anleya. The calculations are not questionable.
<Arilar> That will destabilize his life entirely. He may never go to Deren. If he lives a full mortal life as you intend...
<Gamia> And dies as he should he will never set in motion the events that make her love him so deeply. You comprehend.
<Arilar> you seriously plan on forcing your will on a God. Do you honestly believe we can do it.... Change the mind of a deity that exists outside of time.
<>Ambiance:<> They fire on Sieleidari
<Gamia> I am certain we can. It is the nature of our free will. By effecting this change we enforce that free will. This is exactly the sort of thing he fears we might eventually try to do.
<Arilar> So we prove The'Galin right.... by turning an act that is seemingly kind and pure to detestation.
<Gamia> Come husband. Now is not the time for remorse but action none will stop us. Not one.
<>Ambiance:<> The prismatic light fills the monitor again and they vanish.
<Durroth> ...
<Fulcan> "Wha...what?"
<Dale> ... Oh my.
<Selarep> ...
<Durroth> that, is most decidedly interesting
<Dale> Indeed....
<Kazuma> Easily
<>Ambiance:<> Sieleidari falls dead
<Selarep> ...
<Durroth> and possibly very bad
<LordBarrius> "Interesting...I do not believe that is the word I would use."
<>Ambiance:<> The window vanishes and the text scrolling begins anew
<Dale> Troubling, then, brother?
<>Ambiance:<> So then.... what shall it be?
<>Ambiance:<> 23:50:19
<>Ambiance:<> End of Message
* Kazuma pulls out his old notebook and starts writing down the text for Lkeas
<Selarep> Wow...
<Legault> Hmm...
<Dale> Is it asking.. us?
<Dale> (( Heh. Fal's story I presume. :p ))
<Durroth> apparently
<Kazuma> That's the way it seems
<Selarep> I don't know what the heck that was...
<Fulcan> "'Twas just a message, wasn't it? Can you reply to a recording and have it listen?"
<Dale> I would wait.
<Selarep> Check the sender.
<Fulcan> "What is CaelOS?"
<Dale> Until there are more of us, and we can come to a decision as a group.
<Kazuma> Fulcan, at this point, I wouldn't be amazed
<Durroth> check sender address message one
<Dale> Cael Operating System
<Fulcan> "So it's a computer program..."
<>Ambiance:<> Invalid Sender Header. Sender does not exist.
<Durroth> ...
<Selarep> ...
<Dale> ...
<Fulcan> "..."
<Legault> ... What? Xilar?
<Dale> Uncreated. The only possible answer...
<Kazuma> is that possible...wait, I just answered that earlier
<Durroth> Xilar?
* LordBarrius sighs. "I fear we've been given a choice to make, and a short time in which to do it. We had better decide quickly...."
* Dale nods.
<Legault> Right.
<Dale> I do however believe we should wait for Damsel's input.
<Fulcan> "The options were what? Destroy the loved earth for the loved person, and vice versa?"
* Falerin ( has left #darkabode
<Durroth> we may not have TIME to wait for damsels input
<Selarep> ...
<Dale> True.
<Kazuma> ay
* Kazuma sits down in thought
<Durroth> we dont know how long we have to answer the question, or if we're expected to reply
<Dale> Or if we're expected to reply at all? The sender doesn't exist any longer, apparently.
<Fulcan> "Better safe than sorry, possibly, in this case, Dale?"
<Legault> We still should have an answer better.
* Dale nods. "I know, I know."
<Durroth> anything is possible
* Damsel ponders quietly. "How interesting."
<Durroth> remember, this computer is powerful enough that we've seen fit to lock the damned thing up
* Fulcan mutters to himself, "Anything is possible..."
<Durroth> also dangerous
<Fulcan> "What exactly is this computer?"
<Durroth> A god powered laptop
<Fulcan> "Is it yours Durroth? It seems to have you set with an account..."
* Damsel considers then shakes her head. "I do not believe we should allow it to change, if we have the choice."
* LordBarrius frowns and returns to his seat, sinking back into the couch.
<Durroth> technically no, and I have no clue how De'thion got his paws on it
<Selarep> Ugh...I can'r work well under speed...
<Selarep> (can't: *)
<Durroth> so what price would we be willing to pay under the circumstances
<Fulcan> "What can we?"
<Legault> We don't really have much to give...
<Damsel> "You agree with me then?"
<Durroth> we were given a very tricky set of circumstances
<Selarep> So our choice could really destroy a planet?
<Fulcan> "I agree with Damsel."
<Damsel> "Which is exactly why I am concerned with the lack of response or opinion from any of you."
* Grett ( has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +ao Grett Grett
<Selarep> We're thinking, Damsel...
<Kazuma> I'd have to agree with Damsel
<Durroth> The world or the one I love?
<Durroth> I have an answer already
<Durroth> but its not just my question
<Durroth> its all of ours
<LordBarrius> "I would beg we remember how things have gone in the past, however. Thus far, whenever we have interfered to save a has often cost us one."
<>Ambiance:<> Time Compression adjustment succesful, Translation complete
<Durroth> what?
<Durroth> what time compression
<Damsel> "What I suppose we all need to consider is what exactly would change from such a monumental decision. And we can not forget either that The'Galin exists outside of time, much as we have seen from Falerin, I believe."
<>Ambiance:<> Adjusted time 2 hours 13 minutes
<Durroth> ...
<Hazelnut> ((crap I missed alot of stuff just now))
<Damsel> "It seems to me that the decision would not alter the Uncreator at all, but the world itself would be altered in a way that we could not predict. At least, that is my take on it."
* Kazuma ( Quit (Ping timeout )
<Dale> I'm lost. what exactly are our choices here?
* LordBarrius nods slightly. "I see."
