A Summit Interrupted
From Caelwiki
- [18:12] *** Falerin has joined #Paxian-Summit
- [18:12] * Falerin appears, ghostly at first, but then gestures a cutting motion at his throat and becomes more solid. Even as he does this the bell stops ringing.
- [18:13] <generaltommy> woah
- [18:13] <Mobuis> meep
- [18:13] <Mystic> Kick him!
- [18:13] <Mobuis> >_>
- [18:13] <CountKrisarius> no
- [18:13] <LordOuranos> Falerin, what are you doing here?
- [18:13] <Mystic> Lol, j/k
- [18:13] <Siege> Hey its falerin!
- [18:13] <ultrapowerpie> That's Fal!
- [18:13] <Mystic> Hey Fal.
- [18:13] <Siege> HES HERE OFR THE SUMMIT!
- [18:13] <generaltommy> whaddya you doin here?
- [18:13] <Mystic> No duh!
- [18:13] <Mobuis> First scat...
- [18:13] <ultrapowerpie> you don't boot an AE Mod
- [18:13] <Mobuis> scakk*
- [18:13] <Mobuis> then
- [18:13] <Mobuis> fal
- [18:13] <Mobuis> next
- [18:13] <Mobuis> it will be artix
- [18:13] <generaltommy> hehe
- [18:13] <Mystic> Why not?
- [18:13] <Falerin> Well gee who would have figured
- [18:13] <Mobuis> so help me it will....
- [18:13] <Wizeman305> Ralphy also came in
- [18:13] <Falerin> I own Caelestia.net
- [18:13] <Mobuis> .....
- [18:13] <generaltommy> oooooooh
- [18:13] <Siege> sweet
- [18:13] <ultrapowerpie> that's one reason why
- [18:13] <Mobuis> i forgot xD
- [18:13] <Mystic> You do!?
- [18:14] <Siege> why'd u come here?
- [18:14] <generaltommy> say fal, is this possible to put in game?
- [18:14] <Falerin> It so really odd for me to be in channels on my own network
- [18:14] <ultrapowerpie> not at all
- [18:14] <Mobuis> In other words, he owns us all
- [18:14] <generaltommy> not at all
- [18:14] <Siege> well, specifically this one
- [18:14] <Mobuis> He owns the channel, the words, the accounts...
- [18:14] <LordOuranos> Ok, but why are you here? Are you interested in making clan alliances?
- [18:14] <Mystic> ...
- [18:14] <CountKrisarius> Fal is here, he addressed us, now let's get back to the subject at hand.
- [18:14] <Mystic> He mods us all!
- [18:14] <generaltommy> can you answer fal?
- [18:14] <Falerin> Ouranos. what have I already said about Paxia
- [18:14] <Falerin> You were arround
- [18:14] <Falerin> you should know
- [18:14] <generaltommy> ...bad feeling
- [18:14] <Falerin> Of course I encourage alliances
- [18:15] <Mobuis> >_>
- [18:15] <Mobuis> makes for a good story
- [18:15] <Falerin> Division is the Work of The`Galin
- [18:15] <Siege> o good
- [18:15] <ultrapowerpie> Oh no, it's the 755/Truth/Lies thingy
- [18:15] <Falerin> The clans fighting
- [18:15] <LordOuranos> Ok, that is good but we are in the middle of a meeting thing.
- [18:15] <generaltommy> great, teh 'Galin is being brought in here
- [18:15] <LordOuranos> Ok, lets not get off track.
- [18:15] <Mobuis> .....
- [18:15] <Mystic> Yes, please.
- [18:15] <generaltommy> agreed
- [18:15] <LordOuranos> Is Lucian ok with allying with Nocturu?
- [18:15] <Siege> we should be honored falerin is here
- [18:15] <Mobuis> No
- [18:15] <Mobuis> still
- [18:15] <Mobuis> no one has explained
- [18:15] <Mobuis> >_
- [18:15] <LordOuranos> Why not?
- [18:16] <Mystic> I am, I just wish we could focus.
- [18:16] <ultrapowerpie> Explained what?
- [18:16] <Mobuis> as far as i know...
- [18:16] <generaltommy> ...no alliance?
- [18:16] <Mobuis> i need reasons
- [18:16] <Mobuis> good ones
- [18:16] <Mobuis> not
- [18:16] <Falerin> Tommy
- [18:16] <Mystic> Ok, I'll take a stab at it.
- [18:16] <Mobuis> 'the path to victory'
- [18:16] <Falerin> his name is "
- [18:16] <LordOuranos> What are Lucians reasons?
- [18:16] <generaltommy> yes?
- [18:16] <Falerin> "The`Galin"
- [18:16] <Falerin> One word
- [18:16] <Falerin> it is not The Galin
- [18:16] <generaltommy> whoops sorry
- [18:16] <Mobuis> how do you pronounce that fal?
