A Different Choice
From Caelwiki
- [15:39] *** TruthSeeker has joined #755.
- [15:39] *** Mode change "+v TruthSeeker" for channel #755 by Tralin.
- [15:40] Blueman: Seeker
- [15:40] Gene_Clatic: Hello TruthSeeker.
- [15:40] Reven: Hello...
- [15:40] Gene_Clatic: Why must you all come on while Falerin is holding the Epic? lol Multitasking this much could get hard...
- [15:41] TruthSeeker: The index will shine on the heels of creation. The walls will thing and the doors will open. They Will Enter. The begining will end and the end will begin. All of lore depneds on you being ready for what comes after. To Stand, To Flee, To Give In. These are the choices and the nobler is not the path of salvation.
- [15:41] Shock: yes..
- [15:41] Blueman: ...
- [15:41] Rimblade: Then it's time to give in.
- [15:41] Shock: so we must flee?
- [15:41] Lkeas: giving in is NOT an option
- [15:41] Rimblade: Why not?
- [15:41] Reven: Why, Lkeas...
- [15:42] Avarie: So we flee?
- [15:42] TruthSeeker: If you fight or if you surrender it is up to you
- [15:42] Reven: Giving in is very much an option... we simply don't think it would work.
- [15:42] TruthSeeker: This however is a totally different choice then the previous one
- [15:42] TruthSeeker: They are segregate and unrelated.
- [15:42] TruthSeeker: Choice 1: Fight or Surrender
- [15:43] Ellopez159: I just came back and read some of the epic and I have no idea whats going on
- [15:43] TruthSeeker: Choice 2: Fight by standing fleeing or giving in or surrender by standing fleeing or giving in
- [15:43] *** Lex is now known as Lex|Away.
- [15:43] * Lex|Away is now away - Reason : brb
- [15:43] Reven: I'm betting we need to do something strange and fun.
- [15:43] Shock: Giveing in would still kill us, would it not?
- [15:43] Reven: Like fight by giving in.
- [15:43] Rimblade: Reven, I have a question for you? How does The'Galin feel?
- [15:43] *** Lex|Away is now known as Lex.
- [15:43] * Lex is no longer away : Gone for 8 seconds
- [15:43] Lex: oops
- [15:43] Reven: Me?
- [15:43] Rimblade: Yes.
- [15:43] *** Lex is now known as Lex|Away.
- [15:43] * Lex|Away is now away - Reason : >.< brb
- [15:43] Bart|HW: Why is giving in, not an option?
- [15:43] Reven: How would I know?
- [15:44] TruthSeeker: Fighting by giving in is an option. Some will have to take..... but those who do will not be among the survivors
- [15:44] Reven: I am not The'Galin... not that I know of, anyway.
- [15:44] Rimblade: There you go, then.
- [15:44] Shock: Only two choices? That sure sets a grim tone.
- [15:44] Rimblade: Only if you hear it so, Shock.
- [15:44] Reven: Some will have to take?
- [15:44] Bart|HW: Who said there are only 2 choices?
- [15:44] Reven: Take what?
- [15:44] Nickwright: I like Running away
- [15:44] Reven: A holiday?
- [15:44] TruthSeeker: Take the option Reven
- [15:44] TruthSeeker: Take the option
- [15:44] Reven: Ah.
- [15:44] Shock: i see...
- [15:44] Bart|HW: Oh.
- [15:45] Shock: Some will have to be spys you mean?
- [15:45] Nickwright: Yeah Running Away FTW
- [15:45] TruthSeeker: The Traveller is meeting me for ripaste....
- [15:45] TruthSeeker: I wish you luck
- [15:45] Reven: How nice.
- [15:45] Reven: Enjoy yourself.
- [15:45] *** TruthSeeker has left #755.