* Kazuma ( has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +v Kazuma
<Damsel> "Your analysis of the situation might be different."
<Selarep> Which world?
<Durroth> it didnt specify
<Durroth> it said the world we loved
<Selarep> ...
<Selarep> Probably Terra, Caelestia, or Lore.
<Kazuma> not all beings care for Terra
<Kazuma> So Caelestia or LORE
<Selarep> All seem too great to sacrifice...
<Legault> He wouldn't destroy Caelestia, I doubt he'd want to start a god war...
<Kazuma> and given what was seen, it should be LORE
<Selarep> But Lore is where Lorithia is...
<Kazuma> it is the one in threat of being lost
<Durroth> I think we may each have to come up with our own answers to this one
<Dale> It is also where Lauren is.
<Selarep> The one HE loves...
<Durroth> it doesnt seem related to one world or person
<Selarep> Who is Lauren?
<Dale> Who else?
<Legault> Lorithia's human form.
<Selarep> Oh.
<Legault> Well. Was I suppose...
<Hazelnut> ((can anyone gimme a summary of what just took place here? Cus I had to do chores))
<>Ambiance:<> Messages
<Durroth> check messages
* Selarep leans towards the lapotp
<Selarep> (laptop: *)
* Hazelnut wakes up from sleeping (I guess cus I was doin chores))
<>Ambiance:<> A window appears
<Fulcan> ( What does cus mean? )
<Dale> (( Because ))
<Kazuma> ((because))
<Hazelnut> ((because))
<Kazuma> ((XD))
<>Ambiance:<> Figure (shadowed) How does this work I do not follow. How can we hope to uncreate the uncreator.
<Fulcan> ( Oh, hehe, that's obvious now that I think about it >_> )
<Figure> he is timeless is he not? Beyond machination.
<Hazelnut> Who is the shadowed figure?
<Fulcan> "There are higher powers than he, but when one is uncreated, they are... 'fed' to him, are they not?"
<Anilar> Nothing is fixed. Nothing at all.
<Damsel> "Hmm..."
* LordBarrius leans forward to better hear.
* Durroth manually adjusts the volume
<Hazelnut> I thought it was impossible to uncreate the creator
<Gamia> Only one event could prevent his rise. Preventing his ascension itself. Not via his death either. Killing him would not alter Lorithia's feelings. It would not prevent her intervention.
<Durroth> hazel, please no talking during the potentially important movie
<Hazelnut> ( big mistake I meant impossible to uncreate the'galin))
<Figure> I do not follow this.
<Grett> Do they plan on corrupting The`Galin as a man?
<Gamia> We change the trunk entirely. We uncreate all that comes after. Every world in Which The'Galin became uncreator. We anihilate it.
<Dale> ...
<Figure> How? and would that not destroy us too.
<Durroth> thats not good
<Legault> Not at all...
<Selarep> ...
<Anilar> It would. But what replaces is superior
<Figure> How dp you effect this mystical translation.
* Damsel shakes her head slowly.
<Gamia> with your device. We alter time. You give us the means and we prevent Lauren from ever causing his ascension.
<Dale> ....
<Dale> Zephyr
<Gamia> That change is drastic enough to totally unweave his existance.
<Figure> You have no idea what I am do you....
* Hazelnut looks interested
<Dale> Why do I get the feeling that the machine is Delphi?
<Figure> Let me be clear. When I said Us earlier I really meant you.
<Grett> I don't know about all of you, but I'm in favor of stopping that, if we can.
<Figure> I am not from the Lorian branch. Not at all
<Gamia> What difference does that make really.
<Grett> Sounds like Tirlerion might be doing this.
<Figure> None save that if your plan fails miserably I lose nothing
<Figure> Very well.. I will give you the key of time
<Durroth> it might be delphi, but I'd have to see it to confirm
<Dale> Then it must be Chronos.
<Durroth> unless its been drastically changed
<Gamia> Thank you Lord Tirlerion you will not regret the decision.
<Fulcan> "Chronos..."
<Selarep> ...
<Dale> (( ... ))
<Dale> ...
<Durroth> Tirlerion?!?!?
* Damsel smirks slightly.
<Tirlerion> Of that I am quite sure. Quite quite sure.
<Fulcan> "No, it's Tirlerion."
<Legault> Heh, of all things it had to be him.
* Brink (Dog_Like_K@9B92D004.2D4D6190.184804C.IP) has joined #darkabode
* LordBarrius scowls. "Damn him...."
* Reality sets mode: +v Brink
<Warning> Message has no Sender
<Fulcan> "Hm."
<Durroth> again
<Hazelnut> Who's this Tirlerion character?
<Selarep> Except this time, it warned us immediately...
<Message> was not transmitted
<Fulcan> "Tirlerion is the Man in Black, avatar of Therlion the Mad."
* Brink appears.
<Hazelnut> ((however much that explains))
<Fulcan> ( Read the archives. )
<Kazuma> ((read the archives, then it will make sense))
<Hazelnut> ((I'll have to do that))
<Fulcan> ( Yes, you will. )
<Kazuma> ((need a link?))
<Durroth> this is most decidedly not good
<Fulcan> ( I recommend starting now: )
<Damsel> "So if the message has no sender... how exactly are we to reply or effect whatever decision we come to?"
<Brink> ((Doing so gives a better grasp.))
<Grett> I don't see what uncreating The`Galin will accomplish for him. In theory, that would uncreate us being here and eventually freeing him...
<Grett> The laptop may help, somehow.
<Fulcan> "Perhaps, Damsel, it was more rhetorical than inquisitive..."
<Damsel> "He is also outside of time Grett."
* Malcolm walks into the Abode
<Grett> So he'd still be here due to the odds of still being freed in the future... right...