- [18:16] <Falerin> Galin is not his name
- [18:16] <generaltommy> ...sorry sir
- [18:16] <Falerin> The`Galin is
- [18:16] <Siege> thigalin...like that?
- [18:16] <LordOuranos> Oh well, he made a nickname, now back to the subject.
- [18:17] <Siege> yeah
- [18:17] <Falerin> it is pronounced Tha gal en
- [18:17] <LordOuranos> Why doesnt Lucian want to ally with Nocturu?
- [18:17] <generaltommy> thanks for the info fal
- [18:17] <CountKrisarius> Falerin, I know this is your network, but we would kindly appreciate it if you did not get us side-tracked.
- [18:17] <ultrapowerpie> Well, think about it, we could help out each other alot due to organization
- [18:17] <Siege> yah
- [18:17] <Falerin> Sidetracked?
- [18:17] <CountKrisarius> yes
- [18:17] <Falerin> That is patent nonsense
- [18:17] <generaltommy> huh?
- [18:17] <Siege> So back to Angla
- [18:17] <Mystic> Agreed.
- [18:17] <Mobuis> Im still nuetral on it
- [18:17] <Mobuis> its an alliance
- [18:17] <Mobuis> so?
- [18:18] <Mobuis> Some one needs to shed the
- [18:18] <Mystic> I think we should do this because the other clans won't expect it.
- [18:18] <Mobuis> light'
- [18:18] <generaltommy> ...am i the only one with a bad feeling here?
- [18:18] <Falerin> In what way would the division of and the destruction of Lore by a force who specifically drives barriers between the clans
- [18:18] <Wizeman305> How bout we defie the word alliance for each clan?
- [18:18] <generaltommy> greeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaat
- [18:18] <Falerin> be off topic for a channel responding to the divisions he has caused
- [18:18] <Wizeman305> that way there is a better understanding of the word alliance
- [18:18] <generaltommy> wait, the'glain did this?
- [18:18] <Siege> i see fal
- [18:18] <Mobuis> Meep, .__.
- [18:18] <CountKrisarius> Falerin
- [18:18] <CountKrisarius> Ardendor
- [18:19] <CountKrisarius> Please
- [18:19] <CountKrisarius> This is not in direct response to division
- [18:19] <Mystic> This is only about the ANGLAlliance.
- [18:19] <generaltommy> i get a bad feeling here
- [18:19] <Siege> well, allying is the oppisite of division
- [18:19] <Falerin> You are seeking to create alliances
- [18:19] <LordOuranos> Duh
- [18:19] <generaltommy> yes
- [18:19] <Falerin> That is the opposite of division
- [18:19] <Mystic> You are deviding the others, we know.
- [18:19] <generaltommy> so?
- [18:19] <Falerin> Therefore it is related
- [18:19] <LordOuranos> Yeah
- [18:19] <generaltommy> go on
- [18:19] <Siege> yes
- [18:20] <Falerin> Therefore it is absolutely on topic
- [18:20] <CountKrisarius> Yes, but from our perspectives, The'Galin is out of the equation.
- [18:20] <generaltommy> i see
- [18:20] <Falerin> You are an idiot then
- [18:20] <CountKrisarius> Fine.
- [18:20] *** mobuis643 has joined #Paxian-Summit
- [18:20] <Mystic> ROFL!
- [18:20] <generaltommy> so The'Glain is doing this
- [18:20] <mobuis643> ...
- [18:20] <Siege> whos that?
- [18:20] <Falerin> It is impossible to exist in Lore without The`Galin
- [18:20] <Mystic> Kick him!
- [18:20] <mobuis643> huh...
- [18:20] <mobuis643> wth....
- [18:20] <generaltommy> i see
- [18:20] *** mobuis643 has been kicked by CountKrisarius (CountKrisarius)
- [18:20] *** mobuis643 has joined #Paxian-Summit
- [18:20] <mobuis643> stop!!1
- [18:20] <Mystic> Yay! I love that.
- [18:20] <mobuis643> its me!!!
- [18:20] <mobuis643> no joke!
- [18:20] <Falerin> The`Galin directs the action of the Fisherman
- [18:20] <Mystic> Mod=bius?
- [18:20] <mobuis643> i dunno!
- [18:20] <mobuis643> i was kicked from my account!
- [18:20] <Falerin> The`Galin directs the action of every major villain lore has ever known
- [18:20] <ultrapowerpie> We tried to get all clans in here, the problem is Nautica and Dynami have no actual 'CC's, therefore, we couldn't get all the clans on this
- [18:21] <Mystic> o.0 Now he's got me interested
- [18:21] <mobuis643> wth...
- [18:21] <generaltommy> ooooooooooh the fisherman is the'glain's servent
- [18:21] <mobuis643> my name...
