
From Caelwiki

[02:39] * Maxwell has joined #755
[02:39] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
[02:39] <kingk> darklands? wheres that at?
[02:39] <Bloodly-Shiva> Whatever this is, it affects everyone-as such,

wherever we go has to be 'open'.

[02:39] <kingk> sup maxwell
[02:39] <Maxwell> hello
[02:39] <kingk> you need to get your boy fal on the ball with the epics man.
[02:39] <Sonic12040> Aloha Maxwell
[02:39] <kingk> im trying to get into one so bad
[02:39] <Bloodly-Shiva> Greetings.
[02:39] <Maxwell> Fal is in a time warp
[02:40] <kingk> oh ok ill wait about 2 or 70 years then
[02:40] <Bloodly-Shiva> Bound to happen, hanging around those scrolls...
[02:40] <Sonic12040> Maxwell, if you were a program with say.... Truth's

concept of time, what would you consider new?

[02:40] <Maxwell> good idea
[02:40] <Maxwell> Truth's flow of time is not really.. easy to explain
[02:40] * LordBarrius has joined #755
[02:40] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +v LordBarrius
[02:40] <kingk> so doesit have anything to do with the primordial creation?
[02:41] <Maxwell> being inbetween worlds is never something that makes sense
[02:41] <kingk> fals prob i mean
[02:41] <kingk> oh yea and arent you worried about gal without fals help?
[02:42] <Maxwell> what?
[02:42] <Sonic12040> So the new lands could be almost anything?
[02:42] <Maxwell> no, they will be new to you not to Truth
[02:42] <kingk> galrick hes no longer protected by falerin right?
[02:43] <Maxwell> I have no idea
[02:43] <Sonic12040> Are they in-game accessible, or do we still await them?
[02:43] <Bloodly-Shiva> Something came up recently. Bulk of the matter is,

Falerin has abandonded Galrick.

[02:43] <Maxwell> you will know when the new lands are here
[02:43] <Bloodly-Shiva> Apparently.
[02:43] <kingk> maybe its keld ner i cant wait to go in there and meet


[02:43] <lightbringerlord> Umm.. btw Maxwell is there anything important in

New York?

[02:43] <Maxwell> it will begin to rain fire
[02:43] <Sonic12040> Ok, that should be a telling enough sign for even me.
[02:43] <SplinterClaw> coooool
[02:44] <kingk> like an apocalypse?
[02:44] <Bloodly-Shiva> Or an eruption.
[02:44] <Sonic12040> I'll feel sorry for Falerin's wooden shield he has


[02:44] <SplinterClaw> Falerin has a wooden shield?
[02:44] <Sonic12040> Check his character page.
[02:44] * Maxx has joined #755
[02:44] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +ao Maxx Maxx
[02:44] <Sonic12040> Aloha Maxx.
[02:44] <kingk> maxwell you make it sound like something out of egypt
[02:44] <Maxx> Hello
[02:44] <Maxwell> the door to eternal darkness will open, covering Lore in

the shadow of the horses of the heavens

[02:45] <kingk> as in the four horsemen?
[02:45] <Bloodly-Shiva> An eclipse, perhaps.
[02:45] * Bartimaeus has joined #755
[02:45] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +v Bartimaeus
[02:45] <kingk> im sorry im just comparing what i can forgive me for it
[02:45] <Bloodly-Shiva> Go with the simpler explanations.
[02:45] <Maxwell> but, the mother's forever remaining shell will be the key

to opening the light and awakening the Hope in them all

[02:46] <Maxwell> and you will only find this, in the lands that will open

when the world begins to end

[02:46] <Bloodly-Shiva> ...Now THAT'S just strange.
[02:46] <Maxwell> when the skys fill with fire, and death covers all of Lore
[02:46] <Maxwell> the dead will rise, and the living will beg for it to come
[02:46] <lightbringerlord> Standard apocalypse then
[02:46] <kingk> the brilhaod will come as well?
[02:46] <Kalanyr> Can't I cover it with foam & cardboard instead ?
[02:46] <Bloodly-Shiva> Artix will have a field day, then.
[02:46] <Bartimaeus> =P
[02:46] <kingk> brilhado*
[02:46] <Sonic12040> Maxwell, is the story told in the totem about the

activities of the Faceless?