<Fulcan> ( It's MACCAM! )
<Selarep> It's around this time when Falerin, Diviara, or someone else appears.
<Damsel> "I'm not certain I agree, Fulcan. It seems like this was sent not just for the purposes of informing us."
<Malcolm> without warning, if they do it like they always do
<Kazuma> no, we're expecting them at this point
<Legault> We can't always rely on them, this isn't their job...
<Fulcan> "Hm. But how are we supposed to reply to a recording?"
<Dale> Nor is it ours.
<Damsel> "That is what I do not know, Fulcan.""
<Durroth> the question is, what was the intent of the sender
<Dale> Perhaps the laptop will have a way
<Fulcan> "Well, good luck. I promised the Shadow I'd meet him for a while in about 10 minutes."
<Fulcan> "Adieu."
<Selarep> Bye.
* Zeltan ( has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +v Zeltan
* Fulcan runs outside and kicks off the ground, taking flight.
<Damsel> "Be well."
* Fulcan is now known as Fulcan-[HP5]
<Selarep> (HP5?)
* Zeltan swishes his tail.
<Legault> ((Harry Potter 5.))
<Selarep> (Yeah. Why not Harry Potter 7?)
<Brink> ((The movie Sel))
<Damsel> "Perhaps the time differential is somewhat important. The original message was off by quite a bit."
<Brink> ((Not the book))
<Selarep> (Oh.)
<Dale> Perhaps an alternate timeline, Damsel?
<Durroth> perhaps
<Damsel> "Or just temporal displacement."
<Zeltan> Hm.
<Damsel> "However, it did originally report itself at ten minutes until midnight."
<Grett> Wouldn't Tirlerion cause a gods' war with this, or is he not getting involved himself?
<Dale> He is not getting involved directly, no.
<Legault> I don't think he'd mind a god war...
<Durroth> he agreed to give them the "Key of Time" whatever that is, that seems pretty directly involved to me!
<Grett> Good, then we might be able to prevent it, if you all want to.
<Brink> He would most probably find a fact making him more evil... thus making think more that he is better for Falerin's position then Falerin.
<Dale> He is involved, yes.
<Durroth> I'm more than willing to help prevent it if you have a plan grett, because I've got nothin right now
<LordBarrius> "A god war could give him an opportunity to grab for power, perhaps even a stab at Falerin. Even knowing the Farpoint is against him, he would not likely mind such a thing."
<Grett> Do you think we could get the Key of Time before Tirlerion got it?
<Malcolm> but surely he knows that the Farpoint would not let him hold Fal's position
<Durroth> we dont know where the key of time was
<Kazuma> depends
<Durroth> or what it is
<Kazuma> If it's a real key, then perhaps
<Malcolm> maybe Fal knows
* Tirlerion ( has joined #darkabode
<Dale> Oh... my.
<Kazuma> ((or Tirlerion could tell us in person))
* Tirlerion appears with a smirk
<Dale> You...
<Zeltan> You...
* Tirlerion looks at the Laptop
<Zeltan> ((jinx))
<Tirlerion> Oh delicious
<Grett> What are you here for?
<Durroth> speak of the hellspawn
<Dale> (( XD ))
<Tirlerion> My better half is interefering
<Legault> Hrm...
<Brink> Well why doesn't this surprise me.
* Damsel observes the god quietly.
<Tirlerion> I thought I recognized the temporal signature of those spying
* LordBarrius shifts his gaze to Tirlerion to observe in silence.
* Tirlerion turns and looks with a laugh
<Malcolm> can you blame us for spying on you?
* Grett frowns angrily at Tirlerion.
<Tirlerion> Good luck with that
* Selarep turns angrily at Tirlerion
<Tirlerion> As for getting the Key to Time before I
<Tirlerion> Come Come
<Tirlerion> I created the Key
<Dale> What exactly are you here for?
<Tirlerion> So how could you
<Selarep> This is not who I was expecting...
* Tirlerion leans close to Dale
* Dale sweats
* Tirlerion whispers very quietly
<Malcolm> what is the key for?
<Tirlerion> "I enjoy rubbing it in"
* Tirlerion leans back
* Dale clenches his fist
* Tirlerion laughs
* Brink leans against a wall and mumbles something about spawn and idiots.
<Dale> You bastard.
<Selarep> What?!!
<Tirlerion> I shall really enjoy watching this
<Tirlerion> it is a win win situation for me
<Dale> Get out.
* Zeltan frowns.
<Grett> How is that?
<Grett> If it fails, how do you win?
* Selarep wishes he could punch Tirlerion...
<Tirlerion> The only way you can undo Gamia and Anilars actions is to both kill them
<Durroth> tempting
<Tirlerion> and to ensure the original timeline continues using your own activity
<Durroth> but thats what you probably want us to do
<Tirlerion> You have to enforce the original events to prevent change you see
<Tirlerion> And by doing that....
<Tirlerion> You murder the Godess of Lore
* Tirlerion laughs
* Damsel closes her eyes.
<Zeltan> What?!
<Dale> You...
<Legault> Dang...
<Dale> leave this place.
* Selarep is about to explode
<Tirlerion> Of course the alternative....
<Tirlerion> Is that you allow them to succeed
<Tirlerion> And in that eventuality
<Tirlerion> Lore's uncreation is sped up by several millenia
<Tirlerion> Destroying most of you entirely
<Dale> For being an omnipotent being, you sure are hard of hearing, eh Tirlerion?
<Grett> Nothing is set. There has to be another way.
<Tirlerion> Selectively Death Dale
<Tirlerion> Oh wait maybe I meant Deaf
<Tirlerion> No...
<Selarep> ...
<Damsel> "What gain have you if we are the ones who kill her..."
<Tirlerion> no... definitely death
* Dale trembles in rage.