- [18:21] <LordOuranos> Ok Falerin, I think you are really messing up this meeting. I thought you had respect for others and had manners, but you are proving otherwise
- [18:21] <ultrapowerpie> I wish I had stayed with the 755 plot now
- [18:21] <ultrapowerpie> wait! Azerkail!
- [18:21] <generaltommy> well this is interesting
- [18:21] <mobuis643> i need hlep here! i cant get my name back!
- [18:21] <ultrapowerpie> I know he's been with this plot thing for a long time!
- [18:21] <ultrapowerpie> he might be able to help
- [18:21] <CountKrisarius> This is about gain, Falerin, and not the defeat of uncreation.
- [18:21] <Falerin> I am proving otherwise because I am telling you that everything in Paxia is related to everything else
- [18:21] *** mobuis643 is now known as Moby\
- [18:21] <Falerin> how interesing
- [18:21] <Moby\
eeds_help> Fal
- [18:21] <Moby\
eeds_help> why cant i login?
- [18:21] *** Mobuis has quit (Ping timeout)
- [18:21] <Moby\
eeds_help> my name is like, nto working
- [18:21] <Moby\
eeds_help> ...
- [18:21] <Moby\
eeds_help> see!
- [18:22] <generaltommy> ...this is getting interesting
- [18:22] <Falerin> Try now
- [18:22] <Mystic> Ok, change back
- [18:22] <Moby\
eeds_help> lets try this again...
- [18:22] *** Moby\
eeds_help has quit (Distracted: AQStats Web Client)
- [18:22] <LordOuranos> Falerin, maybe you can help Moby with his account. That would be of more use as of now.
- [18:22] *** mobuis has joined #Paxian-Summit
- [18:22] <mobuis> there
- [18:22] <mobuis> finally...
- [18:22] <LordOuranos> thank you
- [18:22] <ultrapowerpie> Thanks Fal
- [18:22] <Falerin> I think not
- [18:22] <Siege> ...
- [18:22] <generaltommy> i don't think fal did this
- [18:22] <mobuis> what happened?
- [18:22] <Falerin> I think you are being patently irrational
- [18:22] <mobuis> opps, potty time >_<
- [18:22] <CountKrisarius> Anyways, I have no problem with Falerin observing... but on to business
- [18:22] <generaltommy> patently irrational?
- [18:23] <Siege> So, now what?
- [18:23] *** mobuis is now known as Moby\\potty
- [18:23] <generaltommy> something tells me this is getting interesting
- [18:23] <CountKrisarius> We need to convince Moby of ANGLA in order to form it
- [18:23] <Siege> ...
- [18:23] <Siege> Angla is what again
- [18:23] <CountKrisarius> Wait, who is representing Nocturo?
- [18:23] <Falerin> The coming of the Devourer Drives litterally everything in Lore... you apparently think you can exist outside of that context
- [18:23] <Siege> yes
- [18:23] <generaltommy> i see
- [18:23] <Siege> We do
- [18:23] <Falerin> Your organization will cease to exist should he win
- [18:23] <LordOuranos> Well, we are trying to prepare for that with allying together
- [18:23] <Mystic> Gah! This is going no where! The objective: Trying to get Nocturu and Luius to ally, nothing else.
- [18:23] <generaltommy> oh crap
- [18:24] <Siege> Mystic hold on, fal is tryin g to tell us stuff
- [18:24] <Falerin> You will cease to exist should he win
- [18:24] <CountKrisarius> Could you un-ally with Igneous, Nocturo reps?
- [18:24] <generaltommy> i know that
- [18:24] <Siege> And if he loses?
- [18:24] <Falerin> Then Lore Continues
- [18:24] <generaltommy> i don't think he can lose
- [18:24] <Falerin> But he cannot lose
- [18:24] <Siege> Can he lose?
- [18:24] <LordOuranos> Well, he is not going to win, but then again, we cant win either. We will just try to stop him. But that would be impossible if we cant make these alliances
- [18:24] <Siege> Then what?>
- [18:24] <Mystic> Ok, info we already know.
- [18:24] <ultrapowerpie> Guys, listen to Fal, trust me... we should be recording this
- [18:24] <Falerin> You cannot win. You can only survive
- [18:24] <Siege> How do we survive?
- [18:24] <generaltommy> isn't that the same as winning in hindsight?
- [18:24] <Falerin> And any alliances or organizations that unite lorians by nature defeat him
- [18:25] <Falerin> Which is why I am interested
- [18:25] <Siege> SO our alliance will stop him
- [18:25] <generaltommy> i see
- [18:25] <ultrapowerpie> So... then we should go back to the UN idea!
- [18:25] <Siege> or could
- [18:25] <Falerin> Which is why this entire conversation even came up
- [18:25] <LordOuranos> Exactly, so let's let the alliances begin
- [18:25] <generaltommy> aaaaaaah
- [18:25] <Falerin> People asked my interest... and then yelled at me when I explained it
- [18:25] <Siege> Hes got a point
- [18:25] <Mystic> Or we could let fal talk until he has nothing to say an leaves.