[02:47] <kingk> and the cold with them
[02:47] <Maxwell> The Cor Dem do not know what will happen when the storm

begins, so no

[02:47] <Maxwell> The world of Lore will be covered in Ice
[02:47] <Maxwell> then in Fire
[02:48] <kingk> ice then fire...
[02:48] <Bloodly-Shiva> The ultimate Freezer-Burn.
[02:48] <Maxwell> Soon after, it will begin to become infected with darkness
[02:48] <Maxwell> to be washed away by the light of the mother of all
[02:48] <lightbringerlord> It will be after winter then
[02:48] <kingk> who will come with the'galin?
[02:48] <SplinterClaw> wait... it's snowing right now...
[02:48] <Maxwell> when this light shines, your white rabbit will awaken
[02:48] <Kalanyr> I still say Foam & Cardboard is a better ending
[02:48] <Sonic12040> Our white rabbit?
[02:49] <Sonic12040> As in one white rabbit per each of us?
[02:49] <Maxwell> That is up to you
[02:49] <Sonic12040> Or Our white rabbit as in one white rabbit.
[02:49] <Bloodly-Shiva> ...That'd cover the world in Ice anyway.

Nerfkittens are DEADLY.

[02:49] <Maxwell> The lost orbs will be re-formed at the hands of Hope
[02:49] <Sonic12040> Maxwell, how did the Faceless become faceless. Were

they always that way?

[02:50] <Maxwell> the relics to awaken the mother's light
[02:50] <kingk> the ors that the dragons fought over?
[02:50] <kingk> orbs*
[02:50] <kingk> that were destroyed?
[02:50] <Kalanyr> oh really ?
[02:51] <Kalanyr> That so gives me an excuse for those insanely powerful

dragons I want to do.

[02:51] <Kalanyr> Bwahahaha
[02:51] * kingk sighs
[02:51] <Maxwell> It has nothing to do with dragons
[02:51] <Maxwell> well, I can not say nothing
[02:51] <kingk> so i guess thats a no perhaps the ones from the akriloth


[02:51] <kingk> ohnvm then
[02:51] <Sonic12040> Maxwell, how did the faceless become faceless?
[02:51] <kingk> i only assumed since the fire deity was involved with this
[02:51] <Bloodly-Shiva> It'd be nice for Dragonslayer to have a real


[02:51] <Maxwell> Evolution
[02:52] <Bartimaeus> o.0.o
[02:52] <Sonic12040> What were they before?
[02:52] <Bloodly-Shiva> Evolution? From what?
[02:52] <Maxwell> They looked like us once
[02:52] <Bartimaeus> so... they're like headless horseman?
[02:52] <Bloodly-Shiva> More like Nazgul.
[02:52] <Maxwell> Yes.. they are like headless horseman
[02:52] <Maxwell> with heads
[02:52] <Sonic12040> What can you tell us of the Cor-Dem lifestyle and


[02:52] <Maxwell> and no horses
[02:52] <kingk> lol
[02:52] <Bartimaeus> um....
[02:52] <kingk> that was the smartest thing ever bart
[02:53] <kingk> meaning they were pretty much human in our planets sense
[02:53] <kingk> correct?
[02:53] <Maxwell> I am saying, they were human once
[02:53] <Bartimaeus> no, they were headless horseman with heads and without


[02:53] <Sonic12040> Do the runes tell how they became faceless?
[02:53] <Maxwell> no
[02:54] <Bloodly-Shiva> They are not visible to the eyes of man. They

cannot die outright, they just move on.

[02:54] * Kalanyr is now known as Kal|2AMGuess
[02:54] * QueenTEP has joined #755
[02:54] <Bartimaeus> what do the runes tell us? or is that 'classified


[02:54] <Sonic12040> What can you tell us of Cor-Dem lifestyles and values?
[02:54] <Bloodly-Shiva> Am I understanding this right?
[02:54] <kingk> oh one small thing though i wanted to ask maxwell,if tralin

and darin and others go into the pocket of creation does that mean they wil come out or could come out in this point of lores time