* Tirlerion shoots out a hand through dales guts
* Selarep grinds his teeth
* Damsel 's eyes go wide. "Oh Light..."
* Dale gasps
* Tirlerion disembowls Dale
<Selarep> Dale!
* Tirlerion vanishes
<Selarep> Noooo!!!
* Dale falls over.
* Selarep rushes to Dale
<Brink> Well... now...
<Selarep> Damsel! Get over her!
* Dale is rapidly dying
<Kazuma> Eh...that's a bit out of my range
<Selarep> (here: *)
* Kazuma watches with shock
<Grett> Hey, Farpoint... could something be done about Dale?
* Damsel hurries to Dale's side. "Curse him..."
<Durroth> ... this brings back unpleasant memories
<Malcolm> Someone help over here
<Tirlerion> now you have another question. Save one of your own and delay action. Or let him die.
<Selarep> Grr....
<Tirlerion> I do love condunrums
* Tirlerion laughs
* Dale manages to utter a few words. "You.. dirty.. bastard.."
<Grett> I would take care of him, but I haven't recieved permission.
* Brink mumbles "I do love killing annoyances like you."
* Mariel appears
* Damsel closes her eyes and tries to summon her magic, discarding any finese and simply attempting to use masses of healing energy.
* Tirlerion looks a Dale
<Selarep> In the end, your "conundrums", which you force upon us, will be your own death, Tirlerion.
* Mariel looks a Dale
<Tirlerion> This is not a farpoint issue
* Mariel looks up
<Tirlerion> This is not a farpoint issue chaos god. I am a Caelestian deity. I have every right to kill those on this world. As much right as any Caelestian deity
* Mariel frowns
<Grett> Mariel, I won't use any power on Caelestia without permission...
* Dale gasps. "Mariel.. Help.. Me.."
<Mariel> I cannot grant that permission
* LordBarrius grits his teeth at Tirlerion's word, but keeps himself from speaking.
<Tirlerion> This is not a farpoint issue do nothing Mariel
<Durroth> Damnit! I never learned medical shifting
<Mariel> Tell me Tirlerion. Have you ever had a friend?
* Zeltan ( Quit (Ping timeout )
* Selarep grins
<Tirlerion> Friendship is meaningless
<Dale> That's.. a.. no.. then..
<Tirlerion> Love is but a means to destroy
<Selarep> Don't speak, Dale.
<Durroth> your more wrong than you can ever know tirlerion
<Grett> Tirlerion, you are a fool, and will eventually cause your own death, however long it takes.
<Dale> You've.. never.. been.. in.. love.. then..
<Mariel> I see. Well as I am sure you will use love that way quite effectively i will not counter that claim. But it has left you blind....
* Dale passes out.
* Damsel speaks between gritted teeth, still trying desperately to heal the damage. "Dale... brother, hold on."
<Mariel> It is indeed as you say not a Farpoint matter
* Tirlerion gestures Forcing Dale to Conciousness
(Dale) * Dale's eyes open.
* Tirlerion Smirks "DIE FASTER"
<Dale> (( You really are evil. XD ))
<Mariel> He is not yours though is he.....
* Dale gasps. "Go.. to.. hell.."
<Mariel> You could kill him...
<Mariel> But if a caelestian deity were to be his patron...
* Legault grimaces beneath his scarf, "... Dale."
<Mariel> You would lose all claim wouldn't you....
<Malcolm> you would start a god's war
<Mariel> He wants to
<Grett> Malcom, shush please.
<Mariel> But he will not get one so easily
<Durroth> ...
<Mariel> Dale will you accept service to Chaos?
* Dale nods, not able to speak.
<Selarep> ...
<Mariel> Arise my Cleric.
<Mariel> Your faith has made you well
* Dale stands slowly.
* Tirlerion vanishes
* Brink clearly has a look of hate mixed with nothingness in his eyes. "Hmmph..." he says in a muffled tone.
<Dale> Ah... That is better.
<Tirlerion> This is not over... and I did waste oh so much of your time
<Grett> Alright, Dale's fine now. We need to come up with a plan.
* Damsel steps back, obviously fatigued.
* Mariel vanishes
* Dale hurries over to Damsel.
* Selarep shows a "rude" gesture to Tirlerion.
<Grett> What role did those guys have on history?
<Dale> Sister, please, use me to support yourself.
* LordBarrius smirks slightly, then moves over to Damsel and Dale.
* Damsel sags slightly against Dale. "Dammit."
* Dale supports Damsel as best he can. "Here.. Over to this couch."
* Damsel winces lightly as she sinks down into a sitting position. "Listen, we need to figure out how to prevent the actions of those two Silari. Otherwise..."
<Malcolm> could we just take them from Lore?
<Grett> Gamia and Anilars... what did they do?
<Tirlerion> Fascinating Concept
<Damsel> "If Tirlerion is correct and the deed is done then... it will be us who must destroy Lorithia's mortal form."
<Grett> Did Anilars found the country of The`Galin's birth?
<Durroth> who says we need to kill them?
<Tirlerion> But see.. Creating even worse temporal paradoxes probably won't help will it
<Durroth> theres plenty of other ways to disable
<Tirlerion> It can only speed the decline
<Tirlerion> Oh and there is the fact that the key
<Tirlerion> It takes the bearer outside of time
<Tirlerion> Thats how it functions
<Dale> That makes sense, really.
<Selarep> (...Fal change back from Tirlerion to Falerin. >_>)
<Tirlerion> it allows the bearer to step outside of the temporal universe and navigate it freely
<Tirlerion> So then....
* Damsel closes her eyes at nods her head. "Then it must be at our hand."