- [18:25] <Falerin> I call that patently irrational
- [18:25] <LordOuranos> Ok, Falerin, you can stay, just try not to interrupt as much
- [18:25] <generaltommy> i haven't, in fact, i'm interested
- [18:25] <Siege> me too
- [18:25] <CountKrisarius> In all fairness, Falerin
- [18:26] <LordOuranos> Back to the main topic: the Nocturu/Lucian conflict
- [18:26] <CountKrisarius> This is not about total unionization
- [18:26] <generaltommy> Count, let him talk
- [18:26] <Siege> So, we have to form angla to have a chance at the thedevourer
- [18:26] <LordOuranos> Nocturu, are you ok with allying with Lucian?
- [18:26] <generaltommy> we can't beat the devouerer, and i'm fine with the alliance
- [18:26] <Mystic> Yay!
- [18:26] <Siege> So, we have angla then?
- [18:26] <Mystic> Now for Moby
- [18:26] <generaltommy> he's using the bathroom
- [18:26] <Falerin> That is hardly relevant.... it is a summit that unifies clans.... not that the game will ever recognize what you do here
- [18:26] <LordOuranos> ok, so we just have to convince Moby, when he comes back from the "potty"
- [18:26] <Mystic> ...
- [18:27] <Siege> We will see. Angla can go in game
- [18:27] <generaltommy> aaaaaah, so what goes on in here, stays on in here
- [18:27] <Siege> Its uip to the staff
- [18:27] <Mystic> Ok, but right now we need ANGLA
- [18:27] <Siege> You can fal
- [18:27] <CountKrisarius> The Game will recognize, Ardendor.
- [18:27] <Falerin> Gee...
- [18:27] <Siege> You can make it hap: [pen
- [18:27] <Falerin> Who am I
- [18:27] <Falerin> Oh wait I know
- [18:27] <Falerin> STAFF
- [18:27] <Siege> Yes, you could help us
- [18:27] <generaltommy> but he won't, right?
- [18:27] <ultrapowerpie> he could also work it against us
- [18:27] <Mystic> So if we change your mind, you change the game's mind?
- [18:28] <ultrapowerpie> if he chooses to
- [18:28] <LordOuranos> Falerin, J specifically said that all official alliances set up on the forums will be implemented into the game.
- [18:28] <CountKrisarius> If we get the forumites in every clan in the ANGLA to attack a certain clan, evidence will be in the war results.
- [18:28] <generaltommy> this isn't the fourms lordO
- [18:28] <Mystic> Oh yeah, IRC was such a better idea.
- [18:28] <Siege> but it will be
- [18:28] *** Moby\\potty is now known as Mobuis
- [18:28] <LordOuranos> Yeah, but it will be transfered to the forums
- [18:28] <Mobuis> refreshing...
- [18:28] <Siege> we can go public
- [18:28] <generaltommy> i don't know
- [18:29] <Mystic> Copy and paste?
- [18:29] <generaltommy> i will
- [18:29] <Mobuis> ehem...
- [18:29] <Mobuis> So
- [18:29] <CountKrisarius> Off topic
- [18:29] <LordOuranos> No, we will tell our conclusions of this meeting to our clans and see their opinions
- [18:29] <Mystic> Moby, tommy agrees, what do you want to know?
- [18:29] <Siege> yes
- [18:29] <Mobuis> ALright
- [18:29] <Siege> Angla will exist!
- [18:29] <Mobuis> First..
- [18:29] <ultrapowerpie> Hmmmmm... I still think we should try to create a UN as well
- [18:29] <LordOuranos> That is if we can get any conclusions at the rate this is going
- [18:29] <generaltommy> first what?
- [18:29] <Mystic> No, let Moby talk.
- [18:29] <ultrapowerpie> something to at least get all teh clans friendly with each other
- [18:29] <Mobuis> how can we benifit from this alliance? Lucian that is
- [18:29] <LordOuranos> Ok, Moby, why is Lucian hesitant to ally with Nocturu
- [18:29] <Siege> Angla, we all benefit
- [18:30] <LordOuranos> ?
- [18:30] <Falerin> This channel has a very idiotic idea of what is off topic and what is not... in what universe is whether THIS event has an effect non topical to this event
- [18:30] <generaltommy> huh?
- [18:30] <Mystic> Fal said if we join, we may beat the Devourer. Is that enough for you, Moby?
- [18:30] <CountKrisarius> okay, moby
- [18:30] <Siege> lol
- [18:30] <generaltommy> we won't win
- [18:30] <Mobuis> ...
- [18:30] <CountKrisarius> ANGLA will essentially be like NATO
- [18:30] <Mobuis> eh
- [18:30] <Siege> But we will survive
- [18:30] <Mobuis> you made my head hurt
- [18:30] <generaltommy> doubt it
- [18:30] <LordOuranos> Moby, why is Lucian hesitant to ally with Nocturu?