[02:54] <Maxwell> the runes tell the story of the eternal and the path of

the hunter

[02:54] <Bartimaeus> aaah.
[02:54] <Bartimaeus> who created the runes?
[02:54] <Sonic12040> Cor-Dem...
[02:54] <kingk> you didnt capitalize maxwell
[02:54] * Da_cheese has joined #755
[02:54] <Maxwell> Cor-Demiaz
[02:55] <Maxwell> and his children
[02:55] <Bartimaeus> children??
[02:55] <SplinterClaw> children? wha children?
[02:55] <Bloodly-Shiva> Cor-Demiaz? The COr-Demi god, perhaps?
[02:55] <kingk> is cor-demiaz a specific cor dem?
[02:55] <Bloodly-Shiva> Or a 'Founding Father' of sorts?
[02:56] <Maxwell> yes, it is
[02:56] <Bartimaeus> the leader of the Cor-Dem possibly.
[02:56] <Bartimaeus> is he.... covered in nerf and cardboard??
[02:56] <kingk> can you elaborate?
[02:56] <kingk> and are the cor dem some how related to us
[02:56] <Maxwell> if it was not the Cor-Dem the hunter and the prey would

never have come true in the lands of Lore

[02:56] <Bartimaeus> evolution, I bet.
[02:56] <Maxwell> but sadly, it did
[02:56] <Sonic12040> What base do the Cor-Dem use in their work?
[02:56] <Bartimaeus> Area 51?
[02:57] <Sonic12040> Not that kind of base Bart.
[02:57] <kingk> hunter as in an already known player
[02:57] <Maxwell> Yeah, I am pretty sure that is right next to the crater
[02:57] <Bartimaeus> yes, I know that sonic....
[02:57] <Maxwell> no, the hunter is no player
[02:57] <Bartimaeus> next to the crater? does it have something to do with

the harpys?

[02:57] <kingk> cpu*
[02:57] <Bartimaeus> The Hunter is an NPC?
[02:57] <Maxwell> the hunter was many that killed the innocent to summon a

great evil

[02:58] <Bloodly-Shiva> Talados?
[02:58] <Maxwell> the prey was their enemy
[02:58] <kingk> us?
[02:58] <Maxwell> and the killed will never be forgotten
[02:58] <kingk> ah so we know who they are then
[02:58] <kingk> or at least what race
[02:58] <Bartimaeus> Riona Shadowgale.
[02:58] <Sonic12040> Do the Cor-Dem use Zero or Zero NaN?
[02:58] <Maxwell> The Cor-Dem tell the story of this in their world
[02:59] <Maxwell> because they were the ones that were used to summon the

great evil

[02:59] <kingk> id like to hear it in mine
[02:59] <kingk> ah carnax then
[02:59] <lightbringerlord> no
[02:59] <lightbringerlord> not carnax
[02:59] <Bartimaeus> so the Cor-Dem summoned carnax?
[02:59] <Bartimaeus> or Makkisar?
[02:59] <Sonic12040> Do the Cor-Dem use Zero or Zero NaN?
[02:59] <Bartimaeus> or Kalanyr?
[02:59] <kingk> lbl please dont tell me as if you were the one who wrote it
[03:00] <Maxwell> Makkisar and his cult summoned Carnax with the blood and

bones of the race of Cor-Dem that fell from the heavens

[03:00] <kingk> the only reason i said it maxwell was because in the cave

picture i see what looks like cordemi

[03:00] <lightbringerlord> ook...
[03:00] <Bartimaeus> so the Cor-Dem are good...
[03:00] <Bartimaeus> Makkisar has a cult?
[03:00] <Bartimaeus> like an AQ-Illuminati?
[03:00] <Sonic12040> Makkisar is dead.
[03:00] <Maxwell> Because of what they did, Caranx could communicate with

all Cor-Dem, and anyone linked to them

[03:00] <kingk> holding some type of weapon yet i never saw it in the future


[03:00] <Bloodly-Shiva> HAD a cult.
[03:00] <Maxwell> A, Avatar for example
[03:01] * SplinterClaw has left #755
[03:01] <Maxwell> is linked with Cor-Dem
[03:01] <Maxwell> Facless
[03:01] <Maxwell> and even Carnax
[03:01] <Maxwell> they all share the same bond, the same fate
[03:01] <kingk> so then the taladosians are somehow related to the cordem?
[03:01] <Sonic12040> Do the Cor-Dem use Zero or Zero NaN?
[03:01] <Bloodly-Shiva> In the future, certainly.
[03:01] <Maxwell> only one could control Carnax
[03:01] <Maxwell> and that was Truth
[03:01] <Sonic12040> Maxwell, Do the Cor-Dem use Zero or Zero NaN?
[03:02] <Maxwell> Yes
[03:02] <Bartimaeus> wait a second...
[03:02] <kingk> with his avatar of makkisar correct?
[03:02] <Bartimaeus> does that mean that Danail was linked to Cor-Dem???
[03:02] <Maxwell> indeed
[03:02] <kingk> ddoes that make trut a cordem
[03:02] <Maxwell> Yes, he was
[03:02] <Maxwell> so was Anna
[03:02] <Bartimaeus> o.0.o
[03:02] <Bartimaeus> so he WAS a Cor-Dem?
[03:02] <kingk> no
[03:02] <Maxwell> yep, he is a little alien...
[03:02] <kingk> only linked i believe
[03:02] <Sonic12040> Do the Cor-Dem use a Zero?
[03:02] <Maxwell> Yes they use a zero >>;
[03:02] <kingk> lol really max?
[03:03] <Maxwell> I said it about 3 times
[03:03] <Maxwell> no, he is not an alien
[03:03] <Maxwell> he is linked in 755
[03:03] <kingk> cool sorry i said it on your myspace that im off the ball