<Tirlerion> By all means try
<Malcolm> we steal the key
<Durroth> Fine then
* Tirlerion laughs still not materialized
<Dale> Considering Tirlerion is the one who made the key, that's going to be hard.
<Selarep> (X.X)
<Dale> And what with the constant vigil he keeps on this place...
<Dale> Even harder.
<Durroth> I dont think damsel is completely right, but I cant find an alternative
<Tirlerion> You want easy Dale...
<Malcolm> we know they will have the key with them, all we need to do match them being out of time and take the key from them
<Dale> Not really.
<Tirlerion> Play Go Fish
<Dale> I was just pointing out the flaw in Malcolm's plan.
<Tirlerion> The stakes I have in mind are much higher
<Tirlerion> So then...
<Tirlerion> What might happen if I killed you AGAIN
<Tirlerion> A direct assault on the Cleric of another Deity
<Tirlerion> hmm...
<Tirlerion> I wonder....
<Tirlerion> Would he save you
<Tirlerion> Knowing what that would mean
<Dale> A god war?
<Tirlerion> Sounds like it
<Tirlerion> How tasty
<Tirlerion> And of course he has NOT taken the rest of you under his service
<Tirlerion> So I could kill any or all of you
* Brink flips a kunai between his fingers.
<Grett> Unless his deity shifts again...
<Dale> So then for the time being...
<Durroth> but wheres the fun in that?
<Durroth> you kill us all, your low on people to toy with
<Tirlerion> Murder is always fun
<Dale> Depends, Tirlerion.
<Tirlerion> And we can always grow new people
<Dale> On what you consider "fun"
* Dale scowls
<Tirlerion> They are infinitely replacable
<Tirlerion> A renewable resource
<Durroth> but nowhere near as interesting as us
<Dale> Shut up.
<Damsel> "We are becoming distracted from what we really need to have done."
<Tirlerion> Yes you are...
<Tirlerion> See how that works.
* Damsel glances at the computer. "I think our solution is right there."
<Tirlerion> I distract you
<Tirlerion> You lose
<Tirlerion> I win
<Selarep> Shoo, you pesky rodent.
* Dale shrugs. "I'll argue with him all he wants. I've got nothing to contribute."
<Malcolm> lets ignore him, it will insult him more then anything else we could do
<Selarep> Indeed.
<Tirlerion> Hmm.. ignore me will you
<Dale> Maybe we can make him cry.
<Tirlerion> Do you think you can?
<Selarep> Heh heh.
<Tirlerion> Shall we test the theory?
<Brink> He'll kill use one by one until we pay attention...
<Tirlerion> Perhaps I set all of Fair Harbour ablaze
<Brink> Taht simple.
<Brink> *that
<Dale> You bastard...
<Selarep> Eh. Who cares what he does.
<Damsel> "Durroth, can you log back on and direct it to take us to Lore at the point in history where Loren is supposed to be killed?"
<Tirlerion> Ah
<Malcolm> I wonder if Fal could predict where the key holder would appear
<Legault> ...
<Tirlerion> Selarep
<Selarep> ...
<Tirlerion> You are a man after my own heart
<Tirlerion> That statement trully warmed my cockles
<Grett> She was killed by the plague if I remember correctly...
* Selarep bares a grim expression
<Dale> Ignore him.
<Selarep> I despise you...
<Selarep> Checkers.
<Tirlerion> I love you too Selarep
<Tirlerion> I love you too
* Selarep watches the paint dry
* Dale yawns. "I'm the only one paying any attention to you now, Tirlerion. they're ignoring you."
<Durroth> I'
<Durroth> m still logged on
<Tirlerion> Grett tell me what would you do If I altered the timeline of your world
* Selarep yawns
<Dale> Ignore him.
<Tirlerion> Say turned the key of time lose on Odeycia
<Damsel> "I believe the Silari destroyed one of those critical in the creation of the virus."
<Tirlerion> Saved you from the nightmare even
<Tirlerion> Of course that would prevent the redemption of Silvas
<Grett> Save me from the Nightmare?
<Dale> Grett, you have to ignore him.
<Grett> And how would you do that?
* Selarep whistles
<Durroth> allow us a few minutes damsel?
<Tirlerion> You do not seem to understand what I am
<Grett> You guys keep working, let him talk to me.
<Malcolm> he is trying to stop us, that means he is scared that we can do it and stop his plans
<Damsel> "Therefore we either have to find a way to recreate that same virus and release it or... destroy those individuals ourselves. All in all, it amounts to the same thing."
<Tirlerion> You are a god
<Tirlerion> But you are so very shortsighted
<Grett> I don't recall ever being threatened by a Nightmare.
<Tirlerion> The status you find yourself in...
<Tirlerion> proves that
<Grett> Therefore I don't need saving.
<Tirlerion> Ah.. play semantics
<Tirlerion> Ok then
<Tirlerion> How about this
* Selarep walks into the kitchen
<Tirlerion> I will try to alter your timeline
<Tirlerion> and YOU can clean up the mess
<Durroth> Damsel, should I allow us five minutes before shes killed?
<Tirlerion> I will get right on it
* Tirlerion vanishes again
* Grett punches the ground.
* LordBarrius frowns at this and moves closer to Dale, though focusing his attention on Damsel. "But how can we expect to recreate that virus with no knowledge of it at all?"
<Durroth> if we arrive at the exact moment we cant do much
<Damsel> "It would be far better to find a way to produce the virus... Might the laptop assist with that as well?"
<Malcolm> send us back an hour before, that would give us time to test the water
<Grett> Unlike Lorithia, I'm used to forcing my way... but he's going to be a pain.
<Durroth> Search for information on the virus that killed Lauren, mortal avatar of the being known as Lorithia
* Damsel nods her head in approval.
<Computer> My information on Lore is far from sufficent
<Computer> Recommend you contact someone facile with advanced chronomancy.