- [18:30] <Wizeman305> I think we should listen to Falerin but thats just me
- [18:30] <Mobuis> im anti-NATO btw
- [18:30] <CountKrisarius> damnit!
- [18:30] <Mobuis> anyways...
- [18:31] <CountKrisarius> lol
- [18:31] <Mobuis> benifits?
- [18:31] <Falerin> Also what makes you believe you can speak for your clan leaders?
- [18:31] <Mobuis> I cant
- [18:31] <Mobuis> i stated that
- [18:31] <Mystic> You would have THE biggest alliance in the games history.
- [18:31] <generaltommy> i don't think i can
- [18:31] <Mobuis> i want to know why i have to fal
- [18:31] <Siege> We will,
- [18:31] <Falerin> You do realize that your clans will fragment as a result
- [18:31] <Mobuis> Im only here
- [18:31] <generaltommy> huh?\\
- [18:31] <Mobuis> to Represente, representors
- [18:31] <Siege> No they wont, they will see reason
- [18:31] <Falerin> there will be members in your clan who consider this alliance treachery
- [18:31] <Mystic> Well, it wouldn't with what I had in mind...
- [18:31] <generaltommy> aaaaaah
- [18:31] <Mobuis> Fal...
- [18:31] <Falerin> Total betrayal of what your clan stands for
- [18:32] <Siege> we are almost ther
- [18:32] <Mobuis> you are posion
- [18:32] <generaltommy> i see
- [18:32] <Mystic> Yes, but others will ove this
- [18:32] <Siege> yes
- [18:32] <Wizeman305> LOL i like him here he stirs things up
- [18:32] <Falerin> I am poision because I speak reason
- [18:32] <generaltommy> then there will be war
- [18:32] <Falerin> That must mean that you are an idiot
- [18:32] <generaltommy> what? talkin to me?
- [18:32] <Mystic> I am just wierd.
- [18:32] <Siege> It will work
- [18:32] <LordOuranos> We do what is best for the majority of the clan, and that is better than doing nothing at all. I am suprised that you are pro-anarchy, Falerin.
- [18:32] <Mobuis> posion kills
- [18:32] <Mystic> Now who's off topic, Fal?
- [18:32] <Falerin> I am not
- [18:32] <CountKrisarius> Fortunatly, Falerin, the ACC is fervently backed by the members of Aerodu.
- [18:32] <Mobuis> >_>
- [18:32] <Mobuis> what reason does posion have?
- [18:32] <Mystic> ...
- [18:32] <generaltommy> something tells me that this won't be a happy ending
- [18:33] <LordOuranos> Well, why do you act like a democratic form of representation is such a bad thing?
- [18:33] <Mystic> Something tells me we should have stuck with nine people and Chazy
- [18:33] <Falerin> because your clan leader never gave you that authority
- [18:33] <CountKrisarius> lol
- [18:33] <Falerin> The clans have never functioned as a democracy
- [18:33] <generaltommy> ah, i see
- [18:33] <Falerin> What makes you believe you can change that
- [18:33] <Siege> We have
- [18:33] <Falerin> And even if you do
- [18:33] <LordOuranos> I assumed you would be knowledgable of how Democracies work. You do the best for the people you represent, but you cant please them all
- [18:33] <Mobuis> Thats wut the Americans thought, you know, about the war for independence
- [18:33] <Mobuis> wut can we do...
- [18:33] <Mystic> We are representing the secert councils... the leaders dont know of them,lool.
- [18:34] <Mobuis> wait...
- [18:34] <Mobuis> oh yeah
- [18:34] <Mobuis> >_>
- [18:34] <Falerin> You must recognize that you WILL cause fractioning in your clan. All groups have conservative members
- [18:34] <generaltommy> best if we don't ally then?
- [18:34] <Siege> We shall see
- [18:34] <Mobuis> im a huge conservitive fal
- [18:34] <Falerin> Conservative members will resist
- [18:34] <generaltommy> go on
- [18:34] <Mobuis> im not liken this as it is
- [18:34] <Siege> hes working against us now!
- [18:34] <Mystic> And then we convince them.
- [18:34] <Siege> Hes trying to stop us
- [18:34] <Siege> We have to go through with it
- [18:34] <Falerin> ((Conservative as in Political))
- [18:34] <generaltommy> i see
- [18:34] <Mobuis> I am
- [18:34] <Mobuis> >_>
- [18:34] <Falerin> ((I am not talking about that))
- [18:34] <Mystic> Hey, I organized this to help unite the clans!
- [18:34] <LordOuranos> Well, what parts of are clan that we lose will be made up with the large amount of the other clans that we gain with this alliance. And I doubt there will be any secession over this.
- [18:34] <generaltommy> huh?
