A New Thing in the Theories Board

From Caelwiki

* Maxwell has joined #755
* Epsilon sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
<Lkeas> what's up Max :)
<Maxwell> Reading the theories board.
<Maxwell> I might be starting a new thing for the theories board actually.
<Lkeas> Oh?
<Maxwell> I have to talk to Falerin about it.
<Lkeas> What sort of thing?
<Maxwell> It will be a bit like a way to ask questions and get an answer from us.
<Maxwell> Without having to mess around with riddles.
<Lkeas> haha, but i thought that was part of the game
<Damsel> yea, where's the fun in that?  :P
<Maxwell> This would not be a part of the game.
<Maxwell> This would be OOC out of the game, asking real questions and getting real answers.
<Lkeas> Hmm.
<Lkeas> What sort of questions?
<Maxwell> Anything AQ/DF related that is a theory, or anything that is AQ canon.
<Damsel> Ah okay
<Maxwell> It would be a bit like ask zorbak, but real.
<Lkeas> heh
<Rif> You speak as if ask Zorbak is not real. He's my Oprah.
<Maxwell> Zorbak is real, but he is not serious.
<Maxwell> In person he acts nothing like that.
<Lkeas> soooo, if we wanted to ask something about Lae'ula's strange rock, would we ask you here, or in that Q/A thing you want to set up?
<Maxwell> I would ask them in the Q&A thing, once it is set up.
<Maxwell> Although you might find out about that sooner than you think.
<Lkeas> is that so?
<Damsel> ^^
<Lkeas> Wait... that's not the index is it?
<Maxwell> That could be something to ask too.
<Maxwell> [1]
<Maxwell> Jason tells me that he is a bit scared by that post.
<Lkeas> lol
<Maxwell> Main reason is, they are not related at all.
<Lkeas> that IS kinda freaky
<Maxwell> yep
<Maxwell> Unless he was messing with me and does not want to admit me is a closet redwall fan.
<Damsel> There is an odd sort of connection for being coincidence. That's amusing
<Lkeas> No such thing as coincidence!
* Lkeas plays Twilight Zone music
<Damsel> hehe
<LB|Dinner> There are no coincidences, only very interesting oddities. :P
<Damsel> lol
<Maxwell> If you trust in Faith, you will find that everything happens for a reason.
<Maxwell> And that a coincidence is nothing more than Faith giving you a sign.
* Damsel chuckles.
<Lkeas> Faith again... what is it, Lorithia? The collective conscience? Free will?
<Damsel> Something new I believe it has been said?
<Maxwell> Faith is what you make it I suppose.
<Lkeas> bah. i gotta go
<Lkeas> keep interrogating him guys XD
* Lkeas has quit IRC (Vaporized: Keep Hope within.�)
<Maxwell> Your about to miss the best part.
<Damsel> I'd rather not interrogate and have a nice casual chat.
<Rif> Poor Lkeas.
<Damsel> So what's the best part? ^^
<Maxwell> You could always tie me up to some sort of ruins in the middle of the jungle and make my bald headed bastard of a son kill me.
<Damsel> What purpose would that serve? You're no Sawyer
<Maxwell> Or am I?
* Maxwell plays Twilight Zone music again
* Damsel travels in the TARDIS to investigate. She then returns 10 seconds later. "Nope. Never pushed your son out of a window of a skyscraper."
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