<Computer> At least Oracular level
<Legault> ((Eitak Razal!))
<Dale> Oh you've got to be shitting me.
<Damsel> "Federick. Would he do?"
<Durroth> Where the hell is eitak when we need her?
<Grett> Just what I was thinking, Damsel.
<Legault> She'd be useless.
<Brink> She's here when we bicker yet not when we aren't.
* Damsel shakes her head. "I don't think Eitak is strong enough. Federick, however..."
<Durroth> Fine then
<Durroth> Contact Frederick
<Durroth> ...
<Damsel> "It could be processing..."
<Durroth> ... a god powered computer and it doesnt even have a high end processor?
<Damsel> "Yeah, I knew it sounded weak too."
<Legault> Hehehe.
* LordBarrius frowns slightly. "Just wait for the moment...."
<Computer> Frederick is Out of Ambit
<Kazuma> ((dude, it's a Dell))
<Durroth> crap
<Malcolm> can we contact him anyways?
<Computer> his initial location is unknown
<Damsel> "Can a message be sent to him at another known location in time?"
<Durroth> if this thing cant send messages to a different time period it would surprise me
<Computer> Doing so would constitute a violation of local reality as Frederick is a Caelestian on Caelestia
<Durroth> I was able to contact hong kong from early 1900s maine on my cell phone
<Computer> Proceed?
<Damsel> "That is the problem, right there."
<Grett> I want nothing to do with violating the Farpoint...
<Malcolm> list possible effects to contacting him at another time
* Dale (Dale@XD.XD.XD) Quit ([] Local kill by Dale (I dropped the soap. ;-;) )
<Computer> Death
<Computer> Exile
<Computer> Severe Injury
<Damsel> "What if instead we send the message later in time requesting a prior appoitment? Task the computer to send a message to his next known location at the time he actually arrives there."
<Computer> Uncreation
<Computer> Gods War
<Computer> End of List
<Kazuma> Well, I think we should wait given those options
* LordBarrius scoffs. "What a pleasant list."
<Durroth> No, do not proceed
<Selarep> Severe injury is the least bad...
<Grett> Gods' War? I'm staying away from this message business.
* Grett walks away from the laptop.
<Malcolm> I think its the 'uncreation' that made me think twice
<>Ambiance:<> Arden descends the stairs
<Durroth> there will be no proceeding if those are the choices
<Arden> what are you on about?
<Grett> Arden! Could you help us out?
<Damsel> "A missive sent at a later time to that individual also at that time, and requesting a meeting now might not in fact violate the Farpoint."
<Grett> Arden is a chronomancer, right?
<Arden> Indeed Damsel
<Malcolm> would not surpise me if he was
* Tirlerion is now known as Arden
* Legault ( Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by FrogPlushie) )
* Damsel smiles faintly.
<Malcolm> can you help us with this Arden?
<Arden> it would in fact not
<Durroth> can we do that?
<Arden> The problem is
* Legault ( has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +v Legault
<Durroth> what would the problem be
<Arden> That you would need to KNOW where he is in the future
<Durroth> ... good point
<Arden> in order to be sure he recieved the message
<Grett> Arden, perhaps you could help us in his place.
<Arden> and knowing that...
<Arden> Would require either chronomancy
<Arden> or extremely powerful precognition
<Arden> which ammounts to the same thing
<Arden> What are you attempting?
<Arden> That you want someone as senile and Volatile as Fizzle to effect
<Damsel> "We seem to be stuck in much of a catch-22, Arden."
<Arden> Do you seriously want to consider traipsing through time via his magic?
<Malcolm> trying to find a Chronomancer to help us return to a place in Lore history
<Durroth> actually
<Durroth> no
<Arden> He pulls red dragons out of his pocket
<Arden> Hmm...
<Durroth> we need him to help us recreate a virus on lore
<Arden> I do not have sufficent grasp on Extradimensional Temporal Mechanics
<Arden> What?
<Arden> You need to recreate a virus on lore?
<Arden> I do not follow you
<Damsel> "Tirlerion has attempted to alter the history of Lore in such a way that will destroy trunks of the tree of posibilities. Our only hope is to try and recreate the events he disrupted through use of Lorian natives."
<Durroth> I.E. bioterrorism
<Arden> Tirlerion?
<Arden> There is no God but Eldron
<Arden> However... if I wanted to do such a thing... I might consider a third party
* Damsel grits her teeth in frustration. "Dammit."
<Arden> that is removed from ANY of the effects
* Arden exits via the Terrace Gater
<Grett> Chronos seems a bit risky to turn to...
<Durroth> yup
<Legault> He isn't loyal to The'Galin though.
<Damsel> "...The'Galin."
<Durroth> Is tirlerion?
<Malcolm> who knows
<Brink> He's somewhat untrustable however.
* LordBarrius eyes Damsel.
<Legault> ... Wait, what if we asked The'Galin?
<Grett> Wait about that booth guy? He seemed powerful. Son of Gallan, or something like that.
<Legault> He'd surely want to keep where he is.
<Durroth> brilliant! ask the giant world destroying monster to help us!
<Durroth> ((I hope he can detect the sarcasm in my voice))
<Malcolm> ((just slap the Sarcasm tags in an OOC message))
<Legault> Monster, huh?
<LordBarrius> "We may not have another option, Durroth. And if we consider that The`Galin likely still cares for Lorithia...."
<Damsel> "No one would be able to interfere as he would. No one would be aware of the virus itself like he would. Except for Lorithia, I would say. I wonder... if he would indeed support this."
<Durroth> but he'd just be helping us kill her!
<Grett> He would likely try to find another way.
<Damsel> "Yes, he would."
<Malcolm> he might just, but would he help us?