- [18:34] <Falerin> ((I am talking about Conservative as in Traditionalist))
- [18:35] <Mobuis> I am
- [18:35] <generaltommy> ooooooooh
- [18:35] <Falerin> ((No you are not))
- [18:35] <Mobuis> i celebrate the damg tridentine mass!!
- [18:35] <Mobuis> i know about tradition!
- [18:35] <Mystic> Idea! But you have to give me a min to type it in and not talk.
- [18:35] <Falerin> ((By definition a traditionalist does not wish to change tradition))
- [18:35] <ultrapowerpie> Oh, that type, as in when the 'Concert of Europe' was formed after the French Revolution?
- [18:35] <Falerin> ((I am talking completely IN GAME))
- [18:35] <generaltommy> can somebody put this in AQ speculations and therores(sp?) fourm
- [18:35] <ultrapowerpie> in that type of mindset?
- [18:35] <Mobuis> i realied fal
- [18:35] <Mobuis> relized*
- [18:35] <Falerin> ((OOC things are totally irrelevant))
- [18:35] <Mobuis> ...
- [18:35] <Mobuis> bloody keyboard
- [18:35] <Wizeman305> So alliances will have a negatice effect in game?
- [18:36] <generaltommy> i think so
- [18:36] <Siege> No they wont
- [18:36] <LordOuranos> Whatever!! MOBY, why is Lucian not wanting to ally with Nocturu?
- [18:36] <Mobuis> Tradition
- [18:36] <Siege> They will help us
- [18:36] <Mobuis> duh
- [18:36] <LordOuranos> Nocturu wants to ally with Lucian.
- [18:36] <CountKrisarius> Perhaps...
- [18:36] <LordOuranos> What tradition?
- [18:36] <CountKrisarius> Perhaps ANGLA is too large to work...
- [18:36] <Mobuis> Light and dark
- [18:36] <generaltommy> ...so by tradition, light hates darkness?
- [18:36] <Mobuis> have fought
- [18:36] <Mobuis> forever
- [18:36] <Mobuis> and ever
- [18:36] <ultrapowerpie> Guys, we need to listen to Fal, I may be out of the 755/Truth/Lies loop, but Fal gives out good advice, the voice of reason, knows a heck of a lot more then every single non-staff forumite combined (most likely)
- [18:36] <Mobuis> and always will
- [18:36] <Mystic> What if we announce this alliance in the forums. Then see if anyone has major disagreesments. If we find it is too much trouble, we call it off. What do you guys think?
- [18:36] <Falerin> Also I happen to actually know your clans histories... as gee guess what I am the LoreMaster
- [18:37] <Siege> What are our histories?
- [18:37] <generaltommy> i see
- [18:37] <Mobuis> Its to secret to tell, right? >_>
- [18:37] <Mystic> Like he'll answe that
- [18:37] <Mystic> He has to kill you,lol.
- [18:37] <Mobuis> The Fal-mafia
- [18:37] <LordOuranos> No, did you not even see what Paxus, the big fat statue, said. Just because two elements are opposite, doesnt make them enemies. It just means they have a unbreakable bond; one cant exist without the other.
- [18:37] <Mystic> Rofl
- [18:37] <generaltommy> don't joke about that kind of stuff
- [18:37] <Mobuis> ....
- [18:37] <Falerin> But since you clearly want to do what you want and consider me speaking as somehow disruptive when My only purpose is to make you consider carefully every angle before making a decision
- [18:37] <Mobuis> define bond O
- [18:37] <ultrapowerpie> Guys, seriously, listen to Fal
- [18:38] <generaltommy> i understand fal
- [18:38] <Mystic> But your considering is confuing us
- [18:38] <Mobuis> Fal is a speaker de riddles >_>
- [18:38] <ultrapowerpie> I think we should take his advice and have an 8 way alliance
- [18:38] <Falerin> Then I will leave you to your devices... since you appear to be the sort of person I have no desire to listen to insults and disparaging comments when I know far more then you ever will
- [18:38] <Mystic> Wiat.
- [18:38] <generaltommy> *shifty eyes*don't go fal
- [18:38] <Mobuis> Then share the knowledge
- [18:38] <Mystic> One sec.
- [18:38] <CountKrisarius> Different Topic: do any of the other Clans' Councils wish to instate a Constitution as Aerodu has?
- [18:38] <LordOuranos> Well, the bond would be a connection between you two. And why would you want to eliminate the other, you would just be trying to eliminate yourself?
- [18:38] <Mystic> If you want fal to speak, then say yes.
- [18:38] <Mystic> yes
- [18:38] <Mobuis> I, for one, want to here fal preach
- [18:38] *** Falerin has left #Paxian-Summit
Via PM:
<Falerin> I have nothing to add
- [19:46] <CountKrisarius> I am not continuing
- [19:46] <Falerin> You can have your summit of uselessness
- [19:46] <Falerin> I shall keep my own counsel
- [19:46] <CountKrisarius> That was very audacious... you realize?