with this

[03:03] <Maxwell> many things are
[03:03] <Bartimaeus> So... was Danail an avatar of a Cor-Dem?
[03:03] <Kal|2AMGuess> Do they use an i or a j ? ;P
[03:03] <Maxwell> no :P
[03:03] <Bartimaeus> a nerf or a foam?
[03:03] <Maxwell> they do not use letters
[03:03] <Sonic12040> Kal, they eat nerfkittens I hear.
[03:03] <Maxwell> they use runes
[03:04] <Kal|2AMGuess> fine do they use a sqrt(-1) the? ? :P
[03:04] <Maxwell> I doubt it
[03:04] <Bartimaeus> no, they use foam and nerf....
[03:04] <Maxwell> I can always ask them
[03:04] <Bartimaeus> cool. Can I have their phone number?
[03:04] <Maxwell> I have Cor-Demi on speed dial
[03:04] <Bartimaeus> really? I want their number....
[03:04] <Maxwell> 7 5 5 :P
[03:04] <Bartimaeus> cool.
[03:05] * Bartimaeus goes to get his phone
[03:05] <Sonic12040> To what do the 5s refer?
[03:05] <Maxwell> I can not tell you that
[03:05] <Sonic12040> If we guess it would we get a yes or no?
[03:05] <Maxwell> no
[03:06] <Bartimaeus> >.>.>
[03:06] <Sonic12040> <_<
[03:06] <Bartimaeus> the 5s refer to the number...
[03:06] <Bartimaeus> you know...
[03:06] <Bartimaeus> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....
[03:06] <Sonic12040> I feel they refer to the brothers personally
[03:06] <Bartimaeus> or maybe 755 is some kind of area code!
[03:06] <Bloodly-Shiva> Has the 7 been discussed?
[03:06] <Sonic12040> I feel 5s are the brothers and 7 is the mother
[03:06] <Bloodly-Shiva> For all we know, they're co-ordinates.
[03:07] <Maxwell> 755 is trinity, but it means something else to the Cor-Dem

race too

[03:07] <Bartimaeus> their area code!
[03:07] <Kal|2AMGuess> ohh so thats where I left my groceries!
[03:07] <Maxwell> when the world is covered in ice, keep an open eye on all

things that unfold

[03:08] <Maxwell> fire will soon come, the end is very near
[03:08] <Bloodly-Shiva> Right. Keep wyes open during Frostvale. Got it.
[03:08] <Bloodly-Shiva> EYES.
[03:08] * Leo: [Gone] is now known as Leo
[03:08] * Bartimaeus is now known as Bart|AFK
[03:08] <Maxwell> You are a hero, but you are to blame
[03:09] <Bart|AFK> the fire will become and burn all the snow in frostvale
[03:09] <Maxwell> if you were never to enter the world, all would be safe
[03:09] <Bloodly-Shiva> ????
[03:09] <Sonic12040> So The'Galin followed us?
[03:10] <Maxwell> from the momment you steped foot in the town of Battleon

you started a chain reaction that will lead to the end of all worlds

[03:10] <Bloodly-Shiva> ...Look, AE may be strapped for money, but...
[03:10] <Maxwell> the Facless, the Cor Dem, all races, all worls, all realms

will be gone

[03:10] <Maxwell> only thing that can stop it is Hope
[03:11] <Maxwell> Kill NOVA, and end Omega from ever starting
[03:11] <Sonic12040> Would Hope have a gender that he/she chooses to take?
[03:11] <Maxwell> NOVA is nothing more than a mask of lies, they will soon

show their true colors

[03:11] <Maxwell> be safe
[03:11] <Bloodly-Shiva> Kill NOVA? Nice idea, but we know so little about


[03:11] * Maxwell has quit IRC (Vanished: )
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