<Durroth> I dont see him doing that
<Malcolm> I mean we Are trying to stop him after all
<Damsel> "However, he would also be ensuring through her mortal death that he could be with her in an immortal existance."
<Brink> It is quite possible he would.
<Kazuma> He's helped us before, I just hope we can milk the debt enough
* Damsel glances at Malcolm. "Are we?"
<Durroth> fine
<Grett> Jeice wants to grant his wish.
<Grett> And I support Jeice.
<Durroth> so we seek the'galins help?
<Durroth> are you SURE?
<LordBarrius> " may well be our best course of action. I think we'd better."
<Arden> ((Is his number listed I wonder...((
* Dale (Dale@XD.XD.XD) has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +v Dale
<Damsel> (haha)
<Durroth> Computer, can you contact The'galin?
<Malcolm> ((1-800-Uncreation))
<Grett> ((Has the booth left?))
<LordBarrius> ((Omniversal Phone Book? >_>))
<Durroth> ((Phones? where we're going, we dont need phones))
<Grett> ((He directly conversed with Grett while he was in the booth.))
<Arden> ((No sign of the booth arriving this evening has been heard))
<Grett> ((crud))
<Arden> ((That booth travels caelestis broadly))
<Arden> ((While it always exits on fairharbor the entrance might currently be on Mihius or even further))
<Grett> I wonder if that laptop can teleport us to the booth.
<Arden> ((You had it for a week people... try again))
<Damsel> ((:P))
<Durroth> Computer, can you contact the entity known as The'galin?
<Grett> Or Zephyr, if it can't reach The`Galin.
<Durroth> ((maybe he has an AIM screen name?))
<LordBarrius> ((iUncreate2007? >.>))
<Damsel> ((okay guys))
<Durroth> ((UnCReAt0r))
<Durroth> this thing has the processing power of a difference engine
<Damsel> "It probably has a lot of possibilities to work out."
<Malcolm> but the overall power of a deity
* Brink pulls out his laptop.
<Brink> Try this.
* Brink links the two with a wire.
<Durroth> Deity, dial-up, whats the difference?
<Brink> this should allow some form of extra processing.
<Grett> Brink, I highly doubt that will do any good.
<Grett> Possibly just blow up yours.
<Durroth> I dont think a standard dual core has the actual processing power this thing does
<Computer> The being is not in Ambit
<Computer> His ambit is unknown
* Brink sighs. And unplugs them.
<Grett> Computer, is any chronomancer of the necessary ability within ambit?
<Brink> I despise omniversel connection 3.1
<Malcolm> list possible effects to contacting The'galin at another time
<Computer> The'Galin has never been in Caelestian Ambit directly
<Computer> Your request is impossible
<Legault> Gah...
<Grett> Ask it for a list of chronomancers that can and will do the job.
<Selarep> (Ladies'
<Durroth> I dont suppose we can find a way to contact him in Lore's ambit?
<Malcolm> List all Cronomancer's in Amvit
* LordBarrius nods. "That makes sense. The Farpoint would not have likely let him encroach on their territory directly."
<Malcolm> ((ambit: *))
<Computer> You might employ a cleric of said deity to effect a Commune spell if the deity is of the correct class
* Selarep begins breathing heavily
<Durroth> ... great
<Malcolm> do we know a Cleric of The'galin?
<Grett> That might work. Who's his cleric still?
<Computer> The list of chronmancers in Ambit is 200 Gigabytes
<Computer> List?
<Malcolm> never mind
<Grett> Or try narrowing the list...
<Durroth> whats the size if we narrow it down to oracular level or above?
<Computer> Zero
<Computer> Expand list to Caelestian deities?
<Grett> Ouch... would the deities be willing to help?
<Malcolm> expand the list
<Durroth> I have no clue
<Computer> Given the Farpoint Directive only 1 deity suffices
<Durroth> which one?
<Computer> As he is removed from Caelestia permanently
<Malcolm> what is his name?
<Computer> Johansen, Matthew
<Durroth> AGAIN?!?!?
<Grett> He's a deity?
* Damsel breaks into a dry laughter.
<Durroth> hes powering this friggin computer grett
<Grett> I must have missed that.
<Computer> The list may be expanded to consider Chronomancers from the Third City Reality
<Computer> Expand?
<Durroth> sure
<Malcolm> expand
<Durroth> but it will probably be him again
<Durroth> 3/4ths of me dont particularly like him
<Kazuma> ((shame on you, taking commands from a computer))
<Durroth> yuri thinks hes alright
<Computer> Matthew Johansen, Micah Johanse, The Mirror of the Wyk (Artifact), Alexandria Smith
<Computer> Johnathan Smith
<Computer> End of list
<Damsel> "We should have the computer contact Matthwe."
<Damsel> "At least, that is my suggestion."
<Durroth> ... what the hell is this, a show where everyone your analogs have met are the only people who can aid you?
<Grett> I doubt we could use the mirror, and I know nothing aboutt he others.
<Computer> Expand to Other Local Realities outside ambit?
<Durroth> sure, why not
<Malcolm> what is the Mirror of the Wyk?
<Computer> Elminster, Aber Toril, Mordenkainen, Oerth
<Damsel> "Remember that we do have to consider how much time we have to act."
<Kazuma> oh, that's fun
<Computer> Mystara, Krynn
<Computer> Serrel
<Grett> Why did you have it list outside ambit?
<Durroth> I have no clue
<Computer> An additonal 200 petabytes of possibilites have been detected
<Computer> List?
<Malcolm> no
<Durroth> no
<Damsel> "Matthew is the most well informed of our current situation. I highly recommend contacting him."
<Durroth> Contact Matthew Johansen
<Malcolm> we might as well
<Matthew> Did I not leave you with a direct plugin to my abilities?