- [19:46] <CountKrisarius> I wish to speak with you
- [19:46] <Falerin> Audactious... have you any clue who you are speaking to and what power I weild
- [19:47] <Falerin> What I know and who I am
- [19:47] <Falerin> You have no clue what audacity is
- [19:47] <CountKrisarius> This goes to your head sometimes... doesn't it?
- [19:47] <Falerin> I seek to aid I am spurned
- [19:47] <Falerin> You are lost already. Aiding you no longer interests me
- [19:48] <Falerin> ((Nope but where this subject is concerned I am always in character))
- [19:48] <Falerin> ((So anything you say to me I respond to as LoreMaster not as Founder of Caelestia.net))
- [19:48] <CountKrisarius> I have no problem with your aid, but from what I could discern, you weren't aiding
- [19:48] <Falerin> Then you lack wisdom and discernment
- [19:48] <CountKrisarius> That may be so, and if it is, I apologize.
- [19:48] <Falerin> i was pointing out that there were many factors you needed to consider before persuing such an allegiance
- [19:49] <Falerin> And that proceeding without considering each one in its fulness was tantamount to setting yourself up for distruction
- [19:49] <Falerin> But you can have your summit and your destruction as well
- [19:49] <Falerin> I shall not bother you any further
- [19:49] <CountKrisarius> Aerodu only seeks to fortify its position
- [19:49] <Falerin> However Do not come seeking my aid for anything whatsoever
- [19:50] <Falerin> Then Aerodu will be destroyed
- [19:50] <CountKrisarius> Do not be this way.
- [19:50] <Falerin> The Elemental Lords are all friends
- [19:50] <CountKrisarius> I know this.
- [19:50] <CountKrisarius> But the elemental creatures are not.
- [19:50] <Falerin> And that is a FLAW
- [19:50] <CountKrisarius> I know this.
- [19:50] <Falerin> a flaw introduced by The`Galin
- [19:50] <Falerin> Which was my point to begin with
- [19:50] <Falerin> And it is a FATAL flaw
- [19:50] <Falerin> So again
- [19:51] <Falerin> But you can have your summit and your destruction as well
- [19:51] <Falerin> I shall not bother you any further
- [19:51] <Falerin> However Do not come seeking my aid for anything whatsoever
- [19:51] <CountKrisarius> ((J will not allow total unification))
- [19:51] <CountKrisarius> And I would like your aid to be availavle... even if it be difficult to obtain.
- [19:52] <Falerin> ((I am aware of that because it makes good story.. However it makes even better story if there are those actively seeking to bring it about and not succeeding))
- [19:53] <CountKrisarius> ((I cannot be one of those, as a leader of the people of Aerodu and not the Wind Lord, I must act in their interest))
- [19:53] <Falerin> ((Are you aware that Paxia has been pointed to as the single most definitive proof of the Devouerer's activity on lore that exists in the modern age....?))
- [19:53] <Falerin> ((Then you act in betrayal of your lord__
- [19:53] <Falerin> ((Since your LORD would want unification))
- [19:53] <Falerin> ((And because unification IS in your interest))
- [19:53] <CountKrisarius> ((In Truth, yes, but not in the eyes of the players and forumites))
- [19:54] <Falerin> ((They will be learning the HARD way))
- [19:54] <Falerin> ((Or did you miss the memo that 2007 is the year of the Falerin))
- [19:54] <CountKrisarius> ((No, no, I caught that))
- [19:54] <Falerin> ((The Devourer comes....))
- [19:54] * CountKrisarius sighs
- [19:54] <Falerin> ((Nothing short of unification will save you... and not just among clans))
- [19:54] <Falerin> ((Among literally ALL beings))
- [19:55] <CountKrisarius> Can there be unity yet competition?
- [19:55] <Falerin> Competition is healthy
- [19:55] <Falerin> Originally the Elemental Championships were much like this
- [19:56] <Falerin> The Lorian Olympics more or less
- [19:56] <Falerin> A contest
- [19:56] <Falerin> But that was lost in the fog of war
- [19:56] <CountKrisarius> Well then, it is my goal to make Aerodu the best, but still on friendly terms with all.
- [19:56] <Falerin> I should hope you do seek to make Aerodu the best
- [19:57] <CountKrisarius> ((Have you been actively watching the Clan Boards in the battleon forums?))
- [19:57] <Falerin> You would not make a good Aerodu if you did not
- [19:57] Falerin is away : Snoring in the Canopy
- [19:57] <Falerin> ((They are a cesspool largely))
- [19:58] <CountKrisarius> ((yes, but have you seen Aerodu?))