<Matthew> I fail to see therefore why you need my personal attention. I am not your patron deity.
<Matthew> To what do I owe your call?
<Grett> You were the best we could come up with for help.
* Grett looks at Damsel.
<Durroth> we've tried contacting everyone from frederick to the'galin, your the only one in range
<Matthew> I am quite sure you have the power in that computer to do it without my sentient intervention
<Damsel> "We seem to be at an unfortunate temporal paradox Matthew. One effected by Tirlerion with great enough strength to wipe out large portions of the tree of possibilities."
<Kazuma> Malcolm, from what I can recall, the Mirror of the Wyk is an artifact that will take you to a time period and a place there. There is one catch, however. it acts as a portal, and the gate to the other side will rapidly close. I'm unaware of what happens if you get caught. The others will be more accurate with the details as they have done it more.
<Matthew> In whuch case I would not have my dig being distracted by you now
<Damsel> "You're the only one in ambit that can help us do to the Farpoint directive."
<Matthew> You need access to the Mirror? You have it. I have access thereto
<Durroth> we've tried looking up the virus on our own, but that didnt work
<Matthew> You have access to my power
<Matthew> Save the fact that I must approve large withdrawls that means that pc can do ANYTHING I can
<Kazuma> Nah, I was just explaining to a recent addition about the mirrior
<Grett> The laptop said it didn't have sufficient information.
<Damsel> "We need direct information to the virus that killed the mortal form of Lorithia, the ability to access it, and then a portal to return to the point in time when it would have been released and do so ourselves."
<Matthew> Now I suggest thinking for yourself... but from what I can see of that computer... currently the memos sent originated within the Matrix of Uncreation. From Uncreated worlds
<Matthew> They in fact were not sent in the past now...
<Matthew> They were sent NOW from uncreated worlds
<Durroth> the memos arent the issue
<Matthew> Meaning their originator is one who is totally immune to Uncreation in the main
<Durroth> the issue is we have to play bio-terrorist
<Matthew> Making their origin a deity.... now considering their headers... the deity in Question is clear
<Matthew> He is the subject of their content
<Matthew> As for this virus...
<Matthew> I would think your best bet is ensuring that what appears to have happened did not
<Matthew> The message is desyncronized temporally at the moment
<Durroth> no, we need to make the virus and unleash it
<Matthew> By about 1.5 hours
<Matthew> Therefore it does not become "fact" in so far as anything does
<Damsel> "Until that time..."
<Matthew> Untill that time
<Legault> Hrm...
<Damsel> "But how do we stop him? Tirlerion is far more powerful than anything any of us here are able to counter."
<Grett> If we kill those two, it would cause even more problems, so how would we prevent them?
<Matthew> On the other hand... finding this... Virus would be best accomplished by getting a sample from the time itself
<Matthew> Which if you are going to infest someone with it
* LordBarrius is now known as LB|AFK
<Matthew> You already plan on mucking arround in time
<Matthew> So that too involves entering Lore's past
<Legault> Not again...
<Damsel> "Dammit."
<Grett> If it is suggested we not use the virus, then how would you propose we prevent them from changing things without changing them ourselves?
<Matthew> As to... anything else....
<Matthew> You saw this dude apparently die...
<Matthew> Did you see him buried? Cremated?
* Brink sighs. "I should have never given Kirk the ability to enter my thuoghts to signal me..." he vanishes.
<Matthew> Otherwise given last rights?
<Damsel> "Of course..."
<Matthew> It would be a minimally invasive process therefore to heal him
<Matthew> And if you were to suggest to him that The'Galin was behind it
<Arden> You might in fact ENCOURAGE his assault
<Grett> Ok, you've lost me. What your talking about must have been during my absense.
<Matthew> Thus restoring the original timeline
<Legault> ((You know Captain Kirk, Brink?))
<Durroth> brilliant!
<Matthew> Reality wants to recohere minor changes
<Matthew> That is its nature
* Damsel smiles faintly. "It is a good plan."
<Matthew> There is a culpability issue of course
<Matthew> You will need manpower enough to accomplish the plan though
<Matthew> I would suggest your forces currently are light
<Matthew> To that end I can suggest something else too
<Matthew> Take yourselves and your location outside of time
<Matthew> Therefore Midnight will not arrive
<Matthew> At least in perception of the interior
<Malcolm> giving us the needed 'time'
<Arden> While those on the outside could still enter
<Grett> Like when I created Odeycia.
<Damsel> "You have a method in mind to do so?
<Arden> But would immediately be pulled back to the point of stasis
<Arden> Hmm Clever
<Arden> A simple time Loop
<Durroth> nice
<Arden> Magi use it to study sometimes
<Arden> It is a modification of a known spell
<Arden> Some metamagic
<Arden> Its well within Caleestian magical practice
<Arden> and its non violating
<Arden> as it is just a loop
<Arden> I can do it
<Matthew> Well then as your host has it under control.
<Damsel> "Thank you Arden."
<Matthew> I imagine I can go....
<Damsel> "And you as well, Matthew."
<Durroth> thankyou for the assistance matthew
<Legault> Matthew, you're a genius...
<Malcolm> we are once again in your debt Matthew
<Durroth> I take back everything De'thions ever said about you
<Matthew> When you need to get to the past use the Mirror. Unless it is an immediate life or death situation. Meaning someone has already been killed. Or unless you are visiting me on my home world.
<Matthew> Use the computer. Not me
<Matthew> You need to think for yourself
<Computer> Disconnected
<Durroth> ((o.O scared me there for a minute))
<Durroth> ((Saw Disconnected))
* Arden casts Time Dililation IV
<Legault> ((xD))
* Arden goes up to bed
* Arden ( has left #darkabode
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