- [20:00] <CountKrisarius> ((We have gone out of our way to be least cesspool-like; orginating the idea for a coalition of councils, instating a constituion of sorts, creating order))
- [20:00] <CountKrisarius> ((People, myself included, have devoted too much energy into these clans to stand back idolly and watch them get destroyed))
- [20:01] <CountKrisarius> ((Lore and Caelestia are your babies Falerin Ardendor... The Aerodu Clan and its achievements are mine))
- [20:02] <Falerin> ((In so much as Aerodu is part of Lore... I share your concern for its members if not for its goals))
- [20:03] <CountKrisarius> Again, in the event that it is necessary for the survival of my clan, I ask that your assistance be available.
- [20:03] <Falerin> We shall see... I do not take being spurned well
- [20:04] <Falerin> But... I am also notoriously forgiving
- [20:04] * CountKrisarius smiles
- [20:04] <Falerin> And the beenfit of Lore as a whole is my concern
- [20:04] <Falerin> and as Aerodu remains part of it
- [20:04] <Falerin> If such is within my purview
- [20:04] <Falerin> Well we shall see
Back in #755:
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mobuis> ah
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <generaltommy> doh
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mystic> Damn.
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mobuis> i see
- [11:36] <Aurora.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Siege> dam
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mobuis> >_>
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mystic> Oh well.
- [11:36] <Aurora.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Siege> dam
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mystic> ?!?!
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <generaltommy> so where were we?
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <ultrapowerpie> For the record, that's not a new thing with Fal
- [11:36] <Aurora.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Siege> he succeeded
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <LordOuranos> WTF? Why did he leave?
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <ultrapowerpie> I've seen him do that before
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mobuis> Fal's quite the guy....
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mobuis> some one
- [11:36] <Apollo.Caelestia.net> : [#Paxian-Summit] <Mobuis> save this convo
- [11:36] <Damsel> what in the world?
- [11:36] <Nicholas> ((....))
- [11:37] <Nicholas> I have no idea.
- [11:37] <LordBarrius> ((....what in the hell?))
- [11:37] <Rimblade> Clan meeting?
- [11:37] <Takun> Hah. m_spy
- [11:37] <Falerin> The`Galin at work
- [11:37] <Takun> Read it, it should be helpful, unless someone mistyped.
- [11:37] <Rimblade> Why on earth are the clannies having a summit meeting?
- [11:38] <Falerin> They are working on some sort of alliance but beleive they can do it outside the Geas of The`Galin. They believe he won't affect them.... They believe he has nothing to do with them
- [11:38] <Fulcan|Away> I too, am confused at that.
- [11:38] * Useless rouses at the odd occurance. "The`Galin influencing the Paxian clans?"
- [11:38] * Rimblade laughs.
- [11:38] <Shock> I see.
- [11:38] <Shock> OK...
- [11:38] <Nicholas> Interesting.
- [11:38] * LordBarrius frowns. "Hm."
- [11:38] * Fulcan|Away appears translucent in the room.
- [11:38] <Damsel> That boads ill
- [11:38] <Falerin> There is a reason I took Galrick to Paxia
- [11:39] <Falerin> I showed him the Clan War
- [11:39] <Fulcan|Away> If the island comes out of balance, then what happens?
- [11:39] <Falerin> I showed him the battle that raged there. The lives lost.
- [11:39] <Useless> What praytell was his reaction, by chance?
- [11:39] <Rimblade> .... Almost black hole XD
- [11:39] <Falerin> Remember that the elements in their natural state are in constant harmony
- [11:39] <Falerin> The Elemental Lords are all friends
- [11:39] <Falerin> They rarely if ever fight
- [11:39] <Fulcan|Away> So if one is eliminated...
- [11:39] <Falerin> Paxia is an anathema
- [11:40] * LordBarrius nods. "It's the people who do the fighting, not the gods."
- [11:40] <Falerin> The clans war against each other in the name of their god
- [11:40] <Useless> So would be the Elemental Championships, under the same reasoning.
- [11:40] <Falerin> They have divided themselves in the name of their god
- [11:40] <Rimblade> O_o
- [11:40] <Falerin> Division, is the work of one being only....
- [11:40] <Falerin> Lets say it together kids
- [11:40] <LordBarrius> The`Galin.
- [11:40] <Falerin> The`Galin
- [11:40] <Useless> The`Galin.
- [11:41] <Nicholas> The Devourer.
- [11:41] <Rimblade> Oh dear.
- [11:41] <Shock> I see...
- [11:41] <Rimblade> So, does that have anything to do with the existance of the clans ripping a hole in time and space?
- [11:41] <Falerin> The Elemental Championships are a contest
- [11:41] <Falerin> Like the olympics
- [11:42] <Falerin> A test of mettle
- [11:42] <Falerin> Not an outright war
- [11:42] <Useless> A test of mettle that all too often results in the deaths of many.
- [11:42] <Rimblade> Which was Paxus' fault, for creating the clans.
- [11:43] <Falerin> By nature the